Ray White
Glenmore Park Mediclinic
Glenmore Park
Open 7 days Appointment System Bulk billing Lady Doctors Available 4733 0222
Selling your property is ONE thing... Selling it successfully is OUR thing
Your community news
8.30am - 8pm Weekdays 8.30am - 4.30pm Saturdays 9.00am - 4.30pm Sundays
Issue 87
May 2011
4737 9911
Delivered monthly to Glenmore Park & Regentville
Shop 17B Town Centre
Town Centre Extension The development application for the Town Centre shopping centre extension is a two tier application waiting for the State government as well as Penrth Council The plans include a discount department store, supermarket, 25 specialty shops, 2 restaurants, commercial floor space and three levels of car parking. Brendan Sheedy, the Centre Manager, said “We have had very positive feedback from the customer forms which are still available next to the plans in the centre. Please take a few minutes to complete the form and let us know your thoughts.” Expressions Of Interest WALKERS WANTED Want to walk and be paid? The Gazette is looking for people to deliver the newsletters on a monthly basis in Glenmore Park. Contact 4773 8974.
Free Council Services Glenmore Park Action Penrith City Council will have an Group
authorised RTA fitter check child restraints are correctly adjusted at the Penrith Council car park on High Street on 21 May 10am to 1pm. A series of free home sustainability workshops are being held including eco-renovating and building, permaculture, veggie gardening, composting and worm farming. See page 10
Glenmore Park residents working together to maintain a safe and clean suburb
Next meeting
Tuesday 10th May 7.30 pm start Floribunda Community Centre Glenmore Park
Discussions on; Shopping centre plans, Bus timetables, Traffic, Nepean Community and Neighbourhood Services Penrith City Libraries have got Appointment of a Vice President electronic books (eBooks) now availand new Secretary able online to residents. The collection has started with 500 eBooks covering Check us out on Facebook fiction and non fiction. Adults, teens and children will find a wide range of on their computer to read on screen. There is an App available on the Overtitles to download. Audio books have been available Drive site to allow Library members to online for over a year, and eBooks al- download eBooks directly to an iPad lows residents to download the books or iPhone.
eBooks now available from Penrith Libraries
Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital Camille Brandt
Open Day Saturday 4th June 10am - 4pm with
Bondi Vet’s Dr Chris Brown
Free entertainment and activities including:
377 Wentworth Rd, Orchard Hills www.glenmoregazette.com.au
4736 2027
May 2011
M4 hern
Dog Competitions, Guide Dogs, Jumping Castle, Sausage Sizzle, Cake Stall, Face Painting and more.
Penrith Golf Club rkway O
Glenmore Pa
We are here!
We look forward to meeting you and your pets at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital. Please feel free to pop in anytime and meet the team.
BVSc(Hons 1), MVS(SAP)
Wentwor th