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Afternoon Auxiliary to Royal Inland Hospital and the Thrift Seller
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September 1, 2016
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Get on the go with Pokémon Go! Flashback 12 months ago, Pokémon was just a game that nerds played and children begged their parents to spend all their hard earned money on cards that they could collect and lose around the house. Pokémon has been around a long time, at least 20 years to be exact. That’s when the first Pokémon game was released for the Nintendo Gameboy. The franchise has grown immensely since then and still remains a phenomenon to this very day. With the power of technology and some of those selfproclaimed nerds, Pokémon launched a society changing game named Pokémon Go. Chances are even if you haven’t played it yourself, you’ve seen it or know a person or two who do. You’ve at least seen references on Facebook or heard it come up in conversation at least once or twice. You’ve probably rolled your eyes, told them they are silly. Whatever you do, do not decide to pick up that phone and just give it a try… it’s oddly addicting and kind of fun to do when you are a little bit bored. What was once a game very few played is now capturing the attention of people of all ages. Whether you are eight or 80, Pokémon Go is promoting people to get outside, start walking and even socializing
while battling at gyms or comparing their catches over a pint at the local bar. Even my grandma likes to man the iPhone while out on her nightly walk and finds excitement at ‘catching those guys’. Sometimes she makes sure ‘we got our balls’ before leaving the house! What does that mean for the downtown core? Lots actually. What was first seen as maybe a nuisance or stupid game has changed the face of commerce and sociability. People come far and wide to the downtown to catch their Pokémon, travelling from places like Barriere to spend the day in Riverside Park playing the game. Others choose their destinations based on who is near a Pokéstop, where lures are usually set and what kind of Pokémon show up there. And as everyone knows, it is hard to spend any great deal of time anywhere without spending at least
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(Top, L-R) Andrew Iadarola and Timothy Crowe play Pokémon Go while enjoying happy hour on the Carlos O’Bryan’s rooftop patio. Even CAP Team leader Alexis Proulx (left) likes to catch Pokémon on her breaks and before and after work!
a little bit of money. to your proximity to Pokéstops “I love to play Pokémon Go and gyms. There are two central in the heart of the city because hubs within the game, Pokéstops downtown already has great food, and Pokémon Gyms. While it’s stores and the perfect atmosphere hard to actually become one of for hanging out with friends,” says these spots as a business, there Timothy Crowe, Pokémon enthu- are ways of benefiting from your siast. “Pokéstops are the best addi- proximity to them. tion to happy hour!” A Pokéstop is a central hub How exactly are you supposed where Pokémon trainers can get to do that? Well it all comes down - continued on page 2
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