1 08 genesis

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Chapter 8 1N ow God remem bered N oah (Not that God forgot him at any time, but when he sends succor (relief..aid) then he shows that he remembers them) and every beast, and all the cattle that w ere w ith him in the Ark: therefore God made a CHAPTER 8


w ind to pass upon the earth, and the w aters ceased. 2The fountains also of the deep and the w indow s of heaven w ere stopped, and the rain from heaven w as restrained. 3And the w aters returned from above the earth, going CHAPTER 8


and returning: and after the end of the hundred and fiftieth day the w aters abated ( receded). 4And in the seventh month (W hich contained part of September, and part of October), in the seventeenth day of the month, the Ark rested (Or, CHAPTER 8


stayed) upon the mountains of Ararat (Or, Armenia) 5And the w aters w ere going and decreasing until the tenth month (W hich was the month of December): in the tenth month, and in the first day of the month, w ere the tops of the mountains seen. 6So CHAPTER 8


after forty days ( Hebrew, at the end of forty days), N oah opened the w indow of the Ark w hich he had made, 7And sent forth a raven, w hich w ent out, going forth and returning, until the w aters w ere dried up upon the earth. 8Again he sent a CHAPTER 8


dove from him, that he might see if the w aters w ere diminished from of the earth. 9But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot: therefore she returned unto him into the Ark (for the waters were upon the whole earth) and he put forth CHAPTER 8


his hand, and received her, and took her to him into the Ark. (the raven flew back and forth, resting on the Ark, but it did not come inside, as the dove that was taken in) 10And he abode yet another seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the Ark. 11And CHAPTER 8


the dove came to him in the evening, and lo in her mouth (Or, bill) w as an olive leaf that she had plucked (W hich was a sign that the waters were much diminished: for the olives grow not on the high mountains): w hereby N oah knew that the w aters w ere abated CHAPTER 8


from of the earth. 12N otw ithstanding, he w aited yet another seven days, and sent forth the dove, w hich returned not again unto him anymore. The flood ceases 13And in the six hundred and one year, in the first day of the CHAPTER 8


first month (Called in Hebrew Abib, containing part of March and part of April), the w aters w ere dried up from of the earth: and N oah removed the covering of the Ark, and looked, and behold, the upper part of the ground w as dry. 14And in the CHAPTER 8


second month, in the seven and tw entieth day of the month, w as the earth dry. 15Then God spake to N oah, saying, N oah is commanded to leave the Ark w ith his family 16Go forth of the Ark, thou, and thy w ife, and thy sons, and thy sons’w ives CHAPTER 8


w ith thee. 17Bring forth w ith thee every beast that is w ith thee, of all flesh, both fow l and cattle, and everything that creepeth and moveth upon the earth, that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and bring forth fruit and CHAPTER 8


increase upon the earth. *Genesis 1:22 Then God blessed them, saying, Bring forth fruit and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let the fowl multiply in the earth. *Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, Bring forth fruit, and multiply, and replenish the earth. 18So N oah CHAPTER 8


came forth, and his sons, and his w ife, and his sons’ w ives w ith him. 19Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fow l, all that moveth upon the earth, after their kinds, w ent out of the Ark. He sacrifces to the Lord. 20Then N oah built CHAPTER 8


an altar to the Lord, and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fow l, and offered burnt offerings upon the altar. (For sacrifces which were as an exercise of their faith, where they used to give thanks to God for their benefit) 21And the Lord smelled a savor of CHAPTER 8


rest, and the Lord said in his heart, I w ill henceforth curse the ground no more for man’ s cause: for the *I MAGI N ATI ON OF MAN ’ S HEART* is evil, even from his youth: neither w ill I smite anymore all things living, as I have done. CHAPTER 8


*Genesis 6:5 W hen the Lord saw that the wickednessof man was great in the earth, and all the *IMAGINATIONS OF THE THOUGHTS OF HIS HEART* were only evil continually.


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