Dec. 25 - Jan. 7, 2021 The Log Digital Edition

Page 1

FREE Ask an Attorney ................ 5 Bizarre............................... 3 Brokerages & Dealers ...... 25 Catalina Connection ......... 12 Classifieds ..................... 30 Community ..................... 4 FishRap ......................... 20 Marine Directory ............. 28 News Briefs ...................... 4 Sailing ............................ 18



NO. 1144

DEC. 25 — JAN. 07, 2021









hannel Islands Harbor Partners has signaled the official end of their controversial bid to redevelop Channel Islands Harbor’s Fisherman’s Wharf area. New ideas for the aging waterfront area are expected to be presented at a January meeting. Will Ventura County, the city of Oxnard and local stakeholders be able to agree on a project? P. 13


he issue of illegal charters has reared its head again in Marina del Rey. Los Angeles Department of Beaches and Harbors staff gave a presentative on Dec. 17 about how to operate a legal charter business in the harbor. P. 16



ederal waters off the California coast are the only place drift gillnets are still legal and used in the United States. A bill that would phase out their use is headed to the President’s desk. P. 20



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e r o h s e v a e l t ’ n o D . t i t u witho Next time you hit the water, sunblock isn’t the

only thing you’ll need to bring. As of January 1, 2020, all boat operators 35 years of age or younger are required to carry a California Boater Card on state waterways. So, before you begin your next voyage, make sure a California Boater Card is part of your float plan. Apply online at

THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 3



Catch of the Day: Fishing Boat MOOLOOL ABA, AUSTRALIA —

Fisherman aboard a trawler off the coast of Australia were in for a disappointing surprise as they pulled up a heavier than usual net. The crew aboard the trawling fishing vessel were about 20 nautical miles off Mooloolaba in Queensland when the heavy net proved not to be a great deal of fish but a fishing boat. The details of the incident were posted on the Coast Guard Mooloolaba QF6 Facebook page on Nov. 27. “You’re the trawler skipper and the net feels heavy,” the Coast Guard Mooloolaba QF6 wrote in the post. “This is going to be a good haul. Well, it was— just not what he was expecting.” As it turns out, the fishing boat the crew pulled up belonged to two fishermen who radio the Coast Guard on Aug. 23 reporting they were sinking. “Remember in August when

we rescued the t wo fishermen whose boat sank 20 nautical miles off Mooloolaba? Bet they thought they’d never see it again,” the Coast Guard continued in the Facebook post. “Well, not until the trawler’s catch of the day was their boat. Hauled up, re-floated and brought back to Mooloolaba, it now sits a bit the worse for wear at the Water Police pontoon. What are the odds of that happening?” A rescue crew was able to respond and locate the two men who were aboard the sinking vessel on Aug. 23. The Coast Guard reported on Facebook the men were found wearing lifejackets and clinging to an ice chest. Their boat was not so lucky, it sunk to the ocean floor, where it remained until a trawler came along and snatched it up. The Coast Guard did not say what caused the fishing boat to sink in the first place.

Coast Guard Mooloolaba QF6 Facebook photos


Fishermen aboard a trawler off the coast of Australia unintentionally haul in a small fishing boat that sank back in August.

Home for the Holidays at Chula Vista Marina Resort Enjoy first-class marina amenities at a great value. Come join us for the holidays and year-round to live the boating dream!

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Rates Starting as Low as $13.40 LF

4 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG


COMMUNITY Have an opinion about something you read in The Log ?

Letters/Online Comments Write to: The Log Editorial, P.O. Box 1337, Newport Beach, CA 92659


Letters/Online Comments RE: “Newport Beach

RE: Santa Barbara’s

(DEC. 11-24)

(NOV. 27- DEC. 10)

Please have the parade Invite Newsom - he loves a good party! Only if he can swim — Safety First! — Captain Rogers

Nice to see how much thought is given to how local government can most efficiently dig around in people’s pockets. — Bobeast

boaters planning ‘official unofficial’ Christmas boat parade”

Christmas boat parade is on! YES! As an OC resident for over 40 years, I am thrilled to read parade continues. Let the adults run their lives, not Newsom. — Judy Wasserman

RE: “Ventura County

cancels 2020 Parade of Lights” (NOV. 13-26)

I think that it should still happen since we will all be social distant, wearing masks and the people who own the boat will be plenty safe. — Jade

Slip Assignment Policy Subcommittee holds first meeting

RE: “Ask a Maritime

Attorney: Sales Tax Assessment and Buying a Boat” (NOV. 27 -DEC. 10)

I love this guy’s column. It seems that most of the problems he is asked to fix are rooted in human greed. People are always trying to buy something cheap or avoid fees. — Bruce Brewer

All comments are edited for grammar and clarity.

On Board With Johnson

by J.R. Johnson

Making Headlines in December 1927: Second Annual Boat Show in San Diego By LINDSEY GLASGOW SAN DIEGO —Boat shows such as the San Diego

Sunroad Marina Boat Show and Los Angeles Boat Show would normally be making headlines this time of year. However, due to Covid-19 and restrictions on large crowds, these boat shows and others have been postponed as they wait for the greenlight to hold the popular events. For now, reveling in events past and looking forward to future events is all there is to do. At least one local boat show was making headlines in December 1927. An article with a headline reading “Annual Boat Show Held This Week” was featured in the Dec. 6, 1927 edition of the Coronado Eagle and Journal. While information on the internet on how boat shows got started in the U.S. is elusive, according to the article in the Coronado Eagle and Journal, 1927 was the second time an annual weeklong power boat show was held. The article provided a little glimpse into the early days of boat shows in Southern California. The boat show was held in connection with a na-

tional speed boat race staged at “municipal pier No. 1.” The show, which started Dec. 6, 1927 and ran all week, was put on by the San Diego Power Boat Association and San Diego Chamber of Commerce. The article stated the boat show was free of charge and featured about 30 exhibits. The article said a highlight of the show was a large express cruiser exhibited by Staats and Chadbourne of Balboa. “It was placed early in the week after much effort which was necessary because of its large proportions,” the article read. The show accompanied a speed boat race held Dec. 10 and 11. According to another article from the same edition of the paper, 14 speed boats were set to compete for the great Elgin National Trophy in a series of five-mile heats. “It is believed that speeds in excess of sixty miles an hour will be attained, since a new type of motor costing approximately $6,000 is being used in some of those in the unlimited group,” the article stated. Provisions were made for visitors to view the event on steel barges, with the capacity for 600 persons, moored alongside the race course on Point Loma, the article said. The event also featured a searchlight show put on by the Navy.


news briefs WORLD/NATION BoatUS warns boaters of letters offering renewal of USCG documentation SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA—Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has advised boaters with vessels that have a U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation to be wary of any letter arriving by U.S. mail offering renewal. BoatUS advises that while the Coast Guard does send official annual renewal notices by U.S. mail, other notices being received by members are not from the Coast Guard but rather third-party companies whose name or return addresses may appear similar to that of the official U.S. Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC). BoatUS members have complained that these letters direct them to websites that may be mistaken for the actual Coast Guard NVDC located in

Falling Waters, West Virginia, and appear to show a significant increase in the annual fee to renew Coast Guard documentation. While third-party companies may legitimately provide services to assist with vessel documentation renewals, the Coast Guard’s own renewal process is simple for most vessels and the price, $26 annually, is often much lower than what third-party services may charge. To renew, go to the Coast Guard National Documentation Center website at and click on “instructions and forms,” then “Certificate of Documentation Application for Renewal.”

Cruise ships in Stockholm will soon connect to onshore power STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN—Ports of Stockholm

has been awarded funding from the Swedish Please see NEWS BRIEFS, PAGE 6


THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 5



ask a maritime attorney

California’s Boating and Fishing News

Founded in 1971 NO. 1144

By David Weil

DEC. 25 - JAN. 7, 2021

Marina Evictions Amid Coronavirus

W R ITE TO: P.O. Box 1337 Newport Beach, CA 92659 (949) 660-6150 (800) 873-7327 Fax (949) 660-6172

Contributors J.R. Johnson, Catherine French, David Weil

I have lived aboard a small motor yacht in a marina in Northern California for over five years. During that time, I paid my rent on time and complied with all of the marina rules, but there have been excessive increases in slip fees every year. The docks are now being replaced and they want to move me to a larger slip, which will of course increase my rent. To make matters worse, during this pandemic they started charging me for utilities. I was under the impression that tenants are protected while the state-wide “stay at home” orders are still in place. Can I sue the marina for violating these tenant protection laws?

Publisher Duncan McIntosh, Jr.

ANSWER: The “marina

E DITO R I A L /CR E ATI V E (949) 660-6150 Staff Writer Lindsey Glasgow (949) 503-7690 Art Director Julie Hogan Production Artist Mary Monge

Ad Coordinator Courtney Countryman ccountryman@

A DV E R TI S I NG S A L E S (949) 660-6150 Fax: (949) 660-6172 Advertising Manager Susanne Kirkham-Diaz (949) 503.7693

CL A S S I FI E D A DV E R TI S I N G (800) 887-1615 Manager Jon Sorenson

S U B S CR I P TI O N S E RV I CE S (800) 887-1615

TH E LO G O N LI N E A N D N E W S L E T TE R S Newsletters For the California boating newsletter and FishRap Newsletter, go to The Log, San Diego Log and FishRap are registered trademarks of Duncan McIntosh Co. Inc. Copyright 2020/2021, all rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher.


eviction” question continues to rear its head as we work our way through the pandemic and boat owners find it harder and harder to keep up with their monthly obligations. We first addressed this question in July (“Ask a Maritime Attorney: Tenant Protection Laws and Covid-19,” The Log, July 16, 2020), when we found little hope for boat owners facing a marina eviction. We face many of the same obstacles today. The most significant problem for boat owners facing eviction arises from the nature of the relationship between a boat owner and a marina. A boat owner is not renting his or her home from the marina, even if they live aboard the boat. Instead, they own the boat

and they are simply renting a parking space. They are being evicted from their parking space - not from their home. Complicating the issue even further, marina slip rental agreements are maritime contracts that are subject to federal admiralty jurisdiction and federal law. A default of a slip rental agreement may be enforced by filing a lawsuit in federal court and having the boat seized or arrested by Federal Marshals. This is a very powerful tool for a marina operator, but it is also very expensive and as such it is rarely used to foreclose on a boat that is a few months late on slip rental payments. A marina operator may consider a simple eviction, using the unlawful detainer tools that are available for the

eviction of an apartment tenant. An unlawful detainer action in state court requires the cooperation of the local harbor patrol or other waterfront law-enforcement to impound the boat after it is removed from the marina, but the procedure is a fraction of the cost of an arrest proceeding in federal court. When we looked at unlawful detainer actions in July, we found a little bit of sunshine for boat owners facing a marina eviction. The California Judicial Council had enacted an emergency rule which effectively placed a moratorium on evictions in California courts. The Rule was adopted in April and it prevented courts from issuing a summons in an eviction case or entering a default judgment. This effectively froze all eviction

cases and, while it was not intended to help boat owners, it did remove the unlawful detainer option for marina operators seeking to evict a boat owner. But that rule expired on September 1st and landlords are again free to seek eviction orders in a court proceeding. With the expiration of the “freeze” on the issuance of eviction orders in Court proceedings, the California legislature looked at other tools for strengthening its COVIDrelated tenant protection laws. Most notable among these new protections is AB3088, the “Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020.” This law was enacted in September and it provides very specific protections for tenants and for certain landlords who suffer COVID-related economic hardship. But once again its protections are directed at owners and renters of residential real property, and there is no provision of the law that concerns the operators or tenants of a marina. So the bottom line is that we have no good news for boat owners seeking to avoid eviction based upon COVID-related Please see ATTORNEY, page 12

David Weil is the managing attorney at Weil & Associates ( in Seal Beach. He is an adjunct professor of Admiralty Law, a member of the Maritime Law Association of the United States and is former legal counsel to the California Yacht Brokers Association. If you have a maritime law question for Weil, he can be contacted at 562-799-5508, through his website at, or via email at

Dog Aboard The Duncan McIntosh Co. Inc. Founders: Duncan McIntosh, Jr. Teresa Ybarra McIntosh 1942 - 2011

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Log, PO Box 1337, Newport Beach, CA 92659. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year, $39.00 by third class mail. Subscriptions are transferable but not refundable. Call us at (800) 887-1615. The Log is published every other Friday and distributed throughout Southern California.

Is your pet as avid a boater as you? Send The Log pictures of your four-legged first mate. Email your photo, contact information and a description about your pet and boat to

Breakfast Time  Winston and Rick Heinz on their way from 31 Tiara “Nomad” to BYC for breakfast!

6 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG


News Briefs

Jennifer Caldwell said in a released statement. “This could be the biggest community food drive I’ve ever seen in Food Share history.”

From page 4

USCG releases boating survey results, providing new boating data WASHINGTON—The U.S. Coast Guard has released results from a 2018 survey about recreational boating activity in the U.S. The National Recreational Boating Safety Survey of 2018, which was mailed to over a quarter-million Americans, produced scientific estimates about characteristics of recreational boaters, different types of recreational boats that are owned and operated, boating population sizes, and risk exposure, all in an effort to assist agencies and organizations nationwide in meeting best boating safety practices and standards, the Coast Guard said. The survey data includes all types of on-water activity from canoes, kayaks, rafts and rowboats to sailboats, skulls, airboats, motorized boats and personal watercraft. Notable findings include estimates that approximately 25.2 million boats were owned by 14.5 million households in 2018; 11.82 million boats were registered in the 50 states and the District of Columbia in 2018 and almost 13.4 million boats were owned in 2018 in the United States that were not required to be registered by the state where they were kept and operated; a total of 10.2 billion person hours of boating took place in 2018; boats in southern states are not, in general, operated more days, on average, than boats in northern states; about one-third of all boats and 32.8% of motorized boats that operated over 3 nautical miles from shore were equipped with Emergency Position

Midlife refit of research vessel ‘Roger Revelle’ completed SAN DIEGO—Research vessel

Port of Los Angeles photo

Environmental Protection Agency and the European Union for investing in onshore power supply for cruise ships. Ports of Stockholm, together with the Baltic Sea ports of Copenhagen/Malmö, Aarhus and Helsinki, will invest in providing onshore power to cruise ships. The joint initiative is an effort to reduce emissions of shipping air pollutants within port areas. The environmental investment in providing onshore power according to a common international standard at these ports will also enable cruise ships and shipping companies to invest in and connect to onshore power according to the same standard. “We are taking the next step in being an international-quality sustainable cruise destination,” Mayor of Stockholm Anna König Jerlmyr said in a released statement. For Ports of Stockholm the investment means equipping two central quays in Stockholm with high voltage onshore power connections that will allow cruise ships to shut down their engines and use power supplied from the local electricity grid. The project will start in December 2020 and is funded partly by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency local investments Climate Leap Program and also by EU grant funding. The work to equip the two central quays with onshore power connections will be completed, respectively, in 2023 and 2024.



HOLIDAYS AT THE PORT OF LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES—This holiday photo from the Port of Los Angeles was taken on Dec. 21, 1953 of Tug No. 10 at Berth 161. During the Christmas season in the 1950s and early 1960s, carolers would board decorated vessels and sing to crew members aboard ships moored throughout the harbor. These were the early roots of what would become the LA Harbor Holiday Boat Parade. In December 1962 a small group of boat owners decorated their boats and cruised through the Port’s Main Channel shouting holiday greetings to each other, and anyone along the waterfront. The San Pedro Chamber of Community Development and Commerce adopted the tradition and formally organized the parade in 1963.

Indicating Radio Beacons while 83.2% of the motorized boats that were operated at least once were equipped with an emergency engine cutoff switch; and the risk of boating fatalities is six per 100 million person hours for all types of boats nationwide and five per 100 million person hours for motorized boating. The survey was funded by two grants from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund. It was completed by the nonprofit research institute RTI International and the Department of Community Sustainability at Michigan State University. The full results can be viewed at national-recreational-boating-safety-survey.php

LOCAL First Channel Islands Harbor Holiday Food & Toy Drive reported to be a success OXNARD —The first Holiday Food & Toy

Drive at Fisherman’s Wharf in Channel Islands Harbor was reported to be a success. Ventura County Harbor Department and the Harbor & Beach Community Alliance hosted the drive Dec. 12. An estimated 2,200 toys were collected to benefit the Spark of Love Toy Drive and 5,000 pounds of non-perish-

able food and money donations of nearly $14,000 were given to benefit the Food Share of Ventura County. The money donations alone will provide over 41,000 meals. Ventura County Fire Department Public Information Officer Brian McGrath said the efforts at the Channel Islands Harbor will help benefit at least 2,000 families in Ventura County. “Thank you so much to the Channel Islands Harbor and the community for this amazing support for Food Share,” Food Share’s Chief Development Officer

(R/V) Roger Revelle, one of the largest ships in the U.S. Academic Research Fleet, has headed back to sea after a midlife refit involving upgrades from top to bottom, bow to stern. The refit will extend the service life by 15 to 20 years with improvements to systems crucial to the vessel’s operations, scientific capabilities, habitability, and environmental footprint. The ship is owned by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and has been operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego since 1996. The $60 million revitalization was supported by ONR, the National Science Foundation, and Scripps Oceanography. Upgrades included the addition of diesel engines that reduce emissions by up to two-thirds, ballast water systems designed to protect against the spread of invasive species, and the use of heat captured from the ship’s engine to desalinate seawater. The ship’s overboard handling systems also got an overhaul. Another major upgrade was the addition of the acoustics gondola secured below the keel. The first research expedition on the all-new R/V Roger Revelle got underway in early November, in a research mission led by UC Santa Barbara to retrieve ocean bottom seismometers measuring seismic activity and to collect rocks from seamounts and underwater volcanoes. The second research cruise began on Christmas day, during which R/V Roger Revelle travels to the Southern Ocean. The ship’s handling systems will be put through their paces as scientists collect samples, photographs, and sensor data to learn about plankton concentrations in eddies that form in the Southern Pacific. This 60-day expedition will also deploy biogeochemical floats for the Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling project, a multi-institution program focused on unlocking the mysteries of the Southern Ocean and determining its influence on climate.

The Log on Social Media “Great look at history. Thanks” Geri Conser, on Facebook, in response to The Log’s Dec. 13 share of its historical photo from the Dec. 11 issue showing the “The Great Storm of 1914” in Santa Barbara.

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THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 7



California Boater Card: Don’t Leave Shore Without It STAFF NOTE: This is a guest column authored by the staff of California’ Division of Boating and Waterways and does not reflect the views of The Log. SACRAMENTO —Since the onset of the

COVID-19 pandemic, outdoor recreation has been on the rise and boaters are escaping to local waterways to cool off. Before hitting the water, be a prepared boater: only boat with family members who reside in your home and learn the boating rules of the water by taking a safe boating course and obtaining a California

Boater Card. The California Boater Card is verification that its holder has successfully taken and passed an approved boating safety course. As of January 1, 2021, boaters 40 and younger will be required to carry a California Boater Card to operate a motorPlease see BOATER CARD, PAGE 12


POINT LOMA MARINA In America’s Cup Harbor Jimmy’s Famous American Tavern Close to shops & restaurants


Boater’s Lounge/Workout Room Pier 32 Waterfront Grill Trailer Storage/Pool & Spa Point Loma Marina, 4980 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92106 619.718.6260 / Pier 32 Marina, 3201 Marina Way, National City, CA 91950 619.477.3232 /

blips on the radar By Lindsey Glasgow

Ventura Harbor Rental Abatement and Deferment Program extended WHAT HAPPENED: On April 1 the

Ventura Port District Board of Port Commissioners approved a program to abate or defer all rental payments for harbor tenants who have been directly impacted by the coronavirus.. Harbor master tenants, harbor village tenants and village marina recreational charter businesses which have been closed by government order or lost 50 percent or more of their typical monthly precovid revenue were able to take advantage of the program. The repayment of

the deferred payments were scheduled to be due Dec. 31, 2020. WHAT’S ON TAP: At the Port Commission

meeting on Dec. 16, commissioners approved extending the program. The extension of the program will allow for the abatement or deferment of all rental payments for those harbor master tenants, harbor village tenants and village marina charter tenants who have been directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic (on a monthly-basis) through March 31, 2021. To qualify, businesses must have been ordered closed due to the Government Order or have lost 20 percent or more of typical monthly revenue pre-Covid.

“CPA’s turn to us...”



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8 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG



A LOOK BACK: LOG ABROAD 2020 It’s been a tough year for travel. Despite leisure travel being restricted for much of 2020, there were some adventures had by our readers in late 2019 and 2020. Thank you to everyone who brought a copy of The Log along and submitted photos to our Log Abroad section this year! We are hopeful 2021 will bring more opportunities to travel and we cannot wait to see where you take us! Until then, here’s a look back at the photos that ran in The Log Abroad section this past year. For the possibility of being included in future issues, please email your photos and caption information including names and location to



arry and Nancy Robertson brought their copy of The Log while on a Paul Gauguin cruise in early October 2019. They are pictured here visiting Bloody Mary’s famous cruisers bar in Bora Bora. Often frequented by celebrities, Blood Mary’s is known for its fresh food, signature cocktails and great ambiance.



ary and Andi Solt took The Log in search of Northern Lights above the Arctic Circle. They are pictured here in front of the Cathedral of the Northern Lights in Alta, Norway. When the snow stopped and the skies cleared, they were treated to a spectacular Aurora display. However, they said they’re happy to be home in warm Port Hueneme.



n October 2019, San Diego yacht broker Craig Toomey and his wife Bonnie Tweed enjoyed a five-country, 14-port cruise aboard Windsurf on the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas. This photo was taken in Monte Carlo, where Toomey joked he was closing a deal on a $135-million yacht.

THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 9




ana West Yacht club members Kathleen and Jim Young snapped sever a l phot o s w it h this copy of The Log along on a recent trip to Tahiti. Kathleen said they had a wonderful time and visited several other isla nd s includ ing Motu, Moorea and Bora-Bora.



ana West Yacht Club Members Chuck and Debbie Sacks spent their 27th anniversary living the boaters’ dream aboard Good Fight II, their 32-foot Luhrs, for four nights on Santa Catalina. They enjoyed paddleboarding, swimming, fishing, golfing, and exploring the interior. It has been a tradition for them to celebrate marriage and an adventurous lifestyle; boating every August 14th is part of the plan!

Sunset Aquatic Marina of Huntington Harbor PhiPhi ISLAND HOPPING


en Wolf and Tina Ustation brought The Log along on a speed boat trip to explore the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. There are six islands in the group known as Phi Phi and they are part of Hat Nopparat Thara-Ko Phi Phi National Park, which is home to an abundance of corals and marine life.



his photo of San Diego Yacht Club members Steve and Renee Tietsworth was taken in Zambia, but a second country, Zimbabwe, can also be seen in background. The shot was taken in August 2019 on the banks of the Zambezi River.

Slip into paradise at Sunset Aquatic Marina with top-notch slips and launching facilities in a tranquil park-like setting.

Slip sizes ranging from 18’ to 100’ Controlled access gangways 30 and 50 amp electrical service Free pump-out station Nighttime courtesy patrol Multiple-lane launch ramp open 24/7 Dry storage for trailered boats Convenient wash-down station Shipyard and Harbor Patrol on site 15 minutes to open ocean

562-592-2833 2901-A Edinger Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92649

10 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG

South San Diego Bay



The Port of San Diego Board of Port Commissioners adopted a resolution approving a Port Master Plan amendment for the San Diego Bay Native Oyster Living Shoreline Pilot Project and directed staff to file for certification with the California Coastal Commission. By LINDSEY GLASGOW SAN DIEG O —The Port of San Diego

Board of Port Commissioners approved an amendment to the Port Master Plan (PMP) adding a pilot project to create a native Olympia oyster reef in the South San Diego Bay adjacent to the Chula Vista Wildlife Reserve. At the Dec. 8 board meeting, commissioners adopted a resolution approving a Port Master Plan amendment for the San Diego Bay Native Oyster Living Shoreline Pilot Project and directed certification with the California Coastal Commission. “Proposed development in the Wetlands designation in this subarea would be for a living shoreline pilot project, which would involve the placement of oyster reef ball elements that consist of “baycrete” or concrete mixed with local sand and shell aggregate, as well as a fiveyear biological monitoring program with data collection,” the amendment added to the PMP stated. The pilot project would take up 10 acres near the Chula Vista bayfront with the goal of testing the effectiveness of baycrete elements in establishing native oyster reefs that protect shorelines from erosion while providing important habitat for wetlands, aquatic plants and ecologically and commercially important wildlife. While the proposed structures are not considered an allowable use in the Wetlands-designated area, in this case, the


Bayside Park


San Diego

Shelter Island




94 5


San Diego Bay 75


National City


Chula Vista


project has been sited to avoid impacts to eelgrass beds, includes design features and controls to avoid the recruitment of non-native oysters, and will provide valuable research into techniques for minimizing shoreline erosion that do not involve seawalls or riprap armoring. The project would be managed by a multi-agency team that consists of the port district, the Coastal Conservancy, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association, and California State University Fullerton. Following installation, which is anticipated to occur in early Spring 2021, a five-year biological monitoring program would be used to assess the pilot project’s success. The pilot project’s reef ball elements will be removed if, at the conclusion of the five-year monitoring period, adaptive management measures are not successful or feasible and the project meets one or more of the removal criteria. If the pilot project does not meet any of the removal criteria, the reef ball elements would be expected to be left in place as habitat. According to the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project (SCWRP) website, native Olympia oysters were a dominant native species in these areas of San Diego Bay until the early 1900’s when their populations declined due to over-harvesting, pollution, and loss of wetlands. Today, viable native oyster stock still exists in San Diego Bay, but a lack of hard substrate habitat prevents oyster populations from re-establishing. “Decades of dredging and channelization have resulted in a loss of 42 percent of San Diego Bay’s shallow subtidal habitat and 84 percent of its intertidal mudflat habitat since the late 1800’s,” a project description on SCWRP’s website stated.

Two Chula Vista bayfront projects - the San Diego Bay Native Oyster Living Shoreline Pilot Project and Harbor Park - are moving forward.


PORT COMMISSIONERS APPROVE HARBOR PARK COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Harbor Park will expand the existing Bayside Park on the Chula Vista waterfront, nearly doubling it in size. By LINDSEY GLASGOW SAN DIEGO —The Port of San Diego’s Board of Port Commissioners approved a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for the future Harbor Park at the board’s Dec. 8 meeting. The park is part of the Chula Vista Bayfront Project and will extend and improve the current Bayside Park, nearly doubling it in size to approximately 25 acres. The project site is located next to Marine Group Boat Works, the Resort Hotel and Convention Center (RHCC), Chula Vista Marina and San Diego Bay. Plans for the first phase include an enlarged and improved beach; waterside terraced headlands surrounding the beach that offer seating; a pocket marsh with salt marsh plantings; portion of the waterfront promenade; streetscape event plaza near the H Street roundabout; a boat launch at the north end for personal watercraft such as kayaks and paddleboards; north and south meadows with paths and picnic tables; formal, multi-use lawns and large public gathering areas at the north and south ends; pedestrian and

bicycle improvements; parking and vehicular circulation improvements; public art; and improvements to address sea level rise. Phase 1A will also include a north promontory providing views across the bay to the west to downtown San Diego and the Coronado Bridge to the north. The north promontory will include a small, single-story modular support building with restrooms, outdoor showers, drinking fountains, and park equipment rentals. “Together with RHCC, Harbor Park will frame the public space where visitors will have views of the marinas and bay and is also intended as the most active public place in the whole Chula Vista bayfront,” port staff told commissioners at the Dec. 8 meeting. Phase 1A is anticipated to begin in early 2023 with completion anticipated in early 2024. The first phase is expected to cost approximately $19.5 million with its financing anticipated to come from funding for the Gaylord Pacific Resort and Convention Center. Future phases of the project are contingent upon availability of funding. Improvements in future phases include a children and family play area; north and south parking lots; café and beach rental building (including restrooms) at the north end; and park hub with refreshment stand at the south end, among others. Harbor Park would be required to be open to the public at least 85% of the year. The Chula Vista Bayfront Project, a partnership between the Port of San Diego and the city of Chula Vista, includes more than 200 acres of parks, a shoreline promenade, walking trails, RV camping, shopping, dining and more. The Chula Vista Bayfront project also includes the establishment of ecological buffers to protect wildlife habitat, species and other coastal resources. For more information or to sign up for updates, visit chulavistabayfront.

THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 11


Essex Marina City Club A premier location in front of the Ritz Carlton and Marina City Club.

Shutterstock photo

Liveaboard Slips Available

Waves cover the entirety of Capistrano Beach. Storms and waves in recent years have damaged public walkways, the basketball court pictured, parking spaces, public beach showers, fire pits and more.

Coastal Commission approves short-term fix for Capistrano Beach in Dana Point OC Parks sought a Coastal Development Permit to add shoreline protective devices to Capistrano Beach County Park. By LINDSEY GLASGOW DANA POINT—The California Coastal Commission in an 8-to-2 vote on Dec. 9 approved a Coastal Development Permit for OC Parks to place shoreline protective devices at Capistrano Beach County Park in Dana Point. As part of the permit, OC Parks will need to come to the commission in one year, with an option to extend an additional year given the county has made progress, with a master plan and update for how they will address the challenges the shoreline is facing. The permit gives OC Parks a temporary fix to protect the shore from damage from storms and high tides while they come up with a master plan for Capistrano Beach Park’s future. Capistrano Beach has sustained considerable damage and erosion in recent years as storms and waves have damaged public walkways, a public restroom, basketball court, parking spaces, public beach showers, fire pits and more. “I will be supporting this reluctantly, because in my mind this is a classic example of the present and future impacts of sea-level rise,” Vice-Chair Donne Brownsey said during the Dec. 9 discussion, which spanned about two hours.

OC Parks sought after-the-fact authorization for the removal of these damaged amenities, all of which have been demolished and removed from the site pursuant to emergency permits. OC Parks has indicated that replacement of the removed public beach amenities is under consideration for inclusion within the pending master plan for the park. OC Parks also sought coastal commission approval for the installation of shoreline protective devices including approximately 870 linear feet of sandcubes and installation of approximately 840 linear feet of armor rock along the seaward edge of the coastal trail and park facilities. Segments of shoreline protective devices currently exist onsite, mostly installed pursuant to approved emergency permits, to protect coastal dependent uses, including a public beach parking lot, a coastal trail and coastal viewing areas, from substantial damage and erosion. The width of the sandy/cobble beach onsite currently ranges from zero feet to approximately 100 feet. During high tides and/or storm events, the amenities onsite are subject to overtopping and erosion. Many commissioners expressed they were reluctant to approve the permit but felt there was no other feasible alternative. “We feel there is urgency and we want them [ OC Parks ] to feel urgency and we want them to get on this,” Commissioner Carole Groom said. OC Parks will have to present a more comprehensive plan, instead of emergency armoring measures, to address the erosion threat when they come back to the commission in one year.

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12 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG


Catalina Connection Longtime Catalina lover, boater creates card collection highlighting the island

By LINDSEY GLASGOW AVALON —It’s not hard to find to hidden

treasures and sights on Catalina Island – little charms in windows, names of buildings, tiled walls. Capturing the island’s magic is something longtime boater and professional photographer Jeff Granbery has been doing for the past decade. Granbery, who also serves on the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Board of Directors, has taken more than 40,000

Boater Card From page 7

ized vessel. The program is being phased in by age to give boaters ample time to obtain their card. By 2025, all operators of motorized vessels on California waters will be required to carry a California Boater Card. The cost of the lifetime California Boater Card is $10. No profit is made from the card, as the money goes toward program implementation and management. California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) maintains the list of approved safe boating courses, which includes classroom, online and home study options. Applying for the California Boater Card is an easy, two-step process: pass an approved boating safety course and apply for the card and provide proof of passing an approved

photos of these island treasures over the past 10 years. A simple idea to share his work with fellow island lovers turned into a passion project, Catalina Cards and Prints. “I really just wanted to share some of the unique parts of the island that I consider the charming parts,” Granbery said. About a month ago Granbery finalized a website featuring about 310 of his images, which are available for custom printing. The biggest focus of Catalina Cards and Prints however was to create a card set people could purchase for a low

cost to share with others or frame. “I wanted to make a card set where somebody could, for a low price, get some high-quality imagery they could share with others,” Granbery said. The card set features five, 5X7 cards printed on linen paper for $20. He said for this first card set, he focused on some of the most iconic parts of the island, including the Casino, buffalos, and Joes Rent-a-Boat. The card set, as well as custom prints can be purchased online at catalinacards. com. Granbery has also been working on selling the card set in local stores on Catalina Island and has seen some great interest from both shops and shoppers. “From little whimsical charms found on a conner to wide panoramic harbor views, I hope to show the island off in its best light,” Granbery wrote on his website. He said this project was fueled by his deep love for the island and was less about making money and more about sharing his passion for Catalina. He’s been boating to the island since he was 4 or 5 years old, has worked on the island as a camp counselor at Camp Fox and even met his wife on the island. “My whole family is really dedicated to the island,” Granbery said. “It seems to be the one thing we can agree one is going to the island.” For more information or to shop visit Those interested in purchasing can use code POSTCARD10 to receive 10% off any print. Catalina Cards and Prints can also be found on Instagram at catalinacards.

course. Boaters have an option to apply for the card before or after passing an approved course. Once DBW has received your application, proof of education and payment, you will receive a 90-day temporary boater card by email. You will then receive your official California Boater Card by mail within 60 days. Violation of this law is considered an infraction. Those stopped by law enforcement must present a valid California Boater Card or they will be cited. The initial conviction will be a fine of not more than $100, second conviction is a fine of not more than $250 and a third or subsequent conviction is a fine of not more than $500. In addition to the fines imposed, the boater will be required to complete and pass an approved boating safety course and provide proof of completion to the court.

Boating accident data from the U.S. Coast Guard verifies that states with some form of boating safety education have fewer accidents and fatalities than states without any boater education requirements. California is one of the last states to implement mandatory boater education, with only four states left that have no boating education requirement. To find out more about the approved courses and the phase-in schedule or to apply for your California Boater Card, please visit www.CaliforniaBoaterCard. com. A toll-free phone support line is also available at (844) 421-8333. During the COV ID -19 pandemic, DBW advises boaters to follow public health guidelines. Visit https://dbw. for more information. Thank you for keeping California safe for everyone!



his Thanksgiving weekend saw more boats than the past two years with 129 arriving boats in 2020 compared to 34 in 2019 and 104 in 2018. Total number of boats for November 2020 was 648 boats compared to 856 boats during November 2019. However, November 2019 saw the most boats since November 2006.














65°/ 52°




.16 inches RAIN





Attorney From page 5

economic hardship. The only advice that we can offer is to work with your marina manager, explain your specific hardship, and suggest a plan for working through it. David Weil is licensed to practice law in the state of California and as such, some of the information provided in this column may not be applicable in a jurisdiction outside of California. Please note also that no two legal situations are alike, and it is impossible to provide accurate legal advice without knowing all the facts of a particular situation. Therefore, the information provided in this column should not be regarded as individual legal advice, and readers should not act upon this information without seeking the opinion of an attorney in their home state.

THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 13

Lindsey Glasgow photo


Buildings age at Fisherman’s Wharf in Channel Islands Harbor as city and county leaders work with a planning company and local stakeholders on a development project everyone can agree on.

CHANNEL ISLANDS HARBOR PARTNERS GIVES UP EXCLUSIVE LEASE AGREEMENT FOR FISHERMAN’S WHARF A virtual public forum on the redevelopment of Fisherman’s Wharf has been scheduled for Jan. 20th at 6 p.m. By LINDSEY GLASGOW OXNARD —With plans to bring nearly 400 apartments to Channel Islands Harbor’s Fisherman’s Wharf squashed by the California Coastal Commission, the developer behind the plans has indicated they are abandoning the project. Channel Islands Harbor Partners did not pay the required fees on Dec. 1 required to retain its exclusive Lease Option Agreement related to the Fisherman’s Wharf area. CIHP’s exclusivity for the X3 area and F/F1 parcels are due to expire on March 31, 2021. Ventura County and Oxnard will now have to entertain other development proposals for the area in order to see the aging commercial site rehabilitated. “We obviously want it to be accepted by everyone who’s passionate about the harbor but also and as importantly it has to be a development that a developer will invest in because we do not have the funds, city of Oxnard doesn’t have the funds, so whatever we develop needs to be developed by a private sector developer,” Ventura County Harbor Department Director Mark Sandoval said. CIHP, a development team made up of Peter W. Mullin, Geoff Palmer and Thomas R. Tellefsen, has held an exclusive Lease Option Agreement related to the Fisherman’s Wharf area for several years. Their initial plans included 390 apartment homes, 36,000 square feet of restaurants, retail and artesian food and cafes, a 1-acre park, a 1,000-foot long boardwalk, rehabilitation of six retail

buildings and the restoration of the area’s iconic lighthouse. “The city basically shut the door on it, and so they just to me read the writing on the wall,” Sandoval said. CHIP’s proposal for almost 400 new apartments saw push back from the city of Oxnard, some local residents, and ultimately the California Coastal Commission. The redevelopment project was derailed in August when the California Coastal Commission rejected Ventura County’s request to overrule the Oxnard City Council’s vote in November 2019 to deny an amendment to the city’s local coastal plan that would allow a mixed-use development at Fisherman’s Wharf. Under Oxnard’s current local coastal plan, Fisherman’s Wharf is designated for visitor-serving commercial uses and harbor-related uses that support recreational boating and fishing. Ventura County had sought to amend the local coastal plan to allow for housing. Sandoval, along with other supporters of the CIHP project, believed a developer would not receive a return on their investment without housing part of the plan. Oxnard officials felt the proposal would take away too much public access to the coastline and was too massive. Since the decision, Ventura County has been working on a “visioning process” for the redevelopment of Channel 4C Islands Harbor as a whole, with Fisherman’s Wharf being a major focus. The county hired Sargent Town Planning to lead the process and created a steering committee made up of county and city 2C officials, local residents, boaters and other harbor stakeholders. As part of the visioning process, a virtual public forum has been scheduled for Jan. 20th at 6 p.m.2C It’s expected that Sargent Town Planning will give a DARK presentation on development options for BKGND various parcels in the harbor, with Fisherman’s Wharf being one of them. The public will then be able to provide input. “I think there’s been a lot of good ideas,” Sandoval said. “What I don’t know BW yet is if all the boxes will be checked.” Sandoval said he is hoping this visioning process will be completed within the next three months and that they will come out of it with a blueprint for where to go with development in the harbor.

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SINCE 1908

14 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG


San Pedro Bay Ecosystem Restoration project moves forward, boater engagement planned A virtual stakeholder session has tentatively been planned for Jan. 19 for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ proposed restoration project to add 200 acres of kelp beds, eelgrass beds, and rocky reef habitats in the East San Pedro Bay.







Long Beach




Port of Long Beach Port of Los Angeles


Middle Breakwater

LONG BEACH—A project that will bring

200 acres of kelp beds, eelgrass beds, and rocky reef habitats to 18 square miles in the East San Pedro Bay, offshore of Long Beach, has taken a step forward. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers submitted a consistency determination to the California Coastal Commission and on Dec. 11 commissioners unanimously concurred with the determination. The consistency determination is the review process to assure all federal agency activities affecting the coastal zone are consistent with the enforceable policies of the state’s certified program. The restoration project’s plans include constructing 24 rocky reefs totaling 122 acres, 12 which would be placed adjacent to the breakwater near existing kelp beds, and the other twelve kelp reefs would be placed in the open water zone off the eastern end of the breakwater. The Corps anticipates giant kelp would establish on the rocks through passive recruitment of propagules over time. The project aims to improve aquatic ecosystem structure and function for increased habitat biodiversity and ecosystem value within the East San Pedro Bay. “Urbanization and development of the Port of Long Beach and Port of Los Angeles resulted in the extensive loss of estuarine habitat,” a staff report stated. Members of the Recreational Boaters of California (RBOC) at the Dec. 11 meeting urged the plan to address boater con-




Seal Beach

East San Pedro Bay



San Pedro Breakwater The restoration project’s plans include constructing 24 rocky reefs totaling 122 acres, 12 which would be placed adjacent to the breakwater near existing kelp beds, and the other 12 kelp reefs would be placed in the open water zone off the eastern end of the breakwater. cerns that the proposed kelp beds as currently planned would negatively impact navigation and safety in the project area. RBOC said in a released statement that the organization supports the concept of the project but felt kelp beds in the vicinity of the busy Alamitos Bay entrance would present serious hazards to many recreational boaters and fishermen. “Kelp is not readily observable by sailors,” RBOC President Cleve Hardaker said at the Dec. 11 commission meeting. “Boats encountering kelp unexpectedly could be rendered disabled by kelp wrapping around propellers and stalling engines.” RBOC also said in a released statement in extreme situations, thick kelp can become tightly wrapped around a propeller shaft and pull the shaft away from the transmission leaving a large hole in the hull. Officials with the Corps said they will be engaging boater stakeholders in an effort to identify and minimize these concerns. As part of that effort, a virtual stakeholder session is tentatively planned for Jan. 19.

“There’s still specific design work to be done, several years of engagement with both agencies and community members and our anticipation is many of the issues that are raised by the boaters will be addressed during that phase,” Senior Environmental Scientist at the California Coastal Commission Kate Huckelbridge said at the Dec. 11 commission meeting. Huckelbridge went on to say there’s not likely to be an elimination of poten-

tial impacts to boaters, but plans will include mitigation efforts. “What they have proposed so far includes designing kelp in a way to include very clear pathways for boaters to go through areas of kelp, providing mapping so areas where kelp has been planted is very clearly laid out and similar mitigation measures to notify and be very clear where the kelp is to allow boaters to avoid as best they can,” Huckelbridge said.

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FREE . . . 24 Brokerages & Dealers . . . . 14 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Catalina Connection . . . . . . 33 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 6 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 FishRap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Marine Directory . . . . . . ...... 4 News Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SCYA’s 91st Midwinter Regatta adds new classes for 2020 P. 19


Southern California’s


LD Assembly will revisit resolution on aquatic invasive species

wants to he federal government the way make some changes to are reguaquatic invasive species disagrees with lated – but California Will the Washington, D.C.’s strategy. D.C.’s legislature resolve to block directives? P. 9

Island Express Helicopters temporarily halts Catalina service in the

he helicopter involved a former tragic crash that killed and seven NBA player, his daughter connection. Ara others had a Catalina the ill-fated Zobayah, who helmed Helicopters’ flight, was Island Express announced chief pilot. Island Express to Catalina. its grounding its service


and Waterways Department of Fishing Did you know California’s ? The department from old automobiles created an artificial reef the 1960s and of its artificial reefs between P. 10 ended up building most resume this program again? 1990s. Will the state ever


More fishing line recycling stations popping up around Southern California

have ishing line recycling stations Southern been popping up all around at Huntington Beach California and anglers stations were Pier, where four recycling seem to be installed in 2017, generally and hoping for taking advantage of them P. 12 more piers to add them.


P. 6

Ground broken on Town Square project and new segment of LA Waterfront Promenade

LA Waterfront in San he first phase of the new shape, as the city of Pedro will begin to take ground on the longLos Angeles finally broke is The Port of Los Angeles awaited revitalization. portion of the revitalizafunding the promenade million. San Pedro Public tion, to the tune of $33 ground in 2021. P. 13 Market is slated to break


Set Course Toward Your Dream — Buy a Boat!

a much longer lifespan On average, boats have to 40 years. The extenthan cars — usually 30 offers exceptional sive SoCal used boat market Check out The Log’s value for your money. on page brokerage section beginning


NO. 1121


FEB. 7 — FEB. 20, 2020

Southern California’s


he federal government wants to make some changes to the way aquatic invasive species are regulated – but California disagrees with Washington, D.C.’s strategy. Will the legislature resolve to block D.C.’s directives? P. 9

Island Express Helicopters temporarily halts Catalina service

Did you know California’s Department of Fishing and Waterways created an artificial reef from old automobiles? The department ended up building most of its artificial reefs between the 1960s and 1990s. Will the state ever resume this program again? P. 10


Assembly will revisit resolution on aquatic invasive species





Brokerages & Dealers . . . 24 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Catalina Connection . . . . . . 17 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 FishRap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Marine Directory . . . . . . . . . . 31 News Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Sailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

SCYA’s 91st Midwinter Regatta adds new classes for 2020 P. 19

FEB. 7 — FEB. 20, 2020


NO. 1121


More fishing line recycling stations popping up around Southern California


ishing line recycling stations have been popping up all around Southern California and anglers at Huntington Beach Pier, where four recycling stations were installed in 2017, generally seem to be taking advantage of them and hoping for more piers to add them. P. 12


he helicopter involved in the tragic crash that killed a former NBA player, his daughter and seven others had a Catalina connection. Ara Zobayah, who helmed the ill-fated flight, was Island Express Helicopters’ chief pilot. Island Express announced its grounding its service to Catalina. P. 6

Ground broken on Town Square project and new segment of LA Waterfront Promenade


he first phase of the new LA Waterfront in San Pedro will begin to take shape, as the city of Los Angeles finally broke ground on the longawaited revitalization. The Port of Los Angeles is funding the promenade portion of the revitalization, to the tune of $33 million. San Pedro Public Market is slated to break ground in 2021. P. 13

Set Course Toward Your Dream — Buy a Boat! On average, boats have a much longer lifespan than cars — usually 30 to 40 years. The extensive SoCal used boat market offers exceptional value for your money. Check out The Log’s brokerage section beginning on page

THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 15



As part of a presentation to the Commission, Tom LeBeau shared photos of dock extensions throughout the harbor similar to his.



imately 55 feet in length at the time of the violation, in excess of the permitted 38-foot maximum length and that the float sections of the dock were constructed or installed without a permit. The structure in question was a detachable float extension attached with hinge clips. On Oct. 7, the permittees filed an appeal of the violation. The permittees, O’Malley Miller and Tom LeBeau, who share the dock and are joint permittees, addressed the commission at the public hearing at the Dec. 9 Harbor Commission meeting. LeBeau told the commission they submitted a pubDock lic documents request, which he Extension said revealed they received one of three violations issued in the past 10 years without the city receiving a public complaint. He said he documented about 360 similar infractions in from Note other permittees in the harbor ‘Hinge Cleat’ and shared a slideshow featuring photographs of similar floats. “All of these pictures that I’m Floating Dock Extension showing you, none of these devices have received a permit from the city,” LeBeau said. “This picture is a picture of a dock extenA public hearing sion, much like mine, you can see what he’s using it for, this is a beachward dock extension and he’s at the Newport Beach Harbor got his dingy on there and that’s precisely what we Commission meeting turned use ours for.” into a larger discussion Many of the harbor commissioners seemed to agree coming up with a policy regarding these about float permit violations types of floats was something they needed to do. within the harbor. “I believe this issue of floats is going to have to be addressed and we’re going to have to put something together otherwise it will just continue to exBy LINDSEY GLASGOW pand, we need to have some rules,” Harbor Commission Vice Chair Scott Cunningham said. NEWPORT BEACH —A Dec. 9 public hearing at The commission ultimately voted 4-3 to rethe Newport Beach Harbor Commission about a scind the violation. permit violation appeal turned into a broader dis“The basis would be that we don’t have a specussion about illegal float extensions in the harbor. cific policy on these temporary floats,” said CunOn Aug. 18, the Harbor Department issued a ningham, who made the motion to rescind the Notice of Violation to the permittees of 1322 E. violation. Balboa Boulevard and 1324 E. Balboa Boulevard Commission Chair Bill Kenney agreed they for their dock structure, which exceeded the per- needed to come up with a policy but voted against missible length stated in the permit, and for an repealing the violation. oversized vessel berthed at the dock. “I have a real concern with bayward encroachAccording to a staff report, aerial records show ments and I didn’t see any bayward encroachment that the dock had been modified and was approx- in all of those photographs,” Kenney said.

» Yacht Clubs

» Events



245,500 20,470 265,970

1,000,000 10,000 1,010,000

» Non-Profits

» Marinas/Launch



74,616 186,226 260,842


» Residential Slips/

300 25,050 25,350

» For Profit

142,162 2,126,997 2,269,159

» City of

Newport Beach




0 193,368 193,368

» Restaurants



0 329,648 329,648

22,415 N/A 22,415

LAND 2,630,357 WATER 0 TOTAL 2,630,357

» Beaches LAND 113,710 WATER N/A TOTAL 113,710

» Combined Total LAND WATER

4,229,060 2,891,759



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n 2020, one of the Harbor Commission’s goals was to support staff in completing a Harbor Attendance Study. Commissioners Steve Scully and Dan Yahn served on the subcommittee tasked with completing the study. They surveyed harbor stakeholders to determine how many people use the harbor. With the support of staff and various harbor stakeholders, the study was completed and presented to the Harbor Commission at the Dec. 9 meeting. “We need to use this as our lens to understand how many people we impact with the decisions we make,” Commissioner Scully said.

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16 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG


Illegal charters discussed in Marina del Rey Marina del Rey Sherriff’s Station Facebook photo

A presentation about how to operate a charter business legally in Marina del Rey was given at the Dec. 17 Los Angeles Department of Beaches and Harbors Small Craft Harbor Commission meeting. By LINDSEY GLASGOW MARINA DEL REY—The issue of illegal charters has once again popped up in Marina del Rey. The topic was on the docket for the Los Angeles Department of Beaches and Harbors Small Craft Harbor Commission meeting on Dec. 17. Department of Beaches and Harbors staff gave a presentative at the meeting about how to operate a legal charter business in the harbor, outlining the two options people interested in running a charter operation in Marina del Rey have. The first requires the potential charter operator to come to a sublease agreement with any of the existing master lease holders in the harbor. The Department of Beaches and Harbors would then need to review the sublease for land use conformance, parking and other policy requirements. The second option is Dock 55, which staff said was the more streamlined option since it doesn’t require chasing down leaseholders or meeting parking requirements. Dock 55 opened in 2017 and serves as a docking site for boat charter operators, among other things such as dock and dine. Dock 55 is managed by Pacific Ocean Management, which provides potential operators all the information they need to charter out of the location. Operators will need to provide captains licensed by the U.S. Coast Guard, have their boat inspected, provide insurance, provide a valid county business license and provide permits for serving food and alcohol if needed.

The Marina del Rey Sherriff’s Office and the U.S. Coast Guard are responsible for responding to calls about illegal charter operations in Marina del Rey Harbor.

REMINDERS Anyone boarding a charter vessel should ask five questions to determine whether the operation is legal: Is a credentialed master aboard the vessel? Is the master – and all crewmembers – enrolled in a Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol Testing program?

6 12

Is the vessel equipped with proper documentation and safety equipment? Are there more than six passengers aboard? If so, does the vessel have a Certificate of Inspection issued by the Coast Guard?

6 12

6 12

6 12

Are you aboard a bareboat charter (where no crew is provided)? If so, the vessel should not have more than 12 people aboard. You should be allowed the opportunity to select a crew (or provide your own crew) to operate the vessel.

“If there’s not proof, it’s hard for us to tell if this is an illegal charter or is this guy going out with his family,” Sgt. Carlson said at the meeting.

Following the presentation, several existing legal charter operators raised concerns about the number of illegal operators in the harbor and how officials were dealing with the problem. “Our biggest concern as always is what are we doing – we know how to be legal – but what are we doing to stop the illegals,” one charter operator told the commissioners. Sargent Brent Carlson of the Marina Del Rey sheriff’s station discussed some of the enforcement challenges they face. He said when they get calls about these types of operations, operators sometimes offer passengers onboard free trips or other offerings in exchange for the passengers telling deputies they are the operator’s friends or family members. “If there’s not proof, it’s hard for us to tell if this is an illegal charter or is this guy going out with his family,” Sgt. Carlson said at the meeting. Another charter operator raised the issue of safety, saying his crew rescued a passenger from the water in the summer of 2019 that had been aboard an illegal charter. “I could probably list over 200 illegal charters that can be docked out of Marina del Rey on any given day in the middle of summer,” Mark Sentyrz, owner and operator of Marina del Rey Boat Rentals, told the Commission. No action on the topic was taken by the Commission. “I would ask our staff and also the county sheriff’s office to continue to monitor the situation and report back to us,” Commission Chair David Lumian said. Illegal charters are in ongoing issue in Marina del Rey. According to previous Log reporting from December 2016, staff from Los Angeles County’s Department of Beaches and Harbors and the harbormaster were contemplating performing a sweep or sting operation in hopes of weeding out illegal charter operations. The reporting went on to say Commissioners suggested a task force be put in place at the start of 2017 to begin planning the sting operations. Marina del Rey is not the only harbor dealing with ongoing issues. San Diego has also grappled with illegal charters for the past several years. This past June, the Coast Guard issued a bulletin specifically citing a recent case where $25,000 in civil penalties were imposed upon a vessel owner for allegedly operating an illegal charter. Operating an illegal charter is a violation of federal passenger vessel requirements and can result in a termination of voyage and civil penalties of up to $59,000 per operation per day for the owner/operator. The Log will follow up with a more in-depth look at illegal charters in Marina del Rey and what is being done to combat the problem in the following edition of the paper.

THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 17


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House passes Water Resources Development Act of 2020 The legislation aims to improve the nation’s ports, island waterways, dams, levees, aids to navigation, flood control and operational functions that the Corps undertakes in support of national, state and local water resources development needs. By LINDSEY GLASGOW W A S H I N G T O N —T h e H o u s e o f Representatives on Dec. 8 passed the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 and it now moves onto the Senate for consideration. WRDA 2020 is a legislative package that aims to improve the nation’s ports, island waterways, dams, levees, aids to navigation, flood control and operational functions that the Army Corps of Engineers undertakes in support of national, state and local water resources development needs. The bipartisan legislation has been developed and passed by Congress on a biennial basis since 2014. WRDA 2020 includes numerous policies that support water quality, aquatic resource conservation, fishing access and efforts to eradicate, control and manage aquatic invasive species. The American Sportfishing Association (ASA) has been vocal in their support of the legislation. “Throughout 2020, it became increasingly apparent that Americans deeply value opportunities to get out on the water,” ASA vice president of Government Affairs Mike Leonard said in a released statement. “However, a day on the water with family and friends and the associated economic impacts are threatened by poor water quality, invasive species and outdated infrastructure. Thank-



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fully, WRDA 2020 takes meaningful steps to address these challenges.” Dredging and recreational economic activity are also two elements of the WRDA renewal. The WRDA 2020 also calls for federal funds to be appropriated to non-federal partners – say, the state of California or Division of Boating and Waterways or Port of Los Angeles – to construct projects on their own. The legislation also includes several recreational boating industry priorities supported by the National Marine Manufacturers Association. Those include providing the authority to appropriate $2 billion in additional funds annually for harbor maintenance needs from the existing balance in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund; allowing for the calculation of sea level rise benefits for Corps projects; renewing congressional support for water resources projects that promote the beneficial reuse of sediment by establishing a national policy that recognizes the economic and environmental value in reusing clean dredged materials for ecosystem restoration or storm damage reduction projects; and directing the Secretary of Transportation to update the Corps’ Invasive Species Policy Guidance based on the most recent National Invasive Species Council Management Plan. “Investing in our country’s water infrastructure needs will provide significant economic benefits to local and coastal communities and the recreational boating community applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for passing legislation that addresses this critical issue,” director of federal government relations at the National Marine Manufacturers Association Callie Hoyt said in a released statement. “The outdoor recreation industry – which counts boating and fishing as the top contributor – has played an important role in aiding our economy throughout the pandemic and the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) will help continue this trend in the days of recovery ahead.”

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18 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG



Stars and Stripes Team USA Facebook photo

 Stars and Stripes Team USA sails the team’s GC32.

STARS AND STRIPES TEAM USA WITHDRAWS FROM AMERICA’S CUP The confirmation of Stars and Stripes Team USA’s withdraw leaves the fleet at four syndicates, including one U.S. team, New York Yacht Club American Magic. By LINDSEY GLASGOW L O N G B E A C H —Long Beach

Yacht Club has confirmed Stars and Stripes Team USA, sailing out of the Long Beach Yacht Club, has withdrawn from the 36th America’s Cup.

Sta rs a nd Str ipes Tea m USA has not yet made a formal statement.   The team, co-founded by Mike Buckley and Taylor Canfield, was a late entry to the 2021 regatta, scheduled for March 6-21, 2021 in Auckland, New Zealand. Stars and Stripes Team USA purchased a design package from defenders Emirates Team New Zealand for a first-generation AC75 after formally announcing their challenge in late 2018. The team came short of funding before the completion of their boat in the U.S. In July, they sought approval from the Cup’s arbitration panel to allow them to make arrangements to sail the first boat from another team. The arbitration

panel denied the request because of the country-of-origin rule over hull construction in the large and complicated boats.   The confirmation of Stars and Stripes Team USA’s withdraw leaves the fleet at four syndicates: America’s Cup Defender Emirates Team New Zealand, the Challenger of Record Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team, INEOS Team UK and New York Yacht Club American Magic. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, New York Yacht Club American Magic and INEOS Team UK will compete in the PRADA Cup, scheduled to start Feb. 13, with the winner challenging the Defender Emirates Team New Zealand in the America’s Cup Match in March.

Registration opens for 2021 Islands Race Hosted by San Diego Yacht Club and Newport Harbor Yacht Club, the 2021 Islands Race will take place March 5 and 6. By LINDSEY GLASGOW SAN DIEGO —Registration has opened for the 2021 Islands Race, hosted by Newport Harbor Yacht Club and San Diego Yacht Club. The 12t h ed it ion of t he event is scheduled for March 5 and 6, 2021. The 134 nautical mile race starts near the Point Fermin Buoy near Long Beach and rounds Santa Catalina Island and San Clemente Islands before finishing off at the Channel Entrance Buoy to San Diego Harbor. The race involves one night at sea, which organizers say is the perfect

opportunity to gain offshore experience. All boats entered must have at least a 29-foot overall length, a minimum crew of four people and a valid 2021 rating certificate from the applicable Rating Authority. Eligible boats may enter by completing the online entry form at www.islandsrace. com. The entry fee is $225 if paid on or before Feb. 1, 2021. No entry will be accepted after March 1, 2021. The monohull with the shortest elapsed time will be commemorated on the Newport Harbor Yacht Club ‘Sailing Race Free For All’ perpetual trophy. The monohull with the shortest corrected time will be commemorated on the Islands Race Overall Perpetual Trophy. The multihull with the shortest corrected time will be awarded a take-home trophy. An elapsed time record will also be commemorated on the ‘Stars and Stripes Multihull’ perpetual if See ISLANDS, PAGE 19

THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 19


San Diego Yacht Club Facebook photo

Del Rey Yacht Club announces Single/ Double Handed Winter Series The new series was created after postponement of the 2021 William Berger and William Stein Series. Boats race from Long Beach around Santa Catalina Island and San Clemente Islands to San Diego in the signature Islands Race hosted by San Diego Yacht Club and Newport Harbor Yacht Club. By LINDSEY GLASGOW

US Sailing and NWSA team up to promote females in sailing NWSA will assist US Sailing in the organization of Instructor Certification courses for female members and will sponsor US Sailing’s National Sailing Programs Symposium. By LINDSEY GLASGOW BRISTOL , RHODE ISL AND — US Sailing and the National Women’s Sailing Association (NWSA) have partnered on a new collaboration to promote participation, education, and engagement opportunities for female sailors. NWSA will assist US Sailing in the organization of Instructor Certification courses for female members interested in becoming a US Sailing certified in-

structor and US Sailing will be assisting NWSA in an expansion of their AdventureSail program through a National AdventureSail Day with event participation by many of US Sailing member organizations. “We at US Sailing are thrilled about this collaborative partnership with NWSA,” Betsy Alison, Adult Director at US Sailing, said in a released statement. “Our goal of being inclusive to more girls and women in all aspects of the sport through education and participation speaks to the mission of both organizations. We look forward to working together with NSWA to achieve these common goals and see the fruit of our labor during the 2021 sailing season.” As part of the NWSA’s commitment to sailing education, the organization will be supporting and participating at US Sailing educational and networking events as a sponsor for the National Sailing Programs Symposium (NSPS), the premiere sailing education event in

the U.S. and the Sailing Leadership Forum, a signature US Sailing event that welcomes leaders from the sailing industry to discuss important topics in the sport. “From the time we started NWSA in 1990, it has always been our desire to work closely with US Sailing to broaden access and enhance the lives of women and girls through sailing,” Doris Colgate, Founder of NWSA, said in a released statement. “This ground-breaking collaboration is an exciting next step in fulfilling those initial goals.” The NWSA is a membership program of the Women’s Sailing Foundation (WSF), a national nonprofit organization that aims to enhance the lives of women and girls through education and access to the sport of sailing. US Sailing and NWSA have already started on women’s sailing outreach and education initiatives. On Oct. 14, 2020, US Sailing hosted a Starboard Portal live session featuring women in sailing in collaboration with N WSA, featuring President, Debbie Huntsman; Board member, Charlotte Kaufman, and other leaders in women’s sailing. To watch the presentation, visit

M A RIN A D EL RE Y —Del Rey

Yacht Club announced the creation of a new three-race series, the Single/Double Ha nded Winter Series, that requires crew to “live under the same roof.” The series was created after the postponement of the 2021 William Berger and William Stein Series due to the coronavirus. The William Berger and William Stein Series is currently scheduled to begin May 6, 2021, with the Pt. Dume Race. “Due to the ongoing Covid19 crisis in California and out of concern for our community, we have created the Single/Double Handed Winter Series,” the yacht club said in a statement on its website. “This is a continuation of our 2020 Single/Double Handed Series and individual races, following the Los Angeles County guidelines, that require crew ‘live under the same roof.’”

Islands From page 18

established. An awards ceremony is not planned at this time, instead awards will be mailed to the person registering the boat. The Notice of Race also en-

Each race will have two divisions, PHRF and Cruising, and these divisions will be divided into single and double handed classes. The first race, Malibu and Return, will be held Jan. 2. The course for PHRF boats is 22.5 nautical miles and the course for Cruising class boats is 13.1 nautical miles. There will be a shorter course option for PHRF, using the same course as the Cruising class. “The Malibu and Return Race is of the most looked forward to in all of Southern California,” the yacht club wrote on their website about the race. “For 2021, Malibu and Return will be the first of a new 3 race series.” The second race, Topanga Race, will be held Feb. 6. The course for all boats will be 13.1 nautical miles. The third race, Santa Monica Bay Race, will be held March 6. This course for all boats is 21.1 nautical miles. Race and series trophies will be awarded based on the number of entries in each class. There will be no pre or post-race gatherings at the DRYC. A postrace awards/virtual happy hour will be held at 5 p.m., the Sunday after each race. A Zoom link will be emailed to all entrants. For mor e i n for m at ion v i s it d r yc .or g /R AC I NG/ Races-Notices_(2).

couraged participants to review their crew skills and required safety gear. “Even experienced crew can be overwhelmed with localized bursts of severe weather conditions,” the Notice of Race Vessel Safety Brief stated.



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20 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG


ANOTHER GREAT DAY OF FISHING  Eldorado Sportfishing out of Long Beach reported another great day of fishing Dec. 6. Anglers aboard the trip caught a big yellowtail calico bass, jumbo whitefish, lingcod, and big reds but the sheephead stole the show, with 69 caught. Eldorado Sportfishing also said live squid have definitely been making a difference in quality and variety. “Quality fishing continues for us. LIVE SQUID is the ticket!” Eldorado Sportfishing wrote in a Facebook post Dec. 11.

Eldorado Sportfishing Facebook photo



Shutterstock photo

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FISHING NEWS Drift gillnets are between a mile and a mile and a half long and can extend 200 feet below the ocean surface and are left in the ocean overnight to catch swordfish and thresher sharks. Federal waters off the California coast are the only place the nets are still allowed in the United States.


tight lines By Lindsey Glasgow

The Driftnet Modernization and Bycatch Reduction Act passed the House Dec. 10.

WASHINGTON —A bill that would phase out large mesh drift gillnets in the federal waters off the coast of California has passed the House and is now headed for the President’s desk. The House passed the Driftnet Modernization and Bycatch Reduction Act, a bipartisan bill introduced by U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), on Dec. 10. The Senate passed the bill in July. “We’re finally close to removing deadly large mesh drift gillnets from California’s waters,” Senator Feinstein said in a released statement. “I’m hopeful the pres-

ident will now sign our bipartisan bill to phase out these harmful nets and help the industry transition to more efficient, sustainable and profitable methods.” In 2018, California passed a four-year phase out of mesh drift gillnets in state waters to protect marine life. However, the nets remained legal in federal waters off the California coast, the only place the nets are still used in the United States. Large mesh drift gillnets, which are between a mile and a mile and a half long and can extend 200 feet below the ocean surface, are left in the ocean overnight to catch swordfish and thresher sharks.

The nets have been criticized because at least 60 other marine species, including whales, dolphins, sea lions, sea turtles, fish and sharks, can also become entangled, injuring or killing them. Most of these animals, referred to as bycatch, are then discarded. The bill would provide fishermen assistance from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to transition away from mesh drift gillnets and toward more sustainable methods, such as deep-set buoy gear. Deep-set buoy gear uses a hook-and-buoy system that attracts swordfish with bait and alerts fishermen immediately when a bite is detected. A seven-year study by the Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research found that fishing vessels using the new deepset buoy gear caught 83 percent more swordfish than those using traditional large mesh drift gillnets. “There have been decades of effort trying to clean up the California swordfish fishery and today that hard work paid off,” Glenn Hughes, president of the American Sportfishing Association, said in a released statement Dec. 10. “We’ll now be able to manage this fishery to ensure abundant sportfish populations are available for future generations.”

THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 21


Kiss Off the Cabo Arch— Captain Roy Tuck submitted this photo taken while fishing in a friend’s panga boat near Cabo, Mexico. He said his wife, Debbie, caught the fish all by herself. He said she gave it a kiss because the man in the photo with her said he was making ceviche out of it later that day.


WHITE SEABASS  This angler landed a white seabass aboard a Dolphin Sportfishing trip out of San Diego Dec. 12.

ur Send Us Yto by Best Sho

Jan. 2,

Dolphin Sportfishing Boat Facebook Photo


Kiss YourKatch Kiss YourKatch Yo Kiss iss Your Yo urKa Katch tch Deadline: Jan. 2, 2021 Hgh-res digital photos are preferred. email to:

To upload your own Kiss Your Katch photo, visit, click on the Kiss Your Katch logo, then click “Upload.” You certify that the photograph you are submitting to FishRap’s “Kiss Your Katch” gallery promotion is original to you, and that FishRap’s use of the photograph will not violate any laws or rights of any other person or entity, including, without limitation, any copyright rights or rights of publicity or privacy. You agree to indemnify and hold FishRap harmless from any claims arising from use of the photograph.


H&M Landing Facebook photo


 H&M Landing in San Diego posted this catch on their Facebook page Dec. 13. H&M Landing said he shark was caught and released aboard the Erin Anne II.

Kiss YourKatch Kiss YourKatch Ka Kiss YourKatch

22 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG

Salty Lunker — Brian Kilpatrick of San Clemente submitted this photo of him kissing a lunker, which he caught while trolling in front of Salt Creek, California. The lunker was caught and released. Kilpatrick caught the fish aboard his 28-foot Sea Ray, San Clemente; the Sea Ray is docked at Dana Point Harbor.

The Dungeness crab is a species of crab that inhabits eelgrass beds and water bottoms on the west coast of North America.

Deadline: Jan. 2, 2021 Prints or high-res digital photos are preferred.


email to:

Send Best Us Your Sh Jan. ot by


CDFW opens Commercial Dungeness Crab season The commercial season opened statewide Dec. 23. By LINDSEY GLASGOW

To upload your own Kiss Your Katch photo, visit, click on the Kiss Your Katch logo, then click “Upload.” You certify that the photograph you are submitting to FishRap’s “Kiss Your Katch” gallery promotion is original to you, and that FishRap’s use of the photograph will not violate any laws or rights of any other person or entity, including, without limitation, any copyright rights or rights of publicity or privacy. You agree to indemnify and hold FishRap harmless from any claims arising from use of the photograph.

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S A C R A M E N T O —T h e C a l i f o r n i a

Depa r tment of Fish a nd Wild life (CDFW) has opened the commercial Dungeness crab season statewide, allowing the fleet a chance to get Dungeness crab on California tables before the holiday season ends. The season opened statewide on Dec. 23 following delays due to meat quality in the northern management area (NMA) and the potential for whale entanglement in the central management area (CMA). CDF W said available data indicates some whales remain in the fishing grounds but risk is declining, going on to say they support a balanced approach to managing risk and providing opportunity for the commercial fishery that is grounded in expert science. Whale entanglement risk still exists, but it is low. The opening declaration is accompanied by a notice to the fleet to use best fishing practices and avoid areas where whales may be congregating including around the can-

yon edges of Monterey, and between the Farallon Islands and Point Reyes. Crabbers are encouraged to review the Best Practices Guide and remember to minimize knots and line scope when fishing. Since late October, CDFW in partnership with researchers, federal agencies and the fishing industry has conducted surveys from the Oregon state line to the Channel Islands to observe marine life concentrations. Based on recent aerial surveys and observation data, whales have begun to migrate out of California waters to their winter breeding grounds, which in turn reduces the risk of entanglement when the commercial fishery opens. Through the course of the crab season, CDFW will engage regularly with the Working Group to review scientific information and advice efforts to minimize the risk of whale and sea turtle entanglements while maximizing fishing opportunity. Based on that process, CDFW may take additional management actions in response to future risk assessments. For more information related to the risk assessment process or this delay, visit CDFW’s Whale Safe Fisheries page or for more information on Dungeness crab, visit

Ventura Port Commission approves bid for Fisherman’s Storage Containers Project The project includes the purchase and installation of cargo containers for gear storage and net repair and the installation of a new derrick crane for offloading landings.


VENTURA —The Ventura Port District Board of Port Commissioners on Dec. 16 approved a bid for a project to invest in improvements to the Ventura Harbor commercial fishing infrastructure. The project includes installing a new Please see STORAGE, PAGE 24

THE LOG | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | 23


Port of San Diego photo

san diego fish report

BLUEFIN TUNA AND SWORDFISH BITING AS NEW YEAR APPROACHES By Bob Vanian of SAN DIEGO—The end of 2020 has approached fast and bluefin tuna, yellowtail and swordfish have still been biting in local offshore waters.

The weekend of Dec. 19 saw three boats out looking for bluefin tuna following several days of bad weather. The good news is that 12 to 35-pound bluefin tuna, 15 to 25-pound yellowtail, large bonito and an assortment of rockfish were found biting at the Cortes Bank. Sardines were a good bait for the bluefin tuna that were biting over the weekend. If you are able to locate some of the larger sized bluefin that have gone to 200-plus pounds in recent weeks, a kite fished frozen flying fish would be a good way to go. Look for meter marks, sonar marks, spots of breaking fish and spots of breezing fish to locate bluefin tuna.

The other offshore fishing activity going on during this late part of the 2020 fishing season has been deep drop fishing for swordfish. The 9 Mile Bank remains a central area of activity, with the 178 Spot, the dropoff shelf outside of Mission Bay and La Jolla, the La Jolla Canyon and the Carlsbad Canyon all being areas where boats have been spread out and getting occasional bites. Best baits for the swordfish have been large frozen squid, mackerel and bonito.

The fishing at Los Coronado Islands remains good for a mix of bonito, yellowtail, reds and assorted rockfish. Most of the yellowtail have been found and caught by sportboats via locating the fish with scanning sonar and it has been difficult for most private boaters to locate yellowtail with the use of a traditional up and down style fathometer. The best recent sportboat yellowtail count was when San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing fished a full day trip on Dec.19, 2020 with 34 anglers who caught 23 yellowtail, 170 reds and 94 rockfish.

Fishing for rockfish around Los Coronado Islands has been good with the lower end of the 9 Mile Bank and the hard bottom to the east, northwest and north of North Island providing some of the best action for a quality mix of reds, salmon grouper and assorted rockfish.

The fishing along the San Diego County Coast remains mostly in a rockfish fishing mode with good numbers of reds and assorted rockfish biting but there have been occasional showings of yellowtail off La Jolla, Mission Bay and the Green Tank at Point Loma. There have also been some sand bass and calico bass caught off Imperial Beach, Point Loma and Mission Bay.

There have been occasional flurries of sand bass biting at hard bottom areas off Imperial Beach as well as while fishing hard bottom spots to the southeast of the Whistler Buoy at Point Loma. Some calico bass have been biting for boats fishing hard bottom areas off the Point Loma Lighthouse as well as while fishing the Jetty Kelp outside of Mission Bay.

An occasional halibut is being caught by boats drifting the sandy bottom next to hard bottom areas off Imperial Beach. Occasional halibut are also being reported by boats fishing off South Carlsbad as well as at the sandy bottom next to the structure of the Yukon shipwreck and the sunken NEL Tower that are located outside of Mission Beach.

The yellowtail biting at Los Coronado Islands have been in the 8 to 18-pound range and have been biting best on yo-yo iron, dropper loop fished sardines and flylined sardines.

Hard bottom and structure areas have been producing the good fishing for rockfish along the San Diego County coast and productive areas include the Imperial Beach Pipeline, the International Reef, the Point Loma Pipeline, the Green Tank, the 270, the upper end of La Jolla, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Leucadia, Carlsbad and Box Canyon.

Productive areas for bonito have been at North Island, the Middle Grounds and the lee side of South Island with the Pukey Point area of North Island being the best. The bonito have been biting on sardines, small chrome jigs and trolled Rapalas.

An aerial view of the Port of San Diego shows all the areas encompassed in the Port Master Plan.


The port held a public workshop Dec. 7 to present feedback received during a public review and comment period on the revised draft of the Port Master Plan Update, the port’s waterfront development planning document. By LINDSEY GLASGOW

SAN DIEGO — The Port of San Diego has

advanced its Port Master Plan Update (PMPU) to the next stage following a Dec. 7 public workshop. The PMPU now goes to the environmental review phase before the final step, permitting from the California Coastal Commission. The 51-page document will serve as the primary tool for balancing environmental, economic, and community interests along the San Diego Bay waterfront for the next 30 years by guiding development. This is the plan’s first update since the Port Master Plan was created in 1981. The PMPU draft was first released in April 2019 and received 4,000 pages

of comments. At the Dec. 7 workshop, port staff presented feedback received on the revised draft during a second public review and comment period, which ran Oct. 20 through Nov. 17. The Port District received more than 400 letters, including comments from the California Coastal Commission, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, San Diego Port Tenants Association, Outboard Boating Club of San Diego, boaters and residential groups. “We actually received about one-tenth of the comments on this go round, telling us that our staff really did a good job,” said Board of Port Commissioners Chair Ann Moore at the Dec. 7 meeting. “It means this revised second draft has really resolved most of the issues thoughtfully raised by the public last year.” Port district staff did ask the board to give direction on two topics, policies related to residential piers and the North Embarcadero subdistrict. The draft PMPU would prohibit the construction of any new quasi-public residential piers in all planning districts. Residential piers currently in existence would be allowed to remain with different standards set in each planning district regarding their maintenance. These type of piers currently exist in the La Playa and Coronado Cays residential areas. Please see MASTER PLAN, PAGE 24

If the weather and water conditions remain stable the 2020 offshore fishing season looks like it might just roll right into 2021 on New Years Day. It will be interesting to see what happens and how long it will take for someone to catch the first bluefin tuna or the first swordfish of 2021.

Bob Vanian is the voice, writer and researcher of the San Diego-based internet fish report service called 976-Bite which can be found at Vanian also provides anglers with a personal fish report service over the telephone at (619) 226-8218. He always welcomes your fish reports at that same phone number or at bob976bite@

T Log loves adventure! The Bring it along on your next getaway and snap a photo for Log Abroad! See page 5 for details.


24 | Dec. 25 — Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG

Storage From page 22

derrick crane for offloading landings to increase the speed and efficiency of bringing fish to port and moving them to market as well as providing redundancy. It also includes the purchase and installation of 26, 20-foot cargo containers for gear storage and net repair, removal of dilapidated containers and derelict vessels, and repairing asphalt and fencing. “I certainly know everything was at the end of its life so to speak and maybe even longer than that, some of it was on life support over there, so happy to see this going forward,” Commissioner and Vice Chair Brian Brennan said at the Dec. 16 meeting. The district issued a request for bids for the procurement Fisherman’s Storage Containers on Nov. 20. Two bids were received and the District recommended accepting the lowest bid of $100,190.03, which came from Container Alliance. It is expected the containers will be delivered in February. “The cargo containers and storage area that the commercial fishermen use to store their gear and repair their nets have served the industry for decades and reinvestment is now necessary,” a staff report stated. The gear storage and net repair facility enhancement component of the proposed project consists of purchase and installation of twenty-six, 20-foot cargo containers, removal of dilapi-


dated containers and derelict vessels, and repairing asphalt and fencing. The new cargo containers each provide approximately 150 square feet of enclosed storage for commercial fishermen. The removal of derelict vessels from the facility will result in an expansion of gear storage at the facility for participating fishermen. The new cargo containers will be owned by the district. It is expected the containers will be delivered in February. The repairs to asphalt at the gear storage facility are part of the project but will be funded by the district. The project also includes the purchase and installation of a one-ton capacity, electric-powered derrick crane at the commercial fishing pier in the harbor. The California Coastal Conservancy has awarded $318,600 to the Ventura Port District to complete the project which will fully fund the procurement. “One third of that is going to fully fund this procurement, which of course makes everybody very happy,” Ventura Port District Business Operations Manager Todd Mitchell said at the Dec. 16 meeting. The district has already made payments towards the manufacture of the crane, engineering design of the storage yard and procurement of city permits. The improvements to the Fishermen’s Storage facility are expected to be completed before the end of the Fiscal Year 20-21 and were approved by the Board at its July 1, 2020 meeting in the 5-Year Capital Improvements Budget.

Master Plan

Visionary Plan, which would limit building heights to 120 feet, 150 feet, 175 feet and 200 feet in various areas. It was also recommended to further restrict hotel rooms to up to only 750 new rooms. Other comments submitted during the public review period included opposition from the Outboard Boating Club to a proposed Shelter Island Boat Launch Ramp and Promenade/Bike Path behind the Outbound Boating Club Observation Building near the Shelter Island Boat Launch. The proposed pedestrian pathway would run through the launch ramp parking lots and cross the exit and entrances to the launching ramp, which the club argued would endanger the safety of pedestrians and boaters. Environmental justice was another major topic of comments and was touched on at the Dec. 7 meeting. “To see how it can be appropriately modified to make it clear that equity is as broad and as specific of a concept as possible and that’s its properly articulated into the document,” Commissioner Rafael Castellanos said at the meeting. Port district staff assured the public there would be more opportunities in the future to provide input on the PMPU. In mid-2021, the port anticipates circulating the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report for public review. It will include analysis of impacts such as traffic, climate change, air quality, noise, and natural resources. For more information on the PMPU and latest round of public comments visit

From page 23

Port staff received multiple comments requesting the deletion of these policies and asked the board for extra direction. Options outlined by staff included retaining policies and standards as they are in the revised PMPU draft, modifying the polices to allow for new residential piers if they are well-connected to public access to and from the shorelines or deleting the policies and creating different standards for each planning districts. “I would not be supportive of any new private piers but I do acknowledge in San Diego Bay, these piers we’re talking about, both up in La Playa as well as down in Coronado Cays, this is part of the fabric and history of San Diego Bay, part of the boating community in the Bay, part of the imagery in the Bay,” said Commissioner Dan Malcom at the meeting. “I am supportive of existing piers that are existing now to be maintained.” The other topic staff direction sought direction on was related to the North Embarcadero subdistrict, which is located between Ash street and Broadway. Under the current revised PMPU draft, new buildings in the area would be restricted to between 160 feet in height 200 feet. New hotel rooms would be limited to 950 new rooms. Comments received included requests to further reduce building heights and prohibit parking structures. Staff recommended reducing heights to match or be less than the requirements set in the North Embarcadero Alliance

Exclusive Dealer Seeking Quality Listings

CATCH A DEAL TODAY! Pick a Cobia a nd GO!

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Twin Yamaha 300XCA with Optimus steering, Rupp outriggers, hardtop with 3 side windshield, wiper & vent. This is the 30' design that is putting smiles on the whole family and putting fish on the deck! 10 Year hull warranty on a top rated ride and performance. Call today for full details and information.

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Good Times, Great Boats! Financing Available!

The lawyers say we have to add the fine print, call for more details.....Subject to prior sale. Prices does not include sales tax or registration fees.

Sales Management Construction Licensed & Bonded since 1982 Brokerage Slips at Intrepid Landing

Scott Lampe 2811 Dickens St., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92106

(619) 222-1124

LIFE OF RILEY 115’ (35m) :: Crescent/Westport :: 1994/2015 :: $3,895,000

STEADFAST 112’ (34.1m) :: Barattucci :: 1992/2014 :: $2,499,000

SAN DIEGO +1 619 226 3344

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KIMBERLY 128’ (39m) :: Palmer Johnson :: 2000 :: $4,950,000 :: +1 949 933 8329 :: +1 949 500 0171


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RILASSARI 63’ (19.2m) :: Hatteras :: 2002 :: $925,000 :: +1 714 322 1666

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ILLEAGLE 105’ (32m) :: Nordlund :: 1996 :: $2,200,000 :: +1 949 610 5812

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THE LOG | Dec. 25, 2020 - Jan. 7, 2021 | 27


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Exclusive Dealer Price Reduced

Seeking Quality Listings Keen Seller

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“30 Years in the Same Location”

2010 Island Packet Estero $125,000

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1986 Nauticat 33 $64,900

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42' Scout 420 LXF CC 2017

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LLC owned, SeaKeeper GyroStabilizer CAT Quad Verado 350hp ea, SeaKeeper, LLC owned, C-32A, Loaded with upgrades/Options Dsl generator, Incredible Garmin package Immaculate! Live Zoom, Asks $799,000 Asks $1,899,000 Personal Walkthrough Tours of our Boats REDUCED! CALL TO ARRANGE

Twin Yamaha 115HP, Ameratrail trailer LLC owned, major updates! Clean and ready to Garmin package, like new and ready to go! go! Custom FB! Call Jim McIntyre for boarding! Was $119,000 Asks $109,000

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1996 Island Packet 40 1999 Bayliner 4788 $139,000 $195,000

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Years in the Same Location”

2811 Dickens St., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92106

Scott Lampe

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28 | Dec. 25, 2020 - Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG


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30 | Dec. 25, 2020 - Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG



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9’ BULLFROG RAFT: Unsinkable. With a Honda 15HP outboard and cover! $4,500/obo. Call 208-721-3362

NOVURANIA 360DL FOR SALE: Like new, less than 10 hours.12’ LOA. MSRP: $27,600. Asking $21,999. White with beige trim. Lots of extras. 314-374-9494


21’ EDGEWATER 215 CC 2006: You Yamaha 150hp outboard; 2019 electronics, w/plotter, fishfinder, radar and autopilot. Live bait well. Covers for engines, motor. Ready for fishing or cruising around. San Diego. Asking $32,000. Call Blake at 619-665-7398 or

26’ UNIFLITE 1975 USCG COI Commercial 12Pak tour boat off the DD982 USS Nicholson. Restored with a modern touch. New Yanmar, marine gear, stainless shaft, dripless bearing and cutless. Ideal startup for a Harbor/Wine Cruise. Call Scott for details: 310-513-3566.


290 WELLCRAFT COASTAL 2018 Has everything, kept on 2019 triple axle trailer (included). Twin Yamaha 300HP – 25hrs. Coveted spot @ Cabrillo Way Marina Launch. $219,000. REDUCED: $199,900. By owner 310-831-5057


38’ SANTEGO 1990: Famous for its roominess and comfort..Twin 454’s freshly majored/100hrs. each. Rare walk- through bow. Good canvas and all navcom. Excellent condition $49,500. Nancy Adair: 562-252-2167, bkr.

33’ CRANCHI ENDURANCE 2005: Twin Volvo KAD 300 diesel engines, diesel generator, bow thruster, GPS, radar, autopilot, windlass, air conditioning, dual refrigerators, head. Sleeps four. Long Beach. $59,999. 714-749-7433

36’ TWIN VEE POWER CAT 2020: X’lnt outer banks boats, 3 bait tanks, Sitex electronics, Killer stereo, Trailer, Fast, Stable & super economical! $335,000 OBO. McClintock Yachts: 949 278-3418 35’ CABO EXPRESS: A “TRUE” sports fishing machine. The 35 Cabo Express is a boat any sportfisherman will recognize as one of the best fishing vessels ever made. Turn-key condition. Ready to fish! $369,000. 619-944-0401.

38’ UNIFLITE CONVERTIBLE SPORTFISHER 1982: Twin Cummins diesel engines, new turbo chargers, stainless exhaust, dripless shafts, Awlgrip paint, Northern Lights generator. Great mechanically. $38,000. Call 760-741-2030, email CAMIKACL4@GMAIL.COM.

THE LOG | Dec. 25, 2020 - Jan. 7, 2021 | 31


TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at





40’ SEA RAY SEDAN BRIDGE 2001 Twin diesel. Many upgrades including replacing/addiing electrioncs, servicing motors, new isinglass, much more. Slip available. $230,000. Purcell Yachts Gerry 310-701-5960, More info:

42’ PT 1989: With twin Cummins diesels, Furuno electronics, genset, windlass, 50 gal bait tank and more. Very mechanically sound. $79,500. Nancy, bkr: 562-252-2167.

THE MOTIVATOR 54’ Pacific Custom Sportfisher, 2006 rebuild ALL NEW; Series 60 Detroit diesels. Twin 12kw Northern Lights generators. Near flawless mechanically and aesthetically. Specs, current survey available. 949-633-8001,

55’ HATTERAS CONVERTIBLE 1987 Detroit diesels w/low hours. Three staterooms w/heads & showers. All systems recently updated. Surveyed, turn-key condition. $199,000 Purcell Yachts Gerry 310-701-5960, More info visit

REAL SHIPS 77' EXPEDIATION YACHT 2003 Robust Steel/Aluminum construction with luxurious interiour. Twin engines, bow thruster, 19' Jet Tender, 4000 lb crane. Asking $3,750,000. Contact Joe Johnson Builder/Broker: 561-788-1948 or

97’ AZIMUT 1990

Sailboats for sale ranging from 22ft to 30ft, located in Los Angeles Harbor in Leeward Bay Marina: 310-830-5621 and Pacific Yacht Landing. Slips can be available to buyers, but NOT for live-aboard status. Partial list includes: 26’ Oday, 27’ Catalina, 26’ Islander. Subject to change. Visit us at

27’ ODAY SAILBOAT: Beautiful! Yanmar 7HP, new wiring, batteries, fuel pump and starter. Furling jib, adjustable backstay. Strong save. Fun to sail. Very maneuverable in tight spots. $7,500. 949-290-1647, 909-631-7669.

Recent LP Paint, mechanical and design imrpovements. Sleeps 17 including crew. Well priced, beautiful and well cared for. LLC owned. Reduced to $598,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Nick: 310-748-5409

CLASSIC/WOODEN BOATS 33’ PEARSON 323 1979 Totally loaded with radar, chartplotter, windlass, folding Maxx-prop. Priced for quick sale as owner is buying a larger boat. Nicest 33 foot boat you’ll find. A steal at $18,000 firm. Call Bob: 406-855-6682.

42’ SEA RAY 420 AFT-CABIN 1997: Twin Cats w/340hp each. Spacious interior with 2 cabins, 2 Vacuflush heads, AC/heat, washing machine, refrigerator, much more. $139,000. Shoreline Yacht Group. Kimberly: 213-798-5117

55’ SYMBOL CPMY `94 Twin Cat 435’s, stabilized, duel electronics, inverter, 25kw Kohler generator, watermaker, Avon sportboat, Strataglass enclosures. Hauled & painted a year ago! $288,000, lets get creative! Nancy Adair: 562-252-2167, bkr.

27’ ST. PIERRE DORY Beautiful gaff-rigged schooner built in Nova Scotia with a Yanmar diesel engine. Featured in Wood Boat Magazine August 2016. Oceanside Harbor, CA. $29,000/obo. 619-994-3528,

48’ OCEAN SUPER SPORT 1999 Cat 3196 diesels, 660hp, 1120hrs. 3 staterooms, custom hardtop, A/C, full electronics, 1500lb davit. A TURN-KEY super clean vessel! All systems in excellent condition. $269,000. Purcell Yachts Gerry 310-701-5960, See video:


65’ MCKINNA LLC OWNED Electronics, satellite TV, hydraulic Swim platform, inflatable w/OB, 3 station controls, stabilizers, thruster, water maker, two generators, two davits, $499.000. Gerry Purcell: 310-701-5960, PURCELLYACHTS.COM, GERRY@PURCELLYACHTS.COM

52’ OCEAN SUPER SPORT 2001: Arguably the best outfitted Ocean 52 SS in US! $201K in upgrades & additions since 2017. Too much to list! Shoreline Yacht Group, Stephen: 310-365-0055


32 | Dec. 25, 2020 - Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG


Log Classifieds SAILBOATS

TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at




35’ SANTANA 1979: With Avon dinghy & 5hp Mercuy outboard. Fully race equipped. Located Balboa Yacht Club, Newport Beach #C-68. Yanmar diesel. Recent survey. $15,000. Call Jeff Allen: 949-220-9225.

34’ CATALINA 1988 Excellent condition. Electronics at helm, 32 mile radar & autopilot. Queen berth in aft master. Santa Barbara slip available. $39,500. Paul: 805-291-2352,

RARE WELL-CARED FOR 1995 Beneteau First 42s7. A fast and fun boat on the racecourse but ultra-comfortable and sexy with beautiful wood interior and classy accents. Three cabins, two heads, good sails - ready to race or cruise. $85,000/obo. 858-205-9901

46’ CAL 1974: A beauty. Excellent world-class cruiser w/pilothouse Salon, or ‘two-bedroom two-bath’ condo, vacation home. Like new condition. Total retrofit. So much value. Solid, strong, new. $81,000. 619-243-6695.

3366 VIA LIDO: Newly remodeled Class A Marina. Slips up to 85’. Fine dining & retail nearby. Easy ingress/egress. Take advantage now before the slips are gone! 949-705-3499.

40’ NEWPORT BEACH MOORING H-41 Close to 15th Street. $42,000. Call Paul: 949-258-4410.

40’ NEWPORT HARBOR MOORING D-31: The mooring is in the most protected area of Newport Harbor. Location: Off Ruby Ave on the north side of Balboa Island. $45,000. Contact: 949-233-2710. 46’ HUNTER 460, 2000: Marina del Rey, CA. Yanmar 75hp engine, staysail, furled jib, full batten main, dinghy with outboard, radar, GPS & autopilot. Prime condition. $140,000. 702-480-5662.

35’ CHEOY LEE LION SLOOP 1966: A real beauty – berthed at SDYC since the mid 1980s, this classic sailing yacht is ready for her new owners. New engine, freshly painted cabin top and cockpit. Excellent brightwork. Must see! $49,000. Call Blake at 619-665-7398 or email


40’ OUTSIDE MOORING IN NEWPORT HARBOR Highly desirable outside mooring makes parking your boat a cinch. Conveniently located near 15th Street dock near American Legion Yacht Club. $40,000/obo. Kenny: 714-342-9438

UP TO 50’ SLIPS AVAILABLE 45’ HUNTER 45CC, 2008: San Diego. Exellent condition. Yanmar 75hp. New autopilot, AGM batteries, solar system, watermaker, generator. Furling main/jib, Much more! LLC boat, no sales tax! $225,000. 858-736-7268,

Chula Vista n (619)422-2595

UP TO 80’ SLIPS AVAILABLE Los Angels Harborn (310)834-7113


Redondo Beach n (310)376-0431

UP TO 70’ SLIPS AVAILABLE San Pedro n (310)732-2252

TAKING RESERVATIONS Coronado n (619)435-5203

45’ MOORING FOR SALE (H-079): Newport Pier, between Marina Park and Lido Isle. All inspections are up to date. $45,000 OBO. Email: Call/Text: 310-847-0159. 45’ MOORING FOR SALE in Newport Beach. Mooring located in B field near Balboa Island. Recently serviced and possible to expand length. Great access in very desirable location. $49,000. 949-375-9434.

(310) 514-4985

28’-130’ SLIPS AVAILABLE! End-Ties available for Catamarans. Beautiful New Marina! Shortest Run to Catalina!

50’ AVALON MOORING FOR SALE Price reduced to $425,000...LOWEST priced 50’ mooring in the harbor and longest afternoon sun!!! Contact Steve Ginder: 714-501-0549.

50’ MOORING #H29: Near Lido Island YC, 15th St. public a-dock, Marina Park. Beautiful NE corner eastern edge H-Field. Unobstructed view down Lido Soud channel for evening BBQ! $45,000. 949-981-6946.

THE LOG | Dec. 25, 2020 - Jan. 7, 2021 | 33


TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at



50’ NEWPORT BEACH MOORING in the Ablock. $45,000 obo, terms possible. Call or text 602-999-4664.

SLIPS, DOCKS, MOORINGS RARE 80’ MOORING J-98 Direct access to Channel. $98,000. Call Paul: 949-258-4110

55’ NEWPORT BEACH MOORING #A-142: Near harbor entrance between E & F Street on Balboa Penininsula. $60,000. Keith: 949-300-4813, klumpkin@earthlink,net.

SAN DIEGO MOORING COMPANY: Visit our website for information & application or call 619-291-0916.


AL LARSON MARINA Slips & Moorings Buoys from 25’ to 55’, at $10.00/ft. Closest Run to Catalina. Beverages & Snacks Sold in Office. 310-832-0526 or

AVALON MOORINGS FOR SALE 30 ft. to 130 ft. Inside/Outside

LIGHTHOUSE YACHT MARINA: 1ST & 2ND MONTH 1/2 OFF (With This Ad), 34’ END-TIE FOR CAT OR TRI + 25’ TO 50’ SLIPS. L.A. HARBOR. Water/electricity/dock box included. Showers, laundry, pario area. Gated, clean & quiet, lockers. Close port to... Catalina. Berth 205-B, 1300 Anchorage Rd, Wilmington. Call Barbara: 310-834-9595. Email LONG BEACH SLIPS & END-TIES 25’-50’: NO LIVEABOARDS. Harbor Light Landing Marina, views of downtown and Queen Mary. Call 619807-7245. Email:

Marina 1. Large dock space. Liveaboard possible. Call 562-310-2755 for more information.

SLIPS AVAILABLE - 3388 VIA LIDO Newport Beach. $6,000 to $13,000 monthto-month. Power & water included. Call 949-441-6252 or email for more information.

THE BEST 45’ MOORING IN NEWPORT: Close to Old Balboa, Pavilion & city parking. recently serviced. ready to end $$$ slip fees and enjoy the harbor. Do the math. A283.

HELP WANTED DERECKTOR VENTURA has recently opened in Ventura Harbor. We are lookin gfor mechanics to join our team. Please give Leonor a call at 805-642-6755 or email

LEAD DISTRIBUTION ADMINISTRATOR Leading Yacht Brokerage is looking to fill the position of Lead Distribution Administrator. This is a full-time position with special hours. It is a key role - receiving, categorizing, and distributing sales leads. Must have a strong working knowledge of boats and yachts. Both sail boats and power boats. Yachting Industry experience is a plus, but not essential.The ideal candidate is a selfmotivated decision maker with quick learning skills and strong computer skills. Experience with Outlook, Excel, Word, and a CRM system like HubSpot preferred. The 40 hours a week are flexible, some remote hours are possible. Generous salary consummates with qualifications and experience. Paid vacation and health benefits eligible.

310-544-4667 310-795-2311 n

BAYSIDE VILLAGE MARINA, NEWPORT BEACH: Slips and storage. Call for availability. 949-673-1331

MARINA CORTEZ - SAN DIEGO: Stunning location, improved amenities. 10’ - 120’ slips, end ties, and side ties. 30’ Slips available NOW. Call 619-291-5985. MOORING FOR SALE: This is a 35’ mooring near 15th Street, Newport Beach CA. Family owned for more than 40 years. Mooring #J-14. $35,000. Georger Crabill: 714-813-6607,


BRAND NEW MARINA: Slips 25’-75’. Private, quiet harbor, close to the beach, shopping, restaurants, parking, and more. Call 714-8405545 or email

for 10’ AB inflatable dinghy in Newport Beach. New boat, well maintained with custom cover. Please call Paul St. Pierre at 949-233-7162 (cell) with availability and pricing.

NEWPORT BEACH 30’ MOORING #H068: Excellent location, just off 15th Street public dock near Veterans Memorial Park on the Peninsula. 25’ mooring that has been upgraded to allow 30’ boat. All current fees have been paid. $26,000. Selling for my mom. Call Keith: 949-795-7764 if interested. ISLAND YACHT ANCHORAGE: LOS ANGELES HARBOR. 25’-50’ SLIPS AVAILABLE. SOME LIVEABOARD. CALL 310-830-1111.

L.A. HARBOR Leeward Bay: (310) 830-5621 25’ slips, $9.00-10.00/ft. 30’-39’ slips, $11.00/ft. 40-50’ premium slips, $12.00/ft.

OUTSTANDING 50’ NEWPORT MOORING on the main channel in A basin. Close to the jetty. Great people watching, and extremely easy to get on and off. Call 949-678-0270, email PIER 32 MARINA, SAN DIEGO BAY: 28’ slips available now! Call 619-477-3232 or email

Pacific Yacht Landing: (310) 830-0260 20’26’ slips, $10.00/ft. 28’-32’ slips, $11.00/ft. 33’-45’ slips, $12.00/ft. End slips, $13.00/ft.

VUE MARINA is the newest and nicest marina within Newport Beach and features 18 slips ranging from 45’ to 75’. Contact VUE Marina at 949-705-3499 or to learn more about slip availability, boat size options, and any other important questions you might have.

POINT LOMA MARINA - SAN DIEGO: Call for slip availability. Call 619-718-6260 or email PUT YOUR SAILBOAT IN TO CHARTER in Dana Point Harbor with Aventura Sailing Association. Have your boat make money when you aren’t using it! Slips available. 949-493-9493.

NOW HIRING CAPTAINS FOR SEAL TOURS Have fun driving a Hydra Terra amphibious vehicle and sharing the history of our region. Entertain visitors while educating them about our historical city! CDL is a plus, but not required because we’ll train you and prepare you to test for one. Compensation: $21.00/hr + tips + Benefits. Employment Type: Full-time. Come join the fun-employed where every day is a vacation! Old Town Trolley Tours and SEAL Tours are looking for enthusiastic individuals to Captain San Diego’s popular SEAL Tour. Must apply on line:

34 | Dec. 25, 2020 - Jan. 7, 2021 | THE LOG


Log Classifieds BOATING COURSES/SCHOOLS BECOME A MASTER MARINE SURVEYOR Best in business. NAVTECH/US Surveyors. Marine surveyor course. 1-800-245-4425, Commercial & recreational available.

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DELIVERIES, INSTRUCTION, and all other professional Captain services. Sail, power., 619-275-3839, San Diego Skippers Association

GREAT WHITE CAPTAIN SERVICES Experienced Captain for Hire up to 125ft power driven vessel. Experienced Waterman (Fishing, Spearfishing, Freediving, etc) very knowledgeable with older and modern electronics, understand ships systems. Young, strong and ready for adventures. Licensed and insured. 1-714-274-5449

LICENSED MASTER CAPTAIN to teach you how to safely operate and navigate your own boat, including deliveries and relocations, charters, yacht management and maintenance, instruction and training. Details: 619-363-1746,

CUSTOM FABRICATED WINDOW TREATMENTS for any shape window. Blinds, Roman shades, Roller shades, Cellular shades. 310-308-1844, 888-771-5309,,

BARGAIN BIN PENN 330GT 3.6.1 w/Ugly Sticks $300. Tracy(2) & Ardemco(2) 8D Boxes, $100. New Type I & II PFD. Pier-32. 512-585-2996.

GENERAL SERVICES USCG CERTIFIED CAPTAINS Deliveries, Charters, Instruction. From Alaska to Panama. Multiple deliveries Hawaii to California, Atlantic crossing, Caribbean, Mediterranean. Captain Nikolay Alexandrov 858-531-1175 Captain Assen Alexandrov 858-531-4788

HOBIE TANDEM IFT 2014 used parts only. Seats, peddles, paddles, case on wheels. Asking $600. 760- 500-4142,


YACHT DELIVERY Local - World Wide Capt. Michael Elias. USCG Lic. Power - Sail, 8th issue. 260,000+ miles. 562-896-3797 EMAIL:

3M CUSTOM INTERIORS & CANVAS Marine interior design, fabrication. Enclosures, affordable custom mattresses, window replacement, exterior and interior cushions, carpet and canvas. 25 years experience. Serving San Diego to LA. 858-329-1140, 949-375-1770,,

**USCG MASTER** offers Motor Boat Operation Instruction. Yacht Delivery, and Safety Training, etc. aboard your vessel. Call for pricing information: 951-642-2489, or email

WANTED TO BUY: Powerboats 1986 and newer, running or not, up to 34’ in length. We will help with removal from your slip. Call Al for more info: 800-613-5410.

BOAT STORAGE & TRANSPORT USCG LICENSED 100-TON MASTER Delivery, Lessons, Private Captain. Sail/Power. Over 180,000 documented Intl blue water miles. Well respected in the marine industry. Many dozens of references. Jeffry Matzdorff: 323-855-0191,

YACHT CHARTERS • MANAGEMENT • Deliveries • Instruction • Excursions • Sunset Sails • Fishing. Call Captain Don Grigg: 980-722-1674 or email:

A&D Logistics, Inc., previously Cal Western Boat Movers. Visit our website: 50 years experience. Call 619-722-6113. **USCG MASTER** offers Motor Boat Operation Instruction. Yacht Delivery, and Safety Training, etc. aboard your vessel. Call for pricing information: 951-642-2489, or email

WORLDWIDE VESSEL DELIVERY Vessel Delivery, Relocation, Captain, Project and Yacht Management. Any size, Any tonage. Highly Competitive Rates. 619-905-1967

GOT PIRATES? A rip-roaring coming-of-age adventure that entangles a young boy and his sea lion best friend in swashbuckling deviltry. Available on Amazon by following this link:


VIKING POLAR RAFTS: Complete. Class A Nav Aids. Life Raft Services & Supplies. Please call Offshore Suppliers Inc. 504-833-8251. Email:

MISCELLANEOUS WANTED - USED SAILRITE SEWING MACHINE Good working Sailrite wanted. Orange County area, but willing to travel for a good deal. Call Brad at 949-547-8918.

You can place your Log classified ad by calling 800-887-1615, emailing, or directly online at


Give us a call to discuss our extensive marketing programs.

Newport Beach (949) 574-7600 San Diego (619) 222-1122



150’ DELTA MARINE 1994 96’ OCEAN ALEXANDER 2009/2012 5 staterooms, on-deck master, recent paint, refit Cruise Mexico & central America in complete comfort. 2003/2017, 6,000 mile range. Eric Pearson, San Diego. Paul Enghauser (949) 606-3952, Newport Beach.

82’ SUNSEEKER PREDATOR 2007 Rare surface drive boat, capable of 46 knots WOT. Michael Selter, San Diego.



94’ SUNSEEKER MOTORYACHT 2004 Custom carbon fiber hard top, full-beam master, 3 guest cabins + crew. Michael Selter, San Diego.

84’ DELTA CUSTOM 4,000 mile range, bulbous bow, CAT power, 4 staterooms, proven expedition yacht. Michael Selter, San Diego.

77’ HATTERAS ENCLOSED BRIDGE CONV 2008 72’ VIKING ENCLOSED BRIDGE 2000 Spacious 4 stateroom layout + crew, MTU 2000’s, new 4 staterooms, 4 heads, recent upgrades. New owner will Zero Speed stabilization, Michael Selter, San Diego. be proud to fish or cruise. Michael Gardella, San Diego.

65’ VIKING SPORTFISHER 2000 Rare 3412 CATs, upgraded electronics, recent hull paint job. Michael Selter, San Diego.



64’ QUEENSHIP 1999 64’ SUNSEEKER MANHATTAN 2007 63’ VIKING MOTORYACHT 1990 Loaded with options, 3 staterooms with crew quarters, Professionally maintained, immaculate, accommodates 2019 refit, 4 staterooms, all-new stainless appliances, CAT power, great layout. Eric Pearson, San Diego. six, very versatile. Traci Hughes, Newport Beach. flawless interior. Mark Whelan, San Diego.

58’ RIVIERA ENCLOSED BRIDGE 2009 C-32 CATs, 3 dbl cabins, 3 heads, incredible in every way! Dennis Riehl (949) 697-4120.


56’ NAVIGATOR 2001 55’ FAIRLINE 2001 55’ SEA RAY SUNDANCER 2005 58’ SPINDRIFT 1986 CAT 3208, bow thruster, watermaker, micro command- Powered by twin Volvo diesel, bow thruster, generator, Popular model, sleek styling, comfortable floor plan. 150-hour rebuilt 800hp MAN diesels, hydraulic swim air conditioning. Jacques Bor, San Diego. Traci Hughes (949) 877-9664, Newport Beach. step lift, bow thruster. Todd Sherman, Newport Beach. er, hard enclosure aft deck. Jacques Bor, San Diego.



54’ HATTERAS 1996 44’ SEA RAY 2006 38’ MERIDIAN 2005 Many upgrades, 3 staterooms/2 heads, 100 engine Quiet, fast, roomy, easy to operate, impressive Popular sedan, Cummins Diamond Series, low hours. hrs on Detroit 12V92s. Michael Selter, San Diego. interior, 2 staterooms. Todd Sherman, Newport Beach. Paul Enghauser (949) 606-3952, Newport Beach.



38’ SEA RAY SUNDANCER 2008 T-Cummins diesel Zeus w/joystick, very low hours. Paul Enghauser (949) 606-3952, Newport Beach.


37’ BERTRAM 1987 36’ RYBOVICH 1956 Popular tournament-level sportfisher, large cockpit, Beautiful restoration. Great Yanmar 6LY3 repower, very soft ride, 2 staterooms. Todd Sherman, Newport Beach. low hours. Alan Baron 949-933-2112, Newport Beach.

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35’ JEFFERSON MARLAGO 2004 Fast, functional, new 300hp Yamahas 2013, new electronics 2014. Eric Pearson, San Diego.

NEWPORT BEACH (949) 574-7600

W W W. C R O W S N E S T Y A C H T S . C O M

31’ TIARA OPEN 1997 Cummins B-series diesels, 5kW Northern Lights gen, AC/heat. Todd Sherman, Newport Beach.

SAN DIEGO (619) 222-1122

Each Crow’s Nest Yachts office is independently owned and operated.

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