Hailey does a good job of extending or bending backward in her swing However, it’s the timing of this extension that Nick is working on with Hailey
As you see in Hailey’s swing, the heel of her trail foot comes completely off the ground before her club makes impact with the ball. In comparison, as PGA Tour pro fessional Corey Conners swings through impact, his trail foot doesn’t come off the ground until after impact
This leads to a more vertical inclination to the ground for Hailey (See the blue ar rows going through their backs) The more vertical your inclination to the ground, the harder it is to make consistent contact
In a GOLFTEC lesson, we focus on what each individual needs to work on In Hailey’s case, it’s keeping her trail foot down through impact
To do this, Nick puts a 9 iron under the heel of Hailey’s foot and has her make some swings while focusing on keeping her foot down so that the club doesn’t fall Nick explains that Hailey should put more weight and pressure on the heel of her foot throughout the entire shot, instead of the toe, which causes her to lift her heel before impact
Nick has Hailey hit a series of shots using this method, so she can start getting more comfortable with her new swing
In just a few swings, Hailey’s trail knee flex went from 40 degrees to 24 degrees on her downswing when the shaft is parallel to
the ground, a 16 degree difference! She will continue working on this so that her knee flex gets closer to 0 degrees
As with any lesson you take at GOLFTEC, it definitely will require some time, effort and practice to groove your new and improved swing. Also as Nick points out, when you’re changing your swing, you almost have to ignore where the ball goes at first, until you start to get more comfortable with the swing change
To find your new and improved swing be sure to stop in to your local GOLFTEC today and set up a Swing Evaluation A cer tified GOLFTEC Coach will analyze your swing and recommend a game plan custom built for you to help you play better golf and reach your goals
For more information please visit www golftec com D
a former military building in Denver ’s Lowry neighborhood and plans to launch Hangar Club, a best in class indoor social golf venue that will feature industry lead ing simulators, an interactive putting green, food and beverage, exquisite service, lounge areas and event space
Located at 7600 E First Place in the heart of the former Lowry Air Force Base, the 22,000 square foot repurposed hangar like structure was built in 1942 and features vast amounts of natural light and open space due to the expansive steel beams and windows used in the building’s original construction.
“The building is an iconic structure dat ing back to World War II and its unique ness provides the perfect opportunity to align social, golf and community to create and bring to Lowry and the surrounding neighborhoods an upscale indoor golf en tertainment facility,” said Daren B Schmidt, veteran real estate developer and cofounder of Hangar Club. “With golf ’s resurgence and the remote, work from anywhere movement, Hangar Club will combine an indoor golf experience that is second to none with private event space, seamlessly integrating work and play ” Hangar Club will include 10 individual TrackMan simulators featuring iconic golf courses, a 750 square foot interactive put
ting green by PuttView, a central bar for craft cocktails, beer, wine and appetizers with service to each simulator, multiple lounge areas to watch sporting events or
work, and private conference rooms and event space The venue can also be rented partially or entirely for private and corpo rate events
“We’re focused on offering an elevated atmosphere for avid and casual golfers alike, and executives and professionals who are looking for a work experience not avail able anywhere else,” added James Love, former PGA TOUR Canada pro and Hangar Club cofounder “The time and equipment golf requires has historically im peded the game’s growth and appeal, but indoor golf facilities have helped to solve for that problem, and Hangar Club’s dedi cated spaces to meet and work will provide a differentiated experience for all ”
The facility’s golf component will ex tend beyond just recreational use Profes sional lessons, leagues, club fittings, manufacturer demo days and space for high school and college golf teams to practice will also be offered
“Our group has acquired a pristine piece
of real estate for Hangar Club to call home thanks to Denny Coughlin and the entire team at Coughlin & Company,” added Schmidt “Repurposed to the highest stan dard, the building and property have been impeccably maintained. Denny and the Coughlin & Company team have been true stewards of this historical building ”
Buildout of the space is underway, with a targeted opening date in the first quarter of 2023 For more information, visit www hangarclub co
The Hangar Club is an upscale social golf facility in Denver ’s historic Lowry neighborhood From the avid golfer look ing to perfect their skills to the casual friendly gathering and executives who want a different way to conduct business, Hangar Club combines work and play to provide a unique experience for all For more infor mation, visit www hangarclub co D
s p a r e l a xa t i o n , s e n s a t i o n a l l i ve e n te r t a i n t , a n d n ew l y r e m o d e l e d a c c o m m o d a t i o n s , B l a n c a Re s o r t a n d C a s i n o d e l i v e r s o n i t s de s e r ve d re put at ion as an e s s e nt ial g olfing d i s e .
l i g h t s o f L a s Ve g a s , s i x c h a m p i o n s h i p c o u r s e s awa i t w i t h i n s i x m i n u te s o f t h i s awa r d w i n n i n g p r o p e r t y a n d p r e s e n t c h a l l e n g i n g g o l f p l ay i n scenic settings for all skill levels from beginner s to p ro fe s s i o n a l s . U n i q u e l y c o m b i n e d w i t h g a m
B l a n c a G o l f C l u b i s l o c a te d m i n u te s away the resor t. Designed by Cal Olson in 1996, o u r s e l i e s et c h e d i n to t h e wet l a n d s o f t h e r e s q u e M e s q u i te Va l l ey T h i s b e a u t i f u l 6 yard championship course features 18 dis ve h o l e s w i n d i n g i n a n d o u t o f t h e V i r g i n basin of fering a new experience on ever y Annually, it is home to the Nevada Open and quite Amateur championships. Each tourna m e n t a t t r a c t s p l aye r s f ro m a c ro s s t h e c o u n t r y and around the world
Palms Golf Club, true to its name, features over 200 palm trees, mirror lakes, and strategic sand
traps within its approachable 6,804 yard design. The course straddles the Nevada and Arizona bor der s with its gorgeous palm lined fair ways and beautiful, but perilous, water features. The pictur esque 15th hole presents a breathtaking view and a ver tical drop of 114 feet from tee to fair way
T h e C a s a B l a n c a Re s o r t a n d C a s i n o ( G o l d W i n ner, Best Destination Resor t and Most Romantic S p o t ; S i l ve r W i n n e r, B e s t S te a k h o u s e Ka t h e r ine’s) and the CasaBlanca Golf Club (Silver Win ner, Best Golf Cour se) have been recognized in the 2021 Best of Las Vegas in the Las Vegas Re view Journal
Stay and Play Golf Packages star t at $99 per per son for a round of golf at either CasaBlanca Golf Club or Palms Golf Club and one night accommo dations at Mesquite Gaming’s CasaBlanca Resor t and Casino or Virgin River Hotel and Casino. Tee times at both courses begin each morning at 5:50 a m with the final group of the day teeing of f at 3 p.m. For more information on the courses and to reser ve your golf experience, please visit casablancaresort com/golf or call 702 346 6764
N ew To u r n a m e n t s a r r i v i n g i n 2 0 2 3 i n c l u d e t h e CasaBlanca II Man Spring tournament which will take place over three days. The CasaBlanca two man fall tournament has been so successful that C a s a B l a n c a Re s o r t a n d C a s i n o a d d e d t h e C a s a B l a n c a I I - M a n S p r i n g to u r n a m e n t to t h e 2023 line up.
“We’re looking for ward to hosting new and return ing tournament players at this extra II Man com petition in Spring of next year,” said Christian
Adder son, Tournament Director “Registration is now open, and ever y flight will be competing for $6,000.”
The tournament will be expanding to take up to 150 teams and of fer gross and net flights. Course rotation will be determined based on the number of registered net and gross teams Each flight will be competing for $6,000.* Daily skins will be available at your course each day, and golf course formats include 7:30 a m shotgun star ts Palms
Golf Club Two Man Scramble, Falcon Ridge Golf Cour se Best Ball, and CasaBlanca Golf Club
Alternate Shot (modified). *$6,000 prize money for each flight, 25 teams in a flight
Re g is te r for t h e 2 0 2 3 C as aB lanca II Man S pring To u r n a m e n t a t c a s a b l a n c a r e s o r t c o m / i i m a n s p r i n g o r b o o k yo u r P r e m i e r e G o l f D e s t i n a t i o n to d ay b y r e a c h i n g o u r G o l f S a l e s M a n a g e r b y e m a i l i n g s a l e s @ m e s q u i t e g a m i n g . c o m o r b y c a l l i n g 1 8 8 8 71 1 4 6 5 3 D
At first glance, the gathering is like hun dreds of outdoors concerts celebrating sum mer across Colorado In just 24 hours, the driving range of River Valley Ranch Golf Course in Carbondale had been trans formed into a major concert venue A large stage was erected by the row of range tee boxes One hundred yards beyond, hun dreds of range balls had been supplanted by a rock and roll circus of food trucks, com munity volunteers and concert goers ready to see Colorado legend Big Head Todd and the Monsters.
But it does not take long to realize this event at River Valley Ranch is anything but typical Standing among the thousands of concertgoers were River Valley Ranch’s owners: Red Cunningham and wife, Julie Warren When they took over River Valley Ranch in 2019, Red and Julie’s dream was
to not just manage a golf course, but to make it a hub in Carbondale, a place where neighbors would gather for sport, fun, friendship, and community
On this perfect July evening, their dream was realized but not in a way Red and Julie could even have imagined. Some 3,500 of their closest friends gathered to support the ALC Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting children and their families affected by pediatric cancer The initials “ALC” have a deep connection for Red and Julie The foundation is named for their daughter, Anna Lynne Cunningham, who succumbed to cancer at age 16 “We formed the ALC Foundation in 2020 when we could wrap our minds around creating a legacy for our daughter,” said Julie “It took us two years before we could manage it without being overcome by emotion ”
As the last rays of the sun fell over River Valley Ranch, Big Head Todd and the Mon
sters took the stage When they began play ing the second song, “Beautiful World,” you had the sense that this was going to be a special evening
We made a planet, a beautiful world. Let love surround it, and give it a whirl.
For Red and Julie, the evening is not just about honoring their daughter It’s a way of giving back to the community that helped them get through a parent’s worst nightmare
October, 2019. Just a month before taking over River Valley Ranch, Red and Julie re ceived news that no parent should ever have to hear: their daughter, Anna, had re ceived a terminal prognosis in her fight against cancer With this devastating news, Red and Julie asked the hard question: should they continue to pursue their dream
of running River Valley Ranch? In this dark moment, it was Anna who provided clarity; her parents should move forward “She was a big supporter, knowing we would need something to keep us very busy after she was gone,” remembers Julie
Until December 2015 Anna had lived the normal life of a 13 year old. But a bout with pneumonia was cause for x rays that revealed a disturbing mass in Anna’s left lung The diagnosis was Ewing’s Sarcoma, an extremely rare and deadly form of can cer The tumor was removed but doctors found cancer in Anna’s blood marrow, in dicating the disease had spread
The next months would be a roller coaster ride that included 14 rounds of chemo, 300 needles, six blood transfusions and three surgeries Anna’s low white blood cell count meant that even the slightest infec tion could kill her Julie, Red, and younger brother Cooper all shaved their heads to
show support and love Anna handled it all with courage, a sense of humor and inspir ing resiliency “I came here to win!" she ex claimed The chemo may have zapped Anna of her strength, but it could not con quer her incredible spirit
By September, 2017, the cancer seemed to be gone Anna was able to attend her first day of high school Her hair had begun to grow back “Normal Blessed normal,” Julie wrote in CaringBridge Then a small bump appeared on Anna’s forehead Anna’s
cancer had returned More chemo Radia tion and a blood marrow transplant soon followed
By New Year’s Day in 2020, Anna’s cancer ravaged body could barely contain her huge heart “At almost 16, this is no longer the experience of a child, but of a young woman who is facing her own mortality,” Julie wrote in CaringBridge “She is accept ing She is not afraid or angry This is her constant bravery that amazes us every day ”
Anna passed away on February 28, 2020 just one month before Red and Julie’s first full season at River Valley Ranch was to begin “We have always felt the timing of all of this was serendipitous knowing that in taking on such a huge project, it helped distract us from our grief,” said Julie “It still does ”
Two and a half years after her passing, Car bondale celebrated the life of Anna Lynne Cunningham. At the 2022 ALC Foundation Concert, you could not look anywhere without seeming smiles Not pleasant, po lite smiles, but wide, ear to ear real ones Big Head Todd rocked River Valley Ranch, but honestly, it was the kind of gathering when music was not needed for people to dance with joy
“I spent a large part of the evening watch ing people in the crowd, marveling at the joy and happiness that I saw in their faces,” said Anna’s mother, Julie “There was so much positive emotion there, it moved me to tears For that one night, it’s almost like I have her back ”
Anna’s desire and ALC’s mission is to put “hope in every fight” for children and their families caught within the throes of this awful disease The benefit raised more than $100,000 for the ALC Foundation
Plans are already under way for another benefit concert at River Valley Ranch in the summer of 2023 “She (Anna) wasn’t much for being in the spotlight or the center of at tention,” wrote Julie “But I’m sure that somewhere she was smiling and glad that more kids were going to be helped ”
Red and Julie say their hearts were filled with joy to see such support from the peo ple of Carbondale. Anna’s heroic fight gal vanized and united the community,
As the stars began to sparkle around 12,965 foot Mount Sopris, you could not help but feel Anna was looking down from above For one special evening at River Valley Ranch, it truly was “a beautiful world ” D
Just northwest of downtown Las Vegas lies the triple threat of golf courses. Golf Summerlin offers a variety of golf experiences for players of all skill levels. With courses designed by legends Billy Casper and Greg Nash, it's no wonder why Las Vegas residents and tourists flock to the three courses located near the heart of the Vegas Strip.
Let’s take a look at each course:
Palm Valley is Golf Summerlin’s old est, longest, and most challenging course Established in 1989, the mature, gently un dulating fairways are generous enough to allow most players to hit with the driver all day, but the deceptively rolling bent grass greens make every two putt testy Pine trees line many of the fairways, and 68 bunkers also tighten the course to give each shot an additional challenge
(Par 72, 6,706 yards, 71 7 rating / 127 slope)
Highland Falls lives up to its name with lofty elevation at more than 3,000 feet Built in 1993, the beautiful course receives
much praise including ‘Best of Las Vegas’ awards Panoramic views of the Las Vegas strip are abundant throughout; the rolling hills of the front nine become steeper on the back side Besides elevation changes, rich fairways and strategically placed bunkering make each of Highland Falls’ eighteen holes fun, fair, and challenging Risk and reward golf shot opportunities are plentiful on the back nine
(Par 72, 6,404 yards, 69 7 rating / 130 slope)
Eagle Crest is the youngest of the three courses, built in 1995, the executive course makes for an exciting round of quicker golf Eagle Crest is built into the side of a stately mountain and the layout plays along some of Las Vegas’ highest
points, showcasing exciting city vistas. Though an executive course, Eagle Crest tests players on every club in the bag, so golfers can swing the driver while enjoying a timely round Course designer Billy Casper says, “You can take any hole from this course, put it in the middle of a cham
pionship course, and it would fit right in.”
(Par 60, 4,077 yards, 60 5 rating / slope 97)
For more information please call 800 803 0758 or visit www golfsummerlin com D
Applewood Golf Course 1 (7-H)
Public 18R 303-279-3003 Golden
Fees: $18-$37 Opened: 1961 Designer: Press Maxwell
Arrowhead Golf Club 2 (15-H)
Public 18R 303-973-9614 Littleton
Fees: $79-$149 Opened: 1972 Designer: Robert Trent Jones; Jr.
Aurora Hills Golf Course 3 (9-P)
Public 18R 303-739-1550 Aurora
Fees: $30-$35 Opened: 1969 Designer: Henry Hughes
Bear Creek Golf Club 4 (10-H)
Private 18R 303-980-8700 Denver
Fees: $150-$150 Opened: 1985 Designer: Arnold Palmer/Ed Seay
Bear Dance, The Golf Club at 5 (16-N)
Public 18R 303-681-4653 Larkspur
Fees: $69-$115 Opened: 2002 Designer: Aurand; Bruening; Hogan
Boulder Country Club 6 (1-H)
Private 18R; 9P-3 303-530-2226 Boulder
Fees: N/A Opened: 1965 Designer: Press Maxwell
Broadlands Golf Course 7 (1-J)
Public 18R 303-466-8285 Broomfield
Fees: $37-$47 Opened: 1999 Designer: Rick Phelps
Broken Tee Golf Course 8 (12-K)
Public 18R 303-762-2670 Englewood
Fees: $15-$31 Opened: 1977 Designer: Phelps/Dye Design
Buffalo Run Golf Course 9 (3-Q)
Public 18R 303-289-1500 Commerce City
Fees: $25-$44 Opened: 1996 Designer: Keith Foster
Castle Pines Golf Club 10 (15-N)
Private 18R 303-688-6022 Castle Rock
Fees: N/A Opened: 1981 Designer: Jack Nicklaus
Castle Pines,The Country Club at 11 (15-M)
Private 18R 303-688-7400 Castle Rock
Fees: N/A Opened: 1986 Designer: Jack Nicklaus
Cherry Creek Country Club 12 (11-O)
Private 18R 303-597-0300 Denver
Fees: $125-$125 Opened: 2002 Designer: Jack Nicklaus
Cherry Hills Country Club 13 (12-L)
Private 18R 303-350-5200 Cherry Hills Village
Fees: $150-$150 Opened: 1922 Designer: William Flynn
City Park Golf Course - Denver 14 (8-M)
Public 18R 720-865-3410 Denver
Fees: $26-$35 Opened: 1912 Designer: Tom Bendelow
ClubCorp at Black Bear Golf Club 15 (15-R)
Private 18R 303-840-3100 Parker
Fees: N/A Opened: 1996 Designer: Jeff Brauer
ClubCorp at Blackstone Country Club 16 (13-S)
Private 18R 303-680-0245 Aurora
Fees: N/A Opened: 2006 Designer: Jay Morrish
Coal Creek Golf Course 17 (2-H)
Public 18R 303-666-7888 Louisville
Fees: $20-$49 Opened: 1989 Designer: Dick Phelps
Colorado Golf Club 18 (16-Q)
Private 18R 303-840-5400 Parker
Fees: $100-$125 Opened: 2006 Designer: Bill Coore; Ben Crenshaw
Colorado National Golf Club 19 (1-K)
Public 18R 303-926-1723 Erie
Fees: $45-$85 Opened: 2003 Designer: Jay Morrish
Columbine Country Club 20 (13-K)
Private 18R 303-794-6333 Columbine Valley
Fees: $100-$100 Opened: 1955 Designer: Henry Hughes
CommonGround Golf Course 21 (8-P)
Public 18R; 9P-3 303-340-1520 Aurora
Fees: $35-$60 Opened: 2009 Designer: Tom Doak
Deer Creek Golf Club at Meadow Ranch 22 (13-H)
Semi-Private 18R 303-978-1800 Littleton
Fees: $50-$70 Opened: 2000 Designer: Scott Miller
Denver Country Club 23 (9-M)
Private 18R 303-733-2441 Denver
Fees: N/A Opened: 1887 Designer: Foulis/Flynn/Coorer/Hanse
Eagle Trace Golf Club 24 (2-J)
Public 18R 303-466-3322 Broomfield
Fees: $29-$42 Opened: 1963 Designer: Dick Phelps
Emerald Greens Golf Club 25 (9-O)
Public 9P-3 303-366-3133 Denver
Fees: $8-$11 Opened: 1965 Designer: Henry B. Hughes
Evergreen Golf Course 26 (10-F)
Public 18R 303-674-6351 Evergreen
Fees: $22-$30 Opened: 1923 Designer: Babe Lind Flatirons Golf Course 27 (1-H)
Public 18R 303-442-7851 Boulder
Fees: $25-$39 Opened: 1938 Designer: William H. Tucker
Foothills Golf Course 28 (12-I)
Public 18R 303-409-2400 Denver
Fees: $6-$40 Opened: 1971 Designer: Dick Phelps
Fossil Trace Golf Club 29 (8-G)
Public 18R 303-277-8750 Golden
Fees: $31-$71 Opened: 2003 Designer: James J. Engh
Fox Hollow Golf Course 30 (10-I)
Public 27R 303-986-7888 Lakewood
Fees: $24-$60 Opened: 1993 Designer: Denis Griffiths
Glenmoor Country Club 31 (12-M)
Private 18R 303-781-0400 Cherry Hills Village
Fees: $80-$95 Opened: 1985 Designer: Pete Dye/Perry Dye
Green Valley Ranch Golf Club 32 (7-R)
Public 18R 303-371-3131 Denver
Fees: $30-$72 Opened: 2001 Designer: Perry Dye
Greenway Park Golf Course 33 (3-I)
Public 9P-3 303-466-3729 Broomfield
Fees: $7-$9 Opened: 1971 Designer: Unknown
Harvard Gulch Golf Course 34 (11-M)
Public 9P-3 303-698-4078 Denver
Fees: $9-$9 Opened: 1982 Designer: Babe Lind
Heather Gardens Golf Course 35 (11-R)
Public 9E 303-751-2390 Aurora
Fees: $15-$15 Opened: 1973 Designer: Dick Phelps
Heather Ridge, The Golf Club at 36 (10-Q)
Public 18R 303-755-3550
Fees: $14-$32 Opened: 1973 Designer: Dick Phelps
Heritage Eagle Bend Golf Club 37 (12-S)
Semi-Private 18R 303-400-6700 Aurora
Fees: $40-$71 Opened: 2000 Designer: Arthur Hills
Highlands Ranch Golf Club 38 (14-L)
Semi-Private 18R 303-471-0000 Highlands Ranch
Fees: $40-$73 Opened: 1998 Designer: Hale Irwin Hiwan Golf Club 39 (9-G)
Private 18R 303-674-3369
Fees: $85-$85 Opened: 1962 Designer: Press Maxwell
Homestead Golf Course, The 40 (11-I)
Public 18E 720-963-5181 Lakewood
Fees: $15-$40 Opened: 2002 Designer: Denis Griffiths
Hyland Hills, Greg Mastriona Courses at 41 (4-J)
Public 18R 303-428-6526 Westminster
Fees: $25-$37 Opened: 1963 Designer: Hughes/Hummel
Indian Peaks Golf Course 42 (1-I)
Public 18R 303-666-4706 Lafayette
Fees: $40-$53 Opened: 1993 Designer: Hale Irwin/Dick Phelps
Indian Tree Golf Course 43 (5-I)
Public 18R 303-403-2542 Arvada
Fees: $33-$37 Opened: 1970 Designer: Dick Phelps
Inverness Hotel & Golf Club 44 (13-O)
Resort 18R 303-397-7878 Englewood
Fees: $115-$115 Opened: 1974 Designer: Press Maxwell
Kennedy Golf Course 45 (12-P)
Public 27R 720-865-0720 Denver
Fees: $27-$37 Opened: 1965 Designer: Dick Phelps
Lake Arbor Golf Club 46 (4-J)
Public 18R 720-898-7360 Arvada
Fees: $23-$27 Opened: 1973 Designer: Gordon Reusink
Lakewood Country Club 47 (8-J)
Private 18R 303-233-0503 Lakewood
Fees: $90-$110 Opened: 1908 Designer: T. Bendelow/D. Ross
Legacy Ridge Golf Course 48 (3-J)
Public 18R 303-438-8997 Westminster
Fees: $24-$47 Opened: 1994 Designer: Arthur Hills
Links Golf Course, The 49 (14-M)
Public 18E 303-470-9292 Highlands Ranch
Fees: $16-$36 Opened: 1985 Designer: Dick Phelps
Littleton Golf & Tennis Club 50 (13-K)
Public 18E 303-794-5838 Littleton
Fees: $21-$35 Opened: 1986 Designer: Dick Phelps
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel 51 (14-N)
Public 18R 303-799-9940 Lone Tree
Fees: $49-$68 Opened: 1985 Designer: Palmer/Seay
Meadow Hills Golf Course 52 (12-O)
Public 18R 303-690-2500 Aurora
Fees: $34-$41 Opened: 1957 Designer: Henry Hughes Meadows Golf Club, The 53 (12-H)
Public 18R 303-409-2250 Littleton
Fees: $10-$47 Opened: 1984 Designer: Phelps/Benz Meridian Golf Club 54 (14-O)
Private 18R 303-799-4043 Englewood
Fees: $75-$95 Opened: 1984 Designer: Jack Nicklaus
Murphy Creek Golf Course 55 (10-S)
Public 18R 303-739-1560 Aurora
Fees: $37-$47 Opened: 2000 Designer: Ken Kavanaugh
Omni Interlocken Resort Golf Club 56 (3-H)
Resort 27R 303-464-9000 Broomfield
Fees: $105-$130 Opened: 1999 Designer: David Graham
Overland Park Golf Course 57 (11-K)
Public 18R 720-865-0430 Denver
Fees: $27-$39 Opened: 1895 Designer: W. H. Tucker; Sr./W. F. Bell Park Hill Golf Club 58 (7-N)
Public 18R 303-333-5411 Denver
Fees: $25-$45 Opened: 1931 Designer: Clark Hamilton
Perry Park Country Club 59 (16-K)
Private 18R 303-681-3186 Larkspur
Fees: $85-$95 Opened: 1969 Designer: Dick Phelps
Pinehurst Country Club 60 (12-J)
Private 18R; 9R 303-985-1559 Denver Fees: $80-$95 Opened: 1960 Designer: Press Maxwell
Pinery Country Club, The 61 (15-R) Private 27R 303-841-2850 Parker Fees: $75-$85 Opened: 1972 Designer: David Bingham Plum Creek Golf Club 62 (16-O)
Public 18R 303-660-2200 Castle Rock Fees: $32-$69 Opened: 1984 Designer: Pete Dye
Pradera, The Club at 63 (15-Q)
18R 303-607-5700
Saddle Rock Golf Course 72 (13-R)
Public 18R 303-699-3939 Aurora
Fees: $13-$54 Opened: 1997 Designer: Dick Phelps
Sanctuary 73 (14-M)
P ivate 18R 303-224-2860 Sedalia
Fees: N/A Opened: 1997 Designer: Jim Engh South Suburban Family Sports Center 74 (12-O)
Public 9E 303-649-1115 Centennial
Fees: $8.50-$19 Opened: 1998 Designer: Rick Phelps
South Suburban Golf Course 75 (13-M)
Public 18R 303-770-5508 Centennial
Fees: $20-$48 Opened: 1973 Designer: Dick Phelps
Southglenn Country Club 76 (13-N)
Private 9P-3 303-798-1656 Centennial
Fees: N/A Opened: 1965 Designer: Unknown Springhill Golf Course 77 (8-R)
Public 18E 303-739-6854 Aurora
Fees: $20-$33 Opened: 1973 Designer: Dick Phelps
Stoney Creek Executive 9 Course 78 (4-H)
Public 9E 303-431-9268 Arvada
Fees: $13-$13 Opened: 1998 Designer: Tim Root
Thorncreek Golf Club 79 (2-L)
Public 18R 303-450-7055 Thornton
Fees: $20-$40 Opened: 1992 Designer: Finger/Spann/Dye
Todd Creek Golf Club 80 (1-L)
Semi-Private 18R 303-655-1779 Thornton
Fees: $30-$72 Opened: 2007 Designer: Arthur Hills
Valley Country Club 81 (13-Q)
Private 18R 303-690-6377 Centennial
Fees: $80-$90 Opened: 1956 Designer: William Bell
Walnut Creek Golf Preserve 82 (3-H)
Public 18R 303-469-2974 Westminster
Fees: $10-$45 Opened: 1999 Designer: Michael Hurdzan
Wellshire Golf Course 83 (11-M)
Public 18R 720.865.0443 Denver
Fees: $20-$39 Opened: 1926 Designer: Ross/Hughes
West Woods Golf Club 84 (6-H)
Public 27R 720-898-7370 Arvada
Fees: $21-$44 Opened: 1994 Designer: Dick Phelps
Willis Case Golf Course 85 (5-J)
Public 18R 720-865-0700 Denver
Fees: $35-$54 Opened: 1928 Designer: El Jebel/City of Denver
Ballyneal 1 (21-X)
Private 18R 970-854-5900 Holyoke
Fees: N/A Opened: 2006 Designer: Tom Doak
Bella Rosa Municipal Golf Course 2 (22-N) Public 9R 303-678-2940 Frederick Fees: $7-$20 Opened: 2006 Designer: Unknown Boomerang Golf Links 3 (20-O)
Public 18R 970-351-8934 Greeley
Fees: $20-$33 Opened: 1991 Designer: Bill Neff Cattail Creek Golf Course 4 (20-N) Public 9P-3 970-663-5310 Loveland
Fees: $11-$11 Opened: 1991 Designer: Dick Phelps
City Park Nine Golf Course 5 (19-M)
Public 9R 970-221-6650 Fort Collins
Fees: $14-$19 Opened: 1940 Designer: Ft. Collins Golf Association Collindale Golf Course 6 (18-N)
Public 18R 970-221-6651 Fort Collins
Fees: $35-$37 Opened: 1971 Designer: Frank Hummel
Coyote Creek Golf Course 7 (22-O) Public 18R 303-857-6152 Fort Lupton
Fees: $27-$33 Opened: 1999 Designer: Matt Eccles
Eaton Country Club 8 (19-Q)
Private 18R 970-454-2587 Eaton
Fees: $40-$54 Opened: 1923 Designer: Frank Baumgarner
F&H Park and Recreation District 9 (20-W)
Public 9R 970-774-6362 Haxtun
Fees: $14-$14 Opened: 1972 Designer: Marty Johnson
Fort Collins Country Club 10 (18-N)
Private 18R 970-482-9988 Fort Collins
Fees: $45-$175 Opened: 1960 Designer: Henry Hughes
Fox Hill Club, The 11 (22-N)
Private 18R 303-651-7600 Longmont
Fees: $60-$70 Opened: 1972 Designer: Frank Hummel
Greeley Country Club 12 (20-P)
Private 18R 970-353-2431 Greeley
Fees: $115-$115 Opened: 1920 Designer: Maxwell/Bendelow
Harmony Club 13 (19-O)
Private 18R 970-482-4653 Timnath
Fees: N/A Opened: 2007
Northeastern 18 22 (19-U)
Public 18R 970-522-2836 Sterling
Fees: $29-$47 Opened: 1916 Designer: Henry Hughes
Olde Course at Loveland, The 23 (20-N)
Public 18R 970-667-5256 Loveland
Fees: $33-$33 Opened: 1960 Designer: Hughes/D. Phelps
On the Green Golf Course 24 (21-W)
Public 9R 970-848-2812 Yuma
Fees: $12-$14 Opened: 1970 Designer: Unknown
Pelican Lakes Golf & Country Club 25 (20-O)
Semi-Private 18R; 9R 970-674-0930 Windsor
Fees: $69-$69 Opened: 1999 Designer: Ted Robinson Sr.
Petteys Park, The Course at 26 (21-S)
Public 9R 970-842-5470 Brush
Fees: Unknown Opened: 1971 Designer: Frank Hummel
Plainsman Golf Club 27 (24-W)
Public 9R 970-358-4321 Joes
Fees: $10-$10 Opened: 1964 Designer: E. Boone/O. Collette
Prairie Golf Course 28 (25-W)
Public 9R No Phone Cope
Fees: $5-$5 Opened: 1971 Designer: John Rudnik Prairie Pines Golf Club 29 (25-X)
Quail Dunes Golf Course 31 (21-R)
Public 9R 303-822-5295
Red Hawk Ridge Golf Course 67 (16-N)
Public 18R 720-733-3500 Castle Rock Fees: $50-$85 Opened: 1999 Designer: James J. Engh
Red Rocks Country Clubv 68 (12-G) Private 18R 303-697-8008 Morrison Fees: $100-$100 Opened: 1975 Designer: Harwood/Phelps Ridge at Castle Pines North, The 69 (15-N)
Public 18R 303-688-0100 Castle Rock Fees: $80-$145 Opened: 1997 Designer: Tom Weiskopf
Riverdale Dunes Golf Courses 70 (2-N)
Public 36R 303-659-6700 Brighton
Fees: $26-$46 Opened: 1985 Designer: Pete & Perry Dye
Rolling Hills, The Club at 71 (7-H)
Private 18R 303-279-7858 Golden
Fees: $80-$115 Opened: 1955 Designer: P. Maxwell/D. Phelps
Designer: James J. Engh
Haystack Mountain Golf Course 14 (22-N)
Public 9E 303-530-1400 Niwot
Fees: $11-$19 Opened: 1966
Designer: Ebel Family
Highland Hills Golf Course 15 (21-P)
Public 18R 970-330-7327 Greeley
Fees: $19-$35 Opened: 1960 Designer: Hughes/Hummel
Highland Meadows Golf Course 16 (19-O)
Public 18R 970-204-4653 Windsor
Fees: $40-$69 Opened: 2004
Designer: Art Schaupeter
Holyoke Golf Club 17 (20-X)
Public 9R 970-854-3200 Holyoke
Fees: $12-$20 Opened: 1972 Designer: Unknown
Lake Valley Golf Club 18 (22-M)
Private 18R 303-444-2114 Niwot
Fees: $47-$75 Opened: 1964 Designer: Press Maxwell
Mad Russian Golf Course, The 19 (20-O)
Public 18R 970-587-5157 Milliken
Fees: $18-$32 Opened: 1987 Designer: Bob Ehrlich
Mariana Butte Golf Course 20 (20-N)
Public 18R 970-667-8308 Loveland
Fees: $23-$43 Opened: 1992 Designer: Dick Phelps
Mountain Vista Greens Golf Course 21 (18-O)
Public 9R 970-482-4847 Fort Collins
Fees: $16-$20 Opened: 1992 Designer: Garrison/Tawara
Country Club at Woodmoor 7 (27-O)
Semi-Private 18R 719-884-7243 Monument
Fees: $35-$65 Opened: 1969 Designer: J. Press Maxwell
Country Club of Colorado 8 (30-O)
Private 18R 719-538-4095 Colorado Springs
Fees: $110-$135 Opened: 1973 Designer: Pete Dye Desert Hawk at Pueblo West 9 (31-P)
Public 18R 719-547-2280 Pueblo West
Fees: $28-$30 Opened: 1972 Designer: Johnny Bulla
Eads Golf Course 10 (31-V)
Public 9R No Phone Eads
Fees: 5-$5 Opened: 1960 Designer: Mike Hines
Eisenhower Golf Club 11 (27-O)
M litary 36R 719-333-2606 Colorado Springs
Fees: $29-$65 Opened: 1963 Designer: R.T. Jones, F. Hummel
Elmwood Golf Course 12 (32-O)
Public 27R 719-561-4946 Pueblo
Fees: $28-$34 Opened: 1932 Designer: WPA Project
Flying Horse, The Club at 13 (27-P)
Private 18R 719-487-2620 Colorado Springs
Fees: $80-$80 Opened: 2005 Designer: Tom Weiskopf
Hollydot Golf Course 14 (34-O)
Public 18R; 9R 719-676-3341 Colorado City
Fees: $19-$26 Opened: 1974 Designer: Frank Hummel
Hugo Golf Club 15 (27-T)
Public 9R No Phone Hugo
Fees: $5-$5 Opened: 1898 Designer: Unknown
King's Deer Golf Club 16 (27-P)
Semi-Private 18R 719-559-4500 Monument
Fees: $52-$62 Opened: 1999 Designer: Redstone G.S.
Kissing Camels at Garden of the Gods 17 (28-O)
Private 27R 719-636-2520 Colorado Springs
Fees: $95-$127 Opened: 1960 Designer: P. Maxwell/M. Raithert
La Junta Golf Club 18 (33-T)
Public 9R 719-384-7133 La Junta
Fees: $16-$21 Opened: 1950 Designer: Army Corp of Engineers
Las Animas Golf Course 19 (33-V)
Public 9R 719-456-2511 Las Animas
Fees: $12-$12 Opened: 1984 Designer: Ray Hardy
Mossland Memorial Golf Course 20 (26-U)
Public 9R 719-765-4659 Flagler
Fees: $10-$25 Opened: 1986 Designer: Flagler Golf Club
Patty Jewett Golf Course 21 (29-P)
Public 27R 719-385-6934 Colorado Springs
Fees: $29-$31 Opened: 1898 Designer: Willie Campbell
Pine Creek Golf Club 22 (27-O)
Public 18R 719-594-9999 Colorado Springs
Fees: $39-$69 Opened: 1988 Designer: Dick Phelps
Pueblo Country Club 23 (31-P)
Private 18R 719-542-2941 Pueblo
Fees: $35-$40 Opened: 1903 Designer: Henry Hughes
Rocky Ford Country Club 24 (32-S)
Public 9R 719-254-7528 Rocky Ford
Fees: $15-$20 Opened: 1920 Designer: Unknown Sand Creek Golf Course 25 (28-P)
Public 9R 719-597-5489 Colorado Springs
Fees: $11-$11 Opened: 1991 Designer: Mark Fontana
Silver Spruce Golf Course 26 (29-P)
Military 18R 719-556-7414 Peterson AFB
Fees: $20-$35 Opened: 1973 Designer: Dick Phelps
Smoky River Golf Club 27 (30-X)
Public 9R 719-767-5021 Cheyenne Wells
Fees: $12-$12 Opened: 1991 Designer: Marty Johnson
Spreading Antlers Golf Club 28 (33-W)
Public 9R 719-336-5274 Lamar
Fees: $14-$16 Opened: 1965 Designer: Labron Harris
Spring Valley Golf Club 29 (25-P)
Public 18R 303-646-4240 Elizabeth
Fees: $34-$48.90 Opened: 1997 Designer: Ross Graves Springfield Municipal Golf Course 30 (36-W)
Public 9R No Phone Springfield
Fees: Unknown Opened: 1945 Designer: J.R. Hatcher Springs Ranch Golf Club 31 (30-P)
Public 18R 719-573-4863 Colorado Springs
Fees: $28-$45 Opened: 1997 Designer: Dick Phelps Sumo Golf Village, The 32 (31-O)
Semi-Private 18R 719-784-4653 Florence
Fees: $38-$45 Opened: 2003 Designer: Gary Player Trinidad Golf Course 33 (38-Q)
Public 9R 719-846-4015 Trinidad
Fees: $20-$29 Opened: 1918 Designer: Unknown Valley Hi Golf Course 34 (29-P)
Public 18R 719-385-6911 Colorado Springs
Fees: $29-$31
Cattails Golf Club 6 (36-L)
Public 18R 719-589-9515 Alamosa
Fees: $40-$40 Opened: 1992 Designer: Dick Phelps
Challenger Golf Course 7 (34-M)
Public 9E 719-256-4856 Crestone
Fees: $20-$20 Opened: 1974 Designer: Jim Barnes
Collegiate Peaks Golf Course 8 (28-K)
Public 9R 719-395-8189 Buena Vista
Fees: $28-$28 Opened: 1978 Designer: Phelps/Brauer Copper Creek Golf Club 9 (25-J)
Resort 18R 970-968-3333 Copper Mountain
Fees: $29-$72 Opened: 1980 Designer: Pete & Perry Dye
Cordillera, Club at 10 (25-H)
P ivate 54R, 9R 970-926-5100 Edwards
Fees: $250-$250 Opened: 1994 Designer: Hale Irwin Country Club of The Rockies 11 (25-I)
Private 18R 970-926-3021 Edwards
Fees: $90-$135 Opened: 1984 Designer: Jack Nicklaus
Crested Butte, The Club at 12 (28-H)
Semi-Private 18R 970-349-8603 Crested Butte
Fees: $75-$149 Opened: 1984 Designer: Robert T. Jones; Jr. Dos Rios Golf Club 13 (31-H)
Semi-Private 18R 970-641-1482 Gunnison
Fees: $55-$70 Opened: 1964 Designer: J. Cochran/D. Phelps
Eagle Ranch Golf Course 14 (25-H)
Public 18R 970-328-2882 Eagle Fees: $63-$99 Opened: 2001 Designer: Palmer/Seay Eagle Springs Golf Club 15 (24-H)
Private 18R 970-926-4404 Wolcott
Fees: N/A Opened: 1995 Designer: Morrish/Weiskopf
Eagle Vail Golf Club 16 (25-I)
Public 18R 970-949-5267 Avon
Fees: $50-$105 Opened: 1974 Designer: Devlin/VonHagge
Estes Park Golf Course 17 (21-M)
Public 18R 970-586-8146 Estes Park Fees: $39-$51 Opened: 1957 Designer: Hughes/D. Phelps Four Mile Ranch Golf Club 18 (30-N)
Public 18R 719-275-5400 Canon City
Fees: $40-$60 Opened: 2008 Designer: James J. Engh
Fox Acres, The Golf Club at 19 (18-M)
Private 18R 970-881-2510 Red Feather Lakes
Fees: $95-$95 Opened: 1980 Designer: John Cochran Frost Creek 20 (25-H)
Private 18R 970-328-2326 Eagle Fees: N/A Opened: 2007 Designer: Tom Weiskopf
Glenwood Springs Golf Club 21 (24-G)
Public 9R 970-945-7086 Glenwood Springs
Fees: $15-$37 Opened: 1953 Designer: Henry Hughes Golf Granby Ranch 22 (22-L)
Public 18R 970-887-2709 Granby
Fees: $40-$95 Opened: 2001 Designer: Mike Asmundson Grand Elk Golf Club 23 (22-K)
Semi-Private 18R 877-389-9333 Granby
Fees: $49-$99 Opened: 2002 Designer: C. Stadler & T. Davis Grand Lake Golf Course 24 (21-K)
Public 18R 970-627-8008 Grand Lake
Fees: $40-$55 Opened: 1964 Designer: Dick Phelps Gypsum Creek Golf Course 25 (25-G)
Public 18R 970-524-6200 Gypsum
Fees: $39-$68 Opened: 1997 Designer: Pete Dye Haymaker Golf Course 26 (20-H)
Public 18R 970-870-1846 Steamboat Springs
Fees: $98-$98 Opened: 1997 Designer: Keith Foster Ironbridge Golf Club 27 (25-F)
Public 18R 970-384-0630 Glenwood Springs
Fees: $69-$69 Opened: 2003 Designer: Arthur Hills Keystone Ranch Golf Course 28 (25-L) Resort 18R 970-496-4250 Keystone Fees: $60-$150 Opened: 1980 Designer: Robert Trent Jones; Jr. Lake Estes Executive 9 Golf Course 29 (20-M) Public 9E 970-586-8176 Estes Park Fees: $15-$18 Opened: 1971 Designer: Henry Hughes Maroon Creek Club 30 (26-I) Private 18R 970-920-1533 Aspen Fees: $350-$350 Opened: 1995 Designer: Tom Fazio Monte Vista Country Club 31 (36-K)
Roaring Fork Club 42 (26-H)
Private 18R 970-927-9100 Basalt
Fees: N/A Opened: 1999 Designer: J. Nicklaus - Signature
Rollingstone Ranch Golf Club 43 (19-H)
Resort 18R 970-879-1391 Steamboat Springs
Fees: $105-$159 Opened: 1974 Designer: Robert Trent Jones II Saint Andrews at Westcliffe 44 (32-N)
Public 9R 719-783-9410 Westcliffe
Fees: $13-$13 Opened: 1988 Designer: John Manson Salida Golf Club 45 (31-L)
Public 9R 719-539-1060 Salida
Fees: $29-$31 Opened: 1926 Designer: Emmit Killian
Shining Mountain Golf Club 46 (28-N)
Public 18R 719-687-7587 Woodland Park
Fees: $38-$48 Opened: 1995 Designer: John Harbottle Snowmass Club 47 (27-H)
Semi-Private 18R 970-923-5700 Snowmass Village
Fees: $120-$185 Opened: 2004 Designer: James J. Engh Sonnenalp Club 48 (23-I)
Semi-Private 18R 970-477-5371 Edwards
Fees: $85-$170 Opened: 1982 Designer: Morrish/Cupp Steamboat Golf Club 49 (20-G)
Public 9R 970-879-4295 Steamboat Springs
Fees: $31-$31 Opened: 1964 Designer: Dick Bondeson
Vail Golf Club 50 (24-I)
Public 18R 970-479-2260 Vail
Fees: $64-$109 Opened: 1968 Designer: Ben Krueger
Willow Creek Golf Club at Eagle Vail 51 (24-I) Public 9P-3 970-845-7273 Avon
Fees: $10-$12 Opened: 1974 Designer: Jan Niedziela
Adobe Creek National Golf Course 1 (27-A)
Public 27R 970-858-0521 Fruita
Fees: $15-$35 Opened: 1991 Designer: Ned Wilson
Battlement Mesa Golf Club 2 (27-D) Public 18R 970-285-7274 Battlement Mesa
Fees: $36-$46 Opened: 1987 Designer: Finger/Dye Black Canyon Golf Course 3 (30-E) Public 18R 970-249-4653 Montrose
Fees: $17-$29 Opened: 1959 Designer: Joe Francese Bookcliff Country Club 4 (26-C)
Private 18R 970-242-9053 Grand Junction
Fees: $60-$60 Opened: 1958 Designer: Dick Phelps Bridges, The 5 (31-E)
Semi-Private 18R 970-252-1119 Montrose
Fees: $50-$72 Opened: 2005 Designer: Nicklaus Design Cedar Ridges Golf Course 6 (22-B) Public 9R 970-675-8403 Rangely
Fees: $10-$20 Opened: 1985 Designer: Frank Hummel
Cedaredge Golf Club 7 (28-D)
Public 18R 970-856-7781 Cedaredge
Fees: $30 - $40 Opened: 1992 Designer: Unknown Chipeta Golf Course 8 (26-B)
Public 18E 970-245-7177 Grand Junction
Fees: $16-$28 Opened: 1997 Designer: Wilson Golf Group Cobble Creek, The Links at 9 (31-E) Public 18R 970-240-9542 Montrose
Fees: $40-$43 Opened: 1999 Designer: Craig Cherry Inc./Pinnacle Golf Conquistador Golf Course 10 (36-A)
Public 18R 970-565-9208 Cortez
Fees: $22-$28 Opened: 1963 Designer: Press Maxwell Dalton Ranch Golf Club 11 (36-D)
Semi-Private 18R 970-247-8774 Durango
Fees: $90-$120 Opened: 1993 Designer: Ken Dye
Devil's Thumb Golf Club 12 (29-D) Public 18R 970-874-6262 Delta
Fees: $33-$43 Opened: 2001 Designer: Rick Phelps Divide Ranch & Club 13 (32-F
Semi-Private 18R 970-626-5284 Ridgway
Fees: $70-$100 Opened: 1993 Designer: Coker Glacier Club, The 14 (37-E)
Private 27R 970-382-6700 Durango
Fees: N/A Opened: 2004 Designer: A Hills/H Irwin/T Schoeder Hillcrest Golf Club 15 (37-E)
Public 18R 970-247-1499 Durango
Fees: $36-$36 Opened: 1971 Designer: Frank Hummel Hunter's Run Golf Course 16 (38-F)
Public 18R 970-884-9785 Ignacio
Fees: $11-$20 Opened: 1997 Designer: Unknown
Lakota Canyon Ranch Golf Club 17 (25-F)
Public 18R 970-984-9700 New Castle
Opened: 1958 Designer: Henry Hughes
Walking Stick Golf Course 35 (32-P)
Public 18R 719-553-1180 Pueblo Fees: $28-$36 Opened: 1991 Designer: Arthur Hills Walsenburg Golf Course 36 (35-P)
Public 9R 719-738-2730 Walsenburg
Fees: $13-$20 Opened: 1966 Designer: C Young; G Aliano
Aspen Glen Club
1 (26-G)
Private 18R 970-704-1988 Carbondale
Fees: $135-$260 Opened: 1997 Designer: Nicklaus/Nicklaus; II
Aspen Golf & Tennis Club 2 (27-I)
Public 18R 970-429-1949 Aspen
Fees: $52-$105 Opened: 1970 Designer: Frank Hummel
Beaver Creek Golf Club 3 (24-H)
Resort 18R 970-754-5775 Beaver Creek
Fees: $100-$205 Opened: 1982 Designer: Robert T. Jones; Jr.
Breckenridge Golf Club 4 (26-K)
Public 27R 970-453-9104 Breckenridge
Fees: $67-$117 Opened: 1987 Designer: Jack Nicklaus
Catamount Ranch & Club 5 (20-H)
Private 18R 970-871-9200 Steamboat Springs
Fees: $200-$200 Opened: 2000 Designer: Tom Weiskopf
Opened: 2000 Designer: Hurzdan/Fry, Lehman Red Sky Golf Club 38 (24-G) Resort 36R 970-754-8425 Wolcott Fees: $190-$250 Opened: 2002 Designer: T. Fazio; G. Norman Rio Grande Club 39 (35-I) Resort 18R 719-873-1997 South Fork Fees: $59-$109 Opened: 2001 Designer: Redstone Golf River Course at Keystone, The 40 (25-K) Resort 18R 970-496-4444 Keystone Fees: $55-$150 Opened: 2000 Designer: Hurzdan/Fry River Valley Ranch Golf Club 41 (25-G) Public 18R 970-963-3625 Carbondale Fees: $49-$99 Opened: 1997 Designer: Jay Morrish
Fees: $69-$94 Opened: 2004 Designer: James J. Engh Lincoln Park Golf Course 18 (28-B)
Public 9R 970-242-6394 Grand Junction
Fees: $16-$16 Opened: 1926 Designer: Unknown Meeker Golf Course 19 (23-D)
Public 9R 970-878-5642 Meeker
Fees: $25 Opened: 1969 Designer: Henry Hughes
Redlands Mesa, The Golf Club at 20 (27-B)
Public 18R 970-263-9270 Grand Junction
Fees: $50-$70 Opened: 2001 Designer: James J. Engh
Rifle Creek Golf Course 21 (24-F)
Public 18R 970-625-1093 Rifle
Fees: $59-$59 Opened: 1960 Designer: Dick Phelps
Telluride Ski & Golf Club 22 (34-E)
Semi-Private 18R 970-728-2606 Telluride
Fees: $165-$205 Opened: 1992 Designer: Telluride Ski & Golf Club
Tiara Rado Golf Course 23 (28-A)
Public 18R 970-254-3830 Grand Junction
Fees: $36-$39 Opened: 1972 Designer: Kolacny/Phelps Atkinson
Yampa Valley Golf Course 24 (20-E)
Public 18R 970-824-3673 Craig
Fees: $20-$40 Opened: 1967 Designer: William Neff
Well, here we are again, at the end of another golf season Did the work you did during the fall winter and spring this year help or hurt you? Seriously how did you do?
Did you:
1 Break 80?
2 Lower your handicap?
3. Play without pain?
4 Increase you driving distance?
5 Not improve again?
Again, the question is, did you perform and accomplish the goals you set out for this golfing season?
If your answer is no, then you probably think it’s because of the new club(s) you bought, or because you didn’t take enough lessons, or maybe because you didn’t practice enough?
How about this, dare I say it wasn’t any of the those! For most golfers it’s simply because there was very little “off season’”preparation! Come March, you cant expect to go out and play well and score well without proper off season
So, let’s work on ten things you SHOULDN’T do over the fall, winter and spring season in preparation for next year
I mean seriously! General fitness, function and performance in life (not just golf) is important to the longevity of your life and physical “prowess ” If you’re like me and expect to be active… then you can’t be lazy!
Recent studies show that between the ages of 65 and 89, explosive lower limb extensor power (part of the golf swing) declines at 3 5% per year Another study by Bonnefoy et all 1998, showed that maximal anaerobic power declines 8 3% per decade from age 20 to 70 That’s a 59% total loss in fifty years!
Everyday I deal with clients who have pain because of immobility (joints) and inflexibility (muscles) and what do you think it mostly comes from? WORK! That’s right, the seated workplace is the
number one workplace position and com bined with “texting neck” can wreak havoc on the body! So, if you want to re main “able bodied”, do your daily stretches! Flexibility can help your golf game; you’ll have better posture, in creased range of motion, a higher club head speed, you’ll hit it further, it will help lower your score, and most impor tantly, help keep you form getting injured!
My Recommendation, hire a TPI cer tified professional to create a specific stretching program for you during the off season. Go to mytpi.com and search for “find a fitness pro,” or contact myself.
Studies have shown that a regular weight training program can grow muscle tissue, strengthen ligaments and tendons Without a good weight training program, there is no way for you to maintain the levels of functionality that golf requires including squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, bending, rotating and walking
My challenge to you, get a golf fitness exercise program that will make you bet ter at all of the “innate, highly functional” movements! If you do, not only will you be better at golf, but better at life
It still makes me laugh how the major ity of golfers take the winter off from practice and training and expect to go out in the spring and play the way they did in late summer! Do you think PGA tour pros take the winter off and expect to start in January with a bang and win tournaments right off the bat? NO
You should not go all winter without practicing! This is an ideal time, along with your conditioning program, to make changes to your game! This is a good time to meet with your golf professional and get a plan and practice at it till spring rolls around
This ties into #4 above Plain and sim ple, see your instructor at least once a month and have them create a plan that you can stick to that will lead to your success
Because golf is such a one sided stressful sport, you undoubtedly have asymmetry in your body Your muscular system can be tight on one side and loose on the other your muscles need some “lovin” for gosh sakes! Massages will help relieve stress; get rid of accumulated toxins; promote better blood flow; help your lymph system (which
helps fight infections); help you relax; h promote mobility of the joints and flexib ity of the muscles; and don’t forget tha just feels good
As much as golf is stressful to one side of your body muscularly, it is also stressful on your skeletal system and spine There fore you should visit your chiropractor at least once every quarter just to make sure that your neurological system is working optimally Don’t forget that your neuro logical system controls every function of your body, so it is essential that it is func tioning at its full capacity
Here’s when I beg PLEASE, PLEASE eat as much organic food as you can! Commercially raised and produced food has shown in research to be a MAJOR cause of disease. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “but Dee, it costs so much more ” First of all, no it doesn’t If you compare prices, they are similar for the same food products Secondly, WHO CARES! Isn’t your health more important than anything? If you need to sacrifice, do it somewhere else Do not rob yourself or your family of the best nutrition you can buy. So, again, PLEASE go and support organic food growers by purchasing their products
This one is easy, do something everyday that will allow you to ‘download” the stressors of the world Take a walk, take a nap, exercise, play with your kids, play like a kid, eat organic food, and manage your time well.
Just like you would hire a professional plumber or car technician to address your specific issues, you should hire a profes sional to fix your body issues! You must seek those who are most qualified to do this work for you. Do not go to just your average personal trainer!
So if you have a desire to be a better golfer, follow these “Top Ten things you Shouldn’t do This winter,” not only will you enjoy a better game come spring, but all other parts of your life will improve as well! Enjoy!
Email: dee@coloradogolffitnessclub com Website: www coloradogolffitnessclub com
Trackman golf simulators, two of which are some of the largest Trackman has ever in stalled Whether you're coming in to prac tice and utilize the incredible amount of data captured by Trackman, or just playing a round of golf on one of the over two hun dred courses around the world (including Pebble Beach, PGA National, and other iconic courses), this indoor golf facility is the place for you
The bar features an elevated array of cocktails showcasing the great spirits of Colorado. If cocktails aren't for you, choose from over twenty types of local beers and seltzers as well as an extensive list of high end spirits from around the world This list of spirits includes one of the largest selec tions of sotol, a cousin of mezcal and tequila, in the state If you're up for an ad venture, ask one of their bartenders, several of whom have competed in craft cocktail competitions around the country, to make you one of their personal specialties.
In addition to the bar and golf, The Local Drive also offers a variety of addi
is the perfect venue for any social gather ing, from: corporate team building events, monthly ladies nights, watch parties (watch any game on one of the eight TVs or the large projector screen on Sundays), to birthday parties, bachelor parties, and a multitude of other private events
If you're looking to improve your game, or are just starting out, our in house PGA certified golf pro, Michael Pittelli, has you covered Pittelli offers lessons from 8am to 10pm covering both solo and group ses sions. Every person who comes through the door also receives a complimentary 20 minute assessment from our pro
The Local Drive is located in the heart of the River North Arts District, just north of downtown Denver RiNo is known for its vibrant arts scene and eclectic bars, restaurants, and shops The 5,100 sq ft bar has been designed to pay homage to this lively neighborhood by showcasing local makers and artisans while also providing an elevated atmosphere
These artists include local muralist, Jay
the 14
Daly In addition
the mural, other unique touches can be seen throughout the space Such as three hand crafted epoxy tables, cre ated from wood salvaged from the Colorado wildfires, that showcase a hole of golf in the
epoxy river through the middle of the tables Next time you find yourself in Denver, or are looking to play a round of golf, stop by and enjoy a few hours with the Local Drive!
For more information please visit their website: www thelocaldrivedenver com D
Betting on the golf course has always been popular, even back in the 1700s It can definitely add a little excite ment, allowing the winners to get bragging rights and a lit tle extra money It might involve you playing against other golfers on an individual basis or as part of a team Of course, handicaps enter into the mix. Here are a few of the many variations of games that you can select from.
My earliest memory where bets were involved was in the traditional game of Nassau, named for Nassau Country Club in Long Island Participants match scores on each hole, usually in a match play format, for a set amount of money At an event in Snyder during my college days, I was paired against New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath for nine holes. The bet was $5, my limit since I was in college. I got off to an early 2 up advantage Namath decided to press, starting a new bet I then found myself 4 up and 2 up, going to our last hole when he called for a double press If he won that hole, no money would exchange hands How ever, my birdie resulted in me winning $20 This game can be played with two players on each side, using the best score or net score if handicaps are involved The game usu ally calls for bets on the front, back and overall. It can be played at stroke play and along with other formats, Since it was likely started in Las Vegas where the bets can be large, a partnership game counting both scores can
become interesting A set amount of money is bet for each point If both players make par 4s, then their score is 44 If one gets a birdie, the score is 34, If one gets a bogey, the score is 54, switching the order Yes, a difference of 20!
So be careful
Skins is a game where you win money by having the best score on a hole. It can involve just your group or even more in a bigger tournament Each player puts an amount into the pool that is shared by winners or a set amount is paid for each skin Sometimes there will be gross and net pot separately Skin games can involve some big pots if it is decided that low score ties carrie over to the next hole
Greenies is a game where points are awarded to the player who is closest to the hole on the par 3 holes (gree nie) and is usually played at the same time as skins Points
can also be awarded for saving par from bunker (sandy), after hitting a tree (barky), from water (fishy) from off the green (chippy), from a spot longer than the length of the flagstick (poley)
The quota system sets a goal for each players depending on his or her handicap For example, a 20 handicapper ’s quota would be 16 while a 10 handicapper ’s quota would be 26 One point is awarded for a bogey, two for a par, four for a birdie and six for an eagle The player with the most plus points or the least negative points collects
Wolf is a team game where partners can change on each hole A hitting order is established for the group The player who hits first is called the wolf The second player hits his tee shot and can be selected as the wolf ’s partner before the others tee off This process cycles through for every tee shot Once a player hits, the wolf can not go back and pick a previous player as a partner If he doesn’t pick any of the others, he becomes the “lone wolf” and must beat all the others on that hole, winning all bets The only time I ever selected that option was on a par 3 where I hit it up close and the others were in trouble I missed the putt and one of the other players got up and down for a birdie Yes, a mis take on my part
James McAfee is a freelance golf and travel writer based in Plano, TX, who has extensive experience both as a writer and editor for Golf Shop Operations and Golf Di gest in the 1970s He then was executive director of the Northern Texas PGA for 18 years D
the PGA TOUR bet365 becomes the TOUR’s first OBO outside of North America with territories including the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia in addition to Canada
In the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia, bet365 will serve as the exclu sive source for odds on the leaderboard and player pages on PGATOUR.COM and on TOURCast, the TOUR’s award win ning platform that allows fans to follow every shot from each group with a 3D ren dering of the golf course bet365 will fur ther activate the relationship by having a brand presence across PGA TOUR media properties including on international mar ket inventory on PGA TOUR com, man aged by Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) under their strategic partnership with the TOUR, as well as on WBD platforms such
tives outside of North America," said Scott Warfield, Vice President of Gaming at the PGA TOUR "bet365 was the first operator to integrate the TOUR’s official in play betting product and they are poised for tremendous growth being on the forefront of in play sports betting in golf The TOUR continues to look for op portunities to innovate in new areas with a goal of engaging with fans
As part of the TOUR’s Official Betting Operator program, bet365 will have rights in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and Canada to use PGA TOUR marks, rights to advertise within TOUR media and TOUR partner platforms
A spokesperson for bet365 said, “The bet365 group are delighted to be working with one of the most iconic brands in global sport Throughout this partnership
Tour platforms.”
Additionally, bet365 was the first sports betting operator to integrate the IMG ARENA Golf Event Centre product, which is an unparalleled, front end sports betting solution, designed to revolutionize the golf betting experience by enabling interactive in play betting on the sport Created in as sociation with the world’s leading golf tours, the Golf Event Centre is a real time experience for golf fans and bettors The industry first product is the only place to find fast, comprehensive, shot by shot data and markets, live streaming which is pur pose built for in play betting, and interac tive course visualizations The Golf Event Centre is available to sports betting opera tors worldwide where betting is legal.
Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that overturned the Professional
year announced a global partnership with IMG ARENA to license its official, live scoring data to betting operators around the world The PGA TOUR is a platinum member of the National Council on Prob lem Gambling and is aligned with the American Gaming Association (AGA) as a Have A Game Plan® Bet Responsibly public service campaign partner to educate golf fans on responsible sports betting.
bet365 is one of the world's leading on line gambling companies It is a driving force in the development of enterprise and internet technology Based in Stoke on Trent, England, bet365 was founded in 2000 and employs over 6000 staff and has over 80 million customers worldwide Visit bet365 com for more information
b e t 3 6 5 a n n o u n c e d a s a n O f f i c i a l B e t t i n g O p e r a t o r o f t h e P G A T O U R t h r o u g h 2 0 2 4 b e t 3 6 5 b e c o m e s T O U R ’s f i r s t i n t e r n a t i o n a l O B O o u t s i d e o f N o r t h A m e r i c a
Matt Schalk, PGA Director of Golf at Colorado National Golf Club, knew nasty weather would play a factor in Sun day’s final round at the 2022 Senior PGA Professional Championship After his Saturday round, he said he’d as sess the conditions Sunday morning and come up with a number to aim for
“I thought 76 would be my number,” Schalk said “I thought if I could shoot a couple over on each side, maybe battle to that, that would be the number ” Schalk, representing the Colorado Section, did one stroke better His three over par 75 put him at 10 over par 278, good enough to claim his first 2022 Senior PGA Championship title and the Leo Fraser Trophy Steve Schneiter, an Assistant PGA Professional at Schneiter’s Pebblebrook in Sandy, Utah, placed second at 8 under par 280 after firing a 5 over par 77 in the final round A four way tie for third place at 7 under par led to a playoff to determine the top five
The playoff featured Alan Morin, an Assistant Profes sional at The Club at Ibis in West Palm Beach, Florida, who had a final round 2 over par 72; Cameron Doan, the Director of Golf at Preston Trail Golf Club in Dallas, Texas, also with a 2 over par 72; Alan Sorensen, the General Manager at Buena Vista Golf Course in Taft, California (7 over par 79); and Todd Bailey, the Head Professional at Lake Forest Yacht & Country Club in Daphne, Alabama (even par 72) Bailey was the first eliminated from the playoff
After calm conditions and scores in the 60s during the first three rounds of the championship, Sunday’s final round
“It definitely felt like it was a good 25 30 mph steady with gusts going,” Schalk said “I had my ball blowing around on a green when I was walking up to it You never could quite get comfortable out there, but everybody had it.
I went into it trying to not make doubles Pars were like birdies I just tried to make bogeys and understand that it wasn’t the end of the world if you made one, because you knew everyone was going to be making them, too ”
Schalk opened slowly, bogeying four of his first six holes He picked up a birdie on No 7 then settled in on the back nine, adding a birdie on No 12 and saving par six times
“It was definitely the most difficult conditions I’ve ever played in,” he said. “No. 1 was our downward hole right
off the bat Then you have two back to back holes which are really tough Those were a challenge to get through I had a couple good birdie opportunities on the front nine, 4 especially, and just didn’t capitalize on those That’s the way it goes Then on the back nine, I had some great birdie chances coming in Had great birdie chances on 15, 16, 17 even 14 I definitely settled in ”
Schalk will lead a contingent of 35 Senior PGA Club Professionals into the 2023 KitchenAid Senior PGA Cham pionship, May 25 28, at Fields Ranch East at PGA Frisco in Frisco, Texas, the first major championship to be con tested at the new home of the PGA of America. The top eight finishers, Schalk, Schneiter, Bailey, Morin, Doan, Sorensen, Mitchum, Gaffney, also automatically qualified for next year ’s Senior PGA Professional Championship at PGA Golf Club in Port St Lucie, Florida, October 24 29, 2023
“I’m ecstatic,” Schalk said of what lies ahead “Coming into the week, getting into the Senior PGA Championship in Frisco was my goal Even going into today, even though I was in a good spot (tied for second), I wanted to try to make sure I could get into the Senior PGA I didn’t think about winning the tournament until I got to the 17 tee and was able to see the scoreboard I knew I had some shots to play with coming in Just needed to be smart Now I’m so excited to be the Senior PGA Professional champion and everything that comes with it ”
For more information about the 2023 KitchenAid Senior PGA Championship, visit srpgachampionship com D
“This book is a masterpiece follow up to Percy Boomer ’s original book. More on Learning Golf captures the simplicity of Percy’s book, On Learning Golf. Golf is a feel game and John and Paul capture Percy’s thoughts on what fundamentals to focus to create that feel. This book is a MUST read for all golfers wanting to get better ”
Give me your slices and hooks; your club throwing frustrations; your sore backs; your hot under the collar and I’ve had enough of this stupid game temperament More On Learning Golf is for you! Golfers with per fect swings need not read Percy Boomer ’s pioneering 1942 golf instructional book, On Learning Golf, earned him entry as an inaugural member into the World Golf Teacher ’s Hall of Fame and ranking as the number one swing guru of all time. More On Learning Golf is the only golf instructional book based entirely on Percy’s swing principles and Feel Simple Golf ’s groundbreak ing mental approach
Dr Jim Suttie, PGA teaching Professional, Golf Magazine World Golf Teachers Hall of Fame, Golf Digest Top 50 Teachers, Illinois Golf Hall of Fame
“What this book’s authors did was more than just refresh and translate Boomer's original work, they rescued it for golfers of a different century They added the user manual that modern Boomer readers need the hands on, how to specifics so you can Boom It Like Boomer ”
Gary VanSickle, Award Winning, 40 Year Golf Writer; Sports Illustrated (1996 2016); Past President, Golf Writers Association of America
“While I no longer compete at the world championship and Olympic lev els, the system of connected fundamentals in More On Learning Golf has me playing my best golf ever and happily swinging like a pro You will enjoy and learn a lot by reading this book.”
Chris Marlowe; professional basketball and Olympic volleyball sports caster; 1984 US Olympic volleyball team captain and gold medalist
“More On Learning Golf carries (and dare I say, improves) the words and wisdom of Percy Boomer into the 21st century and no doubt beyond. This book will help a high handicap beginner through to the battle hardened Tour pro The authors have simply made a timeless classic even greater ” Peter Grunwell, Fine Golf Books, St Andrews, Scotland
Combining mental skills training with motor skills train ing for sports will improve the performance of the athlete Research has shown that visualization training with motor skills training has produced better approach shots for be ginner golfers Thus, a blend of mental and physical skills training helps athletes achieve greater abilities in the same time an equivalent athlete with technique only training Fur thermore, improving physical performance requires the in tentional training of mental skills
During the cognitive phase of learning a new motor skill, the mind is active in guiding physical movements and regular feedback is needed to ensure proper execu tion The performance of motor skills is developing thus performance errors are broad This broad range of errors can be compounded by searching for different answer to developing the ability rather than committing to the fun
and balance are often overlooked because there are thou sands of YouTube videos on how to swing a golf club. However, the fundamental skills are essential to execut ing a golf swing
When a golfer does commit to developing skills and im proves the pattern of shots, they begin to transition into the associative phase This stage is characterized by learning how the skill can be applied in a game situation, less con scious thought, and a specific mistake pattern Practicing to perform becomes vital at this stage because technical thoughts can restrict movement and foster faults. Awareness and confidence in skills starts to emerge Unfortunately, this is the peak stage for many athletes
The autonomous phase has a free flowing nature The mind, body, and emotions of the golfer have little to no ten sion The golfer can execute shots on demand with minimal dispersion in most situations Skills are being refined and decision making is characterized by unwavering confidence
Each golfer requires different mental skill to achieve
eir goals, so coaching specific and personalized mental kills is an essential component Cognitive coaches identify eed and guides mental skills training to satisfy those needs Visualization was an example in this article, but different skills are needed to cope with moments of fear, anxiety, arousal, and stress Research has shown that learning about mental skills creates knowledge, but personalized training can reduce the time used in trial and error efforts
Brouziyne, M , & Molinaro, C (2005) Mental Imagery Combined with Physical Practice of Approach Shots for Golf Beginners Perceptual and Motor Skills, 101(1), 203 211 https://doi org/10 2466/pms 101 1 203 211
Fitts, P M , & Posner, M I (1967) Human performance Oxford, Eng land: Brooks/Cole
Lavisse, D , Deviterne, D , & Perrin, P (2000) Mental processing in motor skill acquisition by young subjects International Journal of Sport Psychology, 31(3), 364 375
Lindsey Hamilton, Christian A. J. Smith & Zach E. Brandon (2020) Representing the Psychological Demands of Sport: A Constraints Led Ap proach to Mental Skills Training, Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 11:2, 129 137, DOI: 10 1080/21520704 2020 1729913
The mental game is what separates the good players from the great players. So, anything I can do to get that mental edge to help me stay my best, I'm gonna try and do it. — Aaron Judge
oadcasting on commercial radio, Jerry Walters and his award winning golf talk radio show, In The Fairway, are pulling the plug Over the time, Walters has hosted the longest run ning golf talk show on a variety of stations with a multitude of partners along the way The sometimes irreverent Walters has in terviewed some of the biggest names in golf during his morning weekend time slot Don’t worry, Walters and his current
pletely absent from the airwaves They are moving their wit, humor and depth to a weekly podcast under the same name, In The Fairway When asked about the move, Walters said, “with a podcast, your interview time isn’t dictated by a time clock to 10 12 minutes in order to take a commercial break A time clock is a thing of the past When we have an entertaining guest such as Kevin Kisner ’s caddy, each story leads to another round of laughter, memories and insight Also, unlike a reg ular time slot on a radio station, inter views can be recorded in advance according to the time restrictions of the guest.” The content of the podcast will be similar to the long running radio show with guests from the world of golf but with more features and chatter about cur rent golf events
Walters and In The Fairway and have won a number of awards including Media Person of the Year from the Colorado PGA twice, Media Person of the Year from the Colorado Golf Association twice, the Ralph Moore Media Award from the Colorado
In The Fairway podcast can be found on Apple, Spotify and Buzzsprout every week
Their guests so far this season include, Duane Bock (Kevin Kisner ’s caddy imme diately following the Presidents Cup),
beat of Mesquite’s economy and in a very real sense, its identity. The Golf Mesquite Nevada marketing co op has been defining the Mesquite golf experience for well over a decade and as the golf courses in the area have changed so has Mesquite, Nevada
“We realized from the very beginning our golf course partner ’s marketing goals would be an ever evolving aspect of our growth,” said Cody Law, the executive di rector of the Golf Mesquite Nevada “We are happy to offer golf courses that are at the forefront of the golf vacation market We hope the different designs and playing experiences of Mesquite’s courses continue to attract golfers from all over the nation, well into the future ”
Conestoga Golf Club, the uniqueness of the Golf Mesquite Nevada course menu has helped this little corner of the southwest find its place in the golf travel world
Salt Lake City, Utah’s Deseret News sports writer Dick Harmon said, “Mesquite’s loca tion is the perfect golf destination, close to Salt Lake City and Las Vegas and drivable from Colorado and California too I love taking a winter break and spending four days in Mesquite with my wife and friends There is plenty to do and the food choices are outstanding bargains ”
The Oasis Golf Club provides a golf expe rience worthy of the “King” for its mem bers and guests Originally known as the
mally known as the Vistas 9) at Oasis Golf Club, opened its lush fairways in February 1995 With the addition of the Canyons’ front nine holes in 2005, the club became the only 36 hole facility in Mesquite
Oasis Golf Club Head Professional Adam Schwartz adds, “With mild winter temper atures, Mesquite’s small town warmth at tracts golfers from across the country Mesquite is an amazing stay and play hub for a golf experience to fit any budget ”
As if that isn’t enough, the home away from home comfort of Mesquite’s resorts, the sparkling water of their pools, the Vegas style entertainment, and the variety of dining options have visitors posting their
Conestoga is artfully woven within the character and contours of Mesquite's spec tacular landforms Undulating through canyons with gentle elevations, rugged rock, and tranquil water elements, the mas terful design and creativity provide an iso lated golfing experience. Whether a novice or avid player, everyone enjoys the dra matic beauty the course showcases as it roams through the heart of the Mesquite community Golf Magazine has rated Con estoga as one of the top five golf courses in
It’s no longer one of the golf travel world’s best-kept secrets. Mesquite, Nevada is now one of golf ’s best playgrounds.
Coyote Springs is one of the best Jack Nicklaus signature courses in the game today Eleven lakes come into play on the golf course many consider to be one of Jack Nicklaus’ finest desert creations This Jack Nicklaus Signature design is an excellent challenge of golf at any distance Set in the
rolling Nevada desert, the course is a scenic wonder Wide fairways, challenging greens, and country club service make Coyote Springs a must play on any Golf Mesquite Nevada itinerary The course is the ultimate golf challenge from the tips at 7,471 yards but with four sets of tee boxes, the course can also play 5,349 yards from the forward tees. The course has been recognized on the “Best of” list by many national golf publi cations including Golf Digest, Golf, Links, and Travel & Leisure Golf
The subtle contrasts which both the Palmer and Canyons offer make it hard to decipher which is a golfer ’s favorite The Canyons course is rated as the tougher course how ever the Palmer ’s six elevated tee boxes, over 100 feet in elevation drop, stand out to players of all skill levels. Mentally, both courses incorporate risk/reward opportuni ties whether a player is long off the tee or consistently straight off the tee box
The Canyons is molded perfectly to its nat ural setting offering a wide variety of chal lenging holes and elevated tee boxes The generous fairways and smooth Bermuda greens make the course player friendly and a refreshing change of pace The Canyons is player friendly at 6,400 yards from the tips and good scores are in the offering if shots are placed in well defined landing areas Risk/reward opportunities present themselves on both the outward and inward nines
The Palmer Course offers lush fairways cradled in isolated canyons, a box canyon enshrining a large green, four unique sig nature holes, elevated tees and numerous hazards created by Mother Nature. The Palmer Course played host to the Golf Channel’s Big Break Mesquite show and has been ranked as “One of the Best You Can Play ”
Falcon Ridge is a 6,550 yard, par 71 rolling layout with spectacular elevation changes, numerous water features, and high mesa views Scoring opportunities come fast on the opening nine holes before the course stretches out and more strategic golf shots are required on the inward nine The golf course sits high on the cliffs of Mesquite and flows through the hills and canyons providing one of the most picturesque golf venues in all of Mesquite golf.” D