Emu + Leonay Gazette April 2012

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& Gazette Emu Leonay


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26 YEARS Serving Emu Plains The Travel Professionals

Centro Lennox Emu Plains

4735 4200

Delivered monthly to Emu Plains, Emu Heights & Leonay

Issue 65

HOP TO IT! Have you noticed that as soon as Christmas is over, the stores start filling their shelves with Easter Eggs? As if we need reminding how quickly the years are passing! But alas! Easter is upon us again and almost every aisle of the supermarket is filled with cartons, packets and boxes of chocolate delights. Come Easter Sunday, all the bunnies in the neighbourhood will be hopping into action to help the Easter Bunny deliver thousands of kilograms of eggs. Laura and Alex Crambrook of Blaxland have been grooming their rabbits in anticipation of Blackie and Nibbles being called up for Easter Egg service. The Crambrook rabbits have been enjoying the extra attention leading up to Easter. They’ve been on a strict high-carrot, low-fat diet, so they’ll have lots of energy for the hectic morning of egg deliveries. Laura and Alex are hoping the bunnies won’t forget to make a delivery to their own house this year. Alex said he loves having rabbits as pets. “They’re lots of fun and we get to play with them a lot. We used to take them for walks but they kept trying to run away.” Let’s hope they don’t run away with all the eggs on Easter Sunday!

Laura & Alex Crambrook with Easter Bunny’s helpers

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April 2012


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