Time is passing by so quickly! Conclavehasbreezedby,and soon my term will end and a new DLT will be chosen. I’m really excited to see where D42W goes after this senior classgoestheirseparateways. For any seniors, college decisionsarecomingoutsoon!! Goodlucktoeveryone,Ihope that everyone gets the results they hopes for <3 manifesting fory’all!


Eventhoughtheendofthe term is near, please continue your amazing volunteer efforts. Whether that be writing cards, cleaning a beach, or completing small acts of kindness, your hard work does not go unnoticed. Every single hour of volunteer work counts! Once again, if you ever need anything do not hesitatetoreachout!

Annabelle Shilley from Buena Key Club is our member of the month! We would like to recognize her because she was one of the members from our club who attends our division DCMS. Not only did she attend our DCM, but she also attends lots of our club meetings, which is very important as a member of Key Club. For these reasons, I believe that she should be recognized. She is always in high spirit, her appearances are often but we are so glad she is a part of our Division. Can’t wait to see her more in the future!
Rianna Ferrer from Channel Islands Key Club is our officer of the month! Angela turns in the MRF on time and she is always asking intuitive questions to help improve her position as an officer.Shecommunicateswellwiththecabinetaswellasthe members. Every month she makes an announcement before the MRF to submit hours for Key Club. She is a very dedicated officer and she attends every meeting to write down informationandmakeattendanceofthemembers.
Eva Harris is faculty advisor of the month! She’s always eager to help us out to make the club grow. She has service opportunities for whenever we need ideas and is so kind as well. She loves doing what she does and it really shows.

On January 28th, 2023 three members of Oxnard Key Club’s cabinet attended Conclave viewing new, potential Lieutenant Governors. One of our very own, Co-Vice President Genesis Martinez, was running!. Members watched her give a speech and answer questions about the future of Key Club. We are very proud of her and recognize her dedication and hard work throughout the entirety of this year to Oxnard and Division 42 West as a whole. We realize it must have been a nerve wracking moment, but she did great and looked very professional in her suit! The club congratulates Gary Nito from Rio Mesa for being appointed Lieutenant Governor! As a club, we also recognize his talent and are confident that he will do a great job for our division. Overall, everyone was amazing, and we look forward to whatGenesisandGarywilldointhenextyear!

Oxnard Key Club took yearbook photos on January 13th! The photo was taken during lunch by our lovely yearbook staff. It was a fun time as everyone got together in one place, seemingly nervous. It made everyone reminisce about the beginning of our club, and all the things that have happened since our new members and cabinet have come together! Within this photo there are key clubbers that have been members for four years, one year, and even a couple of months!! Although not everyone was able to makeit,wethankthepeoplewhocould,andwe are happy this moment will be remembered forever within the yearbook! Oxnard Key Club 22-23 is full of many funny, intelligent, and creativepeople!

On January 28 D42 west had their annual conclave for the next term. This was my first conclave,anditwasnotonlyfunbuteventfulasI got to see others who want to make a difference runforgovernor.Everyonewaswelcomingandwe also did karaoke which thankfully I wasn’t chosen for. Our very own Rio Mesa Key Club member Gary Nito was chosen for our new D42 West Lieutenant Governor!! Congrats Gary on the behalfofRioMesawe’resoproudandcan’twait for your new future. Thank you also to Sofia Barajas,ourcurrentD42WestLieutenantGovernor foryourleadershipwithhelpingoutwiththisevent and making every event so enjoyable for our members!

In our school Key Club meeting on January 23rd, we have created an opportunity for our members to make Cute Valentines Cards! The cards will go to hospitalized kids and will be turned in on February 9th. Our members can do any designs and do more than one card, with cute sayings and pictures to uplift the children making their day better. Using supplies at home I made a cute card folded with hearts and will put a cute saying in the front. Taking a little bit of time to create cards can make a difference and will also make you and others happy.

Thank you to that attended new LTG was ready to follow in footsteps of past D42W new LTG will be from Rio Mesa’s Congratulations 2023-2024 LTG!!


28, 2023, Conclave took place at The Arc of County. Division 42 West witnessed many speeches and answering caucus questions. arduous process, we have elected our new be officially appointed at DCON 2023!!

charity miles
Run. Walk. Or Bike! Download the Charity MilesAppandteamupwithUNICEFtoraise money for PTP. Each mile donates $0.25 to the charity of your choice and is an easy way to earn hours! Don’t forget to take a screenshot before ending each session to send toyourclubsecretary!
pause for
Download this free app to help you becomemoreproductiveandfreeyourself from all distractions. Participating in this projectwillalsoallowyoutoraisefundsfor babies, puppies, and trees. Keep track of yourhourseverymonth!