Type: Public Status: Complete Area: 2 200 m² Year: 2017 - 2021 Location: Pagiriai, Vilnius county, Lithuania Team: Gilma Teodora Gylytė Ignas Uogintas Domantas Baltrūnas Karolina Čiplytė Justina Jauniškytė Justas Paičius Vadim Babij Client: Vilniaus district municipality Photos: Aistė Rakauskaitė, Lukas Jusas, DO ARCHITECTS team
GilmaContacts:Teodora Gylytė - Chief Architect Inst:Fb:+gilma.gylyte@doarchitects.lt37067014119 DO ARCHITECTS Naujoji Riovonių g. 21, LT-03153, Vilnius
“Through the attitude towards public buildings, the country reflects the attitude towards man.” Chief Architect Gilma Teodora Gylytė 4 KINDERGARTEN „PELĖDŽIUKAS“
DO ARCHITECTS together with Vilnius city District Municipality (Lithuania) shows an example of what a state kindergarten should look like: an updated kindergarten „Pelėdžiukas“ (“Little Owl”) has been opened in Pagiriai town. Wooden extension transforms a public kindergarten, built under the soviet regime, into a modern and warm educational space for growing minds.
The Kindergarten
The kindergarten was expanded by building outbuildings of modern architecture. The new building part consists of the buildings of 4 nursery and 2 nursery groups, connected to the nursery building already operating here. The old and new buildings are connected by common areas and an enclosed courtyard. The area of the new building is 2200 sq.m. The kindergarten is now expected to accommodate additional 100 children.
This is the first kindergarten renewal project in Lithuania in which the renovation of the building completely changes the values programmed in the architecture. We say first because all previous reconstructions were focused on the beautification and renewal of what was, but not on deep questioning the existing spacial planning. We won a public procurement for Kindergarden extension in Pagiriai (Vilnius district) and suggested to the municipality that spaces in themselves teach and influence us.
To set an example of State Kindergarten
The design of such spaces can tremendously influence children development. Old part of soviet kindergarten “Peledžiukas” is typical standard project, which was built all around the eastern European block (Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Ukraine etc.). All kindergartens built in the Soviet-era are formal, uncomfortable, and more reminiscent of state institutions. It was dedicated to educating people who fit “into the box” that benefited the regime. Today, we all know that propaganda can make influence by space and design. Today, we all understand that critical thinking and making influence on one’s own space is important both to oneself and to democratic society .
The Courtyard In the kindergarden it’s hard to tell where the outside space ends and the interior space begins. The children start their day by crossing through the kindergarten courtyard. Once inside courtyard, it is possible to observe not only the spaces, which one inhabits, but the spaces adjacent to it as well: the courtyard, outdoor terrace, community halls, or the canteen. The inside spaces are akin to a city: the observing eyes create a sense of safety and community. The children and the teachers feel more than just a part of their class, they feel as if all of them are the owners of the kindergarten and the courtyard. In “Pelėdžiukas“ kindergarten every space is multi-functional. The inner courtyard is a multipurpose space also where children arrive in the morning, play during the day, and perform for their parents. Furthermore, the roof terrace is not only suitable for having fun but also acts as an emergency exit.
“All kindergartens built in the Soviet-era are cold, uncomfortable, and more reminiscent of state institutions. It was dedicated to educating people who fit “into the box” that benefited the regime. Today, we all know that propaganda can make influence by space and design.”
Chief Architect Gilma Teodora Gylytė
Our environment shapes how we feel, it shapes how we think as society and as individual human beings. This experience starts early in our childhood. We first start to understand world and how it works through the space in which we grow. At first, it is a safe environment of our home and caring family and then a social community is introduced into our lives. This is the second step is the kindergarten. Therefore, kindergartens and educational architecture make a great impact on us: our values, our life-view, how we form and keep our relationships.
What the space teaches us?
D01 type Soviet-standard State-kindergarten, as well as other standard educational buildings, was created with minimize public spaces in order to limit collaboration and natural human engagement. Dark corridors are obviously not inviting to meet, talk and play while making friends.
First Generation of “Pelėdžiukai”
In 1975, the 4-group nursery of the Vilnius Greenhouse Combine opened its doors - a kindergarten for the children of parents working in the company. The settlement expanded, the population grew. Later a new nursery - a kindergarten - was started to be built near the picturesque pine forest. In 1997, the institution was given the name of “Pelėdžiukas” Kindergarten.
The kindergarten now has 11 groups of children of various ages (3-7 years): 8 preschool age groups (3-5 years) and 3 groups of pre-school education (6-7 years). Education takes place in Polish and Lithuanian languages.
Currently, “Pelėdžiukas” kindergarten is one of the largest in the Vilnius region. The kindergarten is attended by children from Pagiriai and the surrounding areas: Vaidotai, Baltoji Vokė, Merešlėnai and etc.
Since 1971, a settlement of workers (of the largest in the Baltics) Vilnius greenhouse plant has begun building in the Vilnius district, near the old village of Pagiriai. One after the other, residential block buildings and public buildings were built.
What in backdoors became the front doors?
State Kindergarten “Peledžiukas” before reconstruction DO ARCHITECTS / 2017 Photography: DO ARCHITECTS
In the kindergarten, all “auxiliary” rooms are designed to be open. Everyday life is interesting for children and it is not hidden - the cleaner’s room under the stairs has glass doors, through which children can see where the pump is built and where clean towels are placed. There is a large window to the kitchen in the dining room - the kindergarteners can see the cooking, and they can wave to the chef by climbing on the step designed by the window. It builts a previusly non-existant relationship: the women-chefs who now know each child by name to whom they are preparing the food for and can see their smiles when they eat. And vice versa: food for kids “doesn’t come out” from “somewhere,” they see how much work and effort it takes to make it and how it goes. Just like at home.
Cooking ladies became stars!
San Francisco modern art museum LIFE magazine / 1963 Photography: Herb Sloudnik
State Kindergarten “Peledžiukas” after reconstruction DO ARCHITECTS / 2021 Photography: Aistė Rakauskaitė
Spaces can spark curiosity and create human connection. What’s more, they can help you become a star! The most unexpected effect of this window to the kindergarten kitchen - the bakers/cooks became the stars of Pagiriai town! After working all the time in a standard, Sovietera kitchen hidden from children and teachers, suddenly they became visible, interesting, loved and their baking even tastier, believe me! Spatial changes, change our lives. And sometimes an open door is enough.
The interior spaces
Once inside, the children, teachers and staff feel like home, as if all of them are the owners of the kindergarten. A variety of spaces allow them to choose different routines every day, and that by itself is a form of natural education and personal development. The classrooms in the kindergarten are also varied. Each one has two separate entries from the shared playing space – here the movement goes in a continuous circle. Each classroom incorporates a playroom with a sloped roof, where children can observe the ever-changing light falling through skylights and discover the changing experience of space in the room.
Personal lockers Personal items Shared space
In the soviet-era the teachers controlled when, how, where the kids should interact and due “to health reasons” it was very controlled. In our designed we created shared spaces where lockers are. The current hygiene laws did not allow this design, but we took the responsibility for carrying out this design anyway. After the project was finished it was rejected and multiple institutions wanted to make partitions in corridors as law required. We did not let our hands down and called Nation Public Health Center under the Ministry of Health director, who came and understood that this should be an example of how the law is outdated.
Currently, there are talks being held about how this should be changed in the Ministry of Health of Lithuania.
When the reconstruction was under construction the old part Kindergartenofwas still operating. Therefore the children saw, listenened observed and asked many questions about it. The teachers and out team would always explain them what and why is happening. At the opening ceremony of kindergarten children created and sang a song about...
Gilma Teodora Gylyte I Forum Wood Building Baltics 2022
The smell of wood
The aspiration was to design a building with a smell of wood lingering in the air. To highlight the significant change in the philosophy of the kindergarten we have chosen wood as building material. We wanted to emphasize warm invitation, which stands in contrast with the Soviet apartment neighborhood and uninspiring parking lots. On the small city scale it has a huge impact and works like a social sign – wooden walls, wooden roof, warm light and kids all around inspire joy. Wood inside is also very important – we wanted to create warm surfaces, that would invite playing everywhere. A wooden staircase works like an amphitheater, integrated wooden shelves and benches encourage creativity, a wooden floor is nice to roll around on and to run barefooted on, glass doors with natural wooden door frames create warm connections between the rooms.
B1 - by widening the kindergarten corridor, a spacious and cozy central area with an assembly hall is created, as well as an internal connection with the new extension. Glass showcases from the east open a view of the yard, while the west side opens up a view of the largest spruce in the nursery.
A new extension (B1, B2, B3), which can accommodate an additional 6 groups, forms a safe yard (C), the heart of the kindergarten, where children will have the opportunity to decide for themselves when to go outside and sculpt a snowman.
C - the closed courtyard is the newly formed central space of the project, connecting the new classrooms and the old volumes of the kindergarten. The yard is fenced to make the inner yard safe. In this place you can leave toys, things, strollers, and in good weather - sleep in the hammocks on the terrace.
The reconstruction
One of the best-known art critics, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, emphasizes precisely such unconscious spatial memories that personally guided him and influenced him throughout his life. We see that Hangover Kid lying here on the warm wooden floor, watching the beetle walk on the plantain through the window. Such experiences remain.
The kindergarten reconstruction and additional buildings were designed in close cooperation with the kindergarten community: planning new spaces, analyzing the existing kindergarten building, materials and landscape solutions. Workshops were held with parents as well as children.
A1 and A2: Part of the premises in the existing building were renovated - two kindergarten groups were re-planned, the assembly hall and dining area were expanded, specialist offices were installed. When replanning the administration area, a more spacious methodological office was designed.
B2 - Nursery building - four groups of nurseries are newly designed. Classrooms in the southern part of the extension and classrooms designed in the east direction have terraces and private outdoor areas.
B3 - Kindergarten building - two groups of kindergarteners are newly designed with all the necessary infrastructure and connection through indoor facilities. Kindergarten classes are designed on the second floor, thus saving construction space.
The courtyard is surrounded by stepped wooden terraces, which, when the windows are opened in the summer, expand the assembly hall, games and reception spaces. We really want to prove that old buildings can be effectively reorganized, that new spaces can be extremely practical, but at the same time inspiring, remaining somewhere deep in the memory.
Chief Architect Gilma Teodora Gylytė
“We knew from the beginning that we wanted to involve children in the process of creating a know the most about their environment, and they will be the residents of the nursery!”
The Workshops with Children
The Stickers
Participants: design team, 30 children, 3 staff representatives.
TheProgress:children showed the architects the environment of their kindergarten, told them what places they like and what they don’t like and why. The walk in these spaces was organized purposefullykindergarteners were given two-color stickers with which they could mark how they felt in one place or another. A blue sticker means that the child likes this place, a red one means that the child does not like
MostConclusions:it.oftheblue stickers were put by the children in the outdoor area. They paid the most attention to natural objects - trees and bushes, also, the children liked the old swimming pool, heating and active activity facilities. In red, they marked unsafe, untidy outdoor spaces, uneven paths, and objects that hinder active activities.
A red sticker means “I LIKE THE PLACE” blue sticker means “I DON’T LIKE THIS PLACE”
Blue stickers were put by the children in the outdoor area. They paid the most attention to natural objects - trees and bushes, In red, they marked unsafe, untidy outdoor spaces, uneven paths, and objects that hinder active activities.
“Workshopping with kids is absolute fun, as well as a solid challenge. You have to keep the mind open for any peculiar scenarios possible. And by any, we mean to imagine how in an enormously big and fluffy meadow, a Mars Rover-like milk delivery robot, distributes warm cacao amongst napping children. Your main task becomes to fluently narrate workshopped scenarios into spaces and do not let down kids. After all, you are creating a kindergarten, a playground for those beautiful minds to grow.”
Architect Karolina Čiplytė
Listening to Curiuos minds
DO ARCHITECTS has been actively involved in the creation of educational spaces for more than 9 years. We believe that learning - from the environment, from each other, from nature is an essential way for man and Lithuania to move forward. And and quality of architecture and public spaces educates by itself.
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Naujoji Riovonių g. 21, LT-03153, Vilnius 00 370 652 44 828