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ROSS FOWLER Penrith City Councillor
0419 738 484 ross@rossfowler.com.au
Serving Emu Plains
Emu Plains to Blaxland
Your community news Issue 51
November 2010
Centro Lennox Emu Plains
Delivered monthly to Emu Plains, Emu Heights, Leonay, Lapstone, Glenbrook & Blaxland
4735 4200
Nicole new state BMX champion
The Glenbrook/Brooklands Chamber of Commerce
Over the October long weekend riders from the Penrith BMX club travelled to Tamworth to compete in the BMXNSW State Titles. Nicole Docherty of Leonay competed up an age group in the 17 girls and is the new state champion winning that event and not dropping a race. She also competed in and won the A Open ladies, becoming State champion and also not dropping a race. Nicole has been training up to 6 days a week in preparation for the event and showed the results of all the hard work and preparation she has put in over the years.
Glenbrook Spring Festival Saturday, 13th November 8.30 am until 3pm
A great day with live bands and soloists, dancers, carnival rides, a 100 street stalls, street entertainers, huge market day, community group displays, wood turning display, animal displays, NSW Fire Brigade demonstrations, speciality shops and cafes. The Girl Guides Trefoil Guild are hosting an Art and Craft Show over the weekend 13/14 November in the Glenbrook Theatre Hall with a gold coin entry.
see page 3
Every Thursday from 7pm Cash Prizes
$2.80 schooners Every Saturday 10am - 6pm
Leonay Parade, Leonay • www.emusportsclub.com.au Ph 4735 5300 • membership@emusportsclub.com.au
$8.50 Lunch Menu 5 Delicious Choices Available Monday – Friday
Wedding Open Day Sunday 14th November
10:30am - 2:30pm Champagne and Canapés on arrival For more information, please contact Kylie on
Live Entertainment Friday from 7pm - Live Duo Saturday from 8pm - Live Band
4735 5300
We practise responsible service of alcohol. Is Gambling a problem for you? G-Line (NSW) is a confidential, anonymous free counselling service. FREE CALL 1800 633 635
IBRAHIM’S AMCAL PHARMACY 15-16 Centro Lennox, Emu Plains
Taking care of all your prescription needs
4735 1303
Save up to 50% on Prescriptions*
Join Our AMCAL Club Save & Win!
*excluding NHS subsidised items
Sub-agent for NDSS
(National Diabetes Services Scheme)
See our friendly staff for details
The Echo (Emu Plains to Blaxland)
Visit our weight loss centre
Healthscope Pathology Collection Centre now available for blood collections. We have trained staff Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. No appointment required and no waiting.
November 2010