SloMSIC Ljubljana Booklet of Activities

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Booklet of DÅ MS / SloMSIC Ljubljana activities


SloMSIC Ljubljana Introduction


Projects in the Field of Public Health


SloMSIC Ljubljana’s Mission & Vision


Project Virus Projekt Virus


Executive Board


Project Think of Your Hart Projekt Misli na Srce


Supervisory Council


Project Teddy Bear Hospital Projekt Medimedo


Project For Life Projekt Za Življenje


Project Gaster Felix Projekt Gaster Felix


Project In Reflection Projekt V Odsevu


Project Alcoschool Projekt Alkošola


Project Pulmo Projekt Pulmo


Project Imuno Projekt Imuno


International Field


Projects on Extracurricular Medical Education


Cultural and Sports Projects


Project Emergency Medicine Projekt Urgentna Medicina


Drama Group Cortext Dramska skupina Kortekst


Project Sign Language Projekt Znakovni Jezik


Project Erektor Projekt Erektor


Project Healthcare Team Projekt Zdravstveni Tim


Project Big Band MF Projekt Big Band MF


Project Surgical Stitching Pojekt Kirurško Šivanje


Guitar Orchestra MF Kitarski orkester MF


Project Ultrafest Projekt Ultrafest


Project Chorus Cor Projekt Pevski zbor Cor


Project Sport Projekt Šport


Project Transmiter Projekt Transmiter


Contact Information

SloMSIC Ljubljana (Slovenian Medical Students’ International Committee Ljubljana), in slovenian DŠMS (Društvo študentov medicine, Slovenije) is a dynamic, nonprofit and non-partisan organization of enthusiastic medicine students. We are eager to cooperate with foreign colleagues during our studies through a variety of projects and therefore providing the flow of information from abroad to Slovene students and vice versa. Our roots run back to 1952, the year of our first exchanges through IFMSA. We have full membership in IFMSA (International federation of Medical Students’ Associations) through our union with students in Maribor, together with 127 NMOs (National Member Organisations) from 119 country members. We are also a full member in EMSA (European Medical Students’ Association) with another 62 FMOs (Faculty Member Organisations). With organization of congresses, workshops and humanitarian projects we have 1

established our own relationship to current medical problems at home and around the world.

We take care of students’ personal development with knowledge, experience in teamwork, public performances, taking leadership and responsibility for the projects. This way we are helping to create new hospital directors, institute superiors, professors and other leaders in this generation. At the moment we have a little over 1150 members, about half of which actively participate in our activities. Our goal is to include as many medical students as possible, while main -

SloMSIC Ljubljana DŠMS

taining a high level of quality.

We strive to improve the quality of projects throughout each year, come up with new, more sustainable ones and include our activities in the faculty’s curriculum, to which our faculty is becoming more and more inclined. We can safely say that the faculty has been our loyal supporter throughout the years and that it has always been prepared to help us. In this year, the collaboration between the faculty and our association has never been at a higher level, both organisationally and financially, for which we are extremely grateful.

We also work together with the Medical Students‘ Association in Maribor (DŠMM/SloMSIC Maribor); we formed the alliance between the two NGOs in the official SloMSIC association in 2013. Our projects are active in the area of public health, medical education, culture, sports and activism on different world health days; we strive to be critical and react to dilemmas and discussions, taking a stance connected to our vision. Currently the number of ongoing projects amounts to 23, which is the highest number to date.


SloMSIC LJUBLJANA’S MISSION & VISION Mission Association that raises awareness about current society health problems with volunteer projects and encourages individuals to think critically and take an active responsibility for health.

Vision Reliable, motivated, educated and socially critical members who are constantly evolving in professional issues and accepting diversity without prejudice. A professionally acknowledged and widely recognised association whose work impacts the society and contributes to a better quality of life. In SloMSIC Ljubljana’s quest to become an even better association, all students work voluntarily; including all the members of the projects, leaders of the projects and the executive and the supervisory board. Every member plays his or her role and the leaders of the projects run the projects yearly; the executive and supervisory board are elected by the general assembly of SloMSIC Ljubljana for a one-year term. In 2016 the members of the board are the following:



President – Mr Aleks Šuštar The president’s role is leading the EB, being responsible for the association’s wellbeing and taking care of the fulfilment of the EB’s strategy and SloMSIC’s mission and vision. The president takes care of the communication with the faculty.

Vice-president – Ms Danaja Plevel VP’s role is helping the president, being his right hand, connecting the members and filling the applications to public tenders.


Treasurer – Mr Cene Jerele The treasurer takes care of the association’s financial wellbeing, handling the receipts and communicating with the association’s accountant.

Secretary General – Mrs Petra Gregorc The secretary’s role is to take care of the administrative work, take care of how the association’s headquarters look and to keep a record of the members.

Exchanges Officer – Mr Mitja Modic Exchanges Officer’s roles are the international affairs, preparing the suitable conditions for the outgoing and incoming students and contributing to IFMSA’s GAs and Regional meetings as well as preparation for Twinning Activities and other exchanges, like the Brasil Exchange in Recife. 5

Projects coordinator – Ms Valentina Pugelj Project coordinator’s role is coordinating the activities of the projects, motivating the members and the leaders of the projects and filling the applications to public tenders.

Marketing Executive – Mr Anej Kokovnik Marketing Executive’s role is to communicate with donors and sponsors and to take care of the fresh income of financial means.


SUPERVISORY COUNCIL The supervisory council’s role is supervision of the EB’s work and interventions if something goes wrong and taking care of the alumni members.

Mr Andrej Martin Vujkovac

Mr Žiga Barbarič

Mr Marko Mikša 7

PROJECTS IN THE SloMSIC’s projects that work in the field of public health are the centre of SloMSIC activities and they mostly concentrate on activities during different World Health Days, peer to peer education, but they partly work as part of the extracurricular medical education.


FIELD OF PUBLIC HEALTH Project VIRUS is an educational programme that works towards health promotion and preventive in the field of reproductive health; project Think of Your Heart, as you probably figured out from the name, is about prevention of cardiovascular diseases; project Medimedo (Teddy Bear hospital) is a project that helps children (age up to 6 years) get rid of their fear of doctors; project For Life offers goal-oriented education of the lay population in the field of first aid and promotion of first aid as an ethical, moral and legal responsibility of every individual; project In Reflection works in the field of mental health, educating about and destigmatizing mental disorders; project Alcoschool works in the prevention of abusive drinking and education of effects of alcohol use; and finally, project Gaster Felix deals with healthy eating and diseases which require special diets (diabetes, coeliac disease and others). The newest project, Imuno, works in the field of vaccination.� 10


1. Project Virus


2. Project “Think of You Hart”


3. Project Teddy Bear Hospital


4. Project For Life


5. Project Gaster Felix


6. Project In Reflection


7. Project Alcoschool


8. Project Pulmo


9. Project Imuno




Project VIRUS is an educational programme that works towards health promotion and preventive in the ďŹ eld of reproductive health. Our activities include: Workshops of sexual and reproductive health, which are facilitated by members of our project at several Slovenian primary and middle schools. We carry out approximately 80 workshops a year; not only in Ljubljana, but also in other Slovenian schools.

common and less common ways of infection, clinical case with HPV negative cervical cancer, clinical case: removal of cervix, psychological wiev of dealing with a cancer, delivering bad news to patients and burnout of doctors.

20-minute HPV lectures that inform parents of children in primary schools what is the hazard of infection with HPV and why is it necessary to vaccinate their children against HPV.

Campaign on World AIDS Day. We organise it in the Ljubljana city centre, where we hand out around 10.000 condoms, red satin bows, fliers, talk to people about aids and HIV at our makeshift coffee shop. People can also send free postcard with facts about HIV and aids to whomever they want. We also organise free HIV testing near PreĹĄeren square, last year, 150 people sot tested at the event. In the evening we organise social programme-a concert of a famous Slovenian singing group or a stand-up comedy and we give out fliers to the public.

Congress on HPV infection and cervical cancer is a one day event in which the lectures given by doctors and other healthcare workers that treat HPV infections and cervical cancer. About 300 medical and other students, nurses and young doctors atend the congress and take a test in the end. This year, the lectures covered topics on: basic of HPV and infection, vaccination, screening program in Slovenia,


In the year 2012 we got the official recognition by IFMSA for activities of World AIDS Day, where SloMSIC’s Project Virus’ activities got the award for being the second best activities in the world. Every year we are also commended for being very active by our Chairs and National Institute of Health and we are also getting more and more media coverage, with which we are spreading the word about testing, safe sex and destigmatization of the subject. Last year’s event was visited by several Slovenian celebrities (Mayor of Ljubljana, sport players, radio speakers, professors).


HPV and cervical cancer-prevention campaign is carried out in the first week of March. We hand out fliers and educate people at big shopping centres in Ljubljana with short HPV lecture film that plays on a big screen about HPV and cervical cancer. Lectures: in order for our members to facilitate workshops skilfully, we organize traditional lectures that last three afternoons – ‘Let’s talk about sex’. We invite professors from Ljubljana Medical faculty, doctors and other assistants to give lectures on anatomy of genital organs,

STDs, HPV, HIV/aids, sexual behaviour of youth and others. Trainings of soft skills, facilitated by IFMSA trainers: every member of our project has to participate at the training of public speaking, training about pornography and LGBT community. We also try to organise trainings like leadership or creative communication to prepare them to facilitate workshops of safe sex.


Other campaigns: in collaboration with Ljubljana Infection clinic, we organise a campaign to promote hepatitis C testing at the end of September. International activities: our members are active participants on IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students' Associations) general assemblies where they get new experiences and new ideas for the improvement of our project.



1. Project Virus


2. Project “Think of You Hart”


3. Project Teddy Bear Hospital


4. Project For Life


5. Project Gaster Felix


6. Project In Reflection


7. Project Alcoschool


8. Project Pulmo


9. Project Imuno




The project deals with prevention of cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors. The project has been active since 1990 and, naturally, has been changing in the process. Our biggest event is ''Circle of Health'' which takes place once a year on the main square in the centre of our capital Ljubljana. We take advantage of this prime location to carry out a screening of blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels; we conduct around 5000 measure-

ments every year. We also provide information about healthy nutrition, physical exercise, methods of stress reduction and dangers of smoking with passers-by. Considering the population of Slovenia, we have a very wide reach.


The event has high media coverage and the message on the healthy way of living is transmitted to a lot of people via the national news coverage.

The Circle of Health 2014 has also been visited by the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor, who also emphasizes the healthy way of living with a lot of physical activity.


This year we are also expecting several prominent ďŹ gures to visit our event. One part of our work is directed towards high-school students in the form of interactive peer-to-peer workshops. We encourage them to make conclusions about cardiovascular disease risk factors on their own, through a debate with their schoolmates. We simply act as facilitators; sharing some basic medical knowledge with them and helping them enjoy a productive debate about how

they can contribute to prevention of different cardiac illnesses.

Our mission is to convince our youth that banishing smoking, fast foods and sedentary lifestyle out of their life is the most effective way to stop or at least postpone the onset of preventable heart disease.

Similar to these workshops are the lectures for adults, which are available for employees of different companies or residents of various urban communities in the municipality of Ljubljana. Their primary goal is the same as that of the workshops’ for high-schoolers, but in these classes we also put some stress on how to recognise acute life-threatening cardiovascular situations and ďŹ rst aid in case of emergencies, since this target group is a bit older and more prone to such ailments.

In the past year we have conducted 55 workshops at different high schools throughout the country.


Every year we hold the largest student congress in Slovenia congress on cardiovascular diseases which lasts for four days and is mainly intended for medical students and students of other science-related majors. We come up with ideas for lectures on topics that haven’t been discussed much in our curriculum and invite different doctors and experts to prepare interesting lectures for students and other listeners. This year our congress has been attended by more than 500 people.


The fact is that the Slovenian National Public Health Institute lacks the funds and efforts to do much on this topic. And since CVD are the leading cause of death in Slovenia, we feel the lack of knowledge being given to the public, especially teens, who are in their critical years of developing their own lifestyles, is worrying, so we try our best to better the situation with our activities.


1. Project Virus


2. Project “Think of You Hart”


3. Project Teddy Bear Hospital


4. Project For Life


5. Project Gaster Felix


6. Project In Reflection


7. Project Alcoschool


8. Project Pulmo


9. Project Imuno


3 23

Medimedo is a project that helps children (age up to 6 years) get rid of their fear of doctors.

Our workshops take place in kindergartens, where we dress up in white lab coats and visit kids so we can help them "cure" their stuffed animals. It is the children that actually decide, what they will do to their toys; they give them injections, take them to CT scans, decide if the toy needs surgery etc.

We feel that the best way to achieve our goal is that every child pretends to be the doctor, while we guide him through the hospital and procedures. 24

The workshop begins in the waiting area. One of the doctors makes an introduction, asks the children how much they know about medicine and oral health. He also emphasizes the meaning of knowing the right telephone number for emergencies. Every child then pairs up with a doctor and goes to a table in the playroom, where the examination of the stuffed animal begins. Children have the option to become surgeons, cure their toys with bandages and ďŹ xation for fractures, do the CT scan and talk about the procedure with the Teddy Bear doctors. At the end, children visit a pharmacy, where they get the medications for their toys. They also receive balloons for their good work and help.


We perform more than 10 workshops during the semesters. Furthermore,

we organise one big workshop, that usually takes place outside Ljubljana, where we take more than 300 children over the process of a Medimedo workshop (usually, around 100 children participate in our workshop per kindergarten). We also respond to additional invitations we get from kindergartens and other facilities that educate children.


The project is part of the IFMSA Teddy Bear Hospital project and has been going on for several years in numerous countries.




1. Project Virus


2. Project “Think of You Hart”


3. Project Teddy Bear Hospital


4. Project For Life


5. Project Gaster Felix


6. Project In Reflection


7. Project Alcoschool


8. Project Pulmo


9. Project Imuno




Project For Life, which was founded in 2007 by Maribor’s Medical Students’ Association (SloMSIC Maribor), offers goal-oriented education of the lay population in the field of first aid and promotion of first aid as an ethical, moral and legal responsibility of every individual.

Since 2007 For life project also works in Ljubljana in association with DŠMS (SloMSIC Ljubljana). The project encourages laymen to act properly in any given urgent situation; that is why we organise promotions and charge-free first aid courses on various locations, where a limited number of interested participants can theoretically and practically renew their knowledge of the basic procedures of reanimation and other urgent situations.

Since the beginning of this project in Ljubljana we have educated many people; we have been teaching employees in different firms, scouts on their summer camps, professors and teachers at schools, students, sportsmen etc.

We provide charge-free first aid courses for the lay population across Slovenia. Last year we organised 61 courses, during which we found out that people have poor knowledge about first aid (they evaluated themselves 2-3/5), but they are very motivated and they are eager to learn and practise first aid. 30

First aid courses are created in a very specific way,

to contain as much practice as possible for all the participators, because we want to improve practical skills, not just factual knowledge. After a doctor gives a one-hour presentation about most common urgent situations, audience is divided into four groups. In each group two medical students practically demonstrate the proper approach to a specific first aid issue; CPR, AED usage, positions of the injured (e.g. stable side position, the Heimlich maneuver etc.), approach to bleeding wounds and immobilization. Then participators practise and students correct their approach if it is incorrect. At the end of the course we expect that each and every one knows how to act in most common urgent situations, to courage himself to lead others in such situations and to help an injured person until professional help arrives. 31

In 2013 it has been accepted as an IFMSA Endorsed Project,

meaning it is a project, which was started in Slovenia and it is being spread through the world.

The demand for the project and ďŹ rst-aid workshops is getting higher and higher, which we can attribute to the fact that Slovenians recognise the importance of ďŹ rst-aid and that we are willing to learn more to help each other when in need.

Up until now it has been fully implemented in Brazil and Czech Republic and is in course of being implemented in several other countries as well.



1. Project Virus


2. Project “Think of You Hart”


3. Project Teddy Bear Hospital


4. Project For Life


5. Project Gaster Felix


6. Project In Reflection


7. Project Alcoschool


8. Project Pulmo


9. Project Imuno




Gaster Felix is a project established in 2012. It deals with healthy eating and diseases which require special diets (diabetes, coeliac disease and others).

Our main goal is to promote healthy nutrition and educate people through lectures, workshops and events that we throw on the world days that are dedicated to project themes. Our target group is the whole population, but our main concern are children and young adults. We also host different lectures and congresses for medical students, because we strongly believe that clinical nutrition is an important part of doctors’ knowledge.

ACTIVITIES: Workshops - Recent studies show that Slovenia places third among countries of EU that have the biggest share of overweight children. Members of our project think that it is crucial to address this problem and educate children about the importance of a healthy diet with our workshops which are dedicated to children of the age of 12.


Congresses and lectures - We organise lectures for students as well as for the rest of the population. We invite the best specialists to talk about interesting topics related to our project. This year we prepared a congress in November dedicated to Diabetes. We are also organizing a congress in May. The topic is nutritional allergology. We expect around 300 people. This year we are also preparing lectures for all the students in Ljubljana about healthy nutrition and how to eat healthy even though we don’t have a lot of time and money. The lecture will take place at Medical faculty in April.


World Diabetes Day and World Health Day - World diabetes day is the primary global awareness campaign of the diabetes world and is held on November 14th of each year. Our project prepares the event which helps to spread awareness about diabetes. On that day we organise free blood sugar measurements for everyone on the main square in Ljubljana; this year we did about 1000. We worked with the project Think of your heart. We also hand out flyers among people and throw lectures about the disease. Every year our goal is to do an even bigger event with more measurements. This year we organised another public

education. It took place on the main square of Ljubljana on the 7th of April, on the World Health day. This year it was dedicated to diabetes... We had six stands with different topics. People had to visit all of them if they wanted to measure their blood sugar. On the ďŹ rst stand we were talking about the basics of diabetes, second about the symptoms, third about consequences, on the forth about nutrition and ďŹ fth about exercise.

We had almost a 1000 visitors and we did about 500 measurements of blood sugar.


LLL lessons -

The Life Long Learning (LLL) programme in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism is an innovative and effective educational programme for medical doctors and health specialists offering training on-line and at live courses, by a variety of modern training methodologies and resources. LLL programme in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism is based on an Educational Curriculum offering 120 training modules created and peer reviewed by recognised experts in the field. LLL programme in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism is a global effort of ESPEN to provide post-graduate qualification in Clinical Nutrition and to improve daily practice. It was developed as the project BG-03-B-F-PP-166039 of Leonardo da Vinci programme by ESPEN and a number of 37

European Universities with the support of the European Union. LLL programme in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism was accredited by Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes. The programme is continuously maintained by ESPEN. The main educational unit of LLL-programme is the module. Each module consists of an updated review on a certain problem, clinical case, a self-assessment test and grading quiz. Modules on related subject areas are grouped into topics making it easier for the user to select modules in a particular field of interest. The educational curriculum consists of 40 topics and 120 modules.The enrolment for each topic provides free access to the educational content and the opportunity to get credits and certificates. The LLL programme automatically adds each enrolled topic, selected by the participant to the individual portfolio generated by the system after registration. The participants are free to select the topics and modules according to

their personal interests and goals. We organised LLL class in February, the topic was nutritional support in cancer patients. The class was full 3 minutes after we opened the registration. We are organizing another LLL class in May, the topic will be clinical nutrition in prevention of the diseases.

Circle of Health - We also take part in the event “the circle of health� which is happening every year in April. This day is devoted to cardio-vascular system. We educate people about the importance of a low-cholesterol and low-salt diet on their cardio-vascular system.


Healthy breakfast - We are organizing weeks of healthy breakfast on our faculty second year in a row. On the week of healthy breakfast we have a stand and we prepare healthy breakfasts for students that don’t have time to eat at home or they get hungry during the lectures. All of our breakfasts are made by us and they don’t contain any refined sugar. We also offer gluten free choices that are suitable for Coeliac disease patients Healthy christmas - in December we prepare healthy treats for student. We hand them out at the faculty. Christmas time is full of good food and unhealthy meals, so we prepare healthier alternatives to a traditional Christmas treats that still taste good but don’t “harm” our bodies.




1. Project Virus


2. Project “Think of You Hart”


3. Project Teddy Bear Hospital


4. Project For Life


5. Project Gaster Felix


6. Project In Reflection


7. Project Alcoschool


8. Project Pulmo


9. Project Imuno




Project “In Reflection” (V odsevu) is a project of SloMSIC and has been active since September 2013. The project’s main goal is to destigmatize and raise awareness in the field of mental disorders and mental health.

We do so by conducting peer to peer workshops for high schoolers. Workshops are designed to educate about mental disorders, self-harm and suicide and to address and reduce taboos and stigma attached to them.

We conduct the workshop by facilitation and not lectures in order to stimulate associations and encourage high schoolers to actively participate in a debate, share their points of view and let them build their own opinion on the subject .


Throughout the year we are also raising awareness by acting on 6 specific days related to mental disorders/health, like eating disorders awareness week and drug abuse awareness day, etc. On those days we organise different events such as art, literature or photography contests, “Live library”, congress. The project cooperates with students of psychology and their two projects “Kako si?” and “Mind the mind”. Our Medical faculty (of the University of Ljubljana) supports us in our vision, and has already implemented parts of our project work in the curriculum.


The project got extremely highly recognised when it got the 1st place at the Rex Crossley Awards competition on the General Assembly of IFMSA in August 2015, in Macedonia, meaning it qualified 1st as the best project at the time.


1. Project Virus


2. Project “Think of You Hart”


3. Project Teddy Bear Hospital


4. Project For Life


5. Project Gaster Felix


6. Project In Reflection


7. Project Alcoschool


8. Project Pulmo


9. Project Imuno




AlkoĹĄola (Alcoschool) is a project which raises awareness about the consequences of excessive alcohol use, especially among young people.

Our main activities are workshops in primary and secondary schools.

We talk with participants about the negative consequences of drinking alcohol and encourage them to change the misconception of society, at large underestimating the destructive impact of alcohol use in general and binge drinking in particular, on people's future. Our goal is to motivate participants to safe partying with less or no alcohol. We have only been active for three years now, and we have

already done over 100 workshops and we are looking forward to developing the project even further. Last year we enhanced our programme with a congress Na zdravje! (Cheers!) that lasted one afternoon. Speakers were 4 doctors and one youth counselor from the organisation DrogArt. They were presenting all the consequences of alcohol, from basic medical effects to all the harm that it can do to our bodies. This year we organised a congress named Kol'kor kapljic, tol'ko let... manj? (As many droplets, that many years‌ less?) and it was great success. We ďŹ lled up the biggest lecture room at our college and we enabled participants to write a test at the end to show how much they learned. We wanted to broaden the students' knowledge of


alcohol symptoms from different points of view. So we invited 5 doctors from different specialties that come in contact with different alcohol-based pathology. They presented how to recognise and treat patients who drink alcohol, and what pathologies can be seen in psychiatry, neurology, family practice, pediatrics and gastroenterology.



1. Project Virus


2. Project “Think of You Hart”


3. Project Teddy Bear Hospital


4. Project For Life


5. Project Gaster Felix


6. Project In Reflection


7. Project Alcoschool


8. Project Pulmo


9. Project Imuno




Pulmo is a project, functioning within SloMSIC Ljubljana, with an aim of promotion of Public Health; the groupmostly engages in the fields of addiction caused by tobacco and marijuana, cigarettes as the leading cause or trigger for many cancers, COPD and asthma.

The workshops on the topic of smoking are designed for the students finishing primary school and starting secondary school. After taking into account several opinions, it was established that this period of school changing and the new environment represent the most likely cause for one to start smoking. In addition, teenagers of these ages are looking for identification role models, they are easily susceptible of the influence of others and pretend to behave and think in the way they consider to be elderly. Therefore, they are chosen to be the target group for the “peer-education workshops”.

However, the workshops do not try to convince teenagers to avoid smoking – it only shows them as an objective image as possible – the burden of choice is theirs. Had it not been for that approach, we would have been only an additional group trying to convey the message of smoking dangerousness, explaining the (potential) smokers what they do wrong and showing them how smart we are. Consequently, their focus would have been lost as no one likes hearing the mistakes which he/she makes.


Interestingly, some older listeners who attended the workshops asked if it is possible to organise some similar workshops for them and their colleagues.

The congress planned for April 2016 is going to show the pathogenesis of tobacco dependence and cancer genesis induced by smoking – from Pathological Physiology (pre-clinic) to Pulmonology and Oncology (clinical examples). It is going to be the continuation of the May 2015 Congress, which showed the basics in the ďŹ elds we are working on 51

The Movie Nights are the activity which makes this project unique. Every month, a movie night is organised at our faculty – a certain related ďŹ eld is chosen, an interesting movie is found and is projected in the lecture room. In that way, students gather and exchange ideas upon certain topic. Before and after the movie there is a discussion. Furthermore, the project works on organization of Debates on many issues – from marijuana legalization to complete prohibition of smoking.



1. Project Virus


2. Project “Think of You Hart”


3. Project Teddy Bear Hospital


4. Project For Life


5. Project Gaster Felix


6. Project In Reflection


7. Project Alcoschool


8. Project Pulmo


9. Project Imuno




Imuno is currently the youngest SloMSiC Ljubljana project. It is run by a group of enthusiastic medical students who work on vaccination promotion.

Vaccination rates against all childhood diseases currently included in the national programme are steadily dropping in Slovenia in spite of the obligatory vaccination. We have seen this decline as a consequence of the skepticism, directed towards the efďŹ cacy and safety of the vaccines, and activity of certain anti-vaccination groups that have been established here following the example of similar groups abroad.

To tackle the issue, a multileveled approach was devised. The primary activities are presentations on the importance of vaccination in parenting schools. The attendees are soon-to-be parents. Future healthcare workers are also being helped to become better at vaccination advocacy by organizing regular lectures, given by experts in their respective ďŹ elds on vaccination, and vaccination advocacy trainings.

The members are aiming to make a signiďŹ cant contribution to restoring the public trust in vaccines and national vaccination rates back to pre 2010`s levels. 54

As social networks like Facebook are places where a lot of people get in touch with more or less reliable (mostly the latter) information on vaccination, a project's facebook page was set up where relevant information is regularly being published.

Project cooperates with its domestic and foreign partners, for example National public health institute (Slovenia), Clinic for infectious diseases at University clinical centre Ljubljana and University of Antwerp, to name just a few. Members are encouraged to constantly work on their competences. 55

A delegation will attend a summer school on vaccinology in Antwerp in summer 2016 and another will actively participate at a preventative medicine congress in autumn 2016.

In project Imuno there is a ďŹ rm belief that a group of medical students can make a signiďŹ cant contribution to the safety and health of both children and adults nationwide.


INTERNATIONAL We are also active in the international ďŹ eld, sending and receiving exchange students; IFMSA professional and research exchanges are internationally recognised educational practices, organised by associations, similar to SloMSIC, all around the world.


FIELD In Ljubljana we give opportunity to around 90 of our students each year to experience different cultures and health care systems all around the globe. We also accept the same amount of excited foreign students every summer to positions in almost all of our departments, working with our best mentors for one month. We aim to have our exchanges recognised by our faculty and to achieve the best academic quality, cultural and social experience as possible.


There are two types of exchanges, research and professional exchange, all in the duration of one month.

This year we are offering 84 bilateral exchanges; 66 of which are professional and 18 of those are research exchanges. In research exchange the students participate actively in a research all over the world, while the same number of students come to Slovenia. In professional exchange we try working in the ďŹ eld we choose in the country we select to get to know the country itself, the healthcare system and get to know the differences between the countries’ healthcare systems and in the end to broaden our horizons. We also learn about the other cultures, but at the same time present our country to other students.


We also actively participate in two General assemblies (GA) each year; in 2016 it was the GA March meeting in Malta and the August meeting in Mexico. We help create new projects, collaborate with different countries, and actively participate in shaping of the NGO on the medical ďŹ eld and meet students from all over the world. The SloMSIC delegation has always been known to be critical, knowledgeable and active, being one of the top contributing members of the association. We also participate in the yearly EuRegMe (European Regional Meeting), the 2016 EuRegMe will be Greece, where we focus on the European healthcare systems.


In the beginning of 2016 our association participated in the EMSA (European medical Students Association) project Twinning for the first time. A small group of slovenian students went to Lisbon and students from Ljubljana welcomed a small group of Portuguese people in Slovenia. The aim of this short one week exchange is to pair up twins from different countries in order to gain a look at the healthcare system of the other country, receive new knowledge and skills in the medical field and find new friends abroad.


Besides all that, our project also organises exchanges with the Procape hospital in Recife, Brazil. Each month two of our students have the chance to go to Brazil and complete their surgical rotation in South America.



In addition to projects on public health and on our international activity we are also focusing on additional medical education, where several projects offer a lot of activities for the students in the afternoons.


EXTRACURRICULAR MEDICAL EDUCATION Project emergency medicine focuses on providing medical students additional education on the ďŹ eld of emergency medicine, Slovenian sign language courses offers medical students the opportunity to learn the gestures, project Healthcare team chooses a topic every year and covers it from a perspective of different healthcare workers and Surgical stitching, which offers the possibility of more practice even before the ofďŹ cial Surgery courses start. Ultrafest teaches students about the use of ultrasound.




11. Project Emergency Medicine


12. Project Sign Language


13. Project Healthcare Team


14. Project Surgical Stitching


5. Project Ultrafest



Project emergency medicine focuses on providing medical students additional education on the ďŹ eld of emergency medicine.

We organise 3 ultrasound workshops every year, where students learn the basics of urgent ultrasound like the FAST exam, basic heart exam, deep vein thrombosis exam and lung exam. In the past years we have organised ALS (advanced life support) workshops once a year, which included a trip to the ambulance station in Kranj, where there was a simulation of a road accident and an examination of an emergency helicopter. Every year we also prepare a congress with lectures on the ďŹ eld of emergency medicine.




11. Project Emergency Medicine


12. Project Sign Language


13. Project Healthcare Team


14. Project Surgical Stitching


5. Project Ultrafest



We organise Slovenian sign language courses where we give medical students the opportunity to learn the gestures and get an inside view in the problems of the deaf and hard of hearing. The courses are led by ofďŹ cial interpreters, with the help of deaf people. In addition to the gesture learning in the classroom we visit the Association of the Deaf and hard of hearing of Ljubljana, where students are placed in a real situation of communication with the deaf. Students get the insight into the lives of deaf people, their view of the world and problems they have to face in everyday life and in the health system. After the end of the course the student is better acquainted with the problems of this disadvantaged population and has mastered gestures for basic communication with deaf people, especially in the health system.




11. Project Emergency Medicine


12. Project Sign Language


13. Project Healthcare Team


14. Project Surgical Stitching


5. Project Ultrafest



Project Healthcare Team is a project of students of Faculty of medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zdravstvena fakulteta and students of psychology at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Members of this project would also like to emphasize the importance of cooperation between students who will become workers in the healthcare ďŹ eld in a

As members of this project, we are aware of the fact that we are all stronger together and that is also something we want to show not only to our colleagues but also to users of the public healthcare system in Slovenia.

few years.


Project Healthcare team chooses a topic every year and covers it from a perspective of doctors, nurses, psychologists, pharmacists, geneticists, patients, etc. and emphasizes that teamwork is the way to better results. We covered topics from breast cancer to palliative care, rheumatoid arthritis and last year we covered the topic of infertility. The students participated in extra lectures, but also got a “day on the field” where they got to try working in that field with the goal to understand that teamwork is extremely important between all the participants and in this way shedding the light on other perspectives, which, unfortunately, often remain overlooked.


Our main activity is a congress which will be run from April 12 till April 14. This year’s congress title is Pain. We have invited experts from different fields of Medicine, Pharmacy, Healthcare and Psychology. The visiting speakers will talk about Pathophysiology of pain, Medicines used treating pain, Psychological view of chronic pain, Usage of hypnosis and acupuncture while dealing with pain, Addiction to analgesics and Usage of cannabinoids treating pain. There will be 12 short popular-scientific lectures held in 3 days. The last day there will also be a presentation of clinical cases of patients experiencing pain. We have also designed and published a collection of articles in a scientific booklet.




11. Project Emergency Medicine


12. Project Sign Language


13. Project Healthcare Team


14. Project Surgical Stitching


5. Project Ultrafest



In Surgical stitching project we strive for students to get more practical skills as we feel this is a vital part of future physicians.

Having strong support from the Institute of Anatomy which kindly provides us cadavers and working halls we are not only practical but also

we create workshops that are realistic and that enable students to get a great feel how to work on human tissues. The project consists of students who are supervised and accredited by a trauma specialist from UKC Ljubljana (University Medical Centre Ljubljana). In this way we can teach other students with good knowledge and conďŹ dence.


The workshops take place four times a year and last for four hours. Students learn the basics of surgical stitching and what is of most importance they are able to practice themselves on cadavers.


Objectives: • Learn how to use surgical tools and materials • Learn how to make surgical knots • Get to know some of the basic surgical stitches and their use • Sewing the skin and deeper tissues on cadavers



11. Project Emergency Medicine


12. Project Sign Language


13. Project Healthcare Team


14. Project Surgical Stitching


5. Project Ultrafest



Project Ultrafest educates medical students about ultrasound skills and ultrasound application in medicine.

It all started in University of California Irvine USA under the guidance of renowned professor Chris Fox in 2012. First Slovenian Ultrafest was organised by our colleagues from Maribor’s Medicine Faculty in 2015 and was soon brought to Ljubljana.

We organised two Ultrafest events in the last year, altogether with more than 140 participants, and there is one more to come in May.


Ultrafest is a fun and intense learning experience. We organise an all-day-long ‘marathon’ of ultrasound workshops using the ‘flipped classroom’ teaching method. Participants get interactive study material before the event and then they can test it in practice on models and phantoms with the help of experienced instructors.


Treated themes are: an introduction to the ultrasound, ultrasound guided vascular access, ultrasound AAA and GVT rating, the lung ultrasound, ultrasound of the heart, liver and gallbladder ultrasound and emergency ultrasound examination of FAST.

Beside ultrasound workshops, we organise two more events: EKGfest and R E NTG E N O G R A M m a r , where students get more information on ECG and RTG pathologies.


CULTURAL AND SPORT We believe that a good doctor is not only versatile in the ďŹ eld of medicine, but also has time for arts and physical activity, hence we founded several projects on the cultural and sports ďŹ eld.



Project Cortext stages modern, mainly self-written performances; Big band of Medical faculty consists of 20 members, mostly medical students and a few students from other faculties and attracts musicians at our faculty; project Cor has a similar goal, but its focus are people who can sing in a chorus. The most recent cultural project formed by 20 medical students is The Guitar Orchestra of Medical Faculty. Project Erektor is publishing a magazine for students twice a year, educating and entertaining the readers. Finally, there is project Sport; with the main goal of connecting all sportsmen at the Medical faculty.



16. Project drama group Cortext


17. Project Erektor


18. Project Big Band


19. Project Guitar Orchestra MF


20. Project chorus Cor


21. Project Sport

103 22. Project Transmiter




Cortext has been working under DĹ MS since 2012. We stage modern, mainly self-written performances.

Our shows are made for students, workers of Faculty of Medicine and the general public. We are trying to merge stiff medical science with the freedom of thespian art.

Our project encourages participants to think creatively and improvize while also teaching them important skills, which help them with public appearances. It is a lot of fun and builds friendships.


Our work in the past two years includes the staging of 3 major performances - Goli pianist (Naked pianist) by Matjaž Zupančič, Makbet by Eugene Ionesco and currently in the last phase of preparation for the premiere on the 13th of April - 12 Angry (men) by Reginald Rose.


Throughout the year we also prepare many smaller productions, which include coperations with other projects (e.g. a series of short promotional ďŹ lms for EKG-fest) and also productions for the children in the different pediatrics’ departments at the clinics inside the UKC LJ before Christmas.



16. Project drama group Cortext


17. Project Erektor


18. Project Big Band


19. Project Guitar Orchestra MF


20. Project chorus Cor


21. Project Sport

103 22. Project Transmiter

17 87


EREKTOR is a magazine written and edited by students of Medical Faculty Ljubljana and published by Slomsic.

We are a group of creative, inquisitive, investigative writers, photographers and designers, who are

eager to learn and write about interesting medical problems, fascinating students and doctors, students' life and issues, foreign exchanges, cultural events and many more. The magazine has some regular columns, for example pro et contra, a main interview, anecdotes from students' life and a literary and photographic competition with appealing prizes.


The magazine comes out twice a year, in December and April. Each issue has a circulation of eight hundred.

Our goal is to broaden our readers’ horizons and at the same time entertain them.


Students are given the opportunity to share their other interests (besides medicine). To help to widen our colleagues’ horizons. We can relax from strenuous study. We wish to inspire other students through the chosen topics. We want to help our colleagues with useful advice about the study and prospects about their future work/career.

We also organise hangouts and parties, so we can have fun and spend some quality time together. We seek inspiration for our study and everyday life.



16. Project drama group Cortext


17. Project Erektor


18. Project Big Band


19. Project Guitar Orchestra MF


20. Project chorus Cor


21. Project Sport


103 22. Project Transmiter



Big band of Medical faculty is a jazz ensemble consisting of 20 members, mostly medical students and a few students from other faculties. Our project seeks to attract musicians at our faculty, who are looking forward to playing jazz instruments and creating quality music with their colleagues. We practice weekly and appear at many events at the faculty and elsewhere.

Our goal is to entertain and perhaps brighten the day of as many fellow medical students as we can!



16. Project drama group Cortext


17. Project Erektor


18. Project Big Band


19. Project Guitar Orchestra MF


20. Project chorus Cor


21. Project Sport


103 22. Project Transmiter



Young, enthusiastic, virtuosic and versatile (future) doctors and dentists (and one retired professor) with skillful ďŹ ngers got together, whipped the dust off our guitars and formed the Guitar Orchestra of Medical Faculty of Ljubljana. The orchestra is a project of DĹ MS and SloMSIC organisation form February 2015. It has 20 active members, with the number rising every month.



16. Project drama group Cortext


17. Project Erektor


18. Project Big Band


19. Project Guitar Orchestra MF


20. Project chorus Cor


21. Project Sport

103 22. Project Transmiter




“COR” is a mixed chorus composed of the medical students of the University of Ljubljana.

What brings together are



cultural activities and the endeavour for diversification of several events that take place at the Medical faculty.

Such events are the Prešeren awards ceremony, graduation and master’s degree ceremony as well as concerts where students or doctors show their musical talent.

Apart from that, the members traditionally organise carol concerts not only for their own pleasure, but also for the delight of the patients of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. Wearing Christmas hats, the members go on a mini tour around the medical campus during the festive season.


Each year an annual concert is staged, where the members can pride themselves on a varied repertoire and an occasionally added choreography.


The singers of “COR� choir gather once a week for the three-hour long singing sessions. When intensely rehearsing songs before a concert, the members have some additional sessions such as intensive singing sessions, which last all weekend. The members rehearse under the leadership of choir master Nina Skebe, a student of Music Academy specializing in music pedagogy.

The members who participate in sessions learn proper vocal techniques and how to perform music. What is also important besides the singing itself is the socializing of the students from different years of study, the connection between them and after all, relaxation from difďŹ cult studies.



16. Project drama group Cortext


17. Project Erektor


18. Project Big Band


19. Project Guitar Orchestra MF


20. Project chorus Cor


21. Project Sport

103 22. Project Transmiter




The main goal of our project is to connect all sportsmen of the Medical faculty.

We have 4 different teams competing in 3 different sports: basketball, football and volleyball. Each year they participate in the university league and we take immense pride in managing to achieve 2 second places last season.

Continuously, we also have great individual athletes doing their best in swimming, tennis, beach volleyball and table tennis. Another one of our objectives is to ensure the best training conditions possible. We also provide all the equipment necessary


Furthermore, we organise a functional training for medical students. This is a way of exercise that involves training the body for activities performed in daily life. If performed correctly, practice leads to a better physical ďŹ tness and decreases the level of stress.


In conclusion, our priority is that students make a step forward and improve their lifestyle in general.



16. Project drama group Cortext


17. Project Erektor


18. Project Big Band


19. Project Guitar Orchestra MF


20. Project chorus Cor


21. Project Sport

103 22. Project Transmiter




We are the project responsible for organizing trips for our students.

As we can gather from our older colleagues, students of our faculty had previously had organised several trips and had been to various destinations. The idea didn’t survive, however, because it was dependent on the transfer from older students to younger generations of medicine students.

And why is the Transmiter here? We have a clear idea of making those well organised trips become a tradition in the near future, even though our project is totally new on our faculty’s projects list. Medical students are dedicated, hard working people, yet like all other students, also feel the need to relax and unwind and our project provides an ideal opportunity for doing just that. It’s different from exchanges -

mostly because our trips will be organised just to relax for a while, and to be more motivated for studying when getting back home. For this year, our plan is to organise a surfing course, a trip to Belgrade and have a skiing course during winter days and to have fun while planning it. 104

CONTACT Alkošola Ms Katarina Lakner Big band MF Ms Lena Lapanja COR Ms Nina Vičič Erektor Ms Mojca Kecelj Gaster Felix Ms Tonja Mertelj Imuno Mr Jure Črepinšek Kirurško šivanje Ms Iva Jurov


INFORMATION Kitarski orkester Ms Eva Podbregar Kortekst Mr Ambrož Pušnik Medimedo Ms Nastja Levašič Mednarodne izmenjave Mr Mitja Modic MF Helpline Mr David Zupančič Misli na srce Ms Katja Čič Projekt Šport Mr Gašper Horvat


Projekt Urgentna medicina Ms Eva Cimerman Projekt VIRUS Ms Katja Čehovin Pulmo Mr Martin Janakiev Transmiter Mr Žan Gorenšek Ultrafest Ms Jerca Kranjc V odsevu Ms Anja Plot Za življenje! Mr Luka Zwitter Zdravstveni tim Ms Tjaša Petrič Znakovni jezik Ms Rebeka Starin 107

DŠMS Webpage, Youtube channel Facebook page

Booklet created by: Aleks Šuštar, president of SloMSIC Ljubljana, with the help of project leaders. or April 2016


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