Happy September D42W!! School is fully in session, whichmeansbothnewobstaclesandopportunities; I know we can all successfully overcome these obstacles :) It is also nearing fall, which I sincerely admire very much because of how beautiful the weatherandscenerygetsaswellasPUMPKINSPICE LATTES:D(sorryIlovethemsomuchlol).Iamlooking forward to what this school year is bringing, even if not always good. I hope you all are doing good mentally and emotionally; both matter so much. Keepyourheadup,butterflies<3 HiyaD42W!!How’severyonedoingnowthatthe school year is up and running? Personally, things have been a bit stressful, but hopefully as the year carries on we’ll all get the hang of things. It’s exciting to see how far we’re going as a division this year! The coming months bring so many fun events that I can’t wait for all butterfliestoenjoy!HopefullyI’llbeabletomeet some of you :) Remember to take care of yourselves,bothphysicallyandemotionally<33.

HELLO BUTTERFLIES!!!! I hope you allhavehadaGREATfirstmonth at school. I know this time of year can be a little stressful so please make sure you all are staying healthy. September is the month that all club rushes occur, in our division, so please STAY ON THE LOOKOUT for your schools club rush day. I am SO excited to meet every single one of you. I know this year will be an amazing one so WATCH OUT for division events. Please remember, I am only an email away so please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns. See ya next time butterflies!

Santa Paula is club of the month! they attend events even though it’s remotely far from them. SPHS always shows up even if the cabinet doesn't, we always see a couple of members at events. It just goes to show that they care for Key Club and how much they are willing to do for their club. It shows how dedicated the club is and we can’t wait to see what they will accomplish when they get incoming members.
Jacqueline Ullrich is our D42W member of the month! Jacque was the only member who attended the Kiwanis DCM this month. She is also caring and helpful. She is always looking to help and contribute. Jacqueline always shows up to our division events and is eagerly wanting to help around. She is a great asset to her school and division.
Hazel Lee Acosta is our officer of the month! For officer, it came easy with deciding Hazel as with countless nominations for her to be chosen and it truly goes to show how wonderful she is within our division! She is always so enthusiastic at DCMs and makes the atmosphere very lively. When we made the interclub service event, Hazel was always willing to reach out to others whenever we had any questions. They can also juggle multiple tasks at once and is always so helpful and kind!
Allen Grizzard Paul is our Kiwanis member of the month! “He was always checking up on us and is very kind and well mannered. I also appreciate the time he took out of his day to volunteer and serve the people that came to the fundraiser. Thanks to him, the fundraiser was successful!” Allen is always on top of all Key Club events, and even makes sure to include a snippet/recap of what we are working on in his newsletter. We appreciate Allen for all his tremendous help!
Eva Harris is faculty advisor of the month! She deserves to be recognized as she always tries to help whenever we need it. She always lets us use her classroom to hold meetings and never had a problem with it. She is sweet, friendly, and is a good advisor overall!

This month’s DCM was very exciting for Oxnard Key Club! The seven members that attended the meeting, four cabinet members along with three non-cabinet key-clubbers, enjoyed the fun games that occurred on August20thatKidSteam.TheDCMstartedoffstrongfor our club as one of our people, Jaqueline Ulrich, won Member of the Month! Although she was unable to attendtheDCM,Jaquelinewasabletohappilyreceive her gift later in August. The fun continued when everyone split up with the other clubs in our division alongwiththeTurquoiseKiwins(whowereverykind,fun people) to play Jeopardy and Fast Money! Our Editor, Samantha Hebert-Ally, ended up winning both games overall with her team Key Club 4ever, a.k.a Group 4! It was a very tough battle and the combined competitiveness of the Turquoise Kiwins and D42W made it even more enjoyable. Oxnard continues to be proud of its active members, and we hope to have even more attend the future DCMs. Thank you to everyonewhoputontheevent!

On August 25, Pacifica held our first meeting for returning members. We had a big turnout as over 20 studentsattendedandtunedintothepresentation.The slideshow included a quick review of our purpose as a club, our division, some new implementations, and announced our park clean up event that was happening that weekend. We also made sure to include a slide emphasizing the benefits of continuing their duty in the club and possible graduation attire for their time spent here. In order to get more people to join, we asked returning members for some help in runningourclubrushbooth!Memberswerewelcometo stay and hangout, or ask questions if needed after the meeting. I think it went really well and felt really successfulingettinginformationouttomembers!