December 2020 Australia Print Publications No.: 100004328
Merry Christmas from all at Dogs SA
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am — 6pm Saturday: 8am — 4pm 168 Hayman Road, Lewiston SA 5501 Phone: (08) 8524 2260
Leaders in Veterinary Reproductive Services
• • • • •
Artificial Breeding that is results driven High Expertise in all aspects of breeding and whelping Service and Care that is delivered by a highly motivated team On site pathology and progesterone testing Semen storage - what is your breeding program worth? Storage at Noahs Crossing is in an alarmed, deadlocked, fireproof room, and the clinic provides insurance cover for your semen.
Canine Fitness and Conditioning Centre Features a large heated 10 x 6 metre pool. Sessions provided by highly skilled and qualified hydro therapist who can work with you and your dogs to gain greater fitness, muscle condition and improve movement and gait in the show ring. To find out more about pool sessions and to book email jo@noahs or phone 8524 2260.
Goats Milk Now Available At Noahs $4.50 per litre
DOGS SA is a registered business name of the South Australian Canine Association Inc. BN04827570
Association Address: David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 5084. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Licensed Club: 8260 2412 Members of Council: Mr. B. Parker (President) Mr. P. Dynan (Vice President) Mr. B. Fielder, Mr. G. Harvey, Mrs. R. Hedger, Mr. L. Heilmann, Mr. A. Lim, Ms. T. Edwards, Mrs. S. Pike, Mr. Peter Thompson, Prof. Crouch. Dr. R.R.Crouch.
([HFXWLYH 2I¿FHU Executive Officer: Ms. R. Becker. Mr. W. Schnitzer Advertising: All advertising enquiries to Dogs SA Office. Advertising Deadline: All advertising copy must be lodged at the Dogs SA Office 6 weeks prior to month of publication. Dogs SA accepts no responsibility for the contents of advertisements. All advertisements are accepted in good faith and the liability of advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser. Letters: The editor reserves the right not to publish any letter which in the opinion of the Editorial Sub-Committee or Council should not be published for legal or other reasons. All letters are received with that reservation. The opinions expressed in contributors’ articles are not necessarily those of Council. 7KH (GLWRULDO 6XE &RPPLWWHH UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH WKH SXEOLFDWLRQ RI DQ\ LWHP RU DGYHUWLVHPHQW DQG ZKLOVW HYHU\ HIIRUW LV PDGH WR HQVXUH FRS\ LV UHSURGXFHG FRUUHFWO\ QR UHVSRQVLELOLW\ LV WDNHQ IRU HUURU
Postal Address: (For all correspondence including advertising). The Executive Officer, Dogs SA, P.O. Box 844, Prospect East 5082. Phone 8349 4797. Email: Website:
President’s Report
What a year we are having in 2020. South Australia after doing so well with the COVID 19 virus since March has now been hit with what could only be described as the start of the second wave. Originally, we were hit with restrictions which forced the postponement/cancellation of a number of Dogs SA events and meetings. The largest of these was the Festival of Dogs which was due to take place on Sunday 22 November. A lot of work had gone into the organizing of this event by many volunteers. Although there are too many volunteers to mention by name, I would like to thank Roberta Crouch, Peter Thompson, Paul Cook, Lauren Schwerdt and Margret Bourn for their tireless efforts in what would have been a marvelous event promoting Dogs SA and it’s activities. A number of other activities have also been affected by recent outbreak. Many of those will need to be postponed such as the Extraordinary General Meeting and AGMs whilst others have been cancelled such as the DOTY/POTY fundraising show. Where to from here? It is too early to provide any forecasts when we will resume activities. With the state now in a total lockdown and although it is only for 6 days at the moment this could very easily change if we can not get on top of the spread. We have also been advised that even after the 6 day lockdown there will still be signiďŹ cant restrictions for possibly another 14 days so we are getting close to the festive season of Christmas. Dogs SA will as always keep it’s members fully informed through the Dogs SA Facebook Page, Website and Journal. The new EO (Roz Becker) has been attending many of the recent meeting to gain a greater knowledge of how we work and what issues are facing our members and afďŹ liates. The feed back I have received from members is that most are very impressed with her willingness to listen and take part in the meeting when requested. This is December and the heat has now hit us so we need to be more diligent when it comes to looking after our best four-legged friends ensuring they have plenty of water and shelter. But don’t forget many of our members are getting older and also need to be looked after. Don’t let the isolation of COVID-19 stop us from caring for our fellow exhibitors so please contact them regularly particularly if they live alone. What will 2021 bring us? Hopefully a better year than 2020 has been for us all, but you will need to wait until my January report. In closing, on behalf of Dogs SA Council and staff I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Brighter New Year. I would also like to thank the staff of Dogs SA, Wolfgang Schnitzer (retired EO), Roz Becker (new EO), Ann Farndell, Cheryl Currie and Hayley Prior for the work they have done in keeping the administration of Dogs SA at the pinnacle where it has been for a number of years, well done all. Brian Parker President DOGS SA Tel: 0417724223
December 2020
Page 3
Effective 1st November 2020 2021 Membership Fees *Single or Kennel (18 Years & over) *Double or Kennel (18 Years & over) *Kennel Additional Persons *Pensioner Single *Pensioner Joint *Associate Single (Committee use only) *Associate Joint (Committee use only) *Junior (under 18 years) Overseas Residents – above fees apply plus additional for postage 2021 Prefix Fees *Application for New Prefix *Annual Maintenance Fee *Transfer Prefix Ownership Effective 1st January 2021 Litter Registration Litter Lodgement Fee Puppy Registrations Main & Limited Registers *Individual Puppy (each) Replacement Pedigree/Certificate * Neutered Register * Associate Registration * Sporting Registration * Re-Registrations *Dogs from Overseas *Overseas Semen
100.00 156.00 78.00 69.00 134.00 31.00 58.00 19.00 64.00
112.00 39.00 90.00
39.00 24.00 24.00 31.00 31.00
112.00 112.00
Registered Semen Registration of Semen Transfer of Semen
39.00 39.00
Transfers *From Member *Non Member to Member *Between Registers
39.00 67.00 39.00
Leases *Member to Member *Non Member to Member *Early Termination
78.00 92.00 39.00
Titles *Champion and Supreme Champion *Grand Champion *Other Awards Export Pedigree * Show Entry Forms Book 50 Plus Postage Club Schedule Advertising Full Page Half Page Third Page Quarter Page Club Stationery Best Of Breed Challenge Certificates Neutered Certificates Reserve Challenge Best In Show Certificates Special Awards ie Best In Group Stewards Sheets Pad of 50
39.00 46.00 27.00 142.00
4.00 3.30
386.00 201.00 134.00 110.00
0.30 0.30 0.50 0.15 1.20 0.50 5.50
1 Set Group Cards & BIS Single Group Card Judges Contracts Pad of 25 Pad of 5 (Speciality Clubs only) SACA Reps/Stewards Contracts Exhibitor Tickets (100 = $3.00) Trials Point Score Cards Obedience Tracking Agility Games Affiliation Fees Conformation All Breeds Kennel Clubs & Ag Societies Championship Show Open Show Affiliation Fees Group/Specialist Clubs Affiliation Championship Show Open Show Affiliation Fees Trials Clubs Affiliation All Breeds Obedience Trial Agility & Games Trial Retrieving & Field Trials Tracking & Track & Search Trial Endurance Test Dances With Dogs Competition/Tricks Sanction/Restricted Trial/Sled Sports SACA Park Ground Hire All Breeds Championship Show All Breeds Double Championship Shows held on the same day All Breeds Open Show Multi Group Championship Show Multi Group Open Show Single Group Championship Show Single Group Open Show Specialist Championship Show Specialist Open Show Fundays Affiliate Club Levy Metropolitan (within 100 kms) Country Agility/Obedience Levy Metro Agility/Obedience Levy Country
0.25 0.50 0.25 0.25
159.00 159.00 49.00
53.00 53.00 40.00
127.00 74.00 74.00 64.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00
528.00 739.00 150.00 374.00 110.00 280.00 110.00 148.00 92.00 38.00
Sup Ch Waldwieze Gamekeepa At Poshvwei (Imp NZ) ET RE QND ORA NRD CDX
KEEPA Not just a Supreme Champion but has the ability to do what the breed was bred for. Novice Retrieving Dog (NRD) and Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) titles in this Covid affected year. Owned, trained and loved by Jessie Hughes.
2.82 1.41 3.82 1.91
Meeting Room Hire Affiliate Club Meetings Specialist Clubs – Marsula or Brine Room Show Days only MB Rooms Other Functions
38.00 148.00
Hall Hire Affiliated Clubs Non Affiliated Clubs Bond Affiliates Bond Non Affiliates Cleaning of Hall
269.00 587.00 92.00 177.00 109.00
Miscellaneous Search Fee Deposit lodged with Appeal Deposit lodged with Objection Fee lodged with Complaint Administration Fee
128.00 209.00 209.00 209.00 128.00
* Includes ANKC Levies
Page 4
4.50 0.60 21.00 5.50 0.50 0.03
Newly Titled
TCH CONIKI BACHELOR BABE RN TSDX HSAs Lucy – Achiever of the unachievable Conqueror of the sheep My own little legend Herding A Course Started Title (sheep) Owned by Teresa Shanahan
Dogs SA Membership Renewals are due by 31st December 2020 There is no grace period. If your Membership is not paid by this date, you are ineligible to conduct any business with the Association including entering or competing at shows or trials.
I would like to thank all the people who have helped me with my dogs. Wishing everyone a very Merry Xmas and a happy new year. From all at Kaviqsaaq and Silvaghost Kennels. Regards Mandy
Membership form was on Page 6 of the November magazine or as a loose leaf renewal form in both the November and December magazine. Current members can pay by credit card over the phone or via www.
Dogs SA Judge Licence Renewals were due by 1st December 2020 Licence Renewal forms were on pages 16 and 17 of the November magazine. They are available in the Dogs SA office, on the Dogs SA website or via www.easydogs. Trainee judges cannot pay via EDE.
Dogs SA Office Closure The Dogs SA Office will be closed from Monday 21st December 2020 reopening Wednesday 6th January 2021
Exports for the month of October 2020 GROUP – HOUNDS Rhodesian Ridgeback MACUMAZAHN WAITING ON A FRIEND 5100116622 (M) 22/01/2020 (Ms P J Edgar) Mr J Copeland SINGAPORE December 2020
Page 5
The Sixty Eighth Annual General Meeting of the members of the South Australian Canine Association Inc was held at David Roche Park, Cromwell Road Kilburn on Wednesday 4th March 2020 at 8.00 p.m. Meeting was opened at 8.00 p.m. by the Chairperson, Mr Brian Parker, and a minute’s silence was observed in remembrance of those members who have passed away during the year. Sixty-Four members were present, and twenty-one apologies were received. 1.
Declare a quorum for the meeting to proceed. The Chairperson declared that a quorum had been achieved.
To receive and confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting. Moved J Miller/S Johnson minutes are received and confirmed. CARRIED.
To receive and adopt the Council report as published. Moved S Johnson/P Kent the report is adopted. CARRIED.
To receive and adopt the reports of the Advisory Committee’s as published. Moved C Wood/L Niemann the reports are adopted. CARRIED.
To receive and adopt the Financial Statements and Balance Sheet. 5.1 Further breakdown required from the Auditor in reference to Sundry Income as per Note 2 – Revenue. Moved P Kent/D Harrop the Financial Statements and Balance Sheet as presented are received and adopted. CARRIED. 6.
Meeting closed. There being no further business the Chairperson thanked members for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.11 p.m.
At the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting the Chairperson presented the Dogs SA Distinguished Service Award to Mrs Margaret Bush.
Page 6
SACA RULES CHANGES Effective 1 January 2021 PART VIII B
')!! &, # ( " ( "") " & ! ( " * -##! * # #" & " " #" ( # (# & At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Australian National Kennel Council Limited held via Zoom video conferencing: 1.
Election of ANKC Ltd Executive B Mr Brian Parker was elected as Vice President for a one-year term from 17 October 2020; and J !? .C61 '.92@ D.@ ?2 2920A21 B;<==<@21 .@ (?2.@B?2? 3<? . <;2 F2.? A2?: 3?<: #0A</2? J !@ $.:29. .:=/299 D.@ ?2 2920A21 .@ . :2:/2? <3 A52 E20BA6C2 <::6AA22 3<? . <;2 F2.? A2?: 3?<: #0A</2?
A A52 #0A</2? " A1 <.?1 :22A6;4 6?20A<?@ ?2@<9C21 0<;@612?21 A52 3<99<D6;4 1.
Turkish Shepherd Dog Survey A D.@ ?2@<9C21 A5.A A52 @A.AB@ >B< 6@ A< ?2:.6; D52?2 A52?2 D699 /2 AD< /?221@ D6A5 A52 ;.A<96.; '52=52?1 <4 B@6;4 A52 0B??2;A ;.A<96.; '52=52?1 <4 /?221 @A.;1.?1 .;1 A52 .;4.9 '52=52?1 <4 B@6;4 A52 .;4.9 '52=52?1 <4 /?221 @A.;1.?1 .;1 <D;2?@ :.F A?.;@32? A52 .3320A21 1<4@ 3?<: <;2 /?221 A< A52 <A52? B= B;A69 A52 B;2
CACIB Shows: 2022-2023 A D.@ ?2@<9C21 A52 3<99<D6;4 0<;G?:21 2E=?2@@6<;@ <3 6;A2?2@A A< 0<;1B0A '5<D@ 6; 5.C2 /22; .==?<C21 /F " 3<? @B/:6@@6<; A< 3<? A526? .==?<C.9 Member Body Date of Show Show Details <4@ (.@:.;6.
.;B.?F )9C2?@A<;2 2;;29 9B/ '5<D <4@ *60A<?6.
2/?B.?F (D69645A .;6;2 <B;A?F 9B/ <4@ '
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'2=A2:/2? (52 &<F.9 .;6; ;A2?;.A6<;.9 '=?6;4 .6?
Regulations Part 3A to 3N: New Clause to be added A D.@ ?2@<9C21 A5.A A52 3<99<D6;4 09.B@2 /2 6;@2?A21 6;A< .99 " A1 &24B9.A6<;@ $.?A A< $.?A " A member wishing to enter any Judgesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Training Scheme must apply to the Member Body in their state of residence.
Regulations Part 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Conformation Shows: Clause 1.1.7 Amendment A D.@ ?2@<9C21 A5.A &24B9.A6<;@ $.?A I <;3<?:.A6<; '5<D@ 9.B@2 /2 .:2;121 .@ 3<99<D@ 1.1.7 Proprietary Interest â&#x20AC;&#x201C; having some legal or equitable interest in an animal on an on-going basis. For the purposes of these Regulations the deďŹ nition does not include boarding a dog at a Judgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boarding kennel.
Regulations Part 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Conformation Shows: New Clause 8.1.4 Amendment A D.@ ?2@<9C21 A5.A &24B9.A6<;@ $.?A I <;3<?:.A6<; '5<D@ '20A6<; E56/6A /2 .:2;121 /F A52 6;09B@6<; <3 .; .116A6<;.9 9.B@2 A< ?2.1 .@ 3<99<D@ 8.1.4 A dog cannot be entered in the name of a deceased person once the administration of that personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; s estate has been ďŹ nalised.
Regulations Part 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Conformation Shows: Clause 3.2.5 Amendment A D.@ ?2@<9C21 A5.A &24B9.A6<;@ $.?A I <;3<?:.A6<; '5<D@ 9.B@2 /2 .:2;121 .@ 3<99<D@ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I undertake to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the ANKC Ltd and judge to its approved Breed Standards/Regulations/Rules and any member body regulations applicable to this assignment. I declare all information on this form is correct and if circumstances make the information inaccurate, I undertake to inform the ANKC Ltd forthwith. I also declare I am physically ďŹ t and capable of judging in the normally accepted manner. I acknowledge this is a continuing obligation and I undertake to notify the contracting afďŹ liate should my health status impact upon my ability to judge in the normally accepted manner.â&#x20AC;? A D.@ ?2@<9C21 3<? A52 .:2;121 1209.?.A6<; A< /2 6;09B121 6; A52 B142@ 0<;A?.0A .;1 A52 "<; ?2@612;A B142@ .==960.A6<; 3<?: * New or Amended regulations, policy statements, procedures, publications and listings will be made available from the ANKC Ltd website.
TRACEY BARRY ! " '(& (#& December 2020
Page 7
Congratulations Ray Ashenden
2020 Annual General Meetings
Gundog Club of SA Inc 2nd December 2020 7.00pm Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Welsh Corgi Club of SA Inc 5th December 2020 12.45pm Assembly area of Ring 5, Cromwell Road, Kilburn If Hot Weather Policy applies, will be 5.00pm The Retrieving & Field Trials Advisory Committee (RAFT) is very pleased to announce that Ray Ashenden has been inducted into the ANKC Retrieving and Field Hall of Fame.
Champions. With RT CH Horrissapit Surprize (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Prizeâ&#x20AC;?) Ray came 4th in both the 2004 and 2006 SA State Retrieving &KDPSLRQVKLSV DQG Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG th in the 2006 National Retrieving Championship.
Ray is only the second South Australian to be honoured with a place in the Hall RI )DPH WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW EHLQJ &HFLO $GNLQV ZKR ZDV RQH RI WKH RULJLQDO LQGXFWHHV EDFN in 2000. Prior to 2020 there were only 23 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Prominent Personsâ&#x20AC;? listed in the H RI ) DQG KLV LQFOXVLRQ UHFRJQLVHV 5D\¡V contributions to both Retrieving and Field trials for over 40 years.
His present dog is RT CH Nativerun Angus. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gussâ&#x20AC;? is just over three, but has DOUHDG\ ZRQ $OO $JH VWDNHV LQ VHYHUDO states.
Ray began his trialling career in 1977 with his Labrador bitch â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pandellâ&#x20AC;? and had immediate success. He came second in the 1978 Retrieving National Championship with RT CH FT CH :DUUDNLPER 3DQGHOO DQG ZLWK KHU KH came second in the 1979 SA State Championship and then did one better by winning the Championship in 1981. She also performed well in Field Trials winning the SA State Field Championship in 1981. He won the SA State Retrieving Championship for a second time in 1984, but this time with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wagsâ&#x20AC;? who went on to become RT CH FT CH Kelrise Cindy. With her, Ray achieved CMs both in Field and Retrieving. Ray has trialled numerous other dogs (usually Labrador Retrievers) and several became both Retrieving and Field Trial Page 8
Ray was previously a Field Trial judge and bred for many years under the +RUULVVDSLW SUHĂ&#x20AC;[ SURGXFLQJ OLWWHUV PDLQO\ for his own purposes and for his friends. Nevertheless, because of his successes KLV OLQH ZDV NHHQO\ VRXJKW DIWHU LQWHUVWDWH as well. ,Q 0DUN 6DUJLVRQ¡V 57 &+ Horrissapit Sargent Bob won the NSW State Championship. A founding member of the Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc Ray has been a driving force behind National Championships held in South Australia, including being the Chair of the National Committee for the ill-fated 2020 National. Rays induction into the Hall of Fame recognises not only his personal DFKLHYHPHQWV EXW DOVR DFNQRZOHGJHV his huge contributions to gundog trialling (especially Retrieving) and to the clubs dedicated to continuing the hunting tradition in this state. Lynne Webster For the RAFT Advisory
Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc 7th December 2020 7.00pm Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc 7th December 2020 6.00pm Brine, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Marion Kennel Club Inc 8th December 2020 7.30pm Marsula, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Shetland Sheepdog Club of SA Inc 13th March 2021 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12noon Funday to follow AGM David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn Southern Districs Kennel & Obedience Club Inc 24th January 2021 Clubgrounds, Morphett Vale
2020 SACA Prefixes Approved Top Retrieving Gundog October 2020 Award Objections to an approved Prefix must be lodged at .
The Rules for the SACA Top Retrieving Gundog Award were altered in 2016 to include:
the Dogs SA Office within 3 months of the date of publication
To qualify exhibitors must be Members of Dogs SA and resident of SA when the points are awarded. Interstate points to count. (update 9/16). The Award year is 1st Wednesday in October to 1st Tuesday in October (update 11/18). This Trophy must be returned to the RAFT Advisory, or Dogs SA, by the winner, a minimum of one month before the Special RAFT Meeting the following year (update 11/18). All 5 of the South Australian dogs competing at "All Age" level this year gained at least one placing which qualified each of them for the trophy. [To win the trophy, the points must include one place in an All Age Stake or Championship Stake] and they were: Ben Kradolfer & Kadlinga Kennels Labrador Retriever dog, KADLINGA BOS GENEVER RRD 1 x 3rd AA = 1 x 3 points = 3; total 3 points Graeme Allen Golden Retriever bitch, ELLISHEA WYATTS DIDJA (AI) NRD 1 x 2nd AA = 1 x 6 points = 6 points; 1 x 1st Restricted = 1 x 3 points = 3 points; total 9 points. Gail Phoenix CH HABANERO GROF No REMY UD RM AARD ORA, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla bitch – 2 x 2nd AA = 2 x 6 points = 12; total 12 points. Jeff Patrick Labrador Retriever dog, CAVAJAL ROBIN HOOD (AI) RRD ORA 3 x 2nd AA = 3 x 6 points = 18 points;
total 18 points.
Ray Ashenden Labrador Retriever dog, RT CH NATIVERUN ANGUS In SA: 9 x 1st AA = 9 x 9 points = 81 points Interstate: 1x 1st AA, 1 x 9 points = 9 points, 1 x 3rd Championship = 1 x 6 points = 6 points; = 15 points giving Guss 96 points and he is the winner, congratulations. Guss has gained a 1st and 2nd place in October in NSW since the close of our Trophy year which will count towards next year as per the Rules. Jessie Hughes For the Dogs SA RAFT Advisory Panel December 2020
Mr M Wake Mr R Petrusic Mr A & Mrs L Brandon Mrs K M Gibbons Mrs V Anastasiadis Mr R Corevski Mrs L Love Mr G Vernon & Mrs A O'Connor Mr E Parsons Mrs O Elyard Ms T Camm Ms K Van Gaal Mr G Partridge Mr R A Barratt Miss S Dare Mr B Hopper & Ms N Horvath Mrs T Dalton Mr S Jervies Mrs M L Thompson Mrs X Tan Mrs L Diederiks Mr T Parlour Miss K Beer Mr D Baumgartner Ms B Schofield Mrs S Bick Miss J Byles Mr B Duggan Miss K Strahan Mr M Bajada Mrs D L Evans Mrs C P Foster Mrs J Oldland Mrs E Newton-Brown Mr S Thomas Mrs M Harris Miss K Ramm Miss K Flick Mrs S Staite Miss C Reynolds Ms J Corral Mrs K Evans Mrs S Sherman Miss D Zammit Mr F Egan Mr S Trewarne Miss R Lee-Porcher Mrs R Elliott Mrs D & Mr K Hasler Mr T Tsonis Mr N Juga Mr M Coleman Mrs A McWaters Ms R James Page 9
AGILITY NEWS STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR AGILITY: Summary of Survey Results Dogs SA commenced a strategic planning process in mid- 2020, consulting with members and discipline representatives to ascertain opportunities, goals, and priorities for development. To contribute to this process AAC conducted an online survey of agility members and clubs. A total of 53 responses (12%) were received from individual members and affiliate clubs. All respondents have been kept confidential and the full data has been provided to Dogs SA to reference in the development of the plan. A big ‘thank you’ to all those who were able to contribute; we hope to provide further opportunities for the agility fraternity to feed into ongoing planning and development of the sport in SA. SUMMARY RESULTS Below you find a summary reflecting a wide range of views and suggestions that is representative of the diversity of the agility community. The things respondents most enjoy about agility: Overwhelmingly, the social and community aspects of the sport in tandem with the relationship with our dogs, followed by training and learning, and dog-handler fun and fitness. Trialling and competition are also in the mix! The things of greatest concern to respondents and priorities for action: While there has been a very encouraging increase in novice entries in recent trials, a wide range of issues and concerns were identified in the survey reflecting reduced club and competitor numbers and perceptions that agility is in some decline in SA. There were many reasons given for this and corresponding opportunities to address these. Some of these are inter-related, others are systemic, and may take time to address; some can be tackled more quickly. Consistent themes include a need to: - enhance the way people are welcomed, valued, and encouraged at clubs and trials, especially newcomers but also regulars, and young people - refresh the way the sport is managed, particularly
Page 10
the way the AAC functions and communicates with the members, as well as review and streamline some procedures and state rules to enhance consistency with national and international standards - modernise approaches to agility including courses, judging, trials and their management, equipment, and instructing (clubs and private), bringing them into line with changing practices - strengthen capacity of clubs to provide contemporary training and support for members - expand opportunities for people to engage in the sport, including promotion of junior handlers, novelty events, not- for-competition classes, and recognition of volunteers - continue developing strategies to promote the sport to the wider community, including demonstrations, comeand-try events, magazine articles and media coverage; and highlight the benefits of agility for people, dogs, and the community. Clubs responses identified several critical challenges being experienced and showed how these also mirror and contribute to the competitor concerns (as outlined above). Key issues include a lack of new/appropriate instructors, lack of volunteers, club cultures, access to instructor training and training for trial management, and equity in participation (strategies to manage distance in development of agility, as well as trials). Four clubs expressed a need for updated equipment. Some clubs are experiencing financial constraints, which have been exacerbated by Covid19; some also have administration challenges. Priority needs and opportunities include building instructor expertise and club viability to attract and retain new members. Associated with this is working with Dogs SA and the wider agility community to promote the sport through a myriad of engaging events. Clubs also seek changes in the way the AAC is formed and operates and can thus more positively support clubs in addressing club and member concerns. In concluding, both club and individual respondents consistently emphasized the value of agility in promoting the health and wellbeing of people, dogs, and the community – a Dogs SA mandate. Agility is great for everyone!
PHOTOGRAPHER INFORMATION Please be aware – Dogs SA Journal Shoots - If you have had a photo taken of your dog on the day and you are unhappy with that photo for the Dogs SA magazine Journal Shoot, you may replace that photo with a previous one FROM THE SAME PHOTOGRAPHER ONLY. December Journal Shoots Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Dog Club Inc Championship Show 5 December 2020 Photographer – Ingrid Matschke ADSS Pty Ltd Championship Show Saturday 19 December 2020 PM Show Photographer – Ingrid Matschke
Agenda Items required the week before by the Tuesday PROPOSED WEDNESDAY MEETINGS 27th January 28th July 24th February 25th August 24th March 22nd September 28th April 27th October 26th May 8th December 23rd June
EST 1975
General & Colour Printing Digital Printing & Copying General Binding Services Self Inking Stamps Graphic Design 91 Research Road POORAKA 5095 phone 08 8262 6133 email web
Keeping Business December 2020
L Page 11
Litters Registered Litters registered 1st October 2020 to 31st October 2020 GROUP 1 – TOYS Australian Silky Terrier SILKYNESS Ms V J Talbot 2M 3F 05/08/2020 CH. WILLAME IN LYKE FLYN 4100300862 : EMDEE MOLLY MALONE 5100085926 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel CAVASHON Mrs K M Brooksby 1M 3F 30/07/2020 CH. CAVASHON TICKED THOSE BOXES 5100108232 : CH. CAVASHON A SILHOUETTE 5100107338 Chihuahua (Long) HOUSEOFCHI Mrs L Alonge 2M 2F 03/08/2020 CH. ADRAHIL THE WIZARDS SLEEVE 2100455920 : CHILOVECHI BRANDI APOLONIA 5100101394 XTINA Mrs C Ricks 1M 1F 18/08/2020 CH. EL-TORO KIWI FROST (IMP NZL) 032852019 : NATZBRATZ INDI PARIS 2100502249 Chihuahua (Smooth) TIBCHI Mr G & Mrs K Tucker 1F 16/01/2019 NATZBRATZ CHEEKY MELODY 2100432444 : TIBCHI CIRCLE OF FRIENDS 5100079081
DEVINE 5100106267 : BOKSON PAY IT BLACK 6100112553 ROXBUD Roxbud Kennels 2M 06/08/2020 DALISAY BACK IN BLACK 2100514034 : ROXBUD SPLASH OF EBONY 5100102685 SHIGRIFF Ms M Gurney & Ms C Elder 1M 2F 29/05/2020 CH. SHIGRIFF SAM I AM 5100098147 : SHIGRIFF SEVEN YEAR ITCH 5100098142 Havanese ANESE Ms K Walker & Mr P Douglas 6M 1F 20/07/2020 CH. ANESE IM A GOOD BLOKE 5100111596 : KERRIS ARE U AOATEA ELLAKI 2100411676 SHARTOOZ Mrs S J Baillie 4M 3F 19/08/2020 HAVANOVA MAN OF ACTION 5100112846 : CH. SHARTOOZ WICKED 5100103232 Japanese Chin KISEKI Ms L E McArthur 3F 27/08/2020 C.I.B. SUP.CH. SHARLARNA HASIME (IMP UK) AR03927904 : CH. KISEKI KAZUMII 5100087113 Miniature Pinscher BRIZEGAR Mrs J Hewson 2M 2F 28/05/2020 BRIZEGAR CAUZ FOR CELBRATION 5100112520 : CH. BRIZEGAR HEAVEN CAN WAIT 5100077497
29/07/2020 CH. OAKEES EATON 5100074280 : CH. ALTANIA MONTRACHE 5100110648
I AM DIESEL 4100291187 : KLOUDKNINE SWEET BLAST (AI) 2100498137
Russian Toy (Smooth Haired) HEVNLEE Mrs B Chapman 1M 2F 11/08/2020 ROM.CH. HUN. CH. CH. KING VOM GRANDTOY (IMP AUT) VDH-VK142722 : LUXURYTOYPAW ROXANNE 4100326452
Tenterfield Terrier MAYARLI Mrs J Loffler 3F 10/09/2020 SILVIERAS GENTLEMAN JACK 2100483709 : GUMHAVEN MACY GRAY 5100111568
Yorkshire Terrier CIABEN Ms S Boswell 3M 2F 24/07/2020 BOBBALIL TED E BEAR 6100100194 : CIABEN JASMINERUBY 5100100312
GROUP 2 – TERRIERS American Staffordshire Terrier ANDONAS Mr T Grivakis 3M 7F 03/07/2020 ANDONAS EVENING SHADE 5100090867 : ANDONAS STANER 5100095516 ANDONAS Mr T Grivakis 2M 7F 31/07/2020 ANDONAS EVENING SHADE 5100090867 : ANDONAS BLUE VENOM 5100096023 WILDAMSTAFF Mr S England 5M 5F 12/08/2020 RAZASHARP HUNTER 4100311343 : WILDAMSTAFF MY CHILD 5100105220 WILDAMSTAFF Mr S England 5M 3F 12/08/2020 RAZASHARP HUNTER 4100311343 : WILDAMSTAFF CRYBABY 5100104203
TIBCHI Mr G & Mrs K Tucker 2M 16/07/2020 CH. EL-TORO KIWI FROST (IMP NZL) 03285-2019 : TIBCHI CIRCLE OF FRIENDS 5100079081
Papillon MALIBUTANGO Ms S Glennon 1M 1F 07/08/2020 MALIBUTANGO DOUBLE DELIGHT 5100114299 : MALIBUTANGO ALPHA BRAVO 5100111030
VONCRONAN Mrs K Tilley & Miss T Sunman 3M 17/07/2020 VONCRONAN MONTE CARLO 5100105597 : VONCRONAN LOVE AFFAIR 5100081741
PAPANDI Mrs P A Welk 2M 2F 20/08/2020 CH. EVABLUE DOOGAN THE SPY 2100513649 : PAPANDI RAPT IN LACE 5100097836
VONCRONAN Mrs K Tilley & Miss T Sunman 2M 1F 03/08/2020 VONCRONAN MONTE CARLO 5100105597 : VONCRONAN DIAMOND AFFAIR 5100100329
Griffon Bruxellois BADIZA Mrs A Lindblom 1M 2F 01/07/2020 CH. BADIZA JUST DEVINE 5100106267 : ICONIDLE OPRAH 6100096153
ANDONAS Mr T Grivakis 5M 3F 17/05/2020 BLUROYAL PIEMAN 3100205970 : ANDONAS BLUE HONEY SWIRL 5100112051
ROXBUD Roxbud Kennels 1M 4F 31/07/2020 CH. BADIZA JUST
Pomeranian ALTANIA Ms S M Beinke 1M
DUKENALABLUE Mr C Skinner 2M 4F 25/08/2020 TALAHINI
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Scottish Terrier SCOTSBAIRN Mrs F Gillman 1M 1F 18/08/2020 CH. JUSCOT SPIRIT CHASER (IMP NZL) 03987-2011 : CH. SCOTSBAIRN PRECIOUS GEMMA 5100109051 TARTANCREST Miss E Young 2M 2F 24/07/2020 TARTANCREST YOUNG CLYDE 5100089457 : REEFSCOTT HAYMAN BONNIE 4100261445 Staffordshire Bull Terrier ANDONAS Mr T Grivakis 1M 2F 26/07/2020 BLUROYAL PIEMAN 3100205970 : ANDONAS SKYLA CHARM 5100112050
West Highland White Terrier BONNIEBEE Mrs K L Pobke 3M 3F 27/07/2020 ALBORADA MY WAY 11 (IMP ESP) LOE2367140 : MACMHUIRAICH LADY ARYRA 2100488813 DABODA Mr A Foster-Johnson 3M 2F 25/08/2020 DABODA MAGIC MIKE 5100104876 : DABODA TIME OUT 5100080302
GROUP 3 – GUNDOGS Cocker Spaniel JOLLYBONSUE Mrs L Keller 5M 3F 05/08/2020 TEENALEE TAKE A BREAK 5100054257 : JOLLYBONSUE PENNYS FOR ELEANOR 5100101263 SEQUERE Mr B Fabri 3M 3F 25/07/2020 SEQUERE PIPPO THE ROCK 5100112839 : SEQUERE TASTE OF CLASS 5100106282 German Shorthaired Pointer SEVOIER Sevoier Kennels 5M 4F 31/07/2020 CH. SEVOIER A WALK IN THE CLOUDS (AI) 5100105240 : CH. SEVOIER THRILL OF THE CHASE 5100087238 TANAQUNEY Mrs C Billett 2M 3F 24/08/2020 CH. OAKRIDGE TANAGRA 5100088537 : OAKRIDGE WIMOWEH 5100107960 Golden Retriever ANNIEGOLD Mr R Boon 5M 6F 30/07/2020 BARADAV SEAL OF APPROVAL (AI) 5100096369-SEM : BARADAV FIELD OF DREAMS (AI) 5100100807 GOLDNTROPICS Mrs T Breen 2M 3F 02/05/2020 GOLDNTROPICS DIESEL N DUST (AI) 5100101498 : GOLDNTROPICS ARMS OF AN ANGEL 5100089954 WYANDRA Mrs R Hillyer 3M 2F 24/08/2020 SUP.CH. ADORINGGOLD EYE OF THE STORM (AI) 2100410259 : CH.
Litters Registered WYANDRA MAKE ME MILLIONS 5100082494 Hungarian Vizsla ZUELY Miss S Deuter 2M 8F 12/08/2020 DAINGEANN TRILLIUM (AI) 2100518297 : ZUELY AT LAST 5100075830
WYLDCHASE Mr G E Love & Ms K A Hutt 3M 3F 15/07/2020 RIDGESETTER RUN WITH YR HEART 2100491173 : WYLDCHASE WITCH WITCH (AI) 5100093135
Labrador Retriever AIRAI Miss J Leibhardt 4M 5F 06/08/2020 SUP.CH. KIRKDELL WATCH AND SEE 5100103050 : AIRAI KEEP ON DREAMIN 5100107351
Australian Cattle Dog KARTE Mrs R K Barker 1M 2F 21/07/2020 CH. KARTE OUTBACK TRUCKER 5100090734 : BRABEUM DEEVER 4100238211
CHEYANDOR Mrs G Hann & Ms L Spouncer 4M 5F 05/09/2020 CHEYANDOR IZAR (AI) 5100098381 : CH. CHEYANDOR HOPE 5100091802
Border Collie LOVETORUN Mr T & Mrs N Hearse 5M 1F 13/08/2020 WYNNLAKE CURIOUS SQUIRE (AI) 5100094483 : LOVETORUN BOMBS AWAY 5100100965
WILDERBLU Mrs A Eatts 2M 8F 09/07/2020 WILDERBLU DARE TO FLIRT 5100099465 : WILDERBLU HUNGRY EYES 5100101108
PANDAPPA Mrs S M Stevens 3M 6F 18/08/2020 CH. KIRKDELL FIRE N ASH 5100099716-SEM : PANDAPPA WATER MARK 5100099992
GROUP 4 – HOUNDS Beagle GOLDENGUM Miss L Browne & Mr R King 4M 4F 26/08/2020 CH. JARROWLEY CHALLENGER (IMP UK) AP03170803 : CH. BALDEV GIN AND TONIC 4100249225 Dachshund (Smooth Haired) DAXENBERG Daxenberg Kennels 3M 1F 11/08/2020 TRUEANTALLAN PRINCE WILLIAM 6100112293 : DAXENBERG DESERT ROSE 5100105535 DAXENBERG Daxenberg Kennels 2M 2F 11/08/2020 TRUEANTALLAN PRINCE WILLIAM 6100112293 : DAXENBERG RED WILLOW 5100105716 Rhodesian Ridgeback MACUMAZAHN Ms P J Edgar 4M 6F 27/07/2020 CH. MACUMAZAHN TRAGICALY HIP ET. 1588072SEM : MACUMAZAHN HELLO 5100097897 Whippet ALLSTARS Mrs M A Burnside 1M 3F 21/07/2020 ALLSTARS CHASING RAINBOWS 5100053565 : ALLSTARS XFACTOR 5100101956 December 2020
WILDERBLU Mrs A Eatts 2M 6F 01/07/2020 WILDERBLU HEY JUDE 5100084463 : WILDERBLU LOVES TO FLIRT 5100099467 German Shepherd Dog ALIMANDA Alimanda Kennels 1M 1F 14/09/2020 CH. ALIMANDA SMOOTH OPERATOR 5100093888 : CH. ALIMANDA QARDASHIAN 5100090317 ALIMANDA Alimanda Kennels 2M 2F 11/09/2020 YPSILON DI CASA CAPUTI (IMP DEU) LER/ ACOA18838 : ALIMANDA TICKLED PINK 5100095633 ALPINEBASE Mr K Pahl 4M 4F 08/08/2020 ALPINEBASE YAGMUR 3100347962 : ALPINEBASE WELLA 3100327078 ARKAHLA Arkahla Kennels 1M 19/08/2020 XANDER VOM GRABFELDGAU (IMP DEU) SZ2335646-SEM : CH. VONPETA ZIPPER TEE DOO DAA 5100082950 GEWALT Gewalt Kennels 7M 4F 15/08/2020 CH. SCHAEFERHUND XESKO 3100276038 : GEWALT SMOKEYS CREED (AI) 5100102101
GEWALT Gewalt Kennels 3M 7F 28/07/2020 XANDER VOM GRABFELDGAU (IMP DEU) SZ2335646-SEM : KAPERVILLE JOURNEY WAY 6100101701 VONPETA Mr P Damarell 2F 09/08/2020 LEBERHINE JOKER 5100097430 : CH. VONPETA BETTABEGOOD 5100086948 VONRAUTEN Vonrauten Kennels 4M 1F 20/08/2020 VONRAUTEN SE PRIVATE RYAN (AI) 5100104554 : VONRAUTEN SERA O DO BEHAVE XM 5100099429 Shetland Sheepdog LENTARIDY Lentaridy Kennels 1F 06/08/2020 DEZSHEL ARMED AND DANGEROUS (AI) 2100515584 : CH. ABACEL LILAC N LACE 5100085416 Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) PEMVALE Mrs K Flynn 2M 1F 04/09/2020 CH. PEMVALE GREAT EXPECTATIONS (AI) 5100090526 : CH. PEMVALE SECRET RENDEZVOUS 5100101449 White Swiss Shepherd Dog INKDWITSWISS Miss S L Williams 1M 19/03/2020 ENGELSHEP ODDSON EAGLES LANDED 5100092343 : ENGELSHEP STIR UP A STORM 5100091028 OWECAROSE Mrs K Gordon-Hunt 5M 1F 24/08/2020 BRANDO OF ICE WINE (HUN) F.J.177/16-SEM : OWECAROSE CAPTAIN BENNETT 5100103178
GROUP 6 – UTILITY Alaskan Malamute MAIITSHO Tori Haynes 1F 04/08/2020 SOUTHRNWOLF HERE COMES THE SON (AI) 2100474847-SEM : CH. MAIITSHO QUEEN SENYAH 5100093846 Bernese Mountain Dog ALPENHUND Ms R O Catt 4M 1F 21/06/2020 ALPENHUND PARKA 5100110978 : ALPENHUND YALANEY 5100086682 Boxer SHOWNWIN Shownwin Kennels 1M 3F 26/07/2020 ROXBUD NEED FOR SPEED 5100109771 : ROXBUD BRINGIN IT BACK 5100106854 VENUSTORM Mr A Pointon 2M 4F 15/09/2020 CH. PHOENIX
SPECIAL EDITION 5100077373 : PHOENIX ZIGGY STARDUST 5100102854 Bullmastiff BULLMIGHTY Bullmighty Kennels 1M 21/08/2020 GRAND. CH. KANGALA OZZIE OSBORNE 2100195387-SEM : GRAND. CH. BULLMIGHTY FLICK O THE FINGER (AI) 5100092134 Cane Corso AMATERASU Ms C Burke & Mr B Mann 2M 1F 29/10/2019 CONAN COHORS ADRIATICO (SVN) HR10580CC-SEM : AMATERASU MIELE (AI) 2100489500 Rottweiler HOLSTAM Ms L Ellul 2M 4F 27/06/2020 GER. CH. JONNY VOM NORDERDIEK GER. BH. IPO I. (IMP DEU) 130699 : VALSTAM JOLOKIAS UZI 5100091615 TYKERNA Ms K O'Brien 2M 4F 29/06/2020 TYKERNA PSYCHO CIRCUS (AI) 5100094049 : TYKERNA RAISE YOUR GLASS 5100085279
GROUP 7 - NON SPORTING British Bulldog KANECOURT Mrs D L Foster 2M 16/08/2020 CH. SHYOLA CAPTON JACK SPARROW 5100099072 : CH. SHYOLA HAPPY FEET (AI) 5100088139 PRECIOUSBULL Mrs C A Terry 1M 10/08/2020 CH. MAJESTUEUX SOMEBODY TOLD ME (AI) 4100303133 : CH. PRECIOUSBULL UK POMIE KISS (AI) 5100078974 Dalmatian INSTRIDE Ms K A Harvey 5M 3F 28/07/2020 CH. INSTRIDE AWSUM SPEED 5100078648SEM : CH. INSTRIDE WISH UPON A STAR 5100089615 French Bulldog BORDEAUXVALI Miss K Jones 2M 31/07/2020 NITROBLUE MAN OF STEEL 5100098126 : EIFFELPUPS APRICOT 5100101118 MOSAC Mrs S Williams 5M 3F 10/08/2020 MOONGLADE MOVIE STAR 4100307039 : MOSAC SYLVIE (AI) 5100103223 Page 13
Lit ters Registered & Titles Awarded WESTOBRI Westobri Kennels 2M 29/07/2020 CARTE TRUFFE HOW DO YOU DO (IMP FIN) FI21885/17 : BRIALLEN CHEEKY CHILLI 2100443883 Keeshond RYMVALE Mrs C L Pink 4M 06/08/2020 KARRIKEES ZILVA TROMPET 6100111453 : RYMVALE VOO DOO DOLL 5100104116 TICOL Mrs A Misell 5F 18/08/2020 SUP.CH. NAWTIKEES RIDERS ON THE STORM (AI) 2100387515 : CH. TICOL GALAXY QUEEN 5100108227 Poodle (Toy) TUYETPOODO Mrs T Trinh 1M 1F 18/08/2020 SUNSHINESTAR TINKERS TRIPPER 4100315150 : TUYETPOODO CINDY 5100105554 Shar Pei SHARBOOP Mr W & Mrs J Walloscheck 2F 25/07/2020 CH. SHARBOOP LIVING THE DREAM 5100083440 : SHARBOOP GORILLA IN THE MIST 5100087620 SHARBOOP Mr W & Mrs J Walloscheck 1M 3F 20/07/2020 RYNKLS PEIATTENTION DOWN UNDER (AI) 2100501096 : CH. SHARBOOP BEAUTY LIES WITHIN (AI) 5100107629
Titles Awarded Titles awarded 1st October 2020 to 31st October 2020 GROUP 1 – TOYS Italian Greyhound CH. IGMAJIK FAITH 5100104123 (F) 04/11/2017 CH. OAKWAY SILVER SIXPENCE 4100253622 : CH. IGMAJIK DREAM WEAVER 5100077479 - Mrs M Broster Miniature Pinscher CH. SHIRALEA LADY IN BLACK 5100109036 (F) 24/10/2018 CH. SHIRALEA RUDOLPH VALENTINO 5100074710 : CH. SHELSARBY BLACK CAVIAR 3100292766 Mrs L & Mr L Johnston Page 14
Pug CH. NEUT. GRAND CH. ALOTINALITLE PUT A SPELL ON U 5100088745 (S) 01/07/2015 CH. PUDGYPOOCH LAFAYET 5100068743 : ALOTINALITLE MISSONI 5100067063 - Mrs T & Miss A Beavis
GROUP 2 – TERRIERS American Staffordshire Terrier GRAND. CH. AMSTAFOMINE FROZEN ASSETS (AI) JC. 5100089942 (F) 08/09/2015 ROM. CH. C.I.B. ROM. GR. CH. ROM. JR CH. PRAETORIAN STAFF BORN TO CRUSH YOU (ROU) CORA2925-09/286-SEM : CH. AMSTAFOMINE COTTON KISSES JC. 5100061315 - Ms D Hughes Australian Terrier CH. TAINQUEST VERRY ELLEEGANT 5100108987 (F) 05/11/2018 CH. MITTLESISTA SMARTY PANTS 3100353544 : CH. TAINQUEST RICH N UFF 5100091638 - Mrs C M Gower Border Terrier CH. CHANPEMA THE DEALER 5100111708 (M) 26/04/2019 SUP. CH. CHANPEMA HIGH ROLLER 5100089294 : CH. CHANPEMA SPICE UP YOUR LIFE 5100094618 - Chanpema Kennels Jack Russell Terrier JACKNTHEBOX DAPHNE HAINES JC. 2100524075 (F) 22/03/2019 J CH. GRC. NZ. CH. CROSS OVER DI SUTRI (IMP NZL) ROI17/130551 : JACKNTHEBOX BEANA SMOOTHIE 2100430208 - Mrs M Haines Staffordshire Bull Terrier COLDORONDO LUKA CA. 7100039077 (S) 03/08/2017 KELZBLUGIRL DOM 3100340204 : DARLINGRED CANT STOP TROUBLE 7100034009 - Mrs A Wait Tenterfield Terrier GUMHAVEN SHINE A LIGHT RN. TD. TSDX. HTM.I. FS.A. 5100092364 (F) 11/02/2016 GUMHAVEN BANJO PATERSON CD. RN. 5100056569 : CH. GUMHAVEN FIRE FOX 5100081183 - Mr D & Mrs J McLoughlin CH. WINGROVE ENCHANTRESS 5100116283 (F) 24/12/2019 CH.
GROUP 3 – GUNDOGS Brittany OISELEUR VIOLETTE CCD. RA. 3100345255 (F) 22/07/2016 HOLBREIZH VELOUR NOIR 3100175791 : JOY DU FAISAN (IMP NZL) 05396-2014 - Mrs C James-Martin English Springer Spaniel CH. SPRINGDAX BACK TO PENITABOY 5100104656 (M) 21/01/2018 PENITA TURN BACK TIME 7100030501 : SPRINGDAX ZABRINA ZETTA 5100091587 Mrs K M Callery Golden Retriever CH. GILTEDGE HANS SOLO RN. TK.S. HTM.N. FS.N. 2100490762 (M) 04/12/2017 CH. GOLDEW SOUTHERN SON 3100251371 : HEATWAVE LEAP OF FAITH (IMP SWE) SE18376/2012 - Miss L M Stapylton Labrador Retriever DUAL. CH. Neuter(T) CHEYANDOR CARLY RA. TSD. QND. NRA. HTM.N. FS.N. 5100066051 (S) 17/09/2011 CH. CHEYANDOR ARGUS 5100056910 : CHEYANDOR WHOOPIE 5100045460 - Mrs C H Hayes CH. CHEYANDOR JAYLIN 5100107293 (M) 31/07/2018 CH. CHEYANDOR ARGUS 5100056910 : CH. CHEYANDOR FAITH 5100076207 - Mrs G Hann & Ms L Spouncer NEUT. CH. REVEIRTER NE MT STIRLING RA. JC. 3100387054 (N) 14/01/2019 REVEIRTER SW APOLLO BAY 3100320049 : REVEIRTER LOUGH REE 3100350074 - Dr C Nottle Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever NEUT. CH. GLENMAVE READY TO ROCK N ROLL CDX. RM. TK.S. TD. NRA. ADX. JDX. JDO. GD. SD. HTM.N. FS.A. JC. 3100309383 (S) 16/06/2014 CAN. CH. CH. GLENMAVE EDMUND OF TOLLHAVEN RN. (IMP CAN) XG347547 : CH. GLENMAVE MERRY DANCER 3100219425 Mrs S Kramer
GROUP 4 – HOUNDS Greyhound CALAMITY GANON JC. KC127033 (M) 27/12/2017 BANJO BOY KC3519 : HOUSO DELIGHT KC3520 - Ms G Roberts & Mr D Gregory Ibizan Hound CH. SENJABI PHAR TOO HANDSOME (IMP NZL) 081332018 (M) 18/10/2018 NZ. CH. DE LOREAN V OXYMORON (NLD) 3024060 : NZ. CH. GRAND. CH. BIRRARUN HOT LITTLE NUMBER 5100061184 - Ms M A Rudd Rhodesian Ridgeback DUAL. CH. (T) INZARA BOURNE LEGACY TSDX. 5100078900 (F) 22/11/2013 CH. INZARA AND IT GOES LIKE THIS ET. 5100066927 : CH. INZARA GOLDEN MYLE 5100056176 - Mrs L Castle Saluki CH. PADTHEWAY CARMEN JC. 2100508753 (F) 02/11/2018 AM. CH. CAN. GCH EX. SUP. CH. WINDSTORM PADTHEWAY VAGABOND JC. (IMP CAN) WL308403 : CH. PADTHEWAY RAISE YOUR GLASS 2100362095 - J Maudlen, H Spence, N Strathdee
GROUP 5 - WORKING DOGS Australian Kelpie GRAND. CH. KALAN SOUTHERN SKYE HT 3100359075 (F) 15/05/2017 CH. KALAN LIGHT THE SKY 3100274962 : KALAN SKY SATELLITE 3100286344 - Ms M Schiller GRAND. CH. KALAN SPIRIT IN THE SKY PT. 3100379798 (M) 03/08/2018 CH. KALAN LIGHT THE SKY 3100274962 : KALAN SKY SATELLITE 3100286344 - Ms M Schiller Australian Shepherd TRI CH. (T)(TS) SHARTOOZ ECHOS MAGICAL XMAS HSAs 5100091258 (M) 25/12/2015 CH. VULCAN MAGIC AT SHARTOOZ CCD. RE. JDX. GD. SPD. (IMP CAN) AG509138 : DUAL. CH. (T) NEUT. CH. SHARTOOZ JACKS SECRET SONG 5100066511 - Mrs J A Miller & Mrs S J Baillie SHARTOOZ LIGHTENING BOLT RE. AD. JD. SD. GD. HTM.A.
T i t l e s Awa r d e d FS.A. 5100084699 (M) 22/11/2014 SILVANWOOD PRIME TARGET CDX. RAE. AD. JDX. SPD. GD. DWDF.S. HTM.N. 3100260513 : CH. CUEBIYAR LITTLE BLACK BOOK 2100285777 - Ms W Adams SHARTOOZ STRING QUARTET CDX. RAE. RM. AD. ADO. JDX. JDO. GD. SPD. SD. HTM.N. FS.I. ET. 5100074856 (M) 07/03/2013 OAKBLU MISCHIEF N MAYHEM CD. RAE. AD. JDX. SPD. GD. DWDF.S. HTM.N. 4100189892 : CH. SHARTOOZ GHOST WHISPERER 5100042792 - Ms B O'Donnell Bearded Collie CH. MIRDATH GOLDEN DREAM 5100111525 (F) 29/03/2019 CH. TORIAVIC JASN THERAINBOW HT 5100061373 : STYLYN FURST CLASS 4100235630 - Ms E Bladon & Miss R Robinson Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) CH. BELGENBEAU BELGINOIS BIG BANG CCD. RN. PT. ET. CA. 4100261271 (F) 02/06/2015 CH. BELGENBEAU K C PUMBAA 4100231454 : CHAMSHEP DREAM WEAVER 4100227358 Entrust Kennels Border Collie TOOKURRA RIVA SONG RN. AD. 5100096117 (F) 09/07/2016 CH. DALHEATH JOHNNY COME LATELY 2100396636 : CH. TOOKURRA WHEN STARS COLLIDE 5100070833 - Mrs C Hutchins Collie (Rough) BRAFFERTON INCAN SEA TREASURE TK.S. RN. 3100389303 (F) 27/03/2019 T.CH. TS. GRAND. CH. BRAFFERTON FOLLOWED BYA SHADOW RN. PT. HSAs 3100252887 : BRAFFERTON SEA NYMPH TD. 3100313336 - Ms E Gregoczki CH. HIGHCLERE NEVER MR BEAT CD. RE. FS.S. HTM.N. 4100198130 (M) 30/03/2011 CH. CATHKIN STEPASIDE BOYS 2100119128 : CH. HIGHCLERE HANNABETH 4100135843 - J S C Brown Finnish Lapphund FINNESSE AIM TO INSPIRE (AI) RN. TK.S. TD. JD. 5100071567 (F) 26/08/2012 INT.UCH. LUX. December 2020
CH. NLD. CH. VDH. CH. FIDELIS DUURI (FIN) FIN43220/08 : CH. FINDOL FADE TO BLACK JC. 6100067028 - Mrs A Shepherd Shetland Sheepdog T.CH. CONIKI BACHELOR BABE RN. TSDX. HSAs 5100100245 (F) 17/05/2017 DUAL. CH. (TS) TS. GRAND.CH. LEARICK BACHELOR BOY RN. PT. 4100161867 : CONIKI ITS ALL ABOUT ME TD. TSD. 5100070707 - Miss T M Shanahan Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) CH. KALORA TIME TO REMINISCE 5100105339 (F) 22/03/2018 GRAND. CH. KALORA QUALITY CONTROL 5100095988 : CH. KALORA OPTICAL ILLUSION 5100083136 - Kalora Kennels
GROUP 6 – UTILITY Bernese Mountain Dog TS. CH. T.CH. MALICLOY SIR K NOTES KOTHRANN 5100098999 (M) 22/12/2016 CH. WERLWIND'S CELTIC THUNDER DOWN UNDER (IMP USA) WS51634704 : MALICLOY JUST MORE HOT GOSSIP 5100081478 - Ms E L Watt Boxer GRAND. CH. PHOENIX THRILL SEEKER 5100095937 (M) 04/10/2016 C.I.B. SUP.CH. RONIN DIGITAL LOCK CD. (IMP NZL) 02008-2015 : GRAND. CH. PHOENIX SIMPLY IRRESISTABLE 5100066585 - Miss D Smith & Mrs M Carter Newfoundland CH. AMBLEBROOK SIR WINSTON 5100104071 (M) 18/11/2017 GRAND. CH. AMBLEBROOK THE MAIN EVENT 5100087033 : CH. AMBLEBROOK NEW EMPRESS GROOVES 5100090481 - Mr D Barnett Rottweiler WESTOBRI TAJ CALEB CD. TK.S. RAE. 5100100535 (M) 09/05/2017 ODIN VOM DUNVANHOF (IMP NLD) NHSB2973939 : WESTOBRI HERU HALLIE 5100088615 - Mrs P Stewart CH. ZEMPAHPHI YOU NEVER KNOW TSD. 5100097818 (F) 25/01/2017 CH. KIMURA'S MURPHY CD. (IMP NOR) NO39370/11 : BLICKSCHARF ZENA TD. TSD. 3100287276 - Ms A Wells
GROUP 7 - NON SPORTING French Bulldog CH. BEAUTAUREAU TOUJOURS LE JOKER (AI) 5100098548 (M) 09/02/2017 JOKER FACE'S YAM YAM MAFFIG (DEN) DK12706/2014-SEM : CH. BEAUTAUREAU GIRL FROM THE HOOD 6100081053 - Mrs C A Terry Dalmatian CH. BEACHSPOTS RENAISSANCE RN. TD. TSD. 5100102720 (F) 10/10/2017 CH. OUTLOOK KNOTCHED UP A MARVEL 3100338930 : DUAL. CH. (T) PACEAWAY TOP RUMOUR RN. TSD. JD. ET. 4100247826 - Mrs S Gahan Poodle (Standard) TS. CH. TANNAH HARRY IN A HURRY 3100352577 (M) 20/11/2016 FLARE STAR JP CEPHEUS (IMP JPN) PS77243/14 : TANNAH ITS ALL ABOUT THE ANGEL 3100305262 - Mrs R Geraghty TANNAH MILLY IN THE GARDEN TSDX. 3100343674 (F) 29/04/2016 TANNAH RUN FOR THE SILK 3100315534 : TANNAH NIGHT ANGEL 3100259127 - Mrs R Geraghty
Associate Register Rally Master O.CH. MALIBUMARLEY RM. 500985AR - Ms A Fridd’s Border Collie Trick Dog Starter CHISPA CD. RE. TK.S. 501073AR - Mrs M Vahaviolos’ Australian Kelpie Cross Gamblers Dog Excellent KEE ADO. ADM. JDO. JDM. SD. GDX. PT. 501080AR - Mr A Butler’s Australian Kelpie Junior Courser GUS JC. 501179AR - Ms R Fagan’s Jack Russell Terrier Junior Courser ZARA HT JC. 501182AR - Mrs L Tomlinson’s Koolie Cross Heelwork to Music Starter RIPLEY HTM.S. 501015AR - Ms J DiFava’s Greyhound Herding Test ZARA HT JC. 501182AR - Mrs L Tomlinson’s Koolie Cross Herding Master Started A(s) DUKE HMSA(s) JD. HSBs 501137AR - Mr B Hill’s Australian Kelpie Herding Started B (s) DUKE HMSA(s) JD. HSBs 501137AR - Mr B Hill’s Australian Kelpie
AGE CLASSIFICATIONS FOR ENTERING SHOWS Age Classifications are set out below and are effective for all Exhibitions Dogs 1 Baby Puppy 2 Minor Puppy 3 Puppy 4 Junior 5 Intermediate 9 State Bred 10 Australian Bred 14 Bred By Exhibitor 11 Open
Bitches 1A 3 months and under 6 months 2A 6 months and under 9 months 3A 6 months and under 12 months 4A 9 months and under 18 months 5A 18 months and under 36 months 9A 6 months and over whelped in SA 10A 6 months and over whelped in Australia 14A 6 months and over - Owned, Bred, Handled by Breeder 11A 6 months and over
FUTHERMORE, due to confusion sometimes arising over the correct calculation of a dog’s age into breed classes where the date of birth does not occur in the relevant month, the anniversary date is to be taken as the last date of that month, e.g. dogs born on the 31st January will be eligible to enter the Baby Puppy class on the 30th April Page 15
The resilience of dog sports during an interesting year. | Reflections by Nerissa Haby |
Dog sports have their own inherent challenges that shape your short- and longer-term goals. Be they handling or confidence building skills before your next club training session, the nationals, or your dog’s retirement. Then the pandemic happened, and club activities and trials were put on hold indefinitely. For not-for-profit clubs that depend on the support of members, the restrictions pirated away competitor fees and increased the risk that fewer members would return to dog sports after experiencing reduced household income, an interruption to their motivation, or discovering new hobbies (link to financial implications of cancelling international events)1. But what I remember from the restrictions of Autumn 2020, were the creative ways that people stayed in touch and continued to learn. Self-proclaimed introverts and luddites had a chance to practice and become comfortable with video chats and perusing a wealth of information online. While it has been at no small cost, in Australia where cases of COVID-19 have been restrained, many people have found creative ways to regain experiences lost from the temporary closure of clubs and trials. This deep passion for dog sports, shared enthusiasm, and sense of creativity saw several clubs striving to open for members and reinstate popular trials. In the uncertain environment of COVID-19 disease spread and regulation development, clubs developed COVID-19 plans, and welcomed back members in a staged process, targeted initially to support beginners, and rally and agility training. Information was shared in almost real time through social media. Through the dedication of dog sport committees, the agility, jumping, and games trials were reinstated. Adaptations during COVID-19 included the now-familiar instructions to stay at home if you felt unwell, social distancing, and hand sanitising. In Page 16
addition, competitors were required to stow their dog’s lead in a pocket or wear it on them in such a way to minimise excessive noise or chance of injury, at risk of a DQ. Rally trials were reinstated and, along-side them, the brand-new tricks trials were run. The competitors returned to trials in a buzz of excitement, beaming smiles, rusty and unfit. Many (including judges) wore a slightly bemused expression while wondering if they’d brought everything required for an activity that was so recently, so familiar. Existing services online supported lastminute renewals of Dogs SA memberships. The dogs took their return to the noisy and densely populated trial environment in their stride (link to how zoo animals responded to reduced human interaction2). None of the changes implemented in response to COVID-19 challenged the enthusiasm of competitors: Signage announcing COVID-19 rules at club entries Signage directing foot traffic along walkways Markers repurposed distancing in queues
COVID-19 Marshalls tasked predominantly with the chore of reminding excited competitors to practice social distancing Hand sterilising before helping to set up courses Restricting the number of competitors walking in the ring Rearranging the running of events to accommodate split walking groups across heights (have your SACA rep handy!) Judges carefully warning competitors during their course briefing to stow their dog’s lead securely Designing dual purpose elastic leads that neatly clip around your belt (Helen Randall’s innovation) Inviting competitors to run with a mask (link to how to train3)
Competitors renewing friendships were so used to the practices introduced during the COVID-19 restrictions, they could respond to reminders of “social distancing” by simultaneously taking a step backward without skipping a beat in conversation. Competitors responsible for stowing their lead on their person also discovered the convenience of a calmer start-line and having immediate access to their lead if they ended a run mid-course. Coinciding with these adaptations, junior handlers debut in the ring with apparent ease and skill. I admired their ability to navigate courses, openly discuss handling strategies and quietly manage their nerves. While it is a real pleasure to watch new competitors taking up dog sports, these junior handlers were in the company of many others, as the absence of trialling for several months had created something of a peak in novice entries. In the tricks ring, the showcasing of tricks trials in 2020 allowed judges and early adopter competitors to refine how skills were illustrated and judged in the ring, and stimulated conversations amongst the surrounding rows of marquees. In the broader community, despite initial fears that pets would face prolonged captivity at the RSPCA, interest in pet ownership increased. People trapped at home, re-evaluating how well their values were reflected in their lifestyles, invested in a new companion. Breeders were under pressure to create extended wait lists and post messages asking for understanding and patience. The cost of purchasing a new member for your pack increased. Veterinary clinics advocated to be recognised as an essential service and remain open during the restrictions. They seemed as busy as ever, perhaps reflecting the increased capacity of people working from home to notice and respond to ailments in their pets.
Finally, despite being a period of uncertainty, dog sports appeared to welcome back a greater diversity of dog breeds (corgis are back!). For photos of the amazing range of breeds currently competing in dog sports, please search the weblinks to trial photos provided on the Dogs SA, Agility South Australia and Dog Obedience South Australia Facebook sites. For information on the dog sports not covered, please visit: Lure Coursing: https://www. Tracking: https:// trackingdogclubofsouthaustralia.yolasite. com/ Retrieving and Field trials: www.retrieving. Herding: id=925
Stewards and judge with gloves, sanitiser and signs
Flyball: Flyball SA on Facebook Dances with dogs: DWD Club of SA on Facebook _______ 1
Bad Dog Agility Episode #247: “Interview with Greg Derrett on UKI At Home Agility Program":
7NEWS “Coronavirus: How are animals coping at our zoos without visitors": ZgG9N0oSI2s
Steward with gloves
Bad Dog Agility Episode #255: “Wearing Masks in Dog Agility”: episode-255-wearing-masks-in-dog-agility/
Ann Farndell and SCOTSDREAM SNOW STORM CDX RM TD AD JDX working through a rally course (GDTC, 30th Aug)
Australian Veterinary Association “Vets call for ‘essential service’ designation during pandemic”: media-releases/vets-call-for-essential-servicedesignation-during-pandemic/
Sharon Mulshine and NEUT CH Tunamara Olenna RN JDM SD GD (Meggie) running an agility course (RDTKC 22nd-23rd Aug)
Signage, queues and hand sanitiser at the SAODC Rally and Tricks Trial (4 Oct) December 2020
Mary Vahaviolos and Chispa RE CD performing in the tricks ring (SAODC, 4th Oct)
Tia Vuaran and Della and their first leg in jumping (NCODC, 10th Oct) Page 17
Dublin Kennel Club Inc.
Championship Show held on Sunday 11th October 2020 Judges were: Sue Bruno (QLD) – Group 1; Jodie Wilshier (QLD) – Group 2; Ainslie Carius (QLD) – Group 3; David Staines (QLD) – Group 4; Tim Thomas (QLD) – Group 5 and General Specials; Peter Cousins (QLD) – Group 6; Glenn Wilshier (QLD) – Group 7.
Best Exhibit: J Watson & B McIlvenna’s American Staffordshire Terrier, Manfreds Guess Whos Back
RU Best Exhibit: M & P Merchant, N Gouzos, E Parker’s Fox Terrier (Smooth), Sup Ch Clanach Foxtrot At Boarbadger
Page 18
Best Exhibit & RU BEST IN SHOW: B Martin’s Irish Setter, Ch Martinridge Walk On Water
RU Best Exhibit: Sevoier Kennel’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Ch Sevoier Dangerous Attraction
RU Best Exhibit: P Cottrell & R Moag’s Borzoi, Ch Mistraka Zachary Smith
Best Exhibit: C Robb’s Schnauzer (Miniature), Ch Neringa Simply Irresistable
RU Best Exhibit: K & C Harding’s Lowchen, Sup Ch Kristarz Puff The Magic Dragon
Best Exhibit: B Luxton’s Basenji, Ch Zandeena Drive Like U Stole It
Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Sup Ch Los Chatos De Norte First Love (Imp Esp)
Best Exhibit & BEST IN SHOW: A Lim, P Brennan-Lim, R & A Egel’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Sunland Suntory
RU Best Exhibit: C & J Fynmore, C Russell’s Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren), Ch Beljakali Cast In Neon At Delaroche
RU Best Exhibit: J Beard, D Klayseen, K O’Riley’s Samoyed, Ch Kalaska Princess Charlotte
Best Exhibit: Amesen Kennel’s Lhasa Apso, Amesen Along Came The Wind (AI)
RU Best Exhibit: L Niemann’s Schipperke, Sup Ch Beadale Hey True Blue
Championship Show Saturday 7th November 2020 PM Judges were: Mrs C Donaldson (QLD) – Group 1 and General Specials; Ms A Everson (QLD) – Group 2; Mrs M Webber (QLD) – Group 3; Miss E Brown (QLD) – Group 4; Mrs M Hobson (QLD) – Group 5; Mr B Thompson (QLD) – Group 6; Mr B Luxton (SA) – Group 7.
Best Exhibit & RU BEST IN SHOW: A Foster-Johnson’s West Highland White Terrier, Daboda A Rebel With Cause
Best Exhibit: D McClarty’s Pug, Hostwill Enzo Seized The Day
RU Best Exhibit: K Lewis’ Papillon, Ch Inter Win Destined To Shine (Imp USA)
RU Best Exhibit: H Hill’s Skye Terrier, Ch Grawen The Enforcer
Best Exhibit & BEST IN SHOW: B Martin’s Irish Setter, Ch Martinridge Walk On Water
RU Best Exhibit: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa Ur A Class Act (Imp NZ)
Photo by Michael Burns
Best Exhibit: P Cottrell & R Moag’s Borzoi, Ch Mistraka Zachary Smith
RU Best Exhibit: F & A McEvoy’s Irish Wolfhound, Tirowen Octavian
Best Exhibit: J Beard, D Klaaysen, K O’Riley’s Samoyed, Kalaska Fridays Partyboy
December 2020
Best Exhibit: I & C Spangler’s Shetland Sheepdog, Shelsian Rocky Road
RU Best Exhibit: S Oakey & T Hessenberger’s Australian Shepherd, Ch Ukulunga Black Magic (Imp NZ)
RU Best Exhibit: L Vale’s Newfoundland, Amblebrook Sweets For My Sweet
Best Exhibit: A & J Janonis, L Edmond’s Dalmatian, Ch Ibadan Crowned Prince Of Crime
RU Best Exhibit: J Mouroufas’ Chow Chow, Gr Ch Chowleigh Touch Of Class
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Vale Patricia (Pat) Dawn Connor ~1936 to 2020~ Born in Hobart on 6th July 1936, to parents Victor Faulkner and mother Gwendolyn (nee Goodrick), the family moved to Melbourne in 1950. Pat married Alan Connor, and they had a son Robert Connor. Starting her very long and successful showing career in Tasmania as an 8 year old, showing her beloved Australian Terriers, Pat bred her first litter at age 15 years. In 1950, Pat (known then as Patricia Goodrick) showed an Australian Terrier - Flash Lite Tiny at the Melbourne Royal. She had fond memories and stories of showing in the original Dog Pavilion and outside showing area. In 2008, Pat received the RASV Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Award for exhibiting at every Royal Melbourne Show for over 50 years. Patâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother, Gwendolyn Goodrick, who operated a stall at the Royal Show for over 50 years selling dolls and toys, was awarded Life Membership of the RASV. Recognised as the leading authority of her breed, Patâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kennel prefix of Tinee Town was world famous. She was instrumental in introducing Australian Terriers into the USA, starting with the exporting of a breeding pair in 1959, before the breed was recognised in the USA. Pat also introduced the Australian Terrier into Denmark, Finland and Sweden A fierce competitor, she had a wonderful showing career breeding over 230 champions and winning 200 Royal Show Challenges. Some major wins include the following: @ Tinee Town Tell Tales (Totty) who won 5 Royal Show Challenges before going to the USA in 1966 to win BOB at Westminster twice. @ Tinee Town Tricia who produced the famous Tinee Town Taggalong Tip Toes (Jenny) described by Pat as close as you can get to the breed standard. In 1968, Jenny was the first Australian Terrier to win Best In Show at USA major All Breeds Show @ Ch/Am Ch/Can Ch Tinee Town Tailwagger (Wagger) winning Melbourne Royal Challenge 1966, and Best of Breed at Westminster plus many In Group in the USA. @ In 1966, Pat handled Jenny and Wagger at Westminster in New York. @ Ch/Am Ch/Mex Ch Tinee Town Talkback (Joey) Best of Breed Adelaide Royal in 1970 Runner Up Top Dog of the USA where he won 3 Best In Show awards. @ Ch Tinee Town Talktime (Jacko) Best in Show Sydney Royal 1973. He was Runner up Top Dog 1973, and also won 6 Best In Show awards. Pat continued exporting Australian Terriers to the USA until the late 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. The success of Patâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Australian Terriers has continued in America to this day. Rest in Peace, we hope you are surrounded by your favourite Australian Terriers. Fond Memories Roger Bridgford & Connie Redhead
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Stories around the *-Ć&#x153;/" 4&1% )) Breeds Dog Judge, ,%+ "4&+$1,+ 9/11 In 2002 after Judging the Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Specialty I was invited to stay for a few days with Wolfhound friends in the ski Village of Vail. Sue and I had stayed at the four and a half million-dollar holiday home a few years before so I knew the place very well. The three Canadian ladies Jocelyne, Karen, Judy and one American were all Wolfhound breeders who had been showing their dogs at the weekend and were almost like family to me. It was great to spend a few relaxing days in the mountains overlooking the ski slopes. On the Wednesday I drove the four hours down to Walsenburg, Colorado with my American friend Bambi to stay a couple of days at Wolfhound friends Jim and Connie Smalleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 40-acre ranch down near the New Mexico border. The Canadians had set off for their long drive back to Toronto. While we were there Jim told me he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know where the septic tank was so I asked him to cut me two pieces of fencing wire and did my trick of water divining. It only took me about twenty mins to locate the tank much to their surprise. We visited a thousand-year-old Indian village made of mud the next day in New Mexico, the Indians still live there and the only water is a small river that runs through the middle. After three days at the ranch Jim and Connieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter arrived to give me a ride back to Denver for the next leg of my journey. In Denver I stayed with my good friend and Wolfhound breeder Mike Hussey and wife B J before catching my ďŹ&#x201A;ight to Miami where I was meeting up with a friend of mine I had not seen for ďŹ fteen years. My mate Dave picked me up at Miami Airport and we drove the two hours across the everglades to his home in Fort Myers .The plan was to take his boat out and do a bit of ďŹ shing before I had to head back to Australia. The next day we were eating breakfast about 9am when the phone rang. It was a call from a mate of ours in London, he asked did we have the TV on, we switched it on just in time to see the second plane crash into the Trade Centre. At ďŹ rst we both thought it was a movie then reality set in, this was no fantasy but real life and death. The rest is history. I could have gone home after my judging was over, now I was stuck in America and no way to get home. All the planes were grounded, Greyhound buses were booked out and there were no cars left at the car hire places so I just had to wait and sit it out. Eventually the planes got back in the air and Dave dropped me at Miami Airport it was like a refugee camp lines of people police and military men and women with guns. I joined a queue and waited for 6 hours to get to the counter, from there my bag was put through the x-ray machine and so was I, then taken to a departure lounge for a ďŹ&#x201A;ight to LA. I boarded three different planes and was taken off each one until at last I was on my way. I landed in LA at 10PM and waited three hours at the check in counter to get a boarding pass for the ďŹ rst ďŹ&#x201A;ight leaving the next day at 10pm. A night in the Marriot Hotel got me back on track and I must be the luckiest judge in the world. When we took off I had all three seats to myself, so shoes off, I had a blanket and pillow and I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wake up until we landed in Australia thirteen hours later. Not what you would call a funny story but one that I will never forget.
December 2020
Page 21
Easy Dogs Australia Bringing Dog Shows into the 21st Century New COVID safe Features for EDE This document is to outline the new features to facilitate the smooth running of COVID safe shows by using Easy Dogs Australia. When shows recommence clubs will have the choice to use some or all of these features as required. While we hope clubs will never have to use all of these features, it gives peace of mind knowing that they are now in place. As the preferred online entry provider for Dogs SA we believe our safety measures now to be second to none. We realise however that this situation is fluid and regulations can change in an instant, so please be reassured that if there is anything additional at all that you require, our team of three dedicated software engineers headed by Director Mitch Davis is ready to act at speed to accommodate both Dogs SA and the State Government’s requirements. Easy Dogs Australia is now a team of 6, with three directors, one dedicated support employee, and three software engineers (one of which is a director). We can be reached at any time your affiliates may need us through our help desk or dedicated 1300 support line and in addition, our Easy Dogs Australia Director’s mobile numbers are provided under Contacts on our website, should it be neccessary to contact us at any time. 1. The Attendees Report This is an extensive new report, which can be used in the event contact tracing is required. It is avalable in the club account downloads section. The attendee’s details will be the only ones provided, as the owner details are irrelevant for these purposes, unlike the catalogue. The person who enters the exhibit is automatically added as an attendee, with provisions for them to add other attendees as required. The exhibitor is told in the email that they have been automatically registered as an attendee, and there is no need to register on the day via the QR code. They also receive a personalised link they can use to update their attendee details should they change. Clubs can enter any number of attendees for their workers in a bulk manner at any time. They can assign roles if desired (i.e. Judge, Steward, Committee member etc) and the club can also update, add, or remove any attendee from their list at any time. 2. Exhibitors & Attendees Must Accept Terms & Conditions For The Covid Regulations Exhibitors and attendees must accept the terms and conditions for the COVID regulations in force at the time of the show. They cannot enter the show without checking this declaration, nor can they add further attendees without doing so. 3. QR code A QR code will be available for clubs to provide at the show so that any other attendees, who are not exhibitors, show officials, or already registered on the attendees list can register on the day. 4. Entry to gate/grounds check in/out list The club prints a report document with a list of every attendee, and they can tick off attendees as they arrive, and record the time and do the same as they exit. The Printable Passes for both Workers and Attendees listed below can assist the speed of this process. 5. Printable Passes For Exhibitor Attendees Clubs can email through our website all attendees, and provide them with a printable pass that they can place on their dashboard, which lists the breeds/groups they are attending for, The names on the dashboard passes would exactly match the names on the check in list making it easier and faster for the check in/check out people. 6. Printable Passes For Workers Clubs can email through our website their staff and volunteers, and provide them with a printable pass that they can place on their dashboard, which lists their role. The names on the dashboard passes would exactly match the names on the check in list making it easier and faster for the check in / check out people. 7. Limiting capabilities- based on entries Easy Dogs Australia now provides limiting functionality on a per-entry basis. We can limit the entry for the whole show, for a group, or even a breed, and entries will automatically cut off once that limit is reached. 8. Printing exhibitor numbers at home We pioneered this feature for online entries starting in 2015. Many of our clubs and exhibitors in other states are already using this feature and recent SA shows have also started successfully using this feature. This greatly relieves congestion around the Secretary’s office on the morning of the show, so important right now. 9. Catalogues - hard copy at show/on-line The traditional hard copy catalogue can easily be printed from our documents section now by affiliates and we can also post the catalogue online as a PDF at a time chosen by the affiliate, which would allow exhibitors to view it on their own device at the show, once again easing congestion around the Secretary’s office with those choosing to view online not needing to come to the office.
The next generation of dog showing technology Easy Dogs Australia continues to bring improvements and innovations to the dog showing community
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Entries close: 14 January 2021
CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Sunday 24th January 2020 Not before 6.00pm To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc.
David Roche Park
Group 1 . . . . . . Group 2 . . . . . . Group 3 . . . . . . Group 4 . . . . . . Group 5 . . . . . . Group 6 . . . . . . Group 7 . . . . . . General Specials
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Mrs L Brandt (NSW) Mr G Kerr (QLD) Mr M Yates (QLD) Mrs S Hewinson (QLD) Mr D Staines (QLD) Mrs B Balaam (QLD) Mrs M Schelbach (QLD) Mr M Yates
Group 1 . . . . . . Group 2 . . . . . . Group 3 . . . . . . Group 4 . . . . . . Group 5 . . . . . . Group 6 . . . . . . Group 7 . . . . . . General Specials
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Mr M Yates (QLD) Mrs M Schelbach (QLD) Mr G Kerr (QLD) Mrs L Brandt (NSW) Mrs B Balaam (QLD) Mrs S Hewinson (QLD) Mr D Staines (QLD) Mr G Kerr
Group 1 . . . . . . Group 2 . . . . . . Group 3 . . . . . . Group 4 . . . . . . Group 5 . . . . . . Group 6 . . . . . . Group 7 . . . . . . General Specials
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Mrs M Schelbach (QLD) Mrs B Balaam (QLD) Mr D Staines (QLD) Mr G Kerr (QLD) Mrs L Brandt (NSW) Mr M Yates (QLD) Mrs S Hewinson (QLD) Mrs M Schelbach
The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary Show Manager: Ms C Elliot SACA Representative: Miss J Balfour Entry Fees: $14.00 Babies $8.00 Catalogues: $5.00 (Full Breeding please) Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 18A Junior Showmanship: to be judged at 5.30pm on Saturday (weather permitting) Catering: Available
December 2020
Order of Judging: All Rings Simultaneously Awards: Cash & Sash for All in Show Awards. Cash & Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Sashes only for all other classes. Entries to: Mrs L Webb, 7 Archer Street, Hamley Bridge SA 5401 Mobile contact: 0428 569 816 Email: lokynnda73@ SSAE for acknowledgment of entries or supply email address
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Entries close: Paper 22 January 2021 - Online 24 January 2021
To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc th th
Friday 29 Saturday 30 January 2021 Friday 29th January
Saturday 30th January
Saturday 30th January
Not before 6.30pm
Not before 1.00pm
Group 1 – Mrs J Fynmore (NSW)
Mrs S Taylor (QLD)
Mr G Vernon (NSW)
Group 2 – Mr G Vernon (NSW)
Mr M Curk (NSW)
Mrs S Taylor (QLD)
Group 3 – Mr P Tjerkstra (QLD)
Mr C Fynmore (NSW)
Mr M Curk (NSW)
Group 4 – Mrs S Taylor (QLD)
Mr G Vernon (NSW)
Mr P Tjerkstra (QLD)
Group 5 – Mrs P Johansen (QLD)
Mrs J Fynmore (NSW)
Mr C Fynmore (NSW)
Group 6 – Mr C Fynmore (NSW)
Mr P Tjerkstra (QLD)
Mrs P Johansen (QLD)
Group 7 – Mr M Curk (NSW)
Mrs P Johansen (QLD)
Mrs J Fynmore (NSW)
General Specials – Mrs S Taylor
Mr P Tjerkstra
Mrs J Fynmore
The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary
Show Manager: Mrs W Baker SACA Representative: Mr P Thompson Entry Fees for each show: First and Second Entry $15.00, Third and Subsequent Entry $13.00. Baby Puppies $8.00 Catalogue: $3.00 Prepaid per show (Full Breeding please) Order of Judging: All other Rings Simultaneously. Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 18A Awards: FRIDAY NIGHT - Cash and Sash for Best in Show 2nd, Best in Show 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show, Best Neutered in Show. Cash and Sash for Best in Group 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group, Best Neutered in Group. Awards: SATURDAY BOTH SHOWS - Cash and Sash for all in Show Awards. Cash and Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Sashes only for all other Group awards. Catering: Available
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Entries to Convenor: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Callington SA 5254 Mobile: 0400 897 743 Email: (for entry enquiries). SSAE for acknowledgement of entries or include email on entry form for acknowledgement. PHONE ENTRIES ACCEPTED EVERY DAY FROM 12 NOON – 8.00PM CALL 08 7190 1801 OR FACEBOOK MESSAGE WENDY BAKER Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on is 37 degrees or above. If applicable on Saturday, the 9.30am show will be cancelled. In this circumstance a CASH refund of $5.00 per ADULT exhibit entered will be returned to the exhibitor at the evening show on the same day. Refund available SAME DAY ONLY if the show is cancelled. (Refund is only applicable if the show is cancelled due to Hot Weather Policy - Dogs SA Regulations). The Saturday PM show will be not before 6.30pm. ADSS IS A REGISTERED PRIVATE COMPANY A.B.N. 16 632 793 303
Entries close: Paper 31 December 2020 - Online 3 January 2021
David Roche Park - SUNDAY 10th JANUARY 2021 8.30am Group 1 – Mrs K Haddon (QLD) Group 2 – Mrs D Harbin (NSW) Group 3 – Mr R Berwick (WA) Group 4 – Mrs D Harbin (NSW) Group 5 – Mr R Harbin (NSW) Group 6 – Mr W Burton (NSW) Group 7 – Mr J Attridge (QLD)
Not before 11.30am Mrs D Harbin (NSW) Mrs K Haddon (QLD) Mr J Attridge (QLD) Mr R Harbin (NSW) Mr W Burton (NSW) Mr L Wright (QLD) Mr R Berwick (WA)
Baby Puppy & Puppy Sweepstakes
Mr L Wright (QLD) General Specials – Mr R Berwick
Mr L Wright
The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary Show Manager: Mrs W Baker SACA Representative: Mr P Thompson Entry Fees for each show: First and Second Entry $15.00, Third and Subsequent Entry $13.00. Baby Puppies $8.00. Baby & Puppy Sweepstakes $5.00 per entry (70% returned in prize money) Catalogue: $3.00 Prepaid per show (Full Breeding please) Order of Judging: Baby Puppy & Puppy Sweepstakes will commence at 8.30am in Ring 1. Group 4 will commence in Ring 4 at the completion of Group 2 but not before 10.30am. All other Rings Simultaneously Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A,18A
Awards: SUNDAY 9.00AM SHOW - Cash and Sash for all in Show Awards. Cash and Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Sashes only for all other Group awards. Awards: SUNDAY 11.30AM SHOW - Cash and Sash for Best in Show 2nd, Best in Show 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show, Best Neutered in Show. Cash and Sash for Best in Group 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group, Best Neutered in Group. Entries to Convenor: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Callington SA 5254 Mobile: 0400 897 743 Email: (for entry enquiries). SSAE for acknowledgement of entries or include email on entry form for acknowledgement. PHONE ENTRIES ACCEPTED EVERY DAY FROM 12 NOON – 8.00PM CALL 08 7190 1801 OR FACEBOOK MESSAGE WENDY BAKER Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on is 37 degrees or above. If applicable the 9.00am show will be cancelled. In this circumstance a CASH refund of $5.00 per ADULT exhibit entered will be returned to the exhibitor at the evening show on the same day. Refund available SAME DAY ONLY if the show is cancelled. (Refund is only applicable if the show is cancelled due to Hot Weather Policy - Dogs SA Regulations). Show 2 will be not before 6.00pm.
Entries Close: 12 noon on 9 January 2021
AUSTRALIAN DOG SHOW SCENE PTY LTD In conjunction with Conformation Judges Training Scheme
Trainee Judges Group Sweepstakes David Roche Park To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc
Saturday 9th January Following AM Show but not before 12.30pm
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7
Mr Ian Cooke Mr Andrew Foster-Johnson Mrs Caroline Murphy Mrs Ruth Thompson Mr Ray Mercer Mrs Lin Burger Mr Andrew O’Loughlin
The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary
Show Manager: Mrs W Baker SACA Representative: Mr P Thompson
December 2020
Entry Fees: $3.00 Entries online via Show Manager or by 12 noon on the day Maximum entry – 20 dogs per Group Exhibits must be over 6 months of age and entire Order of Judging: All Rings Simultaneously Awards: Cash and Sash for 1st, 2nd, 3rd placings (70% of entry returned) Catering: Available Entries to Convenor: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Callington SA 5254 Mobile: 0400 897 743 SSAE for acknowledgement of entries Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on is 37 degrees or above. If applicable, the Sweepstakes will commence not before 6.00pm and the All Breeds Show will commence at the completion of the Sweepstakes. ADSS P/L IS A REGISTERED PRIVATE COMPANY A.B.N. 16 632 793 303
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Entries close: Paper 31 December 2020 - Online 3 January 2021
To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc th th
Friday 8 Saturday 9 January 2021 Friday 8th January
Saturday 9th January
Saturday 9th January
Not before 6.30pm
Not before 1.00pm
Group Group Group Group Group Group
Mr W Burton (NSW) Mr R Harbin (NSW) Mrs D Harbin (NSW) Mr L Wright (QLD) Mr J Attridge (QLD) Mr R Berwick (WA)
Mr J Attridge (QLD) Mr W Burton (NSW) Mr R Harbin (NSW) Mr R Berwick (WA) Mr L Wright (QLD) Mrs K Haddon (QLD)
Less Bernese Mountain Dogs
Less Bernese Mountain Dogs
Mrs K Haddon (NSW) Mr W Burton
Mrs D Harbin (NSW) Mr J Attridge
1 2 3 4 5 6
– – – – – –
Mr R Harbin (NSW) Mr L Wright (QLD) Mrs K Haddon (QLD) Mr J Attridge (QLD) Mr R Berwick (WA) Mrs D Harbin (NSW)
Group 7 – Mr W Burton (NSW) General Specials – Mrs K Haddon
The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary
Show Manager: Mrs W Baker SACA Representative: Mr P Thompson Entry Fees for each show: First and Second Entry $15.00, Third and Subsequent Entry $13.00. Baby Puppies $8.00 Catalogue: $3.00 Prepaid per show (Full Breeding please) Order of Judging: Saturday shows are both Bernese Mountain Dog Feature Shows Saturday AM Show Judge: Mrs K Haddon (Breed Specialist) will judge Bernese Mountain Dogs at 9.30am to be judged in Ring 7. Group 7 judging will commence at the completion of Bernese Mountain Dogs in Ring 8. Saturday PM Show Judge: Mr R Berwick (Breed Enthusiast) will judge Bernese Mountain Dogs as his first breed in Ring 7. Group 4 will commence in Ring 4 at the completion of Bernese Mountain Dogs. All other Rings Simultaneously. Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 18A Awards: FRIDAY NIGHT - Cash and Sash for Best in Show 2nd, Best in Show 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show, Best Neutered in Show. Cash and Sash for Best in Group 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group, Best Neutered in Group. Awards: SATURDAY BOTH SHOWS - Cash and Sash for all in Show Awards. Cash and Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group,
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Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Sashes only for all other Group awards. Bernese Mountain Dog Awards – Trophy, Rosette & Cash for Best of Breed, RU Best of Breed. Rosette & Cash for all Class in Breed. Rosette for all Runner Up Class of Breed. Other prizes as donated. Catering: Available Entries to Convenor: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Callington SA 5254 Mobile: 0400 897 743 Email: (for entry enquiries). SSAE for acknowledgement of entries or include email on entry form for acknowledgement. PHONE ENTRIES ACCEPTED EVERY DAY FROM 12 NOON – 8.00PM CALL 08 7190 1801 OR FACEBOOK MESSAGE WENDY BAKER Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on is 37 degrees or above. If applicable on Saturday, the 9.30am show will be cancelled. In this circumstance a CASH refund of $5.00 per ADULT exhibit entered will be returned to the exhibitor at the evening show on the same day. Refund available SAME DAY ONLY if the show is cancelled. (Refund is only applicable if the show is cancelled due to Hot Weather Policy - Dogs SA Regulations). The Saturday PM show will be not before 6.30pm. ADSS IS A REGISTERED PRIVATE COMPANY A.B.N. 16 632 793 303
Entries close: Paper 22 January 2021 - Online 24 January 2021
David Roche Park - SUNDAY 31st JANUARY 2021 9.00am Group 1 – Mr M Curk (NSW)
Not before 12 noon Mrs P Johansen (QLD)
Group 2 – Mrs P Johansen (QLD)
Mr C Fynmore (NSW)
Group 3 – Mr G Vernon (NSW)
Mrs J Fynmore (NSW)
Group 4 – Mr C Fynmore (NSW)
Mr M Curk (NSW)
Group 5 – Mrs S Taylor (QLD)
Mr P Tjerkstra (QLD)
Group 6 – Mrs J Fynmore (NSW)
Mr G Vernon (NSW)
Group 7 – Mr P Tjerkstra (QLD)
Mrs S Taylor
General Specials – Mrs P Johansen
Mr G Vernon
The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary
Show Manager: Mrs W Baker SACA Representative: Mr P Thompson Entry Fees for each show: First and Second Entry $15.00, Third and Subsequent Entry $13.00. Baby Puppies $8.00. Catalogue: $3.00 Prepaid per show (Full Breeding please) Order of Judging: All Rings Simultaneously Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A,18A
Awards: SUNDAY 8.30AM SHOW - Cash and Sash for all in Show Awards. Cash and Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Sashes only for all other Group awards. Awards: SUNDAY PM SHOW - Cash and Sash for Best in Show 2nd, Best in Show 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show, Best Neutered in Show. Cash and Sash for Best in Group 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group, Best Neutered in Group. Entries to Convenor: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Callington SA 5254 Mobile: 0400 897 743 Email: (for entry enquiries). SSAE for acknowledgement of entries or include email on entry form for acknowledgement. PHONE ENTRIES ACCEPTED EVERY DAY FROM 12 NOON – 8.00PM CALL 08 7190 1801 OR FACEBOOK MESSAGE WENDY BAKER Hot Weather Policy applies if the forecast temperature at 10.00am two days prior on is 37 degrees or above. If applicable the 8.30am show will be cancelled. In this circumstance a CASH refund of $5.00 per ADULT exhibit entered will be returned to the exhibitor at the evening show on the same day. Refund available SAME DAY ONLY if the show is cancelled. (Refund is only applicable if the show is cancelled due to Hot Weather Policy - Dogs SA Regulations). The PM show will be not before 6.00pm.
OBEDIENCE TRIAL To be held under the Rules and Regulations of the SACA Inc
Saturday 13th March 2021 at 6.00 pm Club Grounds, Wilfred Taylor Reserve, Wheatsheaf Road. Morphett Vale Judges Mr. Damien Bourne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CCD Mr. Tony Brennan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UDX & Novice Mrs. Jan Brabham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open B (untitled) Mrs. Jan Brabham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open A (titled) (Please note if excess open entries Reserve Judge Brian Fielder will judge Open A in the first available ring)
Mrs. Kathy Millington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utility Mr. Brian Fielder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reserve Judge The club reserves the right to appoint a reserve Judge’s if necessary. SACA Representative: Ms. Narelle Medicott. Veterinary: By Committee. Vetting Times: 5.15 pm to 5.45 pm. (Bitches without proof of de-sexing only) All dogs to pass through check point by close of vetting.
Order of Judging: All rings simultaneously. UDX before Novice. Open B before Open A. Entry Fee: $10.00 Catalogues: $2.00 Prepaid with entry or on SDK&ODC face-book & SDK&ODC Web Page (under Calendar) 2 days prior. Awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place qualifiers in each class. Sashes: To all qualifying competitors. Direct Deposit Entries: BSB 105-144 Account No 047522540 Please include your name and number of entries as your reference in the EFT deposit and post entry form to Trial Manager. Online Entries: Via EASYDOG Entries. Paper Entries: Trial Manager, 3 Lakeview Close, Woodcroft SA 5162. Money orders and cheques payable to Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Dog Club Inc. SAE for receipt of entry. Hot weather policy and COVID-19 precautions apply.
Merry Christmas from all at Dogs SA December 2020
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2 0 2 0 / 2 1 E x h i b i t i o n D at e s December 4th (Friday)
5th (Saturday)
6th (Sunday)
11th (Saturday)
12th (Saturday)
13th (Sunday) 18th (Friday)
19th (Saturday)
20th (Sunday)
31st (Thursday)
January 8th (Friday)
9th (Saturday)
10th (Sunday)
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Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.30pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 23.11.2020 – Schedule October magazine Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show - 9.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 23.11.2020 – Schedule October magazine Newfoundland Club of SA Inc – Championship Show – 9.30am – Ring 7 – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 22.11.20 Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show - 9.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 23.11.2020 – Schedule October magazine Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.30pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 04.12.2020 – Schedule November magazine Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.30 pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 04.12.2020 – Schedule November magazine Dogs SA CJTP – Theory Exams ADSS Pty Ltd - All Breeds Championship Show – not before 6.30pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 11.12.2020 – Schedule November magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – All Breeds Championship Show – 9.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 11.12.2020 – Schedule November magazine ADSS Pty Ltd - All Breeds Championship Show – not before 1.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 11.12.2020 – Schedule November magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – All Breeds Championship Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 11.12.2020 – Schedule November magazine ADSS Pty Ltd - All Breeds Championship Show – not before 11.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 11.12.2020 – Schedule November magazine Gawler Dog Training Club Inc – Trick Dog Test – not before 7.00pm – Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, Willaston – Entries close 13.12.2020 Gawler Dog Training Club Inc – Dances with Dogs Competition – not before 7.30pm – Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, Willaston – Entries close 13.12.2020 ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show - not before 6.30 pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 31.12.20 – Schedule December magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show – 9.30am and not before 1.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 31.12.20 – Schedule December magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Trainee Judge Sweepstakes – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 12 noon on the day – Schedule December magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show – 8.30am and not before 11.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 31.12.20 – Schedule December magazine
22nd (Friday)
23rd (Saturday)
24th (Sunday)
26th (Tuesday) 29th (Friday)
30th (Saturday)
31st (Sunday)
ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show not before 6.00 pm Gawler Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close - 14.01.21 – Schedule December magazine Gawler Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 14.01.21 – Schedule December magazine Gawler Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – not before 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close – 14.01.21 – Schedule December magazine Australia Day ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show – not before 6.30pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 22.01.21 – Schedule December magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show – 9.30am and not before 1.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 22.01.21 – Schedule December magazine ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show – 9.00am and not before 12 noon – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 22.01.21 – Schedule December magazine
February 5th (Friday) 6th (Saturday) 7th (Sunday) 13th (Saturday) 14th (Sunday) 20th (Saturday) 21st (Sunday) 26th (Friday) 27th (Saturday)
28th (Sunday)
The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 6.00 pm The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 10.00 am ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Shows 9.00am & 11am Collie Club of SA Inc – All Breeds Championship Show 9.00 am Collie Club of SA Inc – All Breeds Championship Show 9.00 am Dogs SA CJTP – Practical Examinations Dogs SA CJTP – Practical Examinations ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show not before 6.30pm ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show 9.00am ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show not before 11.30am ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show 9.00am ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Show not before 11.30am
March 6th (Saturday)
7th (Sunday)
Australian Cattle Dog Club of SA Inc – All Breeds Championship Show 9.00 am Australian Cattle Dog Club of SA Inc – All Breeds Championship Show to follow Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am – Highway 1 Tourist Park, Port Wakefield Road, Bolivar – Entries close 26.02.2021 Agility Dog Club of SA Inc – Agility Games Trial – 6.00pm Australian Cattle Dog Club of SA Inc – All Breeds Championship Show 9.00 am Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am – Highway 1 Tourist Park, Port Wakefield Road, Bolivar – Entries close 26.02.2021 Gawler Dog Training Club Inc – Dances With Dogs Competition 6.30 pm
8th (Monday) 13th (Saturday)
20th (Saturday)
21st (Sunday) 24th (Wednesday)
25th (Thursday) 26th (Friday) 27th (Saturday)
28th (Sunday)
ADSS Pty Ltd – Championship Shows 9.00am & 11.00am Hound Club of SA Inc – Championship Show 9.00 am Whippet & Greyhound Club of SA Inc – Championship Show 10.00 am Shetland Sheepdog Club of SA Inc – Parade 10.00 am Shetland Sheepdog Club of SA Inc – Open Show not before 12 noon Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Obedience Trial - 6.00pm – Clubgrounds, Wilfred Taylor Reserve, Wheatsheaf Road, Morphett Vale – Entries close 26.02.2020 – Schedule December magazine SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc – Open Show 8.30 am SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 11.30 am Noarlunga City Obedience Dog Club Inc – Agility Trial 9.00 am Noarlunga City Obedience Dog Club Inc – Agility Trial 1.00 pm SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 9.00 am German Shorthaired Pointer Club of NSW Inc – National Restricted Obedience Trial German Shorthaired Pointer Club of NSW Inc – National Restricted Rally Trial German Shorthaired Pointer Club of NSW Inc – National Championship Show German Shorthaired Pointer Club of NSW Inc – National Championship Show Le Fevre Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 9.00 am Le Fevre Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show to follow AM Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Inc – Rally Trial 10.0 am Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Inc – Rally Trial 1.00 pm Le Fevre Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 9.00 am
April 2nd (Friday)
3rd (Saturday)
4th (Sunday)
December 2020
5th (Monday)
10th (Saturday)
11th (Sunday)
17th (Saturday)
18th (Sunday) Mount City & District Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 12 noon Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 12.30 pm Mount City & District Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 8.00 am Mount City & District Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show not before 12 noon Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 8.30 am Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show not before 12.30 pm Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc – Neuter Only Championship Show not before 12.30 pm Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience Trial 8.30 am Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Agility Trial 8.30 am Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience Trial 12.30 pm Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Agility Trial 12.30 pm Mount City & District Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 9.00 am Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 8.30 am Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show not before 12.30 pm Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc – Neuter Only Championship Show not before 12.30 pm
24th (Saturday)
25th (Sunday)
Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience Trial 8.30 am Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Agility Trial 8.30 am Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience Trial 12.30 pm Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc – Agility Trial 12.30 pm Mount City & District Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 9.00 am Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 8.30 am Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show 9.00 am Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show not before 12 noon Para District Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience Trial 10.0 am Dogs SA DWD Committee – State Dances with Dogs State Championships (Two Wells) Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Ability Tests for Gundogs Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show 9.00 am SA Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience & Rally Trial 10.00 am SA Obedience Dog Club Inc – Rally Trial not before 1.00 pm Dogs SA DWD Committee – State Trick Dog Championships (DRP Bowling Green) Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Ability Tests for Gundogs Adelaide Lure Coursing & Racing Club Inc – Lure Coursing Trial 9.30 am Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show 9.00 am Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show to follow AM Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Ability Tests for Gundogs 8.00 am British Bulldog Club of SA Inc – Open Show 10.00 am Dogs SA Conformation Judges Training Panel Practical Handling Gawler Dog Training Club Inc – Obedience & Rally Trial 10.0 am Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Ability Tests for Gundogs 8.00 am Gawler Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 9.30 am Gawler Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show to follow AM Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Inc – Agility Trial 9.00 am Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Inc – Agility Trial 1.00 pm Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Trial for Gundogs 8.00 am Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc – Tracking Trial Gawler Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show 9.30 am Gawler Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show to follow AM Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc – Track & Search Trial 8.00 am Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Trial for Gundogs 8.00 am
May 1st (Saturday)
Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc – Group 5 Championship Show 9.30 am British Bulldog Club of Qld Inc – National Show Port Pirie Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience Trial 9.00 am Page 29
SECRETARIES AND CONVENORS Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc Sharyn Ely 0404 760 965 Adelaide Kennel Club Inc Francis McEvoy 0438 682 784 Adelaide Lure Coursing & Racing Club Inc Georgie Roberts 0490 551 803 Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Dog Club Inc Debbie Heinze 0457 220 018 Agility Dog Club of SA Inc Jenny Pearson 0417 883 094 All Breeds Dog Club of SA Inc Glenys Lewis 0407 713 113 Australian Cattle Dog Club of SA Inc Connie Redhead 0407 837 102 Australian Terrier Club of SA Inc Jacqui Wilson 0400 036 843 Beagle Club of SA Inc Gordon Radcliffe 08 8524 3282 Bernese Mountain Dog Club of SA Inc Ros Catt 0417 167 671 Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc Vicki Josephs 0417 834 965 British Bulldog Club of SA Inc Carol Rosier 0412 943 369 Bullmastiff Club of SA Inc Becci Dawson 0409 090 041 Bull Terrier Club of Inc Heather Hernen 0405 945 596 Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc Sue Foster 0414 867 085 Chihuahua Club of SA Inc Jenifer Nichols 0418 837 672 Collie Club of SA Inc David Johnson 08 8388 4085 Dances with Dogs Club of SA Inc Jenny McLoughlin 0412 378 820 Dobermann Club of SA Inc Deb Heinze 0457 220 018 Dover Gardens Kennel & Obedience Club Inc Eric Hopkins 08 8298 7842 Dublin Kennel Club Inc Valerie Carter 08 8520 2076 Fleurieu Dog Obedience Club Inc Sade Cook 0408 858 908 Gawler Dog Training Club Inc Eleanor Royle 0477 334 413 Gawler Kennel Club Inc Cathy Elliot 0408 830 656 Gepps Cross Dog Training Centre Inc Berry Treffers 0434 485 331 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc Stephen Collins 0419 212 749 German Shorthaired Pointer Club of SA Inc Cheryl Billett 0447 009 919 Golden Retriever Club of SA Inc Ruth Thompson 0419 045 468
Page 30
Gundog Club of SA Inc Monica McCaffery 08 8388 3562 Herding Dog Club of SA Inc Jean Milnes 0401 469 901 Hound Club of SA Inc Fiona Danaher 0419 871 931 Hungarian Vizsla Club of SA Inc Julie Wallis 0417 845 977 Irish Wolfhound Club of SA Inc John Lewington 08 8251 2505 Jack Russell Club of SA Inc Robyn Bennett 0449 752 027 Klever Kanine Dog Obedience School Inc Luke Huebusch 0423 215 414 Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc Noel McLaren 0427 004 017 Le Fevre Kennel Club of SA Inc Jan Brabham 08 8276 4025 Marion Kennel Club Inc Rebecca Sommer 0402 202 183 Metropolitan Kennel Club Inc Tina Matthews 0411 618 678 Millicent Kennel Club Julie Allen 0408 333 823 Mount City & District Kennel Club Inc Lyn Harris-Walker 0417 859 647 Mount Gambier A & H Society Inc Janelle Bradley 8725 1873 Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Inc Sharon Kolze 08 8523 0515 Naracoorte Kennel Club Inc Dean Fiebiger 0417 834 805 Newfoundland Club of SA Inc Leah Buitenhuis 0413 688 321 Noarlunga City Obedience Dog Club Inc Denise Quemard 0414 650 349 Northern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc Marie Kozulic 08 7289 1947 Old English Sheepdog Club of SA Inc Evelyn Copley 0404 976 796 Para District Obedience Dog Club Inc Katherine Trzesinski 0422 014 712 Poodle Club of SA Inc Angela Downes 0415 444 783 Port Adelaide Obedience Dog Club Inc Val Koch 08 8248 0102 Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc Joe Nickholds 08 8524 2113 Port Pirie Obedience Dog Club Inc Yvonne Young 08 8632 5738 Pug Club of SA Inc Sue Willie 0418 955 176 Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc Jessie Hughes 0407 253 750
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of SA Inc Linda Castle 08 8263 3114 Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc Sue Laidler 08 8582 2799 Rottweiler Club of SA Inc Allison Wells 0427 165 518 Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of SA Inc 08 8210 5211 SA Obedience Dog Club Inc Christine Koch 08 8223 6626 or 0411 582 443 SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc Lynne Bennett 0411 206 130 Samoyed Club of SA Inc Jeanette Bosustow 0412 203 845 Shetland Sheepdog Club of SA Inc Cheryl Spangler 08 8325 1820 Siberian Husky & Alaskan Malamute Club of SA Inc Douglas Gregory 0414 921 834 Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Dog Club Inc Marion Barrett 08 8386 1933 Spencer Gulf Obedience Dog Club Inc Helen Farrell 0417 865 165 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc Jo Allen 0421 843 769 TenterďŹ eld Terrier Club of SA Inc Nickola Ramsey 0417 825 852 Terrier Club of SA Inc Fiona Mackness 08 8278 5546 The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc Kerryn Harvey 0402 866 822 The Murray Valley Kennel Club Inc Debbie Younger 0428 430 266 The Papillon Club of SA Inc Alison Greenless 0419 850 258 The Toy Dog Club of SA Inc Kristy Lewis 08 8388 0022 Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc Robyn Geraghty 0419 806 148 Weimaraner Club of SA Inc Krystle Wells 0418 818 528 Welsh Corgi Club of SA Inc Kitty Flynn 08 8520 3072 Whippet & Greyhound Club of SA Inc Shirley Willmott 0466 070 430 White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc Linda Moore 0439 633 846 DOGS SA COMMITTEES Winter International Lance Heilmann 08 8388 4085 SOCIAL CLUBS Bearded Collie Club of SA Victoria Clark 08 8536 2492 French Bulldog Club of SA Heather Parker 0413 074 674 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of SA Inc Cheryl Fleming 0402 953 859
BLAKES CROSSING OPEN DAILY 8AM to 7PM 41 Village Tce, Blakeview Ph. 08 7231 3000 BLAKES TIVER ROAD Open Mon to Fri 8AM to 7PM Now Open Sat 8AM to 12PM 5 Tiver Road, Evanston South Ph. 08 7231 3099
TOP DOG IN REPRODUCTION AFFORDABLE 24HR EMERGENCY SERVICE CALL US ON 08 7231 3000 Surgery Services Reproduction Services Desexing Seasoned knowledge in Orthopaedics Breeding & Whelping Soft Tissue Surgery In-house Progesterone Other Services Testing and Pathology Boarding Facilities TCI, Surgical & Vaginal Short & Long Term Artificial Insemination Semen Analysis & Freezing Greyhound Australasia approved facility (Based on the Camelot Ultrasound Services System) Digital X-Ray Services Semen Storage Hip & Elbow Scoring Loads of Breeding Puppy Classes packages available
START 15% OFF STARTER, PUPPY AND HT 42d %3: DIETS. HT 42d delivers precise nutrition for bitches in heat to 42 days gestation. Starter diets provide specific nutrition for the first 5 stages of life; gestation from 42 days, birth, lactation, weaning and growth up to 2 months. Puppy diets are g p pp tailored to meet the growth needs of puppies nths onwards. from 2 months ers.royalcanin *Only available to Royal Canin Breeders Club members via the ProShop from 1st 9ZXZbWZg '%'% â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 31st JVcjVgn 202&. Includes Professional or Largest available bag size only. :mXajYZh lZi Y^Zih# Minimum order at the ProShop 15kg. While stocks last. TEAM 81.) DogsSA