2030 AGENDA towards 2050

• sapersi presentare in modo semplice e scambiare informazioni personali
• capire e dare informazioni su argomenti di base quali: data, età, ora (numeri), mesi e stagioni, oggetti personali
• saper usare il verbo be al presente, l’imperativo e le
Question words
Competenze comunicative
• parlare della provenienza
• descrivere interessi personali
• parlare di abilità e possibilità
• presentarsi e scambiare informazioni personali
• parlare di famiglia e animali domestici

• chiedere e dire ciò che si possiede
• descrivere la propria camera
Competenze chiave
• comunicare, collaborare e partecipare (competenze linguistiche, personali e di educazione civica)
• acquisire e interpretare informazioni
• pensiero critico e creativo
• consapevolezza culturale
• competenza digitale
• Life Skill: Respect
CHECK! Answer the questions.
1 What’s your name and how old are you?
2 What’s the date today?
3 What’s the time?
4 Where are you now?
5 What is on your desk at the moment?
The workplace
• sapersi presentare in ambito lavorativo
• identificare la struttura, i luoghi e i reparti all’interno di un’azienda
Spunti di collegamento con altri assi culturali
• Asse storico-sociale: lavoro, famiglia, luoghi e ambiente
1 THINK In pairs, think of five country names that you know in English.
2 015 Watch, read and listen to the posts. What countries are the teens from?
Online English Chat
English is a global language, with speakers all around the world. Are you one of them? Join our teen community. Make friends and speak English. Post here!

Hi! I’m Brazilian and I’m from Rio de Janeiro. It isn’t the capital of Brazil, but it’s famous for its beaches and carnival – it’s a fun city! I’m interested in languages and my favourite school subjects are English and Spanish. I’m also a fan of American films and TV series − in English, of course! What are you a fan of?
Hi everyone. I’m from Heidelberg, in Germany. It’s a small historic city with a famous castle, and it’s really nice. I’m interested in online gaming, and English is really useful for that. It’s also an important language in German schools. I’m nearly fluent in speaking English, but the spelling is a nightmare!
15 JUN 15
Hello from Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Is Seoul big? Yes, it is – the population is nearly 10 million people! South Korea is famous for K-Pop. It’s my favourite music (of course), but I’m a fan of British music too – are you? Korean isn’t an easy language to learn, so English is important for me to chat to you online!
Hi. I’m Spanish and I’m from Barcelona. It’s a beautiful city on the Mediterranean coast, famous for its art, architecture and football team. It’s good to know English here because Barcelona is very popular with tourists. Two kids in my class are English and it’s fun to learn British slang from them!
fun divertente nice bello, carino nightmare incubo kids ragazzi
3 I Answer the questions using a maximum of four words.
1 What city is Rafael from?
2 What is it famous for?
3 What is difficult about English for Hanna?
4 What is the population of Seoul?
5 Why is English important for Jun?
6 Who is in class with Camila?
4 SPEAKING P T In pairs, answer the questions.
1 Where are you from? Is it famous? What for?
2 Is learning English important for you? Why?/ Why not?
3 Is it easy or difficult?
I’m from...
Talking about where you’re from Talking about abilities Making friends
Global Goals
The Global Goals
Grammar Vocabulary
Countries and nationalities
5 016 Complete the table with nationalities or countries. Then listen and check.

Italian • the USA • South Korea • Australian • British • Canadian • Ireland • French • Brazil • China • Moroccan • Switzerland • Germany • Indian • Poland • Spanish
7 Read the examples and complete the rules.
Verb be
We use the verb be to state facts and give personal information.
We usually use the contracted form in informal English.
I’m Spanish. I’m not French.
It’s a fun city!
Two kids in my class are English.
Korean isn’t an easy language to learn.
Is Seoul big? – Yes, it is.
What are you a fan of?
Positive subject + am/is/are
Negative subject + am/is/are + not /
Questions Am/Is/Are + + ...? Grammar Goals p. 222
8 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of be. Use the contracted form where possible.
1 Matt Where you?
Cora We at the park.
Matt Holly with you?
Cora No, she here. She at home.
The UK (United Kingdom) is four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. What are the nationalities?
6 SPEAKING 017 In pairs, look at the famous people in the photos. Where are they from? Ask and answer. Then listen to the radio quiz and check.
A Where’s Ariana Grande from?
B I think Ariana Grande is from...
2 Zara you a fan of science fiction films?
Miles Yes, I . My favourite Dune And you?
Zara No, I
3 Jess The Mysterines a new band?
Max Yes, they quite new. They good.
Jess Where they from? Manchester?
Max No, they . They from Liverpool.
9 SPEAKING P T In pairs, ask and answer about your favourite films, TV series and music.
A Are you a fan of Billie Eilish?
B No, I’m not. I’m a fan of... My favourite... is...
Grammar in context
1 018 Read and listen to the messages. What kind of name is Sinead?
> Efriends
Hi! I’m Jake, from Santa Barbara, a city on the coast of California in the USA. I’m interested in films and I can skateboard. What are your interests and what can you do?
Hi Jake! I’m Sinead from Dublin, the capital of Ireland. I can’t skateboard, but I can play the piano. (My mum’s a music teacher and she can play everything!)
Can you play a musical instrument?
Yes, I can. I can play the guitar!
PS Sinead is a nice name!
Thanks! It’s an Irish name. I can’t write more now – dinner’s ready! Bye!
2 Read the examples and complete the rules.
Articles: a, an and the
We use a, an with singular countable nouns when we mention them for the first time.
Sinead is a nice name. It’s an Irish name.
– We use before a consonant or a consonant sound.
– We use before a vowel or silent h (e g. hour).
We use the to indicate a specific thing or if there’s only one. We also use it with some geographical names.
Dublin is the capital of Ireland.
It’s a city on the coast of California in the USA.
Grammar Goals p. 223
4 Read the examples and complete the rule.
Verb can: ability and possibility
We use can to talk about ability.
I can skateboard. I can’t skateboard. She can play everything! What can you do?
Positive subject + can + base form of the verb
Negative subject + + base form of the verb
Questions Can + + base form of the verb + ?
We also use can to talk about what is or isn’t possible. I can’t write more now – dinner’s ready!
Grammar Goals p. 223
5 Are the sentences about ability (A) or possibility (P)?
0 We can’t play football in this park. It’s the rule. P
1 Oliver can write fantastic stories.
2 I can message you later.
3 Sorry, I can’t help you, I’m busy.
4 No, Sara can’t play the guitar.
5 You can’t go in the sea today. It’s too cold.
6 He can read and he’s only three!
7 Can you run fast?
8 I can walk to school from my house. It’s very near.
6 Complete the two dialogues with can or can’t.

1 Nat I do this exercise. It’s impossible!
Gaia Yes, you . Look, your answers are correct. Be positive. Repeat after me...
I !’
2 Taylor I’m sure my dog understand me.
Alfie Why? What he do?
Taylor He obey commands.
Alfie Lots of dogs do that! he answer questions?
3 Write a, an or the.
1 Are you from Philippines?
2 Lorenzo is Italian name.
3 What’s first lesson today?
4 It’s nice photo of you.
5 Is new teacher good?
6 This is boring book.
7 What’s answer to question four?
8 Portugal is European country.
Taylor No, he . Don’t be silly!
7 SPEAKING T What can or can’t you do? In pairs, ask and answer questions about these things.
remember things easily • manage your time • organise your work • make decisions • solve problems • stay calm under pressure • motivate other people
A Can you remember things easily?
B Yes, I can, no problem. / No, I can’t. I’m terrible!
Vocabulary & Listening 1 Abilities
1 019 Match the abilities to the photos (1-12). Then listen and check.

act cook dance draw make pizza play chess play the piano/guitar ride a bike/scooter
2 Read the sentences and write abilities from Ex. 1.
1 OK, so you aren’t Adele, but you’re very good!
2 This pasta is fantastic!
3 What’s ‘thank you’ in Arabic, Karim?
4 Are you in the school play this year?
5 Sit on it, start the motor and go.
6 Is that samba or salsa?
7 Just stand on it and go. It’s easy!
8 The water’s quite cold, but it’s OK after five minutes.
3 020 Listen to six short dialogues and complete the sentences with can or can’t and abilities from Ex. 1.
4 020 Listen again and choose the correct alternative.
1 Phoebe can read a book / her messages while Ben is in the pool.
2 Jack can’t skateboard, but he can ride a horse / bike.
3 Beth can cook an egg / make pizza.
4 Kelly can draw people / animals very well.
5 It’s the first / third dance lesson for Lisa.
6 Ivan says there is / isn’t in a chess team at his school.
5 SPEAKING P T Look at the abilities in Ex. 1. Tell your partner the things that you can do and ask and answer questions.
A I can cook.
B Really? What can you cook?
A Different things like, for example, lasagne.
B Is it difficult?
Write a short text about your partner’s abilities.
1 THINK Read the Study Skill. What do you think the blog post is about?
Before you read
Before you read a text, look at the title and the photos. Try to understand what the topic is, and what kind of information you think is in the text.

I’m pretty good at school work, and I’m also quite sporty − but some people are super-talented, including these five people at my school.
Take Alisha Kent, for example. She’s in my year at school and she’s really clever, especially at Maths. She can multiply long numbers in her head. Her nickname is Einstein, of course! Without a calculator, I’m not very good at Maths, but it’s easy for her. Alisha is also really good at playing chess. She’s in this year’s Yorkshire Schools Chess Championships.
I can’t sing very well and I can’t play musical instruments at all, but my friend Josh is a born musician. He can hear a song once and play it on the piano. He can also play the guitar well. I don’t know why he’s so musical because the rest of his family isn’t muslcal at all. Josh is very good at imitating people’s accents too: he can imitate celebrities and some of our teachers quite well. It’s really funny!
Are you good at writing stories? I’m hopeless at inventing stories, but one girl in my year called Charlotte is very creative, and she can write fantastic stories. They’re all about superheroes and things like that. Charlotte’s also very artistic, so she can illustrate her stories too.
Lin is at my school, and she’s also my neighbour – her house is opposite my house. Lin can cook really well. In fact, she’s this year’s winner of Junior Chef of the North. And she isn’t only good at making Malaysian food (that’s where her family is from), she can make wonderful cupcakes too!
The last of my ‘Fantastic Five’ is a really friendly kid in my class called Lucas. He’s from Holland so his native language is Dutch. But he’s fluent in English too, and he can also speak French and Spanish really well. Languages are easy for him, but not for me. I can only speak one foreign language – French – and only a little.
What can your friends do well?
Write and tell me.
nickname soprannome a born musician un musicista nato funny divertente, buffo
2 021 Read and listen to Cody’s blog, and check your answers to Ex. 1. Then write the names of three of the people he mentions under the photos (A-C).
3 Complete the sentences with one word.
1 Alisha can big numbers without a calculator.
2 Josh is very good at music, but his isn’t.
3 He can also celebrities and people at school.
4 Charlotte can her stories because she’s good at drawing.
5 Lin can make Malaysian food and great .
6 aren’t difficult for Lucas.
7 Cody can speak a little .
4 Find the adjectives to describe people in the blog which mean:
1 sportivo (L.1)
2 talentuosi (L.2)
3 intelligente, brava (L.4)
4 portato per la musica (L.11)
5 creativa (L.15)
6 portata per l’arte (L.17)
We can use very and really to make adjectives stronger. Gaia’s very talented. She’s a really good artist.
5 DISCUSS T In pairs, discuss the questions.
1 Which talent or talents in the blog is/are...
a good for school?
b great for a picnic?
c good for travelling?
d similar to your abilities?
2 Are your friends talented? What can they do?
It’s great for school work to be good at Maths and...
6 Look at the blog again on p. 26 and complete the examples.

Level of ability
We use these expressions to indicate level of ability.
+ She can cook very/really well.
He can also play the guitar .
He can imitate celebrities and some of our teachers
– I sing very well
I can’t play musical instruments at .
Grammar Goals p. 223
7 Rewrite the sentences using can or can’t and the expressions above.
0 Max is a singer in a band. Max can sing very well.
1 Rory is OK at skateboarding.
2 Becky is an Olympic swimmer.
3 Luca’s cooking is terrible!
4 Amir’s stories are great!
5 Ellie’s drawings are quite nice.
6 Sunita’s pizzas are bad.
We can also use these expressions to describe ability. be + adjective + at + noun / verb + -ing
✓✓✓ I’m great at
✓✓ I’m very/really good at
✓ I’m quite/pretty good at chess / music
✗ I’m not very good at cooking / acting.
✗✗ We’re pretty/really bad at
✗✗✗ I’m hopeless at
Grammar Goals p. 223
8 SPEAKING T In pairs, ask and answer questions about the people in the table. Use the expressions above.
dance draw sing
Hassan ✓✓✓✗✗✗
Molly ✗✗✓✓✓
Dylan ✓✓✓✓✗✗✗
A Can Hassan dance?
B Yes, he’s great at dancing.
9 SPEAKING P T In pairs, tell your partner some things you are good at and some things you aren’t.
A Are you good at drawing?
B Yes, I am. I’m pretty good at drawing and...
1 022 Watch and listen. Who is new in the area, Ryan or Leia?
2 022 Choose the correct alternative. Then watch again, listen and check.
Ryan Excuse me. Where’s the bus stop?
Leia Down that way. Are you the new family at number 82?
Ryan Yeah, I’m Ryan.
Leia Nice to see / meet you, Ryan. I’m Leia. I’m at number 89. So, where are you of / from?
Ryan Crosby. It’s a town near Liverpool.
Leia Oh. What’s your new school? I’m at Glenfield Secondary.
Ryan Snap! How old are you?
Leia Fifteen. And you?
Ryan Me too. Maybe we’re in the same class. It’s my first / last day on Monday. What’s it like?
Leia It’s OK. The students are nice.
Ryan That’s good / bad. It isn’t easy to make new friends.
Leia No. Hey, I can give you my number so you can call me... for information and things.
Ryan Cool! Please / Thanks, Leia.
Leia It’s OK. My number’s 0891 918 2271.
Ryan OK. And is that Leia, L-E-I-A?
Leia Yeah. What’s your number?
Ryan I can call / send you now so you can get it.
Leia OK. ... Got it. Well, see you then.
Ryan Yes. Good to meet you.
Leia Ryan! The bus stop’s that way!
Ryan Right. Thanks.
Hi, I’m... / my name’s...
Nice to meet you. – Nice to meet you too.
Exchanging personal information

So, where are you from? – I’m from...
How old are you? – I’m (fifteen).
And you? / What about you? – I’m... / Me too.
What’s your school? / What school are you at? – I’m at...
What (year/class) are you in? – I’m in...
What’s it like? – It’s OK/alright. / It’s not bad.
That’s good.
What’s your phone number? – It’s...
I can give you my number.
How do you spell that?
Is that L-E-I-A? – Yeah. / Yes, right.
Is that with an I or a Y? – It’s with an I.
Saying goodbye
Good to meet you.
See you then. / See you around. / Bye.
Down that way. Giù di là. Snap! Idem!, Anch’io! What’s it like? Com’è? nice simpatici Cool! Grande! Got it. Ricevuto. Right. Giusto.
3 Complete the dialogues with 2-3 words. Use the Key Expressions to help you. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1 Daisy Are you new here?
Archie Yes, I am. Archie.
Daisy Nice , Archie. Where ?
Archie I’m from Newport, in Wales.
2 Theo What’s ?
Amber It’s 0232 676 584.
Theo Thanks. Got it. See . Amber Yes. Bye!
3 Logan What school ?
Claire Emmeline Pankhurst Secondary. you?
Logan Me too. It’s my first day on Monday. What’s ?
Claire It’s not bad, and the teachers are nice.
When we say phone numbers, we usually say 0 (zero) like the letter O: 0891 = ‘oh, eight, nine, one’
And we often say two numbers the same as ‘double’: 2271 = ‘double two, seven, one’
4 SPEAKING T In pairs, introduce yourself to your partner and ask him/her questions. Then tell the class about your partner.
A Hi! My name’s Aurora.
B Hi, Aurora. I’m Nicola. Nice to meet you.
A Where are you from, Nicola?
A Everyone, my partner is Nicola. He’s from...
Write a paragraph about your partner using the information from Ex. 4.
1 THINK Answer the questions.
1 Are you a new student at your school this year?
2 Are there students from other towns, cities or countries in your class?
3 Where are they from?
2 023 Listen and choose the correct photo to describe the situation: A or B. Where are the two new students from?

3 023 Listen again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 Lena is sixteen years old.
2 Her home town is very small.
3 Her favourite band is British.
4 She can sing really well.
5 Alex is in London for two years.
6 He isn’t very good at swimming.
7 His sister Carla can play football.
8 She’s twelve years old.
4 DISCUSS T Is it easy or difficult to be in a new town or country? Why? Think about these things: friends • school • language • culture
It’s difficult because your old friends aren’t there, so...
1 Read the information about the Global Goals and answer the questions.

1 Which organisation is responsible for the Global Goals?
2 What are the aims of the Global Goals?
3 What kind of things are the Global Goals about?
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development are 17 important objectives agreed by the leaders of the 193 countries of the United Nations in 2015. The aims of the Goals are to end poverty and inequality and protect the planet for future generations. The Goals are about things like climate change, education, equality, justice and sustainability. We can put them into five categories – the 5Ps: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.
2 Complete the map with the 17 Global Goals above.
The 5Ps of the Global Goals
3 024 Read and listen to more information about the Global Goals. Why are they important?
Why are the Global Goals important?
Our planet is precious. We are important. But the population of the Earth is nearly 8 billion people, and this puts pressure on our resources and the environment.
• Approximately 9.5% of the world’s population is extremely poor and vulnerable, and 1 in 9 people are undernourished.
• 785 million people don’t have access to clean water to drink.
• About 71% of our planet is water, so water pollution and overfishing are two very big problems.
• Every year we produce over 2 billion tonnes of waste and most of this is not recyclable.
• Over 1 million animal and plant species risk extinction.
• Gender inequality exists in every country in the world. The Global Goals are important because they can help to solve these problems – and inspire us to help too.
4 Match the words from the text (1-8) to their translations (a-h).
1 billion (L.3) a denutrito
2 environment (L.4) b pesca eccessiva
3 undernourished (L.6) c rifiuti
4 pollution (L.8) d indipendentamente da
5 overfishing (L.9) e combattere
6 waste (L.10) f ambiente
7 fight (L.28) g miliardi
8 regardless of (L.29) h inquinamento
5 What do these numbers in the text refer to?
a over 1 million c 9.5% e 71%
b over 2 billion d 785 million f 8 billion
6 CRITICAL THINKING Here are five aims of the Global Goals. Put them in order of importance for you (1 = the most important). Then in pairs, compare your answers. Do you agree?
Eliminate poverty
A good education for everyone
Equality between men and women
Access to clean water for everyone
Protect rivers, oceans and forests
What can you do to help?
There are lots of ways you can help – even small things can make a difference. For example, you can...
• buy new clothes only when necessary;
• recycle: separate your waste correctly into plastic, paper, etc.;
• try to reduce the quantity of water you use;
• walk or take public transport to school every day;
• use a reusable water bottle – don’t buy plastic bottles!
• fight discrimination and defend equal rights. Everyone is equal regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, social background or physical abilities.
7 Find more about the Goals. Go online and look for The Global Goals official website: Choose one of the Goals and write a short text (75 words). Include this information: what the Global Goal is about why you think it is important what you can do to help
DIGITAL COMPETENCES Go online and watch the hip hop video Sustainable Development Goals: Improve Life All Around The Globe. Number these things in the order they come in the video (1-8).
a doctor
a modern city food distribution water to drink

solar panels fish
a United Nations meeting
Together we can create a better world for everyone!
1 THINK Is your family big or small?
2 025 Watch, read and listen to Oliver’s post. How many pets has his family got?

and my family
Hi! I’m Oliver, I’m fifteen and I’m from Birmingham, a big city in England. I’m a student at Aston High School. My parents are teachers at my school, but I’m not in any of their classes. Phew! Aston is a good school with nice people, and two of my classmates, Sadie and Asher, are my best friends.
The big photo is me and my family at a park near my grandparents’ house (I’m on the right at the back.) Grandma and Grandad are fun. Grandma is a very special person –and her cakes are fantastic!
My mum Helen is forty-nine and my stepdad Rob is forty-seven. Mum’s a music teacher, so one room at home is just for her piano. My stepdad’s passion is Aston Villa football club (but he’s hopeless at playing football! )
I’ve got two sisters and one brother. My big sister Jess is 19 and she’s at university in Manchester. Jess’s boyfriend Dan is a DJ. He’s pretty good at it too. My little sister Elsa and my brother Ethan are eight – they’re twins, but they’re very different!
3 Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 Oliver is best friends with all his classmates.
2 His mum and stepdad are the same age.
3 His big sister is a university student.
4 Jess is a really good DJ.
5 The family pets are dogs and cats.
6 Oliver is a fan of rabbits.
Some families have got dogs or cats, but we’ve got two guinea pigs. Their names are Bugsy and Bella. Then there’s Ethan and Elsa’s pet rabbit, Snowball. I’m not a big fan of rabbits, but Snowball is really sweet
4 SPEAKING P T In pairs, answer the questions.
1 Is Oliver’s family similar to yours?
2 Who is a special person in your family?
3 Are guinea pigs and rabbits good pets? What about dogs and cats?
Yes, it is. My family is big too.
Grammar Vocabulary
5 026 Complete Maya’s family tree with the words. Then listen and check.
aunt • brother • cousins • dad • grandad • grandma • sister • uncle
8 Read the rules and write the plural nouns.
Plural nouns
regular nouns + s dog → dogs, teacher →

nouns which end in s, ss, ch, sh, x, z, o + es bus → buses, class → nouns which end in y → y + ies party → parties, family → some nouns which end in f, fe → f + ves life → lives irregular nouns: child → children, person →
Grammar Goals p. 232
6 Read the sentences and write the family members. Use Ex. 5 to help you. There are three extra words. children • daughter • grandchildren • granddaughter • grandparents • grandson • husband • nephew • niece • parents • son • wife
0 Keira is Joe’s niece
1 Josh is Joe and Mel’s
2 John and Susan are Anna’s
3 Keira is Nick’s
4 Joe is Mel’s
5 Marcus is John and Susan’s
6 Keira is John and Susan’s
7 Josh is Jane’s
8 All the kids are John and Susan’s
7 Match the pets to the photos (1-6). cat dog fish guinea pig rabbit tortoise
9 Write the plural forms of these nouns.
Possessive ’s
We use noun + ’s to indicate possession or a relationship. Jess’s boyfriend Dan is a DJ. After regular plural nouns, we only use the apostrophe (’). Here’s my family at a park near my grandparents’ house.
Grammar Goals p. 232
10 Add the possessive ’s or just ’ in each sentence.
0 Kelly is my sister friend. sister’s
1 Alex and Sarah dog is called Spot.
2 The boys names are Fabio and Archie.
3 My parents car is old.
4 That band new song is terrible!
5 Where are the men toilets?
11 SPEAKING P T In pairs, ask and answer about your friends and family. Use possessive forms.
A Who is in your family?
B My mum, my sister and me – and our dog.
Grammar in context
1 027 Read and listen to the messages. What are Millie’s and Ava’s favourite things?
4 Complete the sentences and questions with the correct form of have got.
1 I 10 euros. We can buy sandwiches for lunch.
2 A (you) a big family?
Have you got a favourite possession? Send me your replies – it’s for a school project. Noah
I’ve got a new phone, but my favourite possession is my bike. It’s really fast! Click here for a photo. Millie
Nice bike, Millie! Whose is the dog in the photo? Is it yours too? My favourite thing is a T-shirt from an Ed Sheeran concert. It’s really special because it’s got his autograph! This is a photo from the concert. Ava
Thanks for the messages and photos. I’ve got an Ed Sheeran T-shirt too, Ava. But mine hasn’t got his autograph. Noah
Verb have got
We use the verb have got to talk about possession and relationships.
I’ve got a new phone. Jess has got a boyfriend.
Positive Negative
I/you/we/they have got / haven’t got he/she/it has got / ’s got
Questions and short answers
I/you/we/they got...? Yes, you have. No, we haven’t.
Has he/she/it got...?
3 Choose the correct alternative.
1 You ’s got / ’ve got a message.
Yes, she has. No, he hasn’t.
Grammar Goals p. 232
2 My grandparents have got / has got a small house.
3 Have we got tickets? – Yes, we ’ve got / have
4 I haven’t got / not got time, sorry.
5 Mum ’s got / ’ve got a new car.
B No, I .
3 My uncle Dan two children, Jamie and Molly.
4 My brother a scooter. He’s only 13.
5 We lessons now. It’s lunchtime.
6 Greta four cousins in Germany – in Berlin.
7 A (Ethan) dog?
B No, he .
8 You a nice name. I like it.
9 My Latin book 500 pages! It’s very big!
10 A (the students) got a test today?
B Yes, they
Possessive pronouns and Whose...?
We use possessive pronouns instead of a possessive adjective + noun.
It’s my bike. It’s mine
It’s your guitar. It’s yours.
It’s his/her T-shirt. It’s his/hers.
They’re our pets. They’re ours.
It’s the girls’ room. It’s theirs.
We use Whose...? to ask who owns something. Whose is the dog in the photo? Is it yours too?
Grammar Goals p. 233
5 Complete the mini-dialogues with whose and possessive pronouns.
1 Jago Whose is that pen on the desk? Is it , Claire?
Claire No, I’ve got . Ask Katy. Maybe it’s .
2 Dad are the books in this bag? Are they , Megan?
Megan No. Ask the twins. Maybe they’re .
3 Lee is this jacket?
Hans Tom’s got a jacket like that. I’m sure it’s .
4 Rachel are those scooters?
Malik They’re – me and Nick’s.
6 SPEAKING T In pairs, ask and answer about things in your school bag. Use have got.

A Have you got a pencil case in your bag?
B No, I haven’t. Mine’s on the desk.
2 Look at the messages in Ex. 1 again and complete the table.Vocabulary & Listening
1 028 Match the possessions to the photos (1-12). Then listen and check. bike fitness tracker headphones phone rucksack trainers e-reader games console laptop rollerblades skateboard watch

2 Complete the sentences with possessions from Ex. 1.
1 Where’s my ? My school books are in it.
2 Take off your and listen to me.
3 Can you call me on the with WhatsApp?
4 Mum’s got a new for work, so I’ve got her old one. It’s good for doing homework.
5 What’s the time, Carrie? – I don’t know. I haven’t got a .
6 This is great for games like FIFA and Marvel Avengers.
7 I can ride my to school in the summer.
8 Where are my ? I’ve got tennis practice today.
3 029 Listen to four conversations and choose the correct possession for each person.
1 Elsa a phone / a laptop
2 Matt a bike / a skateboard
3 Chloe a fitness tracker / a watch
4 Tarek an e-reader / headphones
4 029 I Listen again and complete sentences a-b for each conversation with a maximum of four words.
1 a Elsa’s favourite thing is a present .
b It’s good for playing .
2 a Matt’s new possession is his .
b Matt’s friend Sophie has some .
3 a Chloe can use her new possession with an .
b It’s a present from .
4 a Tarek can use his possession to listen to
b It’s new so he’s only got on it.
5 SPEAKING P T In pairs, ask and answer about the possessions in Ex.1.
A Have you got a bike?
B Yes, I have. Have you got...?
A What’s your favourite thing?
B My favourite thing is...
Write a short text about two of your favourite things.
Our space
by Tara WilsonWhat’s your bedroom like? Is there a lot of stuff? Are there things everywhere, or are you a tidy person? Some of my friends’ rooms are tidy and some are a mess! I think rooms reflect the people who live in them. But there are two people in my room – me and my twin sister Jade – and we’re very different!
I’ve got a lot of things, but it’s quite a big room and my side is super tidy. There are shelves and boxes for my books and personal stuff, so there aren’t things all over the floor. My bed is near the windows. There’s a lovely grey rug on the floor, and there are some purple cushions on the bed, so it’s really comfy. There’s also a chair and a desk with a lamp, so I can sit there to do my homework. There isn’t a chest of drawers for my clothes, but that’s OK because there’s a big wardrobe on Jade’s side.

Jade’s half of the room is a mess: there are clothes and make-up and stuff on her bed and on the floor. There aren’t any posters on my side of the room, but the wall behind Jade’s is full of posters of her favourite bands. There’s a mirror on that wall too, but there are photos and stickers all over it. Jade’s also got a small desk, but she can’t study there because there’s a games console and lots of other things on it. So it isn’t a surprise that there’s panic in our room every morning before school because Jade can’t find her homework!
Half of the wardrobe in our room is mine and half is Jade’s. There isn’t a lot of space for all our clothes, but my half of the wardrobe is well-organised – and hers is a disaster!
I’m not very happy about that. Jade says I’m a neat freak It’s not true! Well, maybe a little...
Our wardrobe –which side is mine?
stuff roba
1 THINK Have you got your own bedroom or do you share with a brother or sister?
2 030 Read and listen to Tara’s article. How are Tara and Jade different?
a mess un caos comfy comodo
neat freak maniaca dell’ordine
My side of the room...
...and my sister’s side of the room!
3 Match the things in the bedroom (1-10) to their translations (a-j).
1 shelves (L.5) a tappeto
2 bed (L.6) b lampada
3 rug (L.7) c scrivania
4 cushions (L.8) d vestiti
5 desk (L.9) e specchio
6 lamp (L.9) f scaffali
7 chest of drawers (L.10) g letto
8 clothes (L.11) h armadio
9 wardrobe (L.11) i cassettiera
10 mirror (L.16) j cuscini
4 Answer the questions.
1 Where are Tara’s books and personal things?
2 What is her bed near?
3 Why is her bed comfy?
4 Where are Jade’s clothes and make-up?
5 What’s on Jade’s wall?
6 Why can’t Jade study at her desk?
7 Why is there panic every morning before school?
8 Describe Jade’s side of the wardrobe.
Learning new words
A good way to remember words that are real objects is to write their name in English on post-it notes and attach them to the objects. In this case, attach them to things in your bedroom.
5 DISCUSS T In pairs, discuss the questions.
1 Are you similar to Tara or Jade? Is your bedroom tidy or a mess?
2 Is your bedroom big or small?
3 Which things from Ex. 3 have you got in your room?
4 What’s your favourite thing about your room?
My bedroom isn’t very tidy, so I’m quite similar to Jade, but...
6 Look at Tara’s article on p.36 again and complete the examples. How do you say there is, there are in Italian?

there is, there are
Singular a mirror on that wall too. There isn’t a chest of drawers.
Plural There shelves and boxes for my books. There aren’t things all over the floor.
Questions Are things everywhere?
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
When we begin a list with a singular noun, we use there is: There’s also a chair and a desk.
Grammar Goals p. 233
7 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of there is or there are.
1 A Is there a TV in your room?
B No, , but a computer.
2 A any American students at your school?
B Yes . a girl from Miami.
3 A any posters on your bedroom wall?
B No, , but some photos.
some and any (1)
We use some and any with plural nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantity.
Positive There are some cushions on the bed.
Negative There aren’t any posters on my side of the room. Questions Are there any shelves in your room?
Grammar Goals p. 233
8 Complete the sentences with some or any.
1 Are there extra chairs in the classroom?
2 This café’s got good things on its menu.
3 We haven’t got pets.
4 Has Amber got brothers or sisters?
5 They’ve got great trainers on this website.
9 SPEAKING P T In pairs, ask and answer about these things. Use Is there, Are there and a or any.
1 good pizzeria near your house?
2 nice park where you live?
3 interesting places to visit in your area?
4 funny TV show you can recommend?
5 new bands or singers you can recommend?
A Is there a good pizzeria near your house?
B Yes, there is. There’s a pizzeria called...
1 031 Watch and listen, and answer the questions.
1 Whose room are Leia and Ryan in?
2 Whose is the DVD?
3 Is Leia’s room big or small?
2 031 Complete the dialogue with the words. Then watch again, listen and check. old • shelves • shop • things • present • untidy
Leia This is a nice room, Ryan. But you’ve got lots of to put in here! Have you got space for all of it?
Ryan Yeah, I think so. That wardrobe’s big, and I can put things on those too. And some of the things in these boxes aren’t mine.
Leia Right. Oh, is this England football shirt yours? Nice!
Ryan Yes, that’s mine. It’s a from my uncle, but I’m not very good at football.
Leia Really? I’m quite good at it. Hey... whose is this DVD? Is it yours?
Ryan No! That’s my mum’s. All the DVDs are hers.
Leia Ah, that explains it. That film’s really !
Ryan Yeah. So, what’s your room like?
Leia It’s small, but cosy – and it’s quite − there are clothes and things all over the place. And I’ve got some posters and photos on the walls.
Ryan Oh, where can I get some posters for my room?
Leia There’s a good poster on Sutton Street.
Ryan OK. Maybe we can go there later?
Leia Sure!
What’s your room like?
Is it a big room?
What have you got in your room?
Have you got space for all of it?
Have you got (a wardrobe) in your room?

Is there / Are there...?
Where is it / are they?
What colour is...?
It’s (tidy/untidy).
It isn’t very big. There is/isn’t a lot of space.
I’ve got / I haven’t got a lot of things in my room.
I’ve got (some posters / some shelves) on the walls. There’s / There are...
The (desk) is near the (window).
I can put things in/on...
It’s (blue).
I think so. Penso di sì that explains it ecco perché cosy accogliente all over the place dappertutto Sure! Certo!
3 Complete the dialogue questions with 1-4 words. Use the Key Expressions to help you. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
Tay What ?
Zoe It’s nice, but it isn’t very tidy!
Tay Is it ?
Zoe No, it’s isn’t very big.
Tay Have you in your room?
Zoe No, I haven’t. But there’s a desk in my brother’s room.
Tay Are on the walls?
Zoe Yes, I’ve got some lovely posters of animals.
Tay your room?
Zoe It’s green. That’s my favourite colour.
4 Match the words to the colours (1-10).
black • blue • brown • green • grey • orange • pink • purple • red • white • yellow
My room is light green. The cushions are dark green.
5 Match the adjectives (1-6) to their opposites (a-f).
1 big a untidy
2 cheap b new
3 good / great c not very nice
4 lovely d expensive
5 old e small
6 tidy f not very good
When we use more than one adjective, they follow this order: quantity → size → age → colour

Two small grey rugs. A big old red chair.
1 Watch the video interviews and tick (✓) the words that you hear.
London stepdad September fish
Wales brother May tortoise
British stepmum June tablet
Irish cousin cat piano
2 Watch again and choose the correct alternative.
1 Adam is from Gambia / Kent.
2 Shyanne is from West / East London.
3 Esther is 17 / 18 years old.
4 Jack is 16 / 17 years old.
5 Bradley’s birthday is in September / November.
6 Courtney’s birthday is in December / October.
7 Morena’s got three sisters and a brother / a sister and three brothers.
8 Shyanne has / hasn’t got a sister.
9 Daniel’s got a Golden Retriever / Labrador.
10 Adam’s got a cat / dog called Bruno.
11 Oscar’s favourite possession is his phone / guitar.
12 Shyanne’s favourite possession is her phone / laptop.
Kent is a county in the south-east of England. Famous places in Kent are the historic city of Canterbury and the port of Dover. Brighton is a city on the south coast of England. It’s famous for its beach and its nightlife.
Grammar Goals p. 233
6 SPEAKING T In pairs, ask and answer questions about your bedrooms. Use colours and adjectives to describe your room.
A Is there a TV in your room?
B No, there isn’t, but there’s...
Write a short text about your partner’s room.
3 DISCUSS T Answer the questions.
1 Six of the eight British teenagers have got dogs. What are the most popular pets in your class?
2 What’s the most popular personal possession in your class? In our class, the most popular pets are...
older più grande | younger più piccolo | nan (coll.) = grandma | keyboard tastiera (strumento)
Affordable and Clean Energy Climate Action
What are the goals?
7 To ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
13 To take action against climate change and its impacts. Why?
7 Everyone has the right to have electricity for their homes and work. Sustainable energy sources are clean and good for people and the environment.
13 Human activities cause climate change and the future of our planet is in danger.
1 Read the factfile about energy. What kind of energy is good for the planet? What kind is bad?

Energy: facts and figures
• The use of energy produces 60% of greenhouse gases and contributes to climate change.
• Globally we generate just over 70% of power from fossil fuels.
• Fossil fuels are finite and polluting. They produce CO
• Renewable energy is sustainable, clean and can cost less.
• About 40% of the electricity in the EU (European Union) comes from renewable energy.
2 Match the words from the factfile (1-4) to their translations (a-d).
1 greenhouse gases a combustibili fossili
2 fossil fuels b rinnovabile
3 polluting c gas serra
4 renewable d inquinanti
3 Match the types of energy to the pictures (1-8). solar gas geothermal hydro (water) oil wind coal biomass
4 What do you think an eco-friendly bedroom is?
5 032 Read and listen to the article. Which of these materials is not mentioned?
wood • cotton • plastic • bamboo • synthetic fibres
tips for an eco-friendly bedroom
Everything we do consumes energy. In the UK some families now choose to live a different lifestyle ‘off-grid’. This means they often live in the countryside far from modern technology and they haven’t got a traditional house or access to electricity or gas. They haven’t even got Internet! Instead, they’ve got solar panels and they produce their own food. Of course, this is quite drastic and not possible for most people. Can you imagine life without the Internet? But is it possible for the rest of us to reduce the energy we consume and be green? Yes, it is! We are in our bedrooms for about 9 hours a day, so that’s a good place to begin. Here are some ideas.
1 Use LED light bulbs, and turn off the lights when you leave the room.
2 Turn off your phone when you go to bed to save the battery.
3 Don’t leave your TV or computer in stand-by and don’t leave chargers in sockets. All these things can be 10% of your total electricity consumption!
4 In winter, turn down your heating and put on a jumper!
5 In summer, turn off air conditioning when you sleep.
6 Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-6) to their endings (a-f).
1 When you leave a room,
2 It’s a good idea to sleep
3 Try not to use synthetics fibres because
4 You can make old furniture look new
5 Bamboo is a good material because
6 You can improve the air in your room
a without air conditioning.
b it grows quickly and it isn’t expensive.
c with plants.
d they aren’t natural or biodegradable.
e turn off the lights.
f with some paint.
7 CRITICAL THINKING Discuss the questions.
1 What other things can you do to use less energy?
You can also do these other things to make your bedroom ‘green’:
6 Wear cotton pyjamas and use cotton sheets and covers. Cotton is natural and biodegradable. Try not to use synthetic fibres where possible.
7 Ask your mum or dad if it’s possible to wash your clothes and sheets with eco-friendly detergents.

8 Think before you buy new things for your room. Can you buy second-hand or recycle your old furniture? Paint it to make it look new and different! And if possible, use eco-friendly zero-VOC paint. VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are bad for the environment.
9 If you really need new furniture, if possible, buy things made from a sustainable material like wood or bamboo. Bamboo is good because it grows fast and it’s cheap to buy.
10 Buy a plant. Plants improve air quality, they aren’t expensive and they’re nice to look at!
These are just some ideas, we’re sure you can think of others. Why? Because this is your planet and your future.
light bulbs lampadine turn off spegni chargers caricatori sockets prese elettriche
turn down abbassa heating riscaldamento sheets lenzuola improve migliorano
2 What are the pros and cons of renewable energy? Think about these things: clean • sustainable • the environment • safe • variable • cost
8 Write five eco rules for your home and family. Turn off the lights.
DIGITAL COMPETENCES Go online and watch the BBC video World’s first floating offshore wind farm in Scotland. Choose the correct alternative.
1 The wind farm is off the north-west / north-east coast of Scotland.
2 The wind turbines are / aren’t taller than Big Ben.
3 Floating wind farms can / can’t be located in different locations.
4 The wind farm can power 11,500 / 20,000 homes.
Listening & Life Skills
1 THINK What is respect? Read the definition and then match four types of respect to the photos (1-4).

Respect how you treat yourself, other people and things consideration for other people’s feelings
Respect for: yourself your family and friends others rules and authority your school the environment property other cultures
5 DISCUSS T Read the tips below and answer the questions. Then in pairs, compare your answers.
1 In your opinion, which three tips are the most important ways to respect yourself and others?
2 Are these things true about you? If not, which tips can you try to do more?
A Which tips are important for you?
B Number 5, be empathetic and kind, is very important for me, and...
Be respectful
Respect is what you think, say and do. Here are 8 simple ways you can show respect for yourself and others:
1 Think positively about yourself.
2 Don’t feel under pressure: it’s OK to say ‘no’.
3 Treat others how you want to be treated.
4 Listen and don’t interrupt.
5 Be empathetic and kind.
6 Be polite, say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
7 Respect other people’s personal space.
8 Apologise when you’re wrong.
2 033 Listen. Where are the people? Match the dialogues (1-5) to the places (a-e).
a At the cinema.
b At a restaurant.
c At the airport.
d In the street.
e At school.
3 033 Listen again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 The man is happy to wait in the queue.
2 There’s gum on the student’s desk.
3 The woman is on her phone during the film.
4 There’s graffiti on the shop door.
5 The girl is nice to her dad.
4 Which types of respect in Ex. 1 are the dialogues (1-5) about?
6 DISCUSS In pairs, look at the different types of respect in Ex.1 and think of other ways you can show respect for each of the categories.
A For example, to show respect for our family, we can offer to help our grandparents with their shopping.
B Yes, and we can...
Spotlight on Culture
The UK in numbers
The UK is famous for lots of things, for example, its capital city London, pop and rock music, film and theatre, football and literature. But what else do you know about the UK? Check out these facts and figures.
• The population of the UK is approximately 67.5-67.8 million
• There are 19.3 million families in the UK. These include:
3.46 million families with 1 child.
3.45 million families with 2 children.
1.24 million families with 3 or more children.
• 15.4% of families in the UK are one-parent families.
• 84.4% of the UK population lives in cities.
• 30% of the population is under 24
• 18.5% of the population is over 65
• English isn’t the only native language you can hear in the UK; there’s also Welsh in Wales, Gaelic and Scots in Scotland, Irish and Ulster Scots in Northern Ireland and Cornish in Cornwall, England.
• Popular baby names are: Girls Boys Olivia Liam Sophia Oliver Lily Muhammad Emma Noah
• 8.3 million people live alone.
• More than 33% of people have got a dog and 27% have got a cat.
1 THINK What do you know about the UK? Think about: language, cities, culture, sport and weather.
2 034 Read and listen to the information about the UK. Answer the questions.
1 What types of music is the UK famous for?
2 What percentage of the population is under 24?
3 What native languages are there in the UK, apart from English?
4 How many families have got children in the UK?
5 What sports are popular in the UK?
6 What’s the top British hobby?
• The UK is multicultural and students in British schools speak more than 300 languages.

• After school, 37.9% students go to university.
• Among the most popular university courses are Nursing, Psychology, Law and Computer Science
The top five sports in the UK are football, cricket , rugby, badminton, and tennis
The most popular hobbies in the UK are reading (45%), cooking & baking (38%), travelling (35%).
The UK has got a temperate climate It rains approximately 170 days a year.
3 SPEAKING Discuss the questions.
1 What is Italy famous for?
2 What is the population of Italy?
3 What are some popular names in Italy?
4 How many different languages can students speak in your class?
5 What are the top sports in Italy?
6 Would you like to visit the UK? Why?/Why not?
Summative Revision

Unit 1 Countries and nationalities; Abilities
1 Write the nationality for each country in the correct group.
China • Morocco • Spain • the UK • Brazil • France • the USA • Ireland • Australia • Germany • Switzerland • Canada
2 Choose the correct alternative.
1 This is a great song! Let’s dance / swim!
2 Amy’s very musical. She can play the piano / speak French.
3 A Can we swim / draw here?
B No, it isn’t safe.
4 My sister can sing / play chess. She’s in the school choir.
5 Eoin can make / cook very well. His curry is great.
6 I can speak / say German, but I can’t write it.
Unit 2 Family and pets; Personal possessions
3 Choose the word that does not belong in each group.
1 son • father • uncle • niece
2 wife • grandad • aunt • sister
3 hamster • rabbit • guinea pig • fish
4 mum • parents • grandchildren • grandparents
5 son • children • daughter • aunt
4 Complete the sentences with the words. headphones • trainers • games console • laptop • phone • rucksack
1 A I can’t find my exercise book.
B Is it in your ?
2 A Are those new ?
B Sorry, I can’t hear you.
3 Hannah’s got her sister’s old . It’s slow, but it’s OK for messaging and social media.
4 We can play Fortnite at Harry’s house. He’s got a .
5 Isaac can’t play football today. He hasn’t got his with him.
6 My isn’t expensive, so it’s just got basic programmes on it.
Unit 1 Verb be; Articles: a, an and the; Verb can: ability and possibility; Level of ability
5 Complete the text with the correct form of be and a, an or the.
Hi my Name Inez. I from town called Lunenburg in Canada, but I Canadian. My parents from here. They from Brazil!
Lunenburg good place to live? Yes, it . It big – population only about 2,000, but it very pretty and people nice. It also important fishing port. Where you from?
6 Reorder the words to write sentences.
1 at/is/really/swimming/good/Omar
2 Lydia/well/write/can/?
3 all/Emily/ride a scooter/can’t/at
4 skateboarding/hopeless/Evan/at/is
5 very/Sinead/draw/well/can’t
6 playing/is/at/chess/good/Max/?
Unit 2 Plural nouns; Possessive ’s; Verb have got; Possessive pronouns and Whose…?; there is, there are; some and any (1)
7 Write the plural form of the nouns.
8 Complete the dialogue with the words.
There’s • ’s got • ’s (x2) • got • There are • ours • there isn’t • have • Hers • some • His • mine • Whose (x2) • any
Jed room is this in the photo? It’s really nice.
Nick It’s . Well, it’s my brother Joe too. It’s . What’s your room like?
Jed Normal, I guess. a bed and two windows. also cushions and stuff.
Nick Have you a TV in your room?
Jed Yes, I , but a games console and there aren’t posters. is the guitar?
Nick It’s my brother . is a bass guitar.
Jed My sister a guitar. is a bass too.
Units 1-2
9 For each answer, choose the correct question: a or b.
1 The UK.
a Where are you from?
b From where are you?
2 Yes, it is.
a Is English easy?
b Is the English easy?
3 No, I’m not.

a Are you fan of Marvel films?
b Are you a fan of Marvel films?
4 Sport.
a What is Sam interested in?
b What is Sam interested of?
5 I can sing quite well.
a Are you musical?
b What can you sing?
6 No, he’s hopeless at cooking.
a Can Hugo make dinner?
b Can Hugo come to dinner?
7 Drawing.
a What are you good at?
b Are you good at drawing?
8 Yes, they’re mine.
a Are these yours books?
b Are these your books?
10 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 Milan and Rome are two Italian citys.
2 My uncle’s got three house!
3 Julias got three sisters.
4 I’ve got a Irish cousin.
5 Eve and Simon’ve got a dog and a rabbit.
6 Max’s grandparents names are June and Joseph.
7 A Where are a tickets?
B They’re on the table.
8 Whos is this bike?
9 A Are these the girls’ bags?
B Yes, they’re theres.
10 Are there a book and a pen on your desk?
11 There aren’t some posters on my wall.
12 Is there any nice park near your house?
Starter Unit 2
11 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 Jake’s from London. He’s .
a The UK b England c British
2 Is that boy your friend?
a Yes, he is. b No, he not. c Yes, he’s.
3 Mrs Jenson is teacher this year.
a us b our c are
4 Miami is on coast of Florida.
a the b a c (–)
5 Phoebe’s hopeless .
a dancing b to dance c at dancing
6 My aunt Greta is my dad’s a daughter b wife c sister
7 Lennie can take two to school.
a busses b busies c buses
8 The bikes are in the garage. a boy’s b boys’ c boys
9 Have you got a scooter?
a Yes, I’ve. b Yes, I have. c Yes, I’ve got.
10 is this laptop?
a Where’s b Whose c Who’s
11 a desk and a chair in my room.
a There’s b There are c There aren’t
12 There are photos on the shelves.
a any b the c some
12 Choose the correct alternative.
1 A Has Lucio got a pet? B Yes, he has / ’s got.
2 The concert’s on the twelve / twelfth of June.
3 This / These is my dog, Fido.
4 When’s / What’s the time?
5 It’s half to / past one.
6 All my school work is on my laptop / e-reader.
7 Today is Wednesday, tomorrow is Thursday / Tuesday.
8 Can we / We can go to the park after school?
9 Oh, look! It’s a / the President!
10 What / How is your address?
11 Our watch / watches are the same.
12 My eraser is in my pencil case / pen case.
13 The bin is next to / between the door.
14 Don’t / Do your homework before dinner.
1 Read the information below. What can you and your class do to make the two students feel welcome? Make notes with your ideas.
• There are two students from different countries in your class this year.
• They can speak some Italian, but not very well.
• They don’t know anyone in the class yet and they are shy.
2 Work in small groups or with the whole class, discuss your ideas and agree on some solutions. Think about these questions.
1 What can you do to help the new students improve their Italian?
2 To help them, can you organise the classroom differently? And the lessons?
3 How can the school and teachers help?
4 What activities outside school can you invite them to?
Tips for debating
• In a debate or discussion, speak slowly and clearly. Don’t shout or get angry if others don’t agree with your opinion!
Pensa a quello che hai studiato e alle attività svolte nell’UDA 1-2. Indica la tua autovalutazione nella tabella.
Competenze comunicative

Sono in grado di...
parlare della mia provenienza, presentarmi e scambiare informazioni personali.
parlare di possibilità, abilità e interessi.
descrivere la mia famiglia e gli animali domestici.
parlare dei miei oggetti personali.
descrivere la mia camera.
Competenze chiave
Ho partecipato e ho collaborato bene in coppia e in gruppo.
Riesco a seguire le istruzioni, interpretare le informazioni e comunicare le mie idee.
Riesco a organizzare il mio lavoro.
Ho raggiunto dei buoni risultati.
Vocabulary Map it!

1 Completa la mappa con le traduzioni.
Countries and nationalities
Australia – Australian
Brazil – Brazilian
Canada – Canadian
China – Chinese
England – English
France – French
Germany – German
India – Indian
Ireland – Irish
Italy – Italian
Abilities B
play chess
Morocco – Moroccan
Northern Ireland – Northern Irish
Poland – Polish
Spain – Spanish
Switzerland – Swiss
the UK – British
Scotland – Scottish
South Korea – South Korean
the USA – American
Wales – Welsh
Adjectives to describe people
cook draw
play the guitar
speak another language
musical artistic
play the piano
ride a bike
make pizza
ride a scooter
speak English swim
sporty creative talented clever
Vocabulary practice
Countries and nationalities
1 Scrivi il paese o la nazionalità.
1 Justin’s Canadian. He’s from .
2 We’re from Madrid. We’re .
3 Claudine is . She’s from Paris.
4 The students are from . They’re Chinese.
5 My computer is from the USA. It’s .
6 I’m from Dublin in . I’m Irish.
7 Khalid is from Rabat in Morocco. He’s .
8 Those girls are from . They’re Indian.
9 Roger is from Switzerland. He’s .
10 People from the UK are .
2 Osserva la mappa e completa il testo.
3 Trova dieci abilità.
The United Kingdom, or the 1 , consists of four countries: England, Scotland, 2 and Northern 3 . The capital of the United Kingdom and 4 is London. Edinburgh is the capital of 5 and Cardiff is the capital of 6 . The capital of 7 is Belfast.

FACT: The United Kingdom is not the same as Great Britain. Great Britain, or Britain, is only England, Scotland and 8 , but not Northern 9
4 168 Completa le frasi con le abilità. Poi ascolta e controlla.
1 I the electric in a rock band.
2 I can with no hands – look!
3 This film is terrible. They can’t .
4 Can you ? – No, I hate the sea.
5 They can ver y well. Their tango is fantastic.
6 I can’t . I don’t understand the rules.
7 I can speak Italian and too, English!
8 That’s a great picture. You can really well.
Adjectives to describe people
5 Scegli l’aggettivo appropriato a ogni personaggio.
A Verb be Use
Il verbo be corrisponde in italiano ai verbi ‘essere’ e ‘stare’. Si usa il verbo be per:
Q riferire dati di fatto.
Rome is the capital of Italy. Roma è la capitale d’Italia. Q dare informazioni personali come:
• nome.
Hi. I’m Shana Wilson. Ciao. Sono Shana Wilson.
• età.
Are you fourteen or fifteen years old?
Hai quattordici o quindici anni?
• provenienza e nazionalità.
Liam and Orla are from Dublin. They’re Irish. Liam e Orla sono di Dublino. Sono irlandesi.
• occupazione.
Ms Donnelly is a teacher.
La signora Donnelly è un’insegnante.
Positive Full formContracted form

I am ’m
He/She/It is ’s
We/You/They are ’re
I am not ’m not
He/She/It is not isn’t
We/You/They are not aren’t
Am I…?
Is he/she/it…?
Are you/we/they…?
Short answers
Positive Yes, I am. Yes, he/she/it is. Yes, you/we/they are.
Negative No, I ’m not. No, he/she/it isn’t. No, you/we/they aren’t.
1 Nell’inglese informale di solito si usano le forme contratte.
Hi. I’m Tom, from Manchester. It’s a big city in the north of England.
Ciao. Sono Tom, di Manchester. È una grande città nel nord dell’Inghilterra.
2 La forma contratta ’re si usa solo con i pronomi personali soggetto.
We’re students. Siamo studenti.
MA: Samir and Dan are friends. (NON Samir and Dan’re friends.)
Samir e Dan sono amici.
3 Per ottenere la forma negativa si aggiunge not dopo am, e not (n’t) dopo is e are.
soggetto + am/is/are + not
They aren’t American. They’re Canadian. Non sono americani. Sono canadesi.
Nota che nell’inglese informale alla forma negativa spesso si contrae is e are invece di not.
It’s not a big city. = It isn’t a big city. Non è una grande città.
We’re not at school today. = We aren’t at school today. Non siamo a scuola oggi.
4 Per ottenere la forma interrogativa si inverte l’ordine del soggetto e del verbo be
Am/Is/Are + soggetto + ...?
Is the test today? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
La verifica è oggi? – Sì. / No.
Nelle risposte brevi affermative non si usa mai la forma contratta.
Is K-pop famous all around the world? – Yes, it is. (NON Yes, it’s.)
Il K-pop è famoso in tutto il mondo? – Sì.
5 Ricorda che gli avverbi e i pronomi interrogativi vanno sempre all’inizio della domanda.
Where are you? Why aren’t you here with us?
Dove sei? Perché non sei qui con noi?
How Come Where Dove
How old Quanti anni Which Quale
What Che, Cosa, Come, Quale Who Chi
When Quando Why Perché
6 Se c’è una preposizione, viene sempre messa alla fine della domanda.
Where are you from? (NON From where you are?)
Di dove sei?
7 Ricorda che solito si usa what (= quale) nelle domande aperte e which quando si tratta di scegliere tra due o tre opzioni o quando ci si riferisce a un gruppo particolare. Nota anche che non si può contrarre il verbo be dopo which
What ’s your favourite song?
Qual è la tua canzone preferita?
Which is your favourite city, Florence or Venice?
Qual è la tua città preferita, Firenze o Venezia?
Which player in the team is the best?
Quale giocatore della squadra è il migliore?
Watch out!
Ricorda che a differenza dell’italiano, in inglese si usa il verbo be (= essere) e non have (= avere) per indicare l’età.
Ashley’s fifteen (years old). (NON Ashley has fifteen.)
Ashley ha quindici anni.
B Articles: a, an and the Use and form

1 L’articolo indeterminativo a, an è invariabile in genere. Corrisponde in italiano a ‘un’, ‘uno’, ‘una’. a boy un ragazzo a girl una ragazza
2 Si usa a, an con sostantivi singolari numerabili: Q quando si nomina qualcuno o qualcosa per la prima volta o per riferirsi a una cosa generica (una qualunque). Brighton is a small city in England. Brighton è una piccola città in Inghilterra. It’s essential to have a computer these days. È essenziale avere un computer oggigiorno. (un computer qualsiasi) Q per indicare l’occupazione o la professione di qualcuno. My mum’s a teacher. Mia madre è (un’) insegnante.
3 Si usa a davanti a parole che iniziano con una consonante o con una vocale con suono consonantico, per esempio /juː/. a school una scuola a good film un bel film a university un’università
4 Si usa an davanti a parole che iniziano con una vocale o con h muta. an artist un artista an interesting city una città interessante an hour un’ora (h muta)
5 L’articolo determinativo the è invariabile in genere e numero. Corrisponde in italiano a ‘il’, ‘lo’, ‘la’, ‘i’, ‘gli’, ‘le’. the boy il ragazzo the girl la ragazza the students gli studenti
6 Si usa the con sostantivi singolari e plurali:
Q per indicare una cosa specifica o unica o perché si conosce o perché è già stata menzionata. London is the capital of the UK. Londra è la capitale del Regno Unito. Look at the dog over there. Guarda il cane laggiù.
Q davanti a nomi geografici come alcuni paesi o gruppi di isole o stati, catene montuose, deserti, oceani, mari e fiumi. the UK il Regno Unito the Alps le Alpi the Mediterranean Sea il mar Mediterraneo the River Thames il fiume Tamigi
Q con le date. the fifth of June il cinque giugno
Watch out!
Non si usa a, an o the:
Q con sostantivi non numerabili o plurali quando si parla di persone o cose in generale.
Video games are fun. I videogiochi sono divertenti.
Q davanti ad alcuni nomi geografici come singoli paesi, sport, materie scolastiche e lingue.
I’m from Italy. Vengo dall’Italia. German is very difficult. Il tedesco è molto difficile.
Q con gli aggettivi possessivi. Where is my book? Dov’è il mio libro?
C Verb can: ability and possibility
Il verbo can corrisponde in italiano ai verbi ‘potere’, ‘sapere’, ‘riuscire a’. Si usa can per parlare di:
Q abilità o capacità.
We can speak English. Sappiamo parlare inglese.
Q possibilità (se è possibile fare qualcosa o no).
I can’t come. I’m busy. Non posso venire. Ho da fare.
1 Can è un verbo modale, quindi:
Q è invariabile per tutte le persone.
Q è sempre seguito dalla forma base del verbo senza to.
Positive and negative
soggetto + can (+ not) + forma base del verbo
Jason can draw. I can’t see you.
Alla forma negativa di solito si usa la forma contratta can’t
2 Per ottenere la forma interrogativa si inverte l’ordine del soggetto e del verbo can
Questions and short answers
Can + soggetto + forma base del verbo + ?
Can you play chess? – Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
D Level of ability
Use and form
1 Per indicare il livello di abilità si usano le seguenti espressioni avverbiali, poste sempre alla fine della frase.
very/really well molto/veramente bene well bene quite well abbastanza bene not very well non molto bene not at all per niente, affatto
I can swim very well. So nuotare molto bene. Zoe can’t cook at all. Zoe non sa affatto cucinare.
2 Per parlare di abilità si può anche usare: be + aggettivo + at + sostantivo / verbo in -ing
Q (not very/quite/pretty/very/really) good / great at = (non molto/ abbastanza/piuttosto/molto/veramente) bravo a Rosie is really good at singing. Rosie è veramente brava a cantare.
Q pretty bad at, really bad at/hopeless at = piuttosto negato per, negato per
I’m hopeless at football! Sono negato per il calcio!
3 Per la forma in -ing dei verbi, Unit 4 – C Present continuous p. 253).
Verb be
Positive and negative
She is good at chess. They aren’t from Rome. soggetto + am / 1 / are (+ not / n’t)
Questions and short answers
Are you sixteen? – Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Am / Is / Are + 2 + ?
Yes, + soggetto + am / is / are.
No, + soggetto + 3 / isn’t / aren’t
a, an + sostantivi singolari numerabili
• 1 a / an con parole che iniziano con consonante o vocale con suono consonantico
• 2 a / an con parole che iniziano con vocale o h muta
Articles: a, an and the

3 + sostantivi singolari e plurali
Verb can: ability and possibility
Positive and negative
We can dance hip hop. He can’t hear the radio. soggetto + 1 / can’t
Questions and short answers
Can you play chess? – Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Can + soggetto + ?
Yes, + soggetto + 2 .
No, + soggetto + 3 .
I can draw quite well. She can’t speak Arabic at all.
• can + verbo + (quite / very / really) + 1
Level of ability
• Per riferire dati di fatto.
• Per dare informazioni personali come nome, età, nazionalità, occupazione.
• Quando si nomina qualcuno o qualcosa per la prima volta o per riferirsi a una cosa generica (una qualunque). Give me a pen, please.
• Per indicare l’occupazione di qualcuno. My dad is an office worker.
• Per indicare una cosa specifica o unica perché si conosce o perché è già stata menzionata. Look at the black cat on the balcony.
• Con alcuni nomi geografici. The Sahara Desert is in Africa.
Per parlare di:
• abilità o capacità.
• possibilità.
• can’t + verbo + very well / 2
I’m pretty good at art. My brother is hopeless at skateboarding.
• is / are / am (not) + aggettivo + at + sostantivo / verbo in + 3
Grammar practice
Verb be
1 Riscrivi le frasi affermative alla forma negativa e le frasi negative alla forma affermativa.
1 Our teacher’s from Milan.
2 Sally and Eric aren’t here. They’re on holiday.
3 I’m not a fan of K-pop.
4 You’re very musical.
5 Suki isn’t at school today.
6 My dog is very intelligent.
2 Completa i testi con la forma affermativa o negativa del verbo be. Usa le forme contratte quando possibile.
Hi, My name Inês and I from Lisbon in Portugal. Lisbon the capital. It on the coast and the beaches beautiful!
Hi, I Viraj and I Indian, from Mumbai. Mumbai a very big city with over 20 million people –but it the capital. That New Delhi.
Hi! We Coralie and Georges and we French, but we from Paris. We from Bordeaux in the south-west of France. Bordeaux famous for its wine.
1 the/you/at/park/are/?
2 friend/Jack/best/is/your/?
3 we/today/in/are/Room 21/?
4 class/Joe and Lara/in/are/your/?
4 Completa le domande con l’avverbio o il pronome interrogativo corretti e la forma corretta del verbo be.
1 your surname?
2 Liverpool? Is it in the north of England?
3 Carnival? Is it in February?
4 the chairs on the desks?
5 our teacher this year, Mr Holmes or Ms Dixon?
6 day your birthday party, Friday or Saturday?
7 you? – I’m fine thanks.
8 Jason sad?
5 Scrivi domande con la forma corretta del verbo be. Poi abbinale alle risposte (a-f).

1 why/you/be/late ?
2 when/be/the auditions ?
3 what/be/the capital city of Canada ?
4 how old/be/Beth and Jackson ?
5 what/be/your address ?
6 who/be/that girl ?
a It’s Ottawa.
b That’s Francesca.
c 23 Charlton Road.
d On Saturday afternoon.
e They’re 15, I think.
f I’m very punctual!
6 169 Completa l’intervista radiofonica con una tennista professionista usando la forma corretta del verbo be. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Interviewer Good morning everyone. This Nina Mahaka.
Nina Hi. Nice to be here.
(✓) o negative (✗).
Interviewer So Nina, you a successful young tennis player. Where you from originally?
Nina I from Auckland in New Zealand, but I live in the UK now, in London
Interviewer Who your best friends here?
Nina Simon and Macey my friends.
Interviewer they good at tennis too?
Nina No, they !
Interviewer you a fan of other sports, Nina?
Nina Yes, football. My favourite team Arsenal.
Interviewer What about music? you musical?
Nina No. I love music, but I musical at all!
Grammar practice
Articles: a, an and the
7 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.
1 A Is Morbius a / an good film?
B Yes, it is. It’s a / an exciting superhero film.
2 A What’s that? Is it a / an UFO?
B No, it isn’t. It’s a / an plane.
3 A Is this a / an hard exercise?
B No, it isn’t. It’s a / an easy exercise.
4 A Is Vikings a / an history programme?
B No, it’s a / an TV series.
8 Completa le frasi con a o an.
1 It’s old castle.
2 Cambridge is university in England.
3 He’s doctor.
4 Nicola is girl’s name in the UK.
5 Is this electric bike?
6 You’re hour late!
9 Completa le frasi con the o nessun articolo (–).
1 Andes mountains are in South America.
2 rap music is great. It’s my favourite.
3 Seoul is capital of South Korea.
4 Your bag is on floor, under window.
5 California is in USA.
6 Where is teacher? Is she in classroom?
10 Insersci the nelle frasi quando necessario. Ci sono due frasi dove non serve.
1 Dolomites are in Italy.
2 Where’s my dictionary?
3 English test is on Wednesday.
4 Students are in Classroom 15.
5 Latin is a very difficult language.
6 My birthday is on 2nd second of April.
11 Completa le frasi con a, an o the.
1 What ugly dog!
2 Ed Sheeran is singer.
3 Colosseum is in Rome.
4 What time is aerobics class?
5 It’s small house in Scotland.
6 Arabic isn’t easy language.
7 It’s difficult exercise.
8 Where’s teacher? He’s late.
12 Completa il dialogo con a, an, the o nessun articolo (–).
Lara What’s first lesson today?
Ella It’s French. It’s hour and half. lesson after that is English. There’s new English teacher. She’s from Wales. Her name’s Gwyneth. It’s Welsh name.
Lara Is new teacher good?
Ella Yes. She’s excellent teacher, but she gives lots of homework!
13 170 Completa le domande e le risposte del quiz con a, an, the o nessun articolo (–), e scegli la risposa corretta: a o b. Poi ascolta e controlla.

1 Is Sam Smith* American singer?
a Yes, they’re from USA
b No, they’re from UK.
2 Where is Shanghai?
a On east coast of China.
b On east coast of India.
3 Is Billie Eilish Canadian singer?
a No, she isn’t. She’s American, from Los Angeles.
b Yes, she is. She’s from Canada
4 Who is political leader of the USA?
a President.
b Prime Minister.
5 Is Edinburgh English city?
a Yes, it is.
b No, it isn’t. It’s Scottish city.
6 Is Rebel Wilson British actress?
a Yes, she’s from England.
b No, she’s from Australia.
7 When is Thanksgiving in the USA?
a It’s on fourth Thursday of November.
b It’s on 4 of July.
8 Where are Hawaiian Islands?
a In Pacific Ocean.
b In Atlantic Ocean.
Sam Smith Rebel WilsonVerb can: ability and possibility

14 Completa il testo con can o can’t.
Level of ability
17 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.
1 Jack’s in a band. He can play the guitar really well / at all.
2 My voice is terrible! I can’t sing quite well / at all.
3 This pizza isn’t good. You can / can’t cook very well!
4 My little brother’s seven, but he can play chess quite well / not at all.
5 Sophie can swim quite / really well. She’s the regional champion.
6 What does this message mean? I can / can’t understand it at all.
Chimpanzees and dolphins are interesting animals and they are very clever. They speak, but they communicate very well and they also learn new skills and tricks. But their abilities are different. For example, they see in colour? The answer is: yes, chimpanzees see different colours, but dolphins . They only see black, white and grey. Dolphins are sea animals, so obviously they swim very well, but surprisingly, chimpanzees swim too! Chimpanzees are very agile and they climb trees very well. Of course, dolphins climb trees, but they jump high out of the water!
15 Completa le frasi con can o can’t e i verbi dati. program
1 Harry is only six months old. Of course, he !
2 They football in the park now. It’s closed.
3 My voice isn’t bad. I quite well.
4 You on the floor! It’s dirty. Use a chair.
5 Yuri is 16. He a scooter, but he can’t drive.
6 I can use a computer, but I one!
7 We’re in a lesson. We home now!
8 Dogs commands very well.
16 Leggi le frasi. Poi scrivi domande e risposte brevi.
0 We can speak English. Can you speak English? – Yes, we can.
1 Ryan can’t come to the party.
2 Dan and Lola can play the piano.
3 I can’t swim.
4 Isabella can cook pasta.
5 We can’t come to your house after school.
6 Dogs can’t see colours.
18 Scrivi frasi usando la forma corretta del verbo be e good/great/hopeless (ecc.) at + sostantivo o verbo.
quite good ✓ very good ✓✓ great ✓✓✓ not very good ✗ pretty bad ✗✗ hopeless ✗✗✗
0 Ben / draw ✓✓ Ben is very good at drawing.
1 Karim / art ✗✗
2 Tara / chess ✓✓✓
3 Marcus / speak English ✓
4 Cara / dance ✗
5 Alyssa / Maths ✗✗✗
6 Lily / swim ✗✗
19 171 Completa il dialogo con le parole date. Poi ascolta e controlla.
good at • Can • well • hopeless at • pretty good at • not very good
Teacher What can you do in the school show, Zara? Can you sing?
Zara Yes, I can sing quite well, but I’m at acting.
Teacher We need students that are singing. Can you dance ?
Zara No, I can’t, sorry. I’m dancing. I can’t dance at all!
Teacher What about music? Can you play the piano? Or the guitar?
Zara Well,… I’m playing the guitar.
Teacher Great. you come on Saturday?
Zara Yes, I can. Thank you!
Summative practice Communication

Making friends
1 172 Completa il dialogo con le espressioni date. Poi ascolta e controlla.
good to meet you • What’s your phone number • Is that Dylan with an I or a Y • So, where are you from • What’s your school • See you around • Nice to meet you • How old are you • What about you • What’s it like
Dylan Hi, I’m Dylan.
Julia Nice to meet you, Dylan. My name’s Julia.
Dylan too, Julia.
Julia ?
Dylan It’s Dylan with a Y. , Julia?
Julia I’m from Switzerland.
Dylan ?
Julia I’m fifteen. ?
Dylan Me too. What school are you at?
Julia I’m at King’s Secondary School.
Dylan ?
Julia It’s not bad. ?
Dylan I’m at Watford High.
Julia That’s good. ?
Dylan It’s 0849 854 221.
Julia I can give you my number. It’s 0738 673 492.
Dylan OK, got it.
Julia Well, Dylan.
Dylan Julia See you. Bye!
Unit 1
1 VOCABULARY Completa il testo con le parole date. Ci sono due parole che non servono. guitar • cook • creative • Scotland • talented • artistic • Scottish • Welsh • speak • skateboarding
My name’s Ewan. I’m from Edinburgh in 1 My friends are Olivia, Leo, Andy and Rosy. They are all very 2 . Olivia can draw very well. She’s very 3 . Leo is from Wales, so he’s 4 – and he’s very clever. He’s really good at chess and he can 5 three languages – English, Welsh and French! Andy is very musical. He plays the 6 really well. Rosy isn’t musical. She can’t sing at all, but she is sporty. She can swim really fast and she is good at 7 too. And what about me? Am I talented? Yes, I can ride a bike and I can 8 – I make fantastic pizza!
2 GRAMMAR Scegli la risposta corretta: a, b o c.
1 you fourteen or fifteen? – I fourteen.
a Are / ’m b Is / are c Am / is
2 Ollie, Sara, ’s your sports coach? – Mr Davis is coach.
a when / your b who / our c what / their
3 Is there river in London? – Yes, River Thames.
a a / the b the / an c a / –
4 your brother play the guitar? – No, he .
a Can / isn’t b Are / can’t c Can / can’t
5 I think chess is complicated, but computer games are fun.
a The / The b – / – c The / –
6 Jade can’t draw , but she can dance
a at all / really well
b not very well / not at all
c quite well / at all
I’m at Hollybank High School.
It’s a good school. The students are nice.
It’s 459 3443 7681.
It’s Cathy with a C, not a K.
I’m from Ireland.
I’m in Class 1D.
7 Hugo and Louis Irish. They from France.
a isn’t / aren’t b aren’t / is c aren’t / ’re
8 is your favourite sport? – football, of course!
a Which / the b Which / – c What / –
9 Zena is really English, but she’s German.
a good at / hopeless at b pretty / bad at c quite / really bad
10 your phone? – Yes, ! Thank you!
a This is / it is b Is this / is it c Is this / it is
173 DICTATION Ascolta e scrivi sul tuo quaderno quello che dice Leo.
TRANSLATION Traduci il testo in inglese sul tuo quaderno.
Hanna e la sua amica Lina vengono dalla Germania. Sono a una scuola di lingue nel Regno Unito per due settimane. Hanna ha 16 anni ed è molto brava in inglese. È la sua materia preferita a scuola. Lina ha 15 anni e non è molto brava in inglese. Ma è molto portata per la musica. Sa suonare la chitarra molto bene ed è veramente brava a suonare il piano. Hanna è negata per la musica!
Unit 1 Starter
Talented people
5 WRITING Rispondi alle domande sul tuo quaderno. Scrivi frasi complete.
1 What’s your name and where are you from?
2 Can you play a musical instrument?
3 Are you good at English?
4 What are you good at?
5 Who’s your best friend?
6 What is he or she good at?
Dua Lipa is an English singer from London, but she can speak two languages, English and Albanian. Dua Lipa is very creative and musical. She can write songs and sing very well (and play the cello a little), and her songs are really popular. Her favourite singers are Pink and Christina Aguilera. She is also a model and she is a big fan of social media. Dua Lipa is very famous and her friends are famous too. Katy Perry and Taylor Swift are her close friends.
Raheem Sterling is an English football player. He is dual nationality, British and Jamaican. He is a fan of the famous Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal, but he can’t play tennis. His birthday is on the 8 of December – the same day as the singer Nicki Minaj –but he isn’t very musical and he can’t play a musical instrument. But Raheem is brilliant at football and he can run very fast. His favourite food is spaghetti bolognese!
Timothée Chalamet is a very talented actor from New York in the USA and he’s the star of films like Wonka and Dune. Timothée is American and French (his dad is from France). He can speak English and French fluently, and he is quite good at speaking Italian too. Timothée is a sports fan and he can play football very well. He is also a fan of hip hop music and rap, and he can play the guitar and the piano. One of his best friends is Zendaya, his co-star in the film
1 174 READING INVALSI Ascolta e leggi il testo, poi rispondi alle domande. Which text (A-C) mentions someone who:

1 can speak Italian?
2 is a fan of social media?
3 can’t play a musical instrument?
4 is a fan of Italian food?
5 is from America?
6 is a fan of Pink?
2 Rispondi alle domande. Scrivi frasi complete.
1 What languages can Dua Lipa speak?
2 Who are her friends?
3 What nationality is Raheem Sterling?
4 Which tennis player is he a fan of?
5 What music is Timothée Chalamet a fan of?
6 What instruments can he play?
Professional Goals
1 THINK Which big companies are there near your school or near your home? Do you know anyone who works there?
2 277 Read and listen to the dialogue. It is Nathan’s first day at work. What is his job title?
Nathan Good morning. I’m Nathan Ward. I’m starting in the IT Department today. Is Josh Hillman here? He’s my manager.
Ellie It’s nice to meet you, Nathan. I’m Ellie Green. I’m the receptionist.
Nathan Nice to meet you too.
Ellie Mr Hillman is on his way. Would you like a coffee, Nathan? The break room for the IT Department is over there.
Nathan No, but thank you.
Ellie Ah, here’s Mr Hillman. Josh, this is Nathan. Nathan, this is Josh Hillman.
Josh Hello, Nathan.
Nathan Good morning, Mr Hillman.
Josh Please, call me Josh. Let me show you around. This is the reception area, of course. The IT Department is here, and
3 Match the rooms (1-5) to the photos (A-E).
that’s my office over there. The office beside mine is Katie Clarke’s. She’s the Head of IT.
Nathan Is this my desk? It’s got my name on it.
Josh Yes, that’s your desk. You’re next to Sarah. She’s a technical support worker like you, but she’s in a meeting now. We’ve got twelve employees in one room. No walls –it’s an open-plan office. Now, here’s the meeting room. Come with me and meet the rest of the team. Everyone, I’d like to introduce you to Nathan, our new employee.
on his way in arrivo the rest of the team gli altri colleghi
In very formal situations, instead of Good morning, Hello, and so on, we sometimes say How do you do? (= Piacere di conoscerla.) when we meet someone for the first time. We answer with the same expression!
4 Complete the summary with the words. receptionist • manager • IT Department • desk • meeting
Nathan is starting a new job in the . He meets Ellie, the . Then he meets Josh. He is Nathan’s . Josh shows Nathan his and some rooms in the IT Depar tment. Then they go to the room. The rest of the team are there.

6 278 Listen to three dialogues (1-3). Complete the table with the correct names. Use one name twice. Nancy • Amy • Mr
Davis Simon7 278 P Listen again and choose the correct answer:
A, B or C.
1 Amy works in the ... Department.
A Marketing B Customer C Sales service
2 Mr Davis’s first name is...
A Jack. B James. C John.
3 Ewan works in the ... Department.
A Advertising B Manufacturing C Accounting
4 He wants to show Nancy the ... Department first.
A Maintenance B Manufacturing C Accounting
5 Anna and Simon are in the...
A break room. B meeting room. C office.
6 They are...
A on time. B a bit late. C in the wrong room.
8 In groups of three, follow the instructions. Imagine that you all work in one of the departments from Ex. 5. Use the Key Expressions box to help you.

Student A Introduce yourself to B, then introduce B to C.
Student B/C Respond in appropriate ways. Then swap roles.
Good morning. / Hello. / Good afternoon.
I’m... / My name’s...
I’m starting in the ... Department.
It’s nice to meet you. / How do you do?
Would you like a...?
This is... / I’d like to introduce you to...
Let me show you around.