Downtown Echo, January 7, 2016

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YOUR your NEIGHBOURHOOD. neighbourhood. YOUR your NEWSPAPER. newspaper.

bCICF‘s annual Downtown parking fundraising charity event rates increase


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February January19, 7, 2015 2016

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Downtown is agallery plethora ofshow things to do One Kamloops of a kind

Now that the holidays are over and your As I are walked into Mr. Clare’s Grade 5/6 class at lives starting to slow down, what do you RL Elementary, just in do Clemitson now? Many people the are kids busywere planning the midst of choosing who got to handcraft inviNew Year’s resolutations to Mayor and tions, planning theirCouncil for their upcoming gallery Exposure Photography right perfect lifeshow for at 2016 here in all Downtown Kamloops. Excited, most of but in reality, why the were to show off their art skills notkids make theeager best of and invite such notables what you have and in our community to a project worked so hard on. what isthey righthave in front the direction ofUnder you. Well lucky forof Exposure Photography partner, photographer us, downtown Kam- and RLC parent Sara Schreiner, class has loops is athe hotbed of been planning, organizing and producing their fun and experience. own gallery art show complete with original artwork and charities of How about challenge choice to give the proceeds to. yourself to finding “We are donating the money we raise to JDRF one thing per month and schoolhaven’t gym equipment fund,” explain thattheyou the kids. “Weorhave done before tried?a sister and friend in the school with Type 1 diabetes.” Whether you are looking for a new exercise The kids went on to explain diabetes and how routine, new hobbies, new foods or just experiit affects her life. They are all very aware of ence itfun with friends ones, what is and and frolic take turns adding and moreloved informadowntown is your place. tion from how Type 1 diabetes works to how stuff hiding? Youand don’t to it Where affects is thethis students’ daily life thehave things look very far; we have a multitude of events that do and can happen. It’s quite incredible to andtheir experiences under and yourdedication fingertips.toA see level of right knowledge great place to start exploring is the events and charity at such a young age. happenings at www.downtownkamThe whole calendar project was ultimately inspiration Downtown Ambassadors have that came toThe Exposure’s Sara, whose daughter been busy populating the website with events was keen on starting a business. Seeing the and cool find their travels. drive and things desire they in her, sheondecided that it may “Downtown businesses have be something that all the kids insuch her interesting class may things going in ondoing. all theAfter time,” explains Alexis be interested working with Mr. Proulx, Clare, theCAP duo Team hatchedAmbassador. a plan, which“We willhave ultibeen visiting taking pictures of their mately come businesses to fruition March 6 from 7:00 to #dtkfabfinds holiday season and but have 9:00pm at theall one night gallery showbeen that finding so much more. There is so much to they all hope you will attend. do downtown and weartwant know “We commissioned fromeveryone kids in ourtoschool aboutfour it so takeexplain advantage of it.” ages tothey 13,” can further the kids. “Once of these things to paint weSome told them where theinclude moneylearning was going they

Sleep Gallery

miniatures and gaming night at High Octane Downtown newcomers Eagle Eye Gifts and Comics, a whole host of free activities for the Barnacle Records have also embraced and whole family at the Downtown Library, psy- enhanced the downtown culture as well. Go chic readings and the ladybug public dig through and listen to some vinyl at the piano inside The Golden Buddha, fancy record store or check out Eagle Eye’s activities galore hosted by the Kam- free Entrepreneur Group, which is having their loops Art Gallery, games of all kinds first meeting January 7 at the store. day and night at All Aboard Games “No matter what stage you are at with your business, an idea, beginner or business owner, please join us!” owner Julie John explains. “Brainstorm ideas, share stories, support and network with each other so we can all succeed! Starts at 7:00 pm, FREE!” Fun business activities aside, there are also an abundance of eats and exercise opportunities. If you haven’t been to Riverside Park lately, you will be amazed at their Bike Fixing Station, which can help you Some of the Amateur Artist Gallery Extravaganza Team members. on your exploration of varithe were all excited to contribute. They are paintThey have 50 pieces of art from a wide Rivers ing on their own time and donating the items ety of children, which will all be mountedTrail. and andfree.” so much more. is for displayed with care, five from The each YMCA class. The “All Aboard is not just a the retail game storea dif- base price will be $30 for a piece always great Broken up into groups, kids all had withathe fibut also a family of event explains choice as well. ferent component the centre,” project they were re- nance committee explaining they will increase Derek Johnson of the game store. group “Fami-who in value depending on the cost They have all sponsible for. There is the logistics of the materials lies and the friends can sales spendwho an hour or the new equipplanned gallery, are responsible to mount and hang. whole day experiencing a fun and interactive a delightfor learning about all the pieces doing sales The kids, who by the end of ment, the project will game. There arewas tables aplenty and atsocial the show, finance who in charge of pric- have worked over two months,ful are pool hoping thata andthe close to 100 open games thatand cansolicited be hostwith of ing, product team who secured everyone will come out to see whole their show played sight for free. The andwho 100 guests as their projection. classes. art fromon their schoolmates, andfriendly marketing helpful also teach you a game has beenstaff doingwill a series of interviews, promotThis project is such a wonderful way to - continued if you a new experience andtheeven ing and want getting the word out about upcom- have kids use their skills, gain new ones onpage page22 participate ing show. if you’re short a player.” - continued on

January WINTER Special $149 10 Samosas - $10.00 * Minimum purchase 10 samosas. Taxes & gratuities extra. Dine in or take out.

Sleep Gallery 198 West Victoria Street 250-377-3818






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