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ROSS FOWLER Penrith City Councillor
0419 738 484 ross@rossfowler.com.au
Serving Emu Plains
Your community news
Issue 49
September 2010
Delivered monthly to Emu Plains, Emu Heights & Leonay
Margo Lewers - Artist and Local Resident On Monday 13 September at 11.00am Darani Lewers will be giving a talk on her mother’s life in Emu Plains at the Penrith Regional Gallery and Lewers Bequest. Margo Lewers was a distinguished 20th century artist who, together with her husband sculptor Gerald Lewers, developed and created their home at Emu Plains, now known as Penrith Regional Gallery and Lewers Bequest. The property was donated to Penrith Council by their daughters, Darani Lewers and Tanya Crothers in 1979. The NSW Heritage Council has nominated the Penrith Regional Gallery and Lewers Bequest to be placed on the State Heritage Register. Penrith Council is currently discussing this nomination. The talk has been organised by
Every Thursday from 7pm Cash Prizes
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The Friends who were established in 1979 to support the Penrith Regional Gallery and Lewers Bequest. A light luncheon will follow the talk. The cost is $15 per person. Please RSVP by 6 September ph 4735 1100.
Awards for Emu Plains Businesses The 2010 Local Business Awards were recently held for the Penrith region and our area was very well represented with four local businesses winning their categories and many other local businesses making the finals. Four local businesses are also finalists in the upcoming 2010 Business Achiever Awards and the winners will be announced in September. Congratulations to all winners and finalists. A list of the local businesses is shown on page 6.
Centro Lennox Emu Plains
4735 4200
BOQ Celebrates Five Years in Penrith Owner-Manager of Bank of Queensland Penrith Branch, Anthony Walker, has a big reason to smile. His branch is celebrating its five year anniversary. The Penrith Branch of Bank of Queensland opened its doors in August 2005 with no customers and three staff. Today the number of customers is around 4,500. See page 5
Mortimer’s House
Last month we featured an article on the history of the Arms of Australia Inn and incorrectly called it “Mortimer’s House”. The current owner of the actual Mortimer’s House contacted us to advise us of our error. Read what Wendy has written about Mortimer’s House on page 3.
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Oktoberfest Saturday 23 October Jumping Castle German Food and Beer Entertainment
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We practise responsible service of alcohol. Is Gambling a problem for you? G-Line (NSW) is a confidential, anonymous free counselling service. FREE CALL 1800 633 635
IBRAHIM’S AMCAL PHARMACY 15-16 Centro Lennox Emu Plains Stockists of Natio & Dr Lewinn’s Private skin care range. Webster packs available www.emuleonaygazette.com.au
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September 2010
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