October ‘20 ⏐ Volume 4| Issue 5
01 Table of Contents 08 Pod Points 02 Calendar
09 October DCM
03 LTG + DNE
10 RTC Recap
11 Treat a Teacher
04 Club Spotlight
05 Service Spotlight 12 September 06 July Recognition 07 Division Goals 01 | Table of Contents
DCM Recap
13 Contact Info
Outstanding Orca Nominations Form (Due by 6:00 PM)
On-Time MRF AND Articles and Visuals (Both Due by 6:00 PM)
Kiwanis Sunrise Vista Physical Service Project @7:30-11:00 AM
Carlsbad Kiwanis Meeting @ 9:00 AM
Pod Points Tracker (Due by 6:00 PM)
Carlsbad Kiwanis Meeting @ 9:00 AM
Sunrise Vista Kiwanis Meeting @ 8 AM every Wednesday!
Oceanside Pacific Kiwanis Meeting @ 7 AM every Wednesday!
Contact LTG Aria Phan for more info on Kiwanis events! All members are welcome! d37w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
02 | Calendar
Early-Bird MRF AND Articles and Visuals ( Both Due by 6:00 PM) Kiwanis DCM @ 9:15 AM
D37W Fangtastic Fright DCM
Happy Fall, y’all! I hope you guys have been staying healthy and taking care of yourselves!! Fall is finally upon us and so is dues season :0 I hope you guys are working hard to promote Key Club to aspiring members! I can’t wait to meet all of these new Orcas :) I’m beyond proud of the progress you guys have been making, whether it’s hosting fundraisers or simply joining club, division, or Kiwanis events. I appreciate every one of you guys and I love “seaing” you guys at these events! Hopefully I can see you guys soon! Keep it killer, Orcas, and please enjoy this wonderfully themed issue of our newsletter this month!
Happy October, Orcas! It’s finally fall! And with that, Halloween is coming up! Although Halloween will be different this year, we can still celebrate and dress up from home! I hope to see Orcas in costume at our upcoming October DCM! Also, check out the website! Our Webmaster, Jackson Duong, worked hard to update it! I hope you all enjoy the Sanrio theme :) ewew
03 | Messages from your LTG + DNE
A photo of a member earning miles for Charity Miles during Mission Vista’s walkathon!
Club Spotlight: Mission Vista has been doing all they can to serve their community and contribute to the division! During August’s Charity Miles Fundraiser, they held a walkathon in order to earn more miles for their club. They did a great job and earned a total of 732 miles! In addition, they collaborated with Vista for an interclub meeting where they got to know each other with fun icebreakers! Also, they created poetry for firefighters to show their appreciation during the meeting. Great job, Mission Vista, for continuing to serve and participate!
04 | Club Spotlight
October 2 - October 31 For this month’s Service Spotlight, we will be making digital cards to friends and family informing them about UNICEF and how they can donate and help! Remember to submit photo proof to your club president!
3 cards per hour, 10 hours MAX
What is UNICEF? UNICEF, or The United Nations Children’s Fund, works to help save children’s lives, help children thrive, and provides support during emergencies. They work on many issues, including nutrition for children, child trafficking, and much more. Make a donation by visiting this link: https://donate.unicefusa.org/page/contribute/support-unicefs-e mergency-relief-programs-16087
Design your digital card using Canva or any other program you are comfortable with! a. Include information about UNICEF or include safety tips for children (Covid safety, car safety, etc.) b. Be creative! c. Feel free to mention how to donate too! Send your card to friends and family through email and you’re done!
05 | Service Spotlight
Hedy Martinez
Jeremiah Saguin
Jed Quiaoit
Jessia Duong
Guajome Park
Jill Frank-Aldrich
Nancy Speaks
06 | June Recognition
07 | Division Goals
Mission Vista
Rancho Buena Vista
El Camino
Guajome Park
Tri-City Christian
San Dieguito
Army and Navy
North County Trade Tech
Great job Vista, Sage Creek, and Carlsbad for making it onto the podium! Also, Mission Vista earned the most this month, and climbed all the way up to fourth place! Keep serving Orcas!
08 | Pod Points Podium
When: October 17 @1-3:30 PM Where: Zoom 1-1:30 - Updates 1:30-2:30 - Service Project: Making Cards for Dental Care Workers 2:30-3:30 - Virtual Haunted House Escape Room Games
09 | October DCM
Origami cranes made during the DCM!
On Saturday, September 12, The Soaring N' Serving DCM took place as the first-ever joint DCM of Division 37 West and Division 4 South! The members got the opportunity to meet other Key Clubbers in breakout groups, learn more about stress and time management, serve by folding cranes, and play engaging games. The cranes were made to be donated to the Japanese Friendship Garden to show solidarity and resilience. The members had a wonderful time while serving, making the event a great success!
Click HERE for the D04S x D37W slides! Click HERE for the D37W slides!
10 | September DCM Recap
More cranes with the Zoom meeting in the background!
Michael Klein, Kathleen Hamamoto, Jarret Yasuoka, Tonya Rauch, Pamela Smith, Carolyn Brian, Nolan Davis, Desiree Thomas, Connie Chung-Nghiem, and Paul Zidron for being our chaperones!
On September 26, Orcas and Corgis banded together for a service and social event! We played icebreakers together, and then split up into groups to work on digital cards and then we played the game Among Us! Those who attended had the opportunity to meet Key Clubbers from another division that is from central California. We hope everyone enjoyed the event!
The cards made during the event!!
11 | Treat A Teacher Recap
Miss Lummis, David Hillman, Tommy Head, Jarret Yasuoka, Eric Scharton, Patricia Schofield, Guadalupe Cervantes, Corrina Torres, JosĂŠ De Anda, and Jill Frank-Aldrich for being our chaperones!
12 | Treat A Teacher Recap
On Saturday, September 19, Region 1.5 gathered on Zoom for our Region Training Conference (RTC)! Our amazing presenters held workshops for various topics including college, de-stressing, officer roles, and more! The workshops were very informative and helpful. In addition, during RTC anyone was able to submit Lovebox Notes, and these were read throughout the meeting! To end the meeting, the divisions competed in a variety of fun games in a Spirit Battle. One of these was a series of challenges, including a challenge to crack an egg on your head! Sadly, we lost by a small margin, but we can always beat them next time! RTC was a blast, and I hope everyone who attended learned something and had fun!
Jackson Duong cracking an egg on his head for the spirit stick!
Click HERE for RTC resources! Click HERE for the feedback link! Thanks for coming!
A screenshot of all the hardworking Region 1.5 LTGs after the Zoom meeting! Our precious LTG is the second on the top row!
13 | RTC Recap
Aria Phan Lieutenant Governor d37w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Kennedy Parker Division News Editor d37w.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com
Isabel Carreon Executive Assistant d37w.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com
Jed Quiaoit Recognition Coordinator d37w.cnhkc.mrc@gmail.com
Jackie Torres Executive Assistant d37w.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com
Jackson Duong Technology Coordinator d37w.cnhkc.web@gmail.com
Nadia Razzaq Executive Assistant d37w.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com
Kathy Hamamoto Division Advisor kathyhamamoto@gmail.com
Anika Hume Head Spirit Coordinator d37w.cnhkc.hsc@gmail.com
Tim Cunning Region Advisor cunningtim@cs.com
Luis Aceves Head Spirit Coordinator d37w.cnhkc.hsc1@gmail.com
Carolyn Qualm Region Advisor r04.advisor@gmail.com
14 | Contact Info
VACANT Army & Navy cnhkc.armyandnavy@gmail.com
Robert Reed North County Trade Tech cnhkc.tradetech@gmail.com
Ceylon Wargo Carlsbad cnhkc.carlsbad@gmail.com
Jed Quiaoit Rancho Buena Vista cnhkc.ranchobuenavista@gmail.com
Joshua Bowe-McLeod El Camino cnhkc.elcamino@gmail.com
Jessia Duong Sage Creek cnhkc.sagecreek@gmail.com
VACANT Fallbrook cnhkc.fallbrook@gmail.com
Kylie Schwartz San Dieguito cnhkc.sandieguito@gmail.com
Emeline Oropeza Guajome Park cnhkc.guajomepark@gmail.com
Jacob Larose / Anika Hume Tri-City Christian cnhkc.tricitychristian@gmail.com
Austin Wood Mission Vista cnhkc.missionvista@gmail.com
Isabel Carreon Vista cnhkc.vista@gmail.com
15 | Contact Info
Check out the updated website! (it's in our Linktree which is the Orca!)
Thank you for reading!