2019 Dogs SA October Edition

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OCTOBER 2019 Australia Print Publications No.: 100004328

Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am — 6pm Saturday: 8am — 4pm "9."/ 0"% &7*340/ Phone: 777 /0")3$2033*/(6&4$-*/*$ $0. "5

Leaders In Veterinary Reproductive Services : : : : :

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Goats Milk Now Available At Noahs $4.50 per litre

DOGS SA is a registered business name of the South Australian Canine Association Inc. BN04827570

Association Address: David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 5084. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Licensed Club: 8260 2412 Members of Council: Mr. B. Parker (President) Mr. P. Dynan (Vice President) Mr. B. Fielder, Mr. G. Harvey, Mrs. R. Hedger, Mr. L. Heilmann, Mr. A. Lim, Ms. T. Edwards, Mrs. S. Pike, Mr. Peter Thompson, Dr. R. Crouch. Executive Officer: Mr. W. Schnitzer Advertising: All advertising enquiries to Dogs SA Office. Advertising Deadline: All advertising copy must be lodged at the Dogs SA Office 6 weeks prior to month of publication. Dogs SA accepts no responsibility for the contents of advertisements. All advertisements are accepted in good faith and the liability of advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser. Letters: The editor reserves the right not to publish any letter which in the opinion of the Editorial Sub-Committee or Council should not be published for legal or other reasons. All letters are received with that reservation. The opinions expressed in contributors’ articles are not necessarily those of Council. 7KH (GLWRULDO 6XE &RPPLWWHH UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH WKH SXEOLFDWLRQ RI DQ\ LWHP RU DGYHUWLVHPHQW DQG ZKLOVW HYHU\ HIIRUW LV PDGH WR HQVXUH FRS\ LV UHSURGXFHG FRUUHFWO\ QR UHVSRQVLELOLW\ LV WDNHQ IRU HUURU

Postal Address: (For all correspondence including advertising). The Executive Officer, Dogs SA, P.O. Box 844, Prospect East 5082. Phone 8349 4797. Email: info@dogssa.com.au Website: www.dogssa.com.au


President’s Report

The Adelaide Royal Show has been and gone for another year. Well done to all the winners and especially Darcy Clark for winning the state Junior Handler competition and he will travel to Tasmania in October to represent South Australia in the National ďŹ nal. Good luck to Darcy and hope you do well. A real positive for the show was the change in format to have Agility on the last Saturday from lunch time. The crowds were fantastic during the event and really showed off the ability of our dogs. The other crowd pleaser was the weight-pull on the Saturday afternoons in the David Roche Pavilion for the ďŹ rst time. The crowd were amazed with the strength of the Whippet pulling 520Kg (33.2 times it’s own weight) and the Curly Coat Retriever pulling 720Kg whilst being totally blind. On Wednesday 13 November 2019 DOGS SA will be hosting an information session on where to from here with the DNA Parentage ProďŹ ling for DOGS SA members. The ANKC had previously instigated a program which was to commence from 01 January 2020 however has now rescinded that decision. There are pros and cons to parentage proďŹ ling and on the methods of collecting and reporting. All of these matters will be open to discussion on the night by the members. Of great concern to the Executive OfďŹ cer and myself is the number of complaints being received from afďŹ liates about the way in which the committees are administering their respective clubs. Whilst DOGS SA will provide some assistance to afďŹ liates with their administration and compliance with their legislative requirements, the onus is on the executive and committees of the respective clubs to operate within the governance of their constitutions. A breach of a clubs constitution can be seen as a breach in legislation and can be in the worst cases be dealt with by a court of law. The most frequent areas of complaint are the lack of Financial Reports provided at the AGM or where meeting are not being called or not appropriately minuted as per the constitution. A divisive committee is extremely detrimental to the successful operations of a club. Council is currently investigating the installation of security cameras around the main building and car park. The purpose of the cameras is to provide security to the ofďŹ ce as well as those visiting David Roche Park at night for meetings, judges training etc. Although cameras are not seen as a deterrent anymore they may assist in a successful prosecution should there be an event. In closing, a reminder that as the weather starts to warm up the snakes are going to come out and usually are very aggressive at this time. So what to do, clean up around your properties, remove all rubbish and mow the lawns and paddocks to reduce hiding areas for the snakes. Lastly have an action plan in place should a dog or person be bitten by a snake. Prevention is safer and more cost effective than the cure. Good luck to all for the remainder of the year and remember to keep yourselves and your dogs safe over the summer months.

Brian Parker – President DOGS SA – 0417 724 223 October 2019

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Effective 1st November 2019 2020 Membership Fees *Single or Kennel (18 Years & over) *Double or Kennel (18 Years & over) *Kennel Additional Persons *Pensioner Single *Pensioner Joint *Associate Single (Committee use only) *Associate Joint (Committee use only) *Junior (under 18 years) Overseas Residents – above fees apply plus additional for postage 2020 Prefix Fees *Application for New Prefix *Annual Maintenance Fee *Transfer Prefix Ownership Effective 1st January 2019 Litter Registration Litter Lodgement Fee Puppy Registrations Main & Limited Registers *Individual Puppy (each) Replacement Pedigree/Certificate * Neutered Register * Associate Registration * Sporting Registration *

100.00 156.00 78.00 69.00 134.00 31.00 58.00 19.00 64.00

112.00 39.00 90.00


38.00 23.00 23.00 30.00 30.00

Re-Registrations *Dogs from Overseas *Overseas Semen

110.00 110.00

Registered Semen Registration of Semen Transfer of Semen

38.00 38.00

Transfers *From Member *Non Member to Member *Between Registers

38.00 65.00 38.00

Leases *Member to Member *Non Member to Member *Early Termination

76.00 90.00 38.00

Titles *Champion and Supreme Champion *Grand Champion *Other Awards Export Pedigree * Show Entry Forms Book 50 Plus Postage Club Schedule Advertising Full Page Half Page Third Page Quarter Page Club Stationery Best Of Breed Challenge Certificates Neutered Certificates Reserve Challenge Best In Show Certificates Special Awards ie Best In Group Stewards Sheets Pad of 50

38.00 45.00 26.00 139.00

4.00 3.00

376.00 196.00 131.00 107.00

0.30 0.30 0.50 0.15 1.20 0.50 5.50

1 Set Group Cards & BIS Single Group Card Judges Contracts Pad of 25 Pad of 5 (Speciality Clubs only) SACA Reps/Stewards Contracts Exhibitor Tickets (100 = $3.00) Trials Point Score Cards Obedience Tracking Agility Games Affiliation Fees Conformation All Breeds Kennel Clubs & Ag Societies Championship Show Open Show Affiliation Fees Group/Specialist Clubs Affiliation Championship Show Open Show Affiliation Fees Trials Clubs Affiliation All Breeds Obedience Trial Agility Trial Retrieving & Field Trials Tracking Trial Endurance Test Dances With Dogs Competition Sanction/Restricted Trial SACA Park Ground Hire All Breeds Championship Show All Breeds Double Championship Shows held on the same day All Breeds Open Show Multi Group Championship Show Multi Group Open Show Single Group Championship Show Single Group Open Show Specialist Championship Show Specialist Open Show Fundays Affiliate Club Levy Metropolitan (within 100 kms) Country Agility/Obedience Levy Metro Agility/Obedience Levy Country


Mrs J Evans – Papillon Found guilty of a breach of Rule 5 (b) and (c) of Part XV A Code of Ethics and the following penalty was imposed: A fine of $250.00 plus Administration costs of $125.00.


Mrs M & Ms A Smith – Jack Russell Terrier Found guilty of a breach of Rule 5 (e) of Par XV A Code of Ethics and the following penalty was imposed: The resultant puppies from the litter are downgraded to the Limited Register until such time as DNA testing for parentage is provided. Administration costs of $125.00.


Mrs R Barber – Beagle Found guilty of a breach of Rule 5 (b) and (c) of Part XV A Code of Ethics and the following penalty was imposed: Administration costs of $125.00.

0.25 0.50 0.25 0.25 155.00 155.00 48.00 52.00 52.00 39.00 124.00 72.00 72.00 62.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 515.00 721.00 146.00 365.00 108.00 273.00 108.00 145.00 90.00 37.00 2.75 1.38 3.75 1.88

Meeting Room Hire Affiliate Club Meetings Specialist Clubs – Marsula or Brine Room Show Days only MB Rooms Other Functions

37.00 144.00

Hall Hire Affiliated Clubs Non Affiliated Clubs Bond Affiliates Bond Non Affiliates Cleaning of Hall

262.00 572.00 90.00 173.00 106.00

Miscellaneous Search Fee Deposit lodged with Appeal Deposit lodged with Objection Fee lodged with Complaint Administration Fee

125.00 204.00 204.00 204.00 125.00

* Includes ANKC Levies

Page 4

4.50 0.60 21.00 5.50 0.50 0.03



JOURNAL SHOOTS Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th October Photographer Ingrid Matschke Hound Club of SA Inc Sunday 13th October Photographer Mark & Josie Haseldine Old English Sheepdog Club Inc Saturday 26th October Photographer Mark & Josie Haseldine Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc Saturday 16th November Photographer Mark & Josie Haseldine Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc Saturday 7th December Photographer Ingrid Matschke Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc Friday 13th December Photographer Mark & Josie Haseldine

COVER STORY Newly Titled “Chief”

2019 PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS FOR ASPIRANT AND TRAINEE CONFORMATION JUDGES Applications to sit for Practical Examinations to be held on 3rd 4th 5th December 2019 must be lodged with the Dogs SA Office by Friday 15th November 2019. These examinations will be held at David Roche Park on the above nights commencing at 7.30pm. Groups will be allocated to one of the above dates once applications have closed. Applications will only be accepted from those Trainee Judges who have met the required criteria. Applications forms are available in this magazine, from the Dogs SA Office or the Dogs SA website www.dogssa.com.au

Ch Viperstaff Red Warrior (AI) Ch Jackstaff Valentino (IMP UK) X Ch Albermarbull Essence (IMP UK) Co-owned with Tiffany Newman

“Kendra” Ch Viperstaff Bewitched Ch Highbourne Dancing Brave (AI) X Viperstaff Enchantress (AI) Co-owned with Rebecca, Belinda and Clare Sommer

A special thank you to the guys for all their work training and showing the dogs, we really appreciate all the hard work put into their titles. Finally, sincere thanks to the judges that awarded the dogs and thought highly of them. Mark, Heidi and Katelyn Jenneys Viperstaff Staffordshire Bull Terriers


MOCK TRICKS TRIAL DNA Parentage Verification Information Night Wednesday 13th November 2019 at 7.30pm Hall, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn

Dogs SA will be holding an information night about DNA Parentage Verification. This will be informal discussion to provide information and to seek the views of the membership in relation to making this compulsory in SA. October 2019

When: 2.00pm Sunday 20th October 2019 (set up and entries taken from 1.30pm) Where: Club grounds, Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, Willaston Cost: $3.00 a go, you can have multiple goes Judges: We will have up to three rings in operation. The judges will be the DWD judges who wish to be foundation Tricks judges Levels: Starter level only across the rings. If time permits we will at the end, run one ring at the Novice level What to bring: You, your dog, treats if you will be using the treat table and your props. For those wishing to do the ‘send over jump’ trick, we will have a rally jump available for you to use. You will need to complete the form on the day, highlighting the 6 tricks you are going to perform. We will have the forms available for you when you pay the entry fee Note: The Mock trial will be conducted as per the new Trick rules – please read the rules for the details of when/how you can treat your dog between tricks. Food must be in a sealed container. If using a toy it must be silent Need more information on Tricks? Visit the ANKC website To assist with ring set up: If you are planning to attend, please email lynne.stap@gmail.com

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32 %R[ 3URVSHFW (DVW $%1 3KRQH (PDLO info@dogssa.com.au :HE ZZZ GRJVVD FRP DX

APPLICATION FOR LICENCE for ASPIRING CONFORMATION JUDGE – Group ASPIRING CONFORMATION JUDGE – Single breed MEMBERSHIP NUMBER ........................................... .... I,.................................................................................................................................................................................................... apply for a Licence as an Aspiring Judge for Group / Single Breed (strike out one not applicable) ....................................................................... for the year commencing 1st January 2020 and understand that approval of this application is at the discretion of the Council of the South Australian Canine Association Inc. I agree to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the S A Canine Association Inc AND , GHFODUH WKDW , KDYH WKH QHFHVVDU\ TXDOLÀFDWLRQV DV RXWOLQHG EHORZ DQG DJUHH WR WKH FRQGLWLRQV JRYHUQLQJ WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH 5XOHV RI WKH 6 $ &DQLQH $VVRFLDWLRQ ,QF I declare: 1. I am at least 18 years of age 2. I have been a member of the SACA Inc for a minimum period of eight years during the ten years immediately prior to the date of this application , KDYH EUHG DW OHDVW WKUHH OLWWHUV XQGHU P\ RZQ RU VKDUHG SUHÀ[ V /LVW 3UHÀ[ V .................................................................................... , KDYH PDGH XS DQG RU EUHG D PLQLPXP RI WZR &KDPSLRQV List names of dogs ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ , KDYH KDG DGGLWLRQDO VXFFHVVHV LQ WKH VKRZ ULQJ LH DQ\ RWKHU PDMRU DZDUGV RU DFKLHYHPHQWV E\ GRJV EUHG DQG RU H[KLELWHG by you) as outlined on the BACK of this form. I request dispensation from Item 3 above, and attach evidence verifying that I reside in an area that prohibits the breeding of GRJV E\ 6WDWH RU /RFDO $XWKRULW\ /DZ 3OHDVH DWWDFK DSSURSULDWH YHULÀFDWLRQ >6WULNH RXW LI QRW DSSOLFDEOH@ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... $SSOLFDQW·V 6LJQDWXUH 'DWH Address ......................................................................................................................................Post Code ................................. Phone: ................................................................................ Email: ............................................................................................... FEE TO ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION - $80.00 $SSOLFDWLRQV FORVH )ULGD\ WK 1RYHPEHU SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CANINE ASSOCIATION INC - Trading as Dogs SA Payment Details Type: Credit Card Number

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Expiry Date: ____ / ____

32 %R[ 3URVSHFW (DVW $%1 3KRQH (PDLO info@dogssa.com.au :HE ZZZ GRJVVD FRP DX


TRAINEE & ASPIRANT CONFORMATION JUDGE IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible to apply for a Practical Examination to be a Judge, a Trainee/Aspirant Judge must ďŹ rst have passed the required Theory examination and meet the requirements of the SACA Rules relating to Conformation Judges I apply to undertake the Practical Examination to be held 3rd, 4th, 5th December 2019 for Group .....................................................

Membership No: .....................................................

Name ............................................................................................................................................................................................

Address .......................................................................................................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................................................Post Code ......................................

Phone – Home ........................................................................ Work .............................................................................................

Mobile .................................................................................... Email ............................................................................................

........................................................................... Applicant’s Signature

..................................................... Date


Payment Details Type:



Expiry Date: ____ / ____

Credit Card Number

October 2019

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DOGS SA ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETINGS OBEDIENCE Monday, 18th November 2019 at 7.30pm in the Marsula Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Four Committee members to be elected annually at the Special Meeting of Members AGILITY Monday, 11th November 2019 at 7.00pm in the Marsula Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Six Committee members to be elected annually at the Special Meeting of Members RETRIEVING AND FIELD TRIALS Wednesday, 6th November 2019 at 7.00pm in the Marsula Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Four Committee members to be elected annually at the Special Meeting of Members TRACKING Thursday, 21st November 2019 at 7.00pm in the Marsula Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn

Four Committee members to be elected annually at the Special Meeting of Members DANCES WITH DOGS Tuesday, 12th November 2019 at 7.00pm in the Marsula Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Four Committee members to be elected annually at the Special Meeting of Members EARTHDOGS Friday, 29th November 2019 at 7.00pm in the Judges Training Room, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Four Committee members to be elected annually at the Special Meeting of Members The Special Meeting of members of the SA Canine Association Inc Advisory Committees will be held as scheduled above If required a ballot for the election of the four (4) or six (6) Committee positions will be conducted at the relevant Special Meeting

Retrieving news NOVICE RETRIEVING TEAMS CUP Conducted by the Dogs SA Retrieving and Field Advisory Panel at Grand Cru Winery, Springton

Sunday 25th August 2019 At the end of the South Australian Retrieving Trial season each year the Dogs SA Retrieving and Field Trials Advisory Panel conduct the “Novice Retrieving Teams Cup” event. Originally this was an inter-club competition but over the years it has changed to become a more social event for all dogs who were eligible to compete in Novice during the season. Teams of 3 dogs are randomly drawn on the day and compete for the glory of having their names recorded on the “Cup”. This is not an official trial but this year it did provide the opportunity for Christine Hayes, to complete her practical exam for her Novice Retrieving Trial For Gundogs judging licence. 5 teams competed on the day over 3 runs, two on land and the last into water. One Victorian competitor was in the field of 13 dogs. Page 8

Winning team And the winning team, by a massive 60 points was: Graeme Allen and Ellishea Wyatts Didja (AI), Golden Retriever bitch Rob Dolphin and Reveirter Abhainn Blackwater (AI) NRA, Labrador Retriever bitch Lynne Webster and Sup Ch Waldwieze Game Keepa At Poshvwei (IMP NZ) ET CD RE QND ORA, Weimaraner dog Jessie Hughes For the RAFT Advisory Committee


Overall Winner of the Dog SA Junior Handler State Final from the Senior Class DARCY CLARK Judge: Mr S Warry (WA)

Overall Winner of the RAHS Junior Handler Final from the Senior Class TATELYN BONHAM Judge: Mrs L Wilson (South Africa) October 2019

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Miss R Williams Ms A Bardsley Mr A Marinos Mrs A Wood Mrs S Fordham Mr B Savic Mr B Galpin Mrs A Esposito Ms L Tuttle Miss V A Gore Mr G Lerve L Hawson Mrs R Daley Mr M Bonaddio B & Mrs F Batterbury Mrs N Sullivan Miss T A Budini Miss S Wood Mr M Camilleri Mr D Matijevic Miss M Stark Mrs C G Dobson Mr M Paktinat Mr D C Slattery Miss J Gibson & Mr D Willson Mrs P Bernhard Mrs T Chopin Mrs D M Jackson Mrs D Furlonger Mr G & Mrs A Sinclair Mrs S Hall Mr S Sanjaya Miss C Pitts Mr T Maddern Mrs R Downie Mr C Holmes Mr C Preston Mr K Zotti Mr S Mocian Mr G Downes Mrs S Kennedy Miss K Kirk Mr S & Mrs C Brooks Mrs J Stanton Ms P Lee Mr H Little & Miss G Watts Mrs M Macdonald



Mrs M Parker Mr C Meaburn & Mr W Chen Mr S Dekker Dr R G Bonelli Mrs A Caligiuri Mrs B Caruso Mrs G L Aitken Mr D Richardson Mr M Hann Mrs C Richins Miss S Drury Mrs J Upson Mrs K Foley Mrs M Sandry Mrs J Sanders Mrs T Sedighi Mrs S & Mr R Mercieca Mrs R Pedracini Ms R Seppelt Mr K & Mrs S Jarvie Mr M Young Mr S M Law Ms E McCutcheon Miss M Buckett Miss C Hayward Mrs L Dean Mr M Setka Ms F Ghadri Ms J Korsten Ms R Tranter Miss N Rose Mrs O Davykoza-Boglari Mrs A Jennings Mr J & Mrs K Bellamy Mr A Strobridge Mrs A Cox Ms R N Allison Mrs J Smith Mr M Jensen & Mrs E Jensen Mrs J Sinclair Mrs B Attard Mr S & Mrs T Dreyer Mr S Lawrence Mr A Borg Miss M Le Ms Y Zhou Mrs L Kohinga Mr P Lott Mr U Unutmaz Mr S Demarco Miss C Mooibroek Mrs J & Mr R Plochacki Mrs M Ball Mrs K Stevenson Mrs K Mace Dr S McCallum Mrs E Engellenner

Newly Titled



AUSTRALIAN TERRIER 8th October 8.00pm Dobermann Club of SA Inc Albion Hotel, Churchill Road, Kilburn 9th October 7.00pm British Bulldog Club of SA Inc Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn

Ch Paxterr Aces High At Tainquest Pleased to say Cooper obtained his title at 8 months old. Sire: Ch Tainquest The Joker. Dam: Ch Mittlesista Drama Queen (AI).

Bred by P Oswald & Owned by C Gower

Exports for the month of August 2019 GROUP 2 – TERRIERS Tenterfield Terrier ARDCHATTAN SHESA DVA 3100390721 (F) 23/03/2019 (Gumhaven Kennels) Ms K Hautakangas FINLAND CH. GUMHAVEN WALK THE LINE 5100099238 (M) 01/04/2017 (Gumhaven Kennels) Ms K Hautakangas FINLAND SKALAWAG SHES A PINUP GIRL 3100391756 (F) 09/04/2019 (Gumhaven Kennels) J ImmonenSillantie FINLAND TRIAGEN LE FANTOME DELOPERA 5100111927 (M) 31/03/2019 (Gumhaven Kennels) M Pohjavirta FINLAND YARRAVIEW AUZZIE TROOPER 2100513976 (M) 14/12/2018 (Gumhaven Kennels) Ms P Paasonen FINLAND

GROUP 6 – UTILITY Pyrenean Mountain Dog EUZKADI BY GUESS AND BY GOLLY 5100082924 (M) 25/06/2014 (Miss T Martin) Mrs K Berlenbach USA October 2019

14th October 7.30pm Le Fevre Kennel Club Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 12th October 8.00pm Dances With Dogs Club of SA Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 27th October 12.00pm Port Adelaide Obedience Dog Club Inc Clubrooms 29th October 7.00pm Toy Dog Club of SA Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 29th October 8.00pm All Breeds Dog Club of SA Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 6th November 7.30pm Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 11th November 7.00pm Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve Clubrooms 12th November Pug Club of SA Inc Buckingham Arms Hotel


12th November Gawler Kennel Club Inc Café Nova, Gawler


13th November 8.00pm SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn

13th November 7.30pm Chihuahua Club of SA Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 20th November 7.00pm Golden Retriever Club of SA Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 20th November 7.30pm Hound Club of SA Inc Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 21st November 7.30pm Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc Marsula Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 25th November 6.30pm Old English Sheepdog Club of SA Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 25th November 7.30pm Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of SA Inc Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 26th November 8.00pm Gundog Club of SA Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 26th November 7.30pm Whippet & Greyhound Club of SA Inc Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 26th November 7.30pm Rottweiler Club of SA Inc Bar, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 2nd December 7.00pm Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 9th December 7.30pm Siberian Husky & Alaskan Malamute Club Inc Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn

Page 11

ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW Friday 30th August – 8th September 2019

Judges were: Ms L Wilson (South Africa) – Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 7. Mr Michael Leonard (Ireland) – Group 4, Group 5, Group 6, General Specials. TOYS

Best Exhibit 1st & RUNNER UP BEST IN SHOW: K Tilly, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief

Best Exhibit 2nd: R Connelly’s Pug, Sup Ch Los Chatos Del Norte First Love (Imp Esp)

Best Exhibit 3rd: P Dunlop’s Tibetan Spaniel, Sup Ch Aztlon Rioli (Imp NZ)

Best Exhibit 4th: J & J Sullivan, K Lewis’ Papillon, Sup Ch Nightfire’s Xclusive Winner (Imp Gmy)

Best Exhibit 2nd: M & P Merchant, N Gouzos, E Parker’s Fox Terrier (Smooth), Sup Ch Clanach Foxtrot At Boarbadger

Best Exhibit 3rd: Chanpema Kennel’s Border Terrier, Sup Ch Chanpema Bali Boy

Best Exhibit 4th: S Wilkes’ Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Brookstreet Craichead (AI)

Best Exhibit 2nd: Triseter Kennel’s Gordon Setter, Sup Ch Triseter Celtic Seal

Best Exhibit 3rd: J Manser, J & A Lumsden’s Pointer, Sup Ch Aspyre On The Tip Of Ur Tongue

Best Exhibit 4th: M McCaffery’s Sussex Spaniel, Ch Marquell Yachtsman (Imp UK)


Best Exhibit 1st: A Adams, V & T Adamopoulos, V Jones’ Welsh Terrier, Am Ch, Am Gr Ch, Ch Shaireab’s Bayleigh Wolverine (Imp USA)


Best Exhibit 1st: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa Ur A Class Act (Imp NZ)

Page 12


Best Exhibit 1st & BEST IN SHOW: W Douglas & A Tan’s Afghan Hound, UK Ch, Int Ch, Lux Ch, Nld Ch, SE Ch, Sup Ch Alaqadar Rigoletto (AI)

Best Exhibit 2nd: S Marshall, R Wallis, G Huikeshoven’s Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen, Ch Frosty Snowman (Imp Nld)

Best Exhibit 3rd: S Turay & M Rule-Steele’s Whippet, Sup Ch Taejaan Walking On Air

Best Exhibit 4th: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Sup Ch Keaton Apollo (AI)

Best Exhibit 2nd: C Sinclair, S Huebner, P Kelly’s Puli, Sup Ch Cordmaker The Boy Is Mine

Best Exhibit 3rd: A Petersen, J Karras, B Moore, A Reid’s Australian Shepherd, Am Ch, Sup Ch Regal Reign Hightide Hit The Jackpot (Imp USA)

Best Exhibit 4th: P Damarell, J Pike, A O’Loughlin’s German Shepherd Dog, Sup Ch Vonpeta Ugottabekidding

Best Exhibit 2nd: M & J Ross’ St Bernard, Sup Ch Beamzstar Beau Zam

Best Exhibit 3rd: H Praniess & J Hovell’s Dobermann, Ch Copperdobe Vodka Collins (Imp NZ)

Best Exhibit 4th: N Hann’s Rottweiler, Gr Ch Schwartzhund Taylors Top Gun (AI)

Best Exhibit 2nd: M Nottle-Justice’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Remkyn Diamond Divo By Design

Best Exhibit 3rd: S Arunachalam’s French Bulldog, Senarabull Theemmy Gosto

Best Exhibit 4th: Amesen Kennel’s & J Mortimer’s Lhasa Apso, Gr Ch Amesen Tatiana Romanova


Best Exhibit 1st: C, S & J Moore’s Old English Sheepdog, Am Ch, Sup Ch Barkshire’s Captain America (Imp USA)


Best Exhibit 1st: B & H Taylor’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Ch Werlwind’s Celtic Thunder Down Under (Imp USA)


Best Exhibit 1st: T, M & R Parker’s Keeshond, Ch Sandstock Snow Princess

October 2019

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Litters Registered Litters registered 1st August 2019 to 31st August 2019 GROUP 1 – TOYS Cavalier King Charles Spaniel MINIATURA Mr R Connelly 1F 13/04/2018 MINIATURA IN THE SUMMERTIME 5100083217 : MINIATURA REBELLIOUS MOMENTS 5100070740 MINIATURA Mr R Connelly 1M 1F 16/06/2019 MINIATURA HOT SUMMER NIGHT 5100083219 : MINIATURA SUMMER NIGHTS 5100100767 Chihuahua (Long) BATANACHIA Mrs K Shalders 1F 20/05/2019 DREISTLEIGH ANCHO CHICO 2100435262 : BATANACHIA EHE CLEOPATRA 5100070418 BATANACHIA Mrs K Shalders 1M 1F 18/05/2019 DREISTLEIGH ANCHO CHICO 2100435262 : BATANACHIA IVORY GOLD 5100087991 FANTASIACHI Mrs K Kohler 4M 31/05/2019 DONBARB ARMANIS KINGDOM 4100254072 : ALLAMANDA GUCCI BELLA 2100423194 Chihuahua (Smooth) VONCRONAN Mrs K Tilley & Miss T Sunman 1M 1F 02/04/2019 ADRAHIL HES THE BEEZ KNEES 2100458624 : CH. SKYEWAY DIAMOND IN THE SKY 5100092914 Havanese HAVANOVA Ms R Fidge & Mr D Oppermann 4M 13/06/2019 CH. CARNWATH MACGYVER 3100345968 : CH. ANESE CONTESSA WOTS THE RUCKUS RN. 5100093525

Miniature Pinscher BRIZEGAR Mrs J Hewson 2M 10/05/2019 GRAND. CH. WILOOKA CAUZ FACOMMOTION 3100133903-SEM : CH. BRIZEGAR LOVE CHILD 5100099513 PALANA Palana Kennels 1M 2F 26/06/2019 PALANA CORT CORZN MISCHIEF 5100082099 : MINARLI PARTY PRINCESS 3100359894 Pekingese SUNYANG Mr D Dempsey 1M 2F 11/06/2019 CH. BALICKERA LUKE SKYWALKER 2100411976 : CH. SUNYANG APRIL LOVE 5100090715 SUNYANG Mr D Dempsey 3F 07/06/2019 CH. SUNYANG KALE 5100078412 : SUNYANG SHAREENA 5100102636 Yorkshire Terrier CIABEN Ms S Boswell 1M 07/06/2019 CH. JAROB MISTA ZIEK 2100252669 : PIXIEKIDS GERTRUDE MCFUZZ 4100262136 CIABEN Ms S Boswell 3M 2F 28/05/2019 BOBBALIL TED E BEAR 6100100194 : CIABEN JASMINERUBY 5100100312 TEMIAH Ms M Goble 3M 3F 02/06/2019 AFFINAGE ENDEAVOUR 3100308597 : TEMIAH SCARLETT 5100087496

GROUP 2 - TERRIERS American Staffordshire Terrier MANFREDS Mr J Watson & Miss B McIlvenna 2M 2F 27/04/2019 MANFREDS DOUBLE BLAST 5100089745 : MANFREDS FULL FORCE GALE 5100078209 Border Terrier CHERISHEM Ms J Giles 1M 2F 29/05/2019 CH. STORMVALE BORDA HEIR APPARENT 5100096464 : CHERISHEM RUFF N TUMBLE 5100094294

Italian Greyhound LAEXOTICA Laexotica Kennels 2M 3F 27/01/2019 LAEXOTICA RAFAELLO 5100104958 : LAEXOTICA GLORIANNA 5100102916


Lowchen KRISTARZ Miss K & Mrs C Harding 1F 03/06/2019 CH. KRISTARZ PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON 5100094891 : SUP.CH. KRISTARZ FOX IN SOX 5100073885

Bull Terrier BRASSHEAD Brasshead Kennels 4M 5F 17/06/2019 CH. AMATOL ROCKY (AI) 2100385444-SEM : BRASSHEAD SILVER QUEEN (AI) 5100094507

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Cairn Terrier LANNELLIR Ms L A Williams 3M 2F 25/05/2019 LOCHRIN LORENZO 3100368093 : LANNELLIR LADY LUCY OF ELGIN 5100090060

LAEXOTICA Laexotica Kennels 2M 3F 26/12/2018 LAEXOTICA ATECOZOL 5100089234 : LAEXOTICA VALERIAH 5100101777

WILMAVOHNNE Ms Y Halfpenny 1M 4F 04/06/2019 WILMAVOHNNE MAGIC OF MOPAR 5100106675 : CH. WILMAVOHNNE DEJA VU 5100088120

LINCOLNBLUE Mr R Meddens 4M 4F 16/06/2019 HUZZA BOY 4100223572 : AZUREOUSBLUE PENNY 4100293565

WILMAVOHNNE Ms Y Halfpenny 1M 1F 08/06/2019 LANNELLIR HOT CHILLI PEPPER 5100102613 : WILMAVOHNNE DEVIL WEARS PRADA 5100088119 Fox Terrier (Smooth) ELKRIVER Elkriver Kennels 1M 2F 20/05/2019 AM. GR CH. WEDIGIT LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION (IMP USA) RN24003802-SEM : CH. RIVERLANDS LADY HAWK 2100477605

ROCKPORT Mrs K Halston-Wyatt 1F 14/06/2019 CH. KELSTOCK NICKKI’S BLACK MAGIC (IMP UK) Z0638902Z01-SEM : ROCKPORT INK ART (AI) 5100084780

GROUP 3 – GUNDOGS Clumber Spaniel WESTOBRI Westobri Kennels 2M 1F 20/05/2019 CH. DIABF BARMANS SUPREME (IMP SWE) SE15422/2015 : WESTOBRI PINK DIAMONDS (AI) 5100081682

Jack Russell Terrier WINTERBOURNE Mrs A K Scott 2M 3F 22/05/2019 CH. WINTERBOURNE IRISH AVENGER 5100106503 : CH. WINTERBOURNE IRISH FANTASY 5100104504

Cocker Spaniel SEQUERE Mr B Fabri 5M 1F 07/06/2019 CH. HARD ROCK OF MERRILY (IMP FRA) LOF259486/0 : GLENAYDEN ITALIAN WINE 2100365605

Scottish Terrier CALANCLAN Ms M Appleyard 2M 1F 12/06/2019 CH. NEW MC MONIQUE SILVER (IMP SRB) JR70525ST : CALANCLAN LADY GUTHRIE 5100100687

Cocker Spaniel (American) AZEL Azel Kennels 2M 2F 28/05/2019 CH. AZEL SHOW SOME CLASS 5100095426 : CH. AZEL LITTLE BLACK BOOK 5100078864


AZEL Azel Kennels 1M 2F 17/05/2019 EBONN TIS BLACK DIAMONDS DEEP (IMP NZL) 04145-2012 : CH. AZEL LET THE GAMES BEGIN (AI) 5100086417

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier BALLYGOWAN Mrs C Fleming 4M 8F 10/06/2019 CH. SHANECA BONDI PUPPY JC. 3100301036 : CH. TCHOKLAT ROSE OF BELFAST 2100428714

Golden Retriever ARCHEEGOLD Mrs A Harvey 3M 3F 12/05/2019 SOVANNA GOLDEN WILFRED 5100071755 : BELBUN PRINCESS ELLI 3100308087

Staffordshire Bull Terrier BULLAMAROO Mrs A Fleming 2M 4F 25/03/2019 CILAHAN ANGUS 5100096539 : SAJAXBLUE BONNIE 3100362605

CHALEUR Mrs R Thompson 1M 2F 20/05/2019 CH. CHALEUR U HAD ME AT HELLO (AI) 5100104196 : CH. ASKAVAL AFTERGLOW (AI) 4100246773

HAUSTAFF Mr D Hauschild 4M 3F 11/06/2019 TEGANSTAFF THOR THUNDER GOD 5100099898 : STAFFATORI NORMA 3100362628




Litters Registered WYANDRA Mrs R Hillyer 3M 2F 28/05/2019 SUP.CH. ADORINGGOLD EYE OF THE STORM (AI) 2100410259 : CH. WYANDRA MAKE ME MILLIONS 5100082494 Labrador Retriever GUNLANCE Mr N McLaren & Mr G Murphy 3M 5F 27/05/2019 GRAND. CH. TERRACAROL TIME SHARE 2100287376-SEM : CH. GUNLANCE DANCE ON WATER 5100086351 KADLINGA Kadlinga Kennels 7M 4F 29/05/2019 KADLINGA BOS GENEVER RRD. 5100086375 : KADLINGA BROWN SUGAR 5100096500 QUARTERVIEW Mrs A Schulz 6M 4F 28/05/2019 CH. KIRKDELL GRAND DYNASTY 5100084636SEM : QUARTERVIEW MACEY 5100102182 WARATAHLABS Mrs K F Johnson 8M 4F 01/07/2019 LACOTE HENRY 2100386455 : SERENITYLABS KIMMIE 5100080291 Lagotto Romagnolo PARITY Mrs J Quayle & Miss J Elizabeth 5M 5F 14/06/2019 CH. LOTSALIRE BELLISSIMO PIETRO (AI) 5100099509 : CH. PARITY MUDSHAKE 2100495987 Large Munsterlander MISTYPOINT Ms T L Edwards 1M 3F 13/06/2019 CH. HERMES CHARIOT OF FIRE (IMP NZL) 04335-2005 : GRAND. CH. MISTYPOINT SEND ME AN ANGEL 5100081731 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever HAVANOVA Ms R Fidge & Mr D Oppermann 2M 5F 21/06/2019 CAN.CH. CH. PIKKINOKKA’S STORM OF SKYESONG JD. SPD. SD. ET. (IMP CAN) LE728511 : CH. SKYESONG STELLAR RED HAVEN RN. NRA. 3100352070 Pointer ZENSU Mr B & Mrs H Clarke 3M 2F 23/05/2019 SUP.CH. ZENSU SIGNED SEALED DELIVERED 5100082579 : ROSENFELD STARDUST 7100035685 ZENSU Mr B & Mrs H Clarke 1M 1F 09/05/2019 KRA N ZENSU TENNESSEE WHISKEY (CAN) FN803021 : AM. GR CH. SL. CH. ZENSU BED OF ROSES 5100069464 October 2019

GROUP 4 – HOUNDS Afghan Hound JSAN Mr G J & Mrs R G Parker 2M 3F 26/04/2019 SUP.CH. TAEJON EL DORADO 2100234995-SEM : CH. TAHKIRA TURKISH DELITE (AI) 5100087658 Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) WESTOBRI Westobri Kennels 1M 01/03/2019 CH. BOARBADGER TIMEKEEPER 5100100146 : WESTOBRI MAGGIE MAY 5100072269 Irish Wolfhound TIROWEN Dr F J & Mrs A T McEvoy 5M 7F 31/05/2019 TIROWEN FLETCHER (AI) 5100028467-SEM : TIROWEN ARIADNE 5100087337

GROUP 5 - WORKING DOGS Australian Shepherd PARKEYRE Mr R Jackson & Miss B Parker 1F 19/03/2018 PARKEYRE THE IRON THRONE 5100080078 : SENTURIAN BLACK TO THE FUTURE 4100214961 TUSCAMADA Tuscamada Kennels 5M 2F 23/06/2019 TUSCAMADA HERES LOOKING AT YOU 5100066900 : TUSCAMADA MILLION DOLLAR BABY (AI) 5100085996 VONCRONAN Mrs K Tilley & Miss T Sunman 6M 4F 07/06/2019 CH. CUEBIYAR HALF BLOOD PRINCE 2100435881 : CH. SHARTOOZ BLUE MY MIND 5100086468 Border Collie BORDALOKI Mrs S Zohar 5M 1F 11/06/2018 ETHERIAL BACK IN BLACK 3100294506 : GLEN CLOVA DRESD T IMPRESS (IMP NZL) 03359-2012 BORDALOKI Mrs S Zohar 2M 3F 22/01/2019 ETHERIAL BACK IN BLACK 3100294506 : GLEN CLOVA DRESD T IMPRESS (IMP NZL) 03359-2012 CAMBRAE Miss A McKenzie 2M 3F 30/06/2019 TOOKURRA FORTUNE COOKIE 5100096829 : CH. TULLACREST BLACK CAVIAR CDX. RN. ADX. JDX. 5100070392 MABAR Ms B Brown 2M 2F 11/04/2019 BRADYCREEK KING OF THE ROAD 5100082314 : AUSTINSDREAM SHES THE CULPRIT 7100025128

VINUM Mr D & Mrs B Vine 4M 3F 03/06/2019 WILDERBLU HEY JUDE 5100084463 : VINUM KEEP IT ON WAX 5100086812 WYNNLAKE Ms C Mostyn 2M 1F 20/05/2019 GRAND. CH. SHOWIOZ MAKIN WAVES 4100091874-SEM : BRAELOCH WYNN LAKE OF DREAMS 3100352150 German Shepherd Dog BLACKWOLVES Blackwolves Kennels 5M 6F 05/05/2019 TRINCHETTI ANNANIAS 5100091335 : MANVETTOM CHLOE 5100101207 BRUANGIE Mrs V Corlett 4M 2F 14/06/2019 GEWALT TENNESSEE DRUMMER (AI) 5100093559 : ALIMANDA INFINITE DREAMS 5100080032 LUPOHANA Mr J Williamson 3M 5F 06/05/2019 UBLONG CHILE 5100103368 : UBLONG SHAKEN NOT STIRRED 5100106522 German Shepherd Dog (LSC) DAMONTE Mrs V Drummond 1M 3F 16/06/2019 BELLAMIE VOM PRAESTER-LAND GER. AD. GER. BH. IPO3. (IMP NLD) SZ2266088SEM : CH. KHAYEM ODETTE 2100437780

GROUP 6 - UTILITY Boxer BRIZEGAR Mrs J Hewson 2M 5F 13/04/2019 CH. RAMPID BIG BANG JC. 5100075652 : HUMJODESA FIAT VERONA 4100274963 Dogue De Bordeaux MOLOSCYG Moloscyg Kennels 2M 02/03/2018 CH. MOLOSCYG BABY BROUGHAM 5100045563SEM : MOLOSCYG TWERKING IT 5100083205 Rottweiler BLACKCOMBE Prof R Crouch 5M 3F 07/06/2019 NZ. GRD CH. CH. BLACKCOMBE KING VON BOYLAN (IMP USA) WS00510905SEM : CH. BLACKCOMBE DEMELZA 5100100090

SQUIZZY TAYLOR 5100100554 : CH. SCHWARTZHUND TAYLORS TOP MODEL (AI) 5100089829 UEVALC Mr C J Clavell 3M 8F 30/06/2019 VONSTRATH GRINGO 5100092700 : UEVALC ROXY 5100101533 Schnauzer (Miniature) LOUGHROBN Ms R L Myers 3M 3F 20/06/2019 MANITS FAWLTY TOWERS (IMP USA) RN31075301 : LOUGHROBN MIDNIGHT TANGO 5100101217 Siberian Husky SNOWPACKJANA Mr J & Mrs C Aranyos 2M 4F 29/06/2019 CH. AEUKANMANUVA THEFORCEAWAKENS 2100485535 : RIVERSRUN ASCENDING TO GLORY 5100100222

GROUP 7 - NON SPORTING British Bulldog BUTTERBULL Mrs Susan Musolino 1M 08/02/2017 MATTBRIDGE SCUD STUD (IMP NZL) 046072015 : DOUKRAAN ANIMAL INSTINCT (IMP NZL) 06743-2012 French Bulldog FRANTSUZBULL Mr D Kochergen 3F 29/09/2019 FRANTSUZBULL LEROY DASH 5100100072 : BULLBUSHKA TESSIE BEAR 4100271059 FRANTSUZBULL Mr D Kochergen 2F 01/06/2018 FRANTSUZBULL LEROY DASH 5100100072 : LUCKY & STRONG FORTUNA (IMP HUN) METFRBULL3386/16 GLENANGEL Ms V Hutchinson 1M 1F 04/05/2019 GLENANGEL FRANKIE 5100100906 : SOOBERA SOPHIES CHOICE 2100470796 GLENANGEL Ms V Hutchinson 1M 04/05/2019 GLENANGEL FRANKIE 5100100906 : CHALSMAE ROYAL FLAME 3100359927 MOSAC Mrs S Williams 1M 5F 06/06/2019 SAFRENCHIER THOR 5100102298 : MOSAC SYLVIE (AI) 5100103223


REPARD Mrs Y Draper 2F 14/03/2019 CAUZINHAVOC WHO MADE WHO 5100103836 : CH. CHICCHIEN PHOENIXX ROSE 2100480616


WESTOBRI Westobri Kennels 2M 2F 03/06/2019 CARTE TRUFFE Page 15

Litters HOW DO YOU DO (IMP FIN) FI21885/17 : DEFREYNE PETITE AILEAS 5100095529 German Spitz (Mittel) KAFE Kafe Kennels 2M 4F 09/06/2019 ANDUZ GYPSY LAD 2100339378 : CH. MEDIAEVALAGE CANDYS SUGAR RUSH 4100234417 Poodle (Standard) MALLEESTYLE Miss R L Gibson 3M 2F 22/05/2019 AM. CH. BAR-NONE RIDING SHOTGUN (IMP USA) PR16855015 : CH. MALLEESTYLE DOUBLE TRUFFLE 5100089040 Poodle (Toy) MAZSWAY Mrs M Marsden 2M 1F 27/06/2019 PINECRESTA LIGHTIN SILVA STORM 2100478126 : MAZSWAY NIGHT SKYE 5100101376 Shar Pei MINIATURA Mr R Connelly 1M 1F 20/05/2019 MINIATURA ITSMY INALIENABLRITE 5100087084 : CH. MINIATURA OUT OF THE SHADOWS 5100078948 SHARBOOP Mr W & Mrs J Walloscheck 1M 3F 20/05/2019 CH. SHARBOOP WOLVERINES AVATAR (AI) 5100107628 : CH. SHARBOOP DARE TO DREAM 5100095167

Titles awarded 1st August 2019 to 31st August 2019 GROUP 1 – TOYS Australian Silky Terrier CH. JAPATINA WEARING MY ROLEX 7100041734 (M) 16/08/2018 CH. JAPATINA SHOW THEM WHOS BOSS 5100102596 : GRAND. CH. BALKANA HOLLYWOOD DREAM 3100251079 - Mrs G Smith & Japatina Kennels Cavalier King Charles Spaniel CH. JANEILCAV EYECANDY 5100104120 (F) 30/12/2017 CH. ONLY RAMESES DOBRY ROK (IMP POL) PKR.IX-66892 : CH. JANEILCAV BLACK DIAMOND 5100092283 - Mrs J Rosie Griffon Bruxellois CH. BADIZA JUST DEVINE 5100106267 (M) 26/04/2018 Page 16

TOITOI AL CAPONE (IMP NZL) 03169-2013 : KANGO TAYLOR MADE 3100340409 - Roxbud Kennels Italian Greyhound CH. CASADIROSSO LA CONTESSA NERA 5100106149 (F) 15/04/2018 RHODEHOLME IGNAZIO ITALIA 3100360216 : KARINDI BEATA CONTESSA 2100435818 - Miss S Brown Lowchen CH. LOWENSQUE MADE IN HEAVEN RN. 5100099096 (M) 20/02/2017 CH. RONDAGLEN WON FOR THE ROAD 3100240546 : GRAND. CH. RONDAGLEN MOULINROUGEE 3100308951 Mrs G M Smith Maltese CH. SOYEUX KASHOGGI 2100509434 (M) 19/10/2018 FUNNY LADIES ANDY (IMP JPN) ML01215/12 : SOYEUX STARLIGHT EVENING 2100335375 - Mrs L L Walker GRAND. CH. TELSMERE ONE AND ONLY 5100093886 (F) 08/05/2016 CH. SATINBOREAS PASSIONS MAGICAL HENRY (IMP USA) TR84205403 : GRAND. CH. YOURJANA ELWIN OPALROSE 5100075395 - Mrs E Simmons Pekingese CH. TINGHOO DEVIL IN DISGUISE 5100109250 (F) 16/11/2018 CH. TINGHOO SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE 5100072637 : CH. SUNSHINEPEKE TOUCH BY GRACE 4100256330 Mrs L A Laforgia Pug KIRRBUFF RUBY TUESDAY JDX. SD. 5100088729 (F) 23/07/2015 MARTIZ WEIGHTINGOLD 5100070918 : KIRRBUFF KISS N TELL 5100053653 - Ms Chloe Bartlett SUP.CH. LOS CHATOS DEL NORTE FIRST LOVE (IMP ESP) LOE2383067 (M) 11/07/2017 LOS CHATOS DEL NORTE VANQUISHER (ESP) LOE2317230 : LOS CHATOS DEL NORTE TIRAMISU DE LIMON (IMP ESP) LOE2312865 - Mr R Connelly CH. KEATON 5100108858 (F) SWEETESS TUXEDO : SUP.CH. KEATON KISSES 5100062800 Mr W Schnitzer

DAARKLING 21/09/2018 2100455117 PUGS AND - Mr E Soti &



CH. TANYETTE MAY I CALL U JIGGLY 5100103136 (F) 02/12/2017 CH. TANYETTE IM A STRIKER 5100093962 : CH. NEUT. CH. ALOTINALITLE PUT A SPELL ON U 5100088745 - Mrs T & Miss A Beavis

GROUP 2 – TERRIERS Australian Terrier CH. PAXTERR ACES HIGH AT TAINQUEST 5100109152 (M) 07/12/2018 CH. TAINQUEST THE JOKER 5100091636 : CH. MITTLESISTA DRAMA QUEEN 3100353543 - Mrs C M Gower Border Terrier CH. BORDOUR I’M-JUST-A CUPPATEA SE. (IMP NZL) 044442016 (F) 29/04/2016 NZ. CH. DUNROBIN I’M-JUST-A TOBY JUG (NZL) 02963-2015 : BOOMTOWN ACE OF HEARTS (NZL) 074552010 - Ms T L Whalan CH. CHANPEMA FEEL THE GLORY 5100105830 (F) 04/04/2018 CH. DREWSHIELD BADGER BOY (IMP UK) AJ03119104 : GRAND. CH. CHANPEMA CHASE THAT FEELING 5100089290 Chanpema Kennels CH. GUILCROFT WALTZ WITH MATILDA SE. 2100444015 (F) 06/01/2016 PATTERDALE ISAAC AT THE CROFT (IMP NZL) 068942014 : GRAND. CH. GUILCROFT BE MY KATARINA 2100286932 Mrs T McClelland

Sealyham Terrier SUP.CH. PRESELI PLACES IN THE HEART (AI) 4100280625 (M) 21/09/2016 DUNNVILLE DUDLEY DO-RIGHT OF TINTERN (IMP USA) RN22617202-SEM : CH. PENNYFLOWER WHISPERING HOPE 2100414918 - Mr R & Mr D Mallyon-Potter Staffordshire Bull Terrier DIJAWAR HOLD THE ACES JC. 5100102095 (F) 03/09/2017 CH. VIPERSTAFF SCORPION 5100079263 : BROOMSQUIRES HATHERTON HANNAH JC. 5100080535 - Mr D I & Mrs J A Warren CH. ROCKPORT KILLER QUEEN WWPDX. 5100064583 (F) 10/05/2011 WESTROVA STOIC IRONBARK 6100054876 : CH. ROCKPORT BITCHIN BOUDICCA 5100051248 - Mrs K Halston-Wyatt Tenterfield Terrier FERNLODGE SUMMER STORM ADX. JDX. GD. SDX. SPDX. 5100073195 (F) 30/11/2012 NUDIMAH HEARTS N ARROWS 4100208824 : FERNLODGE KLASS ACT 5100058247 - Dr R Ince GUMHAVEN SHINE A LIGHT RN. TSD. FS.N. HTM.I. 5100092364 (F) 11/02/2016 GUMHAVEN BANJO PATERSON CD. RN. 5100056569 : CH. GUMHAVEN FIRE FOX 5100081183 - Mr D & Mrs J McLoughlin


LEEMA TUIT JE. 5100105494 (M) 08/03/2018 CH. DREWSHIELD BADGER BOY (IMP UK) AJ03119104 : CH. LEEMA BLUEBELLES AND MYRTLE 5100086410 - Mr M & Mrs J Beaumont

Cocker Spaniel CH. KEBARLEA KALIFORNIA DREAMIN 5100102050 (F) 22/08/2017 TARRENDAYLE LA CONFIDENTIAL 2100287580 : KEBARLEA KANDLE IN THE WIND 5100088485 - Ms K A Hutt

Cairn Terrier CH. PICK A LUCKY NUMBER SEGLAVI (IMP POL) PKR.III-84340 (M) 03/04/2018 POL. CH. POL. JR CH. CARROTTAIL’S MORTEN (POL) SE39730/2014 : POL. CH. PERASPERAADASRA SEGLAVI (POL) PKR.III-72214 - Mrs K Pearson & Ms C Guntendorfer

Curly Coated Retriever NEUT. CH. MARKABLE CHARRONNII RN. 5100098377 (M) 30/09/2016 CH. MARKABLE MULGAA RN. 5100070952 : MARKABLE INDIGO FERA 5100075814 - Miss M Purdie

Scottish Terrier CH. KELLANZ THE PEARL IS BLACK 5100107411 (F) 21/06/2018 CH. STUANE ROYAL MYTH (IMP UK) AQ03166403 : CH. KELLANZ BLACK CAVIAR 5100073331 - Mr R & Mr D Mallyon-Potter

German Shorthaired Pointer ATORAE ASTORIA CA. 5100097937 (N) 17/01/2017 AM. CH. GRAND. CH. OLDE RIDGE WISHING ON A STAR (IMP USA) SR72618201 : CH. ATORAE ESCALANTE 5100068669 - Mr J Larrett & Ms T Page CH. OAKRIDGE WALDEMAR 5100107954 (M) 02/08/2018 KS

T i t l e s Awa r d e d IIEX II VON NEUARENBERG (DEU) 0589/08 : NORA ANJULES (IMP DEU) VDH0938/15 - Ms J S MacKenzie Hungarian Vizsla CH. ERDOS LADY GUINEVERE 5100093014 (F) 04/02/2016 CH. ERDOS IAM ISAID 5100053226 : NZ. CH. SILVERTON OKOS ZSOFIA (IMP NZL) 04471-2011 Mrs V & Miss A Marsden CH. ERDOS CONNAITRE 5100096955 (M) 28/06/2016 CH. NEUT. CH. GRAEBROOK GRAND WIZARD 3100275142 : ERDOS DIAMOND R FOREVER 5100074036 - Miss B Mitchell & Mrs V Marsden Labrador Retriever CH. CHEYANDOR HOPE 5100091802 (F) 28/01/2016 CH. BLACKBOY SKATING ON ICE 6100083862 : NEUT. CH. CHEYANDOR GEM RA. TDX. QND. NRD. ORA. HTM.S. FS.I. 5100078214 - Mrs G Hann & Ms L Spouncer CH. ERAKY ECLIPSE 2100492038 (F) 02/02/2018 GRAND. CH. ALPYNEAIR BORN SUPREMACY 5100090438 : CH. ERAKY RICOCHET 2100355897 - Mrs D Venables & Mr S & Mrs B Washington RO.CH. STUARTSWELL COUNTRY SADIE CDX. 5100075118 (F) 03/03/2013 CH. SHAUNDAR BLACK TYCOON 4100122847 : BLONDCHOCLAT MISSY MOCHA 5100059534 - Ms P Richmond Lagotto Romagnolo CH. AUKERO PARTY TIME ATJAYPED 2100496860 (F) 15/03/2018 SUP.CH. KAN TRACE ONCE AGAIN AT AUKERO (IMP HRV) HR10383 : AUKERO DARE TO BE DIFFERENT 2100436485 Mrs D Thomas CH. DUOFORZA YOLANDA 2100499964 (F) 18/05/2018 CH. DUOFORZA MAXIMILLIAN 2100451160 : DUOFORZA GIDGET 2100403944 - Mrs J Quayle & Miss J Elizabeth Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever NEUT. CH. GLENMAVE READY TO ROCK N ROLL CDX. RE. TD. NRA. ADX. JDX. GD. SD. HTM.N. FS.I. 3100309383 (S) 16/06/2014 CAN. CH. CH. GLENMAVE EDMUND OF TOLLHAVEN RN. (IMP CAN) October 2019

XG347547 : CH. GLENMAVE MERRY DANCER 3100219425 Mrs S Kramer SHERBROOKE LAST LUNA ECLIPSE AD. JDM. SD. GD. SPDX. 5100085957 (F) 30/01/2015 DUAL. CH. (A) SHERBROOKE FUN IN RIO ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. SDM. SPDM. GDM. 5100049790 : SHERBROOKE ALLTHE SEVENS ADM. JDM. SDX. SPDM. GDX. 5100046240 - Mrs J V Shirlock NEUT. CH. SHERBROOKE SPRING HEAT CDX. RAE. RM. ORA. ADX. JDX. JDO. GD. SD. SPDX. 5100057745 (S) 17/11/2009 DUAL. CH. (A) SHERBROOKE FUN IN RIO ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. SDM. SPDM. GDM. 5100049790 : SHERBROOKE ALLTHE SEVENS ADM. JDM. SDX. SPDM. GDX. 5100046240 - Miss R Fidge Pointer SUP.CH. ASPYRE EWENIQUE 3100300724 (F) 10/01/2014 CH. ASPYRE DEEP IN A DREAM 3100285188 : CH. ASPYRE TWO STEP ON UR TOES ET. 2100318738 - Miss J Manser / Mr J & Mrs A Lumsden

TAHKIRA STRAWBERRY KISSES 5100087656 - Mrs B R J Ferguson Beagle CH. GOLDENGUM GENTLEMAN GEORGE (AI) 5100107807 (M) 18/08/2018 CH. FIN.CH. HILLDAMAR THE WAY TO GO 223024-SEM : CH. GOLDENGUM BUTTERSCOTCH 5100081386 Miss L Browne & Mr R King

Australian Shepherd RO.CH. ALBAJAIL BEN MAC DHUI CDX. ADM. JDM. GD. SDX. SPDM. 5100073092 (M) 07/12/2012 GRAND. CH. MAZASUKA RIVER GOD HSAs 3100150108 : AG.CH 500. SHEPALIAN DREAMS UNWIND ADO. ADM. JDO. JDM. GDX. SDX. SPDM. (IMP UK) AG04099502 Mrs J Lyon

CH. ORGUST ALDWYCH 5100107907 (F) 17/08/2018 CH. ORGUST WINSTON C 5100102792 : CH. ORGUST LUV AT FIRST SIGHT 5100087640 Orgust Kennels

RO.CH. EMBERFORDE ALICE IN WONDERLAND CDX. 5100064196 (F) 07/04/2011 CH. HOTNOTE I AM N U WISH 6100043633 : EMBERFORDE DELILAH FOR ME 5100051405 - Mr R & Mrs J Ellis

Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) CH. LOWENHYTE EYE OF THE TIGRESS 6100114189 (F) 19/11/2018 SUP.CH. LOWENHYTE HARRY 6100095831 : CH. LOWENHYTE TIGER LIL 6100076910 - Tullacrest Kennels


Greyhound sFCH. FCH. BIT ROSIE KC397 (F) 26/09/2011 BIT CHILI KC3268 : TOKEN CABERNET KC396 - Ms L A Carroll

ROZATE DARE TO DREAM HMSA(s) CD. AD. HSAc HSBs JDX. 3100190339 (S) 25/07/2007 GRAND. CH. LEESWAY DASH O NASHVILLE ET. 2100164715 : CH. ROZATE IRONHORSEPRINCESS HSAs 3100100892 - Mrs S Pfeiffer

Weimaraner (Longhair) CH. WALDWIESE NOT NEGOTIABLE TD. 5100101893 (F) 01/09/2017 GRAND. CH. WALDWIESE IN A LEAGUE OFMY OWN 5100084086 : WALDWIESE BETTER THDEVIL UKNOW 5100064213 - Waldwiese Kennels

Rhodesian Ridgeback CH. AZUBUIKE MIDNIGHT DREAMS 5100095294 (F) 27/07/2016 CAN.CH. CH. GLENAHOLM MIDNIGHT FALCON (IMP ZAF) ZA003370B11 : CH. RIJSTONE ENCHANTED DREAMS 3100274933 - Ms S Masson

Welsh Springer Spaniel LAUGHARNE ZAY CALL ME CHARLIE CDX. TD. AD. JD. 5100071226 (M) 04/07/2012 CH. LAUGHARNE THUNDERBOLT 5100034761 : CH. LAUGHARNE VIVA LA DUCK 5100045879 - Mrs S Cameron

Whippet CH. CHAKRATA HAYSI FANTAYSI 5100104443 (F) 26/12/2017 CH. ALLTALK WILD IRISH HEART 3100337879 : CH. CHAKRATA TART WITH THE CART 5100084839 - Mrs A E E Curran




Australian Cattle Dog CH. LANDMASTER SHOW NO MERCY 5100108953 (M) 12/11/2018 CH. LANDMASTER EDGEOFREALITY 5100086457 : CH. CLOVERDOWNS DELTA BLUES 3100336176 - Mr R B & Mrs C J Redhead


PANGATTA JAKEOL RA. 5100099745 (M) 14/03/2017 BLUENIP FERRIS 3100220665 : PANGATTA BLUE BELL 5100082628 - Ms L Doman


Afghan Hound CH. SULIMAN REWRITE THE STARS (AI) 5100109846 (F) 19/12/2018 ROM.CH. C.I.B. SE UCH. VDH. CH. DK. CH. GRC. CH. NLD. CH. ROM. GR. CH. CH. KARAKUSH THE MEOW FACTOR 2100324100-SEM : CH. SULIMAN THERE GOES GRAVITY 5100074169 - Mr K R, Mrs K M & Miss R E Hutchings CH. TAHKIRA AFFOGATO 5100104805 (M) 22/02/2018 CH. TAHKIRA YOU SHOULD BE SO LUCKY 5100096406 :

ROZATE FUZZ ON FIRE CCD. RN. JDX. FMX. ET. 3100256349 (F) 07/04/2011 NEUT. CH. ROZATE SLEDGEHAMMER CCD. RN. HSAs ADX. JDX. SD. SPD. ET. 3100166368 : CH. ROZATE HERE COME DA FUZZ 3100210327 Miss C Dalla Valle

Page 17

T i t l e s Awa r d e d CAN) AG509138 : DUAL. CH. (T) NEUT. CH. SHARTOOZ JACKS SECRET SONG 5100066511 - Mrs J A Miller & Mrs S J Baillie T.CH. SILVANWOOD MAGIC AT SHARTOOZ TSD. HT 3100319778 (F) 15/01/2015 CH. VULCAN MAGIC AT SHARTOOZ CCD. RE. JDX. GD. SPD. (IMP CAN) AG509138 : CH. SILVANWOOD CLASSICTOUCH 3100197809 Mrs J A Miller TUSCAMADA BRONZE AUSSIE CD. ADM. JDM. JDO. GD. SD. SPDX. 5100056168 (M) 20/09/2009 CH. TUSCAMADA FOGGY NIGHT 5100025304 : RIPKURLE KALUHUA 6100049678 - Mrs H Randall Bergamasco Shepherd Dog CH. ARNEIS OH NO EWE DIDNT 5100108364 (M) 01/10/2018 GRAND. CH. MUNGADEL BEAGINO JC. 2100422396 : CH. BESSYE DEL PIERVEZ (IMP ITA) ROI16/145365 - Miss H Robey Border Collie ARAJOEL HAPI JORDI CD. ADX. JD. SD. SPDX. GDX. 2100418342 (F) 08/11/2014 INAWORD TRY A BLUE ROCK 3100259094 : ARAJOEL OAKWOOD EVE 2100254786 - Dr J Magarey TRI CH.(A)(RO) CALANAIS MIDNIGHT IN PARIS UD. RAE. ADM. JDM. JDO. GD. SD. 5100063047 (S) 16/01/2011 CH. MERRINDA VALENTINO ROSSI 3100217414 : TRI CH.(O)(A) RO.CH. CALANAIS KINKY BOOTS RAE. ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. GDX. SDX. SPD. 5100040202 - Miss A McKenzie LOVETORUN TRUE COLOURS JD. SPD. GD. 5100091627 (F) 09/01/2016 LITTLEEDEN THUNDERPAWS BANDIT CD. RN. ADM. JDM. GD. SDX. SPDX. 2100374566 : WOTTAPUD LITTLE BLUPEEP CD. RN. ADX. JDX. GD. SD. SPD. 4100225850 - Mrs S B Taylor TOOKURRA MIDNITE PASSION CCD. RE. AD. JDX. GD. SD. SPD. 5100066704 (F) 14/09/2011 TOOKURRA STARCROSSD LUVA 5100037784 : TOOKURRA AFFAIROTH HEART 5100045379 Mrs J J Sullivan TULLACREST CHILLI CASCADE RE. 5100070687 (F) 16/06/2012 JAP. CH. CH. MERRINDA YOU Page 18

HAD ME AT HELLO 3100252472 : CH. TULLACREST CHILL OUT 5100044761 - Mr D R Bilney WILDERBLU MOUNTAIN ROMANCE (AI) CD. RA. 5100096147 (F) 13/09/2016 AM. GR CH. ADVENTURE’S OF CALDER MOUNTAINMAN (USA) DN25320802-SEM : WILDERBLU LOVE AFFAIR 5100077518 - Ms B Kepler & Mrs A Eatts Briard UK. CH. C.I.B. SUP.CH. FOSTEBRIE DIVINE EDITION (SHCM) (JW) (IMP UK) 2047CZ (M) 17/11/2013 UK. CH. FOSTEBRIE JUST DIVINE (SHCM) (UK) 2362CX : FOSTEBRIE RADIANCE (UK) 2179CX - Ms E Bennett Collie (Rough) RO.CH. COLLIESTON RHYTHM AND RHYME CD. AD. JD. SD. SPD. HTM.N. FS.I. 5100078200 (F) 15/09/2013 CH. HIGHCLERE NEVER MR BEAT CD. RE. HTM.S. FS.S. 4100198130 : COLLIESTON VIRGINIA WOOF CDX. RAE. RM. ADX. ADO. JDX. GD. SDX. SPDX. FS.N. HTM.N. 5100044439 - J S C Brown Finnish Lapphund CH. NEUT. CH. MAGPIELANE MORNING SONG CCD. RE. JDX. SD. SPD. ONYX ET. JC. WPD. 3100207321 (S) 17/07/2008 FJALLFARMENS UMMIKO (IMP SWE) S13509/2005 : MAGPIELANE ALKUTALVI 3100182593 - Dr N Boyd Norwegian Buhund CH. DELAROCHE FLOKI 5100101937 (M) 19/08/2017 CH. KIMURA’S VIKING (IMP NOR) NO38514/15 : NO UCH. CH. C.I.B. RENNEDAL’S BRYNHILD SKJOLDMOY (IMP NOR) NO30737/15 - Prof R Crouch Shetland Sheepdog T.CH. CONIKI BACHELOR BABE RN. PT. 5100100245 (F) 17/05/2017 DUAL. CH. (TS) TS. GRAND.CH. LEARICK BACHELOR BOY RN. PT. 4100161867 : CONIKI ITS ALL ABOUT ME 5100070707 Miss T M Shanahan CH. DEZSHEL MIDNIGHT WITCH 2100501529 (F) 13/07/2018 KOR. CH. EYES OF ANGEL CROWN PRINCE (KOR) SD-17-0003988 : ALISTE HEARTS DEZIRE CD. 5100089947 - Mr A & S Lim & Mrs P Brennan-Lim

Shetland Sheepdog SHALREIGN SUNSEEKER RN. HTM.S. 5100090909 (M) 23/10/2015 SUP.CH. SUNLAND SUNTORY 6100075629 : CH. SHALREIGN PICTURE PURFECT 5100072389 - Ms S Steele SHELSTORM FIRST DANCE CCD. RN. 5100076501 (F) 10/06/2013 SUP.CH. NIGMA CADFAEL 3100179652 : CH. SHELSIAN LAST TANGO 5100060356 - Mrs L L Fielden Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) NZ. CH. SUP.CH. DWYNELLA HIGH ROLLER (AI) (IMP NZL) 02995-2013 (M) 11/02/2013 AM. CH. BYENDEBROK MAPLECREEK BACCARAT AM. AXJ. AM. CD. AM. MX. (USA) DL91792903 : NZ. CH. DWYNELLA DIAMOND IN THE SKYE (NZL) 07041-2009 - Mr P R & Mrs K Y Flynn White Swiss Shepherd Dog CH. NEUT. CH. OWECAROSE BLACK PEARL 5100096733 (S) 20/11/2016 HUN. JR CH. CH. EAGLEHAWK OF ICE WINE (IMP HUN) METSVAJCIFJ10/14 : CH. OWECAROSE ANGELIC HANA MATOI 5100079141 - Miss A Wisdom

GROUP 6 – UTILITY Bernese Mountain Dog T.CH. MALICLOY SIR K NOTES KOTHRANN TSD. 5100098999 (M) 22/12/2016 CH. WERLWIND’S CELTIC THUNDER DOWN UNDER (IMP USA) WS51634704 : MALICLOY JUST MORE HOT GOSSIP 5100081478 - Miss E L Watt Bullmastiff CH. NIGHTKING CONCRETE BLONDE (AI) 5100092974 (F) 24/01/2016 CH. OPALGUARD ROBBIE 2100266917-SEM : NIGHTKING BITTER TEARS 5100064765 - Mrs N Wallis & Mrs J Knight Dobermann CH. NEUT. CH. WALAMARA LEAD THE WAY (IMP NZL) 02039-2013 (S) 11/01/2013 AM. CH. AQUARIUS’ RAINDANCIN ATWALAMARA (IMP USA) WS20738808 : CH. WALAMARA FLYING FIRST CLASS 3100241590 - Mrs D Heinze PRESHUSFLICK GENTLEMANN XTREME CA. 5100086325 (N) 15/02/2015 MASTERKARN TURBULANT STORM 4100204856

: CH. NEUT. CH. WALAMARA LEAD THE WAY (IMP NZL) 020392013 - Miss R Abela Rottweiler NEUT. CH. TRI CH. (T)(TS) BLAKESIMS STOP ME CCD. RA. 2100379088 (N) 16/02/2013 CH. ROTTSDALE STOP AND STARE (IMP IRL) Y27924 : BLAKESIMS PANTZ ON FIRE 2100317609 Miss N Medlicott T.CH. BLAKESIMS KANYEMBA BROOKLYN (AI) RN. HSAs 2100463193 (F) 11/11/2016 CH. ROTTGENNESIS KANYEMBA VON QUEBEX (UK) AG04702103-SEM : LUDENDORF PIPPA 3100265079 - Miss N Medlicott WESTOBRI CIDRU YASH RN. 5100064811 (M) 29/04/2011 GRAND. CH. WESTOBRI ZAJA DRUM 5100030696 : WESTOBRI LURI CILLA 5100032143 - Miss T Cornwell WESTOBRI TAJ CALEB CCD. RE. 5100100535 (M) 09/05/2017 ODIN VOM DUNVANHOF (IMP NLD) NHSB2973939 : WESTOBRI HERU HALLIE 5100088615 - Mrs P Stewart Samoyed BELTAMO CALICO JACK JC. 5100089534 (M) 13/08/2015 SUNMIST CRUISERS TOP GUN 7100032239 : BELTAMO SCENE STEALER 5100044358 - Beltamo Kennels Schnauzer (Miniature) THEGLEBE LADY ELKE CCD. ADO. ADM. JDO. JDM. GD. SPDX. SDX. 4100191497 (F) 24/07/2010 KIANIDOON NELSON BUB 4100149273 : THEGLEBE LADY TRINITY 4100156020 - Ms T Comely THEGLEBE LADY HENRIETTA ADX. JDX. GD. SDX. SPDX. 4100260816 (F) 03/06/2015 AM. CH. AM. GR CH. REPITITION’S UPYRKILT (IMP USA) RN24688804 : THEGLEBE JAZZ ABELLE 4100226545 - Ms T Comely


T i t l e s Awa r d e d Chow Chow CH. CHOWLEIGH A TOUCH OF SMOOTH 3100380365 (F) 17/08/2018 TOUCHOFCHOW RUFN ONA JET PLANE 5100092710 : CHOWLEIGH HOT LIKE A SUNRISE 3100302326 Ms J Mouroufas CH. FINNOZ BENEDETTA (AI) 5100108077 (F) 05/09/2018 C.I.B. DK. CH. FIN.CH. NO UCH. NORD. CH. SE. CH.(N) VDH. CH. LONG FENG CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW (SWE) SE40317/2011-SEM : PARMELIA AIKA PAKKAUS (IMP FIN) FI34087/13 - Mr P & Mrs M Grebert / Ms M Lahde French Bulldog CH. BEAUTAUREAU J ADORE LE GARCON (AI) 5100098545 (M) 09/02/2017 JOKER FACE’S YAM YAM MAFFIG (DEN) DK12706/2014-SEM : CH. BEAUTAUREAU GIRL FROM THE HOOD 6100081053 - Ms F Kearney CH. CAUZINHAVOC WAR N PEACE 5100102642 (F) 12/10/2017 CAUZINHAVOC HIGHWAY TO HELL 5100094930 : CAUZINHAVOC RIDDLE ME THIS 5100089379 - Mrs Y Draper Keeshond CH. TICOL GALAXY QUEEN 5100108227 (F) 16/09/2018 TICOL SPIRITUAL CHARMER 5100098103 : TICOL IMA SWEET TREAT 5100092438 - Mrs A Misell Poodle (Miniature) HILLANI REGAL REKO ADM. JDX. GD. SD. SPDX. 5100079060 (M) 23/11/2013 CH. HILLANI ITS ALL ABOUT ME 5100059505 : CH. HILLANI SLICK CHICK ON SILVER 5100052484 - Mrs R D Jackson CH. HILLANI SPATICUS LAUDS (AI) CD. RA. ADM. JDX. SPDX. SDX. GDX. ET. 5100084437 (M) 16/09/2014 CH. HILLANI AUSI DYMOND 5100046319-SEM : HILLANI EUREKA IAM HERE 5100051756 - Ms K J Moralee Poodle (Standard) RHYMEAH BLACK TIE CCD. RN. 3100361767 (M) 31/05/2017 KELLYVIX RHAPSODY IN WHITE 2100394004 : RHYMEAH ABBEY 3100289351 - Mrs J E Bolton SHERTONAH ROCK STAR RN. FS.N. HTM.I. 3100301989 (N) 10/01/2014 SHERTONAH ROCK THIS TOWN 3100234460 : October 2019

SHERTONAH MARQUIS DIAMOND 3100264427 - Ms K Marder TANNAH HARRY IN A HURRY TSD. 3100352577 (M) 20/11/2016 FLARE STAR JP CEPHEUS (IMP JPN) PS77243/14 : TANNAH ITS ALL ABOUT THE ANGEL 3100305262 - Mrs R Geraghty

Associate Gundogs Rally Advanced GYPSY CCD. RAE. NRA. FMX. ET. 500903AR - Dr C Nottle’s Labrador Retriever Flyball Master Excellent GYPSY CCD. RAE. NRA. FMX. ET. 500903AR - Dr C Nottle’s Labrador Retriever

Associate Register Companion Dog Excellent KAYCEE CDX. RA. 500934AR – Mrs L L Fielden’s Border Collie Cross Rally Novice BENNEVIS RN. 500987AR - Miss N Mudge’s Border Collie DOUG CCD. RN. 501025AR - Mrs H Cottier’s Koolie HOLLI CCD. RN. 501119AR - Mrs S Lee’s German Shepherd Dog Cross AG.CH 500. MYSTICSKYE RN. ADM. ADO. JDO. JDM. SDX. SPDX. GDM. 500700AR - Mrs M Vuaran’s Border Collie STORM RN. ADX. ADO. JDX. GD. SDX. SPDX. 500726AR - Ms G Gariyasa’s Poodle (Miniature) Rally Advanced KAYCEE CDX. RA. 500934AR – Mrs L L Fielden’s Border Collie Cross Rally Excellent JANGO CCD. RE. 501117AR - Ms K Wiltshire’s Australian Cattle Dog Cross T.CH. JORDIE CDX. RE. 501009AR - Mrs P A Fickling’s Border Collie BILLY RE. 501112AR - Ms V Symons’ Australian Kelpie Endurance Test RUE AD. JDX. GD. ET. 501032AR - Miss S Wright’s Australian Kelpie

Agility Dog YORI RN. AD. JD. 501111AR Miss M Simmons’ Border Collie Cross Agility Dog Open MRMJJACKSON RA. ADM. ADO. JDX. GD. SPD. SDX. 500811AR Mrs R Short’s Spaniel Cross Agility Champion 500 AG.CH 500. HUNTER RN. ADM. JDM. JDO. SDX. SPDX. GDX. 500923AR – Australian Kelpie Cross Gamblers Dog RUE AD. JDX. GD. ET. 501032AR - Miss S Wright’s Australian Kelpie Gamblers Dog Excellent AG.CH 400. MAGGIE ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. SD. SDX. SPDX. GDX. 500947AR - Mrs S Wright’s Jack Russell Terrier TOOEY ADX. ADO. JDX. JDO. SPD. SD. GDX. 501029AR - Mrs H Randall’s Australian Kelpie Snooker Dog TOOEY ADX. ADO. JDX. JDO. SPD. SD. GDX. 501029AR - Mrs H Randall’s Australian Kelpie Snooker Dog Excellent AG.CH 400. MAGGIE ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. SD. SDX. SPDX. GDX. 500947AR - Mrs S Wright’s Jack Russell Terrier Snooker Dog Master AURORA CD. RE. RAE. ADX. ADO. JDO 2. JDM. GDX. SPD. SDM. FS.S. 500988AR - Miss N Mudge’s Border Collie Strategic Pairs Dog AURORA CD. RE. RAE. ADX. ADO. JDO 2. JDM. GDX. SPD. SDM. FS.S. 500988AR - Miss N Mudge’s Border Collie Strategic Pairs Dog Excellent AG.CH 400. MAGGIE ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. SD. SDX. SPDX. GDX. 500947AR - Mrs S Wright’s Jack Russell Terrier Junior Courser ZERA JC. 501090AR - Mr W Window & Miss V Schmidt’s Bull Arab Cross OZZIE JC. 501091AR - Mr W Window & Miss V Schmidt’s Bull Arab Coursing Ability STELLA CA. 501114AR - Mr J

Larrett & Ms T Page’s German Shorthaired Pointer Pre-Trial Test DARCY PT. 501134AR - Miss C K Threadgold’s Koolie Herding Started A (s) DUKE HSAs 501137AR - Mr B Hill’s Australian Kelpie Working Weight Pull Dog ELLIOTT WWPD. 501129AR - Ms G Roberts’ Whippet Working Pack Dog Excellence DEATHSTAR ET. WPDX. 301908AR - Dr N Boyd’s Australian Kelpie

Sporting Register Rally Advanced HELENDALE DARCY CCD. RA. A0595SR - Ms H Hinkley’s Border Collie Agility Dog Excellent WINDHWAY LAYLA RE. ADX. JD. SA5692SR - Mrs N Wauchope’s Border Collie Coursing Ability VLCEK FILIPPA CA. 2322SR - Ms M Mudde’s White Swiss Shepherd Dog Pre-Trial Test PILBARA STEEL PT. A2M3493418PWK14BSR - Mr T & Mrs N Hearse’s Australian Kelpie

SHOW RESULTS CORRECTION Southern Districts Championship Show 25th May 2019 am Show Non-Sporting - Best in Group T Wallage’s Great Dane Ch Dannelsa Somethin T Talk About

Page 19

S h o w R e s u lt s Clubs, please ensure catalogues submitted to the Dogs SA Office are recorded correctly as random errors are being found in most catalogues. Results which are incorrectly recorded create problems at various levels including incorrect results published in the Dogs SA magazine and when Clubs or members access marked catalogues for given point scores or missing points certificates.

SA Poultry Kennel Club Inc Results of the Championship Show held on Friday 16th August 2019 Judges were: Mr G Anderson (USA) – Group 1; Ms D Conod (Can) – Group 2 and General Specials; Mr M Chaloux (Can) – Group 3; Ms K Grant (Can) – Group 4; Ms K Grant (Can) – Group 5A; Mr J Machado (Braz) – Group 5B; Mr M Queijeiro (Mex) – Group 6; Dr C Molina (Bol) – Group 7. Best in Show & Best Open: C Sinclair, S Huebner, P Kelly’s Puli, Sup Ch Cordmaker The Boy Is Mine. RU Best in Show: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). Best Baby: Atorae Kennel’s Jack Russell Terrier, Atorae The Alter Ego. Best Minor: N Gouzos’ Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired), Boarbadger She Pretty. Best Puppy: G Jones’ Shetland Sheepdog, LochWind Just Opulent. Best Junior: S Wymark’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Savion Stand Your Ground. Best Intermediate: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. Best Australian Bred: S Wilkes’ Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Brookstreet Craichead. Best Neutered: A Barber’s Irish Wolfhound, Gr Ch & Neut Ch Drayton Lady Dorothea. RU Best Neutered: J Allen’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch & Neut Ch Lynroge Copyright. TOYS Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Sup Ch Los Chatos Del Norte First Love (Imp ESP). Best Baby: T & K Keves’ English Toy Terrier (Black and Tan), Aaungara Venus De Milo. Best Puppy: S Baillie’s Havanese, Ch Shartooz Sassy. TERRIERS Best Exhibit: S Wymark’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Savion Stand And Deliver. RU Best Exhibit: R Dearnaley’s Kerry Blue Terrier, Ch Legeartis Carte Blanche (Imp NZ). Best Baby: Atorae Kennel’s Jack Russell Terrier, Atorae The Alter Ego. Best Puppy: C Kuchel’s West Highland White Terrier, Bobbinray High Hopes. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ).RU Best Exhibit: Azel Kennel’s Cocker Spaniel Page 20

(American), Ch Azel Moments Like This. Best Baby: L Lukich’s Cocker Spaniel, Cobalt Love Of My Life. Best Puppy: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Kirkdell Australian Icon.

Best Exhibit and Best Intermediate: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. Best Baby: C Scott’s Italian Greyhound, Tunamara Dance Once For Me. Best Minor: K, K & R Hutchings’ Afghan Hound, Suliman Rewrite The Stars (AI). Best Puppy: J Manser, J & A Lumsden’s Pointer, Aspyre Cat Got UR Tongue. Best Junior: S Wymark’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Savion Stand Your Ground. Best Australian Bred: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. Best Neutered: DISQUALIFIED. RU Best Neutered: J Allen’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch & Neut Ch Lynroge Copyright.

HOUNDS Best Exhibit: P & F Danaher’s Harrier, Sup Ch Fellhunters On The Scent. RU Best Exhibit: P Cottrell & R Moag’s Borzoi, Ch Dolinoff Blissful Dawn. Best Baby: Almazart Kennel’s Rhodesian Ridgeback, Almazart Eastern Promises. Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Keaton Frozen (AI).

TOYS Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Sup Ch Los Chatos Del Norte First Love (Imp ESP). Best Baby: C Scott’s Italian Greyhound, Tunamara Dance Once For Me. Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Pug, Keaton Daarkling.

WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: C Sinclair, S Huebner, P Kelly’s Puli, Sup Ch Cordmaker The Boy Is Mine. RU Best Exhibit: A & S Lim, P Brennan-Lim’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Aliste De La Hoya. Best Baby: K Baxter’s Old English Sheepdog, Zenbaxzi The Lone Ranger. Best Puppy: G Jones’ Shetland Sheepdog, LochWind Just Opulent.

TERRIERS Best Exhibit: S Wymark’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Savion Stand Your Ground. RU Best Exhibit: R Dearnaley’s Kerry Blue Terrier, Ch Legeartis Carte Blanche (Imp NZ). Best Baby: Chanpema Kennels Border Terrier, Chanpema The Dealer. Best Puppy: K Pearson’s Cairn Terrier, Ch Natuska Catcher In The Rye.

UTILITY Best Exhibit: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. RU Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Sup Ch, Am Ch, Can Ch Anuniaq Lithium (BEL) (Imp CAN). Best Baby: D Cavaiuolo’s Bullmastiff, Mymooch An Affair To Remember. Best Puppy: N Hann’s Rottweiler, Alchemy Guns In The Sky.

GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). RU Best Exhibit: Azel Kennel’s Cocker Spaniel (American), Ch Azel Moments Like This. Best Baby: V & A Marsden’s Pointer, Erdos Dreaming Out Loud (AI). Best Puppy: J Manser, J & A Lumsden’s Pointer, Aspyre Cat Got UR Tongue.

NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: M Nottle-Justice’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Remkyn Diamond Divo By Design. RU Best Exhibit: A & J Janonis, L Edmunds’ Dalmatian, Ch Ibadan Crowned Prince Of Crime. Best Baby: B McWatt, C Keygan, Abiaan Kennel’s French Bulldog, Abiann Cover Girl. Best Puppy: K Santas’ Keeshond, Hunkeedori Good T Th Last Drop.

HOUNDS Best Exhibit: P Cottrell & R Moag’s Borzoi, Ch Mistraka Zachary Smith. RU Best Exhibit: K, K & R Hutchings’ Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice. Best Baby: N Gontar & D Huon’s Azawakh, Jumadabey Qatra. Best Puppy: Tullacrest Kennel’s Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired), Ch Lowenhyte Eye of the Tigress.

SA Poultry Kennel Club Inc

Judges were: Mr J Machado (Braz) – Group 1A; Mr M Queijeiro (Mex) – Group 1B, Group 2 and General Specials; Ms D Conod (Can) – Group 3; Dr C Molina (Bol) – Group 4; Mr M Chaloux (Can) – Group 5; Mr G Anderson (USA) – Group 6; Ms K Grant (Can) – Group 7.

WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: C Sinclair, S Huebner, P Kelly’s Puli, Sup Ch Cordmaker The Boy Is Mine. RU Best Exhibit: A Lim, P Brennan-Lim, R & A Egel’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Sunland Suntory. Best Baby: K Gordon-Hunt’s White Swiss Shepherd Dog, Oewcarose Desert Bloom. Best Puppy: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Ch Landmaster Show No Mercy.

Best in Show & Best Open: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). RU

UTILITY Best Exhibit: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. RU Best

Results of the Championship Show held on Saturday 17th August 2019

SA Poultry Kennel Club Inc


Championship Show held on Saturday 17th August 2019 Judges were: Mr J Machado (Braz) – Group 1A; Mr M Queijeiro (Mex) – Group 1B, Group 2 and General Specials; Ms D Conod (Can) – Group 3; Dr C Molina (Bol) – Group 4; Mr M Chaloux (Can) – Group 5; Mr G Anderson (USA) – Group 6; Ms K Grant (Can) – Group 7. Photos by Mark & Josie Haseldine


Best Exhibit: S Wymark’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Savion Stand Your Ground.

RU Best Exhibit: R Dearnaley’s Kerry Blue Terrier, Ch Legeartis Carte Blanche (Imp NZ).

October 2019

Best Exhibit & BEST IN SHOW: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ).

RU Best Exhibit: Azel Kennel’s Cocker Spaniel (American), Ch Azel Moments Like This.


RU Best Exhibit: K, K & R Hutchings’ Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice.


Best Exhibit & RU BEST IN SHOW: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call.

RU Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Sup Ch Los Chatos Del Norte First Love (Imp ESP).



Best Exhibit: P Cottrell & R Moag’s Borzoi, Ch Mistraka Zachary Smith.

Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief.

Best Exhibit: C Sinclair, S Huebner, P Kelly’s Puli, Sup Ch Cordmaker The Boy Is Mine.

RU Best Exhibit: A Lim, P Brennan-Lim, R & A Egel’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Sunland Suntory.


RU Best Exhibit: Kalora Kennel’s Dobermann, Ch Walamara Xtreme-Force (Imp NZ).

Best Exhibit: M Nottle-Justice’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Remkyn Diamond Divo By Design.

RU Best Exhibit: C Terry’s French Bulldog, Ch Beautaureau Embrasse Mon Toosh.

Page 21

Exhibit: Kalora Kennel’s Dobermann, Ch Walamara Xtreme-Force (Imp NZ). Best Baby: D Cavaiuolo’s Bullmastiff Mymooch An Affair To Remember. Best Puppy: D Klaaysen, J Beard, K ORiley’s Samoyed, Yerevan Storm Boy. NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: M Nottle-Justice’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Remkyn Diamond Divo By Design. RU Best Exhibit: C Terry’s French Bulldog, Ch Beautaureau Embrasse Mon Toosh. Best Baby: S Paine’s Xolotzcuintle (Standard), Amorenekid The Jokes On You. Best Puppy: K Santas Keeshond, Hunkeedori Good T Th Last Drop.

SA Poultry Kennel Club Inc Results of the Championship Show held on Sunday 18th August 2019 Judges were: Dr C Molina (Bol) – Group 1 and General Specials; Ms K Grant (Can) – Group 2; Mrs B Andersen (USA) – Group 3; Mr M Queijeiro (Mex) – Group 4; Ms D Conod (Can) – Group 5; Mr M Chaloux (Can) – Group 6; Mr G Anderson (USA) – Group 7. Best in Show & Best Australian Bred: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: C Sinclair, S Huebner, P Kelly’s Puli, Sup Ch Cordmaker The Boy Is Mine. Best Baby: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Articpride Winter Snow Storm. Best Minor: G Wellman’s German Shepherd Dog, Taurorn Zendaya. Best Puppy: G Jones’ Shetland Sheepdog, LochWind Just Opulent. Best Junior: K Tranby’s Cocker Spaniel (American), Ch Azel Look Whostalking Now. Best Intermediate: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. Best Neutered: K Davis’ Australian Shepherd, Gr Ch & Neut Ch Sutter So Bedazzled (Imp NZ). RU Best Neutered: T & A Beavis’ Pug, Ch & Neut Ch Alotinalitle Put A Spell On U. TOYS Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Sup Ch Los Chatos Del Norte First Love (Imp ESP). Best Baby: P Douglas Havanese, Anese Isabella. K Tilley & T Sunman’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Grandimage Walking On Sunshine. TERRIERS Best Exhibit: Anvilhart Kennel’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ch Anvilhart Hashtag OMG. RU Best Exhibit: R Dearnaley’s Kerry Blue Terrier, Ch Legeartis Carte Blanche (Imp NZ). Best Baby: Chanpema Kennel’s Border Terrier, Chanpema High Stakes. Best Puppy: D Hughes’ American Staffordshire Terrier, Amstafomine Heads I Win. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). RU Page 22

Best Exhibit: Azel Kennel’s Cocker Spaniel (American), Ch Azel Show Some Class. Best Baby: Catalogue incorrectly marked. Best Puppy: J Manser, J & A Lumsden’s Pointer, Aspyre Cat Got UR Tongue.

Aceweis Kiss The Girls At Heiderst. Best Neutered: J McDonnell’s Labrador Retriever, Ch & Neut Ch Frewind Blonde Ambition. RU Best Neutered: R Mineff’s Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois), Toujour Nuit Nifty Nespresso.

HOUNDS Best Exhibit: A Curran’s Whippet, Ch Chakrata Tart With The Cart. RU Best Exhibit: G & P Russell, B Farrell, A Jones’ Saluki, Ch Pazada Reflections. Best Baby: N Gontar & D Huon’s Azawakh, Jumadabey Qatra. Best Puppy: Tullacrest Kennel’s Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired), Ch Lowenhyte Eye of the Tigress.

TOYS Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Sup Ch Los Chatos Del Norte First Love (Imp ESP). Best Baby: K Lewis’ Papillon, Sailoz Shez Got Rhythm. Best Puppy: K Brooksby’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Ch Cavashon Ticked Those Boxes.

WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: C Sinclair, S Huebner, P Kelly’s Puli, Sup Ch Cordmaker The Boy Is Mine. RU Best Exhibit: E Bennett’s Briard, UK Ch & Sup Ch Fostebrie Divine Edition JW ShCM (Imp UK). Best Baby: J Van Eck, R & B Bonham’s German Shepherd Dog, Wandarrak Rebel Withoutacause. Best Puppy: G Jones’ Shetland Sheepdog, Lochwind Just Opulent.

TERRIERS Best Exhibit: J & D Collin’s Fox Terrier (Wire), Sup Ch Yiriwyre Lets Get Ridiculous. RU Best Exhibit: S Lowe’s Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Shaneca Let Them Eat Cake JC. Best Baby: Atorae Kennel’s Jack Russell Terrier, Atorae The Alter Ego. Best Puppy: D O’Handley’s Scottish Terrier, Megalops Wilfred.

UTILITY Best Exhibit: M & J Ross’ St Bernard, Sup Ch Beamzstar Beau Zam. RU Best Exhibit: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. Best Baby: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Articpride Winter Snow Storm. Best Puppy: D Klaaysen, J Beard, K ORiley’s Samoyed, Yerevan Storm Boy. NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: M Nottle-Justice’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Remkyn Diamond Divo By Design. RU Best Exhibit: K Harvey’s Dalmatian, Sup Ch Paceaway Skys The Limit. Best Baby: R Kemp & S Campain’s Boston Terrier, Merryjay Bostn Kandy Creation. Best Puppy: A Cadd’s French Bulldog, Kiangsi I am Jaguar.

Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc Results of the Championship Show held on Friday 23rd August 2019 Judges were: Miss R Green (QLD) – Group 1; Mrs S Monk (WA) – Group 2; Mrs M Gostelow (VIC) – Group 3; Mrs A Hearn (VIC) – Group 4; Mrs L Stevens (ACT) – Group 5 & General Specials; Ms P Grutzner (VIC) – Group 6; Mrs E Maitland (SA) – Group 7. Best in Show & Best Australian Bred: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best in Show & Best Open: C Sinclair, S Huebner, P Kelly’s Puli, Sup Ch Cordmaker The Boy Is Mine. Best Baby: Atorae Kennel’s Jack Russell Terrier, Atorae The Alter Ego. Best Minor: K Shilton’s Pug, Parkhurst Dragonheart. Best Puppy: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Ch Landmaster Show No Mercy. Best Junior: A & S Lim, P BrennanLim’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Dezshel Midnight Witch. Best Intermediate: Aceweis & Heiderst Kennel’s Hungarian Vizsla, Ch

GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: N Clark’s Pointer, Tyeanbo Fame N Fortune At Fyrepoint (AI). RU Best Exhibit: Aceweis & Heiderst Kennel’s Hungarian Vizsla, Ch Aceweis Kiss The Girls At Heiderst. Best Baby: J Callery’s English Springer Spaniel, Roskukerville Special Agent. Best Puppy: E Zucker’s Cocker Spaniel, Elswood My Happiness. HOUNDS Best Exhibit and Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Keaton Frozen (AI). RU Best Exhibit: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice. Best Baby: S & D Flew’s Beagle, Beagelee Proof Positive (AI). WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: C Sinclair, S Huebner, P Kelly’s Puli, Sup Ch Cordmaker The Boy Is Mine. RU Best Exhibit: Catalogue Incorrectly Marked. Best Baby: J Van Eck, R & B Bonham’s German Shepherd Dog, Wandarrack Ready Or Not. Best Puppy: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Ch Landmaster Show No Mercy. UTILITY Best Exhibit: S Jackson’s Dobermann, Walamara Always In My Heart (Imp NZ). RU Best Exhibit: B & M Schier’s Siberian Husky, Ch Schanata Crimson Secret (AI). Best Baby: C Gray’s Schnauzer (Miniature), Saultz Blanca Little Bit Wild At Edelgeist. Best Puppy: Klaaysen, Beard, O’Riley’s Samoyed, Yerevan Storm Boy. NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: K Harvey’s Dalmatian, Sup Ch Paceaway Skys The Limit. RU Best Exhibit: B Gardiner’s Shih Tzu, Ch Killilan It’s Judgement Day. Best Baby: K Harvey’s Dalmatian, Instride Is There Life On Mars. Best Puppy: K Santas’ Keeshond, Hunkeedori Good T Th Last Drop.

Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc Results of the Championship Show held on Saturday 24th August 2019 Judges were: Ms P Grutzner (VIC) – Group 1; Mrs E Maitland (VIC) – Group 2; Mrs A Hearn (VIC) – Group 3; Mrs M Gostelow (VIC) – Group 4; Miss R Green (QLD) – Group 5; Mrs L Stevens (ACT) – Group 6; Mrs S Monk (WA) – Group 7 and General Specials. Best in Show & Best Australian Bred: P Harris’ Poodle (Miniature), Ch Arataire Rising Higher. RU Best in Show & Best Open: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). Best Baby: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Articpride Winter Snow Storm. Best Minor: N Gouzos’ Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired), Boarbadger She Pretty. Best Puppy: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Ch Landmaster Show No Mercy. Best Junior: C Flattum & A Divola’s Italian Greyhound, Kosmos Timbre. Best Intermediate: C Russell & A Catt’s Norwegian Buhund, Delaroche Fjotunn. Best Neutered: T & A Beavis’ Pug, Ch & Neut Ch Alotinalitle Put A Spell On U. RU Best Neutered: K Ricketts’ Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ch & Neut Ch Rangemaster Spot On For Style. TOYS Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: K Lewis’ Papillon, Ch Sailoz Xclusive By Design. Best Baby: K Lewis’ Papillon, Sailoz Iv Got Rhythm. Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Pug, Ch Keaton Daarkling.

WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: A & L Lim, P Brennan-Lim’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Aliste De La Loya. RU Best Exhibit: C Russell & A Catt’s Norwegian Buhund, Delaroche Fjotunn. Best Baby: B Shepherdson’s Border Collie, Tullacrest Serendipity. Best Puppy: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Ch Landmaster Show No Mercy. UTILITY Best Exhibit: A & K Raymond’s Dobermann, Ch Teriyaki Borussia (Costa Rica) (Imp USA). RU Best Exhibit: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. Best Baby: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Articpride Winter Snow Storm. Best Puppy: D Klaaysen, J Beard, K O’Riley’s Samoyed, Yerevan Storm Boy. NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: P Harris’ Poodle (Miniature), Ch Arataire Rising Higher. RU Best Exhibit: C & T Spear’s Keeshond, Sup Ch Nawitkees Riders On The Storm (AI). Best Baby: S Paine’s Xoloitzcuintle, Amorenekid The Jokes On You. Best Puppy: K Santas’ Keeshond, Hunkeedori Good T Th Last Drop.

Results of the Championship Show held on Sunday 25th August 2019 Judges were: Mrs A Hearn (VIC) – Group 1; Mrs L Stevens (ACT) – Group 2; Ms P Grutzner (VIC) – Group 3; Mrs E Maitland (VIC) – Group 4 and General Specials; Mrs M Gostelow (VIC) – Group 5; Mrs S Monk (WA) – Group 6; Miss R Green (QLD) – Group 7.

GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). RU Best Exhibit: B & H Clarke’s Pointer, Ch & AM Silver Gr Ch Zensu Bed Of Roses. Best Baby: R Thompson’s Golden Retriever, Chaleur Youve Got Mail. Best Puppy: J & A Lumsden, J Manser’s Pointer, Aspyre Watch UR Tongue. HOUNDS Best Exhibit: P Thompson’s Whippet, Ch Aarak Joker Is Wild. RU Best Exhibit: K, K & R Hutchings’ Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice. Best Baby: S & D Flew’s Beagle, Beagelee Proof Positive (AI). Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Keaton Black Ice (AI).

TOYS Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: K Lewis’ Papillon, Ch Sailoz Xclusive By Design. Best Baby: P Douglas’ Havanese, Anese Isabella. Best Puppy: Chipbon Kennel’s Pomeranian, Chipbon Dusted In Gold.

October 2019

GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: G Love & K Hutt’s Cocker Spaniel, Kebarlea Kalifornia Dreamin. RU Best Exhibit: A Rogers & P Marsh’s Brittany, Gr Ch Tendayi Magic Now n Forever. Best Baby: B & S Nick’s Labrador Retriever, Cavajal Beast Of Burden. Best Puppy: M Wade’s Cocker Spaniel, Murrangowar Bad Leroy Brown. HOUNDS Best Exhibit: P Thompson’s Whippet, Ch Aarak Place Your Bets. RU Best Exhibit: C Currie’s Rhodesian Ridgeback, Sup Ch Caprivi Run The Gauntlet. Best Baby: S Packer’s Dachshund (Smooth Haired), Boskahun Honey Bunny (AI). Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Keaton Frozen (AI).

Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc

Best in Show & Best Open: M & P Merchant, E Parker, N Gouzos’ Fox Terrier (Smooth), Sup Ch Clanach Foxtrot at Boarbadger. RU Best Exhibit & Best Australian Bred: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. Best Baby: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Articpride Winter Snow Storm. Best Minor: J Rasche & R Hartnett’s English Springer Spaniel, Glenkinchie Pillow Talk. Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Keaton Frozen (AI). Best Junior: A & S Lim, P Brennan-Lim’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Dezshel Midnight Witch. Best Intermediate: A Foster-Johnson’s West Highland White Terrier, Ch Rebel Heart Sunshine Celebration (Imp SVK). Best Neutered: K Ricketts’ Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ch & Neut Ch Rangemaster Spot On For Style. RU Best Neutered: A Barber’s Irish Wolfhound, Gr & Neut Ch Drayton Lady Dorothea.

TERRIERS Best Exhibit: M & P Merchant, E Parker, N Gouzos’ Fox Terrier (Smooth), Sup Ch Clanach Foxtrot at Boarbadger. RU Best Exhibit: K Ricketts’ Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Awesum Lil Bit Flashy. Best Baby: Atorae Kennel’s Jack Russell Terrier, Atorae The Alter Ego. Best Puppy: K Pearson’s Cairn Terrier, Ch Natuska Catcher In The Rye.

TERRIERS Best Exhibit: M & P Merchant, E Parker, N Gouzos’ Fox Terrier (Smooth), Sup Ch Clanach Foxtrot at Boarbadger. RU Best Exhibit: A Foster-Johnson’s West Highland White Terrier, Ch Rebel Heart Sunshine Celebration (Imp SVK). Best Baby: Atorae Kennel’s Jack Russell Terrier, Atorae The Alter Ego. Best Puppy: D Hughes’ American Staffordshire Terrier, Amstafomine Heads I Win.

WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: S McInerney & A Richardson’s Australian Shepherd, Ch Ellagant Most Wanted. RU Best Exhibit: M Fisher’s Border Collie, Ch Nahrof Ice Breaker. Best Baby: Tullacrest Kennel’s Border Collie, Tullacrest Pure Witchery. Best Puppy: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Ch Landmaster Show No Mercy. UTILITY Best Exhibit: T Haynes & D Brown’s Samoyed, Ch Snowispa Fire In The Sky (AI). RU Best Exhibit: P & J Buckley’s Estrela Mountain Dog, Toramis Out Of The Ashes. Best Baby: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Articpride Winter Snow Storm. Best Puppy: V Brzezniak’s Bullmastiff, Ch Beachlane Red Wolf. NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: J Mouroufas’ Chow Chow, Ch Chowleigh Touch of Class. RU Best Exhibit: R King’s French Bulldog, Sup Ch Reyserlea Kill Bill. Best Baby: R Kemp & S Campain’s Boston Terrier, Merryjay Bostn Kandy Creation. Best Puppy; K Santas’ Keeshond, Hunkeedori Good T Th Last Drop.

Doty/Poty Trolley Raffle Tickets Available Dogs SA Office Page 23

Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc


Championship Show held on Saturday 24th August 2019 Judges were: Ms P Grutzner (VIC) – Group 1; Mrs E Maitland (VIC) – Group 2; Mrs A Hearn (VIC) – Group 3; Mrs M Gostelow (VIC) – Group 4; Miss R Green (QLD) – Group 5; Mrs L Stevens (ACT) – Group 6; Mrs S Monk (WA) – Group 7 and General Specials. Photos by Mark & Josie Haseldine


Best Exhibit: M & P Merchant, E Parker, N Gouzos’ Fox Terrier (Smooth), Sup Ch Clanach Foxtrot at Boarbadger.

RU Best Exhibit: K Ricketts’ Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Awesum Lil Bit Flashy.

Page 24

Best Exhibit & RU BEST IN SHOW: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ).

RU Best Exhibit: B & H Clarke’s Pointer, Ch & AM Silver Gr Ch Zensu Bed Of Roses.


RU Best Exhibit: K, K & R Hutchings’ Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice.


Best Exhibit: A & K Raymond’s Dobermann, Ch Teriyaki Borussia (Costa Rica) (Imp USA).

RU Best Exhibit: K Lewis’ Papillon, Ch Sailoz Xclusive By Design.



Best Exhibit: P Thompson’s Whippet, Ch Aarak Joker Is Wild.

Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief.

Best Exhibit: A & L Lim, P Brennan-Lim’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Aliste De La Loya.

RU Best Exhibit: C Russell & A Catt’s Norwegian Buhund, Delaroche Fjotunn.


RU Best Exhibit: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call.

Best Exhibit & BEST IN SHOW: P Harris’ Poodle (Miniature), Ch Arataire Rising Higher.

RU Best Exhibit: C & T Spear’s Keeshond, Sup Ch Nawitkees Riders On The Storm (AI).

ENTRIES CLOSE: Friday 8th November 2019


CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th November 2019 9.00am both days To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc.

DAVID ROCHE PARK SATURDAY Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 General Specials

Ms C Timms (NSW) Ms T Edwards (SA) Mr D Johnson (SA) Ms J Griffin (SA) Mrs J Sewell (WA) Mr L Heilmann (SA) Ms A Griffin (SA) Mr D Johnson (SA)

SUNDAY Mr L Heilmann (SA) Ms A Griffin (SA) Mr D Tidswell (SA Mr D Johnson (SA) Ms C Timms (NSW) Mrs J Sewell (WA) Ms J Griffin (SA) Mrs J Sewell (WA)

The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary Show Manager: Mrs Evelyn Copley SACA Representative: Mrs Lynda Webb Membership: All classes of Membership $2.00 Financial Year 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2019 Entry Fees: $15.00 Baby Puppies $8.00 Catalogue $5.00 Prepaid (Full Breeding please)

382 Main Rd Coromandel Valley (08) 8370 3500


Other services for Breeders . . . Fresh semen assessment + AI. Pregnancy ultrasound. Whelping assistance (inc. planned Csections). After-whelp care for your bitch and puppies. AHrs by arrangement (conditions apply).

By Appointment . . . Blood sampling Mon.-Sat.......8.30 a.m.-9.30 a.m. Mon.-Fri.......3.30 p.m.-5 p.m. (Other times . . . Conditions/extra charges may apply) Multiple tests . . . Registered breeder's concessions. Enquiries . . . Coromandel Valley . . . 08 8370 3500 Mclaren Vale . . . 08 8323 8522 Or . . . corovets@familypetvet.com.au October 2019

Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 18A Catering: Available Order of Judging: All Rings Simultaneously Awards: Trophy & Sash for All in Show Awards. Trophy & Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Sashes only for all other classes. Entries to: EASYDOG ENTRIES PREFERRED Paper entries to Mr Peter Thompson, 13 Andrews Road, Elizabeth Downs SA 5113 Mobile contact show day only 0408 806 464. Cheques payable to Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc SSAE for acknowledgment of entries Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on eldersweather.com.au is 37 degrees or above. If applicable the Saturday show will commence not before 6.00pm and the Sunday show will be cancelled with no refund.

Special Prizes z Championship Shows z z Open Shows z Parades z Council endorsed a recommendation for an alteration of the minimum value of trophies offered at Championship and Open Shows and Parades as follows: ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS Best in Group $25.00 Best in Show $50.00 All other prizes $10.00 ALL OTHER CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS Best in Group $15.00 Best in Show $25.00 All other prizes $10.00 PARADES AND OPEN SHOWS Best in Group $15.00 Best in Show $25.00 The above guidelines are effective to all shows conducted after 1st January 1996 Page 25



ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS SATURDAY 23RD NOVEMBER NOT BEFORE 6.00PM & SUNDAY 24TH NOVEMBER 10.00AM To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc.


Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 General Specials

SATURDAY NIGHT Linda Martin (NSW) Katrina Marsh (VIC) Simon Mills (ACT) Sue Bownds (NSW) Andrew O’Loughlin (SA) Lindsay Thomson (SA) Joyce Sullivan (SA) Simon Mills (ACT)

SUNDAY MORNING Andrew Kidd (SA) Linda Martin (NSW) Lauren Schwerdt (SA) Paul Danaher (SA) Ruth Thompson (SA) Simon Mills (ACT) Sue Bownds (NSW) Sue Bownds (NSW)

The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary Show Manager: Mari Lowden SACA Representative: Ross Wittenberg Entry Fees: $14.00 Baby Puppies $7.00 Catalogue $5.00 Prepaid (Full Breeding please) Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A Catering Available Junior Handlers: 5.30pm Saturday night Awards: Cash and Sash for Best in Show 2nd 1st,, Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show. Cash and Sash for Best in Group 4th 3rd 2nd 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group.

Sponsored by Laucke Mills & Sires on Ice at Tiver Road Vets Paper Entries to Lynne Bennett, 25 Hancock Drive, Lewiston SA 5501 Phone 0411 206 130 SSAE for acknowledgement of entries or email address for receipt of entry Mobile Contact day of show only 0438 283 161 Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on eldersweather.com.au is 37 degrees or above. If applicable on Sunday, the show will be cancelled.

Page 26

ENTRIES CLOSE: Friday 18th November Paper - 22nd November Online


Championship Shows To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc

Friday 29th November & Saturday 30th November 2019 DAVID ROCHE PARK

Friday 29th November not before 6.00pm Group 1 Mr C Ming Kok (Singapore) Group 2 Mrs R Weaver (NZ) Group 3 Mrs L Carleton (NZ) Group 4 Mrs D Tyssen (NZ) Group 5 Mr S Mehta (India) Group 6 Mr G Carleton (NZ) Group 7 Mr C Hoeben (NZ) General Specials Mr C Ming Kok

Saturday 30th November 9.00am Group 1 Mrs R Weaver (NZ) Group 2 Mr S Mehta (India) Group 3 less Golden Retrievers Mr C Ming Kok (Singapore) Group 4 & Golden Retrievers Mr G Carleton (NZ) Group 5 Mrs L Carleton (NZ) Group 6 Mr C Hoeben (NZ) Group 7 Mrs D Tyssen (NZ) General Specials Mr S Mehta

The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary Show Manager: Mr D Tidswell SACA Representative: Ms L McArthur Membership: All $1.00 Financial year 30/09/19 to 01/10/20 Entry Fees: $16.00 Baby Puppies $8.00 Catalogues: $5.00 Prepaid (Full Breeding please) Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A Order of Judging: All Rings Simultaneously. Saturday AM Show Golden Retrievers will be judged First in Ring 4. Hounds will commence at the completion of Golden Retrievers. Awards: Friday & Saturday AM Shows - Cash and Sash for All in Show Award. Cash and Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Puppy in Group, Baby Puppy in Group Sashes Only: For all other in Group Awards

Saturday 30th November 10 min after AM Show but not before 12 noon Group 1 Mrs D Tyssen (NZ) Group 2 Mr C Hoeben (NZ) Group 3 Mr S Mehta (India) Group 4 Mrs R Weaver (NZ) Group 5 Mr C Ming Kok (Singapore) Group 6 Mrs L Carleton (NZ) Group 7 Mr G Carleton (NZ) General Specials Mrs D Tyssen

Saturday PM Show – Cash and Sash for Best in Show 2nd & 1st. Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show. Cash and Sash for Best in Group 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Catering: Available Entries to: The Secretary, Mrs G Lewis, 3319 Jervois Road, Wellington SA 5259 (08) 8598 7083 Mobile contact, show day only 0407 713 113 SSAE for acknowledgment of entries Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on eldersweather.com.au is 37 degrees or above. If applicable the Saturday AM Show will commence not before 6.00pm and the Saturday PM Show will be cancelled with no refund.

Entries Close: Paper Friday 22nd November, Online Wednesday 27th November 2019


Friday 6th December, Saturday 7th December, Sunday 8th December 2019 To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc.

DAVID ROCHE PARK Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 General Specials

Friday not before 6.30pm

Saturday 9.30am

Sunday 9.30am

Mrs D Smith (QLD) Miss P Suhr (NSW) Mrs A Raymond (SA) Mr W Smith (QLD) Mr J Camac (VIC) Mrs Y Girling (SA) Mrs C Speed (QLD) Miss P Suhr (NSW)

Mrs C Speed (QLD) Mrs A Raymond (SA) Mrs D Smith (QLD) Mrs S Swalling (SA) Mr W Smith (QLD) Miss P Suhr (NSW) Mr J Camac (VIC) Mr J Camac (VIC)

Mrs S Swalling (SA) Mr W Smith (QLD) Mr J Camac (VIC) Mrs C Speed (QLD) Miss P Suhr (NSW) Mrs A Raymond (SA) Mrs D Smith (QLD) Mrs C Speed (QLD)

The club reserves the right to appoint a replacement judge if necessary

SHOW MANAGER: Mrs D Heinze SACA REPRESENTATIVE: Mr P Thompson ENTRY FEES: $14.00 Babies $8.00 Catalogue $5 Prepaid (Full Breeding please) CLASSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,10,11,18/1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A,11A,18A ORDER OF JUDGING: All Rings Simultaneously AWARDS: Cash and Sash for all in Show Awards. Cash and October 2019

Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Best Puppy in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group. CATERING: Available ENTRIES TO: Convenor, PO Box 7, Willaston SA 5118 Phone 0457 220 018 Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on eldersweather.com.au is 37 degrees or above. If applicable on either Saturday or Sunday, that show will commence not before 6.00pm

Page 27

ENTRIES CLOSE: Paper 9th December - Online 15th December 2019



To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc th st

Friday 20 & Saturday 21 December 2019 Friday 20th December Not before 6.00pm Group 1 – Mrs M Broughton (QLD) Group 2 – Mr T Collicutt (TAS) Group 3 – Mr A Jones (TAS) Group 4 – Mr J Burgess (QLD) Group 5 – Miss D Norman (QLD) Group 6 – Mr R Watson (TAS) Group 7 – Mr R Broomhall (TAS) General Specials – Mr J Burgess

Saturday 21st December 1.00pm Mr J Burgess (QLD) Mrs M Broughton (QLD) Mr T Collicutt (TAS) Mr A Jones (TAS) Mr R Watson (TAS) Mr R Broomhall (TAS) Miss D Norman (QLD) Mr A Jones

Saturday 21st December Not before 6.30pm Miss D Norman (QLD) Mr J Burgess (QLD) Mr R Broomhall (TAS) Mr T Collicutt (TAS) Mrs M Broughton (QLD) Mr A Jones (TAS) Mr R Watson (TAS) Miss D Norman

The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary Show Manager: Mr P Thompson SACA Representative: Mr P Andrews

in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Puppy in Show sponsored by K9 Online

Entry Fees: $15.00 Baby Puppies $6.00 Catalogue: Full $4.50 Group $2.50 (Full Breeding please)

Catering: Available

Order of Judging: All Rings Simultaneously Classes Friday & Saturday night: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A (Refer to separate schedule for All Breeds Neutered Shows) Classes Saturday afternoon: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 18A Awards FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT: Cash and Sash for Best in Show 2nd, Best in Show 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show. Cash and Sash for Best in Group 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Puppy in Show sponsored by K9 Online Awards SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Cash and Sash for all in Show Awards. Cash and Sash for Best in Group, RU Best

Page 28

Entries to Convenor: Mrs PO Box 30, Callington SA 5254 Mobile: 0400 897 743



SSAE for acknowledgement of entries Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on eldersweather.com.au is 37 degrees or above. If applicable on Saturday, the 1.00pm show will be cancelled. In this circumstance a CASH refund of $5.00 per ADULT exhibit entered will be returned to the exhibitor at the evening show on the same day. Refund available SAME DAY ONLY if the show is cancelled. (Refund is only applicable if the show is cancelled due to Hot Weather Policy - Dogs SA Regulations)

ENTRIES CLOSE: Paper 9th December - Online 15th December 2019


David Roche Park - SUNDAY 22ND DECEMBER 2019

11.00am Group 1 – Mr A Jones (TAS) Group 2 – Miss D Norman (QLD) Group 3 – Mrs M Broughton (QLD) Group 4 – Mr R Watson (TAS) Group 5 – Mr R Broomhall (TAS) Group 6 – Mr T Collicutt (TAS) Group 7 – Mr J Burgess (QLD) General Specials – Mr R Watson

Not before 4.30pm Mr R Broomhall (TAS) Mr A Jones (TAS) Mr R Watson (TAS) Mrs M Broughton (TAS) Mr J Burgess (QLD) Miss D Norman (QLD) Mr T Collicutt (TAS) Mr T Collicutt

The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary Show Manager: Mr P Thompson SACA Representative: Mr P Andrews Entry Fees: $15.00 Baby Puppies $6.00 Catalogue: Full $4.50 Group $2.50 (Full Breeding please) Order of Judging: All Rings Simultaneously Classes Saturday AM: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 18A Classes Sunday PM: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A

Awards AM: Cash and Sash for all in Show Awards. Cash and Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Puppy in Show sponsored by K9 Online Awards PM: Cash and Sash for Best in Show 2nd, Best in Show 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show. Cash and Sash for Best in Group 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Puppy in Show sponsored by K9 Online Catering: Available Entries to Convenor: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Callington SA 5254 Mobile: 0400 897 743 SSAE for acknowledgement of entries Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on eldersweather.com.au is 37 degrees or above. If applicable the PM show will commence not before 6.30pm or at the completion of Sweepstakes. The AM show will be cancelled. In this circumstance a CASH refund of $5.00 per ADULT exhibit entered will be returned to the exhibitor at the evening show on the same day. Refund available SAME DAY ONLY if the show is cancelled. (Refund is only applicable if the show is cancelled due to Hot Weather Policy - Dogs SA Regulations)

ENTRIES CLOSE: Paper 9th December - Online 15th December


Held in conjunction with All Breed Show which always has priority David Roche Park To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc Show Manager: Mr P Thompson SACA Representative: Mr P Andrews Entry Fees: $15.00 Catalogue: $2.50 Order of Judging: In Group Order 1 - 7 Awards: Cash and Sash for All Classes in Show, Best NeuSaturday 21st December 2019 - Not before 8.00pm in Ring 7 ter in Group, RU Neuter in Group. Sashes only for all other Judge: Mr R Watson (Tasmania) in Group Awards. Show will commence at the completion of Group 7 but not before 8.00pm Classes: 17, 17A /18, 18A Sunday 22nd December 2019 - Not before 6.00pm in Ring 7 Intermediate Neuter 17, 17A For neuter dogs aged eighteen and under thirty-six months. Open Neuter 18, 18A For Judge: Mr A Jones (Tasmania) neuter dogs aged six months or over. Show will commence at the completion of Group 2 but not before 6.00pm. Catering: Available Entries to Convenor: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Sunday Show Only - Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on eldersweather.com.au is 37 degrees or above. Callington SA 5254 If applicable the Sunday show will commence not before 8.00pm. Mobile: 0400 897 743 The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary SSAE for acknowledgement of entries Friday 20th December 2019 - Not before 8.00pm in Ring 7 Judge: Mr T Collicutt (Tasmania) Show will commence at the completion of Group 2 but not before 8.00pm

October 2019

Page 29

Entries Close Monday 11TH November 2019


TWILIGHT AGILITY & JUMPING TRIALS To be held under the Rules and Regulations of the SACA Inc

Saturday 23rd November 2019 not before 6.00pm BARRATT RESERVE, WEST BEACH ROAD, WEST BEACH Judges and Order of Judging Jane Caulton ...................................... Agility: Master, Open, Excellent & Novice Vanessa Loughlin ................................Jumping: Novice, Excellent, Open & Master (The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary)

SACA Rep: Joan Murray Trial Manager: Cathy Warcup Vetting: By Committee Vetting Time: 5.15 pm to 5.45 pm. Bitches only without proof of desexing. All dogs to pass checkpoint by close. Prizes: 1st Place qualifying in each Trialling Class Sashes: To all qualifiers on request Ribbons: To all Veterans & Junior Handlers

Not for Competition: NFC, Juniors (Novice Agility or Jumping) & Veterans (Novice Jumping) will run at the end of the appropriate height class. Paper entries only. Entry Fees: Competition entries $10.00. Nor for Competition entries (Including NFC, Veterans & Juniors) $7.00. Printed Catalogue $5.00 or available to download from the Club website or SA Agility facebook. On Line Entries: Please use K9 Entries for on-line entries, pay by EFT to ADCSA, or mail a cheque or money order. This verifies that entries have been received. Payment by EFT is encouraged: BSB 805 050 Acct No 61297807 using your last name, trial date & number of entries as your reference, eg Smith_Nov24x2, and include Bank Deposit receipt number & date with entries. Paper Entries: Mail to Ms Jo Shirlock, Trial Secretary, 12 Hamley Street, Morphettville SA 5043. Phone 0413 878 222 - with payment by EFT, cheque or money order payable to Agility Dog Club of SA.

ENTRIES CLOSE: Paper 9th December - Online 15th December

AUSTRALIAN DOG SHOW SCENE PTY LTD In conjunction with Conformation Judges Training Scheme Trainee Judges Group Sweepstakes David Roche Park To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc Saturday 21st December 2019

Sunday 22nd December 2019

Commencing at 6.00pm Group 1 Ms R Hutchings Group 2 Ms C Spry Group 3 Mrs M Sawley Group 4 Mrs R Thompson Group 5 Mrs G Mercer Group 6 Mrs L Burger Group 7 Mrs K Tilley

Commencing at 10.30am Ms K Harding Mrs M Sawley Mrs C Murphy Dr C Haseldine Mrs S Pike Mrs J Pike Mrs A Cadd

The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary Show Manager: Mr P Thompson

Catering: Available

SACA Representative: Mr P Andrews

Entries to Convenor: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Callington SA 5254 Mobile: 0400 897 743 SSAE for acknowledgement of entries

Entry Fees: $3.00 Maximum entry – 20 dogs per Group Exhibits must be over 6 months of age and entire Order of Judging: All Rings Simultaneously Awards: Cash and Sash for 1st, 2nd, 3rd placings (70% of entry returned)

Page 30

Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on eldersweather.com.au is 37 degrees or above. If applicable on Sunday the sweepstakes will commence not before 6.00pm


Rozate Dare To Dream HMSA(s) CD AD HSAc HSBs JDX 12 years old and she’s still got it Owned by Susan Pfeiffer




Albajail Masquerade Doll CD TD RN

Best Mates with Rose Ince

Thank you to Jill Warner from Whyalla and Victor Jordan from PDODC who made this achievement possible

CODE OF ETHICS FOR MEMBERS Each Member shall comply with the following Code of Ethics and any Member who fails to do so shall be guilty of an offence against these Rules. As a Member of the South Australian Canine Association: 1. I shall ensure that at all times all dogs under my control are properly and effectively contained by fencing or enclosure, and are properly housed, fed, watered, exercised and given proper Veterinary attention if and when required. 2. I shall not allow any dogs under my care to roam at large, and, when away from home, ensure they are kept fully leashed and under effective control, or otherwise under effective control at all times. (01/16) 3. I shall breed only for the purpose of improving the quality of the breed in line with the breed standard and strive to eliminate hereditary diseases in the breed/s that I produce. 4. I shall strive to have all my breeding stock tested, where tests are available, for hereditary diseases. 5. (a) I shall not allow any bitch owned by me and/or under my control being mated before she is twelve months of age. (01/15) (b) I understand that to mate the same bitch in consecutive seasons is not a recommended breeding practice and should only be undertaken in exceptional circumstances. (c) If exceptional circumstances exist which I consider make it necessary to mate a bitch causing it to whelp in consecutive seasons, I will not mate that bitch for a period of twelve months from the date of the birth of the puppies from that second season. (d) I shall not conduct or permit mother/son, father/daughter or brother/ sister matings. I shall be fully aware that puppies as a result of such

October 2019



8. 9. 10.



An outstanding and special girl

Proudly owned, trained and loved by Mrs Ros Kumela

matings will not be registered without first gaining approval from the SACA for the mating for scientifically proven welfare or veterinary reasons. (01/12) (e) All bitches eight years of age and over at the time of a mating must have a current veterinary certificate stating that the bitch is in good health at the time of breeding. This certificate must be presented at the time of registration of the litter resulting from this mating. A current veterinarian certificate is defined as being within three months prior to the mating. I shall not knowingly permit any of my pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed, to a cross bred dog, or to an unregistered dog of the same breed, or to a dog of the same breed which is entered on the Limited Register, unless specific permission is given by the SACA. I shall not sell or otherwise transfer from my care any puppy under eight weeks of age, thus allowing for vaccination to be given at six weeks of age and thereby allowing for the ten to fourteen days for the vaccine to take effect. Upon the disposal of the dog I shall provide the owner with a current vaccination certificate of that dog issued by a Veterinary Surgeon. Accepted Veterinarian vaccination certificates are C3 12/36 months, C4, C5 or an annual Titre Test accompanied by a Veterinarian letter. (01/19) I shall not knowingly sell or otherwise transfer from my care any dog that is not in good health. I shall ensure that any puppy that is to be exported shall be a minimum of eleven weeks of age and micro-chipped. (01/12) I shall ensure that all persons acquiring dogs from me clearly understand their responsibility for the care and welfare of the animal as defined in Clause 1 and 2 above. I shall not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed, nor falsely advertise, or mislead any person regarding the performance of any dog. I shall provide to all purchasers of dogs or those placed by me, written details of all dietary and vaccination requirements and responsible dog ownership and/or an appropriate publication relating to such requirements. I shall not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers, or directly or indirectly to allow a dog to be given as a prize or donation in a contest of any kind or to be auctioned. (01/12)

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2 0 1 9 E x h i b i t i o n D at e s October 4th (Friday)

5th (Saturday)

6th (Sunday)

7th (Monday)

10th (Thursday)

11th (Friday)

12th (Saturday)

13th (Sunday)

Page 32

The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 10.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 20.09.2019 – Schedule August magazine The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 10.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 20.09.2019 – Schedule August magazine Papillon Club of SA Inc – Championship Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 23.09.2019 – Schedule August magazine Whippet & Greyhound Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 1.30pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 23.09.2019 – Schedule July magazine The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 10.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 20.09.2019 – Schedule August magazine SA Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience & Rally Trials - 10.00am – Clubgrounds, Beaumont Road, South Parklands – Entries close 13.09.2019 – Schedule August magazine The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 10.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 20.09.2019 – Schedule August magazine Border Collie Club of NSW Inc – NATIONAL Championship Show, Obedience, Rally, Agility, DWD, Herding Trials - 10th to 13th October 2019 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc – Open Show - 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 06.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 06.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Terrier Club of SA Inc – Championship Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 05.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Para District Obedience Dog Club Inc – Agility Trials - 9.00am & not before 12 noon – Jenkins Reserve, Saints Road, Salisbury – Entries close 01.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Hound Club of SA Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 06.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Hound Club of SA Inc – Open Show - 9.00am (Reverse order) – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 06.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Whippet & Greyhound Club of SA Inc – Open Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 04.10.2019 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 06.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine

19th (Saturday)

20th (Sunday)

25th (Friday)

26th (Saturday)

27th (Sunday)

Chihuahua Club of SA Inc – Parade - 9.00am & not before 12 noon – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 10.10.2019 – Schedule September magazine Dover Gardens Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Obedience Trial - 9.00am – Quick Road, Mitchell Park – Entries close 27.09.2019 – Schedule August magazine Dogs SA – DOTY & POTY Golden Retriever Club of SA Inc – Open Show Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Obedience Trial – 9.30am – Clubgrounds, Wilfred Taylor Reserve, Wheatsheaf Road, Morphett Vale – Entries close 04.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Adelaide Lure Coursing & Racing Club Inc – Lure Coursing Trial - 9.30am – 23 Amsterdam Crescent, Salisbury Downs – Entries close 11.10.2019 Mount City & Districts Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – 11.30am – Len Lewis Memorial Park, Pick Avenue, Mount Gambier – Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Mount Gambier A & H Society Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am – Len Lewis Memorial Park, Pick Avenue, Mount Gambier – Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Mount City & Districts Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 12 noon – Len Lewis Memorial Park, Pick Avenue, Mount Gambier – Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience, Rally, Agility, Jumping Trials – 8.30am – Hasting Cunningham Reserve, Mount Gambier – Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Old English Sheepdog Club Inc – Championship Show - 10.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 14.10.2019 Mount City & Districts Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – 8.30am – Len Lewis Memorial Park, Pick Avenue, Mount Gambier – Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience, Rally, Agility, Jumping Trials – 8.30am – Hasting Cunningham Reserve, Mount Gambier – Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule August magazine

November 2nd (Saturday)

3rd (Sunday)

8th (Friday)

Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc – All Breeds Championship Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 25.10.2019 – Schedule September magazine SA Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience & Rally Trials – not before 6.00pm – Clubgrounds, Beaumont Road, South Parklands – Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule September magazine Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc – All Breeds Championship Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 25.10.2019 – Schedule September magazine Millicent Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 1.00pm – Soccer Grounds, Park Terrace, Millicent –

9th (Saturday)

10th (Sunday)

16th (Saturday)

17th (Sunday) 23rd (Saturday)

24th (Sunday)

29th (Friday)

30th (Saturday)

Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule September magazine Millicent Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 8.30am & not before 12 noon – Soccer Grounds, Park Terrace, Millicent – Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule September magazine Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Agility and Jumping Trials – not before 6.00pm – Clubgrounds, Cnr Wheatsheaf and States Road, Morphett Vale – Entries close 28.10.2019 – Schedule September magazine Dances With Dogs Club of SA Inc – Dances with Dogs Competition – Two Wells Oval Complex, Old Port Wakefield Road, Two Wells – Entries close 24.10.2019 Millicent Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 9.00am – Soccer Grounds, Park Terrace, Millicent – Entries close 11.10.2019 – Schedule September magazine Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc – All Breeds Championship Show 9.00 am Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Inc – Agility and Jumping Trials – 7.00pm – Clubgrounds, Vincent Road, Smithfield – Entries close 29.10.2019 – Schedule October magazine Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc – All Breeds Championship Show 9.00 am Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc – All Breeds Championship Show – not before 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 08.11.2019 – Schedule October magazine Agility Dog Club of SA Inc – Agility & Jumping Trial – not before 6.00pm – Barratt Reserve, West Beach Road, West Beach – Entries close 11.11.2019 – Schedule October magazine Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc – All Breeds Championship Show – 10.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 08.11.2019 – Schedule October magazine All Breeds Dog Club of SA Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 18.11.2019 – Schedule October magazine All Breeds Dog Club of SA Inc – Championship Show 9.00am & 10 minutes after the first show and not before 12 noon – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 18.11.2019 – Schedule October magazine

December 1st (Sunday) 6th (Friday)

7th (Saturday)

8th (Sunday)

13th (Friday)

14th (Saturday) October 2019

Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.30pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 22.11.2019 – Schedule October magazine Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show – 9.30am - David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 22.11.2019 – Schedule October magazine Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show – 9.30am - David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 22.11.2019 – Schedule October magazine Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 07.12.2019 – Schedule November magazine Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.30pm - David Roche Park,

20th (Friday)

21st (Saturday)

22nd (Sunday)

28th (Saturday) 29th (Sunday) 31st (Tuesday)

Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 07.12.2019 – Schedule November magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show – not before 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 09.12.2019 – Schedule October magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Neutered Only Show – not before 8.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 09.12.2019 – Schedule October magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show – 1.00pm & not before 6.30pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 09.12.2019 – Schedule October magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Neutered Only Show – not before 8.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 09.12.2019 – Schedule October magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show – 11.00am & not before 4.30pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 09.12.2019 – Schedule October mag ADSS Pty Ltd – Neutered Only Show – not before 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 09.12.2019 – Schedule October magazine Welsh Corgi Kennel Club Inc – All Breeds Championship Show 6.00pm Welsh Corgi Kennel Club Inc – All Breeds Championship Show 6.00pm Gawler Dog Training Club Inc – Obedience Trial 7.00 pm Gawler Dog Training Club Inc – Agility Trial 7.00 pm Gawler Dog Training Club Inc – Dances with Dogs Competition 7.00 pm

EST 1975

General & Colour Printing Digital Printing & Copying General Binding Services Self Inking Stamps Graphic Design 91 Research Road POORAKA 5095 phone 08 8262 6133 email mp@modburypress.com.au web www.modburypress.com.au

Keeping Business

L A C O L Page 33

SECRETARIES AND CONVENORS Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc: Sharyn Ely, 9 Jemima Court, Two Wells, SA 5501 (0404 760 965). Adelaide Kennel Club Inc: Mrs Anne McEvoy, PO Box 67, Birdwood SA 5234 (0438 682 784). Adelaide Lure Coursing & Racing Club: Mrs. Karen Pratt, 76 Osprey Parade, Hewett 5118 (7509 7664). *Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc: Mrs Moira Senior, PO Box 313, Mallala, SA 5502 (0438 255 893). Agility Dog Club of SA Inc: Michele Steggall, 10 Michel Avenue, Plympton 5038 (8297 0010). All Breeds Dog Club of SA Inc: Mrs G. Lewis, 3319 Jervois Rd., Wellington 5259 (0407 713 113). Australian Cattle Dog Club of SA Inc: Mrs C Redhead, 92 Princes Hwy, Mt Osmond 5064 (8379 1995). Australian Terrier Club of SA Inc: Ms J Wilson, 8 Hill Street, Mount Barker SA 5251 (0400 036 843). Beagle Club of SA Inc: Mr G Radcliffe, 207 Dawkins Rd., Lewiston 5501 (8524 3282). Bernese Mountain Dog Club of SA Inc: Ms Joanne Kelly, 3/330 Brighton Road, North Brighton, SA 5048 (0419 313 072). *Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc: Vicki Josephs, PO Box 1343, Mt Gambier, SA 5290 British Bulldog Club of SA Inc: Mrs. Debbie Bartholomew, 21 Aunger Road, Lewiston, SA 5501 0407 794 668), Bullmastiff Club of SA Inc: Becci Dawson, PO Box 777, Gawler SA 5118 (8528 5212 / 0409 090 041) Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc: Mrs M Lowden, 336/1075 Grand Junction Rd., Hope Valley 5090 (8264 5641) Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Callington, SA 5254 (0400 897 743). Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of SA Inc: Sally Paterson, 8 Flinders Avenue, Fairview Park 5126 (0439 558 923) Chihuahua Club of SA Inc: Mrs. Jenifer Nichols, PO Box 2143, Salisbury Downs, SA 5108 0418 837 672), Collie Club of SA Inc: Mr. D. Johnson, PO Box 13, Oakbank, SA 5243 (8388 4085). Dalmatian Club of SA Inc: Ms. K. Harvey, PO Box 277, Woodside 5244 (8538 7086). Dances with Dogs Club of SA Inc: Jenny McLoughlin, 14 Hannay St, Largs Bay SA 5016 8449 3810 / 0412 378 820) Dobermann Club of SA Inc: Natalie Griffin, 52 California Avenue, Craigmore, SA 5114. (0412 082 458). *Dover Gardens Kennel & Obedience Club Inc: Eric Hopkins, PO Box 91, Parkholme SA 5043 (8298 7842) Dublin Kennel Club Inc: Mrs. V. Carter, PO Box 7, Lower Light 5501 (8520 2076). *Fleurieu Dog Obedience Club Inc: Mr. Ian Powell, PO Box 2026, Victor Harbor, SA 5211 (0414 845317 / 8552 1673). *Gawler Dog Training Club Inc: Miss Bronwen Wills, PO Box 528, Gawler, SA 5118 (0424 590 714). Gawler Kennel Club Inc: Cathy Elliot, 8 Archer Street, Hamley Bridge 5401 (0408 830 656). *Gepps Cross Dog Training Centre Inc: Mr. Berry Treffers, PO Box 425, Ingle Farm, SA 5098. (0434 485 331). *German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc: Mr Stephen Collins, PO Box 714, Glenelg, SA 5045 (0419 212 749). German Shorthaired Pointer Club of SA Inc: Mrs C Billett, PO Box 1217, Echunga 5153 (0447 009 919)

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Golden Retriever Club of SA Inc: Ruth Thompson, PO Box 279, Gumeracha SA 5233 Phone 0419 045 468 *Gundog Club of SA Inc: Monica McCaffery, PO Box 103, Meadows, SA 5201 (8388 3562). Herding Dog Club of SA Inc: Jean Milnes, 8 Green Way, Myponga 5202 (0401 469 901). Hound Club of SA Inc: Mrs Fiona Danaher, PO Box 1019, Mount Barker SA 5251 (0419 871 931) Hungarian Vizsla Club of SA Inc: Mrs Julie Wallis, 80 Gordon Street, Albert Park, SA 5014 (0417 845 977). Irish Wolfhound Club of SA Inc: Mr. J. Lewington, PO Box 101, St. Agnes 5097 (8251 2505). Jack Russell Terrier Club of SA Inc: Robyn Bennett, 13 Churcher Avenue, Blakeview, SA 5114 (0449 752 027). Junior Kennel Club of SA Inc: Mr Ashley Wittenberg, 21 Wecoma St., Holden Hill 5088 (8261 7607). *Klever Kanine Dog Obedience School Inc: Avenue, Lynette Huebusch, 14 Possingham Redwood Park, SA 5097 (0423 215 414). Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc: Mr. N. McLaren, PO Box 598, Mt. Compass, SA 5214 (0427 004 017). Le Fevre Kennel Club Inc: Mrs J. Brabham, 2 Muir Ave., Parkholme 5043 (8276 4025). Marion Kennel Club Inc: Rebecca Sommer, 22 Norfolk Street, Craigmore 5114 (0402 202 183). Metropolitan Kennel Club of S.A. Inc: Mrs T. Matthews, 1 Conygham Avenue, Modbury Heights 5092 (0411 618 678) Millicent Kennel Club Inc: Ms J. Allen, PO Box 751, Millicent 5280 (0408 33-3823). Mount City & District Kennel Club Inc: Mrs. L. Harris-Walker, PO Box 3087, Mount Gambier, SA 5290 (0417 859 647). Mount Gambier A & H Society Inc: Janelle Bradley, PO Box 106, Mt. Gambier 5290. *Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Inc: Sharon Kolze PO Box 239, Smithfield 5114 (8523 0515). Naracoorte Kennel Club Inc: Mr. D. Fiebiger, 28 McIntosh Street, Nangwarry 5277 (0417 834 805). Newfoundland Club of SA Inc: Leah Buitenhuis, 15 Skipper Street, Mount Barker, SA 5251 (0423 688 321). *Noarlunga City Obedience Dog Club Inc: Denise Quemard, PO Box 377, Morphett Vale 5162 (0414 650 349) *Northern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc: M. Kozulic, P.O. Box 88, Elizabeth 5112 (7289 1947). Old English Sheepdog Club of SA Inc: Evelyn Copley, 14 Oberon Court, Hillbank 5112 (0404 976 796). *Para District Obedience Dog Club Inc: Dr. C. Nottle, PO Box 497, Salisbury 5108 (0448 809 191). *Port Adelaide Obedience Dog Club Inc: Ms. V. Koch, P.O. Box 1006, North Haven, SA 5018 (8248 0102). Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc: Mr J. Nickholds, 189 Hayman Road, Lewiston, SA 5501 (8524 2113). *Port Pirie Obedience Dog Club Inc: Mrs Y. Young, PO Box 203, Port Pirie 5540 (8632 5738). Pug Club of SA Inc: Mrs. S. Willie, PO Box 451, Campbelltown. SA 5074 (0418 955 176). Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc: Jessie Hughes, PO Box 168, Prospect, SA 5082 (0407 253 750). Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of SA Inc: Linda Castle, 17 Valley Road, Highbury, SA 5089 (8263 3114). *Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc: Mrs S. Laidler, PO Box 429, Berri, S.A. 5343 (8582 2799).

*Rottweiler Club of SA Inc: Ms. Allison Wells, PO Box 836, Morphett Vale, SA 5162 (0427 165 518). Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of SA Inc: PO Box 108, Goodwood 5034. (8210 5211). *SA Obedience Dog Club Inc: Dr Judy Zollo, PO Box 7049 Hutt Street, Adelaide 5000 (8223 6626). SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc: Mrs. L. Bennett, 25 Hancock Drive, Lewiston, SA 5501 (8520 2882, 0411 206 130). Samoyed Club of SA Inc: Mrs. L. Chapman-Stevens, 19 The Parade, Blair Athol, SA 5084 (0403 713 503). Shetland Sheepdog Club of SA Inc: Mrs C Spangler, PO Box 26, Happy Valley 5159 (8325 1820). Siberian Husky & Alaskan Malamute Club of SA Inc: Lin Burger, PO Box 1603, Virginia, SA 5120 (0400 807 028). Southern Agricultural Soc Inc.: Mrs Gayle Garratt, PO Box 399, Victor Harbor, SA 5211 (0419 494 275). *Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Dog Club Inc: Mrs M. Barrett, 5 Barbados Dve., Seaford Rise 5169 (8386-1933). *Spencer Gulf Obedience Dog Club Inc: Mrs.Jenny Brown, PO Box 2117, Whyalla Norrie, SA 5608 (0401 894 062). Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc: Ms. Jo Rasche, PO Box 123, Munno Para, SA 5115 (0419 853 329). Tenterfield Terrier Club of SA Inc: Mrs. Nickola Ramsey, PO Box 551, Dublin, SA 5501 (0417 825 852). Terrier Club of SA Inc: Ms. F. Mackness, 4 Blackthorn Ave., Hawthorndene 5051 (8278 5546). The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc: Ms Kerryn Harvey, PO Box 277, Woodside SA 5244 (0402 866 822). The Murray Valley Kennel Club Inc: Debbie Younger, PO Box 119 Tungkillo, SA 5236 (0428 430 266). The Papillon Club of SA: Alison Greenlees, 28/100 Sir James Hardy Way, Woodcroft 5162 (0419 850 258) The Schnauzer Club of SA Inc: Mrs. Coral Gray, PO Box 102, Two Wells, SA 5501 (0417 963 783). The Toy Dog Club of SA Inc: Ms. K. Lewis, P.O. Box 632, Stirling 5152 (8388 0022). Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc: Amanda Bettesworth, 14 Mathoura Street, Sheidow Park 5158 (0417 936 870). Weimaraner Club of SA Inc: Ms. Krystle Wells, 16 Dundee Close, Strathalbyn, SA 5255 (0418 818 528). Welsh Corgi Club of SA Inc: Mrs K. Flynn, 93 Dawkins Rd., Lewiston, SA 5501 (8520 3072) Whippet & Greyhound Club of SA Inc: Mrs D Jolly, 22 Parker Avenue, Strathalbyn, SA 5255 (0402 812 202). White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc: Susan Mertineit, 225 Hayman Road, Lewiston, SA 5501 (0403 790 857). *Obedience clubs or obedience and conformation clubs.

DOGS SA COMMITTEES Winter International: Mr L. Heilmann, P.O. Box 13, Oakbank 5243 (8388 4085).

SOCIAL CLUBS Bearded Collie Club of SA: Mrs. V. Clark, PO Box 800, Strathalbyn 5255 (8536-2492). Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of SA Inc: Julie Coleman, PO Box 299, Mount Barker 5251 (0401 839 459).

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