things to look forward to on the north Shore
❚ | PAGE 2
North Shore SpecialiSt
pat Kavanagh
perfectly fabulous by alicia ashcroft office: 250-554-4511 755 Fortune Drive (old Strauss Herb building)
❚ | PAGE 5 VOLUME 16 NUMBER 20 | 50¢
JUME 1, 2017
Best-West Realty ltd.
Garden Sponsors Gather for Grow a Row Grow A Row’s garden project grew from a seed planted by Radio NL Vice President Garth Buchko, who introduced the idea to Lyons Landscaping. The project started with five raised beds and now boasts 29 raised beds. Based in front of Home Hardware on Josep Way, there is an abundance of growth happening. Grow A Row’s goal twofold; to provide fresh vegetables to those in need—but also to raise awareness to the hunger crisis around Kamloops and surrounding regions. Volunteers behind the Grow A Row garden help grow fresh, healthy produce that will be donated to the Kamloops Food Bank. Local businesses donated $1000 to sponsor individual pre-constructed planter beds; many supporters participated in the building phase. Many sponsors, employees and family members joined forces for the planting phase. Rick Kurzac, Home Hardware owner, said that the garden has “grown beyond our expectations—the response from the community has been phenomenal.” “After our call to action to donate, we sold 35 beds to 33 sponsors in two weeks, complete with a waiting list.” Garden sponsors gathered to plant the garden and stuck around for the celebratory BBQ. The Grow A Row organizers said that the gardens would not have been possible without the support of their “amazing sponsors.” The initiative hopes to increase awareness of more community-based contributions. Their belief is that there is always
Photo Peter olsen
room for one more row available in the garden for vegetables--and that if everyone shared from that one extra row, they could feed Kamloops together. “This is what Kamloops is all about—community spirit,” Rick said. “There are many incredible individuals and businesses behind this project--and for such a worthy cause. The Food Bank services 45 organizations in the area. They also have the largest food reclamation program west of Toronto—which
means that they partner with different local grocery stores in town to save food from the land fills.” Rick also credits Colin Lyons for sharing the idea with the Home Hardware team. “It really shows the genuine character of Lyons, as they have given so much to the gardens.” In partnership with Home Hardware, Lyons Landscaping, LN Group, NL Radio and New Life Mission, Grow A Row has already started - continued on page 2
2 n JUNE 1, 2017
THE echo
There were lots of things happening at the Downtown SpringFest this past weekend. From the Main Stage featuring many acts including Bees and the Bare Bones (above) to the Public Paint Station with Leah de Zeeuw lending a helping hand there was lots to take in. Throw in the great weather, sidewalk sales and patios that were open for great eats – it was a great time for all who were there.
Things to Look Forward to on the Northshore Don’t forget to stop by the Wilson House during Bike to Work Week, running now through Sunday. You can enter the twice daily draw as well as getting your passport and golden ticket. This summer’s Movie in the Park night is Saturday July 8 at the beautiful McDonald Park. The featured film is Disney’s Moana! This year’s event will include food trucks, onsite vendors, live music and other great entertainment. Make sure you’re at McDonald Park by 7pm to get a good spot. The movie starts as soon as the sun sets. A bit later in the summer is Overlanders Day, being held Saturday August 19 at McDonald Park. This year’s event looks like it will be the biggest one yet. There is more entertainment and children’s activities lined up as well as a growing business and community expo. And don’t forget the
great Tastes of the North Shore featuring the varied cuisine that the North Shore has to offer And of course – don’t forget Music in the Park – where else - ? the gem that is McDonald Park! This year the music will play every Wednesday evening from 7pm – 8:30pm beginning July 5 and runs through August 30. Entertainment will percolate from the gazebo. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets.
– continued from front Landscape for all kinds of gar- those interested in volunteerwith six raised planters at our dening information and advice. ing with weeding or harvestGarden Centre, growing a vaRegister your crop through ing contact Karla through the riety of herbs and veggies. The the Food Bank, as they will be Facebook page or via email: 2016 gardens provided three keeping track of their bounty successful batches of fresh and until the end of the summer. organic food for the Mission. Community involvement and There is an additional initiavolunteers are essential to the tive; you can grow your own maintenance, health, and wellrow at home! Pop by Lyons being of the garden beds. For
THE echo
JUNE 1, 2017 n 3
ECHO ASKS Opinions of the people who matter – you.
What was your largest lottery winning?
shop local. eat local.
shop local. eat local.
River City residents are embracing Bike to Work Week with great enthusiasm. Celebration stations are located throughout the city so if you’re biking make sure to stop by to enter to win great prizes.
shop lo eat loc
J Melanie Slaney Shaw Cable
Tim Sandry Kamloops – Retired
$20 Scratch & Win
$10,000 on Keno
spend lo
spend Get Onlocal. Your Bike Kamloops spend local.
As many of you know, Kamloops 10th annual Bike to Work and School Week (BTWSW) runs though this Sunday, June 4th. The event is to encourage Kamloops commuters to choose their bike over their car and pedal their way to work and school. A province wide-initiative, this week is a collective effort aimed at reducing green house gas emissions from the atmosphere, encouraging sustainable behaviour and promoting good health in a fun and celebratory way. There are returning events like the celebration stations, prizes and a wrap-up event and this year introduces more ways to win prizes. This year Kamloops Bike to Work & School Week will be hosting Celebration Stations at five elementary schools: Pacific Way, Lloyd George, South Sahali, David Thompson, and Pinantan. The wrap-up event goes Saturday June 3 from 8:30am to 11:30am Accounts are still active for past participants. New registrants may register at
enjoy local.
shop local. spend local. it takes you to start the trend
Head phones in pack Bud 24 pack cans
$50 on 6/49
$75 Scratch & Win
Live Entertainment 8-11pm • No Cover shop local. spend local. e Fri. June 2 Michelle Simpson Band
Wednesdays 8-11 pm with Jim Cochran & The Crew
it takes you to start t Sat. June 3 UFC 212
(No Live Entertainer)
Inside Chances 1250 Halston Ave • 250-554-1030
ints Weekly VIPforpo bonus products ite
check out our webs
PACK R 12 Fri. LEwith ADpm RWednesdays 8-11 WEEKLY June 9 Sami (from Australia) ORGAN NM Jim Cochran PTAISky L T B 6 3 Sat. June 10 CA Margit Project IS E IZ R P & The Crew D N 0 A R 0 G $ COCONUT Inside Chances 1250 Halston Ave • 250-554-1030 WINE FRIDGE
AD shop small. Give Awayshop local. DONATED BY ILDING SUPPLIES RONA BU eat local. spend local.
it takes yo start the t Heidi Korpela
it takes youKaritoBraun Suzanne’s start the trend
it takes you to start the trend
enjoy lo
Live Entertainment 8-11pm • No Cover
$ 20local. shop 2
enjoy local.
eat local.
4 n JUNE 1, 2017
north shore
a a
THE ECHO Independently owned and operated by Edge Publishing, The Echo is distributed weekly throughout downtown Kamloops. We focus on activities and events at the neighbourhood level, and on larger events with direct impact on our neighbourhood. The Echo is available free to you because we are advertising supported. Please support the local businesses that support this newspaper through their advertising - remember when you shop locally, the money you spend remains in our community. DISCLAIMER: The publisher will not be responsible for errors or omissions. Due care and attention is used in checking advertising copy for accuracy and legitimacy, but no warranty is implied or given by the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising or editorial submissions which they believe to be inconsistent with the concept of this publication. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the contributors/ writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the publisher.
WE WANT YOU TO WRITE TO US! Tell us what you think about the issues on the Downtown. Let us echo your thoughts and ideas with your neighbours. We are your newspaper in your neighbourhood.
CONTACT US AT: PHONE: 250-374-ECHO (3246) FAX: 250-374-3247 EMAIL: SNAIL MAIL: #1 - 219 Victoria St, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A1
The Echo is delivered free for the enjoyment of businesses and their customers. If you’d like to take a copy home, please pick one up at:
The Echo is delivered free for the enjoyment of businesses and their customers. If you’d like to take a copy home, please pick one up at:
Reubin’s (inside Robo) Red Beard Roasters Centre for Seniors Information (CSI) North Shore Community Centre All proceeds are donated to charity!
A not-too common sight is a sailboat on the Thompson River… this one was spotted last weekend at the McArthur Island boat launch.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #52 Zack’s Coffee & Tea Caffe Motivo The Grind Blenz Coffee Frankly Coffee All proceeds are donated to charity!
The Role of the Rivers Trail town core. It is this accessibility that It is hard to deny that ‘connectivity’ makes Downtown Kamloops such is a crucial part of any community, a connected community and brings whether it’s between people or bepeople back to experience more. tween people and their environment. Some of the most interesting parts In Downtown Kamloops, one of the of the Downtown that the Rivstrongest connecting forces we have ers Trail provides access to are is the Rivers Trail, snaking its way through our core and creating a beauthe Rotary Bandshell in Riverside tiful, convenient way for pedestrians Park, beaches along the Thomspon River, the Sandman Centre, play arand bikers to enjoy all Downtown eas, and the many merchants along Kamloops offers. In recent years, Lansdowne Street, Victoria Street, an emphasis on developing connecand Seymour Street. The variety of tivity in the urban environment has amenities available along the Rivbecome popularized, and Downtown ers Trail caters to the diversity in Kamloops is a perfect example of CAP COMMENTS Downtown Kamloops, including this focus. The Rivers Trail provides Nathan Bymoen the arts community, the sports comexposure to what makes Kamloops munity, and the business communisuch a desirable city, and gives loty. In Kamloops, we are incredibly cals and tourists the ability to experience Downtown in the best way possible. The Riv- fortunate to have such a beautiful trail for pedesers Trail stretches 40 km in total, a large portion of trians and bikers so close to Downtown. Come say which weaves through Downtown Kamloops. Many hi to the CAP Team downtown during the sumcities are attempting to do what Kamloops has al- mer and let us know how the Rivers Trail helped to ready done; connect their downtown to their parks make your day in Downtown Kamloops even better! Written by Nathan Bymoen from the Customer and waterfront. If simply enjoying the natural environment isn’t enough, people may also take in the Care and Patrol Team (CAP). Reach us at 250-572many historical sites, the wildlife in both Riverside 3008/3009 or the Information Kiosk at 250-572-3017. and Pioneer Park, the arts and cultural events, and Email Follow us the many shops and restaurants nestled in the Down- on Facebook (Downtownkamloops) and Twitter (@
JUNE 1, 2017 n 5
Stardust and Whatnot
My favorite thing about time into a theological discussion. spent with children is the honI simply wanted to soften the Business est and unguarded conversablow of childhood existentialTechnology Solutions tions. The twisting, turning, ism with some stardust and Businesses nonsensical chatter that takes whatnot. With the dramatic Large & Small you in a million different diflair of a mysterious magician rections at one time. When I with all the insights of a crysn On-site n Networking n Business So worked in a child-centered protal ball, I spun tales of long life (we come to you) n Desktops, Laptops n Server Solu fession, I thoroughly enjoyed and good health. It wasn’t a n Hardware, Software n Hosted Em hammering out the issues with guarantee, but a wish, a prayer. n Remote Access n Cloud Serv little friends. Occasionally, Both girls are smiling by the n On-site n Networking On-site you’d meet a precocious little end. My heavy-hearted littleto you) n Business Solutions Networking (we come (we come to you) Business Solution n n Server Solutions PERFECTLY friend who seemed to get how friend thanked me,On-site and thenLaptops Networking Desktops, Desktops, Laptops Server Solutions n Hardware, n Hosted Business Solutions (we come to you) Software Emails scary the world could be. And turned to the other child: “You FABULOUS Hardware, Software Hosted Emails Desktops, Server Solutions n RemoteLaptops n Access CloudAccess Services Remote Cloud Services you know, they aren’t wrong. wanna go play ‘kittens’ now?” Alicia Ashcroft Hardware, Software Hosted Emails Remote Access Cloud Services I appreciated the wee-worThey scampered away. Within rhin rywarts the most. My first thought about seconds technology they were crawling it before, she was o Professional business and residential solutions memories were of worry. How certainly thinking about it now. around, mewing like newly born n On-site n Solutions that came to be, I’m not entheir worries forgotten. School-agers discussing cats, Business n Server Solutions (we come to you) tirely sure. Classic children’s such grim topics was a bit Their childish innocence and n Desktops, Laptops Hosted Emails fairy tales are a virtual blood- much to handle. immediacy warmed my Like some sensen of n Hardware, Software bath. Disney cartoons are a con- new age Mary Poppins with heart.n Cloud ThoughServices our doubts, anxiDarrin Darrin Rein | 250.572.7363 | rhin n Remote Access cern; Bambi? Dumbo? The Fox a bottomless bag of holistic eties and fears often weigh us 250.572. Professional business and reside is ending July to 14, occasion2015 rhinote Networking and the Hound? Snow White? trinkets, In grab it’s essential my bag and down,Support technology solutions rhin o Each film left me in hysterics. pull out a pack of tarot cards. ally cut existential angst loose, tec .c On-site Business Solutions Darrin Rein | 250.572.7363a | rhinotec A child approached me one bounding What? You don’t carry and just be a kitten (we come to you) Server Solutions Desktops, Laptops Darrin Rein | 250.572.7363 | Hosted Emails Support is ending 14, 2015 Professional business andJulyresidential Rein | 250.572.7363 | Hardware, Software morning, and expressed con- around tarot cards in your across on the floor.Darrin Cloud Services Darrin Rein Remote Access technology solutions Professional business and residential Professional business and residential Networking cerns about her mortality. (Also, purse? Well you should, you technology solutions technology solutions that she would never see Frozen never know when their presSupport is ending July 14, 2015 again.) The child could not be ence might be required. Support is ending July 14, 2015 Support is ending July 14, 2015 soothed. Hugs and humor hardly My cards were cheesy, with put a dent in her grief. Another inspiration expressions and friend joined the conversation; illustrations of muscular anbone dry and clearheaded, she gels with flowing hair and was calm and unfettered like a majestic unicorns leaping little Zen monk. The morose into the air. I called them my child divulged her fears to her ‘training-wheel tarot cards.’ visitor, whose expression twistEach girl shuffled the cards ed slightly, now contaminated and asked a question. I didn’t with worry. If she had never want to lie, sugar-coat, or get n
n n
Professional business and residential technology solutions n
n n
n n
Support is ending July 14, 2015
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ruSH HOur KaMlOOpS StYle
While descending upon Riverside Park to get a photo of the overall crowd at the water’s edge, things got very interesting when a gaggle of geese and their goslings held up traffic. While some would take Rio over Riverside, I think all would agree that we are so fortunate to live where we do.
#8 -177 Tranquille Rd 250-554-2429 A Division of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC
6 n JUNE 1, 2017
graHaM COpe
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marketing Paper Littleneighborhood is the&best way to Chinese Food - Take Home Delivery THe ecHo newspaper le litt the what s in FREE DELIVERY $20 min order 3 km radius sines remind people your ur bu yo te mo Pro ! #1 - 219 Victoria Street, at everyone loves newspaper thcompany has to offer! 6 Kamloops, BC -324 P. 250-374
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advertise in and the current eCho Drector of ContaCt us todaycope and let us Past President KYSA, Graham and reach the people who walk help your business get noticed. past your door every day – your 250.374.ecHo (3246) or RECOGNIZED BY BC SOCCER! potential customers. 1/8 The BC Soccer Association club/league or district level.
has announced that the im- During his tenure as President, mediate past-president and a the KYSA has hosted two dozen current director of the Kam- major soccer events includKamLoopS oLDEST RESTauRanT SERVIng KamLoopS FoR 44 YEaRS loops Youth Soccer Association ing 10 Slurpee Cups [averagSpECIaLS: Monday - Chicken Chow Mein - $5 • Chicken Fried Rice - $5 (KYSA), Graham Cope, will be ing 170 teams per tournament], Tuesday - $5 Combo Night • $5 for 2nd combo dinner (same price or less) presented with their Award of 3 Thompson Okanagan Youth Chinese Food - Take Home Brock Shopping Centre Merit at the organization’s An- Soccer League playoffs, 2 Pro& Delivery • FREE DELIVERY $20 min order 3 km radius nual General Meeting, Satur- vincial Cup Tournaments, the no mSg day, June 10 in Burnaby. The National U16 Club Champineighborhood marketing 1/16 advertise the eCho AwardContaCt us today and let onships, as well as us playing a provincial inassociation’s is the best way to and reach the people who walk help your business get noticed. of Merit is presented to selected key role in the organization of You deserve THe ecHo newspaper individuals in recognition of the soccer components of sevremind people what your past your door every day – your 250.374.ecHo (3246) or a#1beautiful - 219 Victoria Street, contributions to soccer during a eral multi-sport “Games” that company has to offer! potential customers. Kamloops, BC period of ten or more years, as have been held in Kamloops. smile 250.374.ecHo (3246) a player, manager, coach, ofAll in all, a great job done by ficial, or administrator at the a super person. Congratulations
Don’T look now buT your neigHbors may be HeaDing elsewHere To Do THeir sHopping. 376-3386
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4/29/11 3:07:40 PM
Don’T look now buT your neigHbors may be HeaDing elsewHere To Do THeir sHopping. NeighBorhood marKetiNg is the best way to remind people what your company has to offer! adVertiSe iN the eCho and you’ll reach the people who walk past your door every day – your potential customers. THe ecHo newspaper #1 - 219 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC
250.374.ecHo (3246) or
THE echo
JUNE 1ďťżďťż, 2017 n 7
TRanquille Road
TRANQUILLE RD construction route via Tranquille Road or a temporary bypass road. Traffic disruptions should be expected. When the bypass road is in effect, Ord Road will be designated as a temporary dangerous goods route from 8th Street to Tranquille Road. Residents can expect increased truck traffic along this route. The majority of the work will take place Monday-Friday, 7 am -7 pm, with the possibility of some weekend and night work. All motorists are asked to please use caution when driving in the vicinity and obey all traffic control personnel, signs, and devices.
Independent living with a sense of community!
Construction will soon move from Aviation Way to Tranquille Road, as the City of Kamloops continues to replace the aging sanitary gravity main that services all Kamloops residents north of the Thompson River. Construction will begin to impact Tranquille Road on Monday, May 29, 2017, and is expected to last 8-12 weeks. Crews will first work east along Tranquille Road, from Aviation Way to Crestline Street. Once that section is complete, crews will work west from Aviation Way to the bend. Motorists should be aware that single-lane alternating traffic will be maintained along the
Norma Knutsvik from the Anavets has retired as of June 1st after years of volunteering in the bar. Thank you from the executive and members from unit 290..
1 Bdrm Units starting at only
$179,000 in 55+ Complex Perfect for the retiree who is still independent, but would like to down size to a home with less upkeep and no yard work. All suites have a balcony or patio that looks out to the beautiful grounds of Cottonwood Manor. All appliances and a/c included. Separate storage space and plenty of closet space. 790-990 sq. ft. Located within walking distance to mall and McArthur Island.
8 n JUNE 1, 2017
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next to the boat ramp
It will be a busy June for School District 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) as nearly 1,000 students from 10 schools get set to end their secondary school careers and move on to bigger things. The district will hand 970 Grade 12 students certificates of graduation this year. “This is an exciting time of year for all of us in the district,” said Bill Hamblett, SD 73’s Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools. “This is an important step for our young people. They are making a significant transition on their way to becoming adults and full members of our society.” “Many people — from parents and friends to school teachers, counsellors, principals and support workers — have helped them get here over many years. We truly want to wish them well as they continue on.” Of note this year, SD 73 will graduate 38 students from the renowned International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
at Norkam secondary school, and more than 250 students who have taken courses or training in the district’s Transitions, Trades and Technology programs. Also, graduates were enrolled in 55 courses at Thompson Rivers University thanks to the TRU Start program, which allows Grade 12 students to take two university courses in their last year of high school studies. As well as commencement exercises, there will be special celebrations of achievement, particularly the SD 73 Honours Banquet, which takes place May 30 at 7 p.m. at TRU. Approximately 75 students — the top five per cent of this year’s class by academic standing — will be recognized for their hard work and success. For a listing of this year’s commencements, log onto www3. graduation-commencementdates
This year’s commencement exercise schedule:
• Barriere - May 26 • Twin Rivers Education Centre - June 5 • Four Directions - June 6 • Continuing Education -June 8 • Logan Lake Secondary- June 9 • First Nations Graduation - June 12 • Norkam Secondary - June 13 • South Kamloops Secondary - June 14 •Sa-Hali Secondary- June 15 •Westsyde Secondary - June 16 • Kamloops School of the Arts - June 16 •Valleyview Secondary — June 17 • Chase Secondary – June 23 • Clearwater Secondary — June 23 For times and locations for each of the ceremonies, visit: www3.
JUNE 1, 2017 n 9
Teddy Bear Mother Goose Picnic
SIZE DOES MATTER! And this space is the perfect size.
The 12th annual Teddy Bear Mother Goose Picnic will take place Thursday June 15 at Riverside Park between the spray park and Third Avenue. The schedule will run from 10am to 12:30 pm. Interior community Services is hosting this free event and is open for everyone up to the age of ďŹ ve.
The Echo targets the people who live and work in your area, the ones most likely to buy your goods and services.
Call to book this or any other space
250-374-3246 Flooding of campbelll creek in Barnhartvale Photo: cFJc
Keeping an eYe On Water leVelS The City of Kamloops continues dicted to be relatively small and weeks, and property owners to monitor water levels in local characterized by potential wa- may need to prepare accordingly. waterways. River forecast mod- ter seepage into basements and A stockpile of sand and sandels currently predict that river backyards in low-lying areas. bags are currently available at levels may have some impact Water levels are expected to the following local fire halls: on the city. The impact is pre- peak over the next two to three
Station No. 2 - 1578 Tranquille Road Station No. 3 - 1625 Valleyview Drive Station No. 4 - 615 Porterfield Road
Station No. 5 - Hefey Creek Road Station No. 6 - 5300 Dallas Drive
For information on techniques for filling sandbags and creating sandbag dikes, please visit:
We are your newspaper in your neighbourhood.
10 n JUNE 1, 2017
THE echo
Submit your listing:
Strawberry Tea, Tailgate Party, Funfest, Jeweltones ■■ Mayfair at Riverbend/Mayfair Seniors Complex is having a Strawberry Tea and Craft/Collectible Sale Sat June 17 from 1 pm to 3 pm at 755 Mayfair St (across from Brock Shopping Centre). $5.00 for cake and beverage. Everyone welcome! ■■ Thompson Valley Activity and Social Club present Let’s Dance Sat June 17 7:30-11:30pm at Brock Activity Centre. Music by Carl McLaughlin Tix $10 call Zonia 250-372-0091 ■■ JewelTones 12 member womens’ singing group are holding a concert Sun June 4 at 2pm at St George’s Anglican Church 308 Royal Ave. Voted best overall choral group at the recent Kamloops Festival for the Performing Arts. Music includes Gershwin, Irving Berlin, comedy, spiritual as well as a 50’s medley. Admission by donation, refreshments to follow. ■■ Options and Opportunities presents FunFest Fri June 2 10:30am to 1:30pm at McDonald Park. Celebrate Disabilities Awareness Week with interactive art, games, Zumba, BBQ picnic and lots more ■■ Strawberry Tea will be held at St.Pauls Cathedral 360 Nicola St.Fri June. 9th 1:30-3:30 p.m. Cost 15.00 Thrift Shop will be open.We will celebrate Canada 150 So if you like, wear red and white!!! ■■ TA I L G AT E PA RT YSMOKIN’ RIBS June 17th Saturday 5:30 p.m. at The Eagles 755 Tranquille Road - Ribs, potato salad, cole slaw, bun. Deadline for tickets is June 14th. FMI call 250376-4633 ■■ Free Wellness Talk at Nature’s
Fare Market “Essential Oils for Well-Being” Learn how to use essential oils safely and effectively to enhance wellness, tranquility and inspiration. Thursday, June 1, 2017 from 7 - 9 p.m. Sign up at the vitamin desk or at naturesfare. com ■■ 7th Annual Father’s Day Show N Shine, Pancake Breakfast & Craft Fair, Sun, June 18, 10 am-2 pm. Drivers of show cars receive a free meal - please arrive by 9:30am. Over 30 vendors with small business, artisans and crafters. Pancake breakfast adults $10 - children $5 (includes beverage). FMI or to book a table contact Deb at 250-578-7525 ■■ Saturday Farmer’s Market 200 blocks of St Paul St. and the Stewart Wood schoolyard. 8:30am-12:30pm. FMI ■■ Project X Theatre return to Prince Charles Park from July 10 – 29 with performances of The Jungle Book and Rapunzel. More information will be available soon at ■■ Gallery. A youth-directed collaboration between the KAG and Kamloops Library that meets Wednesday from 3:30 – 5pm. The program offers space for creative youth to make art and generate ideas for future projects. New members welcome. Ages 12-24. ■■ Kamloops Breast Cancer Support Group meets from 7:15-9:00 pm the 3rd Monday of each month at The Yoga Loft 201-409 Seymour Street. Open to women of all ages and stages. FMI ■■ MS Walk and MS Bike is looking for volunteers. Go to www.mswalks. ca and, choose your local event and complete the volunteer form. ■■ HACK Nights at Kamloops Mak-
erspace (207 Victoria St. West) Every Wednesday 6-8pm, drop in for a tour, work on a project or learn a new skill. FMI ■■ Open Mic Night the first and third Thurs. of the month from 9pm to 12am at the Central Station Pub, 126 4th Ave. Free. ■■ All Inclusive Drop-In Yoga at
Let’s Move Studio (831 Victoria St) Mondays 1-1:50pm. By donation. FMI contact thekamloopsselfadvocate@ or ■■ Drop-In Ping Pong Desert Garden Community Centre (540 Seymour St) Tuesdays 7-9pm, Thursdays 12:302:30pm. Small Drop-In Fee. FMI call 250-372-3965
ADVERTISING CONSULTANT WANTED We are looking for an experienced sales consultant to work with our tight-knit team at the Echo newspaper. We have to admit though that we’re more interested in finding the right personality fit, so aptitude and enthusiasm are the most important qualities! The gig entails working with clients to implement effective advertising campaigns - this starts with the sale, continues to getting ad copy, proofing ad with client and then follow up after the sale. Also includes: organization of systems and billing clients. Basic computer skills are a must. The hours are flexible the work atmosphere is fun! Submit resume to: #1 - 219 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A1 Email: or Fax: 250-374-3247
JUNE 1, 2017 n 11
ECHO STARGAZER DEAR TAURUS: (Apr. 21 - May 21) Hang in there Taurus we’re almost there. One more unexpected bump paves the way for a brighter tomorrow. Romance and children begin to sparkle. DEAR GEMINI: (May 22 - June 21) You’re biting off more than you can chew. Yes you’re finally free from the struggle and you do have ample energy to spare but that doesn’t mean you can conquer the world in one blow. Friends deliver unexpected news. DEAR CANCER: (June 22 - July 22) Career developments take an unexpected twist that could brighten your days for some time. Health and habits continue to cause fits but there’s no quick fix for either. Home is about to bring a ton of luck but not yet. DEAR LEO: (July 23 - Aug 22) That long distance love is a bout to surprise with news you may be wanting to hear. Good luck isn’t always what the heart is hoping to hear. A friend is beginning to get jealous. DEAR VIRGO: (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) How well do you really know your partner? Money has been great for a while but surprises could go either way. Take some time for yourself. DEAR LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) Low energy and decisions you’d rather put off mark a reclusive week. Surprise proposals excite the senses with offers you’d love to entertain. Watch what you’re saying yes to. DEAR SCORPIO: (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Your routine gets a shake and although you need to revise your schedule and return to good habits, change is never easy for you. Love on the very near horizon so ready or not, you’ve got to up your game. DEAR SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Strange proposals in love raise a long forgotten smile. Luck is explosive and ready to reward with a handsome bounty. Buy a lottery ticket. DEAR CAPRICORN: (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) Health concerns finally come under the spotlight as draining energies get the attention they deserve. An exotic fantasy holds your attention. Mom calls to say hello. DEAR AQUARIUS: (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) Knock again, as important doors that need to be opened finally budge. Love may have been rocky but a team is still a team so make peace and get back to work. Money is on the mind. DEAR PISCES: (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) With life finally speeding along it’s time to show your partner a little love. Put the kids to bed early and cuddle up with some well needed together time. Love favours a sensual reunion. DEAR ARIES: (Mar. 21 - April 20) Unpredictability mixes with attraction as love looks your way with hungry eyes. Romance highlights a lunchtime adventure but the chores still have to get done. Doors have opened specifically for Aries. Astro-week Sonnyscopes courtesy of Collin Sonny Rosati, Vancouver Astrologer, Hypnotist. For personal readings visit
JAY & JAY RENOVATIONS & PAINTING Drywall Taping • Textured Ceilings
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fun faCt Falling air pressure causes pain in bird’s ears, so if birds are flying low to the ground it almost always means a thunderstorm is coming.
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Invite helpers into your garden
Learn to xeriscape
Try lawn alternatives, like clover
Learn how to maintain a healthy landscape within the City’s bylaw by visiting For more information, call 250-828-3888
funny pa g e s tHe eCHO
June 1, 2017
WARNING! This publication is not suitable, and not intended, for children and those with a weak sense of humour. If you meet these requirements, stop reading immediately and secure your parents permission. In fact stop and call your parents anyway. Thank them for bringing you into the world. Thank them for raising you. How long has it been since you told Mom you loved her? Too long, I bet. Go ahead, call her now.
HaVing a little reSt
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AD WE MEASURE TO FIT 1406 LORNE ST. EAST, KAMLOOPS P: 250.372.0955 F: 250.372.1392
Just doing their Job The police were just doing their job. When someone called 911, then hung up, the police went to that location to see if there was a problem. It turns out that it was a motel where two drug dealers were staying in different rooms. One tried to call the other one in room 119, but dialed 911 by mistake.
Wet WeatHer grOanerS If six children and two dogs were under an umbrella, how come none of them got wet? Because it wasn’t raining. What kind of umbrella does the Queen of England carry on a rainy day? A wet one. Who is it that everybody listens to but nobody believes? The weatherman. What happens when the fog lifts in California? UCLA. Rumor has it that the new Miami baseball team will be called “Humidity” so that fans in Florida will be able to say, “It’s not the Heat that’s so bad, it’s the Humidity.”
TIME TO UPDATE YOUR OFFICE FURNITURE? kam Trends off sys •1/3 bannd Furniture Options • Latest Color Ergonomic • Sit Stand Desks WE MEASURE TO FIT • CUSTOM DOES NOT MEAN EXPENSIVE NEW LOCATION 1406 LORNE STREET EAST, KAMLOOPS, BC P: 250.372.0955 F: 250.372.1392
funny pa g e s tHe eCHO
June 1, 2017
WARNING! This publication is not suitable, and not intended, for children and those with a weak sense of humour. If you meet these requirements, stop reading immediately and secure your parents permission. In fact stop and call your parents anyway. Thank them for bringing you into the world. Thank them for raising you. How long has it been since you told Mom you loved her? Too long, I bet. Go ahead, call her now.
Now partnered with iMEDICINE CANADA, Kipp-Mallery Pharmacy is your full-service pharmacy
Visit the iMEDICINE clinic to see a doctor or nurse practitioner using telemedicine technology and then have the pharmacy fill your prescription… all in one location! • Specialty Compounding • Certified Stocking & Mastectomy Fitter • Free Prescription Delivery within city limits
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reallY? a
TEMPORARY PART-TIME COPY EDITOR WANTED We are looking for a copy editor and front desk person to work with our tight-knit team at The Echo newspaper. An interest in writing with excellent skills in spelling and grammar is essential.
The gig entails editing press releases, proofreading, writing headlines and captions, sourcing stories, operating copiers, answering phones and some knowledge of account receivables. Mac computer skills are a must. Must be familiar with MS Word, Outlook and social media. Must have an eye for detail, be highly organized and capable of mutitasking. The hours are flexible, the work atmosphere is fun! Submit resume to or #1 - 219 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A1
14 n JUNE 1, 2017
THE echo
We are �e N�� Sh�e. For over 25 years the North Shore Business Improvement Association (NSBIA) has been a positive leader and voice of business in Kamloops.
Above: Fernando Silva Brazilian Dog Guru “Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack.” TRAINING – BOARDING – DAY CARE – GROOMING 250-377-1036
Ticks Season As warmer weather summer heat is here in Kamloops, ticks will become more numerous in our region. It seems we see more ticks due to warmerwinter temperatures. I would like to share simple information about ticks and prevention of tick-related diseases.
insects. Upon arrival home, wash your clothes in hot water and dry in hot dryer, and check for ticks before bathing or showering with a washcloth. 15) It may take a full day or even 36 hours before they get to skin and start to suck blood. 1)Get out there and 16) If you notice a tick enjoy nature and do attached, remove it not panic or over react as soon as you see it if you see a tick on by using fine-tipped HEALTH MATTERS your self. tweezers as close as Missagh Manshadi 2) Ticks are not insects. possible to skin and Pharmacist/Owner They are arachnids pull the tick straight Certified Compounder and like their relatives out with steady presspider, they have eight legs when they sure. Do not jerk it reach adulthood. up and work slowly. 3) Ticks do not jump, fly or drop off 17) Clean with alcohol and then wash from trees. with soap and water and apply anti4) In order for ticks to survive, they need biotic ointment. to feed on blood of other animals. 18) It is not necessary to see a doctor 5) Some ticks are infected with bacteria, unless symptoms appears, which can viruses and parasites, which sometakes days to weeks. times can pass to humans. 19) Once you removed the tick from 6) Ticks are found in backyards, under the skin and decide you want to see leaves, on ground cover, in woodpiles, a doctor, do not destroy the tick and and where other small mammals live. take it with you. Also, don't think 7) What illnesses are caused depends on you have to go on antibiotics right where you are and what kind of tick away. bites you. 20) 95% of cases of lyme diseases are 8) Most infected people will never show acquired in June, July and August. symptoms and some develop feverand 21) Three-quarters of people get bit headache, muscle pain and rash. on their own property, because we 9) Lyme disease is the most common spend more time in our own back tick-born disease. yard. 10) Lyme disease can cause fever, head22) Tick collars, sprays, shampoo and ache, fatigue and a bulls-eye rash other tick control products can preknown as erythema migrans. Lyme vent family pets from bringing ticks disease if not treated can spread to to the home. joints, heart and nervous system. We need to remember the benefits of 11) Most people cannot feel the tick going outside to nature outweigh the bites, but after 1-2 days may feel risks of getting lyme disease and you can the itch. protect yourself with some of the above 12) All transmitted disease are treatable suggestions. with antibiotic. 13) Ticks are often found on hair, on Have a good summer. their way to scalp. Ticks like to Missagh Manshadi, B.Sc. Pharm., move to warmer, moist part of body such as groin, armpits and scalp.Also Certified Compounder, Pharmacist/ found behind ears, behind the knees Owner, Manshadi Pharmacy and around the waist. 14) When you visit outside, use deet before heading out to repel ticks and
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LAUREL LLAurA Aur urA A LAurA OLIVEr OLIVE r OLIVEr MISSAGH rEGAN rEGAN BurGESS Bur GESS BurGESS WELLMANWELLMANMANSHADI WETHErILL WETHErILL WILLIAMS LAurAB.Sc. OL MISSAGH MISSAGH rEGAN rEGAN B.Sc. Pharm, LABADIE LABADIE B.Sc. Pharm B.Sc. LAurA Pharm, Pharm, B.Sc. Pharm, BurGESS BurGESS WEL W MANSHADI MANSHADIPharmacist WETHErILL WETHErILL Pharmacist B.Sc. Pharm, B.Sc. Pharm, Pharmacist/ Pharmacist Pharmacist B.Sc. B.Sc. Pharm, Pharm,PhD.,B.Sc. LAB L B.Sc. B.Sc. Pharm Pharm Certified B.Sc. Pharm, Pharm, Certified MBA PhD., MBA Owner Diabetes Pharmacist Certified Pharmacist PharmacistPharmacist B.Sc. B. Pharmacist/ Pharmacist/ Diabetes Pharmacist Pharmacist Educator Educator Compounder Certified Certified PhDP Owner Owner
DELIVERY DELIVERY Diabetes Diabetes PhaP Certified Certified educators 477 St. Paul 477 250-372-2223 St. Pauleducators 250-372-2223 • 374 Tranquille • 374Compounder Tranquille Rd. 250-434-2526 Rd. 250-434-2526 Educator Educator Compounder
477 477St. St.Paul Paul250-372-2223 250-372-2223••374 374Tranquille TranquilleRd. Rd.250-434-25 250-434-2
JUNE 1, 2017 n 15
North Shore bike port on Yew Street
Downtown bike port on
Canada’s First Car Bike Port Bicycle Parking Comes to Kamloops The very first pair of car bike ports in Canada were installed this week right here in River City. One is on the 400 block of Tranquille Road on the north shore, and the other on the 300 block of Lansdowne Street downtown. Each bike port can park up to ten bicycles and takes up no more space than a standard car parking spot.The City
purchased the two car bike ports through a grant from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development’s Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program. The car bike ports are portable and may be installed at different locations throughout the city.
National Health and Fitness Day Saturday, June 3, 2017 FREE activities all day: •
Take part in family-friendly yoga at 12 noon at McDonald Park, led by Kamloops Hot Yoga (bring your own mat, or enjoy the grass) •
Visit the Tournament Capital Centre
(please note: the Canada Games Aquatic Centre is closed for an event)
Swim at Brock Outdoor Pool from 1:00-8:00 pm
Find our event on Facebook:
Facebook: CityofKamloops_PRC Instagram: CityofKamloops_PRC
National Health and Fitness Day Kamloops
16 n JUNE 1, 2017
Ricoh Photocopiers & Printers Ricoh offers a complete line of network-capable printers that print in black and white, color, or both. Ricoh multifunction printers offer scanning, fax and copier options as well as advanced finishing capabilities. From small offices to centralized production printing environments, Ricoh printers enhance your productivity.
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