Emu Echo October 2010

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23 Years 25 Years

ROSS FOWLER Penrith City Councillor

0419 738 484 ross@rossfowler.com.au

Emu Plains to Blaxland

Your community news Issue 50

October 2010


Centro Lennox Emu Plains

Delivered monthly to Emu Plains, Emu Heights, Leonay, Lapstone, Glenbrook & Blaxland

New Name The Emu & Leonay Gazette has been distributed to Emu Plains, Emu Heights and Leonay for 5 years and is now also being delivered to the letter boxes in Lapstone and Glenbrook with pick up points in Blaxland. ‘The Echo’ is the name of the similar community paper delivered from Blackheath to Wentworth Falls. The website is www.theecho.net.au but the digital edition of this paper will stay as www. emuleonaygazette.com.au for now.

Guard Returns to Duty The Arms of Australia Inn Museum’s gatehouse Marine guard has

been returned. He went AWOL in August 2008 and was returned just before this years William Cox Festival and Open Day. The guard was found in the backyard of a vacated unit opposite O’Donoghues, Emu Plains. He was then thrown over the school fence where he was found and placed in a shed at the back of the school for safe keeping. The Nepean District Historical Society was notified and he has now been returned to full time duty.

Old Emu Plains Post Office Development Penrith City Council has a development application for conservation and restoration works at the heritage listed Old Emu Plains Post Office (former Australian Arms Inn). The site has been owned by Council since 1983 and has been vacant since then. The building has been vandalised numer-



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ous times threatening the integrity and significance of the building. The proposed development seeks to undertake renovation works for future commercial uses.Three mature trees deemed to be unsafe will be removed.

Bowling them over Glenbrook’s Maryann Parcell began playing lawn bowls in Glenbrook in 1998. Last year she won the NSW Player of the Series award and she has just returned from being in the winning ‘Team of 4’ event at the NSW State Championships at Cloncurry. Maryann also came third in the State singles. She now plays with St Johns Park club several times a week but still enjoys playing with the Glenbrook Bowling Club. Maryann said “It’s a great sport for any age and like a game of chess with a tough of exercise! The bowling club in Glenbrook would love some new members”.

Leonay Parade, Leonay • www.emusportsclub.com.au Ph 4735 5300 • membership@emusportsclub.com.au

Oktoberfest Saturday 23 October Jumping Castle German Food and Beer Entertainment

$8.50 Lunch Menu 5 Delicious Choices Available Monday – Friday

Live Entertainment Friday from 7pm - Live Duo Saturday from 8pm - Live Band

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IBRAHIM’S AMCAL PHARMACY 15-16 Centro Lennox, Emu Plains

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The Echo (Emu Plains to Blaxland)


Visit our weight loss centre

Healthscope Pathology Collection Centre now available for blood collections. We have trained staff Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. No appointment required and no waiting.

October 2010


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