Downtown Echo, October 20, 2016

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bCICF‘s annual heroes RCMP celebrates fundraising charity event z | Page 2 z | PAGE 2

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z | PAGE 5 PERFECTLY FABULOUS VOLUME 14 Volume 15 NUMBER Number 8 42| |50¢ 50¢

February October 19, 20, 2015 2016

Alicia Ashcroft


Good Halloweenshow horrors Oneold-fashioned of a kind gallery

Not only are these events a thrill As I walked into Mr. Clare’s Grade 5/6 class at for the audience, it’s a treat for the RL Clemitson Elementary, the kids were just in performers as well. Allandra conthe midst of choosing who got to handcraft invitinues, “I’m grateful that TRU stutations to Mayor and Council for their upcomdents and alumni are being offered ing gallery show at Exposure Photography right these various opportunities within here in Downtown Kamloops. Excited, most of the Kamloops arts community. I the kids were eager to show off their art skills hope this city’s arts scene conand invite such notables in our community to a tinues to flourish so that we may project they have worked so hard on. keep getting these fabulous opporUnder the direction of Exposure Photography tunities to grow and learn.” partner, photographer and RLC parent Sara Roseanne Nelson, manager of Schreiner, the class has been planning, organizthe Kamloops Heritage Railway, is ing and producing their own gallery art show enthusiastic about the new Ghost complete with original artwork and charities of Train chapter; “this is not for the choice to give the proceeds to. faint of heart, even if you’ve been “We are donating the money we raise to JDRF on the Ghost Train before, you’ve and the school gym equipment fund,” explain never seen it like this.” the kids. “We have a sister and friend in the The train leaves at 7:00 pm school with Type 1 diabetes.” sharp and participants should The kids went on to explain diabetes and how arrive at the station for 6:00 pm it affects her life. They are all very aware of - continued on page 2 what it is and take turns adding more information from how Type 1 diabetes works to how The Kamloops Heritagedaily Railway Ghost will be sure to fill you with terror! it affects the students’ life and theTrain things that do and happen. 31? It’s quite to card Some of theTo Amateur Gallery Extravaganza Team by members. Can’t waitcan for October Wantincredible and oracle readers. avoid Artist of theatricality is being added see theirover level knowledge and dedication to disappointment, be sure to book a Allandra Barton, Krystine Lucas to skip to of Halloween ASAP? were all excited to contribute. They Majcher are paint-from They have 50 pieces of art from a wide varicharity such a young age.have to time slot well in advance. and Celine ThompHave aatcostume you just ing on their own time and donating the items ety of children, which will all be mounted and The whole project was ultimately inspiration The KHR’s friendliest fam- son Rivers University’s Actors wear more than once? Downtown for free.” displayed with care, five from each class. The that came to Exposure’s Sara, whose daughter Kamloops has got the market cor- ily event, the Trick or Treat Train, Workshop Theatre. Broken up Saturday, into groups, the kidsgreat all had a dif-for base price will be $30 for a piece with the fiwas starting a business. theat 3:00 neredkeen on allon kinds of creepy events Seeing runs on pm on With respect the origiferentpre-train component of the nal project they were re-has refreshed nance committee explaining they will increase drive and desire in her, she ghouls decided that it may29 with to thrill and delight all you October refreshscript, Allandra sponsible for. There is the logistics group who in value be something that all the kids in her class may ments courtesy of McDonalds and and revitalized the story line,depending on the cost of the materials and goblins! planned the gallery, sales who are responsible to mount beThe interested in doing. After working with Mr. Kamloops Heritage Rail- entertainment provided by Kam- updating and adding characters. and hang. forParties learning andwill doing The kids, who by the end of the project will Clare, the duohas hatched plan, which loops will ultiway (KHR) threea fabulous Princess andabout Erikall thethe pieces “There be sales creepy imagery at the show, finance who was in charge of prichave worked over two months, are hoping that mately come to fruition March 6 from 7:00 to offerings such as Beyond the Veil Magician. peppered throughout [the show] ing, the product team who secured and solicited everyone 9:00pm at the one night gallery and show that on Sunday, October 30 from 5:00 The Ghost Train will be dearly such as the sinister Headless will come out to see their show with art from their schoolmates, and marketing who 100 guests they all hope you will attend. to 8:00 pm. Come aboard the rail- departed from the Lorne Street Horseman, riding alongside the as their projection. has been doing a series of interviews, promotThis project is such a wonderful way to “We commissioned art from kids in our school way’s Funeral Parlour; glimpse station on October 21, 22, 27, 28 train. The audience can sit back ing and getting the word out about the upcomhave kids ages four to 13,” further explain the kids. “Once into your future with the mystic and 29. This event has been wildly and take in some good old fash- use their skills, gain new ones - continued on page 2 we them the money was going theyand ing aid told of one ofwhere four fortune-tellers popular thisshow. year, a new layer ioned Halloween horrors.”

Sleep Gallery


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