Upper Echo

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Your Community News Issue 22

October 2010


Blackheath Rhodo Festival 2010

This is the 58th Blackheath Rhododendron Festival, one of the longest running festivals in NSW. This year the Grand Parade and the street market are on Saturday November 6th with the wood chopping, the coal shovelling, the roof bolting and the Festival of Flowers and other events on over the whole weekend. The official opening, the awarding of the art prize and the crowning of the Festival Princess is on Friday 29th October at 7pm at Blackheath Community Centre. The rhododendron gardens are open for inspection until November 8th. The Rhodo Festival Revue “Midwinter Murders” is on November 12th14th at the Blackheath Community Centre. What a great way to celebrate Spring! See the website for more details www.rhodofestival.com.au


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Relay for Life

Seen a UFO or Yowie recently?

30th - 31st October

Katoomba based Blue Mountains UFO Research Club [established 1999] researches UFOs [Unidentified Flying Objects] throughout the Blue Mountains, and is seeking sightings reports from residents.

Come and support the Relay for Life teams over the weekend of 30 to 31 October from 12 noon on Saturday through the night to 10am Sunday at the Katoomba Showground There will be a number of ceremonies including the very moving Candlelight Ceremony of Hope, and the Survivors and Carers walk. There will also be plenty of fun with entertainment, music, Zumba dancing, RFS display and a junior rugby league game. Get a group of friends together and join in. All money raised goes to Cancer Council NSW for research, support and prevention initiatives. Contact Sandra at the Cancer Council to register and for more information: 9354 2005

See page 7

Support The Echo Look at the fantastic community events that are happening in the upper mountains! There’s even more news that could be included. As an independent community newspaper the production costs need to be covered by local advertising and sponsorship. Additional income is required to increase the number of pages for interesting community information. Please contact the editor to advertise your business or discuss sponsorship. 4773 8974 - info@theecho.net.au

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October 2010


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