Popular psychology 03

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psychology POPULAR 03/2014

Tips to improve your life



Secrets To Staying Young Alexandra Potora

Having A Whole Lot Of



5 Top Self-Improvement Apps

In this Issue

6 Web links

TIPS FOR A BETTER LIFE Bad Habits 17 How Good Habits Can Turn into Bad Habits Feng Shui 20 Making Feng Shui Personal Life Coach 24 Taking A Big Step: Coaching A Life

7 Interview with Alexandra Potora

Staying Young 27 Celebrity Secrets To Staying Young Stress Management 30 It’s not always about you

LOVE AND HAPPINESS Happiness 37 Tend To Your Own Happiness Improve Your Marriage 40 Staying a Couple Relationship 43 How to be the most perfect partner


13 A ttraction

What is the Universal Law of Attraction?

34 D ating

Five Questions That Will Heat Up Your Date Night

Finance 52 Making Financial Choices Job 55 Should You Quit Your Job Before Finding a New One? Success 58 Inspiration

SELF DEVELOPMENT Psychology 65 The Habit of Identity Self Confidence 68 Be an action taker instead of an excuse maker Self Determination 72 Impossible is Just a Word

49 Career Tips

The Best CareerPlanning Tips


April 2014

62 P ersonal Development How to Make a Personal Development

Self Improvement 75 Finding Your Strengths And How To Use Them! 78 How to improve your time management skills www.poppsymag.com

Apps reviews

Top Self-Improvement Apps




An app that helps you resolve problems, get motivated, or deal with other “stuck” moments. Unstuck does exactly what it’s name says, it helps you get unstuck by leading you through a series of questions, with room for you to type in your thoughts, select from relevant feelings, and more, all in the hopes of “diagnosing” your unique unstuck moment.

An app where you share positive moments in your day with a simple note or photo. The Happier team created the app after being inspired by research that shows when you acknowledge and share positive things you become happier, healthier and more productive.

Stress Check is an innovative app that turns your mobile device into an easy-to-use, highly accurate tool for measuring and tracking the physiological signs of stress. By assessing and recording your stress levels on a regular basis using Stress Check, you can use this data to develop your own personal stress management plan to help reduce your risk of stress-related illnesses and disease.

The app allows you to take action in an instant with 11 free tools and 50+ targeted tips. Each Unstuck tool is designed to kick-start success for specific kinds of stuck moments. Unstuck is not just some multiple choice personality test; it works intuitively to help you in solving your particular problem. Available for: iOS Customer Ratings: Price: Free Download: iTunes


April 2014

You need to connect your Facebook account to use Happier, so unfortunately, anyone without a Facebook account can’t use this app. Other than that, getting started couldn’t be easier. You’re encouraged to share three happy moments each day. As with any type of journaling app, remembering to keep Happier up-to-date isn’t always easy. You can set morning, afternoon, and evening reminders. Available for: iOS and Android Customer Ratings: Price: Free Download: iTunes Google play (Testing)

Using the free version of the Stress Check app, you can measure your current physiological stress levels on your mobile device, record up to 5 measurements and track the effects of different stressors on your HRV. Stress Check utilizes a method of quantitative stress level assessment developed by Biocom Technologies, a well-known developer of various professional health assessment technologies. Available for: iOS and Android Customer Ratings: Price: Free Download: iTunes • Google play


Web reviews

Web links



Google + has a lot of communities on the topics of personal development, motivation, self-improvement, positive thinking or spirituality.

Positive Psychology is a group on Facebook which deals with the topic of what makes life worth living. As they say, it is the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, organizations, and communities to flourish.

Self Help Tips & Inspiration is one such community. There are four basic parts: Discussion, Introduce Yourself, Self Help Tips and Events. You can send your thoughts, words, ideas, photos, anything that fits into one of the topics.

Primary elements of human flourishing are: positive emotion, engagement, good relationships, meaning, accomplishment.

You may also submit your problem, and ask people to give their comments or advice. Sometimes it’s just a warm word or sharing the experience enough to help.

Primary positive emotions are: joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, love.

Or if you just like to read, every day you can find new inspirational graphics, motivational quotes and useful links.

You can make a request to the administrator to become a member of the group. After approval, you can set the post, or comment on existing posts. Each new post must also be approved by the administrator.

Community is founded by Alexandra Potora.


April 2014

The group currently has more than 24,000 members and publishes new posts every day. It is a good source of excellent articles.

QUORA The main slogan on the front page of the website probably best describes what is Quora - Quora is your best source for knowledge. It is simply a Questions-and-Answers site with a voting system attached. You need to sign up with Google, Facebook, Twitter or your email. After that, you will be offered different topics, like Science, Education, Health and Wellness, Psychology or Philosophy, of which you have to choose five topics that will follow. Quora has attracted experts in numerous fields, so a lot of the people answering questions are highly qualified in a particular field. The voting system keeps only the best answers visible so you aren’t seeing junky answers from people trying to self-promote. You can ask questions or to seek a similar question and read the best answers. Given that there are many members, you will certainly get, or find the answer you need.


Alexandra Potora

Having A Whole Lot Of



April 2014


Law of Attraction

What is the

Universal Law of Attraction? The Universal Law of Attraction states: We attract whatever we choose to give our attention to –whether wanted or unwanted.


April 2014


Famous People Quotes Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill

Mark Twain

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu


April 2014

All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion and desire. Aristotle


Bad Habits


Good Habits Can Turn into Bad Habits It is not uncommon for good habits to morph into bad habits. This often happens when good habits are taken to an extreme. This is why people should be aware of their behavior, even when it might seem positive.


April 2014


Feng Shui


Feng Shui Personal

Keeping Yourself Fresh and Energized

by Kathryn WEBER

Feng shui is often called the Chinese Art of Placement. But you can use feng shui in so many ways beyond how you arrange your home. Feng shui can also be very personal — you can apply it to the way you dress, look, and act. Let’s talk about a few of the ways you apply feng shui to yourself to stay fresh and energized.


April 2014



psychology POPULAR


Life Coach

Taking A Big Step:

Coaching A Life At your first encounter of the term ‘life skill coach’ you may think how absurd it is to be able to coach some other persons’ life. But it is definitely possible to do that. There is more to coaching than the term it self.

Staying Young



To Staying

Young Whether we idolize them or criticize their behavior, there’s no denying that celebrities now are the epitome of beauty. But how come they are often mistaken for their ageat their flattery at that. Well, let’s find out some secrets why celebrities look younger than they are.


April 2014


Stress Management


ABOUT YOU By Gordon Tredgold

One of the biggest lesson I learned in recent years was that, when there appears to be an issues with a boss, a colleague, a partner or maybe just a friend, and you don’t understand why they are acting this way towards you, more often than not – “It’s not always about you”.


April 2014



Share your experience! Have you ever read a self-help book, article or blog? Have you tried to apply these tips to your life? Whether it was successful? Share your experiences, good or bad, with readers from around the world! Help others with your life story.

The best articles will be published in our magazine! SEND US YOUR STORY!

Read the detailed instructions and rules of use on our website www.poppsymag.com


Five Questions That Will Heat Up Your

Date Night

With a few of the right questions and a glint in your eye you can have a date where you will want to skip dessert, race home and add to your storybook.


April 2014



Tend To Your Own


Many of us wish for more happiness. We want to lead happier, more fulfilling, lives, but the sad truth is that so many of us that wish for more happiness spend much more time tending the happiness of others than we do tending to our own happiness. 37

April 2014


Improve Your Marriage

Staying a Couple

Do you remember when you and your spouse were dating? It seemed as if you both couldn’t get enough of each other. You most likely spent time holding hands, smiling at each other, whispering in one another’s ears and all kinds of small little actions that kept your love exciting and new. 40

April 2014



How to be the most

perfect partner By Alexandra Potora Hello my friend, Alexandra here! Today we’ll talk about how to reach YOUR perfect in a relationship. Essentially, how to be the best partner that you can be. If you have any questions, you can contact me via Facebook (facebook.com/AlexandraPotora) or Twitter and Instagram with #askalexandra. Diving into today’s topic, I have a question for you: Have you ever been in a relationship, or are you currently in a relationship where you feel like you’re just not good


April 2014

enough? Maybe you feel you’re too frumpy too often, or maybe think that you’re not sexy enough... Something in you, feeling like you’re not good enough. Feeling like you’re not good enough is a very powerful burden. It weighs very heavily on your shoulders, and it only brings about more bad news- the image you have about yourself is belittled and unfortunately, that reflection is what other people will see of you. There’s a reason why the say

confidence shines through. Because it does! If a person is in a good mood, full of confidence, that person walks differently. This person stands taller, smiles more, provides more inspiration and is more attractive. Take the same person walking in the room a day later burdened, doubtful, tired and insecure...You don’t need me to keep going, you know the answer to this! Insecurities in your relationship are absolutely crippling. That’s why you feel even worse when you

know you’re insecure. You fear your partner will sense that. You fear your partner will find that unattractive. And it’s a vicious cycle from there. So the work we’ll talk about in more detail today, is how to nip that feeling in the butt. To accomplish that, I have 6 steps: 1. Outlining. 2. Prioritizing. 3. Identifying. 4. The Why and How. 5. The Plan. 6. The Reward So let’s jump in:






psychology POPULAR


Career Tips

The Best

Career-Planning By Marczuke


With the large variety of profession possibilities that are plentiful, many individuals are remaining worried to make the ultimate choice on how to select the right profession for them. However, you will see always a way that can provide an outline as the best career planning tips to help you get away from the demands of selecting the profession that is truly for you.


April 2014



Making Financial

Choices It can be hard to make choices in regards to your finances. But you have to get used to it. It is part of managing your money wisely and being an adult. Choices have to be made.


April 2014



Should You

Quit Your Job Before Finding a New One?

Are you unhappy with your current job? Whether you are unsatisfied with your pay, with your position, with your supervisors, or with your coworkers, you may be interested in seeking employment elsewhere. 55

April 2014



by Gordon Tredgold

Inspiration – where does it come from? One of the things that has really surprised me, as I have gone through my running a Marathon journey, is where inspiration comes from, how infectious it can be, and how people you inspire inspire you in return. It’s truly infectious. 58

April 2014



Share your experience! Have you ever read a self-help book, article or blog? Have you tried to apply these tips to your life? Whether it was successful? Share your experiences, good or bad, with readers from around the world! Help others with your life story.

The best articles will be published in our magazine! SEND US YOUR STORY! Read the detailed instructions and rules of use on our website www.poppsymag.com

Personal development

How to Make a

Personal Development Plan

By Marczuke

Do you know why there are individuals who obtained their goals in lifestyle while others did not do so? What made them effective in life? What are their tricks behind their success? If there is one factor, you should know it is the point that nothing happens by opportunity. You need to organize every individual phase properly, and you can only do this by beginning your individual development plan. 62

April 2014




Habit of Identity

In a famous experiment, students were asked to take a lemon home and to get used to it. Three days later, they were able to single out “their� lemon from a pile of rather similar ones.


April 2014


Self Confidence

action taker

Be an instead of anexcuse maker In life there is one thing we all have in common, it’s the fact that we all do have dreams and set up goals for ourselves, some people do have bigger dreams and goals than others but the real difference is that some of us do reach their goals and make their dreams come true, while some others don’t achieve anything.


April 2014

By Jeff Reech


Self Determination

IMPOSSIBLE is Just a Word

Everyone, at some point of his or her life, has dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who hasn’t fantasized about being the one who hits the game-winning homer?


April 2014


Self Improvement

Finding Your

Strengths And How To Use Them!

By Acey Gaspard

A strength is something you are naturally good at – something you have done for such a long time that you can do with it with your eyes closed. 75

April 2014


Self Improvement

How to improve your

time management

skills By Jeff Reech

I am pretty sure that you’ve heard about that “Time is Money”, but actually time is way more valuable than money, time is the most precious thing that you possess.


April 2014


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