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February 2015 December19, 1, 2016
Alicia Ashcroft
Shoe a day of remembrance OneMemorial of a kind gallery show As1989, I walked into Mr.were Clare’s Grade 5/6 at In 14 women murdered byclass a lone RL Clemitson Elementary, the kidsde were just in gunman at l’École Polytechnique Montréal. thewas midst choosing who got to handcraft inviIt anofact of malicious, methodical and tations to Mayor and Council for their upcommisogynistic intent. The Parliament of Canada ing gallery show at Exposure marked December 6, the dayPhotography of the attack,right the here in Downtown Kamloops. moston of National Day of RemembranceExcited, and Action the kids were eager to show off their art skills Violence against Women in Canada. and invite such notables in our community to a The day now stands to remember, not just project they have worked so hard on. those 14the women, butofallExposure the missing and murUnder direction Photography dered women and victims of violence. partner, photographer and RLC parent Sara Lynn Chasse spends honouring her Schreiner, the class has that beenday planning, organizmother who died in 2000. Dorothee McLaughing and producing their own gallery art show lin had feared her life; her ex-boyfriend, complete withfor original artwork and charitiesan of abusive stalker, was terrorizing choice to give the proceeds to. her for weeks before gunning thethe 57-year-old grandmother “We are donating money we raise to JDRF downthein school the parking of a Quesnel restaurant. and gym lot equipment fund,” explain The Canadian Women’s the kids. “We have a sisterFoundation and friend states in the that, “the time for an abused school withmost Typedangerous 1 diabetes.” orThe victimized woman is whendiabetes she attempts to kids went on to explain and how leave herher abuser.” Manyarewomen report it affects life. They all very awarethat of they were abused a partner after informathe relawhat it is and take by turns adding more tionship the violence escalated tion fromended how and Typethat 1 diabetes works to how following a break-up—nearly 60and percent of all it affects the students’ daily life the things dating after the incredible relationship that do violence and can happens happen. It’s quite to see their level of knowledge and dedication to has ended. charity suchdaughters, a young age.wives, girlfriends, Theseat are The whole was ultimately inspiration mothers andproject sisters—they were somebody. that came to Exposure’s Sara, whose daughter What’s worse is the ripple effect that violence was keen onbroken starting a business. Seeing and the causes—the witnesses and family drive and in her, she decided it may friends leftdesire behind to cope with thisthat loss and be something violent legacy.that all the kids in her class may beLynn interested in doing. After working with Mr. was bereft but determined to “keep her Clare, thealive.” duo hatched a plan, ultimemory Each year shewhich wouldwill gather mately come to fruition March 7:00 to family members to connect but 6“itfrom was getting 9:00pm at the one night gallery and show harder as the years go by to get together.” that they alltime, hope she youfelt willinspired attend. to do more. Over “We commissioned art fromonline kids infor our school Lynn’s daughter searched informaages four to 13,” further explain the kids. “Once tion about Dorothee and it lead her to an article we told them where the money was going they
Sleep Gallery
Sleep Gallery 198 West Victoria Street 250-377-3818
(next to Stereo Warehouse) Open Mon-Sat 9-6, Sun & Holidays 12-5
Huge Selec tion of Pillo ws, Mat tres s Cove rs & Shee ts!
Some of the Amateur Artist Gallery Extravaganza Team members.
were all excited to contribute. They are paint-
They have 50 pieces of art from a wide vari-
Shoe Memorial set for December 6 at St. Andrews on the Square. (inset) A photo of Dorothee ing on their own time and donating the items ety of children, which will all be mounted and McLaughlin, Lynn’s mother.
for free.” displayed with care, five from each class. The Broken up into groups,inthe kids all had a dif- labour base price willAs bethe $30years for apass, piece withcollects the fiabout a shoe memorial Vancouver. To repreof love. Lynn ferent component of the project they were renance committee explaining they will increase sent her mother, she placed a pair of red heels new names of murdered women for the memosponsible for. There is the logistics groupStreet. who in depending on the cost of the materials on a staircase in a gallery on Robson rialvalue board. The research is painful at times. planned the gallery, sales who are responsible to mount and hang. “She would have loved that”, Lynn remarked. “It’s still really hard”, Lynn says of the work, for learning about all and doing kids, who by the end of the project She will Deeply moved by the thepieces concept, Lynn sales was ofThe grappling with senseless violence. at the show,tofinance was in charge of pric- have over spent two months, are labels hopingwith that compelled create who a memorial in Kamloops. refersworked to the time preparing ing, the product team who secured and solicited everyone will come out to see their show with Pat Keln, the organizer behind the Vancou- the women’s names—updating the memorial art from their schoolmates, and marketing who 100 guests as their projection. ver establish the Kam- board: so much bigger than my mother— has memorial, been doinghelped a seriesLynn of interviews, promotThis “it’s project is such a wonderful way to loops rendition. it’s about ing and getting the word out about the upcom- have kidsall usethese theirwomen.” skills, gain new ones Nine years later, the event is Lynn’s annual -- continued ing show. continued on on page page 22
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