The Orca Oracle | Volume 6, Issue 4 | September 2022

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By Joshua RacelaVOLUME 6 | ISSUE 4 Division 37 West | Region 2 | CNH September 2022

2 3 4 5 7 13 15 16 17 Messages From LTG & SeptemberDNE Calendar Goal Updates & Pod ContactHelpfulPresidentPromptsArticlesClubPointsRush&VisualsSpotlightResources

Your DNE, Heyyy

How’sOrcas!it goinggg?! I assume all of you have started school and have gotten settled in for the most part, sadly we have to say goodbye to summer. September is the first month clubs start to get into the groove of Key Club and officers have to handle their duties and academics. I hope all of you plan to stay on top of it by adapting schedules, calendars, to-do lists while also taking time to yourself. I want to emphasize that even though the pace of life is quickening, staying motivated is the most important part of having a successful term. If things start to get overwhelming, please talk to others and try to sort out a solution (you can even talk to me!). As for this newsletter, it’ll be packed with important info pertaining to club rush. Which is THE most vital event that determines your term.

What’s Splashin’ Orcas?

Messages From LTG & DNE2

The school year is now in full gear! I hope you all are looking forward to an amazing year of accomplishing new goals, having fun, and living high school life to its fullest. Make sure to make an impact during this point in the term because we’re heading towards Club Rush! Make sure to recruit new members (especially those freshmen!) and reach your club to new heights! In this newsletter, the focus is growth and setting goals for the school year and the rest of the term(I hope you like the sunflower aesthetic LOL). Hopefully you are thinking of how to benefit yourself as a member and your club as we reach further into the term. Adding on, there aren’t any division events in this newsletter(But please look forward to the recap on Region 2 Picnic in next month’s newsletter!). However, let’s recap on all of the service your clubs have done in the months of July & August!

Your LTG,


FRI SAT 1692 September 2330 3 5 10 15 Articles & Visuals, MRF On-Time Deadline by 6 PM Pod Points, Club Update Form Deadline by 6 PM Recognition Form Deadline by 6 PM Articles & Visuals, MRF Early-Bird Deadline by 6 PM 636ECHS 184GPA 60MVHS

5Club Rush TIPS & TRICKS From the Membership Growth Committee 1. Identifying New Members ● Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you don’t know, from different grades or from different backgrounds. Don’t forget to be inclusive and understand that anyone can be a Key Club member. ● Invite your friends! Key Club can both strengthen friendships and foster new ones. ● For those who already want to perform community service, let them know that Key Club can be a great way to serve. 2. Publicize Your Club in Multiple Ways! ● Social Media (Instagram, TikTok, Remind, Discord) ● School Announcements (Bulletin Board, Overhead Speaker, Flyers, Advertising to Teachers) 3. Show Off Your Spirit Cheers/Gear 4. Offer Incentives (Candy, Stickers) 5. Make a Photo Booth

Club Rush6 6. Provide Future Meeting Details/Contact Information ● Pass out business cards to prevent long lines 7. Promote Key Club Ideals ● Leadership, Inclusiveness, Character Building, Caring, Service 8. Explain Key Club Highlights (Fall Rally, DCON) 9. Show Off Your Division Mascot 10. Invest in a Megaphone 11. Incorporate Games 12. Advertise How Key Club Can Help THEM ● Fulfill Community Service Hours Requirement, Find a Community, Meet New Friends, Leadership Positions, etc.

7Articles & Visuals

Articles & Visuals8

9Articles & Visuals HOPE Amanda This past month, of service. Hope supports peoplethedayThisandoutorganizationsotherfamiliesinalsoplayedpastmonthofserviceDunkTank.andshe

Amanda Shih | San Dieguito month, Jalen Shih assisted at a picnic at Hope for San Diego's day Hope for San Diego is a nonprofit organization that helps and other organizations. This particular picnic was at one of the organizations Hope for SD supports called Solutions for Change which helps in need. At this picnic, Jalen helped run the popcorn machine played with the kids there. month secretary Georgia Villareal also helped at the Hope for SD service by providing entertainment for the kids and participating in Tank. It was a great way to connect with other volunteers and she served for 4 hours.


Articles & Visuals




Articles & Visuals Julie Tran | El Camino

What's a summer without frozen yogurt?! On Friday, July 29th, El Camino Key Club hosted a fundraiser at Menchies where 50% of the proceeds are donated to the Pediatric Trauma Program! Thank you to everyone who participated in this month's fundraiser!


Throughout the month of July from Rancho Buena Vista made donations for shelter pets. These donations were done through anti-cruelty society. Their website tutorials for these crafts and each recycled items! The DIY donation were cat wands, kitty cork toys, sachets, kitty cardboard mouse, toys, Dog tug toys, and no-sew After toys were completed, they mailed to the anti-cruelty society's adoption center in Chicago, to help out some adorable animals our creative side!

Daniela Vucenic

On an early Wednesday morning, members from El Camino and Vista Key Club gathered at Vista Sports Park in the spirit of giving back to the community and getting to know each other! Members enjoyed donuts as the remaining key clubbers trickled into the park and participated in a game of duck duck goose, hide and seek, and soulmates. With that, it was finally time to package craft kits and snack bags!


Julie Tran | El Camino

Articles & Visuals12 Vucenic | RBV key clubbers made DIY toy These DIY toy throughwebsitethehaseachcraft uses donation options toys, no-sewmouse,catnipdogpuzzlepetbeds.theyweresociety'smainIllinois.Wegotanimalsanduse


Special thanks to our secretary Anber Tahmas for providing donuts, supplies, and for connecting our schools with Operation Hope! You continue to amaze us with your generosity! EC &

13Prompts What is one of your accomplish by the As we start the school year, we can grow and set goals “My goal by the end of the term is for our club to get to 800 service hours, turn in all the MRFs on time, and to submit a service project for the Spotlight on Service Program!” Anber Tahmas | El Camino “Make new friends!” Julie Tran | El Camino

your goals you plan to the end of the term? year, let’s think about ways goals towards success! peopleby“OneofmygoalsthatIplantoaccomplishtheendofthetermistomeetmorethanIdidlastterm.” Antonio Ramos | Rancho Buena Vista Rally“HostasocialtomakespiritsticksforFallSouth!Wedidn'tdothatlastyear.” Leonna Anino | El Camino

15President Spotlight Hi Orcas! 50%.$500fundraisingincomingsellingmembershipincludingClubtheMynameisAmandaandIamtheproudpresidentforSanDieguitoAcademyKeyClub.TheSDAKeyiscurrentlyworkingonquiteafewthings,preparingforclubrush!Sinceclubatourclubiscurrentlylow,weplanonstickersandgivingoutcandytoappealtofreshmen.WearealsoworkingonforFallRally!Asofnow,wehopetoraiseforPTPthisyearandincreaseourmembershipbyWehavebigdreamsforourclubthisyear!


17Contact Information Anny Zhang Graphic zhang.a505@gmail.comDesigner Maia Delacruz Graphic mhdelacruz05@gmail.comDesigner Deborah Flores Fundraising debbief812@gmail.comCoordinator Anber Tahmas Service Project anbowjan@gmail.comCoordinator Meadow Chiu Social Media meadowchiu@outlook.comCoordinator PRESIDENTS Vacant Army and cnhkc.armyandnavy@gmail.comNavy Ella Wargo cnhkc.carlsbad@gmail.comCarlsbad DIVISION LEADERSHIP TEAM Asia Chan Lieutenant d37w.ltg@cnhkeyclub.orgGovernor Antonio Ramos Executive d37w.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.comAssistant Amanda Shih Executive d37w.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.comAssistant Joshua Racela Division News d37w.cnhkc.dne@gmail.comEditor Mia Cruz Division Video miaycruz@gmail.comEditor Jonah Gathright Spirit d37w.cnhkc.hsc@gmail.comCoordinator Joseph Molano Spirit d37w.cnhkc.hsc1@gmail.comCoordinator Jeanellekim Serquina Member Recognition d37w.cnhkc.mrc@gmail.comCoordinator

Contact Information18 Mia Cruz El cnhkc.elcamino@gmail.comCamino Maricela Franco Luna Guajome cnhkc.guajomepark@gmail.comPark Chelsie Cunanan Mission cnhkc.missionvista@gmail.comVista Vacant North County Trade omcnhkc.northcountytradetech@gmail.cTech Karla Martinez Rancho Buena cnhkc.ranchobuenavista@gmail.comVista Sophia Transini Sage cnhkc.sagecreek@gmail.comCreek Amanda Shih San cnhkc.sandieguito@gmail.comDieguito Hanna Liljenback Tri-City cnhkc.tricitychristian@gmail.comChristian Sofia Jaimes Melody H. Solorio ADVISORS Kathy Hamamoto Division kathyhamamoto@gmail.comAdvisor Carolyn Qualm Region orgr02advisor.cqualm@cnhkeyclub.Advisor Majid Azimi Region orgr02advisor.mazimi@cnhkeyclub.Advisor

18Thank You For Reading This Newsletter!

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