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Spreading awareness
Henry David Thoreau, the famous American essayist and historian had once said, “Goodness is the only investment that never fails”. At Landmark
Group, while fashioning a strong business has been the top goal, our priority alongside has always been to create a better world.
Keeping in sync with this quest, three initiatives in the fields of health and education were started under the aegis of the Landmark Group.
1A special social initiative in the health sector spearheaded by the group was ‘Life Ahead’, a program with an objective to encourage women dwellers in slums to inculcate healthy living practices leading to a fit lifestyle for themselves and their families. Implemented in a cluster-approach, the program included blood sugar tests for those prone to high sugar. The need for the same was underlined to the women by specialised trainers. Programmes were held to empower women with knowledge and know-how about dealing with diabetes. Keeping in mind the mix of people, training sessions were conducted in Kannada, Tamil and Hindi languages. The program enables the beneficiaries to become ‘Health Champions’ in their communities, incentivising them to work more to spread awareness. In the current year alone, capacity-building sessions have been completed for 4,387 women. SPREADING AWARENESS ABOUT DIABETES
2To further create awareness about Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD), Landmark Group has the ‘Get Active’ program, under which camps were conducted for industry workers in slum communities in Bengaluru, Delhi/NCR, Coimbatore, Kolkata, Pune and Vijayawada. making healthcare simpler
Making healthcare simpler and easier, the program helped 2,65,775 people get tested in 2018 for anemia, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and dyslipidemia – special emphasis was laid on enhanced diagnostics for diabetes and CVD. This was the first initiative in the last season and was undertaken in collaboration with IIMPACT, a Girls Education Project. By providing primary education to 300 out-of-school girls from classes I to V in Vikas Nagar and Sahaspur districts in Uttarakhand, we aimed at creating an atmosphere and culture of knowledge. The project saw learning centres being set up in the aforementioned locations, giving the young ladies an opportunity to study in an atmosphere similar to formal government school systems. By helping them with the relevant initial assistance and tutelage, the setting aimed at encouraging them to continue their education. 3 a BaCK-TOEDUCaTION PROGRaMME