Downtown Echo, May 12, 2016

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bCICF‘s annual Emergency Services Day fundraising charity event first of its kind z | PAGE Page 2

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achieve Discover your dental original art needs with at Hampton Dr. Janic Gallery

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z |zPAGE | Page5 5 VOLUME Volume 14 15 NUMBER Number 8 19| |50¢ 50¢

February May 19, 12, 2015 2016


It’s time Spring Festival! Oneforofthe a Downtown kind gallery show

This year the from Downtown KamAs I walked intofolks Mr. Clare’s Grade 5/6 class at loops promiseElementary, the Springthe Festival to be RL Clemitson kids were justbigin ger midst and better than ever The annual the of choosing whobefore. got to handcraft invithree-day long event has tratations to Mayor and Council for their upcomditionally welcomed spring ing gallery show at Exposure Photography right through the celebration of artExcited, most of here in Downtown Kamloops. in the of thetocity and the kidscentre were eager show off their art skills this invite year such you notables are promised and in our community to a that it won’t disappoint. project they have worked so hard on. “We have some great new Photography Under the direction of Exposure events that are part of partner, photographer andthis RLC parent Sara year’s Schreiner,Spring the class Festival,” has been planning, organizexplains Kamloops Cen-gallery art show ing and producing their own tral Business Improvement complete with original artwork and charities of Association general manchoice to give the proceeds to. ager Pooler. the “Our great “WeGay are donating money we raise to JDRF teamthehas beengym hardequipment at work fund,” explain and school creating interestthe kids. and “Weplanning have a sister and friend in the ing events make you school with that Typewill 1 diabetes.” want spend whole three The to kids wentthe on to explain diabetes and how right downtown itdays affects herhere life. inThey are all very aware of Kamloops.” what it is and take turns adding more informaThis year, theType event1runs fromworks to how tion from how diabetes Thursday, May 19 right through it affects the students’ daily life and the things to Saturday, 21. It’s In addithat do and canMay happen. quite incredible to tiontheir to celebrating spring inand the dedication to see level of knowledge streets at ofsuch downtown charity a youngKamloops age. with artproject and music, patio inspiration The live whole was ultimately dining, and sales, that came to sidewalk Exposure’s Sara,busiwhose daughter nesses andon restaurants the cen- Seeing the was keen starting ainbusiness. tre ofand the desire city areinopening up their that doors and drive her, she decided it may patios to welcome be something that allyou theall. kids in her class may “For all threeindays of the festival we will be interested doing. After working withhave Mr. live music on the 200, a300 andwhich 400 blocks of Clare, the duo hatched plan, will ultiVictoria Streettoas well as in the6 from courtyard mately come fruition March 7:00 at to Lansdowne continues Gay. “There 9:00pm at theVillage,” one night gallery and show that will be chalk artwork and entertainers fillthey also all hope you will attend. ing thecommissioned streets of downtown allintoour enjoy!” “We art fromfor kids school Thefour music includes nice array of some of ages to 13,” furtheraexplain the kids. “Once Kamloops’ musicians includwe told themfavourite where thelocal money was going they

Sleep Gallery

ing Gary Street and every Thursday followSome of the Amateur Artist GalleryMockford, ExtravaganzaVictoria Team members.

Dodie Goldney, were all excited to contribute. are paintClaireTheyCarlsoning on their own time and donating theLuciw items Mitton, Sean for free.” and Caitlin Goulet. Broken up into groups, kids is allthe hadsound a difWord on thethe street ferent component project they were are reand acoustics overofatthe Lansdowne Village sponsible the logistics who top-notchfor. andThere their is courtyard is a group nice place planned gallery, sales who are responsible to be onthe a sunny day. for learning aboutmusic all the flowing pieces andthrough doing sales With melodic the at the show, whosidewalk was in charge pricstreets and finance merchant sales of galore ing, product and solicited eachtheday, thisteam yearwho hassecured a specific theme. art their schoolmates, andSpring marketing who Onfrom Thursday, May 19 the Festival has been a series interviews, promotkicks offdoing with the veryoffirst Kamloops Artiing getting the market word outwill about upcomsan and Market. This be the open from ing show. 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on the 400 block of

ing the Spring Festival launch. Stop by to They have pieces of artand from a wide have varisee what the50local artists crafters ety of children, whichalso will all be mounted and to offer! Thursday features amazing displayed with care, fromJohnson each class. The entertainment fromfive James Bigger base priceComedy will be Show! $30 for a piece with the fiBalloon nance they will increase May committee 20 is Foodieexplaining Friday! which features popin depending on thedefinitely cost of the materials upvalue picnics (Hint: You’ll find one at to and hang. St.mount Andrew’s on the Square) and the launch of by promotion the end of called the project will a The new kids, socialwho media #dinedtk. have twofood months, are hoping that Post aworked pictureover of your or drink from your everyone come out to see their show with favourite will downtown restaurant with hashtag 100 guestsonassocial their projection. #dinedtk media for a chance to win This gift project such a wonderful way to foodie cardsisand a grand prize of $250 have use their restaurants! skills, gain new ones spendkids at downtown - continued on page 2


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