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Your Community News Issue 25
February/March 2011
Australia Day Honour Congratulations to Captain Edward Ranse, named in this year’s Australia Day Honours list and awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal, one of the highest honours an Australian firefighter can receive. Captain Ranse has served Fire and Rescue NSW and the Blue Mountains community with distinction for the past 38 years. See page 9
Seniors Week
There is a great range of activities planned for March including internet sessions, grandparents story time, a free movie at Mt Vic Flicks and a history picnic. The full month’s program is now available from Libraries, the Neighbourhood Centre, and Councils Customer Service counters. Enquiries to Prue Hardgrove on 4780 5546. See page 9
Clean Up Australia Day 6th March 2011
Blue Mountains Music Festival 2011 18th March to 20th March
The 16th Annual Blue Mountains Music Festival is a three day festival of folk, roots and blues music, featuring around 100 diverse artists in over 80 concerts in 9 different venues in Katoomba. Headliners so far for 2011 include Luka Bloom, Martin Simpson, Katie Noonan and the Captains, The Tim O’Brien Trio, Crooked Still, Chain, Andy Wentworth Falls Irvine and Slava & Leonard Grigoryan Film Fame with the Tawadros Brothers. See all the details on www.bmff. The movie ‘A Few Best Men’ has org.au. been filmed locally using a few ‘best local residents’ as film extras. It is an Win a signed copy Aussie comedy starring Olivia Newton-John and Xavier Samuel, from of Paris Portingale’s ‘Twiligt Eclipse’. The movie is being new book ‘Art and the directed by Stephan Elliot, also in Drug Addict’s Dog’ charge of ‘Priscilla Queen of the Desert’. It is contributing nearly $1million See page 9 to the local economy. Clean Up Australia Day is always the first Sunday in March. Check the Clean Up Australia Day website www. cleanup.org.au or contact Council’s Environmental Education officers, Jasmine Payget or Anna Purvis-Smith on 4780 5788.
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