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Workplace wellness
The fact is that good health – mental, physical, spiritual – goes a long way for a healthy work-life balance. Several studies have shown that a happier, healthier workforce is more productive. This one’s for the bosses to implement...
stretch it out Beat the stress of hectic schedules, strict deadlines and impossible clients. Make some space and roll out mats to hold yoga classes a few times a week. Maximise all the health benefits since yoga not only cures what ails the mind but also the body.
Eat Light, Feel Right Obesity, heart disease, diabetes... all common health issues in our overworked lives. Ditch the fried and sugary foods in your canteen and make way for healthier meals and snacks so your employees get wholesome foods instead of reaching for those chips or fizzy drinks.
Think PosiTive Burnout, bullying and absenteeism are only a fraction of problems your employees could be facing regularly. Up the group activities, team outings and even one-on-one conversations to boost the team spirit and camaraderie. A meditation room for some peace and quiet also helps to nurture well-being.
Take iT easy Most people work more than eight hours a day, and
surviving these long hours isn’t always an easy task. Interactive games or even a ping-pong or foosball table will get them off their devices and help recharge their batteries.
Be Active: People with desk jobs are no strangers to the aches and pains of sitting too long, staring at a screen all day or typing furiously that can lead to long-term problems. Take breaks, drink water or just catch-up with a colleague to break the monotony.