D47 Sunshiner - June 2015

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THE SUNSHINER Newsletter Title Organization Name

News from Southeast Florida and The Bahamas Volume 1, Issue 1

Newsletter Date

The Grand Finale!

F 2014-2015 District 47 June 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE

Club Anniversaries Photos galore Toastmasters across District 47

ellow Toastmasters, I am honored to have served as your District Governor for 2014 – 2015. When I joined Toastmasters nearly three decades ago, had anyone told me that I would have been District Governor in the future, I may have instantly revoked my membership. In April of 1987, I attended the District 47 Spring Conference held at a hotel on University Drive in Ft. Lauderdale, I was only a guest. It made such a profound impression that I returned home and joined a club one week later. Over the years this organization has transformed, polished and shaped me into the person I am today and for that I am exceedingly grateful!

District Highlights Giving back The Sole Men are of service. Page 3

Point of order LGET Jeanine Kinsey gives final tips. Pages 4, 5.

Although my transformation through Toastmasters took many years to reach maturity, it was eventually realized because of the wonderful people I met who took the time to nurture and mentor me by pouring their skills and talents into me. The real reason I had the opportunity to endure the blood, sweat, tears and growing pains of becoming a more effective communicator and leader was because of you! If I could, I would do it over and over again.

Growth, change are good LGM Lou Brown updates club progress. Pages 6-8

The Charge PRO Marlene Bryan urges members to showcase #D47. Page 10.

What a man! A salute to Tony Longley, Page 14

Let me just say Sunshiner Editor Andrea Robinson reflects on the year that was. Page 22

During my development as a leader there were valuable lessons learned. I realized, self must be put aside, sacrifices must be made and servant leadership is the key! I learned, lip service is not an option; weakness is forbidden and patience is truly a virtue. As your outgoing District Governor, I enjoyed serving you. I am humbled by your confidence and goodwill and I fully enjoyed the year of service. The friendships I’ve developed will last a lifetime and I’m looking forward to sharing many more good times with you in the future. This year we are celebrating 60 years of existence as a district and on July 1, 2015, we will reach yet another milestone in the history of our District when a new team will assume the leadership of our beloved district. Our incoming CEO, Jeanine Kinsey who will commence her term with the new title of “District Director.” This District team is poised and ready to serve you. They are excited for the wonderful

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