Downtown Echo, February 4, 2016

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Volume 15 Number 5 | 50¢

February 4, 2016

Unleash your hidden artist at Paint Nite! Beauty may be in the eye of talented artists Karla Pearce and been thinking about submerging the beholder but you are almost Carly Schmidt, the popular Paint into the world of paint, perhaps guaranteed to walk away with a Nite has already attracted a loyal starting with an interactive and pristine piece of self-made art at following. The gist of it is you creative class may be the thing one of Kamloops’ newest Paint and your friends meet at a local for you before you self-invest in Nites. The Paint Nite phenom- downtown pub, bar or nightclub all the supplies and materials. enon is a star on the international and eat, drink and paint! “We can host up to 40 people for stage with events hosted throughPainting, like a lot of the arts, Paint Nite,” explains Karla. “It’s out Europe and North America. is extremely cathartic. It is a really good party and anyone Here in Kamloops, fueled by the something that a lot of people can do this and walk away with a power of social media we have have interest in but don’t know painting that they can take home been able to ogle family and how to start or don’t think they and proudly display on their wall.” friends enjoying them in major will be good at. Painting helps The painting itself takes two metropolises all around us. relieve stress, is a relaxing and hours to complete. You are guidThe company has finally land- rewarding hobby, and encourag- ed through all the steps by either ed here in Kamloops. Hosted by es creative thinking. If you have Carly or Karla depending on the

Open Sunday, February 14

Valentine's Week Special Feb. 8 to 15 3-COURSE MEAL

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includes 2 glasses of wine $ 95

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class and painting you choose to do. You can either choose to follow the steps verbatim or for the more outside the box creative folks (you know who you are) you can go off kilter and add your own ideas. A listing of all the upcoming paint nights are listed on their website – www.paintnite. com. The paintings are all different and span a few different genres. There is something for everyone and you are bound to fall in love with one of them. - continued on page 2


per couple

BUFFET MON-FRI 12-2PM ~ 165 Victoria St • 250.377.4969 •

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