April 2011 DST Insider

Page 1


april 2011

fabulous finds

C lear the C lutter

Interview with Kayla Lamoreaux of digiscrap101.com


you backed up? Online backup and storage options

Find What you Need

Organize with

tags and folders

Exciting changes are in our future

Details on page three

a p r i l ’s f e a t u r e d d e s i g n e r

sahlin studio Designer Krista Sahlin created this beautiful kit EXCLUSIVELY for DigiShopTalk Gold member subscribers. See inside for information on how you can get yours!

J u s t i e

This issue sponsored by

J e w k e s o f J u s t C r e a t i o n s / D i g i September S t y 2008 l e • DIGISHOPTALK.COM Designs


table of contents APRIL 2011

inside this issue 03 from the desk of


Our Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Wilson, talks about being too organized and new changes coming to the Insider

04 featured designer Learn more about Krista Sahlin and this month’s Gold Member kit

12 new to you Introducing “new to you” designer Flutter Expressions of Sunshine Studio Scraps

18 shopping gems Seven exceptional products to help you get organized and stay that way

20 hybrid picks Three inspiring hybrid projects from the DST gallery

21 save my space Make more room on your computer with these tips

24 are you backed up?


A review of top online back-up sites

26 clean out that digi clutter Get it in order with Kayla Lamoreaux and digiscrap101.com

28 find what you need when you need it Use tagging or folder systems to organize

29 the back page Check out what is coming up next month and learn how you can enter this month’s Gold Member contest

30 advertising directory Your go-to place to find favorite designers and stores

Digishoptalk.com is the hub of the digital scrapbook community. We strive to be the one-stop resource for online scrapbookers who want to be “in-the-know” with what is going on in the digital scrapbooking world! In addition to our free member gallery and forums, we also have a DST chat room, a continuously updated Digital Directory to help you find any designer, store or resource, and an up-to-date calendar of all the chats, sales and events in the digital community! Contact us: DSTInsider@gmail.com DST is owned by CrowdGather, Inc. This issue of the DigiShopTalk INSIDER created using Adobe InDesign CS4. Papers and elements used in this edition are from Krista Sahlin’s Sunny with Blue Skies kit designed exclusively for DST Gold Members and used with permission. Visit Krista Sahlin at The LilyPad.



from the desk of


his month’s theme at the

Before I go, I also have a pretty big

DST Insider magazine is

piece of news to share with you -

organizing. But I have an

one that has been in the making

unconventional pearl of wisdom to

for several months. Beginning with

kick off the issue: stop organizing

our May issue, the Insider will be


delivered to you in web format.

What I really mean is that many digital scrapbookers get trapped in a rut of constant organizing at the expense of actual scrapbooking. If

Organizing your

you’re not scrapping, then why are

photos and

you spending so much time getting

supplies should

everything together?

facilitate faster

Organizing your photos and

scrapbooking, but

supplies should facilitate faster


scrapbooking, but over-organizing

just leads to

just leads to feeling burnt-out

feeling burnt-out

and less creative. It’s important

and less creative.

to find a healthy balance between

by Jennifer Wilson

perfectionism and productivity in order to stay fulfilled in our hobby.

While this does mean the end of our beautiful PDF, the age of social media demands that we make this change to better serve you and the designers that make up the backbone of this community. It is win-win for everyone and I think you’ll really like the new format! As a reader, you’ll be able to quickly reference current and past articles in one place and find tips and tutorials by topic. You’ll have the ability to share ideas with friends and can click on links with ease. Plus, there will be no large files to download and take up

In this issue, we’ve got a wonderful precious hard drive space! selection of articles that will help Thank you to everyone who you create DIY planners, get your downloaded an issue of our tags in order and find the perfect magazine in the past. Please backup solution. We want to join me in clinking a glass of help you find sensible strategies springtime sweet tea to a new era for making your digi world more of the Insider! organized (but not too organized).



featured from thedesigner desk of april’s featured designer

sahlin studio

Want to dig right into this collection and spend your day scrapping away your Sunny with Blue Skies page? What inspired you to create this month’s DST Gold Member kit? I was thinking spring: fresh, clean and sunny. It sort of took on a life of its own from there. What is your favorite part or element of the kit? Probably, the crocheted flower. The flower is from a hand-knit sweater of my

Click here to find out more about becoming a Gold Member at DST so you can get this great kit and the next eleven to come!

daughter’s. People often tease me that I often coordinate kits with photos I have of my kids. Perks of the job, I think! Tell us about your family: I am lucky enough to be married to my best friend, Aaron. (One of the biggest perks is that he is a great IT guy.) Also, I am a work-at-home mom to two wonderful kiddos, Sophia (9) and Gabe (6) who are both my greatest inspiration. And, I can’t forget our first “child,” our puppy, Leinie (Leinenkugel) our goldcolored cocker spaniel.



featured designer What inspires you?

How long have you been designing?

Color, pattern, textures, fabric. Anywhere I’m going, I am

I’ve been designing for two years now. I love what I do

always thinking with a designer’s eye. I could see a couch

and it’s sure been a fantastic ride.

pillow and be mesmerized.

What program(s) do you use?

What project are you working on now (or next)?

PhotoShop CS2, and Illustrator

I just went on a vacation in the Caribbean. It was

What would your best friend say about you?

incredible! So I am definitely thinking something inspired

She would say that I am motivated and zealous (which is a

by a Caribbean breeze.

nice way of saying I get obsessed with almost everything

What book are you reading right now?

I do). I’m good with directions (which is why she wants

I’m going to preface this question with the fact I love,

me to do the Amazing Race with her), I’m outgoing (again,

love, love to read. I read all sorts and types of books. But

another way of saying I’m loud and I speak my mind),

lately, it’s never more than my US Weekly or a good steamy

I’m funny (not in a witty sense, but more silly and do silly

romance novel. No judging please. Sometimes you just

things to make others laugh).

need a good fluff book.

Additional products available from Sahlin Studio at The LilyPad and Krista’s blog.

Vintage Vogue: Bundle

Grandma’s Dresser

Vintage Carnival

Lined Journal Papers



gold kit gallery


gonewiththewind I adore the fresh yet vintage mix of this collection!

Galina Great color palette. I love the soft papers.



gold kit gallery

Heather interstitchal

This kit makes me think about looking back to the past and looking forward to the future and to all the sunny, sweet times.


scrappycharmer Beautiful kit that is soft and delicate with a great color palette.



gold kit gallery

Lynn lynnirene

The colors are fresh and fun and the elements and word art are very versatile!

Olivia livybug

I love the soft colors. Beautiful elements and papers too!



gold kit gallery


sunshine tk Soft and pretty - perfect for spring!



I love the choice of patterned papers and the softness of the colors. This makes a beautiful kit for so many types of photos.



issue sponsor Presenting Justie of Just Creations, this month’s DST Insider sponsor! Take a look at her products, shop her store, and friend her on Facebook. How do you find Just Creations? Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Thanks, Just Creations, for supporting the Insider this month.

product picks



issue sponsor ADVERTISEMENT



new to you by Cheryl Ashcraft

New to You: Flutter Expressions This is “New to You,” the Insider’s column designed to help you discover designers you might not know. Every month, we’ll select a designer, create layouts from one of their kits and introduce you to their style. Don’t forget to download your sample kit, too. You never know, you might discover a new favorite or two! This month, let’s meet Flutter Expressions of Sunshine Studio Scraps. The DST Creative Team played with Flutter’s Looking Ahead kit. Check out their inspiring layouts! And, don’t forget to download your gift from Flutter: the Looking Ahead add-on freebie, on page 17.



new to you



Love the colors in this collection as well as the mix of word art, elements and flowers.

Galina I like the colors of the kit and the word art!



new to you

Heather interstitchal

My favorite part of this kit is the leaves. That’s how I knew I’d need to feature them in my project this month - a flower corsage pin.


scrappycharmer Fun kit with great elements that is easy to use! Love it!



new to you

Lynn lynnirene

Love the colors and the fresh theme. The papers have great texture and all of the elements are perfect for clustering!

Olivia livybug

Love the colors in this kit! The mix of realistic and doodled elements is perfect!



new to you



I love the patterned papers and the selection of elements in this kit. This is a versatile kit to use for any photo.


sunshine tk Terrific colors and fun elements - very versatile kit!



new to you

Click to download your gift from Flutter Looking Ahead add-on





Planning for Perfection Get organized with these useful kits. From weekly page templates to coupon books, these planning products will help you get orgainzed in a jiffy.

After 5 Designs - AH! Designs

OScraps - Biograffiti

Weekly Planner Kit

Wish Bliss Address Book

Dated for 2010 but it’s completely customizable making it perfect year after year.

Fan of Wish Bliss? Biograffiti uses Wish Bliss images to dress up a terrific address book.

Log Your Memory Memory Logbook 2011 full year download The total system. Available as a DIY downloadable product or, purchase the printed books and get in the mail.



shopping gems

GoDigitalScrapbooking - Andrea Gold

ScrapMatters - Simply J Studio

Household Planner #1

Let’s Get Organized: Holiday Planner

Kit number one is a monster kit full of household planners and organizers.

For all your holiday planning needs!

OScraps - Biograffiti

The Digichick - Mari Koegelenberg

Coupon Book

Studio 365 Creative Designer Planner

For all you coupon queens, this is a fun project to make and keep!

Perfect for scrapbook designers trying to plan out their creative life. This pack has planners for everything related to kit creation!




Hot Hybrid Gallery Picks Each month the Insider team picks our favorite projects posted in the DST Hybrid Gallery from the past month. Check out the amazing projects we’ve picked this time:

clockwise from top left:

My Bday Organizer by mrs john

Scrap Organizer by alien21xx

Bill Organizer by dbrprc



tutorial by Jennifer White

Save My Space: Keep file sizes down and get more on your hard drive How’s your hard drive? Looking a little full?

not be much for one paper, but multiply it by every paper in

Today’s kits are getting larger and larger and we’re storing

your stash and you can see how that adds up.

more files, buying more external hard drives and online

Now look at the Quality settings. This tells the computer

storage and still running out of space. Why is this and how

how much to compress the file before saving. As you

can we get a handle on it?

may have guessed, the more you compress a file, the

Aside from the fact that there are too many fabulous kits out

smaller it becomes. So why not compress the heck out

there we just have to have, what can we do to cut down on

of everything? Because, the more you compress files the

file sizes and save space on our hard drives?

lesser the quality of the resulting image.

First the Papers In my stash I found papers at 14.6MB and 2.39 MB in the same kit! Why the wide difference? Let me show you: Most designers make papers using more than one layer, whether they’re using overlays or working with brushes, the more layers and complexity you add to the image, the larger the file. This shows up most clearly when we save the files:

The files on the left have a color layer with two overlays. To get the two layer files, I left the color layer and merged the two overlays. Look at the impact on the file size! This may

As you can see in this illustration, more compression equals more artifacts (the little marks that show up around the edges of things). I’ve used arrows to point out some



tutorial artifacts in this screen shot. Artifacts are most noticeable

Here’s one of my own elements with and without extra

where there are high contrast edges and where there are

space. While the file size is only reduced a few kilobytes, over

large areas of flat color, so the amount you compress your

thousands of files these can add up.

paper files will vary with each paper. So how do you know how much to compress your papers? Check them. Save the file at ten quality then reopen the file and zoom to one-hundred percent. This is what you’ll see when this paper is printed. If it’s ok to you, you’re good to go. You could even try compressing further to nine or eight just to see if you still get a good look. Keeping your layers down and compressing files as much as possible will go a long way toward keeping kit sizes down. But what do you do if you already have twelve-quality and fourteen-megabyte papers in your stash? Resave them! If you do it carefully, you can knock these

Most designers these days do trim their files, but if you

huge papers down to size. Here’s how:

run across elements that are not trimmed, it’s easy to just

• Open the large paper file and zoom to one-hundred

crop them closer. Photoshop gives you a great tool to do

percent so you can see just what it’s supposed to

this. Go to Edit> Trim and without changing anything in the

look like.

dialog box press OK. All the extra space will be gone.

• Go to File> Save As and choose JPEG.

Clean House

• Set the compression setting to 10 or even 8 and CHANGE

Of course it goes without saying, a little house cleaning

THE NAME OF THE FILE then save. • Open the new file and zoom to one-hundred percent and see if it still looks ok. If it does, delete the original. If not, you’re back to where you started.

may be in order. If you’re like me, you have all kinds of stuff just lying around. While you don’t want to delete anything important, take a look at these kinds of files: • Odd –and-end freebies that don’t go with anything.

Now this is a lot of work and not something you want to

• Coupon graphics that are expired.

do for every paper, but for those big fourteen-megabyte

• Promotional graphics for stores where designers no

papers, it’s sure worth the savings. I tried this on a 14.6MB paper I found and by compressing it to an 8, got it to 2.56MB. The quality didn’t suffer at all and I saved 12MB!

It’s Not Just the Papers Elements can bump up your kit sizes, too. Most elements are saved as .png files in order to preserve transparency but those files often contain lots of extra blank space and that can add up over time.

longer sell. • Piracy graphics and other informational graphics (where you have multiples). • Multiple previews for the same kit. • Duplicate files (surely, I’m not the only one who’s downloaded a blog train freebie twice!). • “What the heck was I thinking when I got that?” kits Tastes and styles change, so bite the bullet and delete!



tutorial What you don’t want to delete:

• Open a large, layered .psd file.

• Terms of Use.

• Add a layer on top of all the other layers.

• READ ME files with instructions.

• Fill the new layer with white.

• At least one preview per kit.

• Save. (If you want to compare before and after, use a new name).

The PSD Problem For those of us who design or save .psd versions of our

You’ll find by using this technique the file size is much

layouts, these files can take up space astoundingly fast.

smaller. I took one of my paper master files that started at

The .psd file format makes very large files. Here is one

78.7 MB and added a white layer on top. This reduced the

solution that can save you some space, if you don’t mind a

file to 49.0 MB! The trade-off is if you have your computer

little inconvenience.

set to show you .psd thumbnails, you won’t see anything but white on these files. However, for that much space savings I’ll take a little more time naming files and not worry about seeing a thumbnail. The next time you get a new kit take a minute to check file sizes and resave papers or trim the elements if necessary. Then spend some time deleting the files you really don’t want or need and you’ll have plenty of elbow room on that hard drive.




get technical By Jenn White

Online Backup: Is it for you? Saving photos in the digital age is vastly different

• Does the basic service include external hard drives? You

than it was in the film-and-paper print days. Back

may want to back up your EHD, networked drive or even

then, all you had to worry about was keeping your photos

removable drives. If so, be sure the service you choose

flat, dry and in the dark and they would last a long time.

can handle that.

That’s still true for prints, but our digital files are a little

• What restore options are there? Are there limits to

harder to preserve.

the number of restores you can do in a certain time

Most of us back up our hard drives in one way or another,

period? How long does it take to restore files? Can you

onto CDs, DVDs or an external hard drive. But what

pick out a single file to restore? Can you restore to a

happens in a disaster? If your house floods or burns, you

different computer? Services vary how they handle file

will not only lose your computer, you’ll lose your backups

accessibility so be sure you can get to your data the way


you want.

A lot of people now use online backup services as a way

To help you answer these questions, we’ve created a table

around that problem. There are many such services out

with details for many popular online backup sites. See

there and they vary widely in price and features. In this

the table on the next page. Combine this information with

article, we will compare several of the most popular ones

your own assessment of your data storage needs to make

to help you decide if online backup is a good solution for

an informed choice and click on each site name below to


get more information.

What kind of things should you consider when looking at a service provider? • Does it support your operating system? Be sure to check and see if your system is supported; most support the most recent versions, but you want to be sure it’ll work with your OS. • Is there a free trial or free service? Some services offer a few gigabytes of storage free or offer a free trial. Be sure you understand the length of the trial or the amount of free storage you can have before you incur charges. • How much does it cost? Some services charge by the month or year, others charge by the amount of data you back up. Be sure you understand what is included under the base fee. • Are there data quantity limits? Some charge by the month for a fixed amount of data and there are additional charges for going over your limit. You want to be clear about how much you will be paying.



get technical

Popular Online Backup Sites Service

Free Trial Gigs Free

Operating System


2G Free




Free Trial

15 Day Free Trial

Base Cost

Data Limit for Base Cost

EHD’s Included

Restore Options




$5.99/month $65.89/year $5/month


$50/year $54.95/year


$99.95/2 years

No limit

No limit

Yes, USB and Firewire


Client/Web/ DVD/ USB Hard Drive Client/Web/ Smartphone

EHDs, Spider Oak

2G Free

Win/Mac/ Linux

$10 per 100G per month


Removables, and Network


Drives iDrive

5G Free









get scrapping BY LIZZY REIBER

Organization You Can Sink Your Digi-Clutter Into: Get Organized with Kayla Lamoreaux

Kayla: I started Digiscrap101 in 2008

exercise, quiet time to recharge and

after teaching my first class at Weber

household stuff) and I fill the spaces

State University. I had so much fun

around it with as much as I can do on

sharing digital [scrapbooking] with my

my site when I can.

students that I wanted to have a place where I could reach more people and share my thoughts. I also wanted a place where someone interested in digital scrapbooking could come and view a few tutorials, much like sitting

In this fast -paced world, everyone can use some organizing encouragement. That’s

next to a friend on their computer while they showed you the basics. DST Insider: How do you balance

DST Insider: Are you currently working on any personal organizational goals? If so, what are they and do you have any tips for us, so we can do the same? Kayla: I had a friend that once told me my middle name (Jo) stands for Just Organize. Right now I’m not only organizing my personal photos but

where Kayla Lamoreaux comes in.

life, scrapping and a site?

She shares her passion for digital

Kayla: This is something I am

a personal goal to simplify my life.

scrapbooking and memory keeping

constantly working on. I have not

For me, that has meant cleaning out

on her blog, digiscrap101.com with

always done so well with balance.

closets and drawers, organizing meal

a variety of tutorials and inspiration.

I am learning little by little to have

plans and shopping lists, etc. With

The DST Insider recently discussed

more of it in my life. One thing I have

recent events in Japan and the way

organization and digital scrapbooking

learned in the past year is to let things

things are changing so quickly with

with Kayla. Here is a run-down of

go. I have the most important things

the economy, I am always looking

our conversation:

blocked into my schedule (family,

for ways for our family to be better

also our household. This year I have

DST Insider: Kayla, tell us a little about you personally. Kayla: I’m mom to five great kids – actually, six this year with our foreign exchange student from Nanjing, China. I’m married to Troy, an amazingly supportive man who lets me run with my ideas. I’m a native to Arizona and currently live in Utah. DST Insider: When did you open up Digiscrap 101 and what prompted this new journey?



get scrapping prepared and more frugal. I believe being

Kayla: Figure out what you have. I

DST Insider: Is being organized

organized and simplified is a big part of

can’t tell you how many people I

something you are born with or do

that preparation.

correspond with that have stuff here,

those of us without the natural knack

If I could share anything that has been

there and everywhere. The first step to

actually have a fighting chance to be

helpful to me: “Take it one thing at a time

getting organized is taking stock of the

organized as well?

- you can do anything for fifteen minutes”

things you have and then deciding how

Kayla: One thing a lot of people

(Flylady). Any big project I take on (and I

organized you want to be. Look at how

don’t know about me is that I have

have about fifteen major projects in the

you scrapbook and what you want to do

major ADHD tendencies. It wasn’t

works right now) I just focus on them for

then work on it bit by bit.

until my son was diagnosed and I

fifteen minutes, thirty minutes or an hour

DST Insider: What are three must-

became a CHADD Parent to Parent

- whatever time I have- and then I move

have tools for obtaining optimal digital

trainer that I began to understand

to the next thing. When I first started this


why it was so difficult for me to be

it didn’t seem like I was accomplishing

Kayla: There are many different ways to

organized. For so much of my life I

much, but over time the things I

get organized along with many different

have looked around and wondered

accomplish in little segments snowball

tools. 1) A Backup Plan (there is no use

why organization seemed to be so

and gain momentum.

trying to get organized if you don’t have

effortless for others, whereas for

Another tip I love [is] from David Allen:

backup of everything you are using. 2) A

me it was something I really had to

organize the items of your to-do list by

good keyword list that goes with YOUR

think about and work at constantly. I

context of where they can be done. I

workflow and the way you think. 3)

think that is part of the reason I am

not only have a list of the projects I am

Good catalog software (my favorite is

so passionate about sharing what

working on with action items for each


I learn with others. If I can help just

project, but I also can sort my action

DST Insider: Speaking of Lightroom, I

items by context. This becomes very

heard you just launched a free class on

useful when I have thirty minutes at my

Organizing in Lightroom, where do I go

computer. I just look at what’s next on

to get signed up for that? What does it

my to-do list with the context of computer


and I work on it. Little by little I make progress and get closer to my goals. DST Insider: If I want to start organizing

one other person’s workflow to be easier I have accomplished something very meaningful. So to answer your questions directly, no I don’t think being organized is something people are born with and yes anyone has a

Kayla: No need to sign up - it’s free on

fighting chance to be organized if they

my blog for everyone - the index of posts

are willing to work at it bit by bit.

is here.

my digi-life, where do you suggest I start?

Want a great way to learn to organize in Adobe Lightroom? Check out Kayla’s free class here. And, to get inspired to be more organized try these digiscrap101 articles: •

Want to Be More Creative? Just Organize

Why Lightroom for Supplies Instead of Bridge?

Organizing Digital Scrapbook Supplies

Backup Plans

Life Is Too Important to Be Overwhelmed with Photos



get scrapping By Michelle Huegel

Finding What You Need When You Need It: Organizing Your Digital Stash

Talking about organizing digital supplies always sparks a lively debate in digital scrapbooking forums. To tag or not to tag? Should you keep kits together or divide them into folders based on type (i.e., papers in one folder, buttons in another, ribbons, staples and so on)? Organizational styles and options abound, almost as many different options as there are scrappers. Since everyone is different, there is no one right or perfect way to organize your files. The goal is to find what works for you and how you scrap. The most important thing to remember, though, is to keep it simple. A huge, unwieldy list of tags or

Your Memory books and a class I have yet to finish. The

folders may be difficult to keep up with in the future!

organization within each folder varies depending on what it


contains; for example, in my Kit folder I have each kit in its

If you like the idea of keyword tagging everything, a

own folder titled Designer_Kit Name. I use Katie’s method

program like ACDSee, Adobe Bridge, Picasa, Windows

(from The Daily Digi) for my Template folder, so I organize

Live Photo Gallery, iPhoto or Photoshop Elements

my templates into subfolders based on the number of

Organizer might work for you. Tagging is a lot of work

photo openings.

in the beginning but it pays off when you need to find

I also do some limited tagging in Picasa, primarily to add

that perfect element quickly. The site digiscrapinfo.com

the store name. This is helpful if I’m doing a challenge

has several ACDSee organizing sets available for free

at a particular store, so I can quickly pull up all my kits

download, from “simple” to “long.” Even if you don’t use

from that store regardless of designer. I also tag previews,

ACDSee, these are great lists to give you ideas for your

alphas, the odd element and by theme if applicable for

own tagging-keyword system.

that kit (i.e., birthday, boy, baby, Christmas, etc). It really


depends on how I plan to use a kit or element pack. My

If you prefer to use the Windows or Mac native folder

organizational system has slowly evolved over several

system for organizing, The Daily Digi posted a great article

years and is very tailored to how I scrap. I encourage you to

last year sharing three different folder methods. A folder

explore, experiment and find your own organization style!

system can be as simple as a single folder with all your kits

Curious about how other DST members organize their

in it or as detailed as some tagging systems.

supplies? The Insider posted a couple of polls in the forums

My Take

about tagging and file organization. Check out the results,

Personally, I use a combination of a folder and tagging system. Here’s a snapshot of my current folder structure,

share your ideas and vote in the Tagging Poll or the Digi Organization Poll.

organized in Windows 7 under Libraries/Pictures/

Remember the primary goal of organizing supplies is so that

Scrapbooking Supplies. As you can see, my main folders

you can scrap more quickly and effectively, so don’t spend

are Coupons, Embellishments, Fonts and Alphas, Kits,

so much time tagging, filing and organizing that you don’t

Magazines, Overlays/Actions/Styles, Papers, Quick Pages

get any scrapping done!

and Templates, plus a couple of extra folders for my Log



the back page Congratulations to our March Winner! Congratulations to our March Challenge Winner! Choosing a winner for the March Gold Member Challenge was no easy task. In the end, Sexy__Eyes won with this sweet layout entitled “Lucky in Love.” Congratulations! Look for your $25 coupon to Laura Banasiak’s Scrap Orchard store in your PM box soon.

To enter April’s contest, be sure to post your layout created with our March Gold Member Kit in the special Gold Member Challenge gallery. You will automatically be entered and have a chance at winning $25 from the Sahlin Studio store at The Lilypad.

April Chat

We’re on Facebook & Twitter

Come talk with Krista Sahlin

Join over 2,000 of your best

at 9pm Eastern (8pm Central)

digi friends in some great

on Tuesday, April 12. We’ll


be asking her some great

over on our

questions and she’ll have


some goodies to give away.

page & Twitter account @digishoptalk

Looking ahead to May’s DST Insider * Featured Designer Liz of Paislee Press * National Scrapbook Day * Tips and tricks for great photographs * Debut of our new web format




Online Shopping Directory Check out your favorite stores and designers or discover new products here! Click their name to go directly to their site. After Five Designs

Just Creations

Bits 2 Kits


Coffee Klatch Scrappers

Krisi’s Kreations

Creative Victorian Designs

Luv Ewe Designs

Digi Style Designs

Matrioshki Scrap Designs

Digital Scrapbook Art

Rill Studio

Dreaming Art Journal

Tempus Fugit

Jenn Lindsey Designs

Tricia Curtis Designs

Jennifer Labre Designs



Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.