Volume 2 | Issue 4
Desert Oasis Key Club | Division 28 South | Region 5 | Cali-Nev-Ha District
CONTACT INFO President: Ashleigh Quiambao desertoasiskc.pres@gmail.com Executive VP: Ashley Chavez desertoasiskc.vice@gmail.com VP of Service: Stephanie Mallari desertoasiskc.vpservice@gmail.com VP of Spirit: Jaelyn Adriel Beltran desertoasiskc.vpspirit@gmail.com Secretary: Dylan Cosby desertoasis.sec@gmail.com Treasurer: Heart Eilenor Asuncion desertoasiskc.tres@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Denise Yamauchi desertoasiskc.be@gmail.com Join the Minecraft server! Contact us for the IP address! Please contact Dylan to receive an invite to the discord!