Downtown Echo, October 6, 2016

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your neighbourhood. your newspaper.

‘Fabulous’ fundraiser for youth programs


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Friends of Deb gather for fundraiser

for the Gift Shop and the Thrift Seller

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for the Afternoon Auxiliary to RIH

Volume 15 Number 40 | 50¢

October 6, 2016

Call 250-314-2331

Art in the Dark Illuminates… Black lights, art battles, body ence that Kamloops has ever seen. painting, live music and dance Clear your schedule for Saturperformances hosted in a secret day, October 15 at 7:00 pm. The location? Yes please! Welcome ticket price includes the full rosto the 2nd annual Art in the Dark. ter of performance and activities. This 19+ Kamloops Arts Council Don’t forget to load up with (KAC) fundraiser promises to be cash for all things sustenance better than ever and last year was and silent auctions. Cocktails, wildly successful. The “you had wine, beer courtesy of Red Colto be there” event of 2015 left lar Brewing, food by Eats Amore those not in attendance twisted and a silent auction. The pieces in a jealous state. The interac- made during the 4Cats Black tive art stations, the glow in the Light Art Battle, along with other dark pin-up girls, food truck fare art works will be up for grabs. Kathy Sinclair, executive direcand incredible, magical, luscious dance acts made for the most tor of the Kamloops Arts Council unique artistic and social experi- says: “it was interesting how it all came together; the arts council had been talking about it for years, it took time to conceptualize.” It may have been hard to explain but it was easy to experience. The first event “exceeded our expectations”. Guests relished the urban glow in the dark vibe-along with the surprises, crafts and performances. “It was like a kid’s birthday party for grown-ups,” Kathy remembers. As for this year they want to “hold on to that craziness” and further heighten the artistic experience for guests. Musical guests include Caitlin Goulet, Bees and the Bare Bones and local dancers. The secret location has added an additional aura of mystery (hint: find it fast at Lansdowne Village) and the momentum from last year’s event photos has resonated Katie Kershaw Photography with this year’s tickets sales.




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for the Gift Shop and the Thrift Seller

for the Afternoon Auxiliary to Royal Inland Hospital

Call 250-314-2331

Katie Kershaw Photography

“Tickets will be available at the memberships, receives donadoor if there are any left. They’re tions and is consistently seeking selling fast and we don’t want any- funding for its various programs one to miss out,” finishes Kathy. and events. So, if glow in the All proceeds support the dark body paint isn’t your jam, KAC’s year-round community you can still make a donation! arts programming. Funding is Founded in 1968, The Kamloops generally provided through the Arts Council is a non-profit organiBC Arts Council and the City of zation “devoted to the development Kamloops. The KAC collects - continued on page 2

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