Downtown Echo, June 2, 2016

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June 2, 2016

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OCPizza Night: eat your fill and plan your future Mmm, pizza! What’s not to love about pizza? Other foods, you eat. Pizza, you experience. The art of pizza eating involves all the senses: the beautiful aroma coming from the oven, the sight of the glorious delicious cheese, the feel of the crust in your hands, the sound of the crunch as you bite into it. And, of course, the taste… the unparalleled combo of dough, sauce, herbs and cheese. The only thing that could possibly top the deliciousness and greatness of a good pizza is the possibility of living and playing in a great city and community. The City of Kamloops is conjunction with Pizza Pi have been thinking about you and want both of these things to become a reality in your life. Through something called an OCPizza Night they are letting you help plan the community you want all while digging in on the delectable eats of one of downtown’s favourite pizza pie companies. “OCPizza Nights are self-facilitated meetings-in-a-box,” explains Jason Locke, Community Planning Supervisor for the City of Kamloops. “Participating groups receive training, materials and free pizza to conduct their own public consultation session on the two draft land use scenarios, and the draft goals and policy directions under the OCP topic area of their choice, and send the results back to the City.”

Erin and the Echo staff were thrilled with this tasty delivery! Thanks to the City of Kamloops and Pizza Pi.

An interesting take on public consultation, the OCPizza Nights were geared towards

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neighbourhood associations, community-based organizations, service clubs, community com-


mittees, task forces, policy councils, advisory boards and more. “It’s a fun and unique way to engage people,” continued Jason. “It allows people to contribute to the plan without feeling encumbered or uncomfortable. They can feel free to let their ideas flow.” In order to participate in an OCPizza Night you must have a person who attended one of the city’s facilitation instruction nights at the end of May but if you really, really want to host a OCP discussion night there may still be hope if you think you can get all the info, input and materials back to the city by June 27. “We will be collecting all info and input by June 27 and spending the summer reviewing and analyzing it,” says Jason. “We should have the first draft of the Official Community Plan for Kamloops by fall.” For those who are not into selffacilitation, the City is also hosting a series of public events that you can attend to give your input on the community you live. “The City will be hosting three KAMPLAN Roadshow events as part of Phase 2 of the KAMPLAN Review and Update process,” finishes Jason. “These events will feature interactive displays and information booths on the land use scenarios and ten OCP topic areas, city staff on hand to chat with and discuss the process, art created by - continued on page 2

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