24 minute read
Inland transportation
trains and barges play a vital role in for cargo distribution to the hinterland
Full logistics service — barge and rail — from Middle River
Middle River is a fully integrated North American bulk material logistics service provider, serving three primary bulk materials market segments: construction materials, agricultural products, and industrial commodities.
Middle River operates across the lake, river barge, rail, dump truck, and terminal logistics operations modes.
The company is highly experienced in barge and rail transport, as well as road haulage; this article will focus primarily on its barge and rail expertise.
Today, Middle River serves primarily the Illinois and Northwest Indiana markets.
Terminal operations were originally established as a Great Lakes and Illinois river and rail terminal in 1998. Since that time, terminal operations in Calumet Park, Lemont, Rock Creek, and Henry have been added. Asset-based marine operations began in 2009 and have expanded to a sixtug and 88-barge fleet with 96 total employees as of 2021.
LOCATIONS Middle River has ten river terminals and hundreds of sourcing locations.
The company combines its vast transportation network in its service areas with highly skilled and experienced transportation professionals with the latest in transportation planning and scheduling technology, to ensure that its customers’ jobs keep running on time and on budget. Its locations are at: v Henry, Illinois River;

v v v
v v v v v v Rock Creek; Des Plaines River; Joliet, Des Plaines River; Lemont, Chicago Sanitary & Ship Canal; 31st Street, Chicago; Chinatown, Chicago River; Northside, Chicago River; Alsip, Calumet Sag River; Calumet Park, Calumet Sag River; and South Chicago, Calumet River.
BULK MATERIAL HAULING BY WATER Middle River helps customers to connect their global supply chain across the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System and the inland river system.
Its nine port locations can swiftly move large quantities of materials between Peoria and Chicagoland, including the Chicago River systems and Calumet Harbor. Its full-service harbour and fleeting abilities, combined with its network of rail and truck transportation, means that its customers’ materials can move through the Midwest using the most cost-effective and hassle-free route.
There are several benefits to transporting material by water. These include: v operational efficiencies: companies rely on efficiency, so it makes sense to choose a method of transportation that enhances this need. Moving material via barge creates multiple operational efficiencies that are extremely beneficial to companies.
First, it allows customers to have more control over their inventory. Since one barge carries the equivalent of 17 railcars or 75 semi-trucks, moving material using one barge gives better control of where inventory is located. v cost-effectiveness: water is often the most economical way to move large quantities of materials over great distances. In general, the longer the distance travelled, the more economical barging becomes. Since all companies care deeply about their bottom line, this is a smart choice. sustainability: moving material via
water means fewer trucks and railcars on the road. Water transportation causes far less air pollution than trucking and rail, and it also consumes less energy per tonne-mile of freight carried. Additionally, since water transportation relies on a few terminals and connections, they don’t take up any land space, which keeps natural plant and animal habitats intact or allows for urban development.
BARGING & TOWING When deciding to barge materials, there are many factors and steps to consider. It’s smart to partner with experts familiar with the river system. On the Illinois River, one call to Middle River handles it all.
Middle River offers full-service harbour and fleeting abilities, from barging to fleeting to maintenance. Its ten river-based terminals can swiftly move large quantities of materials between Peoria and Chicagoland, including the Chicago River systems and Calumet Harbor.
Middle River has highly experienced and professional crews. Its captains and pilots average over 20 years of experience in the industry, with specialized expertise on the waterways where the company operates. All pilots are licensed and take pride in the excellent work they do. Middle River is continuously adding the best crew members to its team.
Barge services offered by Middle River include: v Barge ballasting & de-ballasting:
Middle River’s experienced crew keep barges and cargo safe, and do the job efficiently to save time and money. v Barge topside repair: a barge is an important asset, so any time it is out of service for damage is costly. Middle
River’s responsive crew of the best welders in the Chicagoland area are available 24/7, and can get barges back to work as quickly as possible. v Barge cleaning: barges need regular cleaning — whether the cargo is aggregate, agricul tural, industrial products, cement, salt, sand, coal or another bulk commodity. It is important that the job is done right, cost effectively, with no hidden costs or fees. Middle River can take care of the entire cleaning process, including cover removal, stack, and spreading, as well as material disposal or recycling.
The company also has the fastest turnaround time in the area. This full service cleaning job means that customers can avoid the hassle of co-ordinating with multiple parties, and it saves time and money. v Heavy lift/project cargo: Customers sometimes think it is impossible to figure out how to ship non-standard or heavy lift cargo. Safely getting cargo to the correct destination requires a lot of creative thinking, the right transportation, and the help of talented professionals. Middle River’s experts work with customers to consider special tools, equipment, restrictions, and any permits that may be needed. v Barge cover handling: every step of a barge shipment should be carefully
v planned so materials can arrive at their destination safely and efficiently. One important step of the process is barge cover handling. Different barges have different covers, and experience counts to be sure the cover is handled with care for loading and unloading. Middle River can handle cover removal, storage, barge shifting, and cover spreading. Lock & bridge assist: barges must safely navigate the Brandon Road Lock and the Joliet Harbor bridge. Any mistake in navigating could put crew or materials at risk. Middle River’s fleet in Joliet is perfectly positioned just above the Brandon Road Lock for when customers need a barge lock and bridge assist. The company is highly experienced and conveniently located, so can help keep crew and materials safe. Barge fleeting: selecting the right fleeting location is one of the most important factors when shipping bulk materials by barge. The right location can ensure a barge is taken care of, materials are safe, and that everything from shifting to loading, unloading, and transloading to barge cleaning and maintenance will be handled efficiently and expertly. Middle River’s fleeting locations offer convenient and strategic placement and full service material handling and barge care. Short haul barge towing: customers
v regularly have barges that need towed anywhere between Peoria and Chicagoland, including the Chicago River systems and Calumet Harbor. Middle River’s fleet of boats towing barges is so precious to the company that it names them after fifth-generation daughters in the Middle River family. Its expert crew moves your materials efficiently and carefully. Barge loading and unloading: moving materials by sea can be best, but only if handled properly. When choosing a company to load and unload a barge shipment, it is important to get a company with top-of-the-line equipment that has experience with the cargo, to ensure that the shipment is handled with the proper care. It is also vital that operations are cost effective. Middle River’s price details exactly what the customer is getting, and the order is handled efficiently so no money is lost waiting for barge loading and unloading.
BULK MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION BY RAIL It’s no secret that shipping bulk materials by rail can simplify the transportation of bulk materials and cut down on the expensive costs associated with it.
The real secret to making it work is using a network that minimizes the time required to load, unload, and transload it. Providing a full spectrum of rail services, Middle River’s team can look at the scale of a project and see if shipping by rail can save money and keep a project on time.
When shipping by rail, it is important to ensure that materials are loaded and unloaded safely and efficiently. Middle River’s high quality equipment and years in the industry can give peace of mind that cargo will be handled with care as it begins its journey and arrives at its destination. Moreover, the company’s many locations and experience throughout the Midwest gives it extensive knowledge of city, state, and local loading and unloading regulations. Customers need only order the service, and Middle River takes care of the rest.
There are many advantages of rail transportation. These include: v versatility and cost-effectiveness: rail is one of the better transport options, thanks to its versatility and

v cost-effectiveness, among other attributes. strong organization: according to the Association of American Railroads, the railroad industry is the critical link in the nation’s supply chain, moving millions of tonnes of goods over a 140,000-mile network every day. This requires vast organization. Rail has fixed routes and follows a schedule, so customers can constantly monitor their cargo’s location. Also, since rail doesn’t deal with unusual traffic patterns, scheduled departure and arrival times of freight cargoes are generally known. speed: rail usually travels longer distances with fewer stops than trucks, especially when travelling far distances. Because of this, cargoes can arrive at a destination via rail before they would arrive via truck. This is extremely important when dealing with timesensitive projects. versatility: having a freight option that can accommodate the customer’s hauling needs is important, and rail’s versatility makes it a great option. Not only is rail capable of moving heavy and bulky items between destinations, but the customer’s hauling needs are easily met by simply adding more cars to the train. If necessary, customers can also opt for transloading services to move their cargoes from rail to water, rail to truck, or vice versa. This provides a beneficial mode of transportation to help get cargo to its desired destination. dependability: customers can always
v count on rail, and that is one of the biggest advantages for choosing it as a freight option. It is not as easily influenced by weather conditions like other modes of transportation. For example, rail will still move through heavy rain, fog, and even snow, while others like trucks are stationed until the roadways clear. environmental friendliness: for customers looking to find a ‘green’ way to move freight, rail is a solid option. According to an independent study for the Federal Railroad Administration, railroads are four times more fuel-efficient than trucks. They also lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce highway congestion, and even reduce pollution. Plus, according to the AAR, one tonne of freight can move 436 miles on one gallon of fuel. cost-effectiveness: travelling by rail is
also extremely cost effective, and this is important to every company’s bottom line. Since more cargo is moved in one train than in one truck, there are instant savings on freight costs, while benefiting from the dependability and versatility freight requires.
Rail transportation services offered by Middle River include: v Material inventory management: this is vital to ensure a competitive advantage, and to know at all stages where a cargo is. v Railcar loading & unloading: Middle
River’s skilled operators and cuttingedge equipment quickly load and unload material to get cargoes moving faster than ever. v Transloading: using Middle River’s automated transloading facilities minimizes the loading and unloading process.
Navigating the dry cargo and maritime sector in times of unforeseen disturbances and geopolitical challenges
USING THE WTC VALUATION PLATFORM FOR REAL TIME INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COOPERATION BASED ON UP-TO-DATE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Running a business in the dry cargo and maritime sector is a constant process of navigation and consideration. Interactions and consequences are the basis for decision making, writes Riks Noorman, Founder of the World Treasury Center, CEO World Valuation Institute and Wouter ter Reehorst, Head of Compliance and Integrity, World Valuation Institute.
Compare it to driving a car, vehicle, or ship. Where am I, how much fuel do I have, what is the condition of the vehicle and the driver?
Almost 50 years of entrepreneurial experience and 35 years of development in cooperation with all users have resulted in a platform that, figuratively speaking, has become a cockpit for the entrepreneur. It shows the state of your business day by day, second per second. But also the position of suppliers and interested parties such as banks, insurers, and the like. Information on which many companies, large and small, have reliably navigated worldwide.
Business navigation is an increasingly complex process. Because it is not just about making profit anymore. But everything about sustainably running an organization, working together, and managing profits and risks. Sustainable in every sense of the word. People, technology, environment, consumption, profit, health of fellow human beings. These are today’s keywords.

THE WORLD TREASURY CENTER INTRODUCED BOTH ‘NECESSITY’ AND ‘CHAIN EFFECT’ OF AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION In the process of survival, the necessity and chain effect of an individual action are coming more and more to the frontline of entrepreneurial activity. Especially in the sense of corporate responsibility. What the World Treasury Center valuation platform offers, is a system that can be adapted to a client’s individual needs.
Without distraction from their entrepreneurial vision and policy. It is set up as such, and measures all the parameters of a business, analyzes them, and reliably displays the result at a glance, like a cockpit.
The software analyzes business
activities, assets and liabilities, the market, and the emotions in and on the market. This is done independently and enables users to provide their partners or financial institutions with a clear reference and insight, directly, globally and in real time.
Information on the position, the financial well-being by understanding the need and therefore the value of the assets and the actual management per individual business unit or department. This enables executives and entrepreneurs to build a healthy and solid financial structure and ensures continuity in times of highly volatile markets due to unforeseen disruptions and geopolitical challenges.
360° VIEW FROM THE COCKPIT The independent World Valuation Institute foundation offers total support to the boardroom and assists board members and MTs. The World Valuation Institute helps to identify and realize new opportunities after difficult disruptions in production processes, supply chains, sales channels, and financing processes.
THE SUPPORT OF EXPERTS FOR THE EXPERTS Through the professional support of data analysis tools provided by the World Treasury Center’s (WTC) platform, valuation experts, analysts, and financial institutions — from leasing companies and banks to VCs — its access via the World Valuation Institute foundation enables the successful realization of these objectives.
The WTC Valuation Platform is circular in content, structure, and usability of enriched data
It guarantees a lifetime log of products and objects. This platform can be viewed as an (industrial) drop-off point with alwaysup-to-date insight into the environmental impact and associated liability of assets, such as CO2 and PFAS on the value of assets.
With precise answers to asset-related questions such as On Cover? Valuation? Real time? Obsolete? True or false? Recorded in accordance with the balance sheet? Certification? Certainty? Framework Agreement? Security? Annuity? Certificates? Operational Range? Maintenance? CE? BASEL? Environmental Conditions? Working conditions? PFAS? CO2 and other emissions? Sustainability?
And the use of materials in construction, maintenance, renovation, and revitalization? Material use in combination with working conditions. Sustainability of materials, methodologies, and maintenance activities? Ecological footprint?
TOTAL CHAIN ENERGY AND IMPACT But also: what is total chain energy? Total chain energy is defined as all the energy required to design, produce, install, operate, and maintain an asset, and the parts, components, measurement and control units, cables, etc. that are required for and during the total lifetime of that asset.
When the outcome of the total energy or labour produced during the lifetime of an asset minus the energy required for the design, production, installation, and maintenance of such an asset with its associated infrastructure and disposal at the end of its lifetime is negative, the question arises as to whether the manufacture and sale of such an asset is socially responsible and desirable.
Knowledge enhancement and research of such criteria are time-consuming, and the lack of understanding and clarity creates uncertainty when it comes to quick and effective financing. Not only for the purchase, but also for the exchange of goods.
Within science alone it is still unclear which substances are precisely PFAS (nonbiodegradable or toxic) and which are not, but we are talking about more than 6,000 substances that may pose a risk in terms of detection and the associated liability and the consequences the financing and use of the product, the asset, and the organization.
INDEPENDENT INDUSTRIAL RELEASE POINT The WTC Valuation Platform works with data enriched by three AI’s for current valuation and value development. The basic data is collected by independent experts and parties who are not involved in assessing commercial transactions — the process is completely independent of commerce but follows only the facts.
The valuations of each product and item are subject to the same research methodology and thus uniformity in methodology and valuation process. This gives a clear comparison and refection.

HIDDEN RESERVES ARE SUBSTANTIATED, YOUR GUARANTEE FOR CONTINUITY The WTC Valuation Platform makes hidden reserves transparent and thus contributes to accelerated growth or guaranteeing continuity. These analyses result in lower overall operational financing and redemption costs and a faster settlement of financing requests.
They also provide insight into postpurchase obligations with the pre-planned maintenance administration for operational activities in the various sectors. This also applies to port companies and financial institutions.
The WTC Valuation Platform provides additional information to bridge the financing gap to sustainability and to reduce the environmental impact. Aspects that are essential for goodwill from consumers and stakeholders.
UP-TO-DATE ONLINE FILE PER ASSET The online asset file is structured to be upto-date and ready for use in case of evacuation and any operational calamities. The file contains everything from work orders, repair reports, hourly billing, or an environmental report on all pollutants. CO2, PFAS and other elements and substances are all charted as accurately as possible.
This is also important for a clear ecological footprint and for independent assessment according to the legal obligations. Important aspects that determine liability after purchase, financing, use and sale.
Minimizing risks during the entire life cycle of an asset — recession-proof day-today operation
The risks to be taken are reduced thanks to a good understanding of both historical and current value movements. Moreover, market references for individual assets are modal and real time. Valuations are automatically updated and checked, and are immediately available.
The reports are thus predictive of trends and have proven their reliability over the past almost 30 years. The insight into ‘upswing’ and ‘downswing’ makes an organization recession-proof.
The valuation of a registered asset or a movable asset is linked to daily practice and
is referenced to the world market. This reliability leads to fast decision-making and safe investment decisions.
The platform is user-friendly, with an impressive bandwidth of content. Discretion is assured thanks to authorization, and because the platform focuses on core expertise for Boards, MT’s and financial institutions, the insights gained are both forward-looking and enriching.
GLOBALIZATION BEGAN WITH THE NAUTICAL SECTOR 500 YEARS AGO Just over 35 years ago, founder, analyst, and maritime valuer Riks Noorman laid the foundation for the valuation platform that has now grown into the World Treasury Center. Access to this valuation platform is in line with stakeholder objectives and GDPR guarantees, via a regulated, rolebased user’s licence.
For decades, the WTC platform has supported entrepreneurs in the dry cargo and maritime sectors, guiding them successfully through difficult times, making complex acquisitions clear and forward moving and resolving conflicts before expensive escalations. The acquisition is done by word of mouth, which has been passed on by the various generations for decades. On all levels, on all continents.
The platform does not use informationabsorbing cookies and is exclusive, sovereign software for all users from a wide range of industries. The exclusivity of specific businesses and gained insights is protected and guaranteed.
The World Treasury Center valuation platform is a place where users can come together to do business sustainably, with a keen eye on profit, continuity, nature, and our society. Supporting global reach with local insight.

Barge vessels for transporting ballast in Stockholm – reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 95%
Avatar Logistics and Jehander are planning for a new electric barge ship for transporting sand and gravel within the Stockholm region. The companies have a collaboration on maritime transport, where Avtar’s existing vessel Jehander 1 transports aggregates to the concrete factories in Stockholm.
The new barge vessel is expected to be operational in mid-2024. “It is gratifying that we have signed a joint letter of intent regarding the construction of a new, environmentally efficient barge vessel adapted for bulk transport within the Stockholm area. The electric barge ship is becoming more technologically advanced and will have double the cargo capacity. This means that for each cargo, the barge ship can replace 100 trucks by land. With the planned electric drive, the barge vessel will also reduce Jehander’s CO2 impact by up to 95% compared to the corresponding truck option. It will strongly contribute to a cleaner environment in Stockholm’s inner city, says Johan Lantz, CEO of Avatar Logistics AB.
The new barge ship will be built according to EU regulations for barge traffic (Inland waterway transport/Inland navigation). A first design has already been developed by Shipyard Ferus Smit B.V. in Holland. As the next step, Avatar Logistics will seek green co-financing. Barge ships are specially adapted for traffic within the domestic transport system and on urban waterways. They replace — and complement – truck transport and are very common in the EU. Existing 50-year-old Jehander 1 transports 300,000 tonnes of aggregate (rock and gravel material) annually from Jehander’s gravel pits in Lake Mälaren to the concrete factories in central Stockholm. “We want to continue to use shipping and also increase our maritime transport throughout Lake Mälaren. Ship transport increases sustainability and efficiency for both us and society at large. A new electric barge vessel is a natural step in our environmental strategy,” says Mats Björkryd, CEO of Jehander.
Avatar Logistics AB develops logistics solutions on regional domestic waterways. The company is owned by the shipping companies Erik Thun AB in Lidköping and the Dutch barge shipping company VT Group Ltd.
Sand & Grus AB Jehander is part of the HeidelbergCement Group, global market leader in the ballast product area and a significant player in cement, concrete and other related operations. HeidelbergCement is one of the world’s largest producers of building materials.

New service to support UK’s automotive industry by moving 315kt of aggregate by rail
GB Railfreight (GBRf) has announced the commencement of a new service to move aggregates from Shap Summit Quarry to Battleship Wharf in North Blyth.
The aggregates are being moved for Breedon and will be used for the foundations of a BritishVolt gigaplant, which is strategically important to the UK’s automotive industry and a key component in the drive to the UK achieving Net Zero by 2050.
GBRf plans to run one train per day until September, when it will then run two trains per day until around March 2023.
Class 66 locomotives with 22 MJA wagons will be used for this service, with over 315kt of aggregates being moved over the period of the campaign.
John Smith, CEO of GB Railfreight, said: “Rail freight has a vital role to play in supporting the economy and in helping companies transition to a greener way of working.
“The new service demonstrates how transporting material by rail, instead of by road, significantly reduces the environmental impact of important construction projects.”
ABOUT GB RAILFREIGHT: Founded in 1999 and headquartered in London, United Kingdom, GB Railfreight is

one of the fastest-growing companies in the rail industry, transporting goods for a wide range of customers across the country.
GBRf operates a reliable, safe, and sustainable portfolio of rail freight services for customers working in intermodal, energy generation, infrastructure, waste, construction, and rail services. With a workforce totalling more than 1,100 staff from across the UK, GBRf’s unique peoplefocused culture has won the acclaim of the sector, achieving the Great Place to Work award at the National Rail Awards 2020.
GBRf prides itself on five core principles that resonate across the business: communication and visibility, professional ism, trust and empowerment, enjoyment, and support.
Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight reports successful implementation of the Border Pass

Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight has seen success following the implementation of innovative customs service: Border Pass.
The service reduces the waiting time for the logistics industry/freight drivers after Brexit measures require border authorities to control moving goods between the United Kingdom and the European Union.
Border Pass is a digital wallet by which hauliers can send info in advance or at the time of crossing, helping better facilitate the border and reducing time spent.
The service: v ensures a smooth driver experience by filtering Border Pass users through designated lanes and automatically uploading border documentation to authorities; v offers flexibility for data in documents to be changed up to 30 minutes before crossing; v is available in five languages; and v remains valid for 72 hours in case of unavoidable delays.
Christian Dufermont, Freight Director at Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight, explains why the Border Pass is a major boon for the industry.
“It’s no surprise the situation at the borders between England and France have consistently been headline news since the changes from Brexit were implemented. This has led to many freight drivers experiencing long and uncomfortable delays due to increased checks, new red tape, and has required staff to adopt new procedures and protocols.
“Since 1st January 2021, border authorities are required to control goods moving between the United Kingdom and the European Union. Without the correct documents and valid declarations, freight drivers are not allowed to cross — a logistical nightmare which may have caused extensive delays.
“To ensure a smoother experience and to save truck drivers wasting time waiting to get through the border, Eurotunnel developed an innovative and unique digital service for its customers, the Eurotunnel Border Pass. This ensures an easier and more efficient border crossing for transport companies and their valuable goods. Drivers now gain a considerable amount of time at the crossing — their vehicles are quickly identified by number plate readers on arrival at check-in and border documentation is uploaded automatically to the authorities — it’s as easy as that. What’s more, we have introduced dedicated lanes for Border Pass users to help filter our loyal customers through efficiently.
“We understand that sometimes data on documents will need to be changed last minute, which is why we have made sure information can be amended up to 30 minutes before the crossing. By the time drivers reach the other side of the channel they will know their status, and whether the goods they’re transporting will be subject to border controls. Further to this, the Border Pass is available in five languages, accessible to use on both sides of the channel, and it’s valid for 72 hours in case of any unavoidable delays.
“We listened to our customers when developing the Border Pass to understand what was important for them, which is why we knew it was essential for our teams at Eurotunnel to implement and deliver the Border Pass project swiftly and on time, while ensuring we kept a close relationship with the authorities in each country so we could help identify the best solution and validate it.
“This key input from the border authorities and numerous user testing and information webinars, organized in seven languages, enabled Eurotunnel to develop a system and solution which further helps to alleviate the stress of transporting goods across borders, incorporated in a smooth, easy, and efficient crossing.
“Despite having additional formalities in place, the Border Pass has quickly become a competitive advantage appreciated and widely used by our customers.” DCi