December 2010 - DST Insider

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december 2010

fabulous finds

A by G arvey

Have a Simply Satisfying and Organized holiday

Crafting with Kids Hybrid projects to do with your children

From Video to Still Photos Getting great pictures

from your digial videos

d e c e m b e r ’s f e a t u r e d d e s i g n e r

creashens Designer creashens created this beautiful kit

EXCLUSIVELY for DigiShopTalk Gold member subscribers. See inside for information on how you can get yours! This issue sponsored by Scrapbookgraphics, 2008 •SDIGISHOPTALK.COM S c r a p b o o k i n g S t u d i o a n d SSeptember uzyQ craps

igital D


table of contents DECEMBER 2010

inside this issue 03 from the desk of


Our Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Wilson, discusses this month’s theme, simplifying the holidays in 2011

04 featured designer Learn more about creashens and this month’s kit

19 new to you Introducing “new to you” designer Ramona the Pest

22 gallery gems Four exceptional pages from the DST layout gallery

24 hybrid picks Three inspiring hybrid projects from the DST gallery

25 hybrid tutorial Celebrate the holiday season with fun crafts for children of all ages

27 photos from digital videos Get still photos from digital video

29 interview with Aby Garvey


Have an organized and simple holiday with Aby

31 wish jar project Try this quick and easy daily Advent activity

33 simplifying the holidays Make your holidays less hectic with these ideas

36 trendspotting Circles, circles everywhere--and perfect for your Christmas layouts

37 the back page Check out what is coming up next month and learn how you can enter this month’s Featured Designer contest

38 advertising directory Your go-to place to find the designer and store you’re looking for is the hub of the digital scrapbook community. We strive to be the one-stop resource for online scrapbookers who want to be “in-the-know” with what is going on in the digital scrapbooking world! In addition to our free member gallery and forums, we also have a DST chat room, a continuously updated Digital Directory to help you find any designer, store or resource, and an up-to-date calendar of all the chats, sales and events in the digital community! Contact us: DST is owned by Escalate Media, LP. This issue of the DigiShopTalk INSIDER created using Adobe InDesign CS4. Papers and elements used in this edition are from creashen’s Merrily kit designed exclusively for DST Gold Members and used with permission. Visit creashens at CatScrap.

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


from the desk of


s it December already? How

Try participating in one of the many

in the heck did that happen?

organized holiday scrapbooking

It seems like just yesterday

projects or do your own thing.

I was hanging up my 2010

Most importantly, arm yourself with


a camera, journal and open mind

As this year comes to a close, I want to invite you to take stock of

so that you can record all that the season offers.

your world. Don’t wait for the new

In this issue of the DigiShopTalk

year to refresh and renew. Amidst

Insider, we’re sharing an array of

all the frenzy, all the shopping,

tips for simple holiday memory

As scrapbookers,

all the parties and one too many

keeping. From an amazing

one of the best

cookies, you can find the calm.

interview with organizer Aby

ways we can

As scrapbookers, one of the best

center ourselves

and find peace

ways we can center ourselves and find peace is putting our memories on the priority list. When the days

is putting our

get even busier, it can be tempting

memories on the

to let scrapbooking and “me time”

priority list.

by Jennifer Wilson

Garvey to fabulous project tutorials, you’ll be loaded up with inspiration for scrapbooking all month long. And, of course, you can explore the creative work of our featured designer, creashens!

altogether fall by the wayside. It is

Happy holidays and a

these times, especially, when you

fabulous new year to you from

need to have a creative outlet for!

stress-relief and heart-filling.

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


featured from thedesigner desk of december’s featured designer


Want to dig right into this collection and spend your day scrapping away your Merrily page? What inspired you to create this month’s DST Gold Member kit? Absolutely, the joy of the holidays! What is your favorite part or element of the kit? All of it! All of my elements are personally digitally or hand-crafted and I’m very proud to say all my elements created for “Merrily” are unique to this kit.

Click here to find out more about becoming a Gold Member at DST so you can get this great kit and the next eleven to come!

Tell us about your family: I am the daughter of two loving parents who still hold hands, proud older sister to an exceptional professional-photographer brother, blessed mother to a happy four-year-old daughter (you may often see her in my product previews) and devoted wife to a husband of seven-plus years. How long have you been designing? I have been a graphic designer since 1992, a digital crafting/scrapbooking designer since 2006.

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


featured designer What part of designing is most challenging to you?

What do you see is the next trend in digital design?

With a full-time corporate graphic design job and a

I wouldn’t consider this a trend, because trends come

demanding little girl, finding the time to design is definitely

and go, but I believe creating designs you would see on

the biggest challenge.

a traditional ‘paper’ scrapbook page is and will always

What inspires you?

remain classic.

[Both] colors and my little girl inspire me.

What is the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish a design

If you’re running low on design mojo, where do you go to

or scrap?

kick-start your creativity?

Five a.m. and then up to go to work at seven a.m.!

My Japanese Real Simple magazines, although I can

What’s your favorite snack to have handy while you

understand almost none of them.


What has been the greatest compliment you have received

Gummy anything!

about your designs?

What is your favorite quote?

Definitely their uniqueness and ease of use.

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful

Favorite TV show?

lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with

Grey’s Anatomy, but almost anything on the Disney Channel.

the knowledge that you are never alone.” ~ Audrey Hepburn

Additional products available from creashens at CatScrap and creashen’s blog or facebook.

Torn Bits 4



Pitter Patter

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gold kit gallery

Brenda 3littleKs

This is the prettiest Christmas kit! I love the colors, of course, but the ellies are just divine.



Love the color scheme (traditional with a tweak of retro) along with the mix of modern and aged elements. This kit is huge and would make a Christmas album in a snap!

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gold kit gallery

Heather interstitchal

I just love the style of this kit - a little bit modern, a little bit traditional. It goes with everything!



Gorgeous colors and amazing elements . . . a total joy to work with!

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gold kit gallery Suzanne sbaird

What a gorgeous kit! I have been a fan of creashens for a long time. As with all her kits, I love the large amount of elements to choose from and the fun papers. A perfect kit for your holiday projects and layouts.


chantalsmama Amazing kit! Love all the elements, words and alpha!

Want to get this Gold Member kit PLUS eleven other great kits during the next year? Sign up here! An annual membership is only $25.

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gold kit gallery More inspiration from the creashens Creative Team

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM



December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM



December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM



December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

Scrapbookgraphics Presenting some great designers: Studio Rosey Posey, Studio Flergs, Dawn Inskip, Studio Vivarant, Studio Charlize, Studio Gypsy, Studio Gypsy and Studio Gypsy, one of this month’s DST Insider sponsors! Take a look at their products and shop their stores. Thanks, girls, for supporting the Insider this month.

Product Previews

Where Can You Find Us? Studio Flergs Blog | Facebook

Studio Rosey Posey Blog | Facebook

Studio Dawn Inskip Blog

Studio Vivarant Blog | Facebook

Studio Charlize Blog | Facebook

Studio Gypsy Blog

Studio Ztampf! Blog | Facebook

Studio Doodelle Blog | Facebook

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

Digital Scrapbooking Studio Presenting Digital Scrapbooking Studio, one of this month’s DST Insider sponsors! Take a look at their products, check out some amazing CT layouts and shop their store. How do you find The Studio? Blog | Shop | Facebook | Twitter

Thanks, Toiny, for supporting the Insider this month.

product picks

All layouts made using the kit Sugar Cookies & Snow

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

SuzyQ Scraps Presenting SuzyQ Scraps, one of this month’s DST Insider sponsors! Take a look at her products, check out some amazing CT layouts and shop her store. How do you find SuzyQ Scraps? Blog | Shop | Facebook | Twitter

Thanks, SuzyQ Scraps, for supporting the Insider this month.

All layouts made using the kit Christmas Whimsy

product picks

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


new to you by Cheryl Ashcraft

New to You: Ramona The Pest This is “New to You,” the Insider’s column designed to help you discover designers you might not know. Every month, we’ll select a designer, create layouts from one of their kits and introduce you to their style. Don’t forget to download your sample kit, too. You never know, you might discover a new favorite or two! This month, let’s meet Ramona The Pest. The DST Creative Team played with Ramona’s Hearts Full of Thanks kit. Check out their inspiring layouts! And, don’t forget to download your gift from Ramona: the Hearts Full of Thanks add-on freebie, on page 18.

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


new to you



Fun word strips and vibrant colors with

This kit is very versatile and can be

great patterns.

used for Thanksgiving, fall, or any-day






Beautiful kit, with awesome word

Wonderful kit, with great colors and

bits and pretty colors!

elements. Love the word bits.



December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


new to you


Click to download your gift from Ramona


Beautiful Kit. I really love the

Hearts Full of Thanks add-on

colors. The choice of elements is plentiful. A perfect kit for all occasions.


December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gallery gems The DST Gallery is packed with amazing layouts and inspiration. Here is just a selection of fun pages from our amazing members.

frezia Christmas Fairy Sleeps

GeVisacri Christmas to Remember

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gallery gems

Snojewel Christmas 2009

beaute Love Christmas

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM



Hot Hybrid Gallery Picks Each month the Insider team picks our favorite projects posted in the DST Hybrid Gallery from the past month. Check out the amazing projects we’ve picked this time:

clockwise from top left:

Tabby Ornament by thunderdragon

Christmas Card by mrsburgess

Winter Greetings Card by Anso

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


hybrid tutorial by Jennifer White from

Have a Happy Hybrid Holiday with Your Kids Every year the kids and I make little gifts to take with us to church on Christmas Eve to give to our friends and acquaintances. We’ve made everything from soap to sachets, so I’m always looking for the

Step 1 • Take a face cloth (washcloth) and fold in half and in half again lengthwise, then roll up into a swirl. • Secure it by tying with a ribbon.

next good idea! I’ve rounded up some delightful hybrid projects to try with the kids this year. I think these cupcakes would charm just about anyone and who can’t use

Step 3

another washcloth! Why not pack four

• Package your cupcake in a clear gift

or six of these into a bakery box for a

bag, the kind you get for goodie

really nice gift!

bags in the party aisle, and tie it off

Here’s one of my favorites by Sara

with a pretty ribbon.

(livelys) at Sweet Shoppe

Facecloth Cupcakes

Step 2 • Print your favorite holiday-themed digital paper and then cut into a strip the width of your rolled-up cupcake and long enough to wrap completely around it. If desired, trim the long edges with with a border punch or fancy scissors. Wrap around cupcake and tape the ends together to keep in place. • Add toppings, if desired. Try a bath pearl for nice cherry or make sprinkles with bath confetti!

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


hybrid tutorial Hybrid Fun for All Ages

6-12 years old

Older Kids and Adults

To keep you crafting, I’ve put together a collection of projects for kids of all ages (moms and grandmas, too) to will inspire you to get out the scissors and get busy. Click on each project for instructions. Quick and Easy Ornaments from Jaime

3-6 years old (with a little help)

Warren at Icicle Ornament – Kelleigh Ratzlaff at

Simple Paper Hanging Ornament from Jessica Jones at How About Orange blog Wrapping Paper Stars

Victorian Cone Ornament at

Victorian Dove Ornament at

Snowman Garland from D. Sharp

Drop Ornament – Kelleigh Ratzlaff at

Journal blog

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


hybrid tutorial by Stan and Jennifer White from

Stand Still! Getting Photos from Video Many of us have cameras that

Step 2 - Choose Your Frame

Photoshop Users:

take both video and still photos,

• Slide the slider under the image until

Step 1 - Import the Video

but doesn’t it always happen

you are near the part of the video you

that when you’re taking video,

want the still from.

you get that perfect photo opportunity? Well, with Photoshop

• Use your arrow keys to move a frame at a time to the exact frame you

and Photoshop Elements it’s easy to

want. Don’t be surprised if many of

capture still photos from your videos!

them are blurry, motion shows up

This tutorial includes screen shots for

that way. Hopefully if the motion isn’t

PSCS5 and PSE9, but the instructions

too fast you will get at least one clear

will work in PSE 6,7,8 and 9 and PSCS


3,4,5. You may need to adapt for other software programs.

Photoshop Elements Users Step 1 - Import the Video • Go to File> Import> Frame from Video, you’ll get a dialog box like this:

• Press Done Step 3 - Edit and Save Your Image • Click on the new window to make

dialog box with your video showing in the image window.

• Click the Selected Range Only button (if you don’t, you may get so many layers your machine is overwhelmed). Step 2 - Choose your Frame • Slide the slider under the image until you are near the part of the video you want the still from. If you

Tips for success:

go past it, back up until you are just

• Look at lots of frames! Often the next

before the frame you think you want.

one is just a little bit better, so make sure you’ve seen all your options before you grab. • To grab multiple frames, move the slider or press your arrow keys to

window in the dialog box.

• When you click Load, you will get a

just that frame in it.

File> Save As and save as a JPEG.

should see it fill in the image

then click Load

image. A new window will open with

• Do any editing you’d like, then choose

video. When you click open, you

Layers and browse to your video file,

• Click the Grab Frame bar to grab that

it active.

• Click on Browse and find your

• Go to File> Import> Video Frames to

choose a new frame and press the grab bar again. You don’t have to press Done until you’ve got all the stills you want from that video clip.

• Hold your SHIFT key down and drag the slider to the right just a little. You will see a darker grey bar show up behind the slider to show what is selected. Keep this as small as possible so as to limit the number of layers you end up with. • Click OK

• Don’t miss the WARNING at the end of this tutorial!

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


hybrid tutorial Step 3 - Edit and Save your Image • Click on the new window to make it active. • In your Layers panel, you will see each frame of the video as a separate layer!

• Once you have the frame you like

Printed, that would be a little over

showing, go to File> Save As and

two-by-1.5 inches. You can resize

save the file as a JPEG. You can

the image, but you will lose quality.

now close this file without saving if

Some cameras allow you to capture

you like.

video at a higher resolution and the newer DSLRs capture HD video which

Tips for success:

will give you slightly larger images,

• Keep your initial selection from

but even so, they won’t be much

the video very small. Even a few

larger than four-by-six inches at print

seconds can add up to hundreds of

resolution. So, be sure to check your


image size before you print to avoid

• You’ll notice there’s an option to

• Starting at the top of the Layers

any blurry surprises.

Limit to Every 2 Frames in the dialog

This is a wonderful, easy way to get

box. You probably don’t want to do

stills when you have no photos, but

that, as you might miss the one clear

of course is not a substitute for a

frame that’s there. But if you want

well planned and captured image.

panel, click on the eyeball to the left

to capture a larger part of the video,

of each layer to turn off that layer

this option will only capture every-

until you get to the frame you want.

other frame.

Be sure to check all of the frames

WARNING: Check your image size!

around your chosen moment to be

Most cameras capture video at

sure you get the best one.

640x480 pixels, which is not very big.

However, if all you have is video, any still image is better than none. Knowing how to capture those photos from videos instead of stills could be the difference between making a layout or doing without.


December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping by Kaylea Hutson

A Simply Satisfying and Organized Holdiay with Aby Garvey Simple and

For Garvey, a simple holiday also means

Then, ask your loved ones the same

holiday. Let’s be

taking the guilt out of the season.

questions. You might be surprised to learn

honest, these

“If you feel like you should send holiday

that you’re doing certain things out of

are two words

cards, but don’t enjoy it—give yourself

habit even though they aren’t particularly

that don’t often

permission to take the year off and

important or meaningful to anyone.”

go together.

spend the extra time hanging out with

Next, she says, give yourself permission

But for

your kids,” she explains. “When you

to eliminate or simplify what you does not

creative-organizing expert Aby

remove the ‘shoulds’ from your to-do

give you joy.

Garvey, holidays can, in fact, be

list, you create space to relax and enjoy

simply satisfying. Garvey presents

the season, instead of feeling like you’re

her organization advice on her blog,

in a constant race to the finish line.”

Creative Organizing and also offers

Garvey says she typically begins

online workshops and downloads as

planning for the holiday season in

well at Simplify 101.

early November.

“To me, simplifying the holidays is

“I know of people who plan for the

about focusing on the things that

holidays all year round. They even have

matter most to you and your loved

their gifts wrapped and bought by early

ones,” Garvey says. “So creating a

November,” Garvey notes. “So I think it’s

simple holiday is more about creating a

very much a personal decision as opposed

certain feeling rather than a certain look.

to a one-size-fits-all type of decision.

“A simple holiday is one that feels joyful

“With that said, the sooner you start, the

and stress-free. There is time to relax

sooner you can finish up and create the

and really savor the aspects of the

time and space necessary to relax and

season that make it meaningful to you.”

simply enjoy the season.”

When Garvey talks about having a

Developing a Simple Holiday

simple holiday season, she speaks

Garvey recommends the first step to

from experience.

create a simple holiday celebration is to

Both of her children have birthdays

determine which aspects really matter to

between Halloween and Christmas.

you and your loved ones.

This led her to develop a way to

“Start by asking yourself which activities

organize her time and focus on the

you look forward to each year and then

most important part of this busy time

ask yourself which ones you dread,”

of year: her family time.

Garvey says.

“When you scale back on the parts of the holidays that really weren’t bringing you joy anyway, you have more bandwidth to drink-in those things that do matter.” “If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy cooking, then a simple holiday for you would be one that downplays cooking and baking,” Garvey states, “and gives more attention to the aspects of the season you do enjoy whether that’s relaxing with loved ones or going all-out when decorating your home.” Garvey points out that a simple holiday season gives a person time and space within their schedule to enjoy the season and the people and activities which matter most.

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping “So often we try to do it all and

look at your holiday to-do list to figure

end up stressed and overwhelmed,

end up exhausted by January,” she

out what to simplify or eliminate. It

that too will spill over onto everyone

observes. “When you scale back on

also helps you map out a to-do list

else,” Garvey explains.

the parts of the holidays that really

that allows for “plenty of room for

To learn more about simplifying your

weren’t bringing you joy anyway,

the good stuff.”

holiday (through instant download)

you have more bandwidth to drink-in

“The workshop is loaded with

visit her site.

those things that do matter.”

ideas for simplifying the various

Garvey also has tips available to

tasks on your holiday to-do list like

help people get organized after the

gift giving, wrapping gifts, menu

holidays. You can find a link to her

planning, decorating and so on,”

instant-download “Clear Out the

Garvey observes.

Holiday Clutter” workshop ($14.95

It also has an overriding theme: that

US) here.

the best gift a person can give to

Want to simplify other areas of your

loved ones is a holiday filled your own

life? Check out Garvey’s other

joy and happiness.

workshops and downloads here.

To help you prepare for the holidays, Garvey has created an instant download, “Get Organized for the Holidays–Before + During” ($19.95 US) which is available on her site, Simplify 101. The workshop, in instant-download

“While focusing on yourself may seem counterintuitive, the truth is this: when you take care of your own needs and fill your bucket with joy, this joy spills over onto others. On the other hand, if you neglect yourself and

format, helps you take an objective

Discovering Aby Garvey Aby Garvey is a creative-organizing expert, pioneer in the

to get organized. Through online workshops, Garvey

online-organizing niche, author, teacher, coach and founder

strives to make the organizing process creative and fun.


Her online workshops teach students how to implement

She is happily married to Jay and a mom to two kids who

organizing and time-management solutions that really

have birthdays during the holiday season, which led to her

work, putting an end to disorder and stress. Simplify 101

having to find a simple, yet joy-filled way to fit two birthday

also hosts a monthly organizing newsletter.

celebrations in between Halloween and Christmas.

Finding Aby on the Web

“My current mission in life is to be a loving wife and mom

For more information about learning to simplify your

and to be someone who inspires others to live a life they

life, visit and Garvey’s blog,

truly love,” Garvey says.

Creative Organizing.

About Simplify 101

Garvey can also be found at Twitter: abygarvey.

Simplify 101 is a site devoted to a completely new way

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping by Kaylea Hutson

Spread the Joy Throughout the Season: Looking for a way to help your children think of things other than themselves or presents,during this Christmas season? Why not create an Advent Joy Jar!

Quick and Easy Advent Joy Jar


Advent Jar - Suggestions

• 1 Glass quart jar or other festive

(You will need 24 to 27, depending

container • Green and/or red paper • Scissors • 1 marker (black or dark color) • Embellishments to decorate the jar, as desired

Instructions Step 1: Cut at least 24 (4.25-inches long by one-inch wide) strips of green and red paper. If starting this on November 28, you’ll need 27 strips.

Step 2: Write one Advent task on each strip. See list for possible examples. Advent, or the time of preparation

Step 3: Fold the strips in half and

leading up to Christmas, is filled

place in the jar.

with themes of hope, peace, joy

Step 4: Decorate and embellish the

and love as Christians prepare for

outside of the jar as desired.

the birth of Jesus.

upon when you begin) • Make an ornament and give it away to a neighbor or friend. • Play a guessing game using holiday scents like pine, gingerbread, holly, mistletoe and cinnamon. • Send an e-mail or Facebook message to someone in the military. • Grab some pals and have a holiday sing-along at a local senior center. • Decorate every door or window in your house. • Make a gift or a card for your teacher or someone special. • Write a Christmas story together, each person adding a line or two.

Step 5: Each day, beginning on

This jar, filled with a variety of tasks,

either November 28, the first day

helps your child think about ways to

of advent, or December 1, have

spread love and friendship during the

a specific time set aside for your

month of December.

child(ren) to pull out one of the slips.

Warning: This project might

Try to accomplish that task they

encourage your children to look for

pulled out on that day or set it aside

excitement beyond the bottom of your

to complete during the weekend.

Christmas tree!

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping • At a meal, tell what you love best about each family member present.

• Hug everyone in your family today.

Christmas cookie and share some

• Read Luke 2:1-20 with your family

department). • Think of one thing you are grateful

to a charity. • Watch your three favorite holiday movies in one night. • Make a Christmas drawing. Use glitter to make the snow glisten and the stars twinkle. • Go Christmas caroling in your neighborhood. • Play Secret Santa to someone who could use some holiday cheer • Create homemade cards to give to family and friends. • Have a family talent show! • Have an “Eat Desserts First” night. • Make some luminarias to decorate your neighborhood. • Read a Christmas story/book such as the “Legend of the Candy Cane.”

and set up your Christmas crèche. • Make a Christmas card online and e-mail it to a friend or family

for this year and share it with

member. (Note: Dayspring online

someone else.

has some great free online cards

• Take part in a progressive Christmas

extra toy or food item and donate it

a family.

• Make sugar cookies or your favorite

with friends (or the local fire/police

• While Christmas shopping, buy an

• Practice singing Christmas carols as

you can e-mail out!)

dinner with friends and/or family

• Think of a Christmas joke to tell to

members. Each “host” provides

someone today to make them

a different part of the meal at their


home. • Make a gingerbread house with your family. (Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect!) • Write “I love you” notes and hide them under a family member’s pillow. • Do a chore without being asked (or reminded). • Make a special snack for your family.

• Have a picnic for dinner. • Say three nice things about each family member. • Make dog biscuits for the humane society. • Find a way to tell someone you love them without spending any money. • Hum your favorite Christmas carol and see if someone can guess which one it is.

• Be nice to someone, even if you don’t like them very much! • Take a drive to look at Christmas lights as a family. • Clean your bedroom without being asked. • Make a Christmas card for someone you love. • Decorate your windows with paper snowflakes.

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping by Michelle Huegel

Fill the Holidays with Simple Joy: Ideas for Stress-free Holidays It’s “that time of year” again:

purpose is to gather all holiday

template album, create a special

time to drag out the boxes of

information in one place, instead

folder for “Christmas album” and

holiday decor, turn your kitchen

of random notes, lists, and bits of

drop your photos and journaling text

into a bakery, find the perfect,

paper everywhere. I personally like

files in there, too. When you have a

thoughtful gift for all 200 people

using Evernote, since I can add

spare minute, everything is ready to

on your list, attend countless

notes, pictures and other info on my

crank out a few pages.

holiday parties, visit with Santa,

phone and it automatically syncs

travel to relatives and on and on.

• Create a master gift list where

to the program on my computer

you can keep track of ideas and

Just thinking about it makes my heart-

and online, so I can access and

purchases for everyone you need

rate speed up and my mind whirl. How

edit my notebook anywhere. The

to buy/make gifts for. The website

will we do it all? The simple answer?

beauty of this idea is that it can

Don’t! Try these practical ideas

be anything you want or need it

garnered from DigiShopTalk members

to be, totally customized for your

and sites around the Web along with

family. A few category ideas to get

a few of my own for simplifying and

you started: calendars, gift lists,

organizing your holidays.

Christmas cards, budget, meals and menus, entertaining, recipes, decor,

• Create a Christmas planner

traditions, craft projects, photos to

notebook. This could be a simple

take, layouts to scrap. I’m sure you’ll

three-ring binder, a computer file

think of your own to add!

or notes on your smartphone. The

• Carry around a little, pocketsized notebook everywhere you go to jot down ideas, memories,

Organized Christmas offers a free

lists, funny things your kids say and

printable list or one that you can

anything else that comes to mind.

fill out online and print. They also

Transfer this info to your Christmas

offer many other printable lists and

notebook regularly and use it as

planners to include in your Christmas

a prompt for journaling on your


layouts. • If you want to “scrap

• Measure each holiday activity as you

by whether or not it makes

go,” pick out a single kit (or a

the season more joyful for you

few coordinated products) and a

or not. If not, can it be cut out? Make

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping • Set a budget and decide that’s

sure that everything you do serves a

something or rushing around last

purpose, and that you’re not doing

minute flinging lights on the tree

it. Once that money is gone, it’s

it just because “that’s what we’ve

and cookies in the oven.

gone. It will force you to consider

always done” or “everybody does it.”

• Instead of buying “things,” have

every gift, activity and event in a new light if you think, “Is this really how we

Your family couldn’t care less about

each person choose

Santa? Then don’t stand in line for

they would like to “do,” such

pictures with him. You hate baking?

as camping with daddy, going to the

Then buy cookies and other treats if

spa with mommy, seeing a musical

anything you put up must

your family must have them.

or sports event, etc. This helps

come down. And if you have young

remove some of the consumer-focus

children, you will likely repeat that

this year, it’s a great tip to remember

of the holidays and instead puts an

process several times. My favorite

for next year. DigiShopTalk forum

emphasis on spending time together

decorations are ones that serve a

member CardinalsKate suggests

and making memories.

dual purpose; for example, pretty

• Although this idea is a little late for

picking up gifts all year long

one activity

• And if you can get away with it,

as you find that perfect gift for

Roxy’s tip is my personal favorite:

each person. She wraps the gifts

“go to my folks’ house for the day!”

want to spend our holiday money?” • Remember when decorating that

candles that also offer beautiful ambient lighting (and can be thrown away once they’re burned down),

and puts a sticky note on them listing

Spending Christmas at a

strung popcorn that can be set out

what the item is and its recipient.

friend’s or family member’s

for the birds after Christmas, bowls

house means you don’t have to

of fruit and nuts, an advent calendar

• Hungry Hill Sarah’s secret is

delegation. “Don’t try to do

clean yours within an inch of your life

everything yourself,” she says, “It’s

or worry about cooking a massive

a lot more fun when everyone gets

meal or decorating to the nines.

involved.” For example, get the family

• Prioritize. What are the things/

(fun activity for kids). Really, anything that can be reused, recycled, or repurposed instead of just packed away makes for a simpler (and more eco-friendly) holiday.

or a group of friends in the kitchen

activities/events that embody

with you and set up an assembly line

“the holidays” to you? The things

for holiday baking. More fun and less

that when January rolls around

letter/card by e-mail instead

stress at the same time!

and you look back you would be

of snail mail. You can include as

• Lists, lists and more lists are

disappointed if you didn’t do them?

Miki Ferkul’s plan to simplify her

You can greatly simplify your list

holidays. She categorizes and

of to-do’s by running everything

schedules out various activities and

through this filter. If you have

things like mailing cards, decorating

older children, include them in

the house, ordering gifts online,

the decisions. What activities are

etc. When each activity has its

important to them, and which ones

time slot on the calendar, you don’t

could they do without?

have to worry about forgetting

• Send your annual holiday

many pictures and text as you want, instead of being limited to whatever fits on a card. You could even upload your digital scrapbook page/card/ letter online and send everyone the link, since some e-mail programs have problems with attachments. This tip has the added bonus of saving money, too.

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping • Give yourself permission to

option to designate charitable gifts

not scrap a single page during December and instead focus


• A few more easy,


through carefully selected agencies

crafty gift ideas: Best of the Year

in the name of their relatives, friends

photo CD, 4x6 calendar (purchase

making the memories to scrap

a ready-made digital calendar set,

later. Don’t forget to take lots of

drop in your photos and slip them

pictures, though, and jot down

in a flip album) or brag book, CD

some journaling in a notebook (or

calendar (again, digital quickpages

Evernote!) to help you remember the

make this easy), personalized jar

little details.

candles/bottles of wine/candy bars and more with hybrid wrappers,

• One of the best ideas to simplify gift-giving that is also in keeping

and associates.” They have multiple

bookmarks designed with digital

with the spirit of the season is to

categories of charities and non-

supplies. The Daily Digi has a post

donate to a charity in the

profit agencies to choose from such

on Christmas gift ideas and one all

recipient’s name. Alternative

as “hunger,” “education,” “gender

about calendars for more ideas and

Gifts International is a non-profit

equality” and many more, so you can

links to a wide variety of products.

organization that “offers donors the

select the perfect charity for each person on your list.

Holiday Fun with Kids by Michelle Huegel As we all know, kids certainly do not simplify anything! However, the holidays will be more meaningful for them and hopefully more enjoyable for everyone if you involve your kids in holiday preparations. Children of almost any age can help with the following: • Decorate an advent calendar. Hide

personalized message inside one.

a special surprise for them to find

Make decorations, ornaments and

each day. Try this fun hybrid spool

Christmas gifts. There are countless

calendar from Just Something I Made

ideas online for kid-appropriate crafts.

disposable cameras and let your

• Bake holiday goodies. Depending on

Here’s a couple links to get you started:

kids capture the holidays from their

the age of your kids, they can help

Martha Stewart Kids Christmas Crafts,

mix, cut out and decorate sugar cookie

Enchanted Learning’s Christmas Crafts

shapes, measure ingredients and so on.

and Printable Activities.

Gingerbread men and women would be especially fun to decorate!

• Shop for gifts from them to other

an event complete with lunch and wrapping session at home. • Take pictures. Hand out cheap

perspective. • Scrap a holiday memory book. Are you doing a December Daily book or other form of holiday album? Let

family members/friends. For a special

your kids add their own memories,

activity, take your kids shopping to

drawings and pictures. They’ll love

cards. Family members would surely

pick out gifts for others and have your

looking through the albums every

love getting a hand-drawn picture

husband or a grandparent take them

year, seeing how their handwriting and

for or with their Christmas card or a

shopping for your gift. Make it into

favorite memories change over time.

• Make or write notes in greeting

Remember that perfection is not the goal here: having fun and making memories is! No, the cookies won’t be frosted evenly, the presents won’t be wrapped perfectly and your home probably won’t be decorated like a Martha Stewart catalog. But, I promise that the memories and stories created will be much more meaningful and more fun to scrap, too!

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


trendspotting by Vivienne Oestergaard

Trendspotting: Gather ‘Round for the Holidays Circles, circles everywhere. Check out these snow-globe shaped elements that are popping up in stores and layouts all over right now.

Modern Christmas

Fun with Frosty the Snowman

Hope PhotoArt - Etsy Store A fun modern mix of trees to punch out.

The Cutting Cafe Perfect for tags, you can color them either in Photoshop or by hand.

Vintage Christmas Charmed Memory Collage - Etsy Store More stunning vintage images for crafting.

Pink and Green Christmas Tags

Red and White Christmas Cheer

Kelly Medina Studios - Etsy Store Christmas trim in non-traditional colors.

Creations by M - Etsy Store A sophisticated and trendy look to put on your gifts.

Gingerbread Christmas Tags Miss Priss Boutique 13 - Etsy Store A mess of gingerbread images your kids will love.

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


the back page Monthly Gold Member Challenge In case you haven’t heard, every month our Gold Member Designer sponsors a special challenge and offers a great prize! To be entered to win, simply scrap a page using that month’s Gold Member kit and post it in our Gold Member gallery. Congratulations to November’s Gold Member Challenge winner, Scrapcoco! Her adorable layout, mmmh apples, is so cute! Scrapcoco has won a coupon to Karla Dudley’s Design House Digital store.

If you’re not a Gold Member, sign up now and you can still get this free kit, along with eleven more!

December Chat Come talk with Shen of

Join over 2,000 of your best

Looking ahead to January’s DST Insider

creashens at 10pm Eastern

digi friends in some great

* Tricks with Type

(9pm Central) on Tuesday,


* Interview with The Daily Digi

December 7th. We’ll be asking

over on our

* Featured Designer

her some great questions and


she’ll have some goodies to

page & Twitter

give away.

account @digishoptalk

We’re on Facebook & Twitter

Connie Prince * Keep things simple in the new year

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM



Online Shopping Directory Check out your favorite stores and designers or discover new products here! Click their name to go directly to their site. After Five Designs

Persnickety Prints

Coffee Klatch Scrappers

Rill Studio

Deli Scraps

Scrapping with Liz

Designs in Digital

Scrapping Your Memories

Digital Scrapbook Art

Scrapper’s Delights


Scrappers Workshop


Scrappin Digi Kreations

Heritage Scrap

Scrappy Cats

Jady Day Studio


Jaya Prem’s Hangout

Studio Tangie

Just Creations

Suzy Q Scraps

Krisi’s Kreations

Tempus Fugit

Matrioshki Scrap Designs

The Digi Scrappers

December 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


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