Downtown Echo, September 15, 2016

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Perfectly Fabulous

for the Gift Shop at Royal Inland Hospital and the Thrift Seller

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PERFECTLY FABULOUS Volume 15 Number 37 | 50¢

September 15, 2016

Alicia Ashcroft

Call 250-314-2331

Death Cafés come to Downtown Kamloops The one thing that no one Perhaps we do this because seems to talk about ever is there are so many unanswered death. Death is a scary word questions around death. At the for most people. The thought of core we all know that we will inevitable death and dying ter- die someday but the majority rifies most people. It’s the fear of us are not ready to start of the unknown and death is the thinking about the possibilultimate unknown. ity or the emotions associIf you’re anything like me, you ated with it. haven’t had much exposure to Pat Davies along with death or the loss of loved ones, Helen McFadyen are tryto each one you may even avoid funerals ing to lift some of the stigthat would be like the plague. It is ma associated 34,940 particiso easy to become with talking pants. complacent in your about death and So whether lives, taking for dying by hosting or not death has granted all that you a series of three touched your life, love and cherish. It ‘Death Cafés’ here there is no better is so easy to just in Kamloops. time than now to take never think about it At a Death Café the journey of discovery and go on with your people drink tea, eat loops,” and perhaps try to wrap your merry lives until the cake and discuss explains unthinkable hapdeath. The aim is to Pat. “This is facilitated group head around it with some likepens and you are increase awareness conversation on death and minded folk who are trying to of death to help dying aimed to reduce the do the same. blind sighted with This very first Death Café here the fact that life is people make the taboo and stigma about talkThis is facilitated indeed precious and group conversation most of their (finite) ing about death. Respectful, no in Kamloops is taking place on you can never count lives. Death Cafés cost, no agenda, no counselling. Monday, September 19 from on death and dying never involve agen- All welcome. No tickets are 5:30 to 7:30 pm at downtown’s on it from one day to the next. But is aimed to reduce the das, advertising or required perhaps come early The Art We Are Café at 246 that really the smart taboo and stigma set conclusions. and buy a tea/coffee or check Victoria Street and if this wasn’t about talking enough to get you there, they thing to do? Put“The Death Café out the desserts.” about death. ting your head in breathes life into Death Cafés have spread have the best chocolate quinoa — Pat Davies the sand until life c o n v e r s a t i o n s quickly across Europe, North cake in town! For more inforshows its vulnerabout death. Part of America and Australia. As of mation about the Death Café ability to you can have long a global movement, this marks today, there has been 3494 movement you can visit http:// repercussions that far outlive the first of a monthly series Death Cafés since Septem- Tanya Orozco, freelance the suddenness of death. of Death Café events in Kam- ber 2011. If ten people came

Maurya’s Fine Indian Cuisine


* Minimum purchase 10 samosas. Taxes & gratuities extra. Dine in or take out. Expires Oct. 3, 2016.

165 Victoria Street • 250.377.4969 •

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