Fox News
April 2016
Volume 5 | Issue 1
Hello Foxes! A bit abou t you r LTG.
My name is Tristan Anderson and I serve as the Lieutenant Governor for Division 42 West for the 2016-2017 term. Over the past eight months in Key Club I have been inspired by our past Lieutenant Governor Tue Nguyen to run for this position. Tue inspired me because she was confident, imperturbable, committed and always had a positive attitude. I hope to uphold these same values during my term as your Lieutenant Governor. As your future Lieutenant Governor I am honored to have the privilege of leading our Division through an extraordinary year of service. During my term I will do my best to make sure that every member of our division has the best experience that Key Club has to offer. I am 16 years old and I currently attend Ventura High School as a junior maintaining a 4.5 GPA. My favorite class currently would have to be AP Physics, because it allows me to have a new outlook on how things in the world work. Along with my academics, I am an Eagle Scout, play the oboe and piano, run cross-country and track, and am involved with many other activities that are offered on my campus. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, skiing, hiking, seeing new movies, and trying new cuisine. After high school I would like to attend the United States Naval Academy and commission as an officer in the U.S. Navy. I would like to study Aeronautical Engineering and ultimately become a Naval Aviator. As for a career path after college and my naval service, I would like to one day become a Walt Disney Imagineer because I love the idea of turning dreams into reality. In Service, Tristan Anderson Lieutenant Governor Division 42 West Region 10 Cal-Nev-Ha District
Upcoming Division Events M ay DCM Ou r f i r st DCM o f t h e Ter m w i l l b e h el d o n Sat u r d ay , M ay 1 4 t h at t h e Co l l ect i o n Par k i n Ox n ar d at 1 2 : 0 0 PM . A l l m em b er s ar e i n v i t ed t o t h i s m eet i n g . A f t er w o r d s w e w i l l b e m ak i n g Lei s an d h av i n g a Po t Lu ck . Im p o r t an t i n f o r m at i o n r eg ar d i n g OTC, an d t h e Di v i si o n T-Sh i r t d esi g n co n t est w i l l b e sp o k en ab o u t at t h i s m eet i n g so y o u w o n ' t w an t t o m i ss out !
Club Service Projects Sant a Paul a Key Cl ub Cl eans Up t he Sant a Cl ara River Author: Mireille Vargas Did you know that the Santa Clara River is the largest natural river systems in Southern California? Key Club members took a stand on environmental issues by partnering with their school?s environmental club, SESPEA, to clean up the Santa Clara River. Key Club members spent their Saturday morning working with the Nature Conservancy and got their hands dirty by picking up trash. Two hours were spent as members picked up glass bottles, plastic, and other materials. Key Club members felt like they were making a difference and felt pride in their work after filling up a truck load of trash. It was a gratifying experience that made their Saturday
Division Announcements! Join Remind Text @d42w to 81010 to receive important reminders. New Inst agram Page! Go follow the new Division Instagram Page @d42w.arcticfoxes for updates and information on events.
Apply for DLT Today! Are you interested in serving as a Leader on the Division level? Why not apply for DLT? Applications can be found on our website and Instagram page. Check out our Division Websit e! Head over to our Division website to access important information!
ht t p:/ / d42w-arct icf oxes.weebl y.com
Division T-Shirt Design Contest! T-Shirt Requirment s Send all submissions to Front d42w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com - "D42W" by May 30th
- An Arct ic Fox - "Key Cl ub" Front or Back - Key Cl ub Logo - Cal i-Nev_Ha Logo
Back - Al l School s in Division - "Region 10" - "2016-2017" - "Cal i-Nev-Ha"
See you next time.
April 2016