January 2011 DST Insider

Page 1


january 2011

fabulous finds

W e T alk with the D aily D igi Explore this

informative site

T r e n d s p o tt i n g

Layered Templates with bonus add-ons




Tips for a fresh

start this new year

j a n u a r y ’s f e a t u r e d d e s i g n e r

connie prince Designer Connie Prince created this beautiful kit EXCLUSIVELY for DigiShopTalk Gold member subscribers. See inside for information on how you can get yours! This issue sponsored by September 2008 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM GG Digital Designs and Digiridoo Scraps.


table of contents JANUARY 2010

inside this issue 03 from the desk of


Our Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Wilson, discusses this month’s theme, new to digi in 2011

04 featured designer Learn more about Connie Prince and this month’s kit

14 new to you Introducing “new to you” designer Jaya Prem

17 gallery gems Four exceptional pages from the DST layout gallery

19 hybrid picks Three inspiring hybrid projects from the DST gallery

20 video roundup A list of video tutorials to help you improve your scrapping this year

21 stitched text tutorial Create a stitched-up title for your next project

25 the daily digi


Get into scrapping with Steph, owner of The Daily Digi

28 get started with Linda Sattgast Top tips for beginning scrappers and finding your style

32 avoid digi overload Simplify your scrapping with these ideas

35 trendspotting Layered templates with bonus add-ons

36 the back page Check out what is coming up next month and learn how you can enter this month’s Featured Designer contest

37 advertising directory Your go-to place to find the designer and store you’re looking for

Digishoptalk.com is the hub of the digital scrapbook community. We strive to be the one-stop resource for online scrapbookers who want to be “in-the-know” with what is going on in the digital scrapbooking world! In addition to our free member gallery and forums, we also have a DST chat room, a continuously updated Digital Directory to help you find any designer, store or resource, and an up-to-date calendar of all the chats, sales and events in the digital community! Contact us: DSTInsider@gmail.com DST is owned by Escalate Media, LP. This issue of the DigiShopTalk INSIDER created using Adobe InDesign CS4. Papers and elements used in this edition are from Connie Prince’s A New You kit designed exclusively for DST Gold Members and used with permission. Visit Connie Prince at Gotta Pixel.



from the desk of


new year offers a fresh

3. Don’t over-commit - Be realistic

slate, an opportunity to

in the expectations you place on

refine or even reinvent your

yourself to finish projects for sale or

life. Primed with warm memories

gifts. Take a step back and scale your

of the holiday season, January

efforts to a level that will leave you

is a month where many discover

with time to rest, relax and refresh.

scrapbooking for the first time or turn to digital as a way to simplify their everyday creative life.

4. Know your stuff - It doesn’t take a complex organizational scheme or weekend-long purge to know your

Whether you’re digiscrapping more

stash. However, you should get it

in 2011 or picking up a new creative

together enough to know what you

January is a

hobby, here are some steps that will

have and what you need. This will

month where

help you keep things simple all year

save both time and cash.

many discover scrapbooking for the first time or

long. Consider these five suggestions a back-to-basics approach to lessstressful creative living!

5. Choose wisely – Do you find yourself saying, “I never have time to create?” Can you make different

1. Minimize distractions – When

choices in your habits that will open

turn to digital as

you are creating, only do that. Close

up time? Maybe move your workout

a way to simplify

your email and put your phone on

to the morning or TiVo your favorite

their everyday

silent. Ask for some undivided “me”

show to watch on the weekend?

creative life.

by Jennifer Wilson

time from your family, if you can. Be present in your work and your productivity will soar.

In this issue of the DigiShopTalk.com Insider, we’re taking you to back to basics with digital scrapbooking 101

2. Accept your UFOs – We all have

lessons. Whether you are new to the

those unfinished objects (UFOs)

hobby or just need a refresher, we’ve

hanging over our heads, preventing

got many great tips for scrapbookers

forward thinking. “Oh, I can’t start

of all levels. And, don’t miss special

that project because I haven’t finished

tips from digi experts Steph from The

X.” Accept reality and move on to a

Daily Digi and Linda Sattgast of Digital

project you love.




featured from thedesigner desk of january’s featured designer

connie prince

Want to dig right into this collection and spend your day scrapping away your A New Year page? What inspired you to create this month’s DST Gold Member kit? I really wanted to create a kit that could be used year round for any occasion and for 2011 Project 365 layouts. What is your favorite part or element of the kit? It’s no secret I’m a big fan of stars and I use them in my kits to represent my son.

Click here to find out more about becoming a Gold Member at DST so you can get this great kit and the next eleven to come!

Tell us about your family: I’ve been married to William for fourteen years and we have one child, Hayden, who is thirteen. Our family is made complete by our two dogs and one very fat kitty cat! What part of designing is most challenging to you? Alphas are the most challenging thing in the design process for me. What inspires you? I’m most often inspired by textiles, magazine layouts and color.



featured designer What has been the greatest compliment you have received

What is your favorite quote?

about your designs?

“Your life is an occasion, rise to it!” from Mr. Magorium’s

My favorite customer compliments are that my designs

Wonder Emporium (2007).

are easy to use, which is always my main purpose when

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

designing anything. I strive to make my kits user-friendly

I’d love to be speedy!

for beginners and veterans. My desire is that the layout

What personality traits do you hope you do not pass on to

process will flow easily and there are plenty of options

your children?

within the kit for multiple pages.

Being a workaholic, I have a hard time walking away from

How much time do you allocate to designing in a typical week?

work and have to constantly strive for balance in that area.

I work full-time at designing and promoting my business,

What is the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish a design

so typically I’m “at work” 30-plus hours a week.

or scrap?

What is your guilty pleasure?

I’m an early riser, so you are more likely to catch me

I love to watch professional wrestling with my son and

waking up at three to four a.m. to finish a design rather

John Cena is my favorite wrestler! (I can’t believe I just

than staying up that late.

admitted that!)

Additional products available from Connie Prince at Gotta Pixel and Connie’s blog.


And I Quote PreDeco Papers

5x7 BragBook Temps 10

License To Drive



gold kit gallery


gonewiththewind Love the grays combined with the reds and aquas. Love the paper-scrapping feel to this kit. What a great way to start the year!

Heather interstitchal

This kit has some great dating elements that can be used all year long to tie together pages and projects and a bright cheery color scheme.



gold kit gallery


scrappycharmer Fun kit, lots of bright colors. Versatile for male or female layouts.


chantalsmama Great colors! Love all the papers here!



gold kit gallery Suzanne sbaird

Super fun kit! The bright primary colors make this kit so versatile. I love the choice of patterned papers. The assortment of elements is perfect for completing any layout.

Want to get this Gold Member kit PLUS eleven other great kits during the next year? Sign up here! An annual membership is only $25.




gold kit gallery More inspiration from the Connie Prince’s Creative Team



issue sponsor

Digiridoo Scraps Presenting Digiridoo Scraps, one of this month’s DST Insider sponsors! Take a look at their products, check out some amazing CT layouts and shop their store. How do you find Digiridoo Scraps? Blog | Shop | Facebook | Twitter

Thanks, Digiridoo Scraps, for supporting the Insider this month.

product picks

All layouts made using the kit Tree Hugger



issue sponsor



issue sponsor

GG Digital Designs Presenting GG Digital Designs, one of this month’s DST Insider sponsors! Take a look at her products, check out some amazing CT layouts and shop her store. How do you find GG Digital Designs? Blog | Shop | Facebook | Twitter

Thanks, GG Digital Designs, for supporting the Insider this month.

product picks

All layouts made using the kit Winter Wishes



issue sponsor



new to you by Cheryl Ashcraft

New to You: Jaya Prem This is “New to You,” the Insider’s column designed to help you discover designers you might not know. Every month, we’ll select a designer, create layouts from one of their kits and introduce you to their style. Don’t forget to download your sample kit, too. You never know, you might discover a new favorite or two! This month, let’s meet Jaya Prem of Jaya Prem’s Hangout. The DST Creative Team played with Jaya Prem’s Memories kit. Check out their inspiring layouts! And, don’t forget to download your gift from JayaPrem: the Memories add-on freebie, on page 16.



new to you



I love the color combination as well as

The color palette and the patterned

the multiple word strips and gorgeous

papers are wonderful.



patterned papers.



Great kit. Nice color palette.

Wonderful kit. Love all the flowers and



papers here.



new to you


Click to download your gift from Jaya Prem


Memories add-on




gallery gems The DST Gallery is packed with amazing layouts and inspiration. Here is just a selection of fun pages from our amazing members.

tigrushka chocolate fantasy

tinkay2 Kiera



gallery gems

sporte91 11 months

tconlan Sweetheart




Hot Hybrid Gallery Picks Each month the Insider team picks our favorite projects posted in the DST Hybrid Gallery from the past month. Check out the amazing projects we’ve picked this time:

clockwise from top left:

Robot by livelys

Weight Loss Journal by LoriJohnston

Wreath by CristinaC



tutorial by Jennifer White

Video Tutorial Roundup Sometimes

• How to round the corners of photos

you need to

and mats from Designer Digitals on

see something


to really

• How to mat a photo with Photoshop


and Photoshop Elements from

it. A well-

Designer Digitals on YouTube

made video tutorial can help you understand how to do even the most complicated tasks. Here’s a selection of free video tuts from a variety of sources for digital scrappers of all levels. (These tutorials are for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements users. If you use another program, Google is your friend! Just search for digital scrapbooking video tutorials and the name of your program and you’ll find help.)

Beginners • Learn your way around Photoshop Elements by rnvt19@YouTube • Make your first layout with an Easy Page (or Quick Page) from ScrapGirls.com • Using Quick Pages with Photoshop Elements from Digiscrap101.com

• How to load and use brushes in Photoshop Elements from theshabbyshoppe.com • How to ink edges in Photoshop Elements from hummiesworld.com on YouTube • Creating folded corners by Red Leaf Digiscrapping on YouTube • Torn paper tutorial by StormRse on YouTube • Removing time stamp on photographs by tutvid.com • Using Layered Templates

• How to make distressed paper from ScrappingGuy.com on YouTube • How to recolor an element in Photoshop from DigitalScrapDesigns on YouTube • Make editable paper titles from Digitalscrapbookingpages.com on YouTube • Faded text from Digitalscrapbookpages.com on YouTube • How to make a brush/pattern in photoshop from tutorials101516 on YouTube • How to blend photographs with background paper in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements by Red Leaf Digiscrapping on YouTube • Putting text on lines in Photoshop

(.psd templates) from

by digitalscrapbookpages.com on

Digitalscrapbookpages.com on



• Create a cluster frame from

Got the basics down, want to

5stardigitalscrapbooking.com on

know more


• Realistic tape effect for

If you’re willing to pay a little

digital scrapbooking by

for access to tutorial videos,

in Photoshop Elements from

ScrappersWorkshop.com on

check out these sites

SeeJaneScrapbook on YouTube


• Scrappers Guide/Digital Scrapper

• How to make a basic page

• Cutting your photos into shapes with Photoshop Elements from Scrappingguy.com on YouTube

• Draw digital tape by tutvid.com

• Lynda.com

• Making gingham papers

• Hummiesworld.com

in Photoshop Elements by hummiesworld.com on YouTube



software tutorial By Denis Germain

Stitched Text the PSHero Way Hi. I’m Hero,

Control-Click (PC: Right-Click) on

and this is

the Background layer in the Layers

my tutorial. I’m a surfer, photographer and graphic designer currently splitting my time between the waves in Southern California and the deep powder snow in Park City, Utah. When I’m not surfing, snowboarding or behind the lens of my camera, I write Photoshop tutorials for you to enjoy. Editor’s Note: This tutorial is for Photoshop on a Mac. PC shortcuts are in parenthesis.

Step 1 Let’s go ahead and begin by opening a new document in Photoshop. Mine is 540-by-300 pixels at 72ppi. Editor’s Note: You might want to increase the ppi to 300 if you will be printing your project. Since stitching on a plain white canvas is a little silly, let’s go ahead and spice up the Background layer with a little texture. By default the Background layer in any new Photoshop document is locked,


so let’s go ahead and double-click

Over the years as a graphic designer

on the Background layer in the

I’ve accumulated a wealth of custom

Layers palette to bring up the Layer

brushes, shapes and actions that I

Properties dialog box. Simply re-name

keep carefully organized and labeled

the layer or name it Background once

for future use. The brush set I’ll be

again and hit OK to unlock the layer.

palette and choose Blending Options from the menu. This will bring up the Layer Styles dialog box. Click on the Pattern Overlay text in the left column. (You must click on the text and not on the checkbox. Clicking the checkbox will turn the style ON but it won’t give you the options for the style, so it is important to click on the text so we can modify the Pattern Overlay style options.) Next we need to load a new set of Patterns into the Pattern Picker. Click on the Pattern swatch to reveal the Pattern Picker; then click the little circle with the arrow in it at the top right corner of the picker. Choose “Patterns 2” from the list and click OK to load the new pattern set into the

sharing with you today has been in

Pattern Picker. Now simply click on

my collection for probably five of six

the Denim swatch which is the fourth

years and every once in a while I’ll

pattern in the set and click OK to

find a good reason to load it into my

close the Layer Styles dialog box and

brushes palette. If you’ve never done

commit the style to the layer.

that before, don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it as we go.

Step 2

If you’re playing along at home you

Now that our Background layer is

should download the brush set before

unlocked we’re going to add a

we get started.

Pattern Overlay Layer Style to it which will give us a quick and easy denim background to work with.



software tutorial

Step 3

letters. Control-Click (PC: Right-Click)

Save the brush set to your desktop or

on the text on the stage and choose

someplace you’ll remember when we

Create Work Path from the menu. This

go looking for them.

will create a white outline around each

Press the B key to invoke the Brush

letter indicating that you’ve created a

tool, then bring up the Brushes palette

work path (obviously) which we will use

by choosing Window>Brushes from

later in the lesson to stitch around.

Photoshop’s main menu. In the upper

You should now have a background full

right hand corner of the Brushes

of denim and a layer style icon in the

palette, click on the options icon and

Background layer of the Layers palette.

choose Load Brushes from the menu.

Step 4

Navigate to the brush stitches brush

It’s now time to add some text to our

set that you just downloaded to your

document. Press the D key to reset the foreground color to black, then press the T key to invoke the Type tool. Click on the stage to place the cursor and type some text onto it. Notice that when you added the text that Photoshop automatically added a new layer for it.

hard drive and click Load. You will

Step 6

then be asked if you want to Append

Add a new layer above your text by

the brushes to the end of your current

clicking the Add New Layer icon at the

brushes or if you want to replace the

bottom of the layers palette or by using

existing brushes by clicking OK. For

the keyboard shortcut Command-

my example I’m going to replace my

Option-Shift-N (PC: Ctrl-Alt-Shift-N).

existing brushes, but either option

Rename the layer by Double-Clicking

works fine.

(Note: To commit the text you can

on the layers name in the Layers

either press the Enter key on the

palette. I called this new layer Stitches.

ten-key corner of your standard keyboard or click the Check-Mark in the Text Tool options bar at the top of Photoshop.)

Step 7

Step 8

Now it’s time to setup everything in

Now that the brush set has been

preparation for the stitching, and the

loaded into the Brush Picker lets go

first thing we need to do is load the

ahead and select the V-shaped brush.

Step 5

stitching brush set into our Brushes

We’ll need to make a few adjustments

Now that our text is created and while

palette. If you haven’t downloaded

to the settings in the Brushes palette

we still have the Type tool selected we

them yet you’ll want to do it now by

for this brush to make it work the way

need to create an outline path of the

clicking HERE.

we want.



software tutorial First off let’s reduce the size of the

colors by pressing the X key (white

The slight Bevel and Emboss will add

brush to around eight pixels in the

should now be showing as the

a little more dimension to the thread

Diameter setting then make sure the

foreground color at the bottom of

while the Drop Shadow will add a

Spacing checkbox is checked and

the Tools palette). Press the P key

touch of shading around the edges.

that the spacing is set to around 80

to switch to the Pen tool and then

percent. The spacing change makes

Command-Click (PC: Right-Click)

the V’s overlap enough to look like

anywhere on that little white outline

interlocking stitches.

that is the Path around the text. Choose “Stroke Path” from the menu, make sure that “Brush” is selected from the drop-down menu and that the Simulate Pressure checkbox is unchecked then click OK. You’ll now see that the brush we chose has been used to stroke the entire path of the text. Since we’re done with the

Step 9

path now you can either click over to

While still in the Brushes palette click

the Paths tab in the Layers palette and

down to the Shape Dynamics link on

delete it, or simply press Command-H

in the menu on the left and make sure

(PC: Ctrl-H) to hide it.

Step 12

that the Angle Jitter control is set to

Before we move on let me show

Direction. This will make the brush

you a cool little trick to change

rotate as it goes around the corners to

the background color. Since the

the different sides of our letters.

background is a preset color pattern and not an overlay we can’t just

Step 11

change an underlying layer color so we

To make the stitches a little more

have to resort to other methods. Click

realistic lets go ahead and add a few

on the Background layer in the Layers

layer styles to the Stitches layer. Just

palette to make it the active working

like we did in Step 1 lets Command-

layer. Now let’s add an adjustment

Click (PC: Right-Click) on the Stitches

layer by clicking on the Create A New

layer and choose Blending Options.

Fill or Adjustment Layer icon at the

Step 10

Now add a Drop Shadow and a Bevel

bottom of the Layers palette (it’s the

At last it’s time to make the magic

and Emboss as shown below, be sure

circle with half black and half white),

happen. Put on your wizard’s hat and

to check each setting to make sure you

choose Hue/Saturation and use these

swap the foreground and background

haven’t missed anything then click OK.

settings (or any that look pretty to you).



software tutorial Mode to Multiply and it’s Fill opacity

Additional Resources

to 70 percent. By doing this we allow

Check out the PS Hero website for

a little of the denim texture to come

more tutorials and information. Also

through onto our black letters adding a

visit PS Hero on Twitter and Facebook.

little depth and realism.

Step 13 The last little bit of adjustment I did was to click over to the Text layer in the Layers palette and change its Blend




get scrapping by Kaylea Hutson

Get Into Scrapping with The Daily Digi The key to

“Since that first post on New Year’s

to customers for five dollars US (the

moving from

Day 2009, we have definitely grown

collection is worth more than 35

a beginning

a lot in every area,” Steph remarks.

dollars). In two years, more than 150


“We’ve worked with lots and lots of

different designers have participated

to an

designers, multiplied our readership in

in the site’s Digi Files.


ways we didn’t even dream, changed

“These products are only available at

digiscrapbooker begins with

some of the posting categories to fit

these prices for one month and then

accessing resources that help you

our readers’ needs, created an iPhone

they go into the designers’ stores at

gain experience and confidence.

app (the first in digital scrapbooking)

full price,” Steph points out. “Readers

and now, record a weekly podcast.

can also purchase what we call, The

digiscrappers, helps beginning and

“We work very hard to bring our

Digi Game, which is The Digi Files and

experienced scrappers alike, improve

readers the information they are

Playbook combination. “

their skill level on a daily basis.

looking for and wanting, hoping to

The Playbook is a technique-focused

inspire and help them document their

interactive e-book that includes

memories along the way.”

layouts created by members of the

providing the “best quality products,

Rather than have its own team of

Daily Digi creative team and the

the best resources, information,

designers, The Daily Digi promotes other

techniques used to create them. It

tutorials and more” so scrappers can

sites, designers, products and resources.

also includes at least one step-by-

spend time learning instead of surfing

“We do not have paid advertising of

step tutorial with screenshots as well

the internet.

any kind on the site and the designers

as a free gift or two.

“We are giving you back your time so

don’t pay to contribute to The Digi

you can spend it creating memories

Files,” she explains. “We don’t

with the ones you love or scrapping

have a forum, but still have a

them,” Steph says. “I always tell

great sense of community with our

beginners to start in our tutorial and

readers and customers.”

resource section of the site.”

How It Works

The Daily Digi began in late 2008 as a

Each month, the Daily Digi highlights

partnership between Steph and Janet

seven different designers from the digital

Phillips. The pair officially launched

community – typically one template

the site on January 1, 2009. At the

designer plus six product designers.

end of 2009, Steph purchased the site

Each designer contributes toward the

from Phillips and hired Katie Nelson

monthly collection, known as The Digi

as a contributing writer.

Files. This collection is made available

The Daily Digi, an on-line resource for

Steph, owner of The Daily Digi, says the site accomplishes this by

Get Diggin’ The Daily Digi So, you are a newbie and not sure where to start at The Daily Digi? Here are Steph’s suggestions on where to start! Her top must-read articles include: • Layout Printer Reviews • Photobook Reviews • Digital Scrapbooking Terms



get scrapping “Each Playbook is a minimum of

“I was inspired to create them after

30 pages and includes at least one

seeing my team exchange information

‘Play-by-Play’ step-by-step tutorial

on how they did certain things on their

and an additional free gift or two,”

layouts,” she explains. “We were all

explains Steph. “The first three

learning from each other and many of

Playbooks we created were given

us have been digital for many years.

away for free. You can get them by

I figured these might be things our

signing up for the newsletter.

readers would like learning as well.”

“Each month, we release a new

Additional tools and tips

Playbook and the only way to get it is

Additionally, Steph says, the site gives

with a purchase of The Digi Files (they

away more than 140 dollars in coupons

are not sold separately).”

and gift certificates from designers each month to random winners, mostly taken from people who leave comments on their site or participate in the monthly reader challenge.

“The rest of the month, we post tips, ideas and tutorials - anything that will help and inspire digital scrappers. I really like that we try to promote quality digital designers, it doesn’t matter if they are well-known or brand-new, every designer that puts

“Every couple of weeks, we send our

out top-quality products has an equal

newsletter subscribers free gifts

chance participating. “

from past contributors to The Digi Files,” she says. “On Fridays we do our Funtastic Fridays, which feature great things from around the The Playbooks, says Steph, provide

community (tutorials, sales, deals,

a way for scrapbookers to learn new

and exclusive coupons).

things related to digital scrapbooking.

Through it all, Steph says she finds joy in teaching people, regardless of skill level, about the different aspects of digital scrapbooking, as well as hearing the stories on the difference digi-scrapbooking makes in people’s lives.

How Steph finds designers... When Steph considers a designer for The Digi Files, here are the things she looks for in their products: 1) Realistic elements. She says readers of The Digi Files

4) Color Schemes. Steph said she strives to find kits with

typically prefer realistic elements over elements that look

appealing color schemes.

like they were created digitally.

5) Variety. “The same two to three papers colored different

2) Clean Edges. “We zoom in and check for jagged

ways and included in the same kit isn’t good,” she points

edges,” she explains. “Any jagged edges would be a ‘no’

out. “We also don’t want to see lots of the same elements

for us.”

that everyone else is using in their designs. They need to be

3) Stray Pixels. “We stroke the elements to check for

customized. Quite often, designers create amazing papers,

stray pixels,” she notes. “Any stray pixels would be

but the elements are not good quality or vice versa.”

another ‘no’ for us.”



get scrapping “The goal has always been to have

Steph jokes that she always has

says. “I have been honored to serve

a win-win for our customers and

dreams or ideas for the site.

on creative teams for Michelle

the designers,” Steph remarks. “We

“The problem is typically figuring out

Coleman, Nancie Rowe Janitz,

want The Digi Files to be such an

which ones I am going to implement

ScrapArtist, Hollie McCaig, Gina

amazing deal that it is almost a ‘no

first and which ones will need to

Cabrera of Digital Design Essentials,

brainer’ as they say, on whether or

wait,” Steph says. “At the heart of

Dani Mogstad, Janet Phillips and

not to buy them.

it all, though, is to inspire people to

Shabby Princess. I have also had

“With it being such a low price, it is

document their memories in a way

layouts and hybrid projects published

also very low risk to our customers;

that is fulfilling to them.”

by Simple Scrapbooks and Digital

they can try some new-to-them

Meet Steph

designers, try new styles and chances

Steph, also known as islandmom

are there will be something in there

or Fontologie by Steph, says first

they love that makes it worth the

and foremost she is a mom to three

money they spent. This also helps

kids and a wife to a wonderfully

designers find new customers, it

supportive husband.

doesn’t matter how ‘big’ the designer is; I always have people say the designer is new-to-them!”

Scrapbooking magazines.”

“When I am not scrapbooking or working at TDD, I love to do anything that will create great memories for my kids, especially traveling, playing Rock Band, swimming and going to movies,” she explains. “I have been a

Find Steph Online

scrapbooker literally almost my whole

In addition to The Daily Digi website,

life. I learned all about ‘archival’

Steph can be found on Facebook,

scrapbooking in 1994, the same year

Flickr and Twitter.

I got married, but even then used a lot of computer clipart on my layouts.

It’s a Contest

Little did I know then that I was a

Steph is giving one Insider reader

hybrid scrapper!”

a chance to win one annual

Looking Toward the Future

Steph began using her computer to

subscription to The Digi Game.

This month, in celebration of the

scrapbook in 2003. She discovered

Visit the forum and tell us one

site’s second birthday, Steph reveals

digital scrapbooking in 2004, after

thing you are looking forward to in

that The Digi Files will feature a

reading a special issue of Memory

2011. The winner will be randomly

huge exclusive collaborative kit, with

Makers Magazine.

chosen using Random.org from the

contributions from designers featured

“I truly love this hobby and have

in The Digi Files during the past year.

found so much joy in preserving my family’s memories digitally,” Steph

qualifying posts in the forum after the contest closes at 9 a.m. CST Monday, Jan. 31.



get scrapping By Linda Sattgast, Owner/Founder, DigitalScrapper.com

Jump into the Pool: Help for Beginning Digiscrappers There’s

The cons: It takes time to search the

expert—to show you how, so you


web for tutorials, so if you’re already

search the web for a class or find out

so fresh and

super busy, you might put it off for a

about an instructor by word of mouth.

hopeful about

more convenient time. Also, if you’re

You take the class, learn the skills,

a new digital

self taught, you will have holes in your

are thrilled with what you’ve done and


knowledge that you don’t even know

you’re on your way!

She’s just realized what an

exist, but eventually, if you read books

amazing world is out there for

or take classes, you will become a

those “in the know” and wants to

true expert.

be part of that group, but where to get started? Photoshop or Photoshop Elements can seem so daunting.

for tutorials: open a search engine

taking a class you are likely to have

page and type what you want to

fewer “holes” in your knowledge.

know), then it’s important to decide

Photoshop Elements. You will get all

first what style of learning will suit you

kinds of possibilities, some good,

Style 1: Jump into the Pool with Abandon! This type of person is like the kid at the swimming pool who throws on her swim suit, runs to the edge of the pool and jumps into the water with a great big splash. Whoo hoo! If you’re that kind of person you will learn quickly by trial and error. You will

some not so good, but you will usually

so fresh and hopeful about a new digital

Also, consider taking a class at some

scrapbooker. She’s

point. You’ll be amazed at how many

just realized what an

“aha” moments you’ll have and the shortcuts and conveniences you’ll

amazing world is out

learn! A class is sequential with skills

there for those “in the

learned in a logical order. Searching

know” and wants to

the web for something here and there is more like a shotgun effect.

Style 2: Where Do I Sign Up

plenty out there, including some of my

for Swimming Lessons?

own) and you will figure it out. Within

This type of person knows the goal—

a very short time you will post your

swim in the pool—but they want to learn how to swim from an expert.

The pros: You get started quickly

In digital scrapbooking terms, that

and you have success! That, my

means you want to make digital

friends, is worth a lot!

pages, but you want someone—an

There’s something

find what you’re looking for.

search the web for tutorials (there are

first page in a scrapbooking gallery.

generally have access to an instructor who will answer your questions. By

learn plus the name Photoshop or

do you see yourself in one of them?

digital scrapbooking because you

Advice: Here’s a great way to search

If this describes you (or a friend you

best. Here are three learning styles—

The Pros: This is a great way to learn

be part of that group. The Cons: A class usually costs something, so you have to decide whether the time you save is worth the expense. Another con may be that you will tend to rely on someone else to teach you and may not venture out on your own to discover new skills!



get scrapping Advice: Get a little more

share computer screens with you to

adventuresome with your

help you figure it out.

scrapbooking. Look in the galleries

I once had a gentleman contact me

to gather ideas and try something

regarding a magazine tutorial I had

out of your comfort zone once in

written using the Custom Shape tool.

awhile. The search engine technique

It took quite a few emails back and

I mentioned above would be great for

forth before I realized he was using

you to try as well.

the Cookie Cutter tool (which has the

Style 3: I’m Waiting for the

same shapes as the Custom Shape

Water to Warm Up

tool) and thus was not getting the

This type of person wants to learn

results I predicted.

digital scrapbooking and may even

These things happen, which is why we

collect tutorials, articles, books and

sometimes need “a little help from our

kits, but they have yet to make their

friends.” Most instructors have a free

first scrapbook page.

course or some sample lessons you

I am totally sympathetic with this kind of scrapbooker wanna-be and I’m convinced that if you hang around the digital scrapbooking world long

• Press Ctrl + (Mac: Cmd +) to zoom in (this is the = key) • Press Ctrl – (Mac: Cmd –) to zoom out • Press Ctrl 0 (zero) (Mac: Cmd 0) to get back to full size on your desktop • Press Ctrl Spacebar (Mac: Cmd Spacebar) to temporarily access the Zoom tool • Press the Spacebar to temporarily access the Hand tool You’ll find the top three shortcuts in the View menu, but you just have to “know” the last two.

can watch before deciding whether

2. History Panel in Photoshop,

to buy a class. At the end of this

Undo History Panel in Photoshop

article I’ll give you a link to my free


introductory course.

enough, you will make your first page!

Ten Tips For Newbies

The Pros: You are gathering an

Now that you know what kind of

awesome array of training materials

scrapbooker you are, here are a few

and supplies!

tips to help you along the way in your

The Cons: You may put off actually

digital scrapbooking journey:

doing something until it’s too late.

1. Zoom Shortcuts

How do you know whether your

You’ll find this panel in the Window menu. Choose Window > Undo History (or just History in Photoshop)

mother-in-law will get Alzheimer’s and

to open it. In Photoshop Elements it

forget her past (like mine did)?

should pop into the Panel Bin if it’s

Advice: A class is really a must for

the first time you’ve used it. In either

you. Find a teacher who is willing to

program you can drag it by its tab to

hold your hand, if necessary. In my

nest with the Layers panel (let go of

beginner’s online training course I have the guarantee that if your question isn’t answered in the videos or in the class forum, then someone on my team will

Learning the zoom shortcuts will save you oodles of time. Don’t skimp. Learn these by heart and actually use them:

the panel when you see a blue outline around the Layers panel.) Click on its tab to bring it forward whenever you want to use it.



get scrapping This is great for stepping back multiple

a certain tool over and over,

• To duplicate a selected area from

steps, but it’s also good when you

consider learning and using the

one layer to a new layer, press Ctrl J

make a mistake and can’t figure out

keyboard shortcut.

(Mac: Cmd J).

what you’ve done. Looking at the last

In Photoshop Elements, the name of

state of the History panel will often give

the tool in the pop-up is also a link you

layer and place it on a new layer,

you a clue about what you did!

can click on that will take you to the

press Ctrl Shift J (Mac: Cmd Shift J).

3. Feathering Tip

Help menu where you can find out more

7. Quick Layer Selection

about that tool. In Photoshop, simply

As long as your Background layer

click on the Help menu and type the

is locked and you have Auto Select

name of the tool in the search box.

Layer checked in the Options Bar,

• To cut a selected area from one

you can click and drag with the Move tool over a group of items on your This will trip you up: Say you want

scrapbook page and their layers will

to create a soft oval vignette, so you

be selected in the Layers panel.

get the Elliptical Marquee tool and

8. Brush Tip

enter a feather amount in the Options

5. Preference Settings

When you load a set of specialty

Bar. The problem with this is that

Open Preferences by pressing Ctrl K

brushes, instead of choosing a new

the next time you want to use the

(Mac: Cmd K). Make sure “Use Shift

brush each time from the Brush

Elliptical Marquee tool you may not

Key for Tool Switch” is NOT checked,

Picker, press the Greater-Than key >

notice the feathering and wonder

and make sure “Zoom Resizes

(same key as the period key) to move

why you’re getting a smaller outline

Windows” is checked. In more recent

to the next brush or press the Less-

than you drew. And once you’ve

versions, if you don’t want your

Than key < (same as the comma key)

drawn the outline, you can’t undo the

documents to automatically open as

to move to the previous brush in the


tabs, deselect “Open Documents as

Brush Picker. (Don’t press Shift, just

I always leave my feathering at 0

Tabs” in Photoshop, which you’ll find

the key itself.)

in the Options Bar and add the

in the Interface section in Photoshop.

feather after I make the selection by

In Photoshop Elements, choose

choosing Select > Feather or using

“Allow Floating Documents in Full

the Refine Edge command.

Edit Mode” in order to choose floating

4. Tool Shortcuts Hover over the tools in the Tool Bar

windows from the Arrange menu at the top of your screen.

9. Drop Shadows The preset shadows in Photoshop Elements are terrible. Don’t use them! Instead, choose Layer > Layer Style > Style Settings, check the Drop Shadow box, and you’ll actually get a

along the left side of your screen to

6. Duplicate command

default setting that is pretty decent. I

get a pop-up that tells you the name

Some shortcuts just aren’t obvious

usually reduce the Opacity to 60% or

of the tool and the keyboard shortcut

unless someone tells you.

even 50%.

for that tool. If you find yourself using

• To duplicate a layer in the Layers panel, press Ctrl J (Mac: Cmd J).



get scrapping In Photoshop, if you find yourself

10. Cropping a Layer

I hope you enjoyed these tips,

making the same change to the

and I wish you the best in your

default Drop Shadow setting over

scrapbooking journey! If you’re a

and over, try creating a style for that

newbie and want to try out my free

setting by clicking on the New Style

introductory course, or if you’re more

button right there in the Layer Style

experienced and want to try out my

dialog box. The style will appear in

more advanced membership program

your Styles panel where you can click

free for the month of January, click on

on it to instantly add that style to the

one of the images below:

selected layer. Most beginners can figure out the Crop tool, but what do you do if you want to crop a single layer? The Crop tool will crop the entire document, so you can’t use that. Instead: »» Get the Rectangular Marquee tool. »» Click and drag an outline around the area you want to keep. »» Choose Select > Inverse. »» Press the Delete key. »» Choose Select > Deselect.




get scrapping By Michelle Huegel

Feeling Overwhelmed with Digital Scrapbooking? Six Ideas to Help Today Whether

Remembering that one concept can

Organize Your Way

you’re just

change your whole outlook. Here are

Who says every paper and element in

starting out

a few other ideas to consider the next

your stash needs to be tagged with

or you’ve

time you feel overwhelmed.

ten different pieces of information? If

Find Your Journaling Voice

you’ve got everything dumped in one

If you tend to shut down when it’s

folder but can find a specific button

easy to get overwhelmed. Too

time to journal, try asking yourself

at a moment’s notice, then you’ve got

many pictures, designers, stores,

the question “Who are you scrapping

the perfect organizing system for you.

forums, kits, styles, chats and

for?” If it’s a personal album, then

The purpose of any organizational

classes. Too little time, money, ideas,

address yourself. Write like it’s your

system is to help you feel less

private diary. You might be addressing

overwhelmed and be more efficient.

your children or their grandparents

If the thought of tagging everything

or a best friend. Then write as if you

puts you into a catatonic state, then

were talking directly to this person.

don’t do it. Find a system that works

If you need a little extra help getting

for you. If you need some help finding

started, Ella Publishing offers several

the right one for you, this post at

e-books targeted to scrapbookers,

The Daily Digi links to a variety of

including Journaling That Matters

organizational programs and systems.

been digiscrapping for years, it’s

organization and inspiration. Where do you start? Where do you stop? Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath, step away from your computer for a moment and ask yourself what exactly is overwhelming you. Is it the journaling? The feeling of having too many memories/photos and not enough time to scrap them all? Are you overwhelmed by the actual scrapping, the techniques and process of building a layout? The first and most important thing to remember is that you don’t have to do it a particular way and you don’t have to do it all. Scrapbooking, like any creative pursuit, is subjective: if it works for you, it works. If you love it, it’s perfect. There’s no rule that says you must scrap chronologically or catch up on older photos before scrapping the ones you took yesterday. In fact, there’re no

and Quick and Creative Quizzes. And remember, not every layout needs journaling to tell the story.

The first and most

Discover Your Style

important thing to

What’s your style? What are your

remember is that you

strengths? If you excel at clustering, why bother trying to create the perfect minimalist layout? On the other hand, if you can make a piece of paper, a tiny photo, a ribbon and a flower

don’t have to do it a particular way and you don’t have to do

look amazing, don’t stress about

it all. If it works for

learning how to cluster fifty elements

you, it works. If you

together. Be satisfied with your sense of design.

love it, it’s perfect.

rules at all!



get scrapping Buy What You Love

your computer waiting to be scrapped?

gallery or participate in every forum,

It’s okay to have your favorite

The feeling of “I’ll never be caught

website or challenge. You’ll get to

designers or stores and only shop

up” can kill your creativity faster than

know people better (and stay saner!)

there. While it is fun to find new

an empty coffee cup. Give yourself

by staying in one place. That’s not to

places and designs, don’t feel the

permission right now to scrap what you

say you shouldn’t ever branch out, but

need to buy every new product

want, when you want, guilt-free. A great

find one place that’s your “home” in

or check out every new store and

way to get a month’s worth of photos

the digi world.

designer. And remember that

scrapped quickly and easily is Simple

Review this list the next time you

although “free” may be hard to resist,

Scrapper’s 10x12 Project. “Scrap the

feel overwhelmed and give yourself

not every freebie is right for you. Only

recap” and move on!

permission to not do something. If it

pick up a freebie if it’s high-quality

Play in Your Community

stresses you out, don’t do it. If it feels

and fits in with your scrapping style

Once you find a place online that feels

like work, don’t do it. Think about

or you’ll just end up with more virtual

like “home,” stay there, whether it’s

what scrapbooking means to you and

clutter on your hard drive.

your favorite store’s forum or an open

eliminate whatever doesn’t mesh with

Embrace Your Scrapping

community like DigiShopTalk that isn’t

your definition, whatever is making


affiliated with a particular store. You

you feel overwhelmed with it. Then sit

Do you get overwhelmed looking at

don’t need to post layouts in every

back and enjoy your hobby again!

the folders of pictures piling up on







trendspotting by Vivienne Oestergaard

Trendspotting: Added-bonus layered templates Want more with your templates? Try these products with bonus add-ons!

Ana Noguerira

Dunia Designs and Camila Maria

Party sketch templates - Scrap-Team Templates with extra element added in.

Be Inspired layered templates - DigiscrappersBrazil Templates with bonus ribbon/element.

Glitz N Bitz Templates

Jenn Lindsey

Queen of Hearts Templates with snowflake cutouts

Temp blends Volume 5 - After 5 Designs Layered templates with included photo masks and space for journaling.



the back page Monthly Gold Member Challenge We had many lovely entries for this month’s Gold Member Kit Contest,something not hard to do with the gorgeous kit Creashens created. Congratulations to froggie who has won a $25 gift card to Creashens’ Catscrap store. Thanks for playing along last month and be sure to enter this month’s contest, sponsored by Connie Prince. To be entered to win, simply scrap a page using this month’s Gold Member kit and post it in our Gold Member gallery.

If you’re not a Gold Member, sign up now and you can still get this free kit, along with eleven more!

January Chat Come talk with Connie Prince

Join over 2,000 of your best

Looking ahead to February’s DST Insider

at 4pm Eastern (3pm Central)

digi friends in some great

* How to texture elements

on Sunday, January 23rd.


* Marketing for digital

We’ll be asking her some great

over on our

questions and she’ll have


some goodies to give away.

page & Twitter

We’re on Facebook & Twitter

account @digishoptalk

designers * Featured Designer Amanda Rockwell * CU Roundtable




Online Shopping Directory Check out your favorite stores and designers or discover new products here! Click their name to go directly to their site. After Five Designs

Persnickety Prints

Coffee Klatch Scrappers

Rill Studio

Deli Scraps

Scrapping with Liz

Designs in Digital

Scrapping Your Memories

Digi Style Designs

Scrapper’s Delights

Digital Scrapbook Art

Scrappers’ Workshop


Scrappin Digi Kreations


Scrappy Cats

Heritage Scrap


Jady Day Studio

Studio Tangie

Jaya Prem’s Hangout

SuzyQ Scraps

Jenn Lindsey Designs

Tempus Fugit

Just Creations

Tricia Curtis Designs

Krisi’s Kreations

The Digi Scrappers

Matrioshki Scrap Designs



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