Hazelbrook Health Foods 4758 6263
Mid Mountains Animal Health Centre
Mid Mountains Edition Bullaburra, Lawson, Hazelbrook, Woodford, Linden
Shop 19/192 G W Hway Hazelbrook
Your community news
Open: Monday – Friday: 9 - 5pm Saturday 9-2pm
Issue 1
November 2010
Welcome to The Echo for the Mid Mountains This is the first edition of a monthly community newspaper for Bullaburra, Lawson, Hazelbrook, Woodford and Linden. This is for your community news and events so looking forward to your contributions to make it your own local paper.
Lawson festival The Love Lawson Festival is going to be three days of local entertainment and fun so come along and enjoy. See page 3
Bowlo Birthday Hazelbrook Bowling & Sporting Club is celebrating 60 years. The “Friendliest Club in the Heart of the Mountains” is located in Gloria Park on Bonnie View Avenue in Hazelbrook
next to the sports field, tennis courts and children’s playground. Roy Bloomfield founded Hazelbrook Bowling Club in 1950 with a membership of 10. The shed used as the first clubhouse is still standing and is now used as a store. The club has two bowling greens and supports and sponsors many varied sporting teams within the local area. There have been several celebration events and activities already. See www.hazelbrookbowling.com.au.
Win for Mosher’s Congratulations to Jenny Mosher from Mosher’s Business Support in Hazelbrook for her win in the recent Blue Mountains Business Awards. The Echo(Blackheath to Wentworth Falls) and local businesses Sami Bop, Hazelbrook Health foods from Hazelbrook and 2FD Coffee from Lawson were all finalists.
4759 2655
Bullaburra to Linden
Hazelbrook Association presents
Carols in Gloria Park Saturday 11th December BBQ - 5 pm Carols - 7 pm
Enjoy an evening BBQ and refreshments before the carols, led by members from the local community and featuring Hazelbrook Public School choir and band. Bring a chair or rug. Special LED torches will be available for a small charge (no candles please).
Lawson Community Carols Sunday 19th December 6.30pm
Held in the grounds of the Lawson Emmanuel Anglican Church, 11 Honour Avenue. All welcome.
• Fully Renovated Store • Extended Trading Hours
Christmas Special
Zammitt ham off the bone $10.99 a kg **Save $6 a kg**
Under New Management
Mon - Fri: 8am - 7pm Sat & Sun: 8am - 6pm
Janet Mays Independent Candidate for the seat of Blue Mountains
Time For Independence The Echo (Bullaburra to Linden)
November 2010