ROSS FOWLER Penrith City Councillor
0419 738 484 JULY 2012
& Gazette Emu Leonay
26 YEARS Serving Emu Plains The Travel Professionals
Centro Lennox Emu Plains
your community news
4735 4200
Delivered monthly to Emu Plains, Emu Heights & Leonay
Issue 68
Fox Going for Gold
The Countdown is on!
JESSICA FOX made history when she was named as Australia’s youngest Olympic slalom paddler in winning selection in a fourstrong canoe slalom team for the London Games. The French-born teenager from Leonay will turn 18 during the games and could hardly ask for a better birthday present than an Olympic medal. Jessica hails from kayaking royalty with her parents Richard and Myriam both having won a swag of world titles and Olympic medals for both Great Britain and France. Since becoming the inaugural K1 youth Olympic champion in Singapore in 2010, Jessica has gone onto make her mark on the international slalom scene as a junior and a senior in all disciplines of the sport. Last year she won women’s C1 team gold at the canoe world championships in Slovakia. She also went on to win back-toback C1 gold medals at two World Cup regattas. Canoe slalom will run from Sunday, July 29 to Monday, August 6 at the Lee Valley White Water Centre, 30km north of London.
Commence 27th July
Flog the Miscreants!
Displays of musketry, trials and floggings at the Arms Of Australia Inn Museum Open Day
Saturday 28th July Italian Entertainment including Italian Dancers & Italian Cuisine EVERYBODY WELCOME
With the bi-centenary of the crossing of the Blue Mountains next year, and the building of Cox’s road across the mountains the following year, the Arms of Australia Inn Museum, Great Western Highway, Emu Plains will be holding its William Cox Festival and Open Day on Sunday, July 15 from 9.30 am to 3.00 pm. As in previous years, the NSW Corps of Marines will be taking charge of the proceedings, which will include a display of musketry, trials and floggings of miscreants, and re-enactments from the life and times of the early colony. This year the country will come to Emu Plains with a sheep shearing and sheep dog exhibition. Children can try their hand in the old school room, pet animals in the animal farm, jump to their heart’s desire in the jumping castle, get their face painted or ride on a pony and much more. Continued pg 4...
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July 2012
Emu Leonay Gazette Local Editor Vicki McAuley
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NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE 20 July 2012 Emergency Services
(Police, Ambulance, Fire)
Penrith Police Station 4721 9444 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling 131 114 WIRES (Wildlife rescue) 4754 2946 NSW Rural Fire Service 1800NSWRFS Churches Anglican Church
St Paul’s, Emu Plains 47351001
Baptist Church
Emu Plains Community
4735 1050
HAWKESBURY WOLVES TAEKWONDO Classes held on Tuesday afternoons Emu Plains Public School Age Graded Classes from 4 Years to Adults.
Catholic Church
First 2 Lessons FREE
Uniting Church
Ph: 4754 1384 or 0416 264 566
Our Lady of the Way, Emu Plains 4735 1041 Emerald St, Emu Plains
4735 1620
4739 1446
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 0438 006 290 Spiritual Church
0439 453 430
Community Groups Girl Guides Glenbrook Lions Club Emu Plains Probus Nepean Rotary Club Scouts Emu Plains Sitters Club Soroptimist International Toastmasters Glenbrook VIEW Club Nepean
4739 6087 4735 5120 4782 5593 0419 725 302 0422 477 247 4733 1179 4735 1412 0408 692 770 0410 553 272
Sports Clubs BMX Penrith Panthers 0434 267 785 Junior AFL 0412 579 061 Cricket Club 0418 209 105 Hockey 0419 226 698 Junior Rugby Union 4736 3912 Junior Rugby League 0437 711 716 Karate Goshin Ryu 0411 136 237 Little Athletics Emu Plains 0438 039 913 Little Athletics Glenbrook 0438 357 478 Netball 0 419 357 165 Rugby League 4736 3912 Self Defence Emu Heights 0422 648 206 Soccer 0416 117 858 Soccer BMFC 02 4739 5121 Swimming Club Nepean 0416 311 453 Tennis Club Glenbrook 4739 1675 Triathlon Club Panthers If you’d like your club listed here, please email
Adam Mondy Authorised Rep No.374298, FYG Planners Pty Ltd AFSL/ CL No. 224543
July 2012
Diabetes Answers
Information and training for people living with diabetes
Chris Zingle, RN, CDE
0418 268 320
From the Editor Get ready! Get set! Go for all the action of the Olympic Games commencing July 27. Keep all your fingers and toes crossed for our very own local Olympians, Leonay resident Jessica Fox, competing in the canoe slalom and Hockeyroo Jade Close from Penrith. Here’s hoping the girls can bring back the gold! In keeping with the spirit of the Olympics, I’d be very interested to hear tales of your greatest Olympic sporting moments. Perhaps you were a volunteer at the Sydney Olympics, a spectator or even a competitor. Maybe you’re lucky enough to be heading to London to watch these Games. The readers are keen to hear from you, so drop me a line. All the sporting action is likely to work up an appetite so check out the “What’s Cooking?” segment on page 8. Many readers were delighted to report that last month’s recipe (my secret Yummy Slice) went down a treat. (If you overindulged, you may need to check out the ad on page 8 – bottom right!!) This month I’ve included a hearty winter casserole to keep you warm during the frosty month of July, courtesy of my mother, Lorraine. We hope you enjoy it! And of course the school hols are here again (how did that happen??) so kids, don’t forget to send me more photos, picture or poems of your exciting holiday adventures. I’ll print them in the next issue. Our readers loved the last holiday contributions! Enjoy reading your local community news and stay warm as you snuggle up in front of the TV for some marathon sports viewing! Vicki
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Advertising policy: Priority is given to businesses connected to local residents. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion. Community news: The Emu Leonay Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor may be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.
Emu Heights Celebrates 40 Wonderful Years! Built in 1972 with an initial enrolment of only 72 children and 3 teachers, Emu Heights Public School celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. With its relentless focus on literacy and numeracy, state-of-the-art technology, interactive whiteboards instead of chalkboards, incredible range of sport, performing arts and student welfare programs, the school is a very different place to 1972. To celebrate 40 years of education, a Family Fun Day is being held on Saturday 1st September 9am to 3pm. Featuring rides, stalls, a showcase of local entertainment, games, historical talks, arts ‘n crafts and food stalls, the day promises to be a wonderful family event. Just for the Adults! A Dinner Dance for past students, parents and teachers will also be held at the Emu Sports Club on the 7th September. Tickets can be ordered from the school at $45 per person. “This is a wonderful opportunity not only for the school itself to celebrate 40 years of education, but also for our surrounding residents to get involved and celebrate a wonderful school community” said P&C Fundraising co-ordinator, Nicole Davis. “We have a great team of volunteers
CURTAIN CLEANING Dust Mites Mould Removal
Getting ready for the big event – Ren Podmore (old student of Emu Heights, with her 2 daughters Jordan and jade), Fundraising Co-ordinator Nicole Davis with her two boys William and Lachlan (sitting on the ground), Sean Christie (old student of Emu Heights with his son Liam)
We Pick up and Deliver
comprising of teachers, parents, grandparents and past students, many of whom send their own children here today, working together on a variety of 40th Anniversary projects.” Further information about the Family Fun Day or to purchase Dinner Dance tickets, is available on the school website
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July 2012
William Cox Festival It will be action aplenty at the Arms of Australia Inn Museum in Emu Plains on Sunday, July 15 at the William Cox Festival and Open Day – 9.30 am to 3.00 pm. On show will be the Nepean District Historical Society’s horse drawn wagons and carts. Sydney Antique Machinery, whip and saddle makers exhibition, and the Sporting Shooters Association will have their van for visitors to try their hand at competition shooting. Live entertainment includes music from Tall Timbre Country and Western Band, the Nepean School of the Performing Arts and the Penrith City Show Band. The Australian Heritage Dance Company will perform dances of yesteryear, and the Ukrainian Women Dancers and Band will entertain with a program of song and dance. Both adult and junior teams will try to beat last year’s winners of the biggest tug-of-war in the Nepean Valley. There will be plenty of displays, food, music, stalls and entertainment galore for all! From pg 1...
Scouts Honour The Emu Plains Scouts have been meeting at the small Glenbrook Scout hall for several years. They now have renovated their hall in Lapstone which is much bigger with better facilities. Group Leader Mark Belcher says, “It is wonderful to have our own hall again and the committee have done a fantastic job on the old building. It was in a very poor state of repair and had been earmarked for demolition. “We have some fantastic leaders and the scout units are growing again. There are a record 12 Scouts attending the Jamboree in January 2012 and plenty of camps and outdoor activities organised.” At the recent opening of the hall the plaque was unveiled by Miles Stepniewski who started as a Cub with the Emu Plains unit and went on to achieve his Queen’s Scout award in 2011. The former Venturer Leader Phil Gane was awarded with his Silver Arrow Head and a certificate of merit for his leadership during his many years with the group. Phil has been a fantastic role model for so many young people over the years and has helped them to realise their potential as well as enjoying the challenges on the way. The Joey unit for the 6 – 8 years old is starting soon and additional leaders are required. All enquiries – Mark 0422 477 247.
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July 2012
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Savvy Lena Takes the Cake Lena McKechnie, cake decorator extraordinaire, can thank her twin daughters for her new career direction. “The first cakes I ever created were buttercream covered butterflies from a Women’s Weekly Cake book for my daughters’ 1st birthday,” Lena said. “ My mum had suggested I learn to do it myself as the girls’ birthday is over the Christmas period when a lot of places are closed for holidays.” Three birthdays and much cake-making later, Lena is now reaping the benefits of her home Cake Decorating business. She registered her business name, Savvy Cakes, 12 months ago and is working from her newly renovated home kitchen. “This way I can work my own hours while still being a stay at home mum, particularly when my daughters start Kindergarten next year.” Since her move to Emu Plains from the Central Coast 8 years ago, Lena has well and truly established herself in the Emu Plains community and is enjoying focusing on the delights of motherhood and her new cake decorating business. In July of 2010 Lena did her first beginners course at the Planet Cake School of Decorating in Balmain. She has since worked her way through the Planet Cake Basics series to become an advanced student and this month she will attain recognition as a Basics Master from Planet Cake. “To achieve this status I will be creating cakes with things like inverted and topsy turvy tiers where I am only limited to my imagination,” Lena said. She has also been fortunate enough to work alongside Planet Cake decorators in their production kitchen on party favours for the launch of their TV show on the Lifestyle Food Network. 3D cake and Styrofoam carving, figurine and flower making, creating things such as a high heeled shoe, a backpack, an owl, bride and groom figurines and giant flowers are just some of the projects Lena has tackled thus far. “I am constantly looking for new ways to challenge my skills and would like to further pursue the avenue of novelty cakes.” There, mums! The answer to your birthday party prayers! If you have any cake making challenges for Lena, give her a call on 0410 135 865. Lena is proud to be donating a cake to the Kirsten Levy Foundation. “I once had the pleasure of meeting Kirsten through a mutual friend and am proud and very excited to be helping out such a worthy cause.” 35-year-old Kirsten Levy, mother of two, collapsed last Christmas and has been diagnosed with a very rare autoimmune disease called non-paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis (NPLE) that triggered Kirsten’s immune system to react against itself, causing antibodies in her blood to attack her brain tissue. A benefit night will held at Panthers on 28th July to support Kirsten and her family.
Lena McKechnie with one of her masterpieces
EMU PLAINS PUBLIC SCHOOL - GREAT BUDDIES Every Wednesday, the Yr 6 students go to the Kinder classes to help with Art and Reading. First off we do reading so they can learn more words and know how to spell them better. Then after that we do Art. We help them paint, colour and cut out. It is so much fun and I wish that I could help them every day. As we leave I always say “I will be there to help you if you need me.” – Chloe
FREE Delivery to Penrith Valley Area
0410 135 865
Customised cakes and cupcakes for all occasions • Weddings • Birthdays • Anniversaries • Christenings • Corporate • Carved 3D cakes • Cupcakes & Cakepops • Figurines • Christmas cakes
July 2012
ART ATTACK Holiday Fun at the Gallery
Term 3 After School Workshops
Check out the action packed July school holiday program – it’s full of opportunities for your children to create, think, make and get involved. A range of workshops are on offer that explore the Art of Paper. Children should wear clothes suitable for a workshop environment and bring a snack for morning tea. Bookings are essential 4735 1100. For more information please visit our website Wednesday 11 July Print a Pop Art Poster · 10am - 12noon · 9 - 12yrs · $15 Make a Marble Ink Card· 10am - 12noon · 5 - 9yrs · $15 Thursday 12 July Make a Paper Clay Sculpture· 10am - 12noon · 5 - 8yrs · $15 Make Paper Characters ·10am - 12noon · 5 - 9yrs · $15 Friday 13 July Make a Paper-Tile Mosaic· 10am – 12noon · 8 - 12yrs · $15 Teenagers Still Life Watercolour Workshop ·12 – 3pm ·15 - 18yrs · $35 A must for high school art students – receive expert advice from art tutor Rose Salib on the complex art of creating a still life using watercolours.
ART BOX 6 - 9 yrs Wednesdays 25 July– 12 Sept 4 – 5.30pm, $125 per student All materials supplied. Students will work with tutor Barb White both in the exhibitions, being inspired by original artworks, and in the studio with an exciting variety of art materials. Students will be introduced to a variety of techniques and styles, learn new skills and extend and consolidate existing skills. Workshops will include drawing, collage, clay work and painting. Suitable for new and returning students. CLAY CAPERS 10 – 14 yrs Wednesdays 25 July– 12 Sept 4 – 5.30pm, $135 per student All materials supplied. Imagine using salt and pepper shakers that resemble your favourite band member, a politician, a cartoon character, movie star or even your grandma. In term 3 Clay Capers we will be doing just that. We will then move onto creating a model of our house, dream house or even the dog house. In the third project we will make figurines or clay portraits either of real or imagined people. Two of the three objects will be fired and underglazed. Suitable for new and returning students.
NAIDOC garden Party
Artist John Boney on guitar
Tuesday June 19 saw an amazing day at the Gallery with over 60 people enjoying the NAIDOC Garden Party event. It gave people from the local community a chance to get together and talk in a wonderful heritage garden setting. The NAIDOC garden Party was a gettogether for Aboriginal Elders and Aboriginal Cultural Workers, and people from across many generations attended. Guests embraced the warm sun shine and enjoyed two wonderful exhibitions – 21st Century Beginnings The Corrigan Collection of Aboriginal Art and Muddy Water: new paintings by John Boney. John Boney (affectionately known as JB) was born in Goodooga in north western NSW. Boney spent his childhood in nearby Brewarrina learning from his elders; he began to paint at the age of nine. Boney is a Murriwarri man who is active in his culture as an artist, teacher and youth worker. These new paintings depict aspects of cultural life in the remote north west of the state, as remembered by Boney – fishing, gathering food, ceremonial dancing and totemic animals. Boney is also an accomplished musician who performed with and alongside Australian rock band Midnight Oil; his musicality is also evident in the rhythmic precision of his dot marks, his lyrical linework and the subtle colour harmonies of his paintings.
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July 2012
Dr Katrina and the Wonderdogs! Attention pet lovers! Keep Saturday 18th August 2012 free, from 10am to 4pm. Last year’s Open Day at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital was so much fun, the team is set to do it again. This year’s celebrity guests will be Dr Katrina Warren and the Wonderdogs. Dr Katrina Warren is the former presenter of ‘Harrys Practice’ and ‘Talk To The Animals’, current resident veterinarian on the ‘Today Show’ and host of ‘Housecat Housecall’ for Animal Planet, USA. Her first bestselling book Wonderdog starred Toby the border collie who was known and loved Australia-wide. She has now teamed up with four chocolate border collies, known as the Wonderdogs, who accompany her on her TV and media appearances. A terrific, fun-packed day is on the cards, with plenty of free entertainment and activities on the day. Have a look what’s in store... • Dr Katrina Warren – will be available to sign autographs and have photos taken. • Wonderdog Shows – The Wonderdogs are a team of highly obedient chocolate Border Collies who entertain and perform tricks. • Dog competitions – will be held from 1pm-2pm. So bring your dog down to win. • Jumping castle • Sausage sizzle – with all proceeds going to the Guide Dogs • Cake stall – with all proceeds going to Penrith Anglican College. • Face painting - with all proceeds going to Penrith Anglican College. • Representatives from several local businesses • Hospital guided tours The Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital Open Day will be on Saturday 18th August 2012, from 10am to 4pm. The friendly team at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital look forward to meeting you and your pets, and please feel free to pop in anytime and meet the team. Call 4736 2027 to make an appointment.
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Call Brett on 0414 787 135 Dr Katrina & the Wonderdogs will be at Orchard Hills Vetinary Hospital on August18
Unique Balloonique Rachel’s passion for balloons began when she was 15 years old, working as a balloongirl at Australia’s Wonderland. She then began decorating for family andfriends as a hobby, and from there it was just a small step to starting abusiness from home. “As a busy mum of three this was perfect for meas it fits in well with my family,” said Rachel. Unique Event Decorations can theme your event from table decorationsand balloon bouquets to cake and cupcakes. We can even help you withyour gift. Check out the awesome new Balloonique service. “We can actualy stuff yourgift inside a balloon. You can bring your gift to us to stuff for you oryou can choose your own Balloonique gift from our online store. Why use boring old wrapping paper when you can add some unique style to yourgift with Balloonique wrapping and gifts.” “Our goal is to provide quality and unique decorations and gifts at areasonable price.” Call Rachel on 0410 486 463 or visit
“We treat your pets like our own” • Full service Hospital • Puppy training classes • Cat boarding facilities • House calls available • Special interest in birds • Catering for all companion animals
1 Station Street EMU PLAINS 4735 3268
Check out our new Balloonique service! We can actualy stuff your gift inside a balloon. You can bring your gift to us to stuff for you or you can choose your own Balloonique gift from our online store. Quality and Unique Decorations and Gifts at areasonable price!
Call Rachel on 0410 486 463 or visit our online store at
Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital 377 Wentworth Rd, Orchard Hills
Camille Brandt BVSc(Hons 1), MVS(SAP)
Consulting Hours Monday to Friday: 9am-7pm Saturdays: 9am-12pm
Services provided include... General Surgery (desexing to orthopedics) • Vaccinations • In-house pathology • Radiology • Dentistry • Visiting specialist radiographer & ultrasonographer • Puppy preschool • Grooming • Hydrobath • Home visits • Cat boarding • Kitten adoption • Secure off leash dog park • 24 hour emergency service Check out our website for more information or join us on Facebook
July 2012
WHAT’S COOKING? Here’s a great winter recipe for you, courtesy of my mum. Enjoy!
Create Everyday Surprises with the THERMOMIX
Fruity Beef Casserole
Save time and money and improve your family’s meal times and kitchen creativity with the most advanced kitchen appliance on the market today. You might have seen it on TV recently or read some of the rave reviews in foodie magazines or but if you haven’t heard of it, the Thermomix TM31 unites the functions of more than 10 appliances in one compact unit all-in-one food processor. It’s a cooker that chops, beats, mixes, whips, grinds, kneads, minces, grates, juices, blends, heats, stirs, steams and weighs food, as well as other functions! Featuring a gearless long-life motor, steel blades and a stainless steel bowl, Thermomix brings a new dimension to food preparation and cooking. Faster and more efficient than any similar appliance, it saves time, money and space in the kitchen. Incredibly precise and powerful speed and temperature settings allow for smoother texture, better colour retention and faster speed of execution. Preparation is cut from minutes to seconds and cooking is gentle, ensuring the flavours, vitamins and minerals are locked into each mouthful. Best of all, one bowl and blade do it all. With today’s fast paced lifestyle, we cook far less than we used to. The ready-made foods that feature in today’s diet aren’t the best options. Thermomix lets users return to the tradition of home-style cooking using superior, streamlined technology, making it simple to bring fresh, wholesome, nutrient-dense food back into our diets. Thermomix is particularly valuable for people with special dietary restrictions like coeliac disease and food allergies as they can precisely control what goes into the food they cook. This also means they can monitor the addition of harmful additives, colours and preservatives. Technology has come a long way since the days when our forbearers had to churn butter or grind grains by hand. While these products are now readily available on the supermarket shelves, they often contain additives to encourage a longer life, a stronger flavour or colour. Using Thermomix, you can make your own basic foods such as bread dough, tomato sauce, icing sugar and even flour with all natural products in a fraction of the time. You can control what goes into your food, which means no more inspecting packaging for traces of allergens. Thermomix is sold exclusively through in-home demonstrations where a wide range of foods are prepared for tasting for a small group of people. There is absolutely no obligation or high pressure sales talk, just a fun opportunity to see this amazing appliance in action. Have a look at the website or phone 1800 004 838 for more details or to organise a home demonstration with your local consultant.
Ingredients 2 tbsp (40ml) olive oil 1kg chuck steak, diced 2 onions, thinly sliced 2 carrots, peeled & sliced 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tbsp tomato paste 1 heaped tbsp plain flour ½ tsp chilli powder (or more, to your taste) 1 lemon, zested plus 1 tbsp (20ml) juice 1½ cups (375ml) beef stock ½ cup (160ml) plum jam chopped flat-leaf parsley to garnish Method • Preheat oven to 170ºC. • Heat olive oil in a large ovenproof casserole dish over a medium heat. Add beef in batches and cook until browned all over. Transfer to a plate and set aside to rest. • Add onion to the pan and cook, stirring, for 1-2 mins until softened. Add carrot, garlic, tomato paste, flour and chilli powder. Stir to combine and cook for another minute. • Add lemon rind & lemon juice, beef, stock and plum jam (the liquid needs to just cover the meat, so add a little water if necessary). Season well with salt & pepper and bring to the boil, then place in prerheated oven. Cook for 2 hours, until beef is tender. • Garnish with parsley & serve with creamy potato mash or rice.
July 2012
Whatever shape you’re in - we have the Perfect Workout for you! Introducing the NEW Contours - Real Women, Real Support, Real Results! * T&Cs apply. See in Studio for full details.
You would have to be living under a rock to not have heard that the number of people with diabetes is rising, but what does this mean? Diabetes is a disorder where the body cannot properly use of the glucose it gets from food. We all need glucose (or sugar) in our blood, as it is the most efficient energy source. However, if you have too much sugar in the blood, then you may feel tired all the time, be thirsty and need to go to the toilet more often. Unfortunately many people who have diabetes have no symptoms. Factors that increase the risk of diabetes are the aging population, the fact that we are less active, and we are becoming more overweight. There are three main types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes. Type 1 is usually diagnosed in children and young adults; Type two is usually in older, sedentary, overweight people; and Gestational Diabetes, occurs in pregnant women. The biggest health issue is with the number of people developing Type 2 diabetes . Not only are there more people being diagnosed, but they are also getting it at a younger age, meaning they will have to live with diabetes for a longer time. Diabetes can be managed with healthy eating, an active lifestyle and the addition of medications when required. The medications may be tablets or injections, and may be used in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Women with Gestational Diabetes that cannot be controlled by diet alone, must be managed with injections of insulin. Help is available for people with diabetes, from a range of health professionals who can provide information and training. These include Diabetes Educators, Dietitians, Podiatrists, Exercise Physiologists, and your local doctor. If you would like more information on managing diabetes, your GP can organise a referral to see the relevant health professionals, with Medicare rebates available (conditions apply). Chris Zingle, Registered Nurse, Credentailled Diabetes Educator Diabetes Answers, Glenmore Park, ph: 0418 268 320
Call 4735 4464 now for
A FREE 5 DAY PASS* Contours Emu Plains Ph: 4735 4464
Karate Kids!
Declan Supple, Finlay McAuley & Chloe Kericopolas after their success at Goshin Ryu Nationals
Cochran Saves the Greens Leonay Golf Club has been successful in luring noted greenkeeper Wesley Cochran to restore the local golf course to its former glory. Cochran has been signed to both maintain and improve the par-67 course, as part of a long-term development and beautification program for the local club. The Leonay Golf Club’s website states “Leonay Golf Club offers an enjoyable 18 hole, par 67 course at the foot of the Blue Mountains. Tight tree-lined fairways and challenging greens demand accuracy and test the skill of golfers of all levels. Positioned adjacent to the Nepean River, a readily available supply of water ensures the fairways enjoy a lush cover of grass all year round’ The course has however looked patchy at times in recent years but under the guiding hand of Cochran, has already sprung back into life. Cochran leads a team of five groundsmen, working seven days a week with a goal of bringing the course back to pristine condition. Cochran’s credentials make fascinating reading. After graduating from both Richmond and Meadowbank TAFE colleges respectively with Certificate 111 Horticulture (Green Keeping) and Certificate 1V Turf Grass Management, moved into his first full-time role at Blacktown City RSL. Cochran subsequently moved to Ohio University in the US (Internship in turf grass management), where he was selected to assist in course preparations
for the Fedex St. Jude Classic in Southwind Memphis, Tennessee in 2002. Returning to Australia later that year, Cochran took up a two-year post as Greenkeep at Avondale Golf Course (Pymble), followed by two years at Sea Temple Golf & Country Club in Port Douglas (Qld) and two years at Eastlakes Golf Club in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. In addition to the Fedex St Jude Classic, Cochran has prepared two other major events, including the AAMI Australian Women’s Open at Concord in 2004 and the Centenary Australian Open at The Australian Golf Club in 2004. In cooperation with the Leonay Golf Club and Emu Plain Sports & Recreation Club, Cochran has designed a five-year plan for the golf course and has enlisted the growing army of Veterans (over 50’s) at the club to assist with the beautification program. The Vets are totally sold on Cochran’s plan and dedicate their services on the first Tuesday of each month.
The recent Goshin Ryu National Championships proved yet again that the Emu Plains Goshin Ryu Karate Club is going from strength to strength. The Nationals, held at the Whitlam Centre, Liverpool on June 2, attracted a huge field of competitors from all over the country, so it was particularly impressive that every one of the eleven competitors from the Emu Plains club won at least one trophy. The junior club members packed the biggest punches on the day. 9-year-old Finlay McAuley brought home a swag of trophies. He won both 9-10 years kata and 9-10 years sparring titles, placed 2nd in the demonstration event, and came 3rd in junior synchronised kata. Two new junior members of the club were delighted to participate in their first karate tournament. Chloe Kericopolas, aged 7, and 6-year-old Declan Supple won medals for competing in various skills events for kids. They both particularly enjoyed the event where the kids had to focus their kicking and punching powers to break boards. Karate is a fantastic sport for children. It teaches discipline and respect, as well as developing confidence, and physical attributes of strength, stamina, coordination and flexibility. Senseis Brian and Madeleine McCabe run classes at Emu Plains Public School in Emerald Street on Wednesday evenings. For more info about classes, phone Madeleine on 0411 136 237.
Olympic Debut Penrith’s Jade Close has earned a ticket to London with the Hockeyroos squad. The 24-year-old is one of nine players on the team making their Olympic debut. Jade was a ball girl at the Sydney Olympics in 2000 when Australia defeated Argentina for gold, and she’s hoping her team can repeat that winning performance this year. “I am overwhelmed, stoked, excited and proud,” said Jade. “From the word go (being a Hockeyroo) has always been something I wanted to do.” The team are currently training in Perth before flying to London on July 17. The Women’s Hockey preliminary rounds commence on July 29, with the Gold Medal match scheduled for August 10. Fingers crossed Jade will be playing on the 10th!
July 2012
Love your local library to score an iPad3 Celebrate the National Year of Reading with Penrith City Library and you could win an iPad 3. For your chance to win, borrow an item from any Penrith City Library branch and place your date due slip in the competition barrel. By entering, you could also add to your home book collection with $50 Dymocks voucher monthly giveaways from now until December. Penrith Mayor Greg Davies said the prizes rewarded residents who were connecting and reconnecting with their local libraries. “By heading to your nearest branch and borrowing a library item, you could score a $50 Dymocks voucher. If your competition slip isn’t drawn first time round, you remain in the draw to win the grand prize of an iPad 3! “Now is a great time to take advantage of what’s on offer at Penrith City Library. There’s free wireless on trial until the end of July. “Be sure to enquire about the library’s ever-popular school holiday activities too,” Councillor Davies said. The borrowing competition runs until 21 December 2012. Members also have a bonus chance to win an iPad by sharing their wish-list of what they’d like to see happen at their local branch. Pick up a survey form at any Penrith City Library and share your thoughts between now and 7 September to go in the draw to win an iPad 3! For more details, call 4732 7891 or visit and select the Library tab.
Winners are Grinners! Western Sydney Pools on Russell St, Emu Plains, recently ran a guessing competition for all customers who purchased a winteriser kit for their pools. Stuart and Melissa McIntosh from Mt Riverview were delighted to be the best guessers in town. The family won an $800 Zodiac T5 pool cleaner by guessing that the jar contained exactly 639 jelly beans. The McIntoshes were very excited as they didn’t previously own a pool cleaner and “we never win anything”.
Michael Ekert (CEO of Emu Plains Sporting & Recreation Club) accepting a cheque on behalf of Barnardos from Wendy McKean (Captain), Dawn Young (Secretary) and Lynne Cupples (President)) of Leonay Ladies Golf.
Ladies Golf Charity Day Leonay Golf Club’s Lady Golfers held a Charity Golf Day on Wednesday 30th May to raise money for the Barnardos Charity. Lady golfers from local and Blue Mountain Clubs, including Dunheved, Glenmore Heritage, Wallacia Panthers, Twin Creeks, Blackheath, Lithgow, Oberon, Penrith and Leonay participated in the day’s event, raising a total of $3500 for Barnardos. Nett winners on the day were Leonay players Herta Eisbacher, Bev Wakefield, Pam Karbe and Noelene Braid with a total of 88 points. The winners of the scratch event were Lynne Cupples (Leonay), Kaye Murdoch (Leonay), Judy Watson (Dunheved), Lorna Bourke (Dunheved).
Winners - Coby, Melissa, Byron (with the jelly beans) Stuart & Summer in dad’s arms
June Puzzlement Solutions ... H G H E R E R R T E A M A W A R N D S E R F L L V A G A I G I D I O E N
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Call or email now! 02 9247 6386 or 10
July 2012
Brain Strainer! Marty Jones: We can rule out Fred from our investigations as he was the victim. Brian Martin owns a green car. The murderer owns a black car, so Brian Martin is not the murderer. The suspect who owns a black car was wearing blue shoes. The suspect who weighs 190 pounds was wearing blue shoes. The suspect who weighs 190 pounds is not the one who has red hair. Therefore, one suspect was wearing blue shoes, owns a black car, weighs 190 pounds, and is not the one who has red hair. But Bill Edison was wearing brown shoes, John Fox has red hair, Larry Smith weighs 210 pounds, and Brian Martin owns a green car. Therefore, the only suspect who could be this suspect is Marty Jones. Since this suspect, Marty Jones, owns a black car and the murderer owns a black car, he is the murderer.
Community Noticeboard **
Fortnightly Events
Glenbrook Toastmasters
meet at the Blaxland Library Short St, Blaxland 7.30pm 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month Enquiries: Peter – 0408 692 770
Emu Plains Lions Club
Meet at Emu Plains Sport & Recreation Club
7:00pm 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Enquiries: 4735 5120
Lower Blue Mountains Men’s Shed
Blue Mountains Woodcrafts Centre, 19 Calver Ave, Mt River view 9am - 12 noon... 1st & 3rd Monday of the month 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month Enquiries: Ramon 4751 6819 www.lmshe
WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! Garage Memorabilia, Oil Bottles & Tins, Garage Signs, Old Tools and Petrol Bowsers to name a few. If you have any unwanted items like this lying around in your shed, give Guy Smith a call. Ph. 4739 8127
Monday July 16
Nepean Evening VIEW Club Nepean Evening View Club will be holding its Dinner meeting at Panthers Penrith on 16thJuly 2012. Women of View (Voice,Interests and Education of Women ) support Smith Family’s Learning for Life projects. Cost $23. New members and visitors are welcome for a night of fun and friendship. Details and bookings to Frances 024721293. Thanking you on behalf of Nepean Evening View Club. Phyllis Cowan Publicity Officer. 47366898
Every Tuesday
MIGHY MIGHTS Playgro up 10am-12pm Meet other mums & prescho olers at Emu heights Community Centre
Ph: Bronwyn 0413 269 930
Every We dnesday
NEPEAN GIGGLES Playgroup 9.30am-11.30am Meet other mums & preschoolers at Emu Heights Com munity Centre Ph: San dra 0403 326 017 or Chris 0425 222 035
FREE listing for local events and meetings Send your details to:
Ever y Saturday
FREE Tai Chi lessons Sat urdays at Dukes oval, Emu Pla ins 8.30am Check with crispeny@ bigpon
1st Emu Plains Scout Group will be hosting the 2012
Jamboree Market Day At Explorers Road, Lapstone Opposite the Tennis Courts
Saturday 28th July 9am until noon, BBQ will stay open until 1pm. Come and visit your Party Plan favourites including Tupperware, Enjo, Lorraine Lea Linen, Mary Kay Cosmetics, LeReve Perfume, Aromatherapy, Nutrimetics, Oasis Homewares and more....
Sausage sizzle, soft drinks, coffee and tea available Fundraiser for Scout Jamboree 2012. Please come and support young people making a difference.
Meet the Scout Leaders. the Cubs and the Scouts and find out why they have so much fun. Boys and girls from 7 ½ -15 years old Enquiries to Mark 0422 477 247
July 2012
Your Local BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertise your business here and online for just $25 (single) per month $50 (double) per month Phone: 0417 267 690 email:
Let us use our extensive rental property experience to take care of your TAXATION needs
Gary Campbell CPA
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Meeting the Financial Management & Taxation needs of our Community since 1976 COMPLETE RANGE OF TAXATION & ACCOUNTING SERVICES
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Bill McLean
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4773 8700 or 0417 417 556
Established Over 25 Years All Aspects of Airconditioning Refrigeration • Electrical Contracting
Unit 2/129 Russell Street, Emu Plains email: 12
July 2012
Home & Building Services from Roof top to Underground
For all your air conditioning & gas central heating needs Phone 4735 3300 4/84 Old Bathurst Rd, Emu Heights
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All roof repairs, flashing, roof vents, guttering, downpipes, plumbing, all carpentry work & maintenance, decks, pergolas, skylights, retaining walls and odd jobs Credit cards welcome
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FREE QUOTES Contact Mathew on 0439 322 498 or
Licence No: 195360C
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ARGYLL Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Locally owned & operated. On time, every time. Quality work at competitive prices.
1300 557 548 or 4774 9618
Reflections To Share, Celebrancy Services
Weddings Namings Celebration of Life: Funerals
0447 778 870
‘Ensuring you a personal and sincere service’
Advertise your business here! $25 (single) per month $50 (double) per month Phone: 0417 267 690
Emu Plains Cluster
Long Day Care, Before And After School Care Vacation Care
Meeting your child care needs from 6 weeks to 12 years of age
Phone 4735 4233 Happy Kids Care and Learning
Penrith City Children’s services co-operative ltd
Chantal’s Cleaning Service
JRF Electrical
0405 003 847
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95/97 Great Western Hwy, Emu Plains
EXCAVATIONS building services pty ltd
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July 2012
Southern Cross
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Ron Hallesy
Licence No. 223594C
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Countryside Plumbing Lic. 225162C
Phone Nicholas McLeod
0431 253 543
CHEAPER HOTWATER Piping Hot Plumbing lic 195703c
Call Steve 0407 467 462
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LAWN CARE Save water with Coochie and enjoy a healthy green lawn Complete balanced liquid lawn fertiliser Weed Control eg. bindi, clover etc Beetle, grub and army worm control We treat all types of lawns. Talk to us about our lawn care program.
Fabian Gemin 0401 701 322 Freecall 1800 245 955
LAWNS & GARDENS Call Vince 0405 429 928
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July 2012
Southern Sun Painting & Decorating
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PET GROOMING PET CARE CARE – - GROOMING Your Dog Clean, Flea-Free & Smelling Great... OR IT’S FREE Hydrobath in warm Hydrobath in warm clean clean waterwater usingusing environmentally friendly friendly products, Brush, Brush, Nail clipenvironmentally products, Nail ping, Ear & Cleaning, Drying, Deodorise, clipping, EarEye & eye Cleaning, Drying, Deoderise, Doggy T reat, Phone Sue Doggy Treat,Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Phone Aaron
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ALL AREAS 24/7 SAME DAY SERVICE Call Graham for local service
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Painters & Decorators
LAWNS & GARDENS Friendly professional service Young & hardworking Call Andrew
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Nepean Grasshopper
Quality Lawn Mowing Services Fully Insured Liability & Accident Reliability Assured Call Gordon for an obligation free quote Mob 0403 776 636 Home 4773 8955 Email :
Get Western Cleaning Solutions to do it for you! Western Cleaning Solutions use a specialised steaming machine that steams at 170 degrees to ensure that the best possible results are achieved
Nepean Mountains Dog Grooming Established 1990 Special care with older dogs 4735 2558 0427 352 558 Unit3/14 Smith St, EmuPlains
PET CARE – GROOMING * * * * * *
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* Extreme oven conditions may incur an extra charge Loyalty Discounts Can Apply
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Call Bob – 0417 262 706 or 4774 0026 (AH)
4722 9492
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Licensed Plumber, Drainer & Gasfitter Lic: 224647C All aspects of plumbing maintenance and new installations. Specialising in BATHROOM RENOVATIONS.
We service/replace all makes and models of Hot Water Systems SAME DAY HOT WATER Free Quotes and Pensioner Discounts available
Does your plumbing flow right?
Call your local plumber Paul
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Lic No 86216C
• New roofs • Roof repairs & restoration • Supply & fit fascia & guttering • Bonded asbestos removal • Supply & fit insulation Phone Greg 0418 446 590 or 4773 8634
See current timetable online at or call Tracey on 0419 292 420
First class is free!
Want to advertise your business? THIS could be YOU here! $25 (single) per month $50 (double) per month Phone: 0417 267 690
July 2012
Heart of our community making a difference Penrith’s people are what makes the City great. That’s especially true of the many hundreds of volunteers who help out in so many ways, from delivering meals to the elderly, helping people research their family tree or making sure kids can play sport on the weekends. Penrith Mayor Greg Davies said the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours list which recognised the work of a number of volunteers, acknowledged the difference their time makes to the community. “While not everyone can be recognised by the Queen, the simple act of helping out is a reward in itself,” Cr Davies said. “Our community is a generous and caring one and it’s volunteers who give so much that helps keep this community spirit alive and well – I’m proud to be part of a community where people care enough to put up their hand to help, whether it be at a local school or sporting group or helping a charity.” According to Volunteering Australia, the number of volunteers doubled between 1995 and 2010 with one in three people giving unpaid time to a group or organisation. “It really makes a difference. If you don’t volunteer already please consider putting your hand up. I recently went to an open day for Nepean Food Service and found out first hand how critical the support of work of the volunteers is. They help around 200 Penrith residents stay in their own homes and maintain a level of independence and dignity. These volunteers do much more than deliver a meal – they provide a friendly face and a caring gesture to some of our community’s aged and isolated people,” Cr Davies said.
To find out about volunteering at Nepean Food Services please contact Jenny Gillespie on 02 4733 7200 For enquiries about other local volunteer opportunities please contact Nepean Volunteer Services 02 4731 6523
ol o h c s e r P • Catering for 2-6 year old children • Situated in quiet and safe street • Preschool and School Readiness specialty program • Qualified Early Childhood Staff • Operational hours 8am till 4pm • Large outdoor play area with new play equipment 8 Tabor Street, Glenbrook NSW 2773
Ph: 47391008 Fax: 47391109
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July 2012