Ray White
Glenmore Park Mediclinic Open 7 days Bulk billing Lady Doctors 4733 0222 Next to Woolworths 8.30am-8pm weekdays 9am—5pm weekends
Glenmore Park
Your community news
Issue 85
April 2011
Delivered monthly to Glenmore Park & Regentville
Congratulations to Tanya our new MP
Mortgage Business winners
Tanya Davies is looking forward to working hard for people in the Mulgoa electorate, including Glenmore Park where she has lived for many years. She says “Thank you to everyone who voted for me. We are starting to move NSW in the right direction and I am also still your local Penrith Councillor” Local resident and Labor candidate Prue Guillaume campaigned strongly and is also a Councillor working on your behalf.
Glenmore Park residents David and Leonie Jackson have won the Mortgage Broking Business of the Year Award for the second year running with their Great Aussie Dream business.
High School’s Trades Training Centre Students attending Glenmore Park High School will be able to get a head start in a trade with the completion of new Trades Training Centre. See page 5
See page 4
Town Centre update The Development Application plans have been put on public display within the centre in front of Woolworths and near the Chemist. Brendon Sheedy, centre manager says “We are encouraging the public to provide feedback what they think of the proposed development. We have a customer survey response form near the display. As well, the local schools, the Glenmore Park Action Group and the local Police have been kept in-
Guitar & Bass Tuition
Guitar & Bass Tuition
Selling your property is ONE thing... Selling it successfully is OUR thing
4737 9911 www.raywhiteglenmore.com
formed of the progress. It is important that you provide feedback to our business as we are keen to listen to your views and comments about the exciting changes at Glenmore Park Town Centre. For full details and further information, please visit the display located in front of Woolworths.”
Glenmore P Action Gro ark up
The next GPA G community meeting is 10 th May, 7.30pm . Floribunda Com munity Centre
0433 716 603
- experienced tuition in all styles specialising in modern and classic rock and progressive metal. Advanced bass tecniques including slap and finger picking. Recording facilities - learn how to record or have us record an album for you and operate all software and equipment. Free introductory lesson Theory - tuition in musical theory and concepts Guitar Servicing and Repair - Re-strings, general service and repair
Bryan Ramsa - Kalinda Jade Studios bryan@kalindajadestudio.com.au
April School Holiday Program
• Learn to Swim
45 minute intensive lessons for school going children
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ONLY $90
25m heated pool
11th - 21st April 2011 starting 8.30am Terms & Conditions apply to all offers
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5 day & 4 day options available
Inswim Aquatic Centre www.glenmoregazette.com.au
4733 6666 April 2011
Contact us for more information
122 Blaikie Road, Penrith 1