JULY 2019 Australia Print Publications No.: 100004328
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am — 6pm Saturday: 8am — 4pm 168 Hayman Road, Lewiston SA 5501 Phone: (08) 8524 2260 www.noahscrossingvetclinic.com.au
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Cardiac Breed Screening Dates for the next breed screening for 2018 at Noahs Crossing Vet Clinic with Cardiac Specialist Dr Richard Woolley BVetMed DipECVIM-CA (Cardiology) MRCVS will be. 22nd August 2019 7th November 2019
Goats Milk Now Available At Noahs $4.50 per litre
DOGS SA is a registered business name of the South Australian Canine Association Inc. BN04827570
Association Address: David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn 5084. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Licensed Club: 8260 2412 Members of Council: Mr. B. Parker (President) Mr. P. Dynan (Vice President) Mr. B. Fielder, Mr. G. Harvey, Mrs. R. Hedger, Mr. L. Heilmann, Mr. A. Lim, Ms. T. Edwards, Mrs. S. Pike, Mr. Peter Thompson, Dr. R. Crouch. Executive Officer: Mr. W. Schnitzer Advertising: All advertising enquiries to Dogs SA Office.
Postal Address: (For all correspondence including advertising). The Executive Officer, Dogs SA, P.O. Box 844, Prospect East 5082. Phone 8349 4797. Email: info@dogssa.com.au Website: www.dogssa.com.au
President’s Report
2019 is half way there and all activities are in full swing. With the recent decline in entries in both conformation and obedience it is good to see the increasing interest in other activities such as Rally O, Lure Coursing and Sled Sports. We as an organisation need to offer more than just the basics if we want to grow. The younger generation of today are not always interested in sitting around waiting for their dog to go into the ring for 2 minutes to be judged so we need to get smarter. Should we investigate scheduling breeds so exhibitors know when they need to arrive and not be there all day? SACA/DOGS SA was established many years ago and our emphasis has been on Pedigree dogs to the detriment of other activities. Is it time we reinvested and widened our interest? We need to remain the guardian of the Pedigree dog and the custodian of the Breed Standard and conformation shows, however what is stopping us from being proactive and opening our dog sports up to all dogs as some sports have already done and this has seen PDQ\ RI WKHP ÀRXULVK ,V LW WLPH ZH EHFDPH DQ RUJDQLVDWLRQ IRU DOO WKLQJV '2*
Advertising Deadline: All advertising copy must be lodged at the Dogs SA Office 6 weeks prior to month of publication. Dogs SA accepts no responsibility for the contents of advertisements. All advertisements are accepted in good faith and the liability of advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser.
In June the extremely successful Advance Winter International Conformation Shows and its Breed Specialty Partners were held. The event provided record entries in the current climate of entries declining with almost 4,000 entries over the 3 days between the 3 championship shows and the specialties. Well done to all concerned who did a fantastic job in the lead up to the event and over the 3 days. Thank you to our sponsors and in particular our major sponsor Advance who contributed to the success of the 2019 Winter International.
Letters: The editor reserves the right not to publish any letter which in the opinion of the Editorial Sub-Committee or Council should not be published for legal or other reasons. All letters are received with that reservation. The opinions expressed in contributors’ articles are not necessarily those of Council.
I had an opportunity over the past week to chat with an RSPCA inspector who had recently inspected a member’s property after receiving a complaint in relation to the way the dogs were being kept. It was good to note the inspector gave the property a clean bill of health with only making a couple of minor recommendations. It was also pleasing to note the inspector commented on the fact they had very few concerns with DOGS SA breeders and that pedigree dogs were very seldom surrendered into the Recue centres. We discussed the release of pedigree dogs back to the breeders once surrendered and this is something I will intend pursuing as we have had issues in the past where they would not release them to the members.
On a sad note we did see the passing of one the Winter International committee members, Mr Tony Haynes, during the event. Tony was a hard working and enthusiastic young man whose contribution to the dog world will be sadly missed. Our condolences go out to Jane, Emma and family and offer them assistance where we can during this time.
As most are also aware there was a serious security breach with the DACO registration program. I would like to commend our members although understandably irate, did the right thing by posting it to the closed DOGS SA member Page on Face Book where we were then able WR FRQWDFW WKH '&0% WR KDYH WKH EUHDFK UHFWL¿HG %\ SRVWLQJ RQ WKH FORVHG SDJH WKH EUHDFK ZDV QRW DOHUWHG WR IRU WKH JHQHUDO SXEOLF 7KH '&0% GLG UHVSRQG DV VRRQ DV WKH\ ZHUH QRWL¿HG DQG have provided DOGS SA members with a written apology and they will be investigating further. :H DUH FRPPLWWHG WR ZRUNLQJ WKH '&0% WR EHWWHU LPSURYH WKH V\VWHPV DQG WU\ WR LQÀXHQFH WKHP to the betterment of our members. Try to think positive in all things we do as positivity is contagious and negativity only fuels destruction. Brian Parker – President DOGS SA – 0417 724 223
July 2019
Page 3
SCALE OF CHARGES All FEES INCLUDE G.S.T. Effective 1st November 2018 2018 Membership Fees *Single or Kennel (18 Years & over) *Double or Kennel (18 Years & over) *Kennel Additional Persons *Pensioner Single *Pensioner Joint *Associate Single (Committee use only) *Associate Joint (Committee use only) *Junior (under 18 years) Overseas Residents – above fees apply plus additional for postage
98.00 152.00 76.00 67.00 131.00 30.00 57.00 18.00 62.00
3UHÂż[ )HHV $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU 1HZ 3UHÂż[ *Annual Maintenance Fee 38.00 + Add Dog & Cat Management Board $QQXDO 3UHÂż[ )HH '&0% 3UHÂż[ )HH DSSOLHV WR HDFK PHPEHU KROGLQJ D VLQJOH SUHÂż[ 7KH IHH DSSOLHV RQO\ RQFH LI WZR RU PRUH SUHÂż[HV DUH KHOG E\ VDPH PHPEHU 7KH IHH DSSOLHV RQO\ RQFH WR D VLQJOH SUHÂż[ MRLQWO\ held by two or more members. 7UDQVIHU 3UHÂż[ 2ZQHUVKLS 88.00 Effective 1st January 2019 Litter Registration Litter Lodgement Fee Puppy Registrations Main & Limited Registers *Individual Puppy (each) 5HSODFHPHQW 3HGLJUHH &HUWLÂżFDWH 1HXWHUHG 5HJLVWHU $VVRFLDWH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ 6SRUWLQJ 5HJLVWUDWLRQ Re-Registrations *Dogs from Overseas *Overseas Semen
38.00 23.00 23.00 30.00 30.00
110.00 110.00
Registered Semen Registration of Semen Transfer of Semen
38.00 38.00
Transfers *From Member *Non Member to Member *Between Registers
38.00 65.00 38.00
Leases *Member to Member *Non Member to Member *Early Termination
76.00 90.00 38.00
Titles *Champion and Supreme Champion *Grand Champion *Other Awards ([SRUW 3HGLJUHH
38.00 45.00 26.00 139.00
Show Entry Forms Book 50 Plus Postage Club Schedule Advertising Full Page Half Page Third Page Quarter Page Club Stationery Best Of Breed &KDOOHQJH &HUWLÂżFDWHV 1HXWHUHG &HUWLÂżFDWHV
4.00 3.00
376.00 196.00 131.00 107.00
Reserve Challenge %HVW ,Q 6KRZ &HUWLÂżFDWHV Special Awards ie Best In Group Stewards Sheets Pad of 50 1 Set Group Cards & BIS Single Group Card Judges Contracts Pad of 25 Pad of 5 (Speciality Clubs only) SACA Reps/Stewards Contracts Exhibitor Tickets (100 = $3.00) Trials Point Score Cards Obedience Tracking Agility Games $IÂżOLDWLRQ )HHV &RQIRUPDWLRQ All Breeds Kennel Clubs & Ag Societies Championship Show Open Show $IÂżOLDWLRQ )HHV *URXS 6SHFLDOLVW &OXEV $IÂżOLDWLRQ Championship Show Open Show $IÂżOLDWLRQ )HHV 7ULDOV &OXEV $IÂżOLDWLRQ $OO %UHHGV Obedience Trial Agility Trial Retrieving & Field Trials Tracking Trial Endurance Test Dances With Dogs Competition Sanction/Restricted Trial SACA Park Ground Hire All Breeds Championship Show All Breeds Double Championship Shows held on the same day All Breeds Open Show Multi Group Championship Show Multi Group Open Show Single Group Championship Show Single Group Open Show Specialist Championship Show Specialist Open Show Fundays $IÂżOLDWH &OXE /HY\ Metropolitan (within 100 kms) Country Agility/Obedience Levy Metro Agility/Obedience Levy Country
0.25 0.60 0.25 0.25
155.00 155.00 48.00
52.00 39.00
72.00 72.00 62.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00
515.00 721.00 146.00 365.00 108.00 273.00 108.00 145.00 90.00 37.00
Ch Rocknrollers Your My World “Cilla� is owned and was bred and handled by Mrs Elain Duncan
2.75 1.38 3.75 1.88
Meeting Room Hire $I¿OLDWH &OXE 0HHWLQJV Specialist Clubs – Marsula or Brine Room Show Days only MB Rooms Other Functions
37.00 144.00
Miscellaneous Search Fee Deposit lodged with Appeal Deposit lodged with Objection Fee lodged with Complaint Administration Fee
125.00 204.00 204.00 204.00 125.00
Page 4
0.15 0.50 5.50 4.50 0.60 21.00 5.50 0.50 0.03
Newly Titled
ELIRE MACCHIATO CDX RN DWDFS CAA Pippin has obtained his Coursing Ability Advanced (CAA) title with an unblemished record of passes in Lure Coursing Trials. Owned, trained and much loved by Julia Seaborn
Miss J Leibhardt – Labrador Retriever Found guilty of a breach of Rule 5 (b) and 5 (c) of Part XV A Code of Ethics and the following penalty was imposed: A fine of $147.00 plus Administration costs of $125.00.
Mrs R Barker – Australian Kelpie Found guilty of a breach of Rule 5 (d) of Part XV A Code of Ethics and the following penalty was imposed: A fine of $490.00 plus Administration costs of $125.00.
Dr DJ Needham & Mrs L McDonald – Labrador Retriever Found guilty of a breach of Rule 8 and 20 (a) of Part IV Registrations A General and the following penalty was imposed: Suspension of membership of the South Australian Canine Association Inc for a period of twelve (12) months, set aside, and to become effective immediately should they re-offend with a breach of the Rules. A fine of $980.00 plus Administration costs of $125.00.
Mr D Burford. Found guilty of a breach of Rule 7 and 9 of Part XIV Offences and the following penalty was imposed: Suspension of membership of the South Australian Canine Association Inc for a period of twenty-four (24) months, of which eighteen (18) months is set aside, and to become effective immediately should he re-offend with a breach of the Rules and is effective immediately. This suspension excludes him from attending all Dogs SA sanctioned events. A fine of $200.00 plus Administration costs of $125.00.
Mr S Jalali – German Shepherd Dog Found guilty of a breach of Rule 5 (a) of Part XV A Code of Ethics and Rule 8.8.1 of ANKC Ltd Regulations Part 6 and the following penalty was imposed: Censured and should a recurrence of a breach of these Rules occur again these breaches may be taken into consideration when setting a penalty. A fine of $588.00 plus Administration costs of $125.00.
ƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ ƚŽ Ɛŝƚ ĨŽƌ dŚĞŽƌLJ džĂŵŝŶĂƟŽŶƐ ƚŽ ďĞ ŚĞůĚ ŽŶ Wednesday 21 August 2019 must be lodged ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ŽŐƐ ^ KĸĐĞ ďLJ &ƌŝĚĂLJ Ϭϵ ƵŐƵƐƚ ϮϬϭϵ͘ ƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ ǁŝůů ŽŶůLJ ďĞ ĂĐĐĞƉƚĞĚ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚŽƐĞ dƌĂŝŶĞĞͬ ƐƉŝƌĂŶƚ :ƵĚŐĞƐ ǁŚŽ ŚĂǀĞ ŵĞƚ ƚŚĞ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ ĐƌŝƚĞƌŝĂ͘ ƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶ ĨŽƌŵƐ ĂƌĞ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ ŽŐƐ ^ KĸĐĞ Žƌ ƚŚĞ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ ʹ ǁǁǁ͘ĚŽŐƐƐĂ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ
382 Main Rd Coromandel Valley (08) 8370 3500
Other services for Breeders . . . Fresh semen assessment + AI. Pregnancy ultrasound. Whelping assistance (inc. planned Csections). After-whelp care for your bitch and puppies. AHrs by arrangement (conditions apply).
By Appointment . . . Blood sampling Mon.-Sat.......8.30 a.m.-9.30 a.m. Mon.-Fri.......3.30 p.m.-5 p.m. (Other times . . . Conditions/extra charges may apply) Multiple tests . . . Registered breeder's concessions. Enquiries . . . Coromandel Valley . . . 08 8370 3500 Mclaren Vale . . . 08 8323 8522 Or . . . corovets@familypetvet.com.au July 2019
Page 5
Prefixes Approved May 2019 Objections to an approved Prefix must be lodged at the Dogs SA Office within 3 months of the date of publication. AASHEERDAC ADARLIE ALBRADOR AMBERJEM ARIELA BEUNYQUE BONNIELAKE BRAEVALE CELTICBLU
Mrs A D Johnson Mr A Rodway Mr A & Mrs A McLean Mrs S Hudson Mr K & Mrs S Takacs Mr W Smith & Mrs D Smith Mrs D Skinner Mrs V Giddings Miss E Newman & Mr D Schalk Mrs K Hamilton Ms T Moody Miss N Brandon Mrs L Forrest Ms R A Ford Mr D Saunders Mr B Marson Mrs G Cadwallader Ms M Pollock Mrs L Fowler Dr M Ogut Mrs K Milinkovic Mrs H Johnston Mrs T Burford Mrs R Shepperson Mr M J & Mrs D Pertot Mr B Melton Mr L Giro Mr B & Mrs W Vorster Mr D & Mrs T Reid Mrs J Jaehne Mrs A J Nutley Miss H Wallace Mrs A Saul Mr D Rundell & Ms K Every Mr M Nakouzi Miss J Jackson & Mr S Jones Mr S Ea Ms T Brown Miss R Gowers Ms K L Weatherill Mrs Y Krznaric Mr S & Mrs D OHazy Ms E J Coghlan
From the RULES Of the South Australian Canine Association Inc Trading as Dogs SA Effective 1 July 2019
PRIZES AND AWARDS. GENERAL 1. (a) Affiliate Members shall make available at all Exhibitions held under the Rules of the SACA first, second and third place ribbons or cards. (b) Each card awarded at an Exhibition must not display any more than the following information; (i) the name and breed of the winning exhibit; (ii) the name or description of the class or other competition in which the prize was won; (iii) the name of the Affiliate Member conducting the Exhibition; and (iv) the date of the Exhibition. (c) Council will promulgate set values for awards at Exhibitions and failure by Affiliates to comply with the values will be a breach of the Rules. 2. Where a card or ribbon is lost, or destroyed, the person who received the same may make application to the Affiliate Member who issued the card or ribbon for a duplicate and a fee may be charged. In the event that the Secretary/Convenor or Trial Manager of the Affiliate Member is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so, he shall issue a duplicate card or ribbon. 3. (a) In the event an exhibit is disqualified after a prize has been awarded that prize shall be forfeited and must be returned within thirty days to the Affiliate Member that awarded the prize or the Association as directed. In the event the prize is not returned the owner or lessee of the disqualified dog shall compensate the Affiliate Member. (b) Where an exhibit, having been judged as a winner at an Exhibition, is subsequently disqualified or withdrawn, the forfeited prize or award shall go to the runner-up. 4. Subject to the preceding Rule 3, all prizes and awards must be presented or forwarded to the successful exhibitors within sixty days of the conclusion of the Exhibition. 5. All events for which special prizes are to be awarded shall be judged by a Judge, or an odd number of Judges who shall act together and who are especially appointed for that purpose. 6. Each Affiliate Member shall be responsible for all prizes, or the monetary value thereof, offered for competition at its Exhibition. 7. Council will not keep records of perpetual trophies awarded by Affiliate Members and will not, as a matter of course, become involved in any dispute that might arise with regards to these trophies. 8. If a prize or trophy is donated for a competition at any Exhibition and notice of such donation is inserted in the catalogue or schedule of the Exhibition, and the donor fails to supply it, then the Affiliate Member conducting the Exhibition at which the prize or trophy is offered shall provide the winner with a prize or trophy of equal value to the one advertised.
Margaret Bush
Premiers Certificate
Recognition for outstanding volunteer service Margaret purchased a Hungarian Vizsla in 1998 and it was then she became heavily involved in the dog community. She has been a committee member of the German Shorthaired Pointer, Hungarian Vizsla, Gundog & Dalmatian Clubs over the years and is a current member of the Pug Club and on the committee. She would regularly partake in catering days to assist the above clubs in the early days and then started helping Harry & Val Sass out on a more regular basis. After they retired, she continued to assist the then canteen/bar manager and took over as a volunteer when that position was left vacant to fill the hole for Dogs SA. Margaret is currently the Dogs SA Canteen Manager. She opened the bar for meetings on week nights, catered for council functions, judges exams, AGM’s and judges lunches and spends many days before and after shows setting up and cleaning up, and sourcing stock in her own time and at her own expense to ensure costs are kept to a minimum for the association. Prior to getting involved with Dogs SA, Margaret had volunteered at Woodville Primary, St Dominic’s Priory, Mt Carmel College and
St Francis De Sales school canteens for many years. In addition, volunteered at Glenside hospital for many years as a nurse’s aid and lavender lady. Heavily involved within the Dressage, Pony Club & Riding Club associations including running the canteen for Western Districts, West Wind Woodville & Sunnybrae along with catering for the Metropolitan Zone Camps and South Australian Dressage Association, who also undertook outside catering functions with their catering vans of which she was the backbone for many years. Whether it be selling chocolates, wine, bingo tickets, raffle tickets she has always been the devoted fundraiser making as much as she can for any club or association, she has been involved in. Congratulations Margaret on this well-deserved award and thank you for continuing your tireless contribution to Dogs SA as a volunteer.
Retrieving news More snakes ! The June long week-end at Langhorne Creek and there was wildlife aplenty. The black, brown and tiger snakes luckily went their own way as we were looking at setting up runs and on the last day the old kangaroo who lives in the paddock popped in for a look. He has aged a lot from last year, but never gets in our way, nor us his. With the 3 trials held over the long weekend we have now had a total of 7 trials for the year and that means we are nearly half way through our season. We were lucky enough to have reasonable weather and quite a few interstate entries over the June week-end which makes for keen competition and helps us to raise our standard. In addition, clubs have managed to appoint some interstate judges for their trials and that always makes for interesting runs. Trial results have been submitted and hopefully appear elsewhere in this Journal, or perhaps the next one. The Teams Cup has been scheduled for Sunday 25th August at Roz and Peter Seppelts’ Grand Cru Estate, Springton. We have an Aspiring Novice Judge to be tested on the day. The Teams Cup is for those dogs eligible to compete in Novice during 2019. Teams, usually of 3 dogs each, are
July 2019
Photo Gail Phoenix’s Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla bitch CH HABANERO GROF NO REMY UD RM AARD ORA
randomly drawn and entry is on the day. However we would like to know in advance who is intending to compete. For further information about the Teams Cup please email me on Jessie.h@adam.com.au; I will do an email to my Retrieving list. If you aren’t on the list and want to be please email me. I send out schedules, training day information etc regarding RTFG and RATG.
Happy trialling ! Jessie Hughes For the RAFT Advisory Committee Page 7
Litters Registered Litters registered 1st May 2019 to 31st May 2019 GROUP 1 – TOYS Cavalier King Charles Spaniel CAVSANCTUARY Mrs D Jackman 3M 1F 08/02/2019 MILTENBERG HOMER 3100358279 : CAVBEAU PORSHA 3100357871 KOOKOORA Ms C Jones & Mrs Y Moulds 3M 2F 23/02/2019 NIGHT STORM DE LOS URSIDOS KODIAK (IMP ESP) LOE2382259 : KOOKOORA TINY DANCER 5100101332 KOOKOORA Ms C Jones & Mrs Y Moulds 2M 1F 23/02/2019 NIGHT STORM DE LOS URSIDOS KODIAK (IMP ESP) LOE2382259 : CARISTABELL CHOCOLATE KISSES 5100097292 Chihuahua (Long) STAPLECHI Mrs R Stapleton & Mrs J Nichols 1M 27/02/2019 ELARADO SIMBA (IMP NZL) 08432-2007 : STAPLECHI VENUS IN BLUE JEANS 5100075726 Chihuahua (Smooth) XSTREAMBULLS Ms E Jones 1F 18/03/2019 KFINCH START THE GAMES 2100483407 : KFINCH MISTY EYES 2100489918 XSTREAMBULLS Ms E Jones 1F 08/03/2019 KFINCH START THE GAMES 2100483407 : JOSIEZ INFERNO 3100272204 Chinese Crested Dog JAYJESS Ms G E Teakel 1M 2F 29/10/2018 FAYRELYN GOLD PLATED DRAGONN 4100225130 : FAYRELYN BOOTS LWALKALLOVAYOU 4100268467
LAEXOTICA Laexotica Kennels 7M 1F 15/12/2018 DEDRICK BRONSON 2100430700 : LAEXOTICA LUCREZIA 5100079768
ANDONAS Mr T Grivakis 2M 2F 15/02/2019 ANDONAS EVENING SHADE 5100090867 : ANDONAS BLUE GENESEY 5100078090
Papillon GYPSYLINC Mrs V Spangler 3M 14/12/2018 CH. TRESCHIC PRINCE OF MONACO 2100481282 : CLOCKWORK SHINING LIGHT 2100412270
ANDONAS Mr T Grivakis 2M 2F 18/02/2019 ANDONAS EVENING SHADE 5100090867 : ANDONAS MY BLUE ANGEL 5100081782
JAYJESS Ms G E Teakel 1M 1F 19/12/2018 CH. JAYJESS THE BOY FROM OZ 3100163264 : JAYJESS BLACK ROBERTA 3100298831 JAYJESS Ms G E Teakel 3M 28/02/2019 JAYJESS TOTAL CHAOS 3100354747 : JAYJESS BLACK MAGIC 5100101462 PAPANDI Mrs P A Welk 1M 4F 18/04/2019 JAYJESS TOTAL CHAOS 3100354747 : PAPANDI RAPT IN LACE 5100097836 Russian Toy (Long Haired) HEVNLEE Mrs B Chapman 2M 28/02/2019 ROM.CH. HUN.CH. CH. KING VOM GRAND-TOY (IMP AUT) VDH-VK142722 : NEVADA BLUE DE LA PETITE RIVAGERIE (IMP AUT) LOF9RUSTOY1054/0 HEVNLEE Mrs B Chapman 2M 2F 28/02/2019 HALEF IKAR VON GRAND-TOY (IMP AUT) VDH10/1700022 : NEVADA BLUE DE LA PETITE RIVAGERIE (IMP AUT) LOF9RUSTOY1054/0 Yorkshire Terrier IMAYORKIE Mr G J & Mrs P A Harrison 1M 3F 17/03/2019 GRAND. CH. IMAYORKIE GOOD LUCK CHARM 5100060353 : CH. AFFINAGE TOP SCORE 3100325193
XIOMA Mrs Sylvia & Ms Sally Johnson 2M 1F 25/03/2019 CH. XIOMA FIRE IN THE STARS 5100085761 : CHINOIS LUCREZIA 2100464232
Airedale Terrier BELAIREDALES Mr O Wieczorek & Ms V Lee 4M 3F 10/02/2019 SUP. CH. OLDIRON WHOS ON FIRST 3100317582 : BELAIREDALES SACRE COEUR (AI) 5100100407
English Toy Terrier (Black and Tan) LAEXOTICA Laexotica Kennels 1M 20/10/2018 ANTSON EL ZORRO 3100268026 : LAEXOTICA YURIH 5100094918
EALDOR Miss M McWaters 1M 5F 03/06/2018 EALDOR ELVIS PRESLEY 5100100491 : CH. EALDOR CHIT CHAT 5100096233
Griffon Bruxellois ROXBUD Roxbud Kennels 1M 1F 20/03/2019 TOITOI AL CAPONE (IMP NZL) 03169-2013 : ROXBUD SPLASH OF EBONY 5100102685
American Staffordshire Terrier ANDONAS Mr T Grivakis 8M 4F 10/03/2019 ANDONAS EVENING SHADE 5100090867 : ANDONAS BLUE DESTINED 5100081781
Italian Greyhound LAEXOTICA Laexotica Kennels 2M 2F 09/09/2018 LAEXOTICA TOBY JOHN 5100067205 : LAEXOTICA PINAH 5100097398
Page 8
Grivakis 3M ANDONAS 5100090867 CELEBRITY
ANDONAS Mr T Grivakis 2M 5F 08/02/2019 BILLSAMSTAFF CRIMINAL 2100379108 : ANDONAS SAVANAH BLUE 5100085346 BULLYCREW Mr G Papandrea & Ms D Mitrovic 2M 6F 03/12/2017 ANDONAS BLUE VIPER 5100074976 : ANDONAS MIDNIGHT DREAMS 5100095546 DDDAWGS Mr J & Mrs J Zammit 2M 2F 24/12/2018 DDDAWGS BRUTUS 5100075417 : DDDAWGS GLORY OF ALL 5100095725 DDDAWGS Mr J & Mrs J Zammit 5M 4F 20/11/2018 REIGNING BULLS OFF THE RAIDER (IMP USA) RN21872905 : DDDAWGS CALAMITY JANE 5100098058 DDDAWGS Mr J & Mrs J Zammit 1M 1F 10/01/2019 DDDAWGS GRINGO 5100101141 : DDDAWGS CHEEKY I AM 5100074501 DDDAWGS Mr J & Mrs J Zammit 6M 6F 23/11/2018 DDDAWGS WARSAW EXPRESS (AI) 5100083260 : DDDAWGS DOUBLE TROUBLE 5100075619 MANFREDS Mr J Watson & Miss B McIlvenna 1M 9F 18/02/2019 SUP. CH. REDPLATINUM LET THERE BE ROCK (AI) JC. WPD. 9100010475 : CH. STONIL’S NIGHT FLOWER (IMP NLD) NHSB2809104 Border Terrier CHERISHEM Ms J Giles 3M 3F 20/10/2018 CH. STORMVALE BORDA HEIR APPARENT 5100096464 : STORMVALE BORDA TUMBLEWEED 5100094962 Cairn Terrier NATUSKA Ms K A Pearson 1M 1F 14/02/2019 GRAND. CH. NATUSKA SHOUT AT THE DEVIL 5100075080 : CH. HANNSUM LETS TWIST AGAIN 7100039766 NATUSKA Ms K A Pearson 2M 4F 27/02/2019 GRAND. CH. NATUSKA SHOUT AT THE DEVIL 5100075080 : NATUSKA KISS ME THRILL ME 5100093581 RHEINMUNST Mr B & Mrs S Nicks 4M 3F 06/02/2019 TOWSYTYKE RAISIN A RIOT 2100414066 : DAREESH SCANDAL 5100077166
Staffordshire Bull Terrier ANDONAS Mr T Grivakis 2M 4F 20/02/2019 BLUEARCO HUGH (IMP UK) AP02099704 : CONCHAOS PENNY 4100299609 LAEXOTICA Laexotica Kennels 1M 3F 20/10/2018 LAEXOTICA IZALCO 5100086635 : LAEXOTICA THALYA 5100076757 LAEXOTICA Laexotica Kennels 4M 2F 06/11/2018 LAEXOTICA CEE JAY 5100100461 : LAEXOTICA RHYSMAH 5100100456 SHAETSUKI Ms K Smith 3M 3F 29/12/2017 KATAZANA DEVILS DANCE 3100347212 : SHAETSUKI LUNAR ECLIPSE 5100088700 SHAETSUKI Ms K Smith 2M 2F 18/06/2018 SHAETSUKI BLACK GALAXY 5100088703 : SHAETSUKI MISTY DAY 5100097720 Tenterfield Terrier AAUNGARA Mr T & Ms K Keves 3M 05/02/2019 TENERELLO VALENTINO 4100264297 : CH. AAUNGARA KALINDA 5100092113 GUMHAVEN Gumhaven Kennels 2M 3F 10/04/2019 CH. GUMHAVEN WALK THE LINE 5100099238 : CH. GUMHAVEN SWEET DESTINY 5100103006 GUMHAVEN Gumhaven Kennels 2M 2F 08/04/2019 CH. SKALAWAG OH WOW ITS MR BROWN 3100361318 : GUMHAVEN SAPPHIRE BLUE 5100090596 GUMHAVEN Gumhaven Kennels 3F 10/04/2019 CH. GUMHAVEN WALK THE LINE 5100099238 : GUMHAVEN SECRET SCOUT 5100095806
GROUP 3 – GUNDOGS Cocker Spaniel ASHMERE Mrs J A Burbidge 5M 3F 15/03/2019 CH. ASHMERE A HIGHLAND AFFAIR 5100073346 : ASHMERE ALWAYS CURRENT 5100090581 JYNDEL Mrs D J Hughes 1M 6F 09/03/2019 GLENBRIAR TROOPING THE COLOUR 2100488682 : CH. JYNDEL KEY TO MY HEART 5100088899 English Springer Spaniel ARCHAWAY Mr B Harding 3M 2F 01/03/2019 GLASTONPARK TWEED 3100279470 : CHESNEYPARK MILLIGAN MAGIC (AI) 5100101419
Litters Registered German Shorthaired Pointer ATORAE Atorae Kennels 2M 3F 03/03/2019 GRAND. CH. KLUGERHUND BELL BOTTOMS 2100245783-SEM : CH. ATORAE ESCALANTE 5100068669
CAVAJAL SHERWOOD FOREST (AI) 5100074704 CAVAJAL Cavajal Kennels 3M 4F 28/10/2018 CAVAJAL INSPECTOR JACK (AI) 5100093448 : CAVAJAL KEEPER 5100075983
Dachshund (Smooth Haired) DAXENBERG Daxenberg Kennels 2M 4F 22/02/2019 CIRCUIT BOSTON BARKER (IMP NZL) 05034-2010 : MARKWELL DIPLOMATIC AFFAIR (IMP NZL) 05709-2015
HEIDERST Heiderst Kennels 4M 4F 20/02/2019 CH. OAKRIDGE NUSAKAN CCD. NRD. ORA. 5100063658 : CH. HEIDERST UR MY SUNSHINE 5100077580
CHEYANDOR Mrs G Hann & Ms L Spouncer 1F 16/03/2019 CH. KIRKDELL WATCH AND SEE 5100103050 : CHEYANDOR IZZY (AI) 5100098383
Greyhound WHIRLAWAY Whirlaway Kennels 4M 2F 01/02/2019 WHIRLAWAY KNIGHT STAR 5100079398 : CH. WHIRLAWAY ABBEY ROAD 5100076845
SEVOIER Sevoier Kennels 3M 5F 03/04/2019 CH. SEVOIER DANGEROUS ATTRACTION 5100103575 : CH. SEVOIER KISS ME QUICK 5100093903 Golden Retriever GOLDJAZZ Mr B R Scholz 1M 19/02/2019 GOLDJAZZ ISLE OF HARRIS 5100091976 : GOLDJAZZ DOWNTON ABBEY 5100072844 GOLDJAZZ Mr B R Scholz 4M 4F 23/02/2019 GOLDJAZZ ISLE OF HARRIS 5100091976 : GOLDJAZZ GOLDNGIRL SUZIE ONEIL (AI) 5100083706 KPJVGOLDEN Ms K Wong & Mr J Yuen 2M 3F 27/03/2019 LILLINGSTONE BACHELOR 4100231442-SEM : ARCHEEGOLD MISS PEPSI 5100095671 Irish Setter MARTINRIDGE Mrs B M Martin 4M 4F 28/02/2019 MARTINRIDGE TIME WARP (AI) 5100098934 : MARTINRIDGE HEAVENLY HOPE 5100071531 Labrador Retriever ALPYNEAIR Mrs D Venables & Mr S & Mrs B Washington 5M 3F 03/03/2019 ARTHUS SARRACENIA MAJESTIC CHAMELEON (POL) PKR.V11126146-SEM : CH. ALPYNEAIR JE NE SAIS QUOI (AI) 5100097621 ALPYNEAIR Mrs D Venables & Mr S & Mrs B Washington 4M 2F 20/02/2019 BOSS SARRACENIA (POL) PKR. V111-29413-SEM : CH. ALPYNEAIR CONFITURE 5100079343 CAVAJAL Cavajal Kennels 4M 5F 03/03/2019 CAVAJAL INSPECTOR JACK (AI) 5100093448 : CAVAJAL MARIE CURIE (AI) 5100069358 CAVAJAL Cavajal Kennels 2M 5F 17/06/2017 CAN.CH. NIPNTUCK EAGERTRIEVE MESMERIZE (USA) SR39372907-SEM : CAVAJAL MORTICIA 5100088744 CAVAJAL Cavajal Kennels 3M 2F 05/11/2018 GHOSTSTONE’S OTTERLY FANTASTIC HOLLYWOOD KID (USA) SR50920711-SEM :
July 2019
GROUP 4 – HOUNDS Beagle ORGUST Orgust Kennels 1M 4F 02/03/2019 CH. ORGUST WINSTON C 5100102792 : CH. LLANOVER SKYE BLUE 5100089118 ORGUST Orgust Kennels 3M 5F 13/03/2019 CH. ORGUST WINSTON C 5100102792 : ORGUST RUBY TUESDAY 5100096886 Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired) SPIELDACK Miss M N Enright 3M 1F 08/09/2018 KAJMYTT YODA 4100268698 : SPIELDACK QUE SERA SERA 5100097091 Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) BOARBADGER Mr N Gouzos 4M 2F 07/02/2019 CH. BOARBADGER TIMEKEEPER 5100100146 : CH. HAHNDORF BRIAR ROSE (AI) 3100301221 RIMZAN Mr R & Mrs D Squires 1M 1F 15/02/2019 CH. SONDERBAR EASY 2100428015 : RIMZAN ALICE IN WONDERLAND 5100087897 RIMZAN Mr R & Mrs D Squires 2M 1F 20/02/2019 CH. SONDERBAR EASY 2100428015 : CH. RIMZAN AVA ORILEY 5100093030 STARDAYNE Mrs V I Tapp 2M 18/03/2019 CH. STARDAYNE MISSION ACCOMPLISHED 5100105266 : CH. STARDAYNE ROYAL LIAISON 5100075854 STARDAYNE Mrs V I Tapp 1F 06/02/2019 CH. REGALDACH TH DARK KNIGHT (AI) 3100355629 : STARDAYNE GIRLS NIGHT OUT (AI) 5100097880 STARDAYNE Mrs V I Tapp 2M 3F 27/02/2019 CH. REGALDACH TH DARK KNIGHT (AI) 3100355629 : STARDAYNE REGAL APPROACH 5100090176
Norwegian Elkhound SHOWNWIN Shownwin Kennels 3M 2F 06/03/2019 KYXEN REMUS LUPIN 4100301188 : CH. ICYSPRINGS EMBAH 2100449392
OF PENZANCE 5100090024 : BELCLAREN SUPERNATURAL 5100089530 TOOKURRA Mrs P M Wachtel 1M 5F 03/03/2019 CH. TOOKURRA SEA OF DREAMS 5100097703 : TOOKURRA KISSING IN THE DARK 5100090396 TOOKURRA Mrs P M Wachtel 1M 18/07/2018 TOOKURRA FORTUNE COOKIE 5100096829 : CH. TOOKURRA SEABREEZE 5100058402 German Shepherd Dog ALPHAWOLVES Mr J Jalali 12M 2F 02/03/2019 TRINCHETTI ANNANIAS 5100091335 : IZONME HOLLY UCD (AI) 5100094926
Rhodesian Ridgeback HAMALEK Dr Rebekah & Ms Hayley French-Davis 6M 7F 20/03/2019 CH. SHAKURU BEAT IT 5100088231 : SHELRIDGE MIDNIGHT MAYHEM 5100092295
GRUNDELHARDT Mr P J & Mrs J M Cocks 3M 3F 12/03/2019 GEWALT TENNESSEE DRUMMER (AI) 5100093559 : GRUNDELHARDT EIRA 5100085401
MUDZIVIRI Mr R & Mrs A McIver 7M 4F 23/09/2018 JOMEJA BEAU CHIEN D AFRIQUE 4100292876 : MUDZIVIRI MINZI 5100081907
PREFECT Mr J S Peake 6M 3F 13/09/2018 VONEINEM XMAN 4100279248 : PREFECT BEYONETTE (AI) 5100085827
ROSSHEIM Mr C Howard 2F 01/02/2019 CH. SCHAEFERHUND XESKO 3100276038 : ROSSHEIM ANGEL 5100079158
Australian Cattle Dog KARTE Mrs R K Barker 2M 4F 08/03/2019 CH. KARTE OUTBACK TRUCKER 5100090734 : CIRCLEBARTEE DUST A FLYIN 3100325468 LANDMASTER Mr R B & Mrs C J Redhead 4M 2F 13/03/2019 CH. LANDMASTER JAILHOUSEROCK 5100013050-SEM : LANDMASTER GOLDEN GATE 5100103070 LANDMASTER Mr R B & Mrs C J Redhead 3M 1F 14/03/2019 CH. LANDMASTER TUPELO BLUES 5100096427 : LANDMASTER MISSISSIPPI BLUES 5100103077 Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog KARTE Mrs R K Barker 1M 16/03/2019 KARTE USPINA REDTAIL 5100071864 : KARTE CALL TH BLUFF 5100094429 Bearded Collie MIRDATH Ms E A Bladon 3M 3F 29/03/2019 CH. TORIAVIC JASN THERAINBOW HT 5100061373 : STYLYN FURST CLASS 4100235630 Border Collie BELCLAREN Miss A Maher 1M 5F 18/12/2018 WYNNLAKE PRINCE
WANDARRAK Miss J Van Eck & Mrs R Bonham & Miss B Bonham 3M 2F 05/03/2019 CH. DREAMSTAR ELEMENTARY 5100075333 : WANDARRAK HEY SOUL SISTER 5100087652 Shetland Sheepdog FIOREMYST Miss K J Hole 2M 4F 02/03/2019 PARAY TAILOR MADE FOR HARRADEI (IMP USA) DN44832408 : FIOREMYST BLU BELLISIMO 5100096014
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Litters ROXBUD Roxbud Kennels 1M 1F 19/02/2019 CH. BOXBERRY BUY ME A BOAT (AI) 2100476410 : ROXBUD HEAR ME ROAR 5100078963 Bullmastiff DDDAWGS Mr J & Mrs J Zammit 4M 3F 21/09/2018 KOURTJESTER RULES DONT APPLY 5100088061 : KOURTJESTER ANGELS N DEMONS 5100074222 Dogue De Bordeaux MOLOSSER Miss K Lawn & Mr D Johnston 6M 5F 04/04/2019 BULLADULLA ZEUS (AI) 2100447641 : KEANBORDEAUX ZARA (AI) 4100271568 Rottweiler ALCHEMY Alchemy Kennels 3M 3F 12/03/2019 BULLET SERGEEVROTT (IMP SRB) PK10533/08-SEM : CH. ALCHEMY PUSSY RIOT (AI) 5100080633 Schnauzer (Miniature) NERINGA Mrs V Mazelis 4M 3F 28/02/2019 VABEC BLAK CAVIAR 4100202427 : RUSHMERE WEEPING WILLOW 3100346645
GROUP 7 NON-SPORTING Boston Terrier LAEXOTICA Laexotica Kennels 2M 2F 03/08/2018 TIPLAND FENIX 2100403989 : CHAMPIONHILL ARIELLA 2100442946 British Bulldog SHYOLA Mrs F Barry 1M 3F 26/02/2019 SHYOLA CHA CHING 5100081888 : SHYOLA HAPPY ENCOUNTER 5100093468 French Bulldog LAEXOTICA Laexotica Kennels 1M 2F 30/10/2018 LAEXOTICA BASTIEN 5100104344 : LAEXOTICA PAULETTE MIREIA 5100093509 Schipperke VONRAUTEN Vonrauten Kennels 3F 25/01/2019 VONRAUTEN BLAK BARON 5100081158 : VONRAUTEN BLACK BREEZE 5100081726 Shih Tzu SAMLHAMO Mrs J Godfrey 3M 1F 22/03/2019 CH. SHIHLIENAZIT QIAO SHENSHI 3100322574 : SAMLHAMO NAUGHTY BT NICE 5100088932
Titles awarded 1st May 2019 to 31st May 2019 GROUP 1 – TOYS Havanese CH. CARNWATH CRACKER JACK 3100380179 (M) 02/08/2018 AM. CH. CH. ANGELHEART’S GOOD BETTER BEST (IMP USA) TS04339803 : CARNWATH REALLY RETRO 3100341155 - Ms K Nicholson Perry Italian Greyhound IGMAJIK ASSAHTAH CCD. RA. JD. 5100051556 (F) 12/08/2008 MAYBRI SILVER FROST 5100038638 : MILANO HUG ME PLEASE 3100173937 - Ms N A Haby Japanese Chin CH. KISEKI MEIKO MAE 5100108115 (F) 13/08/2018 CH. SHARLARNA HASIME (IMP UK) AR03927904 : CH. KISEKI TANOSHIISHOJO 5100068046 - Ms L E McArthur Yorkshire Terrier CH. IMAYORKIE TOUCH OF ELEGANCE 5100103652 (F) 30/11/2017 GRAND. CH. IMAYORKIE GOOD LUCK CHARM 5100060353 : CH. AFFINAGE TOP SCORE 3100325193 - Mr G J & Mrs P A Harrison
GROUP 2 – TERRIERS Australian Terrier CH. TEMORA I WALK THE WALK (IMP USA) RN32066402 (M) 11/03/2018 AM. CH. AM. GR CH. TEMORA SAY IT WITH BACON (USA) RN25352101 : AM. CH. AM. GR CH. TEMORA AMERICAN MAID (USA) RN24339702 - Mrs W Sullivan-Quin CH. TAINQUEST DARE T DREAM 5100103801 (F) 18/12/2017 TASDALE FRESH START (IMP NZL) 05229-2013 : CH. TAINQUEST ETCHED N GOLD 5100074194 - Mrs C M Gower Bull Terrier CH. MAOLMHIN ROAD SPIKE 5100106950 (M) 30/05/2018 CH. BULLROY RIPCORD 3100349957 : CH. MAOLMHIN PURPLE RAIN 5100093621 - Ms D Cuthbert Bull Terrier (Miniature) CH. MAOLMHIN LOVE SPELL 5100107646 (F) 18/08/2018 CH. PREFURABULL NOTCHA BULL 5100069333 : MAOLMHIN TEQUILLA
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SUNRISE 5100091850 Cuthbert
- Ms D
Cairn Terrier CH. NATUSKA AFRICAN QUEEN 5100104291 (F) 24/12/2017 GRAND. CH. NATUSKA HUMPHREY BOGART 5100077931 : NATUSKA GRETA GARBO 5100086818 - Ms K A Pearson
GROUP 3 – GUNDOGS Cocker Spaniel CH. ELSWOOD EMBLEM 5100097955 (M) 16/12/2016 SUP. CH. ELSPAN COAT OF ARMS 3100301704 : CH. BELCROFT PRETTY SMART 3100237192 - Mr R Turner
Fox Terrier (Wire) CH. MANICWIRE CHASING FOXTAILS 5100107584 (F) 13/08/2018 SUP.CH. YIRIWYRE PERFECT MATCH 5100055650 : CH. MANICWIRE SIMPLY THE BEST 5100072157 - Mrs S R Potts
English Springer Spaniel CH. KINSHERAN MONKEY BUSINESS 3100374503 (M) 17/04/2018 CH. GLENKINCHIE ROYAL CROWN AFFAIR 3100327721 : CH. KINSHERAN COSI FAN TUTTE 3100236008 - Mrs J Rasche, Miss R Hartnett & Mr V Mc Phee
Jack Russell Terrier JACKNTHEBOX AUDREY CROOK JE. JC. 2100451533 (F) 29/04/2016 CH. JACKNTHEBOX POWER PLAY 2100393150 : CH. JACKNTHEBOX MOLLY MAY 2100316692 - Miss M Haines
German Shorthaired Pointer CH. OAKRIDGE UNGARO 5100096741 (M) 30/10/2016 FENRIK CUT ABOVE THE REST NRA. 2100323951 : OAKRIDGE MANY RIVERS 5100062045 - Ms J S MacKenzie
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier CH. BROOMSQUIRES EARLANA 5100101047 (F) 04/07/2017 AM. CH. CH. STRATFORD CAPTAIN AMERICA DOWN UNDER (IMP USA) RN28529201 : KANIDOR DIVA LA VIVA 6100072287 - Mr G & Mrs S Swalling Staffordshire Bull Terrier CH. RIVERHAVEN MAGESTIK WARRIOR CA. 5100076810 (N) 12/07/2013 RIVERHAVEN WINSTON 5100063574 : RIVERHAVEN MIA DARK EYES 5100056305 - Mr D I & Mrs J A Warren CH. SAVION STAND YOUR GROUND 5100105434 (M) 10/03/2018 CH. SAVION STAND AND DELIVER 5100088024 : CH. KABIRA KHE SANH 2100351232 - Mrs S Wymark SUP.CH. VANSTAFF PENNYBLACK 2100399437 (F) 12/01/2014 CH. BROHEZ BLACK SOPRANO 3100247359 : VANSTAFF LITTLE CRACKER 2100318801 - Anvilhart Kennels Tenterfield Terrier CH. GUMHAVEN ELECTRIC DREAM 5100105166 (F) 19/03/2018 GRAND. CH. GUMHAVEN JAX 5100085977 : CH. GUMHAVEN EDGE OF GLORY 5100074461 - Gumhaven Kennels TRIAGEN RUBY BLUE SHOES JD. 5100079180 (F) 18/11/2013 NUDIMAH HEARTS N ARROWS 4100208824 : CH. FERNLODGE PANDA MONIUM 5100054827 - Miss M Collins
OAKRIDGE USHER CD. 5100096742 (M) 30/10/2016 FENRIK CUT ABOVE THE REST NRA. 2100323951 : OAKRIDGE MANY RIVERS 5100062045 - Mrs S O’Neill CH. SEVOIER DANGEROUS ATTRACTION 5100103575 (M) 12/12/2017 CH. SEVOIER HOT N DANGEROUS 5100096272 : CH. SEVOIER THRILL OF THE CHASE 5100087238 - Sevoier Kennels Golden Retriever CH. BARADAV CRIME DOES NOT PAY (AI) 5100104918 (M) 10/02/2018 GRAND. CH. BARADAV LAW N ORDER 5100055088SEM : BARADAV YNOT GOSSIP 5100088264 - Mr D M & Mrs B A Joseph CH. FANTANGO LOVE ACTUALLY (AI) 2100445898 (F) 15/01/2016 DAN. CH. HRV.CH. PRT.CH. SPA. CH. RITZILYN RICK O’SHAY (ESP) AG01847103-SEM : FANTANGO LOVE GAME 2100405473 - Miss C Sommer & Miss R Sommer GOLDNTROPICS DELECTABLE CD. 5100094522 (F) 23/02/2016 GOLDMARTINI REFUSAL MAY OFFEND 5100062399 : GOLDNTROPICS FOUR LEAF CLOVER 5100069256 - Mrs S Harris Irish Setter CH. MARTINRIDGE WALK ON WATER 5100103802 (F) 29/11/2017 CH. MARTINRIDGE MY SECRET LIFE 5100077903 : MARTINRIDGE FLIRT WITH DESTINY 5100063745 - Mrs B M Martin
T i t l e s Awa r d e d Irish Water Spaniel GRAND. CH. WOODROCK’S THE DARK NIGHT (IMP FIN) F131508/15 (M) 11/04/2015 UK. SH. CH. FYNDER ROWDY HECKLER (UK) KCSB279CX : EE. CH. FIN.CH. FT.CH NO UCH. NORD. CH. SE.CH. HOOLIGAN’S STARLIT FINNISH WOODS (USA) F141215/12 - CP, HR & BN van Haasteren & C Sheekey Labrador Retriever EASTSIDE GOLIATH ORA. 5100076365 (M) 31/05/2013 CAVAJAL SCORCHER 5100053711 : JAMACAR AVENUES 5100042526 Ms P Scott CH. KIRKDELL WATCH ME 5100103048 (F) 03/11/2017 DRIFTWAY BLUE PRINT 2100210185 : SUP.CH. KIRKDELL DAZZLE N DELIGHT TD. 5100063988 - Mrs B K Jones REVEIRTER ABHAINN BLACKWATER (AI) NRA. 3100368022 (F) 04/12/2017 GR. R.T. CH. REVEIRTER JET KITE 1655870-SEM : HUNTOGUN BONNIE LASS RRD. 7100032929 Ms L Lennell & Mr R Dolphin Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever NEUT. CH. SHERBROOKE SPRING HEAT CDX. RAE. RM. ORA. ADX. JDX. JDO. GD. SPD. SD. 5100057745 (S) 17/11/2009 DUAL. CH. (A) SHERBROOKE FUN IN RIO ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. SDM. SPDM. GDM. 5100049790 : SHERBROOKE ALLTHE SEVENS ADM. JDM. SDX. SPDM. GDX. 5100046240 - Miss R Fidge
GROUP 4 – HOUNDS Beagle CH. ORGUST VEYRON 5100101098 (M) 10/06/2017 CH. HOUNSLEY HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT 3100301222 : CH. ORGUST LUV AT FIRST SIGHT 5100087640 - Orgust Kennels
CH. BOARBADGER BOYS DONT CRY 5100092427 (M) 27/01/2016 CH. HAHNDORF CACTUS JACK 3100301218 : WESTOBRI MAGGIE MAY 5100072269 - Mr N Gouzos CH. BOARBADGER CATCH ME IM FALLING 5100092428 (F) 27/01/2016 CH. HAHNDORF CACTUS JACK 3100301218 : WESTOBRI MAGGIE MAY 5100072269 - Mr N Gouzos CH. DACHCROFT S H HOONER 5100102825 (M) 22/08/2017 ZYZANNA NEIL DIAMOND 2100423320 : DACHCROFT JESSIE BELLE RN. 5100076593 - Ms J A Armistead CH. RIMZAN AVA ORILEY 5100093030 (F) 29/02/2016 CH. NILITE FATHER ORILEY 3100263556 : RIMZAN POP TART 5100083746 Mr R & Mrs D Squires Deerhound CH. BHEALAICH AEOWYN GRACE 3100368353 (F) 03/12/2017 HAIZIEDAYZ TALISMAN 3100327148 : CH. BHEALAICH QUEST FOR GLORY 3100295075 - Mr T & Mrs D Redley Rhodesian Ridgeback CH. LIONSLEA SWEET AS 9100011468 (F) 13/12/2017 CH. MACUMAZAHN LORDLESS SAMURAI 5100056246 : GRAND. CH. LIONSLEA DAWN OF JUSTICE 9100010249 - Ms P J Edgar
GROUP 5 - WORKING DOG Australian Cattle Dog CH. LONERUN PAINT ME A COUNTRY 5100107294 (M) 20/07/2018 BANGEERI GUILTY PLEASURE 3100248591 : HEELERPARK FANTASY 5100091723 - Miss T Gardiner
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) CH. BOARBADGER TIMEKEEPER 5100100146 (M) 29/03/2017 CH. SONDERBAR ITS TIME 2100386148 : CH. HAHNDORF THE THORNBIRD 3100301220 - Mr N Gouzos
Australian Shepherd RO.CH. ALBAJAIL BEN MAC DHUI CDX. ADX. JDX. SD. SPDX. GD. 5100073092 (M) 07/12/2012 GRAND. CH. MAZASUKA RIVER GOD HSAs 3100150108 : AG.CH 500. SHEPALIAN DREAMS UNWIND ADO. ADM. JDO. JDM. GDX. SDX. SPDM. (IMP UK) AG04099502 - Mrs J Lyon
CH. BOARBADGER TOOK MY CHANCES 5100100150 (F) 29/03/2017 CH. SONDERBAR EYE OF THE TIGER 2100422362 : CH. HAHNDORF BRIAR ROSE 3100301221 - Mr N Gouzos
July 2019
ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. GDX. SPDM. SDM. 5100062821 - Miss K Warland ALBAJAIL DARE TO DREAM RN. JD. 5100096702 (F) 20/10/2016 RO.CH. ALBAJAIL BEN MAC DHUI CDX. ADX. JDX. SD. SPDX. GD. 5100073092 : AG.CH 500. ELLAGANT ITS IN THE GENES ADO. ADM. JDO 2. JDM 4. GDX. SPDM. SDM. 3100228242 Mrs J Lyon JADZIAH REAL WILD CHILD CD. RA. ADX. JDX. JDO. SD. SPDX. 3100322015 (F) 05/02/2015 SUP. CH. WILLABAA SILVER SHADOW 3100179535 : DUAL. CH. (A) BELLAMARNIE TORQUEM UP ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. SPD. HT 3100164065 - Mrs J Feil SHARTOOZ STRING QUARTET CDX. RAE. AD. ADO. JDX. JDO. GD. SPD. SD. HTM.N. FS.N. 5100074856 (M) 07/03/2013 OAKBLU MISCHIEF N MAYHEM CD. RAE. AD. JDX. SPD. GD. DWDF.S. HTM.N. 4100189892 : CH. SHARTOOZ GHOST WHISPERER 5100042792 - Ms B O’Donnell SILVANWOOD MAGIC AT SHARTOOZ TDX. HT 3100319778 (F) 15/01/2015 CH. VULCAN MAGIC AT SHARTOOZ CCD. RE. JDX. GD. SPD. (IMP CAN) AG509138 : CH. SILVANWOOD CLASSICTOUCH 3100197809 - Mrs J A Miller Bearded Collie CH. LOKYNNDA CALL ME DOCTOR DONNA 5100107603 (F) 03/08/2018 PEPPAGROVE SYMFONIE OF STARS 5100085756 : CH. STYLYN KYNA KEESA 4100235632 - Mrs L Webb Border Collie ARAJOEL HAPI JORDI CCD. AD. JD. GD. SD. SPDX. 2100418342 (F) 08/11/2014 INAWORD TRY A BLUE ROCK 3100259094 : ARAJOEL OAKWOOD EVE 2100254786 - Dr J Magarey GRAND. CH. CAMBRAE HIT THE JACKPOT CDX. RM. 5100094992 (M) 25/07/2016 CH. CALANAIS WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS 5100050521 : RO.CH. WAVENEY ISLE OF SKYE UD. RAE. AD. JD. 5100081331 Miss A McKenzie CH. TOOKURRA WHEN STARS COLLIDE 5100070833 (F) 05/06/2012 SUP.CH. TRUCHARM MONSTERS INC 4100128221 : CH. WAVENEY MIDNYT JEWEL 5100049718 - Mrs P M Wachtel
CH. TOOKURRA SEA OF DREAMS 5100097703 (M) 20/11/2016 BRIDIEBROOK FACT OR FANTASY (IMP NZL) 01955-2011 : CH. TOOKURRA SEABREEZE 5100058402 - Mrs P M Wachtel RO.CH. WAVENEY ISLE OF SKYE UD. RAE. AD. JD. 5100081331 (F) 02/04/2014 CH. CALANAIS COOL AS ICE ADM. JDM. JDO. GDX. SPDX. SDM. ET. 5100033132 : ETHERIAL KOZMIC GAMBLER 3100210808 Miss A McKenzie WILDERBLU POWER OF LOVE JD. 5100077524 (M) 22/08/2013 TOOKURRA LOVE BUG 5100066701 : BARAMEWE TRINITY AFFAIR 4100199328 - Mrs A Hooper Briard CH. NARBRISSE OPIUM POPPI 5100105135 (F) 19/02/2018 CH. CACHAREL JUMPN JACKFLASH 4100243299 : CH. FOSTEBRIE DIVINE DELIGHT (IMP UK) AR02236701 - Ms E Bennett CH. NARBRISSE ONYX PEARL 5100105136 (F) 19/02/2018 CH. CACHAREL JUMPN JACKFLASH 4100243299 : CH. FOSTEBRIE DIVINE DELIGHT (IMP UK) AR02236701 - Ms E Bennett CH. NARBRISSE ODIN 5100105149 (M) 28/02/2018 A KISS PLEASE MORAVIA CAMPANELLA (IMP CZE) CMKU/BRI/6525/15 : CH. WINNING COLOUR OF MORAVIA CAMPANELLA (IMP CZE) CMKU/ BRI/6397/15 - Ms E Bennett Collie (Rough) JOSHWYN SCOUTS HONOUR JDX. 5100087128 (M) 03/04/2015 CH. OVERLAND TALENT SCOUT (IMP USA) DN29850202 : JOSHWYN TWILIGHT FANTASY 5100073909 Mrs L Saunders German Shepherd Dog (LSC) CH. VONPETA QWACKAWOODY 5100108488 (M) 14/10/2018 CH. LEBERHINE JERONIMOE 5100097433 : CH. VONPETA GRACE N BEAUTY 5100094770 - Vondoussa Kennels Shetland Sheepdog CONIKI BACHELOR BABE TD. HT 5100100245 (F) 17/05/2017 DUAL. CH. (TS) TS. GRAND.CH. LEARICK BACHELOR BOY RN. PT. 4100161867 : CONIKI ITS ALL ABOUT ME 5100070707 - Miss T M Shanahan
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T i t l e s Awa r d e d CH. HARRADEI BY DESIGN 5100107009 (F) 14/06/2018 PARAY TAILOR MADE FOR HARRADEI (IMP USA) DN44832408 : HARRADEI TRICK OR TREAT 5100086657 Lentaridy Kennels & H & J Inness LENTARIDY BOOMER HARVEY CCD. RA. 5100094824 (M) 04/06/2016 SUP.CH. SUNLAND SUNTORY 6100075629 : CH. LENTARIDY LILLY PILLY ROSE 5100061120 - Ms S Willson CH. SHELSIAN STYLISH ACCENT 5100102659 (F) 26/10/2017 CAN. CH. ZESTA ACCELERATION (IMP CAN) DA664431 : CH. SHELSIAN EXQUISITE 5100058979 - Mr I R & Mrs C E Spangler Swedish Vallhund CH. AUSLED XS FENNEC BT 3100375221 (M) 08/05/2018 DAN. CH. SE.CH. CH. DANGA’S X-FORCE-D (IMP SWE) SE56752/2013 : CH. AUSLED KALAHARRI NT 3100284099 - Mrs L Webb
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GROUP 7 - NONSPORTING Boston Terrier KERDEN ROB ROY CCD. JD. 4100228228 (M) 15/04/2013 SUNWOOD PRIMETIME (IMP USA) NP28514602 : KERDEN FRENCH INCATATION 4100206748 - Mr I & Mrs D Pye British Bulldog CH. SHILLAYLEE MICKS MATE 2100486914 (M) 13/10/2017 CH. EMBOLDEN HOBTOP TRIBUTE 2100337846 : SHILLAYLEE KIMBERLEY KAY 2100430116 Mary McNamara Dalmatian CH. PAMPARD PHEEL THE PHORCE RN. TD. 3100334356 (M) 04/12/2015 CH. PAMPARD PHIZZY BUBBLY 3100311887 : PAMPARD PLANET HOLLYWOOD 3100259963 - Mrs J Mills / Mr & Mrs S Marshall UNDERFOOT BIG BANG THEORY CCD. RA. AD. JDX. SD. 3100317562 (M) 07/01/2015 CH. UNDERFOOT SORCERERS APPRENTICE 3100293377 : CH. SANTOBEN PUT A SPELL ON YOU 2100363745 - Mrs A Greenwood
Great Dane CH. HERADANE GOSSIP GIRL (AI) 5100099751 (F) 19/04/2017 HIGHESTEEM KEEP’ EM TALKING (DEN) DK10663/2008-SEM : DANELYNE OUT OF THE WOODS 5100077021 - Tracy Whiter Poodle (Miniature) WATTAVUE DANCING COOPER CDX. 4100255784 (M) 06/03/2015 CH. HILLANI DANCING WITH SHADOWS 5100077442 : WATTAVUE XMAS SILVER LIGHTS 4100209216 Mrs A H Spehr Shar Pei CH. SHARBOOP THE LILAC PRINCE 5100104579 (M) 03/02/2018 CH. SHARBOOP MR MAGIC 5100070352 : CH. ROLLSRUS ICE PRINCES 3100281823 - Mr W & Mrs J Walloscheck CH. SHARBOOP BECOZ YOURE WORTH IT (AI) 5100107627 (F) 27/07/2018 AM. GR CH. CAN GCH. GUMBY’S BEARPOSH EVER AFTER (CAN) ZA454343-SEM : CH. SHARBOOP MAYB SHES BORN WITHIT 5100098519 - Mr W & Mrs J Walloscheck Shih Tzu CH. SAMLHAMO PASSIONS KINDA MAGIC 5100102935 (F) 26/10/2017 CH. SAMLHAMO SOLITARE 5100045211 : CARAGLEN MIDNIGHT PASSION (IMP NZL) 03489-2016 - Mrs J Godfrey
ASSOCIATE REGISTER Community Companion Dog TILLY CCD. 501026AR - Mr P Hawryszkiewycz’s Poodle (Toy).
Snooker Dog Excellent EDDIE CCD. RA. ADM. JDM. GD. SDX. SPDX. 500919AR - Miss J Hyson’s Schnauzer (Miniature). HUDSON ADX. ADO. JDX. JDO. GDX. SDX. 501031AR - Ms D Karutz’s Cocker Spaniel Cross. TASH CD. RN. ADX. JDO. JDM. GDX. SPDX. SDX. 500892AR - Miss C Butler’s Border Collie. Strategic Pairs Dog EDDIE CD. RE. ADX. JDX. GD. SD. SPD. 500909AR - Mr D Sumsion’s Collie Cross. Strategic Pairs Excellent EDDIE CCD. RA. ADM. JDM. GD. SDX. SPDX. 500919AR - Miss J Hyson’s Schnauzer (Miniature). Strategic Pairs Masters AG.CH 500. ABBY ADO. ADM. JDO. JDM. SDM. GDM. SPDM. 500893AR Ms K Thomas’ Border Collie. AG.CH 500. MERLIN UD. RN. ADO. ADM. JDO. JDM. SDX. SPDM. GDM. 500766AR – Mrs B Moore’s Border Collie. Coursing Ability LACEY CA. 501074AR - Miss J Cooke’s Whippet. Track and Search Dog T.CH. JASMINE CCD. RE. TSD. ADX. JDX. SPD. SD. GD. HTM.I. FS.N. 500915AR - Ms J Pearson’s Jack Russell Terrier Cross. Track and Search Dog Excellent T.CH. MISTY CD. RAE. TSDX. ADX. JDX. SDX. GDX. SPDX. FS.N. HTM.N. 500702AR - Ms J Pearson’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Cross.
Rally Master BADGER RM. FS.I. HTM.N. 501016AR - Ms K Lloyd’s Terrier Cross.
Heelwork to Music Novice BADGER RM. FS.I. HTM.N. 501016AR - Ms K Lloyd’s Terrier Cross.
Agility Dog Master KEE ADO. ADM. JDO. JDM. GD. SD. PT. 501080AR - Mr A Butler’s Australian Kelpie.
T.CH. MISTY CD. RAE. TSDX. ADX. JDX. SDX. GDX. SPDX. FS.N. HTM.N. 500702AR - Ms J Pearson’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Cross.
Gamblers Dog DAZZY CD. RE. AD. JD. GD. SD. 500836AR - Mrs A Kotsiou’s Koolie. Gamblers Dog Master AG.CH 500. MERLIN UD. RN. ADO. ADM. JDO. JDM. SDX. SPDM. GDM. 500766AR – Mrs B Moore’s Border Collie. Snooker Dog DAZZY CD. RE. AD. JD. GD. SD. 500836AR - Mrs A Kotsiou’s Koolie.
Next Available Front Cover Dogs SA Magazine January 2020
Dublin Kennel Club Inc
Championship Show held on Saturday 11th May 2019 Judges were: Mr J Camac (VIC) – Group 1; Ms L Dorr (QLD) – Group 2; Mrs K Haddon (QLD) – Group 3; Miss P Suhr (NSW) – Group 4; Ms C Gunn (QLD) – Group 5; Mrs H Morrison (TAS) – Group 6 & General Specials; Dr V Knopke (QLD) – Group 7.
Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Ch Los Chatos Del Norte Furst Love (Imp ESP).
Photos by Mark & Josie Haseldine
Best Exhibit: M & P Merchant, E Parker, N Gouzos’ Fox Terrier (Smooth), Ch Clanach Foxtrot At Boarbadger.
RU Best Exhibit: A Scott’s Jack Russell Terrier, Ch Winterbourne Irish Avenger.
Best Exhibit: G Love & K Hutt’s Whippet, Aarak Aint Seen Nothing Yet At Wyldchase.
July 2019
Best Exhibit: Azel Kennel’s Cocker Spaniel (American), Ch Azel Moments Like This.
RU Best Exhibit: B & K Marion, B & H Clarke, C Lowe’s Pointer, Zensu Play With Fire At Rosenfeld.
RU Best Exhibit: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice.
Best Exhibit & BEST IN SHOW: A & K Raymond’s Dobermann, Ch Teriyaki Borussia (Costa Rica)(Imp USA).
RU Best Exhibit: P Howes’ Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Grandimage Walking On Sunshine.
Best Exhibit: A McKenzie’s Border Collie, Gr Ch Cambrae Hit The Jackpot.
RU Best Exhibit: A Lim, P Brennan-Lim, R & A Egel’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Sunland Suntory.
RU Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Ch Miniatura Ember Rain.
Best Exhibit & RU BEST IN SHOW: J McLeay’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Morlae Change Of Habit.
RU Best Exhibit: C Rosier’s British Bulldog, Gr Ch Justifyabull Jackpot.
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S h o w R e s u lt s Clubs, please ensure catalogues submitted to the Dogs SA Office are recorded correctly as random errors are being found in most catalogues. Results which are incorrectly recorded create problems at various levels including incorrect results published in the Dogs SA magazine and when Clubs or members access marked catalogues for given point scores or missing points certificates.
DUBLIN KENNEL CLUB INC Results of the Championship Show held on Saturday 11th May 2019 AM Judges were: Mr J Camac (VIC) – Group 1; Ms L Dorr (QLD) – Group 2; Mrs K Haddon (QLD) – Group 3; Miss P Suhr (NSW) – Group 4; Ms C Gunn (QLD) – Group 5; Mrs H Morrison (TAS) – Group 6 & General Specials; Dr V Knopke (QLD) – Group 7. Best in Show & Best Open: A & K Raymond’s Dobermann, Ch Teriyaki Borussia (Costa Rica)(Imp USA). RU Best in Show & Best Junior: J McLeay’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Morlae Change Of Habit. Best Baby: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Suliman Rewrite The Stars. Best Minor: K Lewis’ Papillon, Sailoz Made Of Gold. Best Puppy: T Sunman’s Australian Shepherd, Voncronan Heads Or Tails. Best Intermediate: R Connelly’s Pug, Ch Los Chatos Del Norte Furst Love (Imp ESP). Best Australian Bred: Azel Kennel’s Cocker Spaniel (American), Ch Azel Moments Like This. Best Neutered: I & W Hage’s Old English Sheepdog, Neut Ch Hartwyn Pageants Prince On Ice (AI). RU Best Neutered: K Ricketts’ Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ch & Neut Ch Rangemaster Spot On For Style. TOYS Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Ch Los Chatos Del Norte Furst Love (Imp ESP). RU Best Exhibit: P Howes’ Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Grandimage Walking On Sunshine. Best Baby: B Luxton’s Pug, Parkhurst Diamonds In The Sky. Best Puppy: K Lewis’ Papillon, Sailoz Made To Order. TERRIERS Best Exhibit: M & P Merchant, E Parker, N Gouzos’ Fox Terrier (Smooth), Ch Clanach Foxtrot At Boarbadger. RU Best Exhibit: A Scott’s Jack Russell Terrier, Ch Winterbourne Irish Avenger. Best Baby: Anvilhart Kennel’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Anvilhart Pray For The Wicked. Best Puppy: N Cardinal’s Scottish Terrier, Calanclan Laird Of Inverness. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Azel Kennel’s Cocker Spaniel (American), Ch Azel Moments Like This. RU Best Exhibit: B & K Marion, B & H Clarke, C Lowe’s Pointer, Zensu Play With Fire At Rosenfeld. Best Baby: J Page 14
Manser, J & A Lumsden’s Pointer, Aspyre Watch Ur Tongue. Best Puppy: E Zucker’s Cocker Spaniel, Elswood Chardonnay. HOUNDS Best Exhibit: G Love & K Hutt’s Whippet, Aarak Aint Seen Nothing Yet At Wyldchase. RU Best Exhibit: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice. Best Baby: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Suliman Rewrite The Stars. Best Puppy: B Ferguson’s Afghan Hound, Tahkira Blue Envy (AI). WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: A McKenzie’s Border Collie, Gr Ch Cambrae Hit The Jackpot. RU Best Exhibit: A Lim, P BrennanLim, R & A Egel’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Sunland Suntory. Best Baby: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Landmaster Show No Mercy. Best Puppy: T Sunman’s Australian Shepherd, Voncronan Heads Or Tails. UTILITY Best Exhibit: A & K Raymond’s Dobermann, Ch Teriyaki Borussia (Costa Rica)(Imp USA). RU Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Ch Miniatura Ember Rain. Best Baby: J Chapman & P Haigh’s Schnauzer (Miniature), Forestal On The Cat Walk. Best Puppy: D Jackson & Bravadobe Kennel’s Dobermann, Martyn Make My Mark At Bravadobe. NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: J McLeay’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Morlae Change Of Habit. RU Best Exhibit: C Rosier’s British Bulldog, Gr Ch Justifyabull Jackpot. Best Baby: A Misell’s Keeshond, Ticol My Cookie Monster. Best Puppy: A Cadd’s French Bulldog, Kiangsi Hit the Jackpot.
DUBLIN KENNEL CLUB INC Results of the Championship Show held on Saturday 11th May 2019 PM Judges were: Dr V Knopke (QLD) – Group 1; Mrs H Morrison (TAS) – Group 2; Miss P Suhr (NSW) – Group 3; Ms C Gunn (QLD) – Group 4; Ms L Dorr (QLD) – Group 5; Mr J Camac (VIC) – Group 6; Mrs K Haddon (QLD) – Group 7 and General Specials. Best in Show & Best Open: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice. RU Best in Show: M & J Ross’ St Bernard, Sup Ch Beamzstar Beau Zam. Best Baby: R & C Redhead’s
Australian Cattle Dog, Landmaster Show No Mercy. Best Minor: E Zucker’s Cocker Spaniel, Elswood My Happiness. Best Puppy: Lentaridy Kennels, H & J Innes’ Shetland Sheepdog, Harradei By Design. Best Junior: J McLeay’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Morlae Change Of Habit. Best Intermediate: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. Best Australian Bred: D Foster’s British Bulldog, Ch Shyola Capton Jack Sparrow. Best Neutered: T & A Beavis’ Pug, Ch & Neut Ch Alotinalitle Put A Spell On U. RU Best Neutered: J Rainey’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Ronashill Sweet Heart. TOYS Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Ch Los Chatos Del Norte Furst Love (Imp ESP). RU Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. Best Baby: K & C Harding’s Lowchen, Kristarz No Fox Given. Best Puppy: K Brooksby’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cavashon Ticked Those Boxes. TERRIERS Best Exhibit: M & P Merchant, E Parker, N Gouzos’ Fox Terrier (Smooth), Ch Clanach Foxtrot At Boarbadger. RU Best Exhibit: A Scott’s Jack Russell Terrier, Ch Winterbourne Irish Avenger. Best Baby: Anvilhard Kennel’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Anvilhart Pray For The Wicked. Best Puppy: N Cardinal’s Scottish Terrier, Calanclan Laird Of Inverness. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Azel Kennel’s Cocker Spaniel (American), Ch Azel Moments Like This. RU Best Exhibit: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). Best Baby: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Kirkdell Maestra. Best Puppy: M Lobbestael’s Labrador Retriever, Galestorm My Mandingo. HOUNDS Best Exhibit: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice. RU Best Exhibit: N Gouzos’ Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired), Boarbadger Timekeeper. Best Baby: M Peck, S & P Smith’s Basset Fauve de Bretagne, Trisven Hurricane Bentley. Best Puppy: B Ferguson’s Afghan Hound, Tahkira Irristible Blue (AI). WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: J & M Rice, B Musolino’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Abacel Nite Cruiser. RU Best Exhibit: M Fisher’s Border Collie, Ch Nahrof Play It Cool. Best Baby: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Landmaster Show No Mercy. Best Puppy: Lentaridy Kennels, H & J Innes’ Shetland Sheepdog, Harradei By Design.
UTILITY Best Exhibit: M & J Ross’ St Bernard, Sup Ch Beamzstar Beau Zam. RU Best Exhibit and Best Puppy: C Spry’s Dobermann, Ikons Sensational By Design (Imp NZ). Best Baby: D Klaaysen, J Beard, K O’Riley’s Samoyed, Yerevan Storm Boy. NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: J McLeay’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Morlae Change Of Habit. RU Best Exhibit: D Foster’s British Bulldog, Ch Shyola Capton Jack Sparrow. Best Baby: A Misell’s Keeshond, Ticol My Cookie Monster. Best Puppy: W & J Walloscheck’s Shar Pei, Ch Sharboop Wolverines Avatar (AI).
DUBLIN KENNEL CLUB INC Results of the Championship Show held on Sunday 12th May 2019 Judges were: Miss P Suhr (NSW) – Group 1 and General Specials; Mrs K Haddon (QLD) – Group 2; Mrs H Morrison (TAS) – Group 3; Dr V Knopke (QLD) – Group 4; Mr J Camac (VIC) – Group 5; Ms L Dorr (QLD) – Group 6; Ms C Gunn (QLD) – Group 7. Best in Show & Best Open: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best in Show & Best Intermediate: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. Best Baby: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Kirkdell Maestra. Best Minor: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Landmaster Show No Mercy. Best Puppy: C Spry’s Dobermann, Ikons Sensational By Design (Imp NZ). Best Junior: A Scott’s Jack Russell Terrier, Ch Winterbourne Irish Avenger. Best Australian Bred: D Hughes’ American Staffordshire Terrier, Gr Ch Amstafomine Double Or Nothing. Best Neutered: I & W Hage’s Old English Sheepdog, Neut Ch Hartwyn Pageants Prince On Ice (AI). RU Best Neutered: D & B Joseph’s Golden Retriever, Gr Ch & Neut Ch Baradav Noble Affair (AI). TOYS Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: R Connelly’s Pug, Ch Los Chatos Del Norte Furst Love (Imp ESP). Best Baby: S Bienke’s Pomeranian, Altania Bacchus Cru. Best Puppy: K Lewis’ Papillon, Sailoz Made To Order. TERRIERS Best Exhibit: D Hughes’ American Staffordshire Terrier, Gr Ch Amstafomine Double Or Nothing. RU Best Exhibit: M & P Merchant, E Parker, N Gouzos’ Fox Terrier (Smooth), Ch Clanach Foxtrot At Boarbadger. Best Baby: Anvilhart Kennel’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Anvilhart Pray For The Wicked. Best July 2019
Puppy: A Scott’s Jack Russell Terrier, Robraine Pure Intrigue. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). RU Best Exhibit: Waldwiese Kennel’s Weimaraner, Ch Waldwiese Point Of No Return (AI). Best Baby: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Kirkdell Maestra. Best Puppy: S, R & L Schwerdt’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Woodwych Lord Of The Rings (AI). HOUNDS Best Exhibit: P Cottrell & R Moag’s Borzoi, Ch Mistraka Zachary Smith. RU Best Exhibit: G Love & K Hutt’s Whippet, Ch Wyldchase Wild Ash. Best Baby: G Wood’s Dachshund (Wire Haired), Cayugaridge Carlisle. Best Puppy: Orgust Kennel’s Beagle, Orgust Aldwych. WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: A Lim, P Brennan-Lim, R & A Egel’s Shetland Sheepdog, Sup Ch Sunland Suntory. RU Best Exhibit: P Damarell & J Pike’s German Shepherd Dog, Ch Vonpeta Bettabegood. Best Baby: E Bennett’s Briard, Only For You De La Manoliere (Imp FRA). Best Puppy: Lentaridy Kennels, H & J Innes’ Shetland Sheepdog, Harradei By Design. UTILITY Best Exhibit: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. RU Best Exhibit: H Perrett’s Shiba Inu, Sup Ch Maharg Natsu Daikoku (AI). Baby in Group: D Klaayen, J Beard, K O’Riley’s Samoyed, Yerevan Storm Boy. Best Puppy: C Spry’s Dobermann, Dobermann, Ikons Sensational By Design (Imp NZ). NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: C Rosier’s British Bulldog, Gr Ch Justifyabull Jackpot. RU Best Exhibit: S Davies’ Great Dane, Ch Olympasdanes Hear The Thunder. Best Baby: A Misell’s Keeshond, Ticol My Cookie Monster. Best Puppy: W & J Walloscheck’s Shar Pei, Ch Sharboop Wolverines Avatar (AI).
METROPOLITAN KENNEL CLUB INC Results of the Championship Show held on Saturday 18th May 2019 Judges were: Miss M Davis (QLD) – Group 1; Mrs M Webber (QLD) – Group 2 and General Specials; Mrs E Job (TAS) – Group 3; Dr L Beer (VIC) – Group 4; Mrs S Scholes (VIC) – Group 5; Ms D Morris (NSW) – Group 6; Ms A Alexander (VIC) – Group 7. Best in Show & Best Open: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best in Show & Best Intermediate: A Foster-Johnson’s West
Highland White Terrier, Ch Rebel Heart Sunshine Celebration (Imp SVK). Best Minor: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Landmaster Show No Mercy. Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Keaton Black Ice (AI). Best Junior: T Edwards’ Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, Ch Mistypoint Let It Go. Best Australian Bred: Waldwiese Kennel’s Weimaraner, Gr Ch Waldwiese In A League Ofmy Own (AI). Best Neutered: R Egel’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch & Neut Ch Lentaridy Ruby Rose ADX JDX JDO GD SD SPD. RU Best Neutered: C Tonkin’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Ch & Neut Ch Frieden Dressed In Red Satin. TOYS Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: E Simmon’s Maltese, Ch Telsmere One And Only. Best Baby: S Bienke’s Pomeranian, Altania Bacchus Cru. Best Puppy: K Brooksby’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cavashon A Silhouette. TERRIERS Best Exhibit: A Foster-Johnson’s West Highland White Terrier, Ch Rebel Heart Sunshine Celebration (Imp SVK). RU Best Exhibit: Mr J Watson & Miss B McIlvenna’s American Staffordshire Terrier, Ch Manfreds Doubleblastfromthepast. Best Baby: Anvilhart Kennel’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Anvilhart Pray For The Wicked. Best Puppy: D Hughes’ American Staffordshire Terrier, Amstafomine Heads I Win. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Waldwiese Kennel’s Weimaraner, Gr Ch Waldwiese In A League Ofmy Own (AI). RU Best Exhibit: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Ch Eraky Starring Role. Best Baby: J Manser, J & A Lumsden’s Pointer, Aspyre Cat Got Ur Tongue. Best Puppy: E Zucker’s Cocker Spaniel, Elswood Chardonnay. HOUNDS Best Exhibit: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice. RU Best Exhibit: RU Best Exhibit: G Love & K Hutt’s Whippet, Ch Wyldchase Want To Break Free. Best Baby: G Love & K Hutt’s Whippet, Wyldchase Whispas In The Dark. Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Keaton Black Ice (AI). WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: A McKenzie’s Border Collie, Ch Tullacrest Showdancer. RU Best Exhibit: K Flynn’s Welsh Corgi (Pembroke), Ch Glenopal Costa Penny (Imp NZ). Best Baby: L Norman’s Border Collie, Nahrof Tip Of The Iceberg. Best Puppy: Lentaridy Kennels, H & J Innes’ Shetland Sheepdog, Harradei By Design. Page 15
Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc
Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc
MAY 2019
MAY 2019
Judge: Ms L Irvine (WA)
Judge: Mr J Fenner (WA)
Photos by Mark & Josie Haseldine
Photos by Mark & Josie Haseldine
Best in Show: I & C Spangler’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Shelsian Lasseter
Whippet & Greyhound Club of SA Inc WHIPPET NATIONAL SHOW 25TH 26TH MAY 2019 Judge: Miss Felicity Thompson (Ireland)
Best in Show: Babenberg Kennel’s German Shepherd Dog, Babenberg Ollie Best in Show: N Rule-Steele & S Turay’s Sup Ch Taejaan Walking On Air
RU Best in Show: P Damarell, J Pike, A O’Loughlin’s German Shepherd Dog, Sup Ch Vonpeta Ugottabekidding
RU Best in Show: J & M Rice, B Musolino’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Abacel Nite Cruiser RU Best in Show: N Harris & A Wills’ Sup Ch Rosiel Pax Tothe Rafters
Puppy in Show: K Davis’ Australian Shepherd, Thistledust Black Velvet
Baby Puppy in Show: L Norman’s Border Collie, Nahrof Tip Of The Iceberg
Page 16
Puppy in Show: Lentaridy Kennels, H & J Innes’ Shetland Sheepdog, Harradei By Design
Puppy in Show: N Rule-Steele & S Turay’s Taejaan Killer Queen
Baby Puppy in Show: C Mostyn’s Border Collie, Wynnlake Whip It Good
Baby Puppy in Show: V Taylor’s Kanati Heart Of A Dragon
Dobermann Club of SA Inc
Judge: Mr R Alvarez Marquez (Mexico)
Photos by Kay Halston-Wyatt
Judge: Mr Pedro Lang (Brasil) Photos by Hayley Prior
From the ANKC… SUSPENSION The Cyprus Kennel Club (CKC) informs the FCI members and contract partners that Mr Panos Demetriou has been suspended as CKC member, national and international show judge, breeder and exhibitor since May 20, 2019, until further notice.
Best in Show: K & T Ninnes’ Kerry Blue Terrier, Ch Regenstauf Fantasy Island
SUSPENSION Best in Show: Kalora Kennel’s Ch Walamara Xtreme-Force (Imp NZ)
The Bulgarian Republican Federation of Cynology (BRFC) informs the FCI members and contract partners that Mr Kostadin Shankov has been suspended as national and FCI international show judge from 17/05/2019 until 16/05/2021.
Exports for the month of May 2019
RU Best in Show: R & A Sorraghan’s Airedale Terrier, Oldiron Easy Peasy
RU Best in Show: J Frederickson’s Ch Shadday Diamonds Edge At Desyred (Imp NZ)
GROUP 2 – TERRIERS American Staffordshire Terrier ANDONAS STORMY NIGHT 5100110042 (M) 29/10/2018 (Mr T Grivakis) Mr K Docherty NEW ZEALAND
GROUP 4 – HOUNDS Puppy in Show: K Azzopardi’s Jack Russell Terrier, Runninjacs The Dark Knight
Puppy in Show: J Hovell’s Ch Copperdobe Pitcha Perfect (AI)(Imp NZ)
Rhodesian Ridgeback SHAKURU SUPER STAR 5100110834 (M) 28/01/2019 (Mrs R Lamb) Mrs S Hilverink-Brand NETHERLANDS
GROUP 6 – UTILITY Alaskan Malamute RUNNINGDOG BATTLE CRY 5100111011 (M) 02/03/2019 (Mrs L Burger) J & B Gilbert / L Johnson NEW ZEALAND
Baby Puppy in Show: A Jonas’ Cairn Terrier, Silberschon Loch Ma Ruibhe
July 2019
Baby Puppy in Show: D Heinze’s Preshusflick Bohemian Rhapsody
Page 17
UTILITY Best Exhibit: S Pike’s Dobermann, Sup Ch Ikons Art Of The Deal (Imp NZ). RU Best Exhibit: M & J Ross’ St Bernard, Sup Ch Beamzstar Beau Zam. Best Baby: L Thomson’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Vevey Use Your Illusion. Best Puppy: C Spry’s Dobermann, Ch Ikons Sensational By Design (Imp NZ). NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: C Rosier’s British Bulldog, Gr Ch Justifyabull Jackpot. RU Best Exhibit: J McLeay’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Morlae Change Of Habit. Best Baby: M & B Loades’ French Bulldog, Matgo Rumour Has It. Best Puppy: A Missell’s Keeshond, Ticol Galaxy Queen.
METROPOLITAN KENNEL CLUB INC Results of the Championship Show held on Sunday 19th May 2019 Judges were: Dr L Beer (VIC) – Group 1; Ms D Morris (NSW) – Group 2; Ms A Alexander (VIC) – Group 3; Mrs S Scholes (VIC) – Group 4; Mrs E Job (TAS) – Group 5; Miss M Davis (QLD) – Group 6 and General Specials; Mrs M Webber (QLD) – Group 7. Best in Show and Best Open: M & J Ross’ Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Euzkadi Hear The Drums (AI). RU Best in Show: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. Best Baby: D Heinze’s Dobermann, Preshusflick Bohemian Rhapsody. Best Minor: H McMaster & S Baillie’s Havanese, Shartooz Vanity Fair. Best Puppy: D Jackson & Bravadobe Kennel’s Dobermann, Martyn Make My Mark At Bravadobe. Best Junior: T Edward’s Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, Ch Mistypoint Let It Go. Best Intermediate: A Foster-Johnson’s West Highland White Terrier, Ch Rebel Heart Sunshine Celebration (Imp SVK). Best Australian Bred: A & S Lim, P BrennanLim’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Aliste De La Hoya. Best Neutered: T & A Beavis Pug, Ch & Neut Ch Alotinalitle Put A Spell On U. RU Best Neutered: C Tonkin’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Ch & Neut Ch Frieden Dressed In Red Satin. TOYS Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. RU Best Exhibit: K Lewis’ Papillon, Ch Sailoz Xclusive By Design. Best Baby: L McArthur’s Japanese Chin, Kiseki Genki. Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Keaton Daarkling. TERRIERS Best Exhibit: A Foster-Johnson’s West Highland White Terrier, Ch Rebel Heart Page 18
Sunshine Celebration (Imp SVK). RU Best Exhibit: Anvilhart Kennel’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Gr Ch Vanstaff Penny Black. Best Baby: Anvilhart Kennel’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Anvilhart Pray For The Wicked. Best Puppy: A Scott’s Jack Russell Terrier, Robraine Pure Intrigue. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Heiderst Kennel’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Heiderst Sailor Moon. RU Best Exhibit: Heiderst & Aceweis Kennel’s Hungarian Vizsla, Ch Aceweis Kiss The Girls At Heiderst. Best Baby: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Kirkdell Australian Icon. Best Puppy: N McLaren, G Murphy, A Varbaro’s Labrador Retriever, Gunlance The Autumn Sun (AI). HOUNDS Best Exhibit: T Edwards’ Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, Ch Mistypoint Let It Go. RU Best Exhibit and Best Puppy: B Ferguson’s Afghan Hound, Tahkira It Had To Be U (AI). Best Baby: G Love & K Hutt’s Whippet, Wyldchase Whispas In The Dark. WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: A & S Lim, P BrennanLim’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Aliste De La Hoya. RU Best Exhibit: D & L Smith’s Australian Shepherd, Sup Ch Sayly Big Island Sunset (AI). Best Baby: L Norman’s Border Collie, Nahrof Tip Of The Iceberg. Best Puppy: Lentaridy Kennels, H & J Innes’ Shetland Sheepdog, Harradei By Design. UTILITY Best Exhibit: M & J Ross’ Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Sup Ch Euzkadi Hear The Drums (AI). RU Best Exhibit: M & J Ross’ St Bernard, Sup Ch Beamzstar Beau Zam. Best Baby: D Heinze’s Dobermann, Preshusflick Bohemian Rhapsody. Best Puppy: C Spry’s Dobermann, Ch Ikons Sensational By Design (Imp NZ). NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: C Rosier’s British Bulldog, Gr Ch Justifyabull Jackpot. RU Best Exhibit: J McLeay’s Poodle (Standard), Ch Morlae Change Of Habit. Best Baby: M & B Loades French Bulldog, Matgo Rumour Has It. Best Puppy: M Sawley’s Keeshond, Tamaari The Beat Goes On.
SOUTHERN DISTRICTS KENNEL & OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC Results of the Championship Show held on Saturday 25th May 2019 AM Judges were: Mrs D Duffin (VIC) – Group 1; Mrs M Butcher (NSW) – Group 2; Mrs S Hannigan (NSW) – Group 3; Mr L Hearn (VIC) – Group 4; Mrs L Matthews (VIC) – Group 5; Mrs L Rowles (NSW) – Group 6 and General Specials; Mr R Bennetts (VIC) – Group 7.
Best in Show & Best Intermediate: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. RU Best in Show & Best Junior: B Ferguson’s Afghan Hound, Tahkira Irristible Blue (AI). Best Baby: K Tilley & T Sunman’s Chihuahua (Smooth), Voncronan Shes Like The Wind. Best Minor: A Lim, P BrennanLim, A Egel-Eaton’s Shetland Sheepdog, Aliste The Timekeeper. Best Puppy: A & S Lim, P Brennan-Lim’s Shetland Sheepdog, Dezshel Midnight Witch. Best Australian Bred: T Wallage’s Great Dane, Ch Dannelsa Somethin T Talk About. Bred by Exhibitor: Chanpema Kennel’s Border Terrier, Sup Ch Chanpema Bali Boy. Best Open: J Rasche & D Tomney’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Gr Ch Vanstaff Penny Black. Best Neutered: I & W Hage’s Old English Sheepdog, Neut Ch Hartwyn Pageants Prince On Ice (AI). RU Best Neutered: Papillon, Ch Kutas Ambergoldndiamonds. TOYS Best Exhibit: C Tulk’s Lowchen, Ch Lowensque All About That Base. RU Best Exhibit: C Pitman & P Wilson’s Pekingese, Ch Waaini Fancy Britches. Best Baby: K Tilley & T Sunman’s Chihuahua (Smooth), Voncronan Shes Like The Wind. Best Puppy: P Forbes’ Pug, Pensgems Sissys Frangipani. TERRIERS Best Exhibit: Anvilhart Kennel’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Gr Ch Vanstaff Penny Black. RU Best Exhibit: Chanpema Kennel’s Border Terrier, Sup Ch Chanpema Bali Boy. Best Baby: Y Halfpenny’s Cairn Terrier, Wilmavohnne Diamond In The Ruf. Best Puppy: N Cardinal’s Scottish Terrier, Calanclan Laird Of Inverness. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: N McLaren, G Murphy, T Varbaro’s Labrador Retriever, Ch Lunagrande Nw Saffron Pear. RU Best Exhibit: B & H Clarke’s Pointer, Ch Zensu Imagination. Best Baby: Heiderst Kennel’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Heiderst Dressd N Elsa Paretti (AI). Best Puppy: N McLaren, G Murphy, T Varbaro’s Labrador Retriever, Gunlance The Autumn Sun (AI). HOUNDS Best Exhibit: B Ferguson’s Afghan Hound, Tahkira Irristible Blue (AI). RU Best Exhibit: P & F Danaher’s Harrier, Sup Ch Fellhunters On The Scent. Best Baby: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Suliman Rewrite The Stars (AI). Best Puppy: Non awarded. WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: S McInerney & A Richardson’s Australian Shepherd, Ch Ellagant Most Wanted. RU Best Exhibit: W Hage & P Hartwell’s Old English Sheepdog, Ch Hartwyn Pageants Royal Encore (AI). Best Baby: M Almond’s Collie (Rough), Yaxeka As Nice To Pie.
UTILITY Best Exhibit: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. RU Best Exhibit: M & J Ross’ St Bernard, Sup Ch Beamzstar Beau Zam. Best Baby: L Thomson’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Vevey Universal Soldier. Best Puppy: W & J Grundy’s Rottweiler, Sollerus Norwegian Wood. NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: Quiniva Kennel’s Poodle (Standard), Quiniva Putt N On The Ritz. RU Best Exhibit: T Huitema & R SheridanMcVicar’s Boston Terrier, Hygamble Sergeant At Arms. Best Baby: M Sawley’s Keeshond, Tamaari The Beat Goes On. Best Puppy: G Mercer’s Boston Terrier, Abstn Poets Word.
SOUTHERN DISTRICTS KENNEL & OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC Results of the Championship Show held on Saturday 25th May 2019 PM Judges were: Mrs L Matthews (VIC) – Group 1; Mrs L Rowles (NSW) – Group 2; Mr L Hearn (VIC) – Group 3; Mrs D Duffin (VIC) – Group 4 and General Specials; Mrs S Hannigan (NSW) – Group 5; Mr R Bennetts (VIC) – Group 6; Mrs M Butcher (NSW) – Group 7. Best in Show & Best Junior: B Ferguson’s Afghan Hound, Tahkira Affogato. RU Best in Show & Best Open: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). Best Baby: I & C Spangler’s Shetland Sheepdog, Shelsian Rocky Road. Best Minor: V Brzezniak’s Bullmastiff, Beachlane Tigers Eye. Best Puppy: G Green’s Tibetan Mastiff, Bushsong Kissjade Leona Sharna (AI). Best Intermediate: L Schneider’s Border Collie, Calanais Sassenach (AI). Best Australian Bred: A & L Buitenhuis, L & R Chapman-Stevens Newfoundland, Ch Amblebrook Ebony And Ivory. Best Bred by Exhibitor: Chanpema Kennel’s Border Terrier, Sup Ch Chanpema Bali Boy. Best Neutered: A Barber’s Irish Wolfhound, Gr Ch & Neut Ch Drayton Lady Dorothea. RU Best Neutered: J & K Schultz’ Border Collie, Neut Ch Waveney Hayleez Comet JD. TOYS Best Exhibit: D McClarty’s Pug, Gr Ch Jaditi Princess Shelby. RU Best Exhibit: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. Best Baby: D McClarty’s Pug, Hostwill Enzo Seized The Day. Best Puppy: S Glennon’s Papillon, Malibutango Mia. TERRIERS Best Exhibit: Anvilhart Staffordshire Bull Terrier, July 2019
Kennel’s Gr Ch
Vanstaff Penny Black. RU Best Exhibit: Champema Kennel’s Border Terrier, Sup Ch Chanpema Bali Boy. Best Baby: Anvilhart Kennel’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Anvilhart Pray For The Wicked. Best Puppy: N Cardinal’s Scottish Terrier, Calanclan Laird Of Inverness. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). RU Best Exhibit: Aceweis & Heiderst Kennels Hungarian Vizsla, Gr Ch Heiderst Orange Isth New Black. Best Baby: S & B Washington’s Labrador Retriever, AlpyneAir The Equalizer. Best Puppy: J Manser, J & A Lumsden’s Pointer, Aspyre Extravagance (AI). HOUNDS Best Exhibit: B Ferguson’s Afghan Hound, Tahkira Affogato. RU Best Exhibit: P & F Danaher’s Harrier, Sup Ch Fellhunters On The Scent. Best Baby: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Suliman Rewrite The Stars (AI). Best Puppy: M Thomson’s Irish Wolfhound, Glenfels Firestorm At Cufiain. WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit: E Bennett’s Briard, Ch Narbrisse Marvellous Creation. RU Best Exhibit: L Schneider’s Border Collie, Calanais Outlander (AI). Best Baby: I & C Spangler’s Shetland Sheepdog, Shelsian Rocky Road. Best Puppy: K Davis’ Australian Shepherd, Thistledust Black Velvet. UTILITY Best Exhibit: I Harland & J Leeder’s Newfoundland, Shadow Mississippi Missouri Faundland (Imp SVK). RU Best Exhibit: L & A Martin, S Turner’s Alaskan Malamute, Ch Kataku Curtain Call. Best Baby: D Heinze’s Dobermann, Preshusflick Bohemian Rhapsody. Best Puppy: G Green’s Tibetan Mastiff, Bushsong Kissjade Leona Sharna (AI). NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit: T Huitema & R SheridanMcVicar’s Boston Terrier, Hygamble Sergeant At Arms. RU Best Exhibit: D Foster’s British Bulldog, Ch Shyola Capton Jack Sparrow. Best Baby: H Parker & M Begg’s French Bulldog, Vonasche Prince Of Darkness. Best Puppy: G Mercer’s Boston Terrier, Abstn Poets Word.
WINTER INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS 31st May to 2nd June 2019 Friday 31st May 2019 Group 1 – Best Baby Puppy: G & R Doe’s Collie (Rough), Robgai Lord Of The Dance. Best Puppy: M Schiller’s Australian Kelpie, Kalan Spirit In The Sky.
Group 2 – Best Baby Puppy: J Chapman’s Schnauzer (Miniature), Forestal On The Cat Walk. Best Puppy: C Spry’s Dobermann, Ch Ikons Sensational By Design (Imp NZ) Group 3 – Best Baby Puppy: Questadore Kennel’s West Highland White Terrier, Questadore Flying High (AI). Best Puppy: L Hopgood’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ourgang Walking The Tightrope. Group 4 – Best Baby Puppy: V Tapp’s Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired), Stardayne Too True. Best Puppy: Tullacrest Kennel’s Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired), Lowenhyte Eye Of The Tigress. Group 5 – Best Baby Puppy: F Tucker’s Samoyed, Aldonza Jewels For Cash. Best Puppy: Y Chen’s Samoyed, Lunasea Sugar Baby. Group 6 – Best Baby Puppy: R & R Wallis’ Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, Rokeena Christmas Carols. Best Puppy: L Browne & R King’s Beagle, Goldengum Gentleman George. Group 7 – Best Baby Puppy: Graebrook Kennel’s Hungarian Vizsla, Graebrook All About Soul. Best Puppy: Ostoja Kennel’s German Wirehaired Pointer, Fallowpoint Drama Queen. Group 8 – Best Baby Puppy: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Kirkdell Maestra. Best Puppy & BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: E Zucker’s Cocker Spaniel, Elswood Chardonnay. Group 9 – Best Baby Puppy: L McArthur’s Japanese Chin, Kiseki Genki. Best Puppy: M Sawley, F Miller, Y Draper’s French Bulldog, Cauzinhavoc Just Do It. Group 10 – Best Baby Puppy & BEST BABY IN SHOW: G Love & K Hutt’s Whippet, Wyldchase Whispas In The Dark. Best Puppy: Marakhoff Kennel’s Borzoi, Marakhoff Shostaakovich. Saturday 1st June 2019 Group 1 – 3rd BIG: K & C Harding’s Lowchen, Ch Kristarz Puff The Magic Dragon. 4th BIG: Karlyermai Kennel’s Australian Silky Terrier, Ch Karlyermai Aint Wizlin Dixi. Best Baby: J Rosie’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Janielcav Believe Your Eyes. Best Puppy: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Pug, Keaton Daarkling. Group 2 – 3rd BIG: Chanpema Kennel’s Border Terrier, Sup Ch Chanpema Bali Boy. 4th BIG: B & J O’Shannassy, F Quinlan, S Mills’ Fox Terrier (Smooth), Ch Graebrook Why Wonder. Best Baby & BEST BABY IN SHOW: Questadore Kennel’s West Highland White Terrier, Questadore Flying High (AI). Best Puppy: D Hughes’ American Staffordshire Terrier, Amstafomine Heads I Win. Group 3 – 3rd BIG: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa Ur A Class Act (Imp NZ). 4th BIG: B Martin’s Irish Setter, Page 19
DOGS SA WINTER INTERNATIONAL FCI ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Held on Friday 31st May 2019 Judges were: Ms M Martin (Ireland) – Group 1; Mr H Kadowaki (Japan) – Group 2; Mr M Igawa (Japan) – Group 3 and General Specials; Mr P Lang (Brazil) – Group 4 & 5; Mr D Miller (USA) – Group 6, 9A & 10; Mr A Gong (China) – Group 7; Mr H Kamisato (Japan) – Group 8; Ms J Gagne (Canada) – Group 9B.
Group 1
Group 1st: M Lincoln & A Mulady’s Bearded Collie, Edinglen The Wonder Of You
Group 2
Group 4th: B Craft’s Schipperke, Gr Ch Sanlyn Ticket To Ride (Imp NZ)
Group 2nd: T Wallage’s Great Dane, Ch Dannelsa Somethin T Talk About
Group 3rd: Newfashion Kennel’s Newfoundland, Capebass From Here to Eternity
Group 4th: C Rosier’s British Bulldog, Gr Ch Justifyabull Jackpot
Group 3rd: A & J Lyon’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Sup Ch Lionsden Royal Renegade
Group 4th: A Adams, V & T Adamopoulos, V Jones’ Welsh Terrier, Am Gr Ch & Ch Shaireab’s Bayleigh Wolverine
Group 1st: & BEST IN SHOW 2nd: S Shepherdson’s Border Terrier, Ch Bohunt Belle Epoque
Page 20
Group 3rd: E Bennett’s Briard, UK Ch & Sup Ch Fostebrie Divine Edition JW ShCM (Imp UK)
Group 1st: Kalora Kennel’s Dobermann, Ch Walamara Xtreme-Force (Imp NZ)
Group 3
Group 2nd: Ellagant Kennel’s Australian Shepherd, Am Gr & Sup Ch Copperridges Under Surveillance (Imp USA)
Group 2nd: Graebrook Kennel’s Fox Terrier (Wire), Ch Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie
Group 4
Group 1st: Tullacrest Kennel’s Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired), Lowenhyte Eye of the Tigress
Group 5
Group 2nd: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Sup Ch, Am Ch, Can Ch Anuniaq Lithium (BEL) (Imp CAN)
Group 3rd: K Santas’ Keeshond, Sup Ch Hunkeedori Heeerrreees Jonnie
Group 4th: Z Fisher-Kappler’s Alaskan Malamute, Malpac Silver Storm WWPD
Group 2nd: C Currie’s Rhodesian Ridgeback, Sup Ch Caprivi Im Chuck Bass
Group 3rd: K Harvey’s Dalmatian, Sup Ch Paceaway Coffee Beanz
Group 4th: J Wilsthire’s Black and Tan Coonhound, Am Gr Ch & Ch Bayaway Kennisaw Black And Tantrum At Ryerson (Imp USA)
Group 3rd: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ)
Group 4th: Waldwiese Kennel’s Weimaraner, Gr Ch Waldwiese In A League Ofmy Own (AI)
Group 1st: Aceweis & Heiderst Kennel’s Hungarian Vizsla, Ch Aceweis Kiss The Girls At Heiderst
July 2019
Group 4th: G Wood’s Dachshund (Wire Haired), Cayugaridge Needles And Pins (AI)
Group 1st: R Wallis, S Marshall, G Huikeshoven’s Grant Basset Griffon Vendeen, Ch Frosty Snowman
Group 7
Group 3rd: S Packer’s Dachshund (Smooth Haired), Ch Boskahun Billion Dollar Baby (AI)
Group 5 – SPITZ & PRIMITIVE TYPES Group 1st: H Perrett’s Shiba Inu, Sup Ch Maharg Natsu Daikoku (AI)
Group 6
Group 2nd: E Soti & W Schnitzer’s Dachshund (Long Haired), Sup Ch Keaton Apollo (AI)
Group 2nd: J & A Lumsden, J Manser’s Pointer, Sup Ch Aspyre On The Tip Of Ur Tongue
Page 21
DOGS SA WINTER INTERNATIONAL FCI ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Held on Friday 31st May 2019 Judges were: Ms M Martin (Ireland) – Group 1; Mr H Kadowaki (Japan) – Group 2; Mr M Igawa (Japan) – Group 3 and General Specials; Mr P Lang (Brazil) – Group 4 & 5; Mr D Miller (USA) – Group 6, 9A & 10; Mr A Gong (China) – Group 7; Mr H Kamisato (Japan) – Group 8; Ms J Gagne (Canada) – Group 9B.
Group 8
Group 1st: R Thompson’s Golden Retriever, Ch Chaleur Say I Will (AI)
Group 9
Group 2nd: E Zucker’s Cocker Spaniel, Sup Ch Elspan Coat Of Arms
Group 3rd: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Ch Eraky Starring Role
Group 4th: S Arwen’s Welsh Springer Spaniel, Ch Featherdale Celtic Monarch (AI)
Group 3rd: J & J Sullivan, K Lewis’ Papillon, Sup Ch Nightfire’s Xclusive Winner (Imp GMY)
Group 4th: F Rose’s Maltese, Sup Ch Erintoi Caseys Magic Dream
Group 3rd: A Curran’s Whippet, Ch Chakrata Tart With The Cart
Group 4th: T Cox & D Huon’s Azawakh, Ch Imidiwan Amali (Imp POL)
Group 1st & BEST IN SHOW 1ST: K De Freitas’ Pug, Ch Sweetess Guess I Still Love U
Group 2nd: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief
Group 1st: V & K Janonis’ Saluki, Ch Qat Kashan
Page 22
Group 2nd: B Ferguson’s Afghan Hound, Ch Tahkira Irristible Blue (AI)
Dogs SA Winter International
Championship Show held on Saturday 1st June 2019 Judges were: Mr R Marquez (Mexico) – Group 1; Mr A Gong (China) – Group 2; Mr P Lang (Brazil) – Group 3; Ms F Thompson (Ireland) & Mrs M Martin (Ireland) – Group 4 & Dalmatians; Mrs M Martin (Ireland) – 4B; Mr M Igawa (Japan) – Group 5; Mr H Kamisato – Group 6A; Mr A Gong (China) – Group 6B; Mr D Miller (USA) – Group 7; Mr P Lang (Brazil) – General Specials.
Best Exhibit 1st: A Jonas’ Cairn Terrier, Alclare Devil Inside At Aimfor
Best Exhibit 2nd: A & J Lyon’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Sup Ch Lionsden Royal Renegade
July 2019
Best Exhibit 1st: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Ch Kirkdell Watch And See
Best Exhibit 2nd: D & M Bellamy’s Cocker Spaniel, Ch Belcroft Takin Care Of Business
Best Exhibit 2nd: P Thompson’s Whippet, Ch Aarak Place Your Bets
Best Exhibit 1st: R Connelly’s Siberian Husky, Sup Ch, Am Ch, Can Ch Anuniaq Lithium (BEL) (Imp CAN)
Best Exhibit 2nd: C Pitman & P Wilson’s Pekingese, Ch Waaini Fancy Britches
Best Exhibit 1st & BEST IN SHOW 1ST: K, K, & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Sup Suliman Poetic Justice
Best Exhibit 1st: D McClarty’s Pug, Gr Ch Jaditi Princess Shelby
Best Exhibit 1st & BEST IN SHOW 2ND: Ellagant Kennel’s Australian Shepherd, Am Gr & Sup Ch Copperridges Under Surveillance (Imp USA)
Best Exhibit 2nd: Bordarita Kennel’s Border Collie, Gr Ch Bordarita Its Me Ya Lookin For
Best Exhibit 2nd: Y Chen’s Samoyed, CIB, Am Gr Ch, Fin Ch, Sup Ch Smiling Snowball Luminous Pandora (Imp USA)
Best Exhibit 1st: K Harvey’s Dalmatian, Sup Ch Paceaway Coffee Beanz
Best Exhibit 2nd: C Rosier’s British Bulldog, Gr Ch Justifyabull Jackpot
Page 23
Martinridge Turn Back The Tide. Best Baby Puppy: B Jones’ Labrador Retriever, Kirkell Maestra. Best Puppy: S, R & L Schwerdt’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Woodwych Lord Of The Rings (AI). Group 4 – 3rd BIG: Macdougal, Horsfield, Spittal’s Rhodesian Ridgeback, Nkalakatha Pridepred Georgiana. 4th BIG: R Wallis, S Marshall, G Huikeshoven’s Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen, Ch Frosty Snowman. Best Baby Puppy: A Oakes Rhodesian Ridgeback, Shakuru It Takes A Village. Best Puppy: Marakhoff Kennel’s Borzoi, Marakhoff Shostaakovich. Group 5 – 3rd BIG: C, S & J Moore’s Old English Sheepdog, Am Ch, Sup Ch Barkshire’s Captain America (Imp USA). 4th BIG: Sheltastic Kennel’s Shetland Sheepdog, Ch Sheltastic Speak No Evil. Best Baby Puppy: C, S & J Moore’s Old English Sheepdog, Tootone Extraordinary Girl At Perfu (AI). Best Puppy & BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: R & C Redhead’s Australian Cattle Dog, Landmaster Show No Mercy. Group 6 – 3rd BIG: J Frederickson’s Dobermann, Ch Shadday Diamonds Edge At Desyred (Imp NZ). 4th BIG: E Durant’s Newfoundland, Ch Capebass Moccona Classic. Best Baby Puppy: Y Chen’s Samoyed, Lunasea History Making (AI). Best Puppy: Vansitar Kennel’s Dobermann, Vansitar Annie Oakley (AI) (Imp NZ). Group 7 – 3rd BIG: T Perkiss’ Poodle (Miniature), Sup Ch, NZ Ch Showcase Major Edition (Imp NZ). 4th BIG: M Buckland’s Great Dane, Ch Buckersdane Jitterbug. Best Baby Puppy: J Sculac’s Poodle (Miniature), Jenuin Southern Midnight Son. Best Puppy: A Cadd’s French Bulldog, Kiangsi Hit The Jackpot. Sunday 2nd June 2019 Judges were: Mr M Igawa (Japan) – Group 1A; Mr A Gong (China) – Group 1B; Mr H Kadowaki (Japan) – Group 2; Mr D Miller (USA) – Group 3; Ms F Thompson (Ireland) – Group 4A; Ms J Gagne (Canada) – 4B; Mr H Kamisato (Japan) – 5; Mr R Marquez (Mexico) – Group 6; Mr A Gong (China) – Group 7 & General Specials. Best in Show 1st: C Rosier’s British Bulldog, Gr Ch Justifyabull Jackpot. Best in Show 2nd: Bordarita Kennel’s Border Collie, Sup Ch Bordarita Im So Cool (AI). Best Baby: A Cadd’s French Bulldog, Kiangsi I Am Jaguar. Best Puppy: R King & L Browne’s Beagle, Goldengum Gentleman George. TOYS Best Exhibit 1st: K De Freitas’ Pug, Ch Sweetess Guess I Still Love U. Best Exhibit 2nd: J Mortensen’s Papillon, Ch Gracepol Rhyme N Rhythm. Best Exhibit 3rd: K Tilley, T Sunman, J & A Gunn’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Sup Ch Voncronan Diamond Thief. Best Exhibit Page 24
4th: T & K Perkiss’ Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Ch Tikimi Smooth Criminal. Best Baby Puppy: K Tilley & T Sunman’s Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Voncronan Shes Like The Wind. Best Puppy: R & J Harrison’s Lowchen, Rondaglen Heaven Sent. TERRIERS Best Exhibit 1st: Graebrook Kennels Fox Terrier (Wire), Ch Graebrook Adrenaline Junkie. Best Exhibit 2nd: L Althoff’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ch Alardar Take It To The Limit. Best Exhibit 3rd: A Adams, V & T Adamopoulos, V Jones’ Welsh Terrier, Am Gr Ch & Ch Shaireab’s Bayleigh Wolverine. Best Exhibit 4th: D Hughes’ American Staffordshire Terrier, Gr Ch Amstafomine Double Or Nothing. Best Baby: C Gower’s Australian Terrier, Paxterr Aces High At Tainquest. Best Puppy: D Hughes’ American Staffordshire Terrier, Amstafomine Heads I Win. GUNDOGS Best Exhibit 1st: Graebrook Kennel’s Hungarian Vizsla, Sup Ch Graebrook Kausin Kaos TD ET. Best Exhibit 2nd: T Corbell’s Flat Coated Retriever, Ch Skyehaven Man On Fire. Best Exhibit 3rd: G Munro’s Pointer, Ch Tyeanbo Take Another Look. Best Exhibit 4th: Heiderst Kennels & M Reichmuth’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Sup Ch Arosa UR A Class Act (Imp NZ). Best Baby: J Manser, J & A Lumsden’s Pointer, Aspyre Cat Got UR Tongue. Best Puppy: Heiderst Kennel’s German Shorthaired Pointer, Heiderst Play That Funky Music (AI). HOUNDS Best Exhibit 1st: K, K & R Hutching’s Afghan Hound, Sup Ch Suliman Poetic Justice. Best Exhibit 2nd: R Wallis, S Marshall, G Huikeshoven’s Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen, Ch Frosty Snowman. Best Exhibit 3rd: C & N Lawton, A Chato’s Saluki, Sup Ch Crisnick Surprise Parti. Best Exhibit 4th: G Love & K Hutt’s Whippet, Ch Wyldchase Wild Ash. Best Baby: G Love & K Hutt’s Whippet, Wyldchase Whispas In The Dark. Best Puppy: R King & L Browne’s Beagle, Goldengum Gentleman George. WORKING DOGS Best Exhibit 1st: Bordarita Kennel’s Border Collie, Sup Ch Bordarita Im So Cool (AI). Best Exhibit 2nd: Ellagant Kennel’s Australian Shepherd, Am Gr & Sup Ch Copperridges Under Surveillance (Imp USA). Best Exhibit 3rd: Lochwind Kennels Shetland Sheepdog, Sth Afr & Ch Lochwind Freeze Frame of Paray (Imp USA). Best Baby: G & R Doe’s Collie (Rough), Robgai Promise Me A Rainbo. Best Puppy: G Jones’ Shetland Sheepdog, Lochwind Just Opulent. UTILITY Best Exhibit 1st: A Wittenberg & K Bryant’s Siberian Husky, Ch Asryn Technical
Knockout. Best Exhibit 2nd: B Dawson & B Brook’s Bullmastiff, Ch Bullmighty Flick O The Finger. Best Exhibit 3rd: Y Chen’s Samoyed, CIB, Am Gr Ch, Fin Ch, Sup Ch Smiling Snowball Luminous Pandora (Imp USA). Best Exhibit 4th: D Filipovic’s Dobermann, Ikons Choose Your Weapon (Imp NZ). Best Baby: P Haigh’s Schnauzer (Miniature), Forestal Summer Rain. Best Puppy: Y Chen’s Samoyed, Lunasea Sugar Baby. NON-SPORTING Best Exhibit 1st: C Rosier’s British Bulldog, Gr Ch Justifyabull Jackpot. Best Exhibit 2nd: V Scott’s French Bulldog, Ch Barjarz About Time. Best Exhibit 3rd: K Santas’ Keeshond, Sup Ch Hunkeedori Heeerrreees Jonnie. Best Exhibit 4th: Amesen Kennel’s Lhasa Apso, Sup Ch Amesen Once Were Warriors. Best Baby: A Cadd’s French Bulldog, Kiangsi I Am Jaguar. Best Puppy: W & J Walloscheck’s Shar Pei, Ch Sharboop Beauty Lies Within (AI).
Trial R e s u lt s PORT PIRIE OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC Obedience Trials 4th & 5th May 2019 Novice Mr N MacDonald 1st Bella, German Shepherd Dog, J Warner 189 CCD Mr N MacDonald 1st Brajandi Nordic Angel, German Shepherd Dog, J Warner 92 Utility Mrs A Twaddle 1st Malibumarley UD, Border Collie, A Fridd 190 2nd T Ch Jordie CDX RN, Border Collie, P Fickling 185 Open Mrs A Twaddle 1st Kaycee CD RN, Border Collie cross, L Fielden 197 2nd OC Mirribandi Narellan JD, Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael), D Burford 193 3rd Silvanwood Prime Target CD RAE AD JDX SPD GD DWDF.S HTM.N, Australian Shepherd, S Willson & S Baillie 189 Novice Mrs A Twaddle 1st Lentaridy Boomer Harvey CCD RN, Shetland Sheepdog, S Willson 195 2nd Bella, German Shepherd Dog, J Warner 190 CCD Mrs A Twaddle 1st Shelstorm First Dance, Shetland Sheepdog, L Fielden 100 2nd Brajandi Nordic Angel, German Shepherd Dog, J Warner 99
3rd Gumhaven Poison Ivy, Tenterfield Terrier, B & R Lawrence 97 Utility Mr N MacDonald 1st OC Mirribandi Narellan JD, Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael), D Burford 188 2nd Malibumarley UD, Border Collie, A Fridd 174 Open Mr N MacDonald 1st OC Mirribandi Narellan JD, Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael), D Burford 190 Novice Mrs A Twaddle 1st Bella, German Shepherd Dog, J Warner 194 2nd Lentaridy Boomer Harvey CCD RN, Shetland Sheepdog, S Willson 192 CCD Mrs A Twaddle 1st Shelstorm First Dance, Shetland Sheepdog, L Fielden 100 2nd Brajandi Nordic Angel, German Shepherd Dog, J Warner 99 3rd Zena, Belgian Shepherd (Malinois), H Hinkley 97 Utility Mr N MacDonald 1st OC Mirribandi Narellan JD, Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael), D Burford 188 Open Mr N MacDonald No Qualifiers
1st Ch Habanero Grof No Remy UD RM AARD ORA, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, G Pheonix 93 2nd Sup Ch Waldwieze Game Keepa At Poshvwei (Imp NZ) ET CD RE QND ORA, Weimaraner, J Hughes 82 3rd Ch Lukedom Eyez On The Starz ET RAE CDX ORA QND NRD, Weimaraner, L Webster 77 Novice RATG Mrs K Eltringham 1st Reveirter Abhainn Blackwater (AI), Labrador Retriever, L Lennell & R Dolphin 90 2nd Kadlinga Life On Mars, Labrador Retriever, Kadlinga Knls 87 3rd Ch Erdos Lord Byron ET, Hungarian Vizsla, V & A Marsden & J Wallis 82 Open RATG Mr G Allen 1st Ch Habanero Grof No Remy UD RM AARD ORA, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, G Pheonix 91 2nd Ch Lukedom Eyez On The Starz ET RAE CDX ORA QND NRD, Weimaraner, L Webster 88 3rd Oakridge Sirocco, German Shorthaired Pointer, J Nairn 84.5
RETRIEVING ABILITY TESTS FOR GUNDOGS 4th & 5th May 2019 Novice RATG Mr J Patrick 1st Reveirter Abhainn Blackwater (AI), Labrador Retriever, L Lennell & R Dolphin 85 2nd Oakridge Sirocco, German Shorthaired Pointer, J Nairn 76 Open RATG Mrs L Webster 1st Ch Habanero Grof No Remy UD RM AARD ORA, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, G Phoenix 94 2nd Kadlinga Bos Genever RRD, Labrador Retriever, B & J Kradolfer & Kadlinga Knls 88 3rd Eastside Goliath, Labrador Retriever, P Scott 75 Novice RATG Mrs L Webster 1st Oakridge Sirocco, German Shorthaired Pointer, J Nairn 87 2nd Kadlinga Suffragette City, Labrador Retriever, Kadlinga Knls 86 3rd Reveirter Abhainn Blackwater (AI), Labrador Retriever, L Lennell & R Dolphin 79 Open RATG Mr G Allen 1st Ch Habanero Grof No Remy UD RM AARD ORA, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, G Pheonix 89 2nd Sup Ch Waldwieze Game Keepa At Poshvwei (Imp NZ) ET CD RE QND ORA, Weimaraner, J Hughes 88 3rd Cavajal Robin Hood (AI) RRD ORA, Labrador Retriever, J Patrick 83 Novice RATG Mrs L Lennell No Qualifiers Open RATG Mrs K Eltringham July 2019
DWD Competition 11th May 2019 Judges: D Cole, J Milnes, S Wood Freestyle Intermediate 1st RO Ch Collieston Rhythm And Rhyme CD AD JD SD FS.N HTM.S, Collie (Rough), J Brown 136.10 Freestyle Advanced 1st Ch Bernation Paws For Applause CD RM FS.A HTM.A, Bernese Mountain Dog, J Murrell 148.00 Heelwork to Music Starters 1st Ripley, Greyhound, J DiFava 146.75 2nd Harold FS.S, Jack Russell Terrier cross, E Brady 144.30 Heelwork to Music Novice 1st T Ch Misty CD RAE TSD ADX JDX SDX GDX SPDX FS.N HTM.S, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cross, J Pearson 139.35 Heelwork to Music Intermediate 1st Skipper RA ME DWDF.N HTM.N, Jack Russell Terrier cross, J & D McLoughlin 140.60 2nd Gumhaven Shine A Light RN FS.N HTM.N, Tenterfield Terrier, J & D McLoughlin 139.95 Heelwork to Music Advanced 1st Ch Bournbeau Beguiled Bythe Moon NRD ORA FS.A HTM.I, Golden Retriever, M Bourn 164.50 Freestyle Intermediate 1st Badger RE FS.I HTM.S, Terrier cross, K Lloyd 142.95 2nd T Ch Misty CD RAE TSD ADX JDX SDX GDX SPDX FS.N HTM.S, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cross, J Pearson 138.00 Freestyle Advanced
1st Ch Bernation Paws For Applause CD RM FS.A HTM.A, Bernese Mountain Dog, J Murrell 159.85 Heelwork to Music Starters 1st Shalreign Sunseeker. Shetland Sheepdog, S Steele 132.50 Heelwork to Music Novice 1st Badger RE FS.I HTM.S, Terrier cross, K Lloyd 140.95 Heelwork to Music Intermediate 1st Skipper RA ME DWDF.N HTM.N, Jack Russell Terrier cross, J & D McLoughlin 143.60 2nd Gumhaven Shine A Light RN FS.N HTM.N, Tenterfield Terrier, J & D McLoughlin 142.25 Heelwork to Music Advanced 1st Ch Bournbeau Beguiled Bythe Moon NRD ORA FS.A HTM.I, Golden Retriever, M Bourn 144.80
RETRIEVING & FIELD TRIALS CLUB OF SA INC Retrieving Trial for Gundogs 18th & 19th May 2019 Novice Stake Mr J Nairn 1st Sup Ch Waldwieze Game Keepa At Poshvwei (Imp NZ) CD RE QND ORA ET, Weimaraner, J Hughes 144 2nd Neut Ch Cheyandor Gem RA TDX QND ORA HTM.S FS.I. Labrador Retriever, C Hayes 129 3rd Ellishea Wyatts Didja (AI), Golden Retriever. H Allen 131 Restricted Stake Mr J Nairn No Finishers All Age Stake Mr T Stevens (Vic) 1st RT Ch Nativerun Angus, Labrador Retriever, R Ashenden 148 2nd Nat RT Ch Gr RT Ch Adderslot Carbo, Labrador Retriever, G Playdon & A Malinin 140 3rd RT Ch Inkaline Phoebe, German Shorthaired Pointer, R & J Johnson 138 Novice Stake Mrs L Webster 1st Neut Ch Cheyandor Gem RA TDX QND ORA HTM.S FS.I, Labrador Retriever, C Hayes158 2nd Reveirter Abhainn Blackwater (AI) NRA, Labrador Retriever, L Lennel & R Dolphin 146 3rd Kadlinga Suffragette City, Labrador Retriever, Kadlinga Knls 144 Restricted Stake Mr T Stevens (Vic) 1st Ch Lukedom Eyez On The Starz CDX RAE ORA QND NRD ET, Weimaraner, L Webster 145 2nd Sup Ch Waldwieze Game Keepa At Poshvwei (Imp NZ) CD RE QND ORA ET, Weimaraner, J Hughes 107 All Age Stake Mr G Allen 1st RT Ch Inkaline Phoebe, German Shorthaired Pointer, R & J Johnston 158 2nd Adderslot Digger RRD, Labrador Retriever, G Playdon & A Malinin 146 3rd RT Ch Nativerun Angus, Labrador Retriever, R Ashenden 138 Page 25
SOUTHERN DISTRICTS KENNEL & OBEDIENCE CLUB INC Agility Trials 11th May 2019 Master Agility Mr B Fielder SCT 70 1st 500 - Kee ADX ADO JDM JDO SD GD PT, Australian Kelpie, A Butler 41.69 1st 400 - Dual Ch (A) Sherbrooke Fun In Rio ADM JDM ADO JDO SPDM SDM GDM, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, E & N Cox 56.51 Open Agility Mr B Fielder SCT 70 No Qualifiers Excellent Agility Mr B Fielder SCT 70 No Qualifiers Novice Agility Mr B Fielder SCT 76 1st 400 – Tayona Miss Molly, Australian Shepherd, A Pulbrook 40.78 1st 600 – Oscar JD, Coolie cross, M Gourlay 43.50 Novice Jumping Mrs K Thomas SCT 40 1st 300 – Triagen Ruby Blue Shoes, Tenterfield Terrier, M Collins 26.84 1st 400 – Kerden Rob Roy CCD, Boston Terrier, I & D Pye 23.66 1st 500 – Darcy HT, Koolie, C Threadgold 21.27 Excellent Jumping Mrs K Thomas 1st 600 – Underfoot Big Bang Theory RN CCD AD JD SD, Dalmatian, A Greenwood 31.29 1st 500 – Tookurra Midnite Passion CCD RE JD AD GD, Border Collie, J Sullivan 33.20 1st 300 – Kirbuff Ruby Tuesday JD, Pug, C Bartlett 38.55 Master Jumping Mrs K Thomas SCT 49 1st 400 - Dual Ch (A) Sherbrooke Fun In Rio ADM JDM ADO JDO SPDM SDM GDM, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, E & N Cox 41.37 1st 500 - Kee ADX ADO JDM JDO SD GD PT, Australian Kelpie, A Butler 33.87 Open Jumping – Mrs K Thomas SCT 44 1st Ag Ch (500) Merlin UD ADM JDM ADO JDO SDX SPDX GDX RN, Border Collie, B Moore 24.07 2nd Albajail Feel The Rush ADM2 ADO3 JDM9 JDO16 GDM SDM SPDX, Australian Shepherd, L Newton 27.94 3rd Ag Ch (300) Ashem Hera ADM9 ADO JDM7 JDO SDX SPDX SDM PT, Shetland Sheepdog, J Murray 36.17 Master Agility Ms K Coulter SCT 71 1st 300 - Ag Ch (300) Ashem Hera ADM9 ADO JDM7 JDO SDX SPDX SDM PT, Shetland Sheepdog, J Murray 67.04 1st 500 – Gauis ADM JDM ADO JDO GDX SPD SD RN, Border Collie, B Moore 51.74 1st 600 – Redshift Hot Asha RN ADO ADM JDO JDM GD SD, Dobermann, M Chapman 50.86 Open Agility Ms K Coulter SCT 69 1st Arajoel Hapi Jordi AD JD SD GD SPDX, Border Collie, J Magarey 41.60 Excellent Agility Ms K Coulter No Qualifiers Novice Agility Ms K Coulter SCT 66 Page 26
1st Metopi Pearl Of Venus CA JD, Boxer, A Matusicova 42.09 Novice Jumping Dr R Ince SCT 38 1st 600 – Dual Ch (T) Paceaway Top Rumour (AI) RN ET, Dalmatian, S Gahan 25.84 1st 500 – Albajail Dare To Dream RN, Australian Shepherd, J Lyon 20.38 1st 400 – Kerden Rob Roy CCD, Boston Terrier, I & D Pye 27.79 Excellent Jumping Dr R Ince SCT 41 1st 400 – T Ch Lifesong Now You See Me, Border Collie, S Legg 26.79 1st 500 – Dazzy CD RE AD JD, Koolie, A Kotsiou 36.78 1st 600 - Metopi Pearl Of Venus CA JD, Boxer, A Matusicova 35.31 Open Jumping Dr R Ince SCT 51 1st Ag Ch (500) Merlin UD ADM JDM ADO JDO SDX SPDX GDX RN, Border Collie, B Moore 27.44 2nd Gauis ADM JDM ADO JDO GDX SPD SD RN, Border Collie, B Moore 27.92 3rd Kee ADX ADO JDM JDO SD GD PT, Australian Kelpie, A Butler 28.30 Master Jumping Dr R Ince SCT 53 1st 400 – Ag Ch (400) Maggie ADM ADO JDM JDO SPD, Jack Russell Terrier, S Wright 36.18 1st 500 – Tash RN CD JDM JDO ADX GDX SDX SPDX, Border Collie, C Butler 33.42 1st 600 – Redshift Hot Asha RN ADM ADO JDM JDO GD SD, Dobermann, M Chapman 37.31
DOVER GARDENS KENNEL & OBEDIENCE CLUB INC 50th Anniversary Obedience Trial 19th May 2019 Utility Mr D Rumble No Qualifiers Open Mr P Wong (Singapore) 1st Albajail Maidens Mist UD TD RN, Australian Shepherd, R Kumela 184 2nd Wallace CD, Australian Cattle Dog cross, A Whiley 179 3rd Wattavue Dancing Cooper CD, Poodle (Miniature), A Spehr 173 Novice Mrs A Twaddle 1st Mystique CCD RN, German Coolie, D McCulloch 193 2nd Kelebec Cross Fire, German Shepherd Dog, L Khabbaz 190 3rd Vomkogelberg Tania, German Shepherd Dog, P Horsnell 189 CCD Mr D Bourne 1st Chispa, Australian Kelpie, M Vahaviolos 99 2nd Dreamstar Gregory Peck, German Shepherd Dog (LSC), C Jacob 97 3rd Tilly, Poodle (Toy), P Hawryszkiewycz 97
AGILITY DOG CLUB OF SA INC Games Trials 25th May 2019 Novice Strategic Pairs Mr N Cox 1st Neut Ch Carnwath Retro By Design RN, Havanese, U Shugg & Kirbuff Ruby Tuesday JD, Pug, C Barlett 2nd Lifesong Give Me Kredit JD PT, Border
Collie, J Caulton & Tookurra Seaside Serenade ADX JDX, Border Collie, M Warming Excellent Strategic Pairs Mr N Cox 1st Sherbrooke Last Luna Eclipse AD JDX SD SPD GD, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, J Shirlock & Ag Ch (400) Maggie ADM JDM ADO JDO SOD, Jack Russell Terrier, S Wright 2nd Milo ADX JDX SD GD SPD, Australian Kelpie cross, G Gyzen & Shartooz Wriggles CDRE SPD SDX GD ADX JDX, Australian Shepherd, K Jonathon 3rd T Ch Jasmine CCD RE ADX JDX SPD SD GD HTM.I FS.N, Jack Russell Terrier cross, J Pearson & Ch Neut Ch Shartooz Its About Time CCD RA JDX ADX DWDF.S GD SD SPD, Havanese, S Baillie Master Strategic Pairs Mr N Cox 1st Ag Ch (500) Shepalian Dreams Unwind (Imp UK) ADM ADO JDM JDO GDX SDX SPDM, Australian Shepherd, J Lyon & Albajail Feel The Rush ADM2 ADO3 JDM9 JDO16 SPDX GDM SDM, Australian Shepherd, L Newton 2nd Albajail Fair Maiden ADX JDM ADO JDO GD SD SPDX, Australian Shepherd, J Lyon & Ag Ch (500) Shartooz Myths N Legends CCD ADM ADO JDM JDO GDX SDM SPDM, Australian Shepherd, J Mudge 3rd Ah Ch (500) Merlin UD ADM JDM ADO JDO SDX GDX SPDX RN, Border Collie, B Moore & Ag Ch (500) Abby ADM JDM ADO JDO SPDX SDM GDM, Border Collie, K Thomas
GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF SA INC Balmead Obedience Trial 26th May 2019 Utility Mrs J Brabham No Qualifiers Open Mrs J Mitchell 1st Bournbeau Myjasperson Angus CD, Golden Retriever, P & I Reimann 197 2nd Albajail Maidens Mist UD TD RN, Australian Shepherd, R Kumela 193 3rd Goldmartini Day Of Judgement CD, Golden Retriever, J Matthew 186 Novice Mr A Brennan 1st Mystique CCD RN, German Coolie, D McCulloch 194 2nd Karlskind Gruff Stuff CCD, German Shepherd Dog, J Coppola 188 Balmead Novice Mr D Rumble 1st Oakridge Usher CCD, German Shorthaired Pointer, S O’Neill 194 2nd Sandy CCD, Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross, H Whiley 188 3rd Vonpeta Lucilles Girl, German Shepherd Dog, D & A Stanton 182 CCD Mrs A Twaddle 1st Dreamstar Gregory Peck, German Shepherd Dog (LSC), C Jacob 98 2nd Glenloy Heeza Bit Ofa Dish RN, Border Collie, L Murphy 97 3rd Birramalpark Ella, Border Collie, I Hanegreefs 96
Changes to the 2020 DOTY/POTY competition were approved by Council at its meeting 5 June 2019. These competition rule changes will take effect at the commencement of the next qualifying period, i.e the first Monday following this year’s Royal Show. The most notable change is the inclusion of Neuter of the Year as well as a couple of other changes to qualifying for the event.
DOG/PUPPY/NEUTER OF THE YEAR COMPETITION RULES – 2019/2020 The Dogs SA Show Dog/Puppy/Neuter of the Year Competition will be conducted on a date to be approved by Council each year. x Qualifying period shall commence on the first Monday after the Adelaide Royal Show and will conclude on the final day of the following Adelaide Royal Show. x Qualifying wins for Show Dog, Puppy and Neuter of the Year will be all Championship shows sanctioned by DOGS SA and held in SA. x All owners of dogs must be financial members of their controlling body with at least one being a financial member of Dogs SA at the time of the qualifying win/s and reside in SA. x To Qualify for this event: Your Show Dog must have been awarded one of the following: ¾ All Breed Best in Show ¾ All Breeds Runner-up Best in Show, or ¾ Deemed to be one of the top 3 dogs in your group, excluding dogs already qualified under the first 2 dot points. This will be calculated on a point score of 2 points for Best in Group or Best in Show Specialty and 1 point for Runner Up in Group or Specialty. The points to be calculated at the end of the qualifying period with the top 3 dogs deemed the qualifiers (excluding BIS and Rup BIS winners). x Your Puppy must have been awarded: ¾ All Breeds Baby, Minor or Puppy in Show ¾ Must be over 6 months of age at the completion of the qualifying period for the current year, i.e. the final day of the Adelaide Royal Show. x Your Neuter Dog must have been awarded: ¾ All Breeds Best Neuter in Show ¾ All Breeds Best Runner Up Neuter in Show. Judges x All judges must not have judged in SA for a minimum of 12 months prior to the event. x Judges are to remain anonymous until the date of judging. Judging Format x Order of judging for the event will commence with Neuter of the Year, then Puppy of the year followed by Show Dog of the year. x The first round for competitors in each category shall be by random ballot. x Where an exhibitor has 2 dogs registered to them they cannot be drawn to contest each other in the first round. x Judging will be a knock out competition with the 3 judges assessing each dog and independently selecting their winner. The winner will then advance on to the next round until the eventual winner is identified.
July 2019
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METROPOLITAN KENNEL CLUB INC CHAMPIONSHIP & OPEN SHOW SATURDAY 20TH JULY 8.30am & not before 11.30am To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc.
DAVID ROCHE PARK Championship Show not before 11.30am
Open Show 8.30am Group 1 Ms T Edwards (SA) Group 2 Miss R Hartnett (SA) Group 3 Mrs L Thomson (SA) Group 4 Mrs J Sullivan (SA)
Group 5 Mrs P Buckley (SA) Group 6 Miss L Schwerdt (SA) Group 7 Mrs J Rasche (SA) General Specials Ms T Edwards (SA)
The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary Show Manager: Miss J Verco SACA Representative: Miss J Balfour Membership: $2.00 per person. Financial Year 1/10/19 – 20/09/20 ENTRY FEES: Open Show $5.00 Catalogue $2.00 ENTRY FEES: Championship Show $13.00 Baby Puppies $6.00 Catalogue $4.00 Prepaid (Full Breeding please) CLASSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 18A NO NEUTERED CLASS AT THE OPEN SHOW Order of Judging – All rings simultaneously AWARDS: Open Show - Trophy and Sash for all in Show Awards. Trophy and Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Best Puppy in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group.
To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc.
SUNDAY 11TH AUGUST 2019 at 9.00am and not before 12 noon DOGS SA HALL, DAVID ROCHE PARK, KILBURN JUDGE: Ms C Kirgan-Khoury (NSW) 9.00am JUDGE: Mrs K Rolfe (NSW) not before 12 noon Both judges are Toy Specialists The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary
SHOW MANANGER: Ms L McArthur SACA REPRESENTATIVE: Mr B Parker MEMBERSHIP: Single $8.00, Double $8.00 Financial Year 1/9/18 to 31/8/19 ENTRY FEES: Members $14.00 Non-Members $16.00 Babies $8.00 Catalogue $3.00 Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 9A, 10A, 11A, 18A Order of Judging – Dogs followed by Bitches and General Specials Trophy and Sash for All in Show awards Catering Available PAPER ENTRIES TO: The Convenor, Mrs G Lewis, 3319 Jervois Road, Wellington SA 5259 Phone 0403 001 696 SSAE for return of Exhibit Numbers Mobile contact, show day only 0403 001 696
Page 28
Group 1 Ms A Griffin (SA) Group 2 Mr M Jenneys (SA) Group 3 Ms M McCaffery (SA) Group 4 Miss R Hutchings (SA)
Group 5 Mrs A-M Curran (SA) Group 6 Mrs K Hutchings (SA) Group 7 Mrs B Ackland (SA) General Specials Mrs K Hutchings (SA)
AWARDS: Championship Show – Cash and Sash for all in Show Awards. Cash and Sash for Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Best Puppy in Group, Best Baby Puppy in Group. Catering Available
Paper Entries to The Secretary, Mrs T Matthews, 1 Conygham Avenue, Modbury Heights 5092 No responsibility taken for cash sent through the post Phone 0411 618 678 ** EASYDOG ENTRIES PREFERRED METHOD OF ENTRY ** SSAE for acknowledgement of entries or email address for receipt of entry
LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF SA INC CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW THURSDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER 2019 To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc. Royal Adelaide Showgrounds Wayville Start time not before 1.30pm
Judge: Mr M Leonard (Ireland) The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary
Show Manager Glenn Murphy SACA Representative Mike Brown Entry Fees $18.00 Baby Puppies $13.00 Catalogue $4.00 Prepaid (Full Breeding please) Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A Awards: Trophy and Sash for All in Show awards Paper Entries to The Secretary, PO Box 598, Mt Compass SA 5210 Phone (08) 8554 9515 Mobile Contact 0427 004 017 SSAE for acknowledgement of entries or email address for receipt of entry If you are only entering the Labrador Retriever Club of SA Show, passes will be posted. Car Parking you will need to go to www. theshow.com.au and purchase tickets
NORTHERN DISTRICTS KENNEL & OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS Saturday 10th August 2019 To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc.
DAVID ROCHE PARK Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
9.00am Mrs J Ashton (SA) Mrs J Butterfield (SA) Mr P Danaher (SA) Ms C Currie (SA)
Not before 12 noon Ms M McCaffery (SA) Mr G Maudlen (SA) Mr E Soti (SA) Mrs J Butterfield (SA)
The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary
Show Manager Mrs K Frick SACA Representative Mrs C Redhead Entry Fees $13.00 Baby Puppies $7.00 Catalogue $4.50 Prepaid (Full Breeding please) Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 18A NO NEUTERED CLASS PM SHOW Order of Judging – All rings simultaneously
Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 General Specials
9.00am Mr E Soti (SA) Ms C Faint (SA) Mrs C Smith (SA) Mr G Maudlen (SA)
Not before 12 noon Ms C Currie (SA) Mrs J Ashton (SA) Mrs C Terry (SA) Ms M McCaffery (SA)
Awards: Saturday AM Show Cash and Sash for Classes in Show. Best in Group, RU Best in Group, Baby Puppy in Group, Puppy in Group. Sashes only for all other in Group Awards. Saturday PM Show Cash and Sash for Best in Group 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, Baby Puppy in Group, Best Puppy in Group. Best in Show 2nd, 1st, Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show. Catering Available Paper Entries to The Convenor Mrs K Frick, PO Box 673, Virginia SA 5120 Phone (08) 8380 9866 / Mobile Phone show day only 0412 480 986 SSAE for acknowledgement of entries
To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc.
Judge: Mrs J Ashton (SA) The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary
Show Manager Mrs Brenda Sugars SACA Representative will be Royal Show Rep on the day Entry Fees $12.00 Baby Puppies $6.00 Catalogue $3.00 Prepaid (Full Breeding please) Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 18A Awards: Cash and Sash for All in Show awards Paper Entries to Mrs Brenda Sugars, PO Box 26, Saddleworth SA 5413 Phone (08) 8847 4289 Mobile Contact 0419 035 211 SSAE for acknowledgement of entries or email address for receipt of entry
July 2019
CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc.
Saturday 5th October 2019 not before 1.30pm JUDGE: Mr R Rowbotham (Canada) The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary
SHOW MANANGER: Mrs D Jolly SACA REPRESENTATIVE: Mr J Binding MEMBERSHIP: $15.00 Single, $25.00 Double, $10.00 Pensioner, $10.00 Junior. Financial Year 1/111/18 to 31/10/19 ENTRY FEES: $15.00 Babies $10.00 Catalogue $5.00 Prepaid (Full Breeding please) Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 11, 12, 18 / 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 9A, 10A, 14A, 11A, 12A, 18A AWARDS: Cash and Sash for All in Show awards CATERING: Available PAPER ENTRIES TO: The Convenor, Mrs D Jolly, 22 Parker Avenue, Strathalbyn SA 5255 Ph 0402 812 202
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To be held under the Rules and Regulations of the SACA Inc
SUNDAY 11TH AUGUST 2019 at 10.00am and not before 12.00 noon ELLIOTT GOODGER MEMORIAL PARK, WILLASTON Judges 10.00am Jane Lawrence Joy Roberts Jane Caulton
Strategic Pairs: Novice, Excellent, Master Gamblers: Excellent, Master, Novice Snooker: Master, Novice, Excellent
Judges not before 12.00 noon Neville Cox Jane Lawrence Brian Fielder
Strategic Pairs: Novice, Excellent, Master Gamblers: Excellent, Master, Novice Snooker: Master, Novice, Excellent
The club reserves the right to appoint a reserve judge if necessary SACA Rep: Victor Jordan Trial Manager: Noeline Chapman
Vetting: By Committee Vetting Time: AM Trial 9.15 am to 9.45 am PM Trial 11.15 am to 11.45 am. Bitches without proof of desexing only. All dogs to pass through checkpoint by close. Entry Fee: $10.00 Payment by Bank Deposit is encouraged. BSB 105-009 Account No. 065814740 Your name, trial date and number of entries as your reference and include bank deposit reference number and date with entries. Catalogue: Available at Agility SA or Gawler Facebook page. Awards: 1st Place qualifying in each class Entries to: Trial Secretary, Box 31 Mallala SA 5502 Phone: 0423 513 995
To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the S.A.C.A. Inc
SATURDAY 24TH AUGUST 2019 at 9.00am and not before 12 noon CLUBGROUNDS, VINCENT ROAD, SMITHFIELD AM Vetting time: 8.00 am – 8.30 am and 11.00 am – 11.30am. Vanessa Loughlin ..........................Agility: Open, Excellent, Novice Bitches without proof of desexing only. All dogs to pass through Janine Feil ............................................ Master: Jumping & Agility checkpoint before close. Joy Roberts ............................. Jumping: Novice, Excellent, Open Entry Fees: Competition - $10.00 PM Junior Handler, Veterans and NFC - $7.00 Peter Dynan .................................Agility: Novice, Excellent, Open Catalogue: Published on Agility SA Facebook page 2 days prior. Paul Schroeder ..................................... Master: Agility & Jumping Printed copy on request $5.00 Rose Ince ................................ Jumping: Open, Excellent, Novice Awards: 1st place all qualifiers, all heights except Open 1st place The Club reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge if necessary only Junior Handler, Veterans and NFC entries are encouraged. Sashes: Available on request for all qualifiers SACA Rep: Victor Jordan Entries to: Trial Secretary: Nadege Wauchope, Trial Manager: Gill Schroeder 25 Jones Crescent, Elizabeth East SA 5112 Vetting: By committee Phone 0409 094 068
GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF SA INC DOUBLE AGILITY & JUMPING TRIALS incorporating “The Shannon Memorial Shield” To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the S.A.C.A. Inc.,
SUNDAY 25TH AUGUST 2019 - 9.00am and not before 1.00pm PEDIGREE PARK, WEST BEACH Judges AM Brian Fielder .........................................................................All Agility Classes Noeline Chapman ............................................................ All Jumping Classes Judges PM Tamara Holmes.....................................................................All Agility Classes Kiersten Coulter............................................................... All Jumping Classes Exhibitors are responsible for abiding by the Agility Safety Guidelines SACA Representative: Gillian Smith Trial Manager: Jenny DeLucia Vetting by Committee AM Trial 8.00am – 8.30am PM Trial 12.00pm – 12.30pm (Bitches without proof of desexing only) All dogs to pass checkpoint by close. Entry Fees: $10.00 Members – Please mark entry form clearly AM or PM Trial. Entries not marked will be placed in the PM Trial. Catalogues: $3.00 both trials to be ordered and paid for with entry or
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emailed free 2 days before trial. Please include email address on entry form if requesting email catalogue. Trophies: First Place Qualifying in each class in each height category. The “Shannon Memorial Shield” will be competed for in the PM Trial and will be presented to the winning team and replicas will be presented to the 3 winning team members. Teams must be nominated by close of vetting for the PM Trial. Rules available from the Trial Manager. Sashes: Available for all Qualifying Scores on request These trials are not time trials and are one (1) course only per class for all height categories. Entries to The Secretary, GSDC of SA Inc, PO Box 714, Glenelg SA 5045 Please make cheques payable to GSDC of SA Inc Please provide a SSAE for return of receipt of entry if required
PARA DISTRICT OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC OBEDIENCE TRIAL To be held under the Constitution and Rules of the SACA Inc
SATURDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER 2019 at 10.00am JENKINS RESERVE, SAINTS ROAD, SALISBURY Judges Anne Twaddle ...........................................................CCD/Novice Tony Brennan ......................................................................Open Jan Brabham .......................................................................Open Kathy Millington ...................................................................Utility Neil MacDonald .......................................................UDX & Utility The club reserves the right to appoint a reserve judge if necessary
SACA Rep: Gillian Smith Trial Manager: Victor Jordan
Vetting: By Committee
ANKC SURVEY for Breeders of Labrador Retrievers
Vetting Time: 9.15 am to 9.45 am. Bitches without proof of desexing only. All dogs to pass checkpoint by close. Entry Fees: $10.00 Order of Judging: All rings simultaneously, except UDX before Utility and Novice before CCD Trophies: 1st, 2nd and 3rd to CCD and Novice only Sashes: 7R TXDOL¿HUV RQ UHTXHVW Entries to: Jess Huser, 24 Midway Road, Elizabeth East SA 5112 Phone: 0433 654 116
In accordance with Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registrations Clause 8.17 an online survey is now available from the link provided below where ANKC is seeking feedback as to whether a Litter Registration Limitation is to be applied to litters mated on or after 1 June 2020 where the minimum breeding age for Labrador bitches is 18 months at the time of mating (unless a veterinary certificate is produced stating that for health reasons the bitch should be mated before 18 months). If litter registration limitations are approved for the Minimum Breeding Age for Labrador Retriever bitches,
BORDER COLLIE CLUB OF NSW INC 5TH NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW, HERDING, OBEDIENCE, RALLY, AGILITY, JUMPING & DANCES WITH DOGS TRIALS Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th October 2019 Venue: Bill Spilstead Complex For Canine Affairs, 44 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills NSW
breeders of litters whelped on or after 1st June, 2020, will be required to comply with the requirements as a prerequisite to registration of any litter on the ANKC Ltd Main Register. Litters which do not meet the above requirements will only be able to be placed on the Limited Register and will be flagged not to be upgraded. A majority of registered owners within the breed and responding to this survey must be in favour before approval is given by the ANKC Ltd. Survey link: https://www.getfeedback.com/r/t2eX17D0 Responses to the survey are required by 24 August 2019.
• General & Colour Printing • Digital Printing & Copying • Office Stationery Supplies • General Binding Services
JUDGES Mrs H Poschacher (Austria) Breed Mrs L Ellery (NZ) Agility, Jumping, Games Mrs E Barnhart (USA) Property Mr R Carlson (VIC) Obedience Mrs V Harris (NSW) Rally Mrs C Hamilton (USA) Herding Miss V Etherington OAM (NSW), Mrs J Stewart (NSW) & Mrs M Yarbury (NSW) Dances With Dogs FULL SCHEDULE AVAILABLE AT www.5thbordercollienational.com Online Entries (Breed) Show Manager (Performance) K9 Entries Postal Entries Ms L Cook, 110 Georges River Road, Jannali NSW 2226 • Phone 0416 382 138 Cheques made payable to Border Collie Club of NSW Inc
• Self Inking Stamps
• Graphic Design modbury press northern stationery centre 91 Research Road POORAKA SA 5095 t 08) 8262 6133 f 08) 8260 5296 e mp@modburypress.com.au
peopleinprint July 2019
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2 0 1 9 E x h i b i t i o n D at e s July 6th (Saturday)
7th (Sunday)
13th (Saturday)
14th (Sunday)
20th (Saturday)
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The Murray Valley Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 8.30am – Mannum Football Grounds, Cnr North Terrace & Hardy Street – Entries close 24.06.2019 – Schedule May magazine The Murray Valley Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - not before 12.30pm – Mannum Football Grounds, Cnr North Terrace & Hardy Street – Entries close 24.06.2019 – Schedule May magazine Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Trials for Gundogs – 7.30am – Narrung Road, Meningie – Entries close 24.06.2019 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc – Endurance Test – 8.00am – Pedigree Park, West Beach – Entries close 26.06.2019 – Schedule May magazine The Murray Valley Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am – Mannum Football Grounds, Cnr North Terrace & Hardy Street – Entries close 24.06.2019 – Schedule May magazine Port Adelaide Obedience Dog Club Inc – Obedience & Rally Trials - 9.30am & not before 12.00noon – 541 Victoria Road, Osborne – Entries close 14.06.2019 – Schedule May magazine Adelaide Lure Coursing & Racing Club Inc – Lure Coursing Trial - 9.30am- Thomas Moore College, 23 Amsterdam Crescent, Salisbury Downs – Entries close 28.06.2019 Siberian Husky & Alaskan Malamute Club of SA Inc – Weightpull Event - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 07.07.2019 Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Trials for Gundogs - 7.30am – Narrung Road, Meningie – Entries close 24.06.2019 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc – Agility & Jumping Trials - 9.00am & not before 1.00pm – Pedigree Park, West Beach – Entries close 03.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine Dances With Dogs Club of SA Inc – Dances With Dogs Competition - not before 2.30pm and not before 5.30pm – Estonian House, 200 Jeffcott Terrace, North Adelaide – Entries close 25.06.2019 Terrier Club of SA Inc – Earthdog Trials – not before 11.00am and not before 12noon – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 08.07.2019 Metropolitan Kennel Club Inc – Open Show 8.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 08.07.2019 – Schedule July magazine Metropolitan Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - not before 11.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 08.07.2019 – Schedule July magazine Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc – Obedience Trial - 9.00am – 52 Field Day Drive, Barmera – Entries close 05.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc – Rally Trial – not before 1.00am – 52 Field Day Drive, Barmera – Entries close 05.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc – DWD
21st (Sunday)
26th (Friday)
27th (Saturday)
28th (Sunday)
Trial – 6.00pm – 52 Field Day Drive, Barmera – Entries close 05.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc – Tracking Trial – Adelaide Hills Monarto Area – Entries close 30.06.2019 British Bulldog Club of SA Inc – Open Show 10.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 13.07.2019 Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc – Obedience Trial - 9.00am – 52 Field Day Drive, Barmera – Entries close 05.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc – Rally Trial – not before 1.00am – 52 Field Day Drive, Barmera – Entries close 05.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc – DWD Trial – 9.00am – 52 Field Day Drive, Barmera – Entries close 05.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Siberian Husky & Alaskan Malamute Club of SA Inc – Weightpull Event - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 21.07.2019 Newfoundland Club of SA Inc – Championship Show 9.00am Marion Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – 10.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 01.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Marion Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 9.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 01.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Weimaraner Club of SA Inc – Championship Show9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 05.07.2018 Hungarian Vizsla Club of SA Inc – Championship Show – 8.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 23.07.2019 Dobermann Club of SA Inc – Open Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 20.07.2019 Agility Dog Club of SA Inc – Agility Trial & Jumping Trials - 9.00am & not before 1.00pm – Barratt Reserve, West Beach Road, West Beach – Entries close 15.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc - Retrieving Trial – 7.30am – Pelican Point Road, Morgan – Entries close 19.07.2019 Marion Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 9.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 01.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Weimaraner Club of SA Inc – Open Show - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 05.07.2019 Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Rally Trials – 10.00am and not before 1.00pm – Wheatsheaf Road, Morphett Vale – Entries close 19.07.2019 – Schedule May magazine Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc - Retrieving Trial
– 7.30am – Pelican Point Road, Morgan – Entries close 19.07.2019
August 3rd (Saturday)
4th (Sunday)
10th (Saturday)
11th (Sunday)
16th (Friday) July 2019
17th (Saturday) Golden Retriever Club of SA Inc – Open Show 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 20.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine Golden Retriever Club of SA Inc – Championship Show – not before 10.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 20.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine Golden Retriever Club of SA Inc – Gundog Restricted Obedience Trial - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close June magazine Siberian Husky & Alaskan Malamute Club of SA Inc – Weightpull Event - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 03.08.2019 Golden Retriever Club of SA Inc – Championship Show - 9.30am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 20.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc – Rally Trials - 9.00am & not before 12noon – Pedigree Park, West Beach – Entries close 19.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine Dogs SA Earthdog Advisory Committee – Earthdog Test – not before 10.00am, not before 11.00am, not before 12 noon – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 29.07.2019 Adelaide Lure Coursing & Racing Club Inc – Lure Coursing Trial – 9.00am – 23 Amsterdam Crescent, Salisbury Downs – Entries close 26.07.2019 Rottweiler Club of SA Inc – Track and Search Trial – not before 8.00am Adelaide Suburbs – Entries close 14.07.2019 Northern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am and not before 12 noon – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 01.08.2019 – Schedule July magazine Para District Obedience Dog Club Inc – Rally Trials - 9.00am & not before 11.00am – Jenkins Reserve, Saints Road, Salisbury – Entries close 29.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc – Tracking Trial 8.00 am Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Trials for Gundogs – 8.00am – Schramm Drive, Loveday – Entries close 05.08.2019 Toy Dog Club of SA Inc – Championship Shows – 9.00am and not before 12 noon – Dogs SA Hall, David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 02.08.2019 – Schedule July magazine Gawler Dog Training Club Inc – Games Trials – 10.00am and not before 12 noon – Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, Willaston – Entries close 29.07.2019 – Schedule July magazine Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc – Retrieving Trials for Gundogs – 8.00am – Schramm Drive, Loveday – Entries close 05.08.2019 Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc – Tracking Trial – Adelaide Hills Monarto Area – Entries close 21.07.2019 SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – 10.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell
18th (Sunday)
23rd (Friday)
24th (Saturday)
25th (Sunday)
30th (Friday)
31st (Saturday)
Road, Kilburn – Entries close 31.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 31.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc – Agility, Jumping, Games Trials - 8.30am, 10.30am, 12.30pm – Riverland Exhibition Centre, 52 Field Day Drive, Barmera - Entries close 02.08.2019 – Schedule June magazine RAFT Committee Advisory State Championships - 7.30am – Riverland – Entries close 05.08.2019 SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show - 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 31.07.2019 – Schedule June magazine Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc – Agility, Jumping, Games Trials – 9.00am, 11.00am, 2.00pm – Riverland Exhibition Centre, 52 Field Day Drive, Barmera - Entries close 02.08.2019 – Schedule June magazine Dogs SA Earthdog Advisory Committee – Earthdog Test – not before 11.00am, not before 12.00 noon – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 12.08.2019 RAFT Committee Advisory State Championships – 7.30am – Riverland – Entries close 05.08.2019 Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – 6.00pm – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 16.08.2019 – Schedule June magazine Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc – 100th Anniversary Championship Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 16.08.2019 – Schedule June magazine Siberian Husky & Alaskan Malamute Club of SA Inc – Championship Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 20.08.2019 – Schedule June magazine Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Inc – Agility Trials - 9.00am and not before 12 noon – Vincent Road, Smithfield Plains – Entries close 06.08.2019 – Schedule July magazine Herding Dog Club of SA Inc – Herding Trial Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show – 9.00am – David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn – Entries close 16.08.2019 – Schedule June magazine German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc – Agility & Jumping Trials - 9.00am and not before 1.00pm – Pedigree Park, West Beach – Entries close 16.08.2019 – Schedule July magazine Herding Dog Club of SA Inc – Herding Trial 2019 Royal A & H Society Inc Royal Adelaide Show 30th August to 8th September 2019 – Championship Show, Obedience & Rally Trials, Agility Trial, Weightpull Event German Shorthaired Pointer Club of SA Inc – Championship Show – not before 2.30pm – Wayville Showgrounds, Goodwood Road, Wayville – Entries close 16.08.2019 Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc – Tracking Trial 8.00am – Adelaide Hills Monarto Area – Entries close 11.08.2019 Tenterfield Terrier of SA Inc – Championship Show
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SECRETARIES AND CONVENORS Adelaide Districts Working Dog Club Inc: Sharyn Ely, 9 Jemima Court, Two Wells, SA 5501 (0404 760 965). Adelaide Kennel Club Inc: Mrs Anne McEvoy, PO Box 67, Birdwood SA 5234 (0438 682 784). Adelaide Lure Coursing & Racing Club: Mrs. Karen Pratt, 76 Osprey Parade, Hewett 5118 (7509 7664). *Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience Club Inc: Mrs Moira Senior, PO Box 313, Mallala, SA 5502 (0438 255 893). Agility Dog Club of SA Inc: Michele Steggall, 10 Michel Avenue, Plympton 5038 (8297 0010). All Breeds Dog Club of SA Inc: Mrs G. Lewis, 3319 Jervois Rd., Wellington 5259 (0407 713 113). Australian Cattle Dog Club of SA Inc: Mrs C Redhead, 92 Princes Hwy, Mt Osmond 5064 (8379 1995). Australian Terrier Club of SA Inc: Ms J Wilson, 8 Hill Street, Mount Barker SA 5251 (0400 036 843). Beagle Club of SA Inc: Mr G Radcliffe, 207 Dawkins Rd., Lewiston 5501 (8524 3282). Bernese Mountain Dog Club of SA Inc: Ms Joanne Kelly, 3/330 Brighton Road, North Brighton, SA 5048 (0419 313 072). *Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Inc: Vicki Josephs, PO Box 1343, Mt Gambier, SA 5290 British Bulldog Club of SA Inc: Mrs. Debbie Bartholomew, 21 Aunger Road, Lewiston, SA 5501 0407 794 668), Bullmastiff Club of SA Inc: Becci Dawson, PO Box 777, Gawler SA 5118 (8528 5212 / 0409 090 041) Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc: Mrs M Lowden, 336/1075 Grand Junction Rd., Hope Valley 5090 (8264 5641) Canine Fanciers Kennel Club Inc: Mrs Samantha Burns, PO Box 30, Callington, SA 5254 (0400 897 743). Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of SA Inc: Sally Paterson, 8 Flinders Avenue, Fairview Park 5126 (0439 558 923) Chihuahua Club of SA Inc: Mrs. Jenifer Nichols, PO Box 2143, Salisbury Downs, SA 5108 0418 837 672), Collie Club of SA Inc: Mr. D. Johnson, PO Box 13, Oakbank, SA 5243 (8388 4085). Dalmatian Club of SA Inc: Ms. K. Harvey, PO Box 277, Woodside 5244 (8538 7086). Dances with Dogs Club of SA Inc: Jenny McLoughlin, 14 Hannay St, Largs Bay SA 5016 8449 3810 / 0412 378 820) Dobermann Club of SA Inc: Natalie Griffin, 52 California Avenue, Craigmore, SA 5114. (0412 082 458). *Dover Gardens Kennel & Obedience Club Inc: Eric Hopkins, PO Box 91, Parkholme SA 5043 (8298 7842) Dublin Kennel Club Inc: Mrs. V. Carter, PO Box 7, Lower Light 5501 (8520 2076). *Fleurieu Dog Obedience Club Inc: Mr. Ian Powell, PO Box 2026, Victor Harbor, SA 5211 (0414 845317 / 8552 1673). *Gawler Dog Training Club Inc: Miss Bronwen Wills, PO Box 528, Gawler, SA 5118 (0424 590 714). Gawler Kennel Club Inc: Cathy Elliot, 8 Archer Street, Hamley Bridge 5401 (0408 830 656). *Gepps Cross Dog Training Centre Inc: Mr. Berry Treffers, PO Box 425, Ingle Farm, SA 5098. (0434 485 331). *German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc: Mr Stephen Collins, PO Box 714, Glenelg, SA 5045 (0419 212 749). German Shorthaired Pointer Club of SA Inc: Mrs C Billett, PO Box 1217, Echunga 5153 (0447 009 919)
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Golden Retriever Club of SA Inc: Ruth Thompson, PO Box 279, Gumeracha SA 5233 Phone 0419 045 468 *Gundog Club of SA Inc: Monica McCaffery, PO Box 103, Meadows, SA 5201 (8388 3562). Herding Dog Club of SA Inc: Jean Milnes, 8 Green Way, Myponga 5202 (0401 469 901). Hound Club of SA Inc: Mrs Fiona Danaher, PO Box 1019, Mount Barker SA 5251 (0419 871 931) Hungarian Vizsla Club of SA Inc: Mrs Julie Wallis, 80 Gordon Street, Albert Park, SA 5014 (0417 845 977). Irish Wolfhound Club of SA Inc: Mr. J. Lewington, PO Box 101, St. Agnes 5097 (8251 2505). Jack Russell Terrier Club of SA Inc: Robyn Bennett, 13 Churcher Avenue, Blakeview, SA 5114 (0449 752 027). Junior Kennel Club of SA Inc: Mr Ashley Wittenberg, 21 Wecoma St., Holden Hill 5088 (8261 7607). *Klever Kanine Dog Obedience School Inc: Avenue, Lynette Huebusch, 14 Possingham Redwood Park, SA 5097 (0423 215 414). Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc: Mr. N. McLaren, PO Box 598, Mt. Compass, SA 5214 (0427 004 017). Le Fevre Kennel Club Inc: Mrs J. Brabham, 2 Muir Ave., Parkholme 5043 (8276 4025). Marion Kennel Club Inc: Rebecca Sommer, 22 Norfolk Street, Craigmore 5114 (0402 202 183). Metropolitan Kennel Club of S.A. Inc: Mrs T. Matthews, 1 Conygham Avenue, Modbury Heights 5092 (0411 618 678) Millicent Kennel Club Inc: Ms J. Allen, PO Box 751, Millicent 5280 (0408 33-3823). Mount City & District Kennel Club Inc: Mrs. L. Harris-Walker, PO Box 3087, Mount Gambier, SA 5290 (0417 859 647). Mount Gambier A & H Society Inc: Janelle Bradley, PO Box 106, Mt. Gambier 5290. *Munno Para Dog Obedience Club Inc: Sharon Kolze PO Box 239, Smithfield 5114 (8523 0515). Naracoorte Kennel Club Inc: Mr. D. Fiebiger, 28 McIntosh Street, Nangwarry 5277 (0417 834 805). Newfoundland Club of SA Inc: Leah Buitenhuis, 15 Skipper Street, Mount Barker, SA 5251 (0423 688 321). *Noarlunga City Obedience Dog Club Inc: Denise Quemard, PO Box 377, Morphett Vale 5162 (0414 650 349) *Northern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc: M. Kozulic, P.O. Box 88, Elizabeth 5112 (7289 1947). Old English Sheepdog Club of SA Inc: Evelyn Copley, 14 Oberon Court, Hillbank 5112 (0404 976 796). *Para District Obedience Dog Club Inc: Dr. C. Nottle, PO Box 497, Salisbury 5108 (0448 809 191). *Port Adelaide Obedience Dog Club Inc: Ms. V. Koch, P.O. Box 1006, North Haven, SA 5018 (8248 0102). Port Pirie Kennel Club Inc: Mr J. Nickholds, 189 Hayman Road, Lewiston, SA 5501 (8524 2113). *Port Pirie Obedience Dog Club Inc: Mrs Y. Young, PO Box 203, Port Pirie 5540 (8632 5738). Pug Club of SA Inc: Mrs. S. Willie, PO Box 451, Campbelltown. SA 5074 (0418 955 176). Retrieving & Field Trials Club of SA Inc: Jessie Hughes, PO Box 168, Prospect, SA 5082 (0407 253 750). Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of SA Inc: Linda Castle, 17 Valley Road, Highbury, SA 5089 (8263 3114). *Riverland Dog Training & Kennel Club Inc: Mrs S. Laidler, PO Box 429, Berri, S.A. 5343 (8582 2799).
*Rottweiler Club of SA Inc: Ms. Allison Wells, PO Box 836, Morphett Vale, SA 5162 (0427 165 518). Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of SA Inc: PO Box 108, Goodwood 5034. (8210 5211). *SA Obedience Dog Club Inc: Dr Judy Zollo, PO Box 7049 Hutt Street, Adelaide 5000 (8223 6626). SA Poultry & Kennel Club Inc: Mrs. L. Bennett, 25 Hancock Drive, Lewiston, SA 5501 (8520 2882, 0411 206 130). Samoyed Club of SA Inc: Mrs. L. Chapman-Stevens, 19 The Parade, Blair Athol, SA 5084 (0403 713 503). Shetland Sheepdog Club of SA Inc: Mrs C Spangler, PO Box 26, Happy Valley 5159 (8325 1820). Siberian Husky & Alaskan Malamute Club of SA Inc: Lin Burger, PO Box 1603, Virginia, SA 5120 (0400 807 028). Southern Agricultural Soc Inc.: Mrs Gayle Garratt, PO Box 399, Victor Harbor, SA 5211 (0419 494 275). *Southern Districts Kennel & Obedience Dog Club Inc: Mrs M. Barrett, 5 Barbados Dve., Seaford Rise 5169 (8386-1933). *Spencer Gulf Obedience Dog Club Inc: Mrs.Jenny Brown, PO Box 2117, Whyalla Norrie, SA 5608 (0401 894 062). Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of SA Inc: Ms. Jo Rasche, PO Box 123, Munno Para, SA 5115 (0419 853 329). Tenterfield Terrier Club of SA Inc: Mrs. Nickola Ramsey, PO Box 551, Dublin, SA 5501 (0417 825 852). Terrier Club of SA Inc: Ms. F. Mackness, 4 Blackthorn Ave., Hawthorndene 5051 (8278 5546). The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc: Ms Kerryn Harvey, PO Box 277, Woodside SA 5244 (0402 866 822). The Murray Valley Kennel Club Inc: Debbie Younger, PO Box 119 Tungkillo, SA 5236 (0428 430 266). The Papillon Club of SA: Alison Greenlees, 28/100 Sir James Hardy Way, Woodcroft 5162 (0419 850 258) The Schnauzer Club of SA Inc: Mrs. Coral Gray, PO Box 102, Two Wells, SA 5501 (0417 963 783). The Toy Dog Club of SA Inc: Ms. K. Lewis, P.O. Box 632, Stirling 5152 (8388 0022). Tracking Dog Club of SA Inc: Amanda Bettesworth, 14 Mathoura Street, Sheidow Park 5158 (0417 936 870). Weimaraner Club of SA Inc: Ms. Krystle Wells, 16 Dundee Close, Strathalbyn, SA 5255 (0418 818 528). Welsh Corgi Club of SA Inc: Mrs K. Flynn, 93 Dawkins Rd., Lewiston, SA 5501 (8520 3072) Whippet & Greyhound Club of SA Inc: Mrs D Jolly, 22 Parker Avenue, Strathalbyn, SA 5255 (0402 812 202). White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc: Susan Mertineit, 225 Hayman Road, Lewiston, SA 5501 (0403 790 857). [*Obedience clubs or obedience and conformation clubs.]
DOGS SA COMMITTEES Winter International: Mr L. Heilmann, P.O. Box 13, Oakbank 5243 (8388 4085).
SOCIAL CLUBS Bearded Collie Club of SA: Mrs. V. Clark, PO Box 800, Strathalbyn 5255 (8536-2492). Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of SA Inc: JulieColeman, PO Box 299, Mount Barker 5251 (0401 839 459).
BLAKES CROSSING OPEN DAILY 8AM to 7PM 41 Village Tce, Blakeview Ph. 08 7231 3000 BLAKES TIVER ROAD Open Mon to Fri 8AM to 7PM Now Open Sat 8AM to 12PM 5 Tiver Road, Evanston South Ph. 08 7231 3099
TOP DOG IN REPRODUCTION AFFORDABLE 24HR EMERGENCY SERVICE CALL US ON 08 7231 3000 Surgery Services Reproduction Services Desexing Seasoned knowledge in Orthopaedics Breeding & Whelping Soft Tissue Surgery In-house Progesterone Other Services Testing and Pathology Boarding Facilities TCI, Surgical & Vaginal Short & Long Term Artificial Insemination Semen Analysis & Freezing Greyhound Australasia approved facility (Based on the Camelot Ultrasound Services System) Digital X-Ray Services Semen Storage Hip & Elbow Scoring Loads of Breeding Puppy Classes packages available
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