THE DST KEY Coleraine Street, Oracabessa, P.O St. Mary Official Newsletter of Key Club Jamaica District Secretary - Treasurer
$$$ Keep Calm And Get Your Collection On!
October 2013
Volume XII
Issue 2
W WH HA AT T’’SS IIN NSSIID DE ET TH HIISS IISSSSU UE E!!!! Greetings from DST Ijah B…...Page 1
Eliminate Project…………………...Page 7
Duties of the Club Treasurer....Pages 2 - 3
Fun Wall…………………………….Page 8
District & International Due....Page 4
Notices…………………...…............Page 9
Fundraising Week 2013….....…Page 5
District Board Members’ Contacts...Page 9
Fundraising Ideas...…………..Page 6
GREETINGS FROM DST IJAH B. Hey there Club Secretaries and Treasurers! I trust and hope you guys have now settled into school and that your club meetings have been running smooth. So last month’s issue of “The DST KEY” was mostly dedicated to club secretaries, so this month’s issue is dedicated to club treasurers. Seeing that this month we will be having Fundraising Week and the payment of International and district dues, we have to fully prepare ourselves and plan ahead. I suggest that club secretaries and treasurers work together to meet the early bird deadline for the dues payment and to ensure that Fundraising Week 2013 is a success. So in this month, keep calm and get your collection on! Have fun reading this issue! Yours in love, friendship and service,
I. Brown Ijah Erica Brown District Secretary – Treasurer (DST)
DUTIES OF THE CLUB TREASURER The treasurer should be detail oriented, have strong math skills and do his/her best to see these actions are done properly so that there are no doubts about his/her integrity.
Control the club’s money, its collection and
Collect member dues.
In coordination with the faculty advisor and club secretary, update the membership roster at
disbursement. and forward monies, dues invoice
Transact all business through a bank or school
and membership form to the Key Club International
account. Many schools do not allow clubs to keep
office. Early Bird is due by November 1 and dues
independent checking or savings accounts. It does
deadline is December 1.
not matter who writes the checks—school officials or the Key Club treasurer. What does matter, though, is that the treasurer be responsible for
Bill members for unpaid dues.
Collect dues from new members and forward them to the International Office.
keeping accurate books that will enable him/her
to give a full financial report whenever requested.
Reconcile bank statements.
Record all expenditures and income for the week.
Deposit club funds.
Collect all monies from club projects.
strengths and weaknesses
governor relating to school organizations.
that two (2) signatures be required on each check.
Get advice from your advisor on all financial
Your faculty or Kiwanis advisor should co-sign with
the Key Club treasurer or president.
Understand school or administration and club policies regarding student financial accounts
If your school policy permits your club to have its own checking or savings account, it is strongly advised
Attend all meetings within the club and the club officer-training conferences with the lieutenant
always should be open to inspection by the club’s
Prepare a financial report for the board of directors meeting.
It should be noted that the treasurer’s records officers, faculty advisor, principal and Kiwanis
Inform the club and Kiwanis sponsor of financial
Disburse funds and pay bills promptly as approved by the board of directors.
relating to school organizations.
Pay all bills as approved by the board of directors.
Prepare the budget and present it to the board for approval.
The budget should be the regulating factor for the club’s activities. The budget is a statement of the organization’s planned expenditures and income based on the approval and commitment of the club.
Key Club International is a nonprofit organization, receiving much of its receipts from the general public. Therefore, the law requires that two separate accounts for receipts and expenditures be maintained. These accounts are the service account and the administrative account.
general public must be returned to the general
The club must commit to raising the necessary
public. Such money can’t be used for club
income, for without the budgeted income, the club
administrative costs, such as printing, conventions
cannot spend as it had planned without incurring a
and conferences and travel to events other than
deficit. Thus, when total expected income is not
service projects.
achieved, total expenditures must be cut.
Service account: All monies collected from the
Administrative accounts: The administrative account is the operating account for the club. It is
Keep an account of all transactions as they are
used for those monies to be spent on club
made. A simple method to use is the general
administration and/or members. Monies coming
journal, containing three columns: income,
from the administrative account are collected from
expenses and balance. Log in each transaction
dues, Kiwanis-family members and school subsidies.
when it occurs, specify the date and a simple
Monies in this account may be used to buy
description, list it properly under income or expense
supplies, purchase advertising, send members to
and record the balance. It is recommended that
conventions and conferences, etc.
the club purchase a general ledger for the club
Funds in the administrative account can be transferred
to the service account. However, no funds from the
When disbursing money, always obtain a receipt as
service account may be transferred to the
evidence of payment. Use a check rather than
administrative account. It is helpful in bookkeeping
cash whenever possible. This will provide you with an
and auditing to note on each receipt into which
additional receipt. When reimbursing a club
account the money was deposited. Likewise, all
member for expenses, require him or her to
checks should note from which account and line item,
complete an expense voucher and attach a copy
if appropriate, the money was drawn.
of the receipt to receive reimbursement.
DISTRICT & INTERNATIONAL DUES District and International Dues this year is still one thousand dollars ($1,000). Seeing that we are all aiming for the early bird deadline, all monies for district and international dues should be received on or before Friday November 1, 2013. If clubs meet the early bird deadline, they will receive an early bird banner patch. The final date for District and International Dues is Sunday December 1, 2013. Clubs, who doesn’t pay on or by this date will be in danger of being placed on “Suspended” status by Key Club International and, after a substantial period of no dues payment, will eventually lose their club charter. When the district and international dues is paid, new members will receive a membership handbook and a certificate along with two gifts, a Key Club International membership pin and a membership card.
Early Bird!!
District and International Dues may be paid to: District Administrator Navara Dennis
Assistant District Administrator Karen Sinclair – Lym
Governor Chevon Lewis
District Secretary – Treasurer Ijah Brown Respective Lieutenant Governor Scotia Bank, Port Maria JA$ Account #: 3102-06 NB: When handing over dues, please ensure that you get a receipt. If you deposited money in the Scotia Bank account, all receipts should be scanned and emailed to DA Navara Dennis (, ADA Karen Sinclair – Lym ( and DST Ijah Brown ( within 24 hours of the deposit.
FUNDRAISING WEEK 2013 Fundraising Week 2013 will be taking place from Monday October 21st – Friday October 25th. This week is about clubs hosting fundraisers to pull funds into their club treasury. One of the fundraisers must be solely dedicated to the Eliminate Project. All funds from that fundraising activity will be going toward the Eliminate Project.
FUNDRAISING IDEAS So the school year has started and you might need some fun fundraising ideas to fund your club’s activities. Below are a few fundraising ideas which you can use to get funds into your club. They might seem challenging to execute at first but with good planning you should be able to get a lot of funds from them. These ideas are as follows:
Car Wash
Penny Concert
Food Sales
Hot Dog Sale
Pizza Sale
Smoothie Sale
Ice – Cream Sale
Candy Sale
Bake Sale
Cake Sale
Cookie Sale
Skip a Meal – Sponsors commit to giving up a meal together and give the money saved to the designated cause.
Eat for a Cause – Ask a local restaurant to donate 10% of their profits on a designated night for your cause in exchange for encouraging supporters to eat there.
ELIMINATE PROJECT What if you could save a baby’s life? There are few events more joyful than the day a new baby is welcomed to the world. But in 26 countries, a dreaded disease quickly turns that joy into tragedy. Maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) kills one baby every nine minutes — that's 60,000 babies every year who will never grow up, make their mothers laugh, play with friends or dream about the future. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. A significant number of women die from MNT each year too.
What is MNT? In 26 countries around the world, maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) can quickly turn the joy of childbirth into tragedy. MNT kills one baby every nine minutes. Its effects are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. There is little hope of survival. And tetanus kills mothers too.
Who suffers from MNT? MNT is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere, come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. The disease strikes the poorest of the poor, the geographically hard to reach and those without health care.
Can MNT be stopped? Yes! MNT is highly preventable. Just three doses of a 60-cent immunization protect mothers, who then pass on the immunity to their future babies. Together, Kiwanis and UNICEF can stop this disease. Since the 6th of October 2013, Key Club International has raised a total of US$1,556,566.66. So continue to do your part in helping to eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus off the face of the earth.
Brain Teaser This word has 10 letters namely 1234567890 1234 - carries heredity 456 - is a period of time 567 - is a pest 890 - is a charged particle What is the word? GENERATION: 1234 carries heredity – gene 456 - is a period of time – era 567- is a pest – rat 890 is a charged particle - ion
Optical illusion Can you see both the old man, and the young lady?
Riddle Gender Play There is a word in the English language in which the first two letters signify a male the first three letters signify a female the first four signify a great man and the whole word a great woman. What is the word? Answer: Heroine
NOTICES YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES FUND (YOF) The YOF forms are due on Tuesday October 15, 2013. It’s advisable that you fax one day before.
INTERNATIONAL & DISTRICT DUES Early bird dues are due by Friday November 1, 2013!!!
DIVISION 5 TRAINING CONFERENCE Date: Saturday October 19, 2013 Where: Mt. Alvernia High School (Not yet confirmed) Time: (Not yet confirmed)
FUNDRAISING WEEK 2013 Date: Monday October 21st – 25th, 2013 At least ONE day of the week MUST be an Eliminate Project Fundraiser where ALL funds raised on that day will go to the Eliminate Project.
Monthly reports are due by the 5th of every month. Please remember that when emailing your reports you MUST send a copy to the following persons: District Secretary – Treasurer District Administrator Your Lieutenant Governor Faculty & Kiwanian Advisor
Click on the photos below to check out our facebook page (‘Like’ it) and twitter page (‘Follow’ us):
Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. ~Gail Devers
DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS’ CONTACTS Name: Chevon Lewis Position: District Governor Email:
Name: Deveney Whitley Position: Lieutenant Governor- D1 Email:
Name: Navara Dennis Position: District Administrator Email:
Name: Ijah Brown Position: District Secretary-Treasurer Email: dst.ijahb@gmail
Name: Romaine Clarke Position: Lieutenant Governor- D2 Email:
Name: Karen Sinclair - Lym Position: Assistant District Administrator Email:
Name: Anthony Kerr Position: District Bulletin Editor Email:
Name: Kemar Robinson Position: Lieutenant Governor- D3 Email:
Name: Jordon Thomas Position: District Webmaster Email:
Name: Shadaé Bingham Position: Lieutenant Governor- D6 Email:
Name: Renisha Daley Position: Immediate Past Governor Email:
Name: Chadene Myers Position: Lieutenant Governor- D7 Email: