March 31- April 13, 2023 The Log Digital Edition

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Governor Gavin Newsom’s proposed 2021-22 budget, released Jan. 8, includes a proposal to raise the vessel renewal fee from $20 every two years to $70 every two years to help stabilize a $52 million deficit in the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund. P. 8

Proposed Budget Includes Potential 250 % Increase In Vessel Registration Fee


In January of this year, Dana Point was recognized as the first Whale Heritage site in North America and one of four in the world by the World Cetacean Alliance. P. 20


TIhe three-year pilot project launched by the port district and eco-engineering company ECOncrete will demonstrate and study a new design of ECOncrete’s interlocking Coastalock Tide Pool Armor in two different locations on Harbor Island, a man-made peninsula only a few hundred feet wide. P. 11

n one of the closest final battles of the season, the Canadians went head-to-head with Peter Burling’s hometown heroes, with close crosses and lead changes throughout the match. All three boats had a great start, making the competition more exciting, but Canada was first at Mark One with the all-important inside track. P. 13



FREE Ask an Attorney 6 Bizarre 3 Brokerages & Dealers 16 Catalina Connection 12 Classifieds 27 Community 4 FishRap 14 Marine Directory 25 News Briefs 5 Sailing 13 NO. 1202 CALIFORNIA BOATING NEWS SINCE 1971 MARCH 31 - APRIL 13, 20 23 Nordhavn 55/60/63 hull. P. 9 2023 COMMERCIAL OCEAN TROLL SALMON FISHERY CANCELLED SEE PAGE 14 SAILING 101: DEFINING A REGATTA SEE PAGE 13 CANADA MAKES HISTORY WITH FIRST EVENT WIN
ANA POINT— On March 17 at 8:30 a.m., Supervisor Katrina Foley was the guest speaker at the Dana Point Civic Association Coffee Chat held at Coffee Importers in the Dana Point Harbor. One topic that generated a lot of conversation was Dana Point boaters versus the Dana Point Harbor Revitalization Project.  P. 8 SANTA BARBARA MARITIME MUSEUM HOSTS HARBORSIDE SPECIAL EVENT SEE PAGE 12 FREE Ask an Attorney 6 Bizarre 3 Brokerages & Dealers 24 Catalina Connection 14 Classifieds 30 Community 4 FishRap 18 Marine Directory 28 News Briefs 4 Sailing 16 FISH RAP P. 21 EXECUTIVE ACTIONS HALT NEW DRILLING LEASES
14 NO. 1148 Our 50th Year CALIFORNIA BOATING NEWS SINCE 1971 FEB. 19 – MARCH 4, 2021 $20
fee under Gov’t Proposal
in the April 14 Issue of The Log

Catfish Have a Body That can Taste

Facts About Affectionate Sea Creatures Brought to you by NOAA

Happy belated Valentine’s Day to all of you humans and marine creatures. Here are five fun facts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

1. Have a (huge!) heart

Did you know that according to the National Institute of Health, the average adult has between 2,000 and 4,000 taste buds? That number may seem like a lot, but it is small compared to the animal with the most. That’s because this creature’s taste buds go beyond its mouth and extend all over its body.

between breeding and feeding areas of any sea turtle, with some averaging 3,700 miles each way. So that’s a genuine long-distance relationship.

Catfish, those large fish named for their feline-like whiskers, typically have more than 100,000 taste buds. According to Woodland Park Zoo, some larger catfish can have as many as 175,000.

Who has the biggest heart on the planet? Whale, whale, whale — it’s no surprise that it belongs to the most enormous creature on the planet. The blue whale is the winner, with a heart weighing over 1,000 pounds. That’s almost as big as a dairy cow.

2. Quantity versus quality

The blue whale wins the biggest heart, but the octopus wins the most. Two of the octopuses’ hearts pump blood to the gills, collecting oxygen so the octopus can breathe. In contrast, the third heart circulates the oxygenated blood throughout the rest of the body.

Those little taste buds are sensory organs formed by cells that detect the molecules that constitute flavor. They are located all over the catfish’s body but are most concentrated on the four pairs of whiskers surrounding its mouth. These whiskers are called barbels, and they act as antennas. Along with the thousands of buds along their body, the whiskers allow the fish to detect when food is nearby and pinpoint its exact location.

3. Long-distance love

Do you think traveling a half hour to meet your date is tough? If so, be thankful you aren’t a leatherback turtle. These sea turtles undertake the longest migrations

As bottom-dwelling fish that prefer to live in muddy, murky waters, catfish have adapted to finding prey in the dark. But, although catfish have sight, they don’t need it to hunt down their food, thanks

4. Sticking together Which fish is prone to intense romantic attachment? The anglerfish, for one. Male anglerfish are much smaller than females; their life’s goal is to find females to latch onto physically. So when a male finds a female, he bites the female and fuses his body with hers.

Anglerfish have a small lure on a short stalk between their eyes that they wiggle to attract prey. While often resting on the seafloor or “walking” on modified fins, sometimes these fish swim.

Channel catfish are nicknamed “swimming tongues,” and when you hold one in your hands, they are likely getting a good taste of you.

You know what they say— love hurts. The male then provides the female with sperm to fertilize her eggs, and the female gives him nutrients.

to their tastebuds.

Having an abundance of taste buds increases an animal’s ability to detect even trace amounts of food. For example, a highly developed sense of taste is

5. Love songs

Dating can be tricky — even in the ocean. Humpback whales produce complex songs to attract a mate. Need inspiration for your next romantic bal-

critical for catfish, which do their hunting where visibility is low. Scientists have f ound that although catfish can catch their prey without visual cues, catfish without functioning taste buds cannot

feed easily.

As for the animal with the fewest taste buds— the chicken clocks with only about 24.

lad? Listen to this humpback whale love song recorded by researchers from Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary.

THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 3 THELOG.COM
BIZARRE THE LOG | March 3 - March 17, 2023 | 3 THELOG.COM
Image courtesy of NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Windows to the Deep 2018 Adventureiswaitingforyou! K I N G H A R B O R M A R I N A , R E D O N D O B E A C H KINGHARBORMARINA,REDONDOBEACH BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE NOW BOATSLIPSAVAILABLENOW 310.376.6926 FROM 25' UP TO 66' FROM25'UPTO66' BIZARRE




Fishing Around the World

Since the early days, humans have planted their homes waterside by oceans, rivers, and lakes to be close to a food source. According to, fishing can be dated to around 40,000 years ago. In many cultures, fish were and remained a food source for survival. Spearfishing with harpoons was standard practice, as was using nets.

Early cultures around the world left records of people fishing. For example, tomb carvings and drawings on papyrus scrolls show Egyptians fishing and preparing fish for dinner. The ancient Egyptians used woven nets, harpoons, and hooks to catch Nile perch, catfish, and eels. Ancient Greeks and Romans wrote about fishing and recorded images by painting scenes and mosaics on vases. Ancient Macedonians documented using artificial flies to catch trout.

In China, writings and painted images were found indicating people were fishing with silk lines, a hook, and a bamboo rod— the first fishing pole. Early peoples in India caught fish using harpoons attached to long cords. The Moche of Peru painted images of fishing on their ceramic pots, and Native Americans along the California coast fished with hooks made from wood and bone and line tackle.

The use of fishing rods can be traced back over 4,000 years ago. The first rods were made from six-foot-long bam-

Letters/ Online Comments

boo, hazel shoots, or thin, tapered, flexible wood sections with a horsehair line attached. A version of a hook was tied to the end of the line.

Commercial fishermen using gill nets can be traced back 3,000 years to the Edo period in Japan. However, the earliest printed record of the recreational fishery was the book the Treatyse of Fysshynge With an Angle written by English writer Juliana Berners.

The fishing tackle began to improve around the 1600s. A wire loop was attached to the end of the rod, allowing for a running line and helpful for casting and playing with a hooked fish. Thus the fishing reel was developed; a wooden spool with a metal ring that fitted over the fisherman’s thumb. Rods were intentionally designed to have sections so the rod could be quickly taken apart and carried from one place to another.

By 1770, rods with guides along their length for the line and a reel were being used. The first proper reel was a geared reel attached under the rod, and by turning the handle, moved the spool several revolutions. Rods were also better when using strong elastic straightgrained woods such as lancewood from South America and bamboo from India.

In the late 1800s, rods made

were more robust and thinner by gluing together several strips of bamboo. A line made of silk covered with coats of oxidized linseed oil replaced horsehair, allowing for longer casts.

By the early 1900s, fishing rods were being made with fiberglass. Fishing reels were improved, and spin-casting reels soon became popular. In the 1930s, nylon monofilament was developed, a synthetic nonabsorbable suture composed of a polyamide polymer with excellent elasticity, high tensile strength, controlled elongation, and extremely low tissue reactivity. In the mid-1940s, braided and synthetic lines were produced. By the late 1960s, rods were made with carbon fiber, making them stronger, shorter, and lighter. Plastics began to replace wood for artificial casting lures.

RE: The Log Tests Flares and eVDSDs Against Mission Bay Cityscape

(MARCH 17-30)

“the price of eVDSD is incredible and un just more licensing needs to be provided for manufacturing”

RE: Ask A Maritime Attorney: How “broad” is the insurance coverage of physical damage to my boat?

(MARCH 3-16)

“Interesting and informative, thank you sharing.”

4 | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
On Board With Johnson by J.R. Johnson
an opinion about something you read
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in The Log? Write to: The Log Editorial, P.O. Box 1337, Newport Beach, CA 92659
Fishing has evolved from hunters and gatherers fishing for daily consumption to worldwide commercial fisheries and recreational and sport fishing.

WORLD NEWS news briefs


Port of San Diego Study

Unlocks Trove of Blue Carbon Information on San Diego Bay’s Eelgrass Beds

SAN DIEGO — The Port of San Diego is working to preserve the resources of San Diego Bay for generations to come.

In January 2023, the Port released the results of its first study on carbon storage in eelgrass beds. Unfortunately, after the study was finalized and released to the public, it was discovered that there was a unit conversion error in the calculations, resulting in an overestimation of carbon storage. The Port is now releasing the revised study with updated and corrected stats.

The following are the updated critical findings from the study, conducted between October 2021 and June 2022:

 The bay’s eelgrass beds currently contain 170,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide, equal to the same amount of CO2 emitted by more than 37,000 cars annually.

 Every few years since 1993, the Port and the Navy have conducted bay-wide eelgrass surveys.

 San Diego Bay has nearly 2,600 acres of eelgrass, totaling 50 percent of all the eelgrass in Southern California and roughly 17 percent in the state.

 As much as 73 percent of the bay’s carbon is stored in the sediments of the South Bay.

 Creating or restoring eelgrass habitat could lead to more carbon storage, potentially supporting the Port’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction efforts.

This first-of-its-kind study in California was funded through MARAD’s Maritime Environmental and Technical Assistance (META) Program, which supports and promotes emerging technologies to improve environmental sustainability in the maritime industry.

Eelgrass and other coastal “blue carbon” ecosystems rapidly capture and store large amounts of carbon. Like all plants, eelgrass absorbs CO2, stored as organic carbon in their plant material, and produces oxygen through photosynthesis. When land plants die, their carbon is released back into the atmosphere as CO2. However, unlike land plants, eelgrass is submerged in water, which prevents the release of CO2. Rather, the organic carbon is sequestered into the sea floor sediments. If left undisturbed, this carbon can remain trapped in eelgrass sediments for thousands of years. Eelgrass habitats cover a small fraction of the area forests do on land, yet they can store two to five times more carbon per acre annually and do it in less time than terrestrial forests.

In addition to storing carbon, eelgrass helps improve water quality, protects from waves that erode shorelines, and is a necessary habitat and food source for many animals in the bay.

The Port will continue studying the relationship between eelgrass and

carbon storage throughout the year. By utilizing the META program, MARAD has committed $175,000 to a second year of research. In addition, a third partner, the U.S. Navy, has joined the effort, allowing the team to study carbon sequestration and storage in the Navy’s eelgrass restoration areas. As the study moves into its second year, the Port, the Navy, and MARAD hope to draw more attention to this under-studied coastal ecosystem and its potential significance in supporting local and regional carbon sequestration efforts.

The study also complements the Port’s growing portfolio of nature-based solution projects:

 Blue Economy Incubator projects –San Diego Bay Aquaculture, ECOncrete, and Sunken Seaweed.

 Pond 20 – an 85-acre proposed wetland mitigation bank to restore coastal salt marsh habitat with the added benefits of carbon sequestration and ecological enhancement.

 Native Oyster Living Shoreline Project – created oyster reefs to recruit native oysters, prevent shoreline erosion, and help with carbon sequestration.

 Shellfish & Seaweed Aquaculture Planning – initiating the planning effort to permit shellfish and seaweed farming for food production, restoration, water quality improvements, biodiversity enhancement, and carbon sequestration.

Port of San Diego to Host Inaugural People of the Port Career Fair

SAN DIEGO — On March 23, the Port of San Diego announced it is an essential economic machine in the San Diego region, supporting more than 64,000 well-paying jobs and introducing $9.2 billion into the county’s economy, according to the 2019 Economic Impact report. In addition, in collaboration with its waterfront tenants, the Port is hosting the first-ever People of the Port Career Fair to help people in the region find their following career opportunities.

The event will take place on April 7 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at InterContinental San Diego, located at 901 Bayfront Court San Diego, CA 92101. Attendees are encouraged to use public transportation. Nearly 40 bayfront businesses are participating and will have job openings for people of all education, skill, and experience levels. Participating industries include:

 Aquaculture

 Cruise

 Commercial and sportfishing

 Eco-Tourism

 Engineering

 Food industry

 Hospitality

 Marine retrofit and construction

 Maritime

 Military

 Public Safety

 Public Sector

 Retail

 Shipbuilding

 Ship Repair

 Shipping and logistics

 Transportation & Automotive

THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 5 THELOG.COM 8 | March 3 - March 17, 2023 | THE LOG •Ice •Pumpouts - Public & In-Slip • Ample FREE Parking • 24/7 On-site Security • Doubletree Hotel Across Channel •Free Wi-fi Shortest Run to Catalina Office open 7 days Marina: (310) 514-4985 • Dry Storage: (310) 521-0200 2293 Miner St., San Pedro, CA 90731 30'-50' EndTiesAvailable forMultihulls Marina Amenities •SLIPS from 28' to 130' • 375 Dry Storage Spaces to 45’ •Dry Storage w/ Crane Launching •Restrooms w/Showers Local The visits White Facility Outdoors VENTURA County Association joined icated practices ble fishing. Outdoors, The White located The ganization itive environment door experiences life-building ardship, Seabass populate of Southern After Pen Operator, bass Enhancement van, described unteers responsibilities the fish, monitoring al data. cial to The three sands white seabass Although been fish were door students the fish, livan Frank to students data. IN STOCK Ready to Ship DISTRIBUTOR FOR THE WESTERN USA & BRITISH COLUMBIA BOATSWAIN’S LOCKER® • 866-353-2676 931 W. 18th Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Marine Power Specialists Since 1939 US EPA Tier III Approved for Commercial & Recreational Use 30% LOWER EMISSIONS 30% FUEL SAVINGS 0% COMPROMISE 300HP DIESEL OUTBOARD Ask us about promotional discounts for vessel repowers Scan code for more information
Please see NEWS BRIEFS, PAGE 15


ask a maritime attorney


WRITE TO: P.O. Box 1337 Newport Beach, CA 92659 (949) 660-6150 (800) 873-7327

Fax (949) 660-6172


I just submitted an offer to buy a used boat and I want to do everything possible to avoid any problems with the purchase. I know I need to have the boat inspected by a professional, but are there other steps I can take to protect myself?

David Weil is the managing attorney at Weil & Associates (www. in Seal Beach. He is certified as a Specialist in Admiralty and Maritime Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization and a “Proctor in Admiralty” Member of the Maritime Law Association of the United States, an adjunct professor of Admiralty Law, and former legal counsel to the California Yacht Brokers Association. If you have a maritime law question for Weil, he can be contacted at 562-799-5508, through his website at www., or via email at

ANSWER: The purchase of a boat can be an exciting and emotional time, and it seems that people who are otherwise successful and sophisticated with important decisions in their life may enter into a boat purchase with no caution or common sense whatsoever. So, let’s look at this.

Before starting the process, we recommend that all prospective buyers obtain a copy of a pamphlet prepared by the California Division of Boating and Waterways (http:// entitled

Please see ATTORNEY, PAGE 7

Is your pet as avid a boater as you? Send the Log pictures of your four-legged first mate. Email your photo, contact information and a description about your pet and boat to


Editor and Publisher Duncan McIntosh, Jr.

General Manager Kathleen Ford

Editor Katherine Clements

Graphic Artist Meredith V. Ewell


J.R. Johnson, Bob Vanian, Catherine French, David Weil, Capt. Pat Rains

ADVERTISING SALES (949) 660-6150 Fax: (949) 660-6172

Susanne Kirkham-Diaz (949) 503-7693


Jon Sorenson



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The Log, San Diego Log and FishRap are registered trademarks of Duncan McIntosh Co. Inc. Copyright 2023, all rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Chopper Travels by Dock Cart

“Chopper is a 70 lb. rescue bulldog who lives aboard a Viking sportfish at the bitter end of Shelter Cove Marina, San Diego and enjoys his dock cart rides to and from his boat,” said Craig Toomey in an email to the Log. “It saves a lot of time for his owner, Captain Carson.”

Live Like Sadie— Sun Bath on the Bow

“This is 10-year-old “Sadie,” said Alan Amason in an email to the Log. She cruises on a 1986 Carver 32’ Aft Cabin in Ventura. When the sun is out she will be on the bow. Winter is not her favorite time of year because the sun is not out all the time. She also loves to go in the cockpit and lay on her bedding. She is very shy but once she likes you she is happy to see you. When we first put her on the boat she was a little concerned. Now she can’t wait to get back on it. If you see her sun bathing please yell “Hello Sadie!!”

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Log, PO Box 1337, Newport Beach, CA 92659.

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6 | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM 4C 2C 2C DARK BKGND BW California’s Boating and Fishing News
What steps do I need to take when purchasing a boat other than have a professional look at it??
in 1971 NO. 1202 MARCH 31 - APRIL 13, 2023

“How to Buy a Used Boat.” This document provides a brief but helpful overview of the boat buying process. As for t he legal issues that may arise, it would be impossible for me to list every legal risk associated with a boat purchase, but I can provide an introduction by looking at circumstances where our clients have found themselves in litigation after a boat purchase.

Most litigation that is initiated in connection with a boat purchase is related to the physical condition of the boat. Some type of fault or damage is discovered after the purchase, and the buyer believes that the problem was either fraudulently concealed or should have been disclosed prior to the purchase. I should first note that, unlike a real estate transaction, the seller of a boat does not have any statutory duty to disclose the boat’s material faults prior to the sale. Most of these lawsuits therefore include allegations of fraud, and this form of litigation can get ugly and expensive real fast.

Since a seller has no real duty to disclose anything (so long as he or she does not lie or conceal), the buyer must find the best experts available to inspect the boat during the purchase contingency period. The marine surveyor is at the center of this, but the buyer should also obtain a mechanical inspection and, for sailboats, a rig survey. The selection of these experts is critical, and if possible, the buyer should not rely upon the recommendations of the broker or seller.

Prospective boat buyers are often surprised to learn that marine surveyors are not licensed by any government agency. Many surveyors make reference to their Coast Guard Master’s License in their marketing materials, but this is just a marketing gimmick, and a Coast Guard license has no relevance at all to a marine survey. Instead, most qualified surveyors are members of a professional (but non-governmental) trade organizationeither the National Association of Marine Surveyors (“NAMS”- www.namsglobal. org) or the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (“SAMS” - www.marinesurvey. org). Both organizations have member directories on their web sites. The most qualified surveyors will have considerable experience with insurance claim investigation, which gives them considerable insight into what can go wrong with a boat. Your marine surveyor should also be able to recommend experts for your mechanical inspection or rig survey.

In addition to claims surrounding the condition of the boat, we see a lot of litigation involving various other forms of misrepresentation. This may relate to the boat’s features or warranty or title history or any other area where the buyer feels he or she has been cheated. Litigation, however, is not a viable form of pre-purchase protection, so the buyer should take steps to avoid these problems before the purchase. The most effective protection in this area is for the buyer to personally examine and confirm every feature that

he or she finds important, rather than to rely on the representations of the broker or seller.

For example, many boat warranties are either very limited in scope or they are not transferable. If a warranty is important, the buyer of a used boat should obtain a copy of the warranty paperwork and read it carefully. Similarly, if the features of the electronic equipment are important, the buyer should confirm that t hose features are in fact included with the equipment, rather than simply relying upon the seller’s representations. The buyer should also evaluate the performance of the boat during a comprehensive sea trial. In a lawsuit, it may be a lleged that these features were not important to the buyer if he or she failed to take reasonable steps to confirm their existence.

Title history is another area of frequent litigation. Conflicting claims of o wnership and undisclosed liens may both cause problems for a buyer. Most purchase contracts require the seller to indemnify the buyer for these potential problems, but when the problem is discovered the seller’s whereabouts may be unknown, they may be insolvent, or they may simply refuse to cooperate. The best form of protection against title problems prior to the purchase is to examine the vessel’s Abstract of Title (Coast Guard title history) carefully, and to review the title history with a documentation service or an attorney. Unfortunately, a title history is only available for Coast Guard documented vessels, and title insurance is not available to protect against unknown or undisclosed problems in a boat’s title history. As such a careful review with a qualified professional is important.

This list is just a sampling of the wide range of litigation that can develop after a boat purchase, and therefore only a brief introduction to the wide range of issues requiring careful inspection prior to signing the “final acceptance” on the purchase contract. The common thread throughout this discussion is that careful buyers must rely as much as possible upon t heir own investigation and the opinion of their own hired experts, rather than the representations of the seller or broker. In the end, it’s always better to avoid a lawsuit than to win one. A maritime attorney with experience in yacht purchase and sale transactions can be a great help to buyers or sellers who want a hassle-free transaction.

David Weil is licensed to practice law in the state of California and as such, some of the information provided in this column may not be applicable in a jurisdiction outside of California. Please note also that no two legal situations are alike, and it is impossible to provide accurate legal advice without knowing all the facts of a particular situation. Therefore, the information provided in this column should not be regarded as individual legal advice, and readers should not act upon this information without seeking the opinion of an attorney in their home state.




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Attorney From page 6 12 | March 3 - March 17, 2023 New an and Silent a new powered the By: Silent-Yachts es of Explorer solar ergy to ances The ture or level and landing marine. ran also ties and The is being in 2024. num has a volume under with tom styling rior design Casali. The Explorer complete, first ing pool and grassy walking side yacht swimming hardtop sections pad. The Silent catamarans Turkey. SALES • SERVICE & INSTALLATION • REPAIRS FACTORY CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS 2636 Main St. San Diego Ca 92113 PHONE: (619) 239-6792 (619) 226-4195 FAX: (619) 239-0946
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Worry-Free Sailing with Your Pets

Dana Point Boaters Send out an S.O.S.— Save Our Slips

Dana Point boaters gathered to discuss the Dana Point Harbor changes and get answers from guest speaker Supervisor Katrina Foley.

Are you planning to sail with your furry friends? Here are a few tips to make them comfortable and ensure a prepared and easy journey for both of you.

DANA POINT — On March 17 at 8:30 a.m., Supervisor Katrina Foley was the guest speaker at the Dana Point Civic Association Coffee Chat held at Coffee Importers in the Dana Point Harbor. While multiple topics were discussed, one topic that generated a lot of conversation was Dana Point boaters versus the Dana Point Harbor Revitalization Project.

For sailors who want to bring along their furry friends to enjoy the views, the Log has a few suggestions for getting your pets accustomed to the sailing life.

Firstly, wearing life jackets on land before going on the water and bringing a generous supply of water, especially for days when it’s hot and sunny, are two valuable tips. We prefer the life vests that secure tightly around the waist and neck and those with handles on top to make it easier to retrieve your pet in an overboard situation. Also, when looking for a place ashore for your pets to use the bathroom, confirm you are on public property to avoid any trouble, and as always, keep an eye on them and don’t let them wander.

T he Dana Point Boaters Association (DPBA) had presented the Dana Point Harbor Partners (DPHP) with a list of questions prior to the meeting that needed to be answered. At the meeting, a fact sheet with the answers to the questions was passed out to the attendees.

However, the DPHP did not respond to DPBA; therefore, the questions were transferred to Supervisor Foley’s office. It took time to get a response from DPHP, but one was received.

Before welcoming your dogs on board, you must ensure you have many safety features in place. However, your safety preparation should not end with flota -

The questions and their responses are below:


Q: Why are dock boxes not being provided?

A: See Attachment 1 Boater Communication regarding the selection of Power Pedestals over Dock Boxes.

tion devices. A sea fence around the entire boat perimeter adds extra security, safety, and peace of mind if your furry friend leaves your eye site. While having a well-practiced pet-overboard procedure is important, it’s even more important to do everything possible to avoid the overboard situation altogether. Some sea fences can handle an impact of up to 750 pounds, so it also protects humans and equipment from sliding overboard.

A heavy-duty harness with tethering lines is also recommended to restrict your pet’s movement under challenging situations. But, most importantly, if conditions are incredibly rough, secure them in the main cabin in a barricaded spot to ensure their safety and to allow you to focus on safely sailing your ship.

Each country has its own unique set of requirements for pet entry. Some places require quarantine periods, and some do not allow dog entry at all. The worst scenario would be entering a country and having your dog placed in quarantine. We advise you to do heavy research before you set sail.

There are three main requirements for dog entry by boat when entering just about any country:

Attachment 1 reads, “Dock boxes have minimal space for components or technology, instead prioritizing the majority of its volume to discretional storage. In most cases, locker boxes promote the storage of bait, trash, paints, batteries, propane tanks, oils, cleaning solutions and other hazardous materials which unfortunately then find themselves as pollutants in the h arbor. We have already removed an enormous amount of toxic materials and trash from dock boxes in just the demolition of phase 1 & 2.”

signed yet, so details are not known


1. Health certificate. This must be approved by a licensed veterinarian and have an official health department signature and seal.

Q: Is there a cost to use the stand-alone pump stations?


Q : Location of recent Marinas without dock boxes?

A: There may be a cost for visiting vessels.

2. International microchip

3. Rabies vaccination after the microchip has been implanted.

Some countries also require the following:

1. Rabies titer

2. Flea and tick treatment

3. Heartworm treatment

4. De-worming treatment

It is required to obtain a Pet Passport in Europe and some other countries.

A: In 2022, Bellingham Marine worked on 329 projects (excluding our licensees). Of those projects, 90 were international and had no dock boxes, with the remaining 239 projects located in the United States. Bellingham’s Southwest Division constructed 129 projects, over 100 in California. A vast majority of those projects did not use dock boxes. Nationwide, less than 5 percent of the projects Bellingham constructed had dock boxes, while less than 10 percent of Southwest projects had them. Here is a link to a recent project without dock boxes: https:// w cap-sante/.

Q : Are there any public pump-out stations in the West Basin?

A: The need for a public pump-out station in the West Basin is being evaluated.


Q: Has there been any change in the layout of the Marina since approval by the CCC?

Q: How will monthly water and electric bills be calculated? How will the utilities be controlled?

A: See Attachment 1 Boater Communication, which contains Power Pedestal and Electrical information.


Q: What is the schedule for dredging?


Q: How many pump-out stations are available at the fuel dock?

A: The Outer Basin has not been de -

We also advocate for preparing for pets’ medical needs. If you’re spending multiple days on the water that will land you at a different destination than where you started, consider researching vets around the area in case anything happens before, during, or after your journey. We recommend allowing at least four

to six weeks before departing to secure the proper permits from foreign countries or territories to bring your pet.

A: No. See Attachment 2 for a slip layout comparison.

Attachment two is a map.

When in doubt, remember:


Q: Will there be any impact on boater services due to a delay in hotel development?

Documentation: Cruising internationally? Look into the regulations about bringing in a pet in the various countries along your route. Be sure to have a clean bill of health plus all immunizations from your pet›s current veterinarian.

A : No, there will be no impact on the boater service buildings due to the delay in hotel development. The boater service areas in Buildings 3 and 4 will remain

Provisioning: If your pet has a particular food preference or special dietary needs, consider stocking up because finding the right food on your journey might be difficult.

Gear: While pets don›t need a lot of specialized equipment to enjoy the cruising life, bowls and a bed that doesn›t slide will undoubtedly be appreciated. And remember a life jacket.

First Aid:

• Know some basic pet first aid.

A: Per the lease with the County, DPHP is required to do an annual survey to determine if dredging is necessary. To date, no survey data has indicated that dredging is needed (See Attachment 3 D.P.H. C onditions Survey). DPHP is also coordinating with the Corps on this effort. In addition, the Corps is currently undertaking planning efforts to repair the west breakwater. This project will also require access dredging in the main channel and west anchorage to allow equipment to access the breakwater for necessary repairs. The Corps is planning to commence construction in late 2024 and complete construction in late 2025/early 2026.

• Have your vet’s number on hand.

• Have a supply of any medications.


Lastly, establishing a routine for your pet while living on a boat is ideal. This doesn’t only apply to the potty routine. It also applies to how the animal eats and gets exercise. It’s okay, even appropriate, for the routine to change slightly depending on the situation.

Q: How will slip holders with a wrongsized slip will be treated, and how will they be accommodated if their slip size is not available?

A: Based on current information, DPHP anticipates accommodating all of our existing tenants that have seaworthy vessels in the applicable sized slip.

While at sea, for example, the dogs get less exercise, so they do not need as many calories, so you can feed them less than you do when you are in port or at anchorage. Also, studies show that dogs don’t have a concept of time, but they do have an idea of order, so try to establish an order of routine even if the feeding or the walking doesn’t happen simultaneously every

For the full document, please visit march%202023.pdf. Additionally, Dana Point resident George Hughes has organized a Go Fund Me to save the boaters’ slips which can be found at SOS---Save-Our-Slips-in-Dana-Point.

8 | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
Dana Point Mayor Mike Frost was in attendance and spoke with Supervisor Katrina Foley about the phases in progress regarding the revitalization project. The Dana Point Boaters Association advocates the preservation, enhancement, and expansion of affordable recreational boating. Katherine M. Clements image
10 | March 3 - March 17, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
Katherine M. Clements image
A heavy-duty harness with tethering lines will restrict your dog’s movement in rough weather situations.
Just as humans do while onboard, it’s important to put a personal flotation device on your pet as well in case of any accidents.
Shutterstock Image

“We have the power to decide to use balloons or not in our decorations, so my focus on my business is flowers and plants more than balloons,” said Gossett in an interview with ABC7.

The Laguna Beach City Council is expected to approve the ordinance during their meeting on Feb. 21. Supporters hope other coastal cities follow suit.

and painting, lighting, and other enhancements to the entire Wharf area – as well as onboard restroom repairs, flooring replacements and ceiling paint and tile repair in the Promenade Deck’s Main Hall; HVAC repair and floor and window repairs in the Observation Bar; parking lot repairs; and kitchen and restaurant improvements, among others.

The First Nordhavn 625 is in Dana Point

The ban would take effect on Jan. 1, 2024, and those who don’t follow the ban could face warnings or fines of up to $500.

Final Round of Queen Mary Repairs are Underway


After NCLA Win, Fifth Circuit Tosses Back NMFS Rule Trying to Track Charter Boats Without a Warrant

LONG BEACH — Long Beach— The City of Long Beach announced on Feb. 21 that it has begun preparation work for installing anticipated new boilers and heat exchangers onboard the RMS Queen Mary. The multi-phase project began in late January with demolishing the existing heat exchangers, piping, and electrical pneumatics as part of the last round of critical repairs required to reopen the Queen Mary’s hotel, restaurants, bars, and other onboard amenities this spring.

DANA POINT— The first Nordhavn 625 has arrived at Nordhavn world headquarters in Dana Point and will undergo commissioning for the next several weeks before being delivered to her Nevadabased owners, including the installation of electronics, mainly the testing of systems— LOA is 64’8.” The Nordhavn 625 is modeled after the very popular Nordhavn 55/60/63 hull.

“The amount of critical work put into our icon, the Queen Mary, over the last year has been incredible to watch,” said Mayor Rex Richardson in a press release. “We are almost there for our targeted reopening later this spring. I look forward to welcoming more visitors back onboard this historic landmark soon.”

print as the N60 but manages to feel entirely different. Leishman defines the boat as incorporating all the innovative customizations buyers were doing to their 60s and including them as the standard, including items such as larger windows, a giant galley, and a staircase arrangement that allows for a walk-in shower in t he pilothouse berth. “The boat is really cool. People are going to love it,” said L eishman.

The N625 also takes a nod from the Turkish-built N41 and N51 designs, utilizing a production boat approach to ordering. As a result, it will have more e quipment and features as a standard, equating to a more resourceful buy. Not included in the standard boat are tender and soft goods. The spec won’t be as strict as its smaller sisters, but the boat won’t be as customizable as the 60 and 63.

Nordhavn’s manufacturer is Pacific Asian Enterprises. PAE was found -

Demolition work is underway for the ship’s existing, out-of-commission boilers and heat exchangers. It is expected to be completed over the next few weeks, at which point installation of

“ This is the first hull of our newest project, the Nordhavn 625,” said Nordhavn Marketing Director Jenny Stern in an email to the Log. “The N625 is the third re-interpretation of the very proven N55 hull. It’s also the latest of our production-forward models that follow a more complete spec with less room f or customizations which corresponds to a more efficient build process and c uts down on costs. Most Nordhavns are semi-custom and can be tailored to a n owner’s personal style – typically the larger the vessel, the more customizations to layout there are.”

A ltogether more than 100 of the three iterations of this well-proven hull have been sold. “It’s been a solid performer for us,” Chief of Design Jeff Leishman said of the hull design in a press release. “I believed doing an update would provide us with another outstanding derivative.”

There are commitments on the first eight hulls.

After that, Leishman anticipates it will follow in the footsteps of her hull sisterships in popularity.

On the ride up from the shipping port of Ensenada, James Leishman, the salesman whose clients purchased N625 hull #1, was impressed by the vessel’s handling and commented that he ran the boat comfortably at 9 knots. “I’d describe her as a pretty fast boat,” said Leishman, adding that perhaps her most outstanding quality was how quiet the boat was u nderway. “She is super quiet, on a par with the 96.”

The N625 maintains the same foot-

WASHINGTON, DC — On Feb. 23, the New Civil Liberties Association (NCLA) released a press release announcing a landmark win for charter boat fishermen across the Gulf of Mexico, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has set aside a controversial Final Rule issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), which required 24-hour GPS tracking of recreational charter boat fishing vessels and reporting of confidential economic data. As Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod wrote, “in promulgating this regulation, the Government committed multiple independent Administrative Procedure Act violations, and very likely violated the Fourth Amendment.” The ruling is significant for many reasons, including that the Government tried to claim that charter boat fishing is a “closely-regulated industry” to which the

ed in 1978 by Dan Streech, Jim Leishman, and another partner in Dana Point, California. PAE was first manufactured by Mason cruising sailing yachts, and then Naval architect Jeff Leishman drew the lines for the first Nordhavn, a 46foot boat, which was produced in 1989. Dan, Jim, and Jeff are the current owners of PAE. The U.S. has four sales offices: Dana Point, CA; Anacortes, WA; East Greenwich, RI; and North Palm Beach, FL., as well as affiliate agents in the U.K., Turkey, and Australia. For more information on Nordhavn, please visit https://

THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 9 THELOG.COM Custom Sheet Sets Custom Bedspreads, Duvets and Blankets Custom Boat mattresses and Toppers Featuring custom linens from Matouk, Sferra, Perennials & Thibaut (949) 239-6459 O R (619)550-4406 San Diego Showroom 955 Harbor Island Dr #135 San Diego, CA 92101 Newport Beach Showroom 2507 West Coast Highway #191 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Hinged mattresses for access to storage! Call us for Details 931 W. 18th Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Marine Power Specialists Since 1939 orations, but she supports banning the sale of
ways; elevator repair and modernization;
The first Nordhavn 625 has arrived in Dana Point after departing from Ensenada, where she will undergo commissioning before taking off to her new owners.
The boat is built at one of Nordhavn’s partner factories, South Coast Marine, at their Taiwanese facility. It was then put on a cargo ship and offloaded in Ensenada before the Nordhavn crew received the boat and brought it back to Dana Point. In 1973, Jim Leishman and Dan Streech met and formed a friendship while both were working at a yacht brokerage/dealership in Dana Point, California. Nordhavn image Nordhavn image

Lift Foils Welcomes the LIFT4

ISABELA, PUERTO RICO — Lift Foils, the creator of the first commercial eFoil and unequivocal leader in the space, announced the next model in their lineup, the LIFT4. Designed to prioritize three main qualities: style, longevity, and performance, LIFT4 is the quietest eFoil ever created and features technological progress in battery life, allowing riders to be out on the water longer and explore further than ever before at a fraction of the charging time of any other eFoil available. In addition, there are new color options, advanced electronics, new hardware, and a new lineup of wings.

According to Lift Foils, the LIFT4 is customizable and long-lasting. Development of the LIFT4 comes following five years of extensive usage of Lift products and acquiring feedback from more than 15,000 riders. As a result, lift Foils has updated and reworked most of its components to perfect one’s ride and create an eFoil that will revolutionize how we interact with water and nature.

“Being the designer and the rider offers a closed-loop experience where you can really hone in on what you’re feeling and why you are feeling it,” said Lift Foils Founder and CEO Nick Leason in a press release. “Riding an eFoil is not only about going out and surfing but also about silencing your mind, getting into a flow state, and connecting with nature.”

Since Lift Foils started designing eFoils in 2016, the company has continuously pushed the boundaries of battery technology. Developed in-house by the company’s engineers, the new Gen4 batteries provide a good experience on and off the water and offer a unique and state-ofthe-art battery management system, or BMS, that optimizes each ride’s performance and efficiency, therefore extending the lifespan of the battery overall as a result.

With the Gen4 battery system, charging time has been reduced to 50 minutes for the Full Range model and less than 30 minutes for the Light Battery. This feature allows riders to maximize their time on the water and spend less time waiting for gear to recharge. Lift Foils has accessed battery cells used by the industry’s best electric vehicles, which feature the highest energy capacity per cell. The Lift Full Range Battery offers ride times of up to twoand-a-half hours, and the Lift Light Battery offers up to one-and-a-half hours. In addition, the Gen4 batteries feature new housing, redesigned to create a rugged, lab-tested, and field-proven product.

Lift Foils announced it’s focusing on safety and reliability while increasing lon-


gevity and reducing weight. In addition, the housing has a new ergonomic handle and rubber feet for maximum comfort and protection. Upgrades and refinements have also been made to the new LIFT4 eBox for an effortless and near-silent experience on the water.

Lift Foils’ Quiet Ride Technology System is composed of an advanced motor

controller, their smoothest and quietest controller to date. The new system utilizes the latest technology in the electric mobility industry and enhances the ride experience by cutting any existing vibrations or sounds in half. As a result, riders won’t have to listen to their equipment


10 | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
Harbor Island West Marina 2040 Harbor Island Drive San Diego, CA 92101 Free Entrance Free Space Free Coffee & Donuts Clear out your Lazarette's & Hunt for New Treasure! Lift Foils image
Please see LIFT FOIL,PAGE 11
Co-founder Nick Leason, an engineer and avid surfer, came up with the idea for the original eFoil in 2015 by applying the technology from smartphones, electric vehicles, and even drones into a board that would let its rider glide above the water without needing to be driven by wind or waves.

worthiness of the boat. And, a latent defect is usually defined to mean a hidden defect that existed from the time of manufacture.

Complicating things even further, most marine insurance policies expressly exclude coverage for “manufacturing defects.” And, unlike latent defect coverage, the exclusion for manufacturing defects will not include the extended language used to cover the damage that may result from the defect.

West Coast Yachts Welcomes Eric Gfeller

column may not be applicable in a jurisdiction outside of California. Please note also that no two legal situations are alike, and it is impossible to provide accurate legal advice without knowing all the facts of a particular situation. Therefore, the information provided in this column should not be regarded as individual legal advice, and readers should not act upon this information without seeking the opinion of an attorney in their

A manufacturing defect is defined in


The translation of the boating safety course is the first Spanish boating safety course approved by

News Briefs

From page 5

of Commerce. The Final Rule required each charter boat to be “equipped with NMFS-approved hardware and software with a minimum capability of archiving GPS locations.”

West Coast Yachts is thrilled to welcome Eric Gfeller to our team of experts at our Newport Beach office. Boating has been a lifelong passion for Eric, having started sailing at the young age of seven and becoming an accomplished local racer over the years. A successful tournament and recreational fisherman, he enjoys fishing for marlin and tuna offshore and teaching his kids and others how to catch everything from sand dabs to bluefin!

independently sufficient reasons.” These

of the Magnuson-Stevens Act does

Although Eric has spent the past decade in the heavy equipment industry, he was previously a top salesperson at Stan Miller Yachts. There, he specialized in brokerage sales of esteemed yacht brands such as CABO, Hatteras, Grand Banks, and Eastbay.

“I’m thrilled to be part of the boating community again and to contribute my passion for boating, dedication to delivering top-notch service, and extensive knowledge of the yachting lifestyle,” At West Coast Yachts, we take pride

Lift Foil

From page 10

The Rule would have required charter boats to install onboard an NMFSapproved Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) tracking device—an “anchor bracelet”—that continuously transmits the boat’s GPS location to NMFS, whether the ship is being used for a charter-fishing trip or something else. Charter boat operators “are responsible for purchasing the VMS units,” which the Final Rule estimated would cost upwards of $3000 plus a monthly service fee of $40 to $75. NCLA argued this 24-hour GPS surveillance was not only unnecessary and unduly burdensome but also that this requirement violated the Fourth Amendment by searching without probable cause or a warrant, exceeded the authority granted by the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA), and was arbitrary and capricious in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

but rather to the natural surroundings. Regarding design and ease of usability, Lift Foils is paying attention to details and has updated some small but essential items like the latches.

The LIFT4 offers updated carbon fiber latches, both engineered and manufactured in a factory in P uerto Rico. These new latches feature a specially designed ergonomic shape and shave significant weight from an eFoil assembly. They also offer precision tensioning and automatically regulate pressure inside the hatch compartment, making opening and closing in all conditions easier.

F or the LIFT4, Lift Foils also introduces new wings to create the ultimate flying experience for customers. The new Camber Pro Series takes everything Lift has learned about wing design and construction and has developed the smoothest eFoil-specific wings. In addition, they’ve fine-tuned the shapes and curves that define wing performance and create an even more balanced feel for the r ider. The new Camber Pro Series comes in three sizes: small, medium, and large. Two additional back wings have also been introduced to offer the appropriate balance between stability and carving performance: 36 and 46 Glides.

Constructed of carbon fiber, Lift Foils has maintained its original board shapes and sizes and added additional color op -

“The Government failed to respond to public comments expressing concerns of personal privacy violations stemming from GPS surveillance.”

tural melting pot that has prompted the California State Parks’ Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) to announce towards the end of January that a boating safety course will now be offered in Spanish. Like its English counterpart, the para Navegación free and helps Californians comply with the mandatory boating education law that requires power boat operators to carry a California Boating Card to oper ate a motorized vessel on California or California-shared waterways legally. Applying for a card is simple. Boaters can start their application process by visit ing ing (844) 421-8333. The card only costs $10 and lasts a lifetime.


This DBW home study and the National Association Card education requirement.

al, entry-level knowledge a boater should

tion. The development of these standards is a rigorous process, and ANSI ensures

sus, and other criteria for approval have

LA approval for each course to meet the boating education requirements for the NASBLA approval is valid for three

• “The Government failed to rationally consider the associated costs and benefits.”

in offering our clients tailored, professional service. We’re excited to have Eric’s expertise and experience on board to help match our clients with their ideal boats. To get in touch with Eric, feel free to contact him at (951) 314-2747 or

• The Final Rule cannot withstand APA review because there was an improper notice of the data the agency planned to collect.

DBW. All other courses listed on panies that have gone through the Na tional Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and state ap proval process. Therefore, the translation of their courses would be at each compa ny’s discretion.

sary updates or revisions will take place during the recertification process once

Both of DBW’s Spanish and English courses are free and can be read and/or boat operators will learn the many boating safety “rules of the road,”

For the full press release, please visit

tions for the launch of the LIFT4. Between their core colors and extensive metallics, you can choose 12 color options to customize your ride and own the board representing your style. The LIFT4 also features a full carbon fiber mast, which is available in two sizes: 28-inch and 32inch. These pair with a precision machined aluminum propeller, each milled f rom a block of aerospace aluminum,

lifesaving resource to the state’s Span ish-speaking boaters,” said DBW Depu ty Director Ramona Fernandez in a press release. “California has over 600,000 reg

The importance of

Since the 1960’s, we hold our commitment as the “Friendliest” boatyard: a

We Service: Pumps

Full Paint Service: Gelcoat

hand polished, hard anodized, and perfectly balanced.

These ultra-rigid propellers provide maximum bite and torque and are built to survive any abuse they might encounter in the water. In addition, all pieces in the propulsion unit are fully modular and can be easily interchanged for one’s ride preference via their in-house designed Lift Connect System (LCS).

There is also a standard two-year warranty on all components. The LIFT4 prices start at $11,995 for the Lift Light Battery Gen4 and $12,995 for the Lift Full R ange Battery Gen4.

For more information, please visit

THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 11 THELOG.COM
boaters to understand and comply with boating laws.
be for all.”
ing • Safety different how • Navigation tion gate busy the er • Vessel ties: and different er activities. • Personal vent hazards erating • Accident cue: cue
3203 S VICTORIA AVE, OXNARD, CA 93035 (805) 985-1818
Bearings & hoses
Fiberglass Buff & Wax In Harbor Tow Service
yard and chandlery that welcomes Do-It-Yourselfers. Inflatable Boat Specialist On Site Canvas Specialist On Site ANACAPA BOATYARD Full Service or Do-it-Yourself Used Boat Parts for sale in our Chandlery On-Site Engine Mechanic 619.477.3232 /
Lift Foils image Lift Foils has built a house of over 300 demo locations around the globe.

Catalina Connection

Catalina Island Ranks 19/150 For Small Towns You Should Visit

CATALINA ISLAND — The travel website,, surveyed 3,000 families to determine the top 150 small towns they would like to visit this year. Of the 150 small cities, Avalon was ranked 19th and was the highest-ranked town in California.

Avalon was voted higher than Sausalito, who won spot number 26, and Ojai, 63rd.

Nonetheless, Avalon was voted higher than both of those lovable cities. According to the article published on the site, “it is a great vacation destination for families due to its stunning natural beauty, the abundance of outdoor activities, and va-

riety of family-friendly attractions.”

Although this isn’t new news to us Southern California residents, it is just another bragging right for Catalina. In January of this year, Travelandleisure. com writer Carrie Dennis published a list of the “20 Most Beautiful Small Towns in the U.S.” That article ranked Avalon at No. 3, topped only by Girdwood, Alaska, and Sedona, Arizona, for towns with a population under 20,000.

Other lists are more activity-specific, but some aspects of Catalina brought it into the mix. Also, in January of this year, posted an article noting the best hiking trails to tackle in 2023, with recommendations for the month to visit them. For visitors joining the Island in February, it suggested Catalina Trail as

Santa Barbara Maritime Museum Hosts Harborside Special Event

SANTA BARBARA— The Santa Barbara Maritime Museum (SBMM) is partnering with Anchor Rose restaurant to develop a series of collaborative harborside movie screenings and special events.

The first will launch a new book, “All Hands on Deck: A Modern Day HighSeas Adventure to the Far Side of the World,” on April 29 at 4:30 p.m., with a unique experience. All Hands on Deck will include a reception on the Waterfront Center’s patio, a presentation based on author Will Sofrin’s book, an optional 18th- century-themed dinner, and a complete screening of the classic


the place to be. Catalina again made the cut for trails from all over the U.S. and as far away as New Zealand.

Writer Erica Zazo points out that February in winter is an excellent break from the snow and that the Trans Catalina Trail offers a respite between heat and crowded trails, despite the cool-to-cold temperatures, especially at night.

Joining the scuttlebutt among other publications with Catalina on their to-do lists would include, which included Catalina in its “The Best Things to do in Los Angeles” article in early January. So, all in all, the consensus is that Catalina Island is more than your MacOS; it’s the place to be.


movie “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World,” a film that many consider being one of the best sailing pictures of all time.

In the late 1990s, Patrick O’Brian’s bestselling historical novels inspired the film “Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World.” But, while director Peter Weir and stars Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany were signed on, there was one problem: Rose, the replica eighteenth-century British warship that the filmmakers purchased to serve as the HMS Surprise, was in Newport, Rhode Island, two oceans and thousands of miles away from Hollywood. It’s a story of reinvention, hard work on the high seas, love, and survival. The crew of the Rose effectively went back in time, bringing the old ways of a forgotten


1. Hairy-chested

world to life while barely living to tell the tale.

The unique book launch for “All Hands on Deck: A Modern-Day High Seas Adventure to the Far Side of the World” will include a meet-the-author and book-signing reception with a complimentary rum cocktail on the Waterfront Center’s patio, a presentation by the author, an optional British navy inspired dinner, and a complete screening of the award-winning film, “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World”— in honor of the 20th anniversary of its release.

This book launch, presentation, and film screening is for everyone who loves reading, sailing, naval history, tall ships, food, and movies or has dreamt about sailing the world on a tall ship.

For more information, please visit














6. At Princeton, Einstein was a member

9. Shiite place of pilgrimage

12. Yemeni capital

13. Minneapolis university

14. Seat of higher learning (Abbr.)

15. Foam clogs

16. Outer layer of a tree

18. Equipment

20. Bank offering, for short

21. --- longue, for the recumbent

24. Artist Max


Today, author Will Sofrin is a freelance writer for numerous maritime periodicals such as Classic Boat Magazine, Cruising World, Latitude 38, Ocean Navigator, Pacific Yachting, Sea History Journal, Soundings, and WoodenBoat, as well as an accomplished maritime artist.

43. DoJ support agency

44. Bethlehem ---, from which a ruler will come, according to Micah

48. Household name

52. Nasdaq debut (Abbr.)

53. East Germany, as it was

54. “Farewell, mon ami”

55. Fiddle stick

56. Immigrant’s class (Abbr.)

57. Put a new price on


1. Second degree

2. Berne’s river

3. Most senior sailor

4. Cope

5. Desert haven

6. With outs, complexities

7. Smoothie ingredient

8. Chief

9. “--- Vadis?”

10. A, in Acapulco

11. --- -Atlantic

17. “Star Trek” speed

19. Crow’s home

21. Literally, “dwarf dog”

22. Wore

23. Org.

25. Burmese head of state

26. Big mess

27. Losing come-out roll in craps

30. Item in a photog’s file

31. Club publication

33. Cheapen

36. Fly high

37. Ebb

40. “The --- of Wakefield”

42. Benchmarks (Abbr.)

44. The E U’s lending institution

45. Reduced-rate health insurance arrangement

46. “--- do you do?”

47. Responsible for White Sands

Missile Range

49. On, as a lamp

50. The E U, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein

51. Listen in on


March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
“--- longa,
28. Brewer’s dryer 29. Cambodian capital
32. Short country routes 33. Agricultural manufacturer based in Moline, Ill. 34. “This means ---!” 35.
(Abbr.) 39.
for one 41.
vita brevis”
on page
Image courtesy of Santa Barbara Maritime Museum


Canada Makes History with First Event Win

Canada’s Phil Robertson has made history by securing its first-ever event win in a deadlocked showdown against home favorites New Zealand and season leaders Australia on the waters of Whakaraupo, Lyttelton Harbour.

I n one of the closest final battles of the season, the Canadians went head-tohead with Peter Burling’s hometown heroes, with close crosses and lead changes

throughout the match.

All three boats had a great start, making the competition more exciting, but Canada was first at Mark One with the all-important inside track.

Despite falling off the foils and picking up a boundary penalty, the Canadi-

ans were consistently faster t han the New Zealanders and crossed the line to pick up 10 season points.

It marks the first win for the young team, which previously lost during the Finals of Bermuda and Chicago earlier in the season.

“We gave it a good shot of letting the Kiwis back into it, but we managed to scrub the penalty and come fast into the bottom, so happy days!,” said Robertson in regards to Canada’s win.

Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand

K iwi Robertson added that he was ‘stoked to win at home.’

“I’ve got my parents, wife, and brothers here, and it’s a first win for Canada –we’re trying to be competitive with the top teams, so today is just an example of what we can do,” said Robertson in an interview with Sail GP.

C anada barely beat Emirates Great Britain SailGP Team in the final moments of the fifth fleet race.

Tom Slingsby’s Australia never posed a serious threat as the Final unfolded despite winning two races on the second day of racing in Christchurch.

However, the event results mean the Aussies sit comfortably at the top, leading the overall season leaderboard with 84 points, while New Zealand remains in second place with 73 points. France will stay in third with 69 points despite finishing fifth in Christchurch but has a fragile one-point lead ahead of Emirates Team GBR in fourth.

There will be a tight battle between France and Emirates Team GBR for the final place in the three-boat, winnertakes-all Championship Final in San Francisco, which will take place May 6-7, where the season champion will be determined.

Maneuvering Your Boat with Dock Lines— Part Three of Five

dock, relax the line at the port stern cleat, but keep a half turn—or more, if needed, on the cleat while holding the bitter end of the line, applying tension to prevent it from paying out.

3. When ready to shift the boat, slightly reduce pressure on the line, and allow the line to pay out in a controlled manner. 4. Once the ship has moved to the desired position, check the stern line by wrapping it around the cleat and securing it as usual.

Ahoy sailors, if you needed some definition or even convincing to explore the world of regattas, look no further. This article is for you and will give you a general idea of what you’re getting yourself in store for.

Please note that the scenario described above assumes the stern line is strong enough and of sufficient length to reposition the boat to the new location. If that is not the case, replace it with a longer line before shifting. Once secured, you may need to shift the stern line to another dock cleat or piling if another one is better positioned.

Defining a Regatta



ing to a fixed formula to determine a winner. In contrast to a traditional scoring system, the sailors with the fewest points are awarded better placement.

2023 Chaos Rally (March 25-26)


dock and need to move your vessel forward a few feet to free up space for another boat to dock at your stern. The wind is blowing, but luckily blowing from your stern and along the dock in the direction you need to move. Use the wind to move your boat along the dock while controlling it with your port stern line.

If there is concern about keeping the vessel under control (due to stronger winds or currents), you can have a crew member check the bow line during the maneuver. Finally, you can also use checking to control a vessel in other situations. For example, when docking during high wind or rough current conditions, a dock line with one or two wraps around a piling can be used to control movement into a slip or berth by simply adjusting pressure on the line.

SANTA BARBARA— The Santa Barbara Yacht Club will be hosting the 2023 Choas Rally from March 25-26. The Chaos Rally was initially created in the summer of 2020 as a preliminary way to get boats back on the water in a low-density yet fun and engaging way. The event has multiple levels of creativity, allowing competitors to choose when they start over the course of two days and the order in which they will round each of the designated course marks. Every boat must begin no earlier than 10 a.m. on March 25 and finish no later than 4 p.m. on March 26. Participants can choose to start on either day as long as they complete the course by 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 26. The order in which competitors can select their start time will be decided via a live random drawing online on Thursday morning preceding the race. Each competitor will submit their top three start time options, and a schedule of starts will be put on the online notice board as soon as competitors declare their start time window. Each boat must start on or after their selected start time but no later than four minutes after their start time. There will be no race committee for this event, and each boat will be required to record its start time, order in which they pass the marks, and finish times. This will be delivered via text or email to the SBYC Race Director for the event to be scored. Registration is now open and available online via Regatta Network. To register, please visit

Have you ever wondered or even considered what it would be like to participate in a regatta? Then continue reading. Regatta is a word that was first documented as a gondola race in Venice, Italy. Initially, the word regatta was used to define the general name for boat competitions since the 18th century. Today regattas have expanded, including rowing, canoeing, windsurfing, and sailing. Regatta sailing is a very complex, worldwide sport but remains very popular among amateurs, leisure sailors, and professionals.

peting in all three events of the series. Only skippers invited by the OA, and who confirm acceptance as detailed in the letter of invitation, will be eligible to enter this event. Submission of the entry form posted on the ONB, and payment of the non-refundable entry bond in the amount of $300, shall accompany the acceptance of the invitation. All competitors shall meet the eligibility requirements of World Sailing regulation 19.4. All competitors shall obtain a World Sailing Sailor ID by registering online at https://www. Skippers shall inform the OA of their World Sailing Sailor ID at registration. The skipper shall complete registration, pay the entry fee of $750 USD (inclusive of the entry bond in NOR 4.2), arrange the damage deposit of $3500 USD and ensure that all crew members complete crew weighing on March 31 between 1000 to 1200 or April 1 between 0900 to 1000 unless extended by the OA. To be considered an entry in the event, the skipper shall complete all registration requirements and pay all fees in USD. The prize for the winner of the Long Beach Stop will be the skipper’s name engraved on the Barney Flam Perpetual Trophy. Takehome prizes will be awarded to the top three teams for the Long Beach Stop. In addition, skippers will earn points toward the overall California Dreamin’ Series based on their finishing results as set forth in the 2023 Notice of Series. For the complete NOR, please visit or https://

Regatta participants strive to cross the finish line first. However, speed is not the only deciding factor for victory in these diverse races. Strategy and tactics used by the individual sailors are a strong contributing qualification to becoming the w inner. The successful execution of tactical maneuvers, accurate observation of the opponent, and assessment of wind directions will determine whether the sailor can sail faster and reach the finish line first. All the while, the sailors must still abide by various rules, which referees determine on water and a jury on land.

2023 Lido Invitational (April 1)

2023 California Dreamin’ Series (April 1-2)

LONG BEACH— The Long Beach Yacht Club will host the 2023 California Dreamin’ Series from April 1-2. The event is governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. The sailing instructions will be available after 6 p.m. on March 30 on the official notice board (ONB) which is located on Up to eight skippers will be invited. Skippers wishing to receive an invitation may register their request with the OA by submitting the RFI form posted on the ONB. Priority will be given to skippers com-

A sailing regatta, by definition, is a sporting event consisting of a series of boat or yacht races. The competition was formerly a defined route driven by a minimum of two boats within a given period. Some competitions may be less than an hour or while others may take up to several months. A differentiation is made between single-class regattas, where only boats of the same class are allowed. However, some regattas allow boats of different classes to compete against each other.

D ifferent courses are assigned, and the athletes must race off of it depending on the classification of the race. A regatta typically has several different races, and individual results are determined accord-

B efore starting a regatta, a skipper meeting is held for tenders to spell out the essentials and requirements of the regatta. Following registration, the parties a re given thorough sailing instructions, including the announcement, rules, and signals. However, to qualify for participation in a regatta, registration and applications are only some of the tasks at hand. Sailors need to be able to read their boat like the back of their hands and know precisely how a tactical situation on the water needs to be manipulated in order to work to their advantage.

MARINA DEL REY— The South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club will host the Lido Invitational on April 1. This race is a standalone race and not part of any series. The format will be similar to the Sunstroke/ Thursday Night Dinghies series which commences on April 27. This race will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing. One design classes will be subject to the rules of their respective class. The event is open to one-design dinghies. To be eligible to compete in any race of the series, competitors must complete and sign an online entry form at and pay entry fee prior to 5 p.m. on the evening of March 31. The race entry fee is $15 for single-and double-handed classes. Non-registered boat may pay $20 cash to PRO, dockside any time up to 11:30 a.m. The series entry fee for Juniors under the age of 25 is $10. The Starting Signal will be at 1 p.m. for the first race each evening, with five races scheduled. Results and prizes will be announced in the clubhouse after racing where light snacks will also be available. For the complete NOR, please visit https://

Participating in a sailing regatta isn’t always easy on the wallet. Aside from the price tag that hangs from a sailboat, equipment, insurance and transport, registration fees, and participation fees are a lso added to the tab. For example, participating in a regatta on a level such as A merica’s Cup can get you a bill for millions, but it all depends on the regatta. Nevertheless, many national and international sailing regattas allow sailors to pa rtake in the event of a much cheaper caliber and with normal means.

SAN DIEGO — On April 1, the Navy Yacht Club San Diego will host the Quicker/Tarantino Invitational. The regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the rules of PHRF Southern California and San Diego Class Rules and By-Laws, the rules of the competing classes (except as any of these are altered by these sailing instructions), and by the USCG Navigation Rules Inland. Entries are limited to single-hulled boats 20 feet or more in length overall and multihulled vessels. Three races are scheduled for all classes. The scheduled

warning for the first race will be 11:55 a.m. Racing shall take place on windward/leeward courses in San Diego South Bay. The start and finish area will normally be in the vicinity of San Diego channel buoy 30. The awards ceremony will be held following racing (at approximately 3:30 p.m. at the NYCSD Club House patio at Fiddler’s Cove Marina. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and beverages will be provided for all racers, club members, active-duty military, and guests. This regatta is a Sailors for the Sea “Clean Regatta.” As such, all competitors are encouraged to use non-single-use water bottles and recycle all appropriate items. In addition, competitors are reminded of RRS 47, which states that competitors “shall not intentionally put trash in the water.” Temporary bow numbers shall not be used. For the full Notice of Race, please visit https://bit. ly/3JDeBNz.

Read full article online at

THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 13 THELOG.COM
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18 March 17 March 30, 2023 THE LOG THELOG.COM
By: KATHERINE M. CLEMENTS Ahoy sailors, as mentioned, we will discuss the third technique of five techniques to help maneuver your boat with dock lines. Stay tuned— the following article will discuss the fourth technique.  Technique 3: Checking A Line This technique allows you to use a cleat or piling to adjust a vessel’s position or move it along a dock in the prevailing wind or current direction. Checking a line allows you to adjust or feed the line out while using the strength of a cleat or piling to keep control. For example, here is what you do if you’re moored port side to a
1. Untie all dock lines except the stern line. If the wind can blow the bow away from the dock, have someone hold the bowline while walking along the dock. 2. If the stern line is tied directly to the stern
The process would be very similar if the stern line is looped around the dock cleat
attached back at the
cleat. In this situation, one end of the stern line would remain attached to the cleat. When ready to shift the vessel, feed out more line from the bitter end while checking it as described above.




How do you eat your sculpin?

“What’s your favorite way to cook sculpin?

2023 Commercial Ocean Troll Salmon Fishery Cancelled

We’ve had [lots] of [sculpin] on our recent 1/2 days, and the @ patriotsportfishing will be running our PM coastal 1/2 Day tomorrow. We’ll be fishing all week double 1/2, with a light load tomorrow! Use the link in our bio to schedule, or call us to book your trip at 949-675-0550.”

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) announced that the commercial ocean troll salmon fishery seasons that were scheduled to open between March 15 and May 15 in all areas from Cape Falcon to the Oregon-California border have been canceled for 2023.

It was reported that multiple stocks of California Chinook salmon are at extremely low abundance and are projected to fall below target spawning escapements.


ipates harvest opportunity will be “substantially constrained” between Cape Falcon, Oregon, and Point Sur, California.

California’s Ocean Salmon Stocks Have Poor Outlook

ODFW announced that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) spoke with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) and the states of Oregon and California to form a plan of action regarding the scheduled commercial troll Chinook salmon openings off Oregon.

Officials with the NMFS said that for ocean salmon seasons for Sacramento River fall Chinook, “extraordinary measures are needed in 2023 to address these circumstances and to ensure that fishery management is not a contributing factor.”

Oregon fisheries typically intercept the stocks throughout the area to the South of Cape Falcon, significantly contributing to Oregon’s spring and summer

At the annual Salmon Information Meeting held virtually on March 1, state and federal fishery scientists presented the numbers of spawning salmon that returned to California’s rivers late in 2022 and announced the abundance forecasts for key California stocks. The 2023 projection for Sacramento River fall Chinook, the most predominant stock harvested in California’s fisheries, is estimated at 169,767 adults, one of the lowest forecasts since 2008 when the current assessment method began. Likewise, the forecast for Klamath River fall Chinook is 103,793 adults, the second lowest forecast since the current assessment method began in 1997. While low and disappointing, neither abundance forecast is the lowest recorded. In 2009, the Sacramento forecast was 122,200; in 2017, the Klamath forecast was 54,200.

“This is a decades-long trend, and the past few years of record drought only further stressed our salmon populations,” said Charlton H. Bonham, Director of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), in a press release. “Unfortunately, low stock abundance is somewhat expected despite protective and restorative actions California has taken to increase hatchery production, improve release strategies, and increase the availability of critical spawning and rearing habitats.”

As for Klamath River fall Chinook, the NMFS guidance is “that a precautionary approach is warranted and underscores the need to carefully consider the factors described in the FMP in setting the ER (exploitation rate),” said NMFS.

Information on how to participate in the meeting is available at www.pcoun-

Tribal Representatives, Researchers, And Stakeholders Join State to Discuss the First Ten Years of California’s Marine Protected Area Network

working and how far we’ve come.”

Salmon numbers are periodical over time and life cycles, generally three years from birth as eggs hatch to returning adults from the ocean. For example, in 2022, commercial ocean catch was considerably greater than preseason expectations. The data also indicates that abundance is higher in years following wetter hydrologic years. For example, the 2010 above-average rainfall year resulted in higher stock forecasts of California adult Chinook in 2012 and 2013.

The Management Review Forum announced on March 15 that almost 300 participants representing state agencies, California Tribes, researchers, environmental groups, commercial and recreational fisheries, and others joined to discuss the first ten years of California’s globally recognized Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network. Presented to the California Fish and Game Commission in February, the MPA Decadal Management Review report is the first comprehensive statewide review of California’s MPA Network and Management Program.

Conversely, drier years regularly result in lower abundance three years later. Three years ago, in 2020, conditions were particularly severe with drought.

Panelists at the forum spoke with participants in discussions across the four pillars of the MPA Management Program, which include research and monitoring, enforcement and compliance, outreach and education, and policy and permitting.

“The discussions today highlight how important the MPA network and ocean resources are to California tribes and residents,” said Charlton H. Bonham, Director of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), in a press release. “It is encouraging to see our program

The current wetter weather in California is good news. Relatively higher returns in 2019 and 2020 may help boost the number of spawning adults returning to the Sacramento Basin in 2023, as fish hatched in 2019 and 2020 will be returning this year. Even though this boost will be moderated by evolving ocean conditions and ongoing climate disruption, there are bright spots and reasons for caution heading into 2023 and beyond. Rebuilding plans have been developed for the Sacramento River Fall Chinook and Klamath River Fall Chinook stocks after multi-agency collaboration between the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), CDFW, National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Tribes, and industry representatives. Meanwhile, other ambitious efforts to rebuild salmon are continuing, most notably implementing the largest river restoration and dam removal project in the nation’s history in the Klamath Basin.

“Our California coast is world-renowned for its beauty, biodiversity, and recreational opportunities. It’s also important to our economy,” said California Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot in the press release. “Our MPAs help conserve these incredible resources, so I’m excited we’re reflecting on how these protected areas have worked during their first decade in operation and how we can adapt and improve this network moving forward.”

tion Meeting. During the meeting, ocean and in-river recreational anglers and commercial salmon trollers asked about the latest numbers. They provided comments during a public listening session that followed the informational presentations. Stakeholder input was considered when developing three ocean fishery season alternatives during the March 5-10 PFMC meeting. Final ocean salmon season regulations will be adopted at the PFMC’s April 1-7 meeting. The California Fish and Game Commission will consider and approve inland fishery seasons and regulations this spring, with final decisions in May.

“California’s MPAs were designed through a valuable public-private partnership that included our stakeholders, state and federal natural resource management agencies, tribes, and tribal communities, and the public,” said California Fish and Game Commission President Eric Sklar.

During the forum, discussions were held to inform of the following steps, which were considered at the Commission’s March 16 Marine Resources Committee meeting, where public members provided comments and reflections on the review and recommendations. Then, in April 2023, the Commission will begin considering which adaptive management recommendations from the review and the public will be prioritized for the next ten years of the adaptive management review cycle.

Fishing industry participants, conservation organizations, and other interested parties attended the Salmon Informa-

Following several years of poor returns to the Klamath River Basin, Klamath River fall Chinook salmon were declared overfished in 2018 and have not yet achieved a rebuilt status under the terms

“In the ten years since, the network ultimately adopted by the Commission has been stewarded by CDFW, its partners, and diverse communities empowered through local collaboratives to contribute to protecting our ocean. I look forward to engaging with our stakeholders tomorrow to hear more about their experiences with, and reflections on, the network.”

of the federal Salmon Fishery Management Plan. In 2022, returns of Sacramento River fall Chinook fell well short of conservation objectives and now may be approaching an overfished condition after being declared rebuilt in 2021. In response, federal and state agencies are expected to take a conservative approach when approving the 2023 salmon seasons to provide additional protective measures to these stocks. As a result, very limited or no fishing in 2023 appears possible.

In 1999, the State Legislature passed the historic Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) to protect California’s marine biodiversity, habitats, and ecosystems. The MLPA required the establishment of a statewide, science-based network of MPAs. From 2004-2012, planning took place through a science-based, policy-guided, stakeholder-driven process, resulting in 124 MPAs. Today, the MPA Network encompasses

The Marine Life Protection Act was passed in 1999 by the California Legislature, directing the CDFW to redesign California’s existing system of marine protected areas to increase its coherence and effectiveness for preserving the state’s marine life, habitats, and ecosystems.

To access materials and information presented at the meeting or to learn more about the salmon season setting process, please visit CDFW’s Salmon Preseason Process web page. In addition, general ocean salmon fishing information can be found on CDFW’s Ocean Salmon Project web page or by calling the CDFW Ocean Salmon Hotline at (707) 576-3429.

852 square miles (16 percent) of state waters, making California home to one of the largest ecologically connected networks in the world.

To access the forum video or learn more about California’s MPA Management Program, please visit CDFW’s MPA Decadal Review web page.

14 | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
Newport Landing Sportfi shing Facebook photo SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FISHING NEWS
Shutterstock image Image courtesy of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
THE LOG | March 17 - March 30, 2023 | 19 THELOG.COM
Newport Landing Sportfishing photo Image courtesy of the CDFW

san diego fish report


 The first day of spring was March 20, 2023 and anglers have had to continue to dodge winter like weather systems that have been bringing rain, wind and high seas. Even some of the sunny days between weather systems have been days of high seas and breezy conditions out on the fishing grounds. There are more weather systems within the current 10 day weather forecast for Southern California so the pattern of unsettled weather looks to continue for a while longer.

 The unsettled weather conditions have resulted in cool water temperatures that have been in the 56.5 to 59.5 degree range and anglers are hoping for a stretch of nice weather to allow the water conditions to stabilize and warm. Some warming of the water would be expected to help in sparking better springtime surface fishing activity for species such as bluefin tuna, yellowtail, calico bass and barracuda.

 Anglers fishing in Southern California waters are looking forward to the end of the annual seasonal rockfish/groundfish closure which will come to an end at the end of March. There will be a lot of anglers wanting to go out fishing for rockfish on the opening day of April 1 to be among the first to drop baits down to rockfish that have been off limits to fishing since January 1.

 Some San Diego County areas that should provide some rockfish when the season opens on April 1 as listed from south to the north are the International

Reef, the Imperial Beach Pipeline, the hard bottom around the Whistler Buoy at Point Loma, the Point Loma Pipeline, the Green Tank at Point Loma, Point Loma College, The 270 to the west of Mission Bay, the upper end of La Jolla, Del Mar, Leucadia, Carlsbad and Box Canyon.

 The fishing along the San Diego County coast has been good for a mix of sand bass, calico bass, whitefish and sculpin along with a chance at a bonus yellowtail or halibut. Productive hard bottom and structure areas for sand bass, calico bass, sculpin and whitefish as listed from the south to the north include the Imperial Beach Pipeline, the hard bottom to the southeast of the Whistler Buoy at Point Loma, the hard bottom to the north and northwest of Buoy #3 at Point Loma, the Green Tank, Point Loma College, the Jetty Kelp outside of Mission Bay, the Variety Kelp below the lower end of La Jolla, the upper end of La Jolla, Leucadia, Carlsbad, the Anderson Pipeline, the Buccaneer Pipeline, the artificial reefs off Oceanside and Box Canyon.

Full story will be found online. Bob Vanian is the voice, writer, and researcher of the San Diego-based internet fish report service called 976-Bite which can be found at Vanian also provides anglers with a personal fish report service over the telephone at (619) 226-8218. He always welcomes your fish reports at that same phone number or at bob976bite@aol. com.

News Briefs

From page 5

 Travel Industry

 Tourism & Entertainment

For more information, including the latest list of employers that will be represented, tips for success, and educational sessions that will be held during the event, go to

The Port strives to be an economic driver for the people and businesses in the region by providing opportunities for a good quality of life. In addition to the career fair, the Port of San Diego and its tenants are partnering with the San Diego Community College District to share information on how colleges can update their curriculum to help meet hiring needs in the region.


Immediate Efforts to Save Clear Lake Hitch

A coalition of Tribal, local, state, and federal entities are taking immediate action to support the long-term survival of the Clear Lake hitch. Actions include $2 million in state funding to remove barriers to hitch migration. Historically numbering in the millions, Clear Lake hitch now are facing a tough fight to avoid extinction.

On March 23, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced a list of commitments designed to protect spawning and rearing areas, provide appropriate stream flows, remove barriers to migration and reduce predation. CDFW expects these actions to positively impact the Clear Lake hitch population this spawning season and over the next few years.

Immediate actions are needed to ensure flows are sufficient for successful spawning conditions; Tribal, local, federal, and state leaders, as well as private landowners, are actively collaborating on interim efforts to ensure successful conditions through the end of the spawning period in June.

Recent reports indicate hitch are migrating up tributaries from Clear Lake into Cole, Kelsey, Manning, and Adobe creeks. A recently installed fish ladder, designed by CDFW habitat specialists specifically for the hitch, has allowed

them to migrate up and over a barrier in Manning Creek that has prevented fish passage for several decades.

CDFW has made agreements with Tribal governments to rescue fish that become stranded during spawning while also engaging with the local agricultural community to identify areas of fish stranding throughout the watershed.

On March 16, CDFW fishery biologists, local agricultural community members, and Tribal members rescued 450 adult Clear Lake hitch from a drainage canal along Cole Creek. CDFW has also taken steps to hold fish at hatchery facilities should rescued fish need a safe haven for a short time.

In coordination with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), CDFW is evaluating permitting options for local agricultural stakeholders to provide pumped groundwater into areas of creeks that may become dry during spawning season, providing immediate relief during low water conditions. The broad coalition of partners is also gauging streams at multiple locations and reporting data to identify areas of poor spawning habitat conditions and to develop models for future use in predicting stream flow conditions.

The CDFW has also committed $2 million to enforce barrier removal projects over the next three years. Working with Tribes and the Lake County Land Stewards, CDFW will accept funding proposals submitted in the next 90 days to remove barriers to hitch migration.

For the full press release, please visit

Solution from CROSSWORD, PAGE 12

THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 15 THELOG.COM Bob Vanian’s 976-BITE FISH REPORTS www.976BITE.COM For Internet Reports Visit For Personal Reports Call (619) 226-8218
Dana Wharf Sportfi shing Facebook photo FEATURED CATCH A Shark with a Smile “Check out Capt. Chad’s new pet horn shark! These sharks like to be pet right behind the head and if you do it right, they cuddle into your hands and fall asleep. #nottrue #danawharf @danapointharbor”

- 2nd owner, very clean, loaded w/ options incl. ABT Zero Speed stabilization, hydraulic bow & stern thrusters. Michael Gardella (619) 540-4444.

- Major refit in 2021, new paint on deck, bottom, & hard top, Honduran mahogany sanded to raw before new stain & clear coat, 4-axle trailer incl. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800.



52’ MIDNIGHT LACE 2005 - Twin CAT C-9, heat/ac, Webasto, watermaker, custom paint, TNT lift, new full enclosure, boathouse kept in fresh water. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 58’ WEST BAY SONSHIP 2001 - 3 double cabins, 2 heads, 3 control stations, upgraded engines CAT 3406Es 800hp each, many upgrades in 2021. Dennis Riehl (949) 697-4120. 98’ VERSILCRAFT SUPER CHALLENGER 1987 - MARAD waiver. Captain-maintained full-time, constant upgrades through the years, 3 MAN 2842 LE engines. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 42’ BERTRAM CONVERTIBLE - Asking $179,500. Major refit in the last few years! Half tower, hard top, rebuilt engines. Cockpit has been painted with LP paint. Alan Baron (949) 933-2112. 65’ FOUNTAIN 2001 - Will consider trades for real estate, vessels, or equipment. New CAT C-32 repower w/ under 500 hrs. Fresh prop/running gear tune-up. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 83’ BURGER 1967 - Once in a lifetime special vessel, kept in state of the art boathouse, cared for by knowledgeable yachtsman, fresh paint. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 38’ VAN DAM 2003 78’ WEST BAY SONSHIP 2005
72’ VIKING SPORTFISH 2000 - Excellent condition, upgrades, 4 private cabins, twin 1,800 hp MTUs, large salon & galley, 2 generators. Michael Gardella (619) 540-4444.
SKIPJACK FLYBRIDGE 1999 - Top condition, 5kW Northern Lights generator, 2000W Freedom inverter, Village water maker. Todd Sherman (714) 325-8181.
31’ PURSUIT 315 OFFSHORE 2009 - Very popular model! Twin 300hp Yamahas (4-stroke), great accommodations, gear, & equipment. Low hours! Todd Sherman (714) 325-8181. 52’ VIKING SPORT CRUISER / PRINCESS 2000 - Nice blend of power & economy for extended cruising, great visibility, wide side decks, roomy flybridge. Steve Besozzi (949) 355-4644. 55’ HACKER-CRAFT BRIDGE DECK 1926 - Family owned for 70 years, covered moorage & 2 major refits. Reliable newer Cummins re-power, ready to go. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 42’ SABRE EXPRESS 2017 - Bristol condition, a rare find on the west coast, very well equipped with twin Volvo IPS 500s, LLC owned. Steve Besozzi (949) 355-4644.
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We have slips in Newport for our new brokerage clients, call us directly at 949-548-9999 | Cabo 52’ 2011 $1.5m $1.39m LLC Cat C18’s beautiful yacht Riviera 47’ 2004 Cat C12’s, 3 staterooms- $449k Malrlineer Vic Franck 52 1969 - $175K FILAC O RNIA YACHT BROKERS ASSO C I NOITA MEMBER FILAC O RNIA YACHT BROKERS ASSO C I NOITA MEMBER Mark W. Mowery Owner/Broker CallMark! 2022 Astondoa 57’ Pilothouse Motoryacht $2.8m $2.49m LLCOwned CallMark! CallMark! Viking 65 Conv. 2001 LLC owned $1.19m TransferableSlip 1987 Tollycraft 61’ - $549k $475k Andrew Choate 77’ 2003 $175K 1986 Tiara 36’ Open $74,999. Needs tlc 2008 ORC (TP) 52’ Race Ready $250k 2004 Tiara 29’ Open $109,000 2004 Beneteau 473 $249k - Well equipped NBSlipAvail NBSlipAvail LocatedSeattle Lease/Buy PriceReduction NicelyUpdated CallMark! CallMark! Tiara 31’ Open 1989 - $65,000 $49,000 NBSlipAvail PriceReduction CallMark! CallMark! Cabo 45’ 2001’ $449k refit in 2018 CallMark! TransferableNewportSlip NewListing! 2012 Sea Ray Sundancer 450 $469,000 CallMark! Lease/Buy Lease/Buy NBSlipAvail LLCOwned LLCOwned
San Diego Newport Beach Sausalito Seattle Kailua-Kona Wrightsville Beach 619 222 9899 949 524 3143 415 887 9347 206 650 7198 808 989 8305 910 679 4158
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60’ Hatteras Convertible “Cool Heat” $889,000
Sirena Yachts 64 $2,979,000 2005 Nautor Swan 601 Stark Raving Mad VII $935,000
PEARL ] 62 / 72

Shelter Island Inflatables is San Diego’s Suzuki repower specialist. Our factory certified team of technicians are standing by to meet your needs. Contact Ray Diss at 619.269.5702 for service or special requests for boats. We are a proud dealer for Highfield, Williams Jet Tenders, Apex Boats and Tohatsu and Suzuki Outboards.  Now carrying Marlon Boats/Trailers, and Karavan Trailers. Contact Dan Brown or Gideon Jobson for all Sales inquiries.

2727 Shelter Island Dr., San Diego CA 92106 | (619) 222-1200 |

beam.4cabin,Twin3406Catdiesels. Steven:310-720-6999 $573,700

52’CRUISERS520EXPRESS2007 Beautifulandwellmaintained.Successful6-pack NewportCharterbusinessavailable.


Immaculate!Twostateroomswithislandbeds moreliketwomastercabins.Spacioussalon.

Paul:949-306-7135 $220,000


Asclosetonewastheycomewithlowhours,a neverusedgalleyandbrightwhiteupholstery.

Notsubtleinpowerorbeauty.Designedtoescalate whatitmeanstoindulgeinentertainment&relaxation.


22 | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
Highfield Classic 380 GT Limited; new for 2023 30HP Suzuki; $25,500 Highfield Classic 360 w/ FCT kit 2023 11’10’’ 259 LB Hypalon 30HP Suzuki $21,000 Highfield Sport 390 2023 12’10’’ Hypalon 60HP Suzuki $34,500 Highfield Patrol Series 540 115HP Suzuki 14’ Marlon Welded Utility Boat- Karavan Trailer & a 20HP Tohatsu engine combo; starting at $11,900 Loaded Williams Sport Jet 435 w/many extras 2022- 130HP 0hrs - New Arrival
64’QUEENSHIPMOTORYACHT1999 LLCowned.Potentiallytransferrableslip.16’
Don:949-274-6595 $499,000
Paul:949-306-7135 $235,000
Don:949-274-6595 $149,000 WEST COAST YACHTS NEWPORT BEACH 2600 Newport Blvd #122 (949) 673-2060 WCYACHTS.COM 2019 Boston
270 Vantage $199,000 34 Mainship 2006 $164,900 441
2012 $535,000 VISIT WCYACHTS.COM FOR MORE INVENTORY Waterfront Offices in DANA POINT 24450 Dana Point Harbor Drive #A1 30 Sea Ray SLX 2015 $135,000
32’GLACIERBAYCOASTALRUNNER`08 NMMAInnovationAwardWinner!Twin250hp
THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 23 THELOG.COM HUNTINGTON HARBOUR 16214 Pacific Coast Hwy. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 949-673-2050 DB43 ...arriving this Spring! Book your appointment to see it. SAN DIEGO 2700 Shelter Island Dr. 619-880-8892 LOG-JEANNEAU v2- DB43 1/2 PG..indd 1 3/10/23 1:22 PM 2811 Dickens St., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92106 Sales Management Construction Licensed & Bonded since 1982 Brokerage Slips at Intrepid Landing Price Reduced Keen Seller Just Listed at BBY Showdock Seeking Quality Listings Exclusive Dealer Scott Lampe (619) 222-1124 54’ Pershing 5X 2018 Express LLC Owned* Super Clean! Loaded! * IPS- Joystick REDUCED! 53’ Drake Yachtfish 1966 California deck* 8v71DD *dual gens*bait tanks MX and Alaska vet* lovingly updated *new topside LP Call Bob Woodard at 619-227-5478 40’ Jersey Convertible 1988 Twin CAT 3208, Great interior! Fish and family fun! Upgrades! Call Joshua or Scott for info! REDUCED! Live Zoom, Personal Walkthrough Tours of our Boats CALL TO ARRANGE 38’ Fountain Center Console 2018 Triple Verado 350hp ea* Loaded! MyCo trailer* 6Pak biz may be included! REDUCED!
24 | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM Seeking Quality Listings Exclusive Dealer 2811 Dickens St., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92106 Scott Lampe (619) 222-1124 Sales Management Construction Licensed & Bonded since 1982 Brokerage Slips at Intrepid Landing CATCH A DEAL TODAY! Pick a Cobia and GO! The lawyers say we have to add the fine print, call for more details.....Subject to prior sale. Prices does not include sales tax or registration fees. Financing Available! Good Times, Great Boats! LIVE ZOOM TOURS & CHAT! 35' Cobia 350CC 2023 Currently Flagship of the fleet! 35' to 20' Center Consoles- order today! 28’ Cobia 280CC 2023 On Order for Winter delivery! Yamaha power- many options! Call for full details and EarlyBird $aving$!' LOA 21’7” Beam 8’ 6” Draft 18” weight (approx with engine) 3,640 Lbs Fuel capacity 89 Gallons Deadrise 20 degrees Yamaha 200XCA hp Hydraulic controls/ steering Haze gray hull/ Matte black powder coating accents Ameratrail dual axel trailer Garmin GPSMAP 8610XSV Airmar B60M transducer JL audio stereo and speakers Windlass T-Top 26 gallon livewell Insulated fishbox 50 gallons Boarding ladder Electric head Big Bay New Boat package Best in her class with all the features and quality of Cobia boats! Perfect for fishing and family fun! Call to schedule your appointment to preview today! 22’ Cobia 220CC 2023 IN Stock! Boat Today! “30 Years in the Same Location” 1986 Chris-Craft 48 Catalina CPMY$245,000 2017 Prestige 750 - $2,249,000 1987 Spindrift 58’ Cockpit MY/Aft Cabin $249,000 1980 Endeavor 43 Ketch $119,000 1999 46' Ocean Alexander 460 $210,000 (619)295-9669 “30 Years in the Same Location” 2006 54' Jeanneau $354,900 8 Hallber-Rassy 36 36 Pacifica $105,000 2004 Hunter 46 6 $150,000 1985 40' Passport $134,900 1987 42' Ocean Alexander $90,000 1994 35' Island Packet $93,000 SOLD (619) 295-9669 1999 46' Ocean Alexander 460 $210,000 (619)295-9669 “30 Years in the Same Location” 2006 54' Jeanneau $354,900 36 Pacifica $105,000 2004 Hunter 46 6 $150,000 1987 42' Ocean Alexander Sedan $90,000 1994 35' Island Packet $93,000 SOLD 1987 Bertram 54’ Sportfisher $320,000 1978 Polaris 43 $119,000 Novurania 460DL w/ Yamaha F90LA Novurania 400DL w/ Yamaha F50LA Novurania 430DL w/ Yamaha F60LA Novurania 550DL w/ Yamaha F115LA 2810 S. Croddy Way, Santa Ana, CA 92704 949-574-8667 In Stock! Deluxe Console Tenders 11’ – 18’ • Made in the USA Trade Wind Inflatables Nouvurania INFLATABLES Tues-Sat 9am – 5pm Sun-Mon by Appointment www. SEACOASTYACHTS.COM Santa Barbara Channel Islands LA Harbor Long Beach Newport Beach San Diego 805.962.8195 805.200.3161 310.547.8007 562.431.8699 714.926.6775 619.209.7360 Get on with your next adventure. 1998 Hunter Passage 450 Santa Barbara, CA $145,000 2004 Catalina 42 MkII Channel Islands, CA $164,900 2020 Boston Whaler 250 Outrage Channel Islands, CA $185,000 1998 Grand Banks Eastbay 38 Santa Barbara, CA • $240,000 Join thousands of satis ed clients who have bought and sold their boats with Seacoast Yachts.
THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 25 THELOG.COM MarineDirectory Toplaceanad,calltheclassifiedexpertsat: 8 00-887- 1615 ADDEADLINE: EveryotherFriday@5PM • Email: G E T R E S U LT S ! FromAtoZ,You’llFindWhatYouNeed! BOATINGCOURSES&SCHOOLS CANVAS&UPHOLSTERY CUSTOMWELDING&FABRICATION 2835 Canon Street San Diego, CA 92106 6 19-224-5220 DESIGN WELDING MACHINING METALFABRICATION NEWCUSTOMER DISCOUNTSUPTO 50%OFF! BOAT/YACHTMAINTENANCE What’stheworstthatcanhappen whenyoudon’tadvertise? Nothing! en Startyouradtoday! Call 800-887-1615 DECKING&FLOORING WhyFISHwhenyoucan targetyourmarine customersdirectlyin theMarineDirectory? YOURADHERE ViewMarineDirectory &ClassifiedAdsOnline at ADSPACEAVAILABLE
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12’NOVURANIADL360 w/New2023YAMAHA 40HPEngine.Bought/installed3-2023.‘’Zero’’ hoursonengine!Brandnewsteeringinstalled 3/2023.BrandnewThrottlecontrolinstalled 3/2023.PACIFICTrailerincluded.CashOnly!! $16,250.619-846-6683

19’SEARAYBOWRIDER1996: Seats8. SignatureSeriesModel190.Only406hours. Freshwater5.7LMerCruiserAlpha1, CD/AM/FM,VHFradio,fishfinders.Excellent. Extras.$14,900.661-644-5894.


Makeanoffer.Asking$45,000.1996 Repower.Wellmaintainedfishing machine.Newcanvasandelectronics. Readytogo. CallChristopherPetersatSeacoast Yachts714-379-7797

1/2 PRICEPICKUP! Runyour adina2ndcategoryfor HALF thenormal price!Callformoreinfo: 800-887-1615


ConsoleTenderwith50HPHonda outboardmotor.Included:Customfitted canvasboatandmotorcover,4newlife jackets,newdualmarinestereoreceiver withSiriusXM/Bluetooth(Notinstalled), docklines,fendersincluded.Galvinized trailerw/sparetire.$21,500.714-809-2449


14’VINTAGEGLASSPAR1956: Needssome TLC.Needsmotor.KeptinGroverBeach.Has trailer.Haspinkslip.Currentregistration.$1,950. 805-234-4991,

27’BOSTONWHALER1990: “Picante”.Classic Whalermeticulouslymaintainedandinexcellent condition.2x250E-TechOutboards-Only450 hours.LargeV-Berth;RadarArchw/Rocket Launchers;NewGarminGPS;NewS/SFridge; BaitTank;FurunoRadar;Super-ToughBoatBuilttoLast.$59,880.Mike:949-923-7489


Yanmar4LHADieselwith300gallonfuel capacityanda2000#fishhold.Outriggers andelectronics.$115,000.00. ContactBobNorlandSeacoastYachts 714-493-9214


Meticulouslymaintained.Verylowhours. Fuelcapacity100g,200hpVolvodiesel. Recentsurveyavailable.Manyamenities. PossibleadditionalsaleofNewport Harbormooringandtender.$134,000. 949-375-0958


60HPMercury4-strokeoutboardwith70 hours.FullyservicedinJunealongwith bottompaint.$9,500/obo.Call951-795-8725

Nicecombinationofspeedandcomfort. Privateheadwithvacu-flushtoilet,single berth.Redondosliptransferrablewith approval.$42,000.ShorelineYachtGroup, Jack:323-422-8966,

28’SKIPJACK1988: Cabin/Fishingboat.Good condition,1500hrs.TwinVolvodiesels,head, twosleepbunks,fishfinder,chartplotter,radar, VHFradio,stereo,windlass,baittank,galley. $32,000/obo.Mike:562-743-5810


Cleanandwellmaintained.TwinVolvo 8.1Lmotors,lowhours,sterndrives,AC& generator.Price:$74,900. SeacoastYachts,JimDragomir, 562-253-4687


Bowandsternthrustercreateincredible maneuverabilityforthiseconomical singleVolvodieselEuropastyletrawler. $39,999.ShorelineYachtGroup,Nick: 310-748-5409,

THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 27 THELOG.COM
GOTABOATFORSALE? CallJontoplaceanadin So.California’sBoatingNewspaper. 1-800-887-1615 Classifieds Toplaceanad,calltheclassifiedexpertsat: 800-887-1615
orvisitourwebsite: ADDEADLINE:
NEXTISSUE: April14th Email: G E T R E S U LT S !



Boatavailablenow.$4,900/obo.Forinfo, callSonjaat714-244-8902.

38’CHRISCRAFTCOMMANDER1966: Fiberglass.Goodforfishingorliveaboard.GPS, AIS,VHF,fishfinder,chartplotter.Newinterior upholstery.Sleepsfiveadults.$18,000. Call619-890-5529oremail



Popularfortournamentfishingandfamily fin.Exceptionalseakeepingabilities, superbfishability,long-rangeandquality constructionmergetogether.$125,000. ShorelineYachtGroup,Jack:323-422-8966,


tobuyaoneowner,professionally maintainedBOSTONWHALEROutrage 21.Arguablythecleaneset,best maintaintedOutrage21ontheWest Coast.LowtimeYamaha225HPfour stroke.$49,850.928-300-3423


Letussellyourboat!Wehavethe expertisetogettheresultsyoudesire. Fromattractingbuyersthroughthesale andclosing,wehaveyoucovered. Call310-748-5409


WellsuitedforChannelIslandsCharteror world-class“comfortcruising”.Fully equipped,professionallymaintained, comfortablecruiseaccommodationfor 12.30+yearowner.DeliveryReady! $219,000.Gordie:808-630-6084,


38’TRUENORTHDOWNEAST: Partial ownershipLLCowned.DockednexttoBalboa YachtClub.PerfectweekendCatalinaboat. Professionallyupgraded,managed& maintained.Truehassle-freeownership.VIP service.$40,000.310-529-0491


Thisboatwasmaintainedbyawell experiencedownerkeepingtheboatin tip-topcondition.LLCOwned.$249,000. SeacoastYachts,DanielleLord 562-213-2900


CurrentlyinDanaPoint.Goodcondition. Sailinventoryforcursingorracing.$8,900. Text949-899-4167


Newtomarket.Beautifullyrestored classic.Veryrare.Beautifulandelegant, she’sarealgem.Willgoquickly.$99,450. ShorelineYachtGroup:310-547-4415

GOTABOATFORSALE? CallJontoplaceanadin

So.California’sBoatingNewspaper. 1-800-887-1615



Madeforcruisingincomfortwithher spaciouslayout.Twostaterooms,sleep4. Sleeklinesgivehergreatdockappeal. $87,500.GerryPurcell:310-701-5960, PURCELLYACHTS.COM, GERRY@PURCELLYACHTS.COM.


PROJECT: 197424ftOregonDoryV-hull. Restored1999.Prepforpaint,somerepairs. Newercustomtrailer.Text805-268-4972.Buyer transportfromOjaiCA.$2,000OBO.



Yanmar2GMmarinediesel.Newbatteries, nicesails,wellmaintainedinside/out. Surveydone.DockedinsafeHarbor, CabrilloisleG-35,SanDiego,CA. $12,000/OBO.805-340-1770,

ArarefindontheWestCoast.Strong, rugged,elegantandfast.TwinYanmar turbodiesels,3staterooms$275,000. ShorelineYachtGroup,Helen: 310-254-4081,


Yanmar3GMFmotor;Fuel27gallons; Watertank65gallons;PYIfolding3-blade propeller;Genoa&Spinnakersails; Stove.Needssomework.$18,000. 323-356-5677

28 | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM LogClassifieds TOPLACEANAD,Call800-887-1615,oronlineat


BOATPARTNERWANTED for43’sailboatin DanaPointHarbor.Buy-inrequiredplushalf monthlyexpenses.Musthavepreviousboat ownershipandsailingexperience.Contactfor detailsat



NiceopportunitytoownaRobBall designedC&C40.Soughtafterfinkeel modelknownforherracingpedigree& cleanlines.$35,000 SeacoastYachts,Sam310-734-4208,

(310) 514-4985


End-Ties available for Catamarans. Beautiful New Marina! Shortest Run to Catalina!



Slips&MooringsBuoysfrom25’to55’, at$10.00/ft.ClosestRuntoCatalina. Beverages&SnacksSoldinOffice. 310-832-0526or


30 ft. to 130 ft. Inside/Outside

310-544-4667 n 310-795-2311



Veryclean!NewPlentyofnewequipment includingRailingw/SternPerchseats, runningrigging(2020).Bottomre-glassed (2020)andmore.$36,349. ShorelineYachtGroup,Don:949-274-6595,


Twocabinlayout.Masterwithensuite head.Largedinettewithseatingforsix, plentyofstorage.Volvoinboarddiesel. $139,000.GerryPurcell:310-701-5960, PURCELLYACHTS.COM, GERRY@PURCELLYACHTS.COM.

30’ SLIPS AVAILABLE STARTING AT $11.25 PER FT Los Angels Harbor n (310)834-7113

30’ SLIPS AVAILABLE Redondo Beach n (310)376-0431

PrimebackbaylocationinNewport Beach.Slipsandstorage. Callforavailability.949-673-1331

BRANDNEWMARINA: Slips25’-75’.Private, quietharbor,closetothebeach,shopping, restaurants,parking,&more.Call714-840-5545 oremail


Averynicewelllovedandcaredfor sailboat.Dieselengine,auto-pilot,Bimini top,refrigeration,windlass.$69,000.

SeacoastYachts,Capt.TimHagan: 714-926-6775

60’ & 70’ SLIPS AVAILABLE San Pedro n (310)732-2252

50’REICHEL/PUGH50-2,2002: Performance inshore-OffshoreRacer,designedbyReichelPughtobefirsttotheweathermarkin50’ class.DesignedtobeBlazingfastinlightair conditions.REDUCED$199,500.StephenRock YachtBroker:619-857-9297,


Coronado n (619)435-5203

55’MOORINGAVAILABLE inthebestNewport Beachlocation!LIDOPENINSULA,J67. $60,000.Call626-215-6499.


Verysolidworldcruiser.$145,000price reflectsrepairneedsandnavigation upgrades.Shorthandcrewcapable. Hasagreathistory.

SeacoastYachts,Chuck: 562-455-0143


Lotsofupgrades,xantrexcharger,xantrex batterymonitor,inverter,newerstove, electricwindless,tankmonitors,newer rigging.$27,500.

SeacoastYachts,Errol 310-818-6988,

THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 29 THELOG.COM TOPLACEANAD,Call800-887-1615,oronlineat
35.5’HUNTERLEGEND1990: Yanmar3GM, Northsails,rollerjib,spinnaker,depth/windinst, AP,CNGstove/waterhtr.Lasthauled/bottom paint7-20.11’Tender,8hp.$30,000,makeoffer. 714-728-4738. SAILBOATS
BUY A BOAT? NEED A SLIP? Yacht Haven Marina 310 834-6892 •

(310) 521-0200


375 Spaces to 45’ KAYAK RACKS Now Available!



LONGBEACHSLIPS&END-TIES25’-50’: NO LIVEABOARDS.HarborLightLandingMarina, viewsofdowntownandQueenMary.Call619807-7245.Email:

MARINACORTEZ-SANDIEGO: Stunning location,improvedamenities.10’-120’slips, endties,andsideties.30’SlipsavailableNOW. Call619-291-5985.

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PIER32MARINA,SANDIEGOBAY: Callfor slipavailability619-477-3232oremail

POINTLOMAMARINA-SANDIEGO: Callfor slipavailability.Call619-718-6260oremail


Newconstruction,deluxeRemotewall bed.Utilitiesincluded,A/Cheat, washer/dryer.Nopets/nosmoking. AvailableNOW! ESJT26@COX.NET,619481-2411



forPurcellYachts.Email resumeto thencal 310-701-5960.

BOATCAPTAIN&DISPATCHERNEEDED: SanPedro.USWaterTaxi.Wearelookingfora BoatCaptain.Musthave100-TonMaster (required).Formoreinformationcall310-5198230oremail

LIGHTHOUSEYACHTMARINA: 1ST&2ND MONTH1/2OFF(WithThisAd),34’END-TIE FORCATORTRI+25’TO50’SLIPS.L.A. HARBOR.Water/electricity/dockboxincluded. Showers,laundry,parioarea.Gated,clean& quiet,lockers.Closeportto...Catalina.Berth 205-B,1300AnchorageRd,Wilmington.Call Barbara:310-834-9595.

NEW!BOATSLIPSFORRENT! Newport Island(25’$1350);BalboaIsland40’$2500& $2750;90’$6500-$7000;Huntington:Davenport (25’x8’$500);Humboldt(40’ max$750).TEXT 714-345-8330andjoinourFBpagefornew inventory:

PUTYOURSAILBOATINTOCHARTER in DanaPointHarborwithAventuraSailing Association.Haveyourboatmakemoneywhen youaren’tusingit!Slipsavailable.949-493-9493,

SANDIEGOMOORINGCOMPANY: Visit our websiteforinformation& orcall 619-291-0916.


Primelocation,northsideofBalboa Island,Dmooringfield#D41.$55,000. ContactEdtext/phone949-230-5447. Email


WANTEDMOORINGATTHEBYCMOORING FIELD: PleasecontactJoeat626-343-2823, celldirect.Willingtopurchaseandclosethe samedayThankyou.

CAPTAINS:$45-55/HR+TIPS/DECKHANDS $20-25/HR+tTIPS. RockenReelSportfishing, DanaPointCa949-246-8310.Twovesselsmultipletripsdaily.CLEANestablishedbusiness basedon“Doingtherightthingwhennobodyis looking.”







Contact: 714-432-1771

SENIORMARINEMECHANIC/TECH forbusy boatyardinNorthernSanDiego.Supervisory experiencepreferred.Experienceindisesland gasinboardmotorsrequired.Paycomensurate withexperience.ContactTed@760-722-1833.



The Log Newspaper P.O. Box 1337

Newport Beach, CA 92663 or fax to: 1(949)660-6172

TheLog Newspaper P.O.Box1337 NewportBeach,CA92659 orfaxto1-949-660-6172

WEARELOOKINGFORDIVERS forunderwaterhullcleaningintheLong BeachandHuntingtonHarborareas. SCUBAcert.notrequired.Musthave reliabletransportation.call714-396-3206 formoreinformation.



Bestinbusiness.NAVTECH/US Surveyors.Marinesurveyorcourses. 1-800-245-4425, Commercial&recreationalavailable.

30 | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM LogClassifieds TOPLACEANAD,Call800-887-1615,oronlineat



BALBOATBASINYACHTCLUB seekingnew membersforCruising.PowerBoaters& SAILORSraceunderourBurgee$400.per year.FunClubhouseforevents,parties.Call KathyAnderson714-746-1341


IBUYUSEDMARINEELECTRONICS: Text photosorcall619-962-6969.Email


Complete.Neoprenecapstan.12v.NonReverse.Newprice:$4,800.Asking $1,600.Justremovedfrommyboat.Call Chuck:760-518-5148

SUZUKIDT402-CYCLEOUTBOARD: Oil injected.Almostnew.$1,750.CallTony: 949-632-8370


DELIVERIES,INSTRUCTION, andallother professionalCaptainservices.Sail,power.,619-275-3839,San DiegoSkippersAssociation


25”shaft,1650hours.Allmaintenanceby localYamahaservicedealer(Maintenance recordsavailabletocommittedbuyer). CompressioncheckandRPM/Anylysis available.Veryquiet,strongengine.





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Marineinteriordesign,fabrication. Enclosures,affordablecustommattresses, windowreplacement,exteriorandinterior cushions,carpetandcanvas.25years experience.ServingSanDiegotoLA. 858-329-1140,949-375-1770,,

YACHTCHARTERS•MANAGEMENT• Deliveries•Instruction•Excursions•Sunset Sails•Fishing.CallCaptainDonGrigg: 980-722-1674oremail:


Deliveries,Charters,Instruction.From AlaskatoPanama.Multipledeliveries HawaiitoCalifornia,Atlanticcrossing, Caribbean,Mediterranean. CaptainNikolayAlexandrov858-531-1175 CaptainAssenAlexandrov858-531-4788

**USCGCERTIFIEDMASTER** offersPrivate MotorBoatOperationInstructionandSafety Trainingaboardyourvessel.Callforpricing information:951-642-2489,oremail


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Email: Call562-896-3797

CAPTAINDAVE’SYACHTSERVICES: Deliveries,privateinstructionaboardyourboat, rulesofroad,navigation,electronics.Yacht managementandmaintenence.30+years experienceWestCoast,Panama,Oregon, Washington,canada,Alaska,SanJuanIslands. 619-997-2378


VesselDelivery,Relocation,Captain, ProjectandYachtManagement.Anysize, Anytonage.HighlyCompetitiveRates. 619-905-1967•619-838-8677



Delivery,Lessons,PrivateCaptain. Sail/Power.Over196,000documentedIntl bluewatermiles.Wellrespectedinthe marineindustry.Manydozensof references.JeffryMatzdorff:323-855-0191,

THE LOG | March 31 - April 13, 2023 | 31 THELOG.COM


The team at Hawthorne Marine Power has a unique understanding of the wants and needs of the recreational boating owner and the engineering crews who run them. From marine engines to gen sets, power solutions and Genuine Cat® parts, Hawthorne Marine power provides a one-stop solution to keep you up and running. Plus, were backed by the global network of 500 Cat dealers, so anywhere the sea takes you, we have you covered.

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