November 2010 DST Insider

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november 2010

fabulous finds

K elleigh R atzlaff Get to know this hybrid designer

Cutting Machines Which one is

right for you?

Trendspotting Rosettes: the latest

trend in scrapbooking

n o v e m b e r ’s f e a t u r e d d e s i g n e r

Karla Dudley

Designer Karla Dudley created this beautiful kit EXCLUSIVELY for DigiShopTalk Gold member subscribers. See inside for information on how you can get yours! T h i s i s s u e s p o n s o r e d b y Tr i x i e S c r a p s , S c r a p a n d M a t r i o s h k i S cSeptember r a p 2008 D e• DIGISHOPTALK.COM signs

H e r i t a g e


table of contents NOVEMBER 2010

inside this issue 03 from the desk of


Our Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Wilson, discusses this month’s theme, hybrid scrapping

07 featured designer Learn more about Karla Dudley and this month’s kit

19 new to you Introducing “new to you” designer Carena

22 gallery gems Six exceptional pages from the DST layout gallery

24 hybrid picks Three inspiring hybrid projects from the DST gallery

25 hybrid tutorial Celebrate the holiday season with your own countdown chain

26 interview with Kelleigh Ratzlaff Discover this amazing hybrid designer

29 grow your skills Try these easy-to-make hybrid crumpled paper flowers


31 making the “cut” Which cutting machine is right for you? A review of the most popular machines

34 trendspotting Get inspired with rosettes

35 the back page Check out last month’s winners and learn how you can enter this month’s contest

36 advertising directory A directory of designers and stores is the hub of the digital scrapbook community. We strive to be the one-stop resource for online scrapbookers who want to be “in-the-know” with what is going on in the digital scrapbooking world! In addition to our free member gallery and forums, we also have a DST chat room, a continuously updated Digital Directory to help you find any designer, store or resource, and an up-to-date calendar of all the chats, sales and events in the digital community! Contact us: DST is owned by Escalate Media, LP. This issue of the DigiShopTalk INSIDER created using Adobe InDesign CS4. Papers and elements used in this edition are from Karla Dudley’s Jude kit designed exclusively for DST Gold Members and used with permission. Visit Karla Dudley at Design House Digital.

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


from the desk of


Finally, I have the big news you’ve been waiting for:

the next year’s DST Featured Designers.

by Jennifer Wilson

his morning I woke up

While I love what digital offers,

to the first frost of the

sometimes you just need to get a

year. It’s no wonder that

little dirty and get away from the

I’m yearning to knit, bake and


generally turn inward. During

In this edition of the DST Insider,

the colder months we often use

we’ll share our best ideas and

creativity to keep the home fires

inspiration for bringing hybrid to

burning. This makes November the

your home. From an interview with

perfect month for a hybrid-themed

hybrid template designer (and


former Insider Editor-in-Chief)

As a digital scrapbooker, you are

Kelleigh Ratzlaff to a quick and

undoubtedly familiar with using

easy way to craft hybrid-style with

your computer for scrapbooking.

supplies from around the house,

Hybrid combines the ease of

we’ve got you covered!

digital with the tangible rewards

Finally, I have the big news you’ve

of paper in a spectrum of

been waiting for: the next year’s

creative projects ranging from

DST Featured Designers. Turn the

all-out craftiness to simple digital

page to find out which designers

journaling on a traditional page.

have been lucky enough to

Hybrid is any page, project or

make our new top twelve! These

pursuit that couples a computer

amazing girls will be delivering an

and adhesive!

exclusive kit each month just for

I’ve enjoyed hybrid even more this

our members.

fall as a way to break my routines.

You can become a Gold Member

I spend all day on the computer, so

at any time, but as a special treat

its hard to come home and have

for this big announcement, DST is

my hobby be computer-based as

opening Diamond Memberships

well. I mix things up by working on

for just one week! Visit the

hybrid and traditional scrapbook

membership area to learn how to

projects when I need a respite.

sign up. November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


new designers

Introducing the DST 2010-2011 Featured Designers

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM



November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM



November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


featured from thedesigner desk of november’s featured designer

Karla Dudley

Want to dig right into this collection and spend your day scrapping away your Jude page? What inspired you to create this month’s DST Gold Member kit? It is a complete honor to create here at DST! I understand that many do not know me as a designer and this is a great opportunity to get to know other artists as well. I love creating and I love to share and I hope that the Gold Members can use my designs to help tell their stories in a fun and creative way.

Click here to find out more about becoming a Gold Member at DST so you can get this great kit and the next eleven to come!

What is your favorite part or element of the kit? I love the paper frames and patterned papers. Papers are my favorite to create and these are uniquely autumn. Why not put a different spin on fall? I love the frames because I use them as containers to put all sorts of different elements inside. Then, the extra notch cut out of them is pretty cool, too! What is your favorite quote? “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life,” Pablo Picasso.

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


featured designer At the end of the day, how do you want to be remembered?

What do you see is the next trend in digital design?

I may not have been the perfect wife, mother, daughter or

Graphical design. I think we’re getting there already. More

friend, but it’s known that I truly loved with every part of my

abstract, artistic designs. Simplistic but striking. But it’s

being and always will.

crazy how I think I know everything there is to know about

What is your biggest tip for balancing design time with your

digital and then I see something or a style that blows my

personal scrapping time?

mind! So I may see graphic on my end and then at the

Be organized. Make your to-do lists and stick to them and

same time, whole other styles are forming across the digi

remember to give yourself a break from design. When


you do design, trust your judgment. So many times I’m

What is the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish a design

wondering if what I’m doing will be liked or “in.” Just do

or scrap?

what you feel and it will be a joy.

Four a.m. No joke. That was back in 2008. I procrastinated

What inspires you?

and waited until the very last minute to get Winder CHA

Graphic design from the web. Textiles, typography and

projects done. I did four in one day and stayed up until the


wee hours doing them. Whew…never again!

Additional products available from Karla Dudley at Design House Digital and Karla’s blog.

Digi Essentials 6


Fly girl

Modern Marvel

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gold kit gallery

Brenda 3littleKs

I love this kit so much. The colors, the elements...perfection!



Fantastic patterned papers and stamps make this a truly versatile kit!

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gold kit gallery

Heather interstitchal

The soft elements and subtle patterns add small stand-out touches to a layout.


scrappycharmer Nice Kit. Love the brushes.

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gold kit gallery


justjen8 This kit is so beautiful and delicate--one of the most gorgeous kits I’ve seen in awhile. The word art is beyond lovely and everything flows together so beautifully. This is one of those kits I’ll be using again and again!


chantalsmama Fantastic autumn kit with great colors!

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gold kit gallery

Suzanne sbaird

This kit is gorgeous. I love the simplicity of the style and softness of the colors. The splash of red elements really makes this kit unique. I really enjoyed playing with it and love the way my page came out.

Want to get this Gold Member kit PLUS eleven other great kits during the next year? Sign up here! An annual membership is only $25.


November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

Trixie Scraps Presenting Trixie Scraps, one of this month’s DST Insider sponsors! Take a look at her products, check out some amazing CT layouts and shop her store. How do you find Trixie Scraps? Blog | Shop | Facebook | Twitter

Thanks, Tracy, for supporting the Insider this month.

product picks

All layouts made using the kit Renaissance Romance

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

Heritage Scrap Presenting Heritage Scrap, one of this month’s DST Insider sponsors! Visit their site, check out some amazing CT layouts and shop their store. How do you find Heritage Scrap? Blog | Shop | Facebook | Twitter

Thanks, Heritage Scrap, for supporting the Insider this month.

product picks

All layouts made using the kit At Last

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

Matrioshki Scrap Designs Presenting Matrioshki Scrap Designs, one of this month’s DST Insider sponsors! Visit their site, check out some amazing CT layouts and shop their store. How do you find Matrioshki Scrap Designs? Blog | Shop | Facebook | Twitter Thanks, Matrioshki Scrap Designs, for supporting the Insider this month.

product picks

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


issue sponsor

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


new to you by Cheryl Ashcraft

New to You: Carena’s D esigns This is “New to You,” the Insider’s column designed to help you discover designers you might not know. Every month, we’ll select a designer, create layouts from one of their kits and introduce you to their style. Don’t forget to download your sample kit, too. You never know, you might discover a new favorite or two! This month, let’s meet Carena of Carena’s Designs. The DST Creative Team played with Carena’s Golden Forest kit. Check out their inspiring layouts! And, don’t forget to download your gift from Carena: the Golden Forest add-on kit, on page 21.

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


new to you



I absolutely love the gorgeous fall colors

The textures of the papers and the realism

and elements in this kit! Perfect for layering

of the elements make this kit a must-have

and clustering.

for scrapping fall layouts.





The deep, rich colors are wonderful

Nice kit. Lots of foliage in great autumn

and the elements coordinate easily in a




realistic style.

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


new to you





Love all the natural elements and flowers.

This kit is overflowing with gorgeous flowering elements and rustic frames. The papers also offer beautiful brushwork and design.


justjen8 I love the rich, earthy and realistic elements. Beautiful kit! Very autumn!

Click to download your gift from Carena Golden Forest add-on kit

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gallery gems The DST Gallery is packed with amazing layouts and inspiration. Here is just a selection of fun pages from our amazing members.

Iara Imagine


November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


gallery gems

Sabee My favorite weekend

ReboScraps Midway Mania

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM



Hot Hybrid Gallery Picks Each month the Insider team picks our favorite projects posted in the DST Hybrid Gallery from the past month. Check out the amazing projects we’ve picked this time:

clockwise from top left:

Happy Thoughts by livelys

Cutesy Boxes by Nicole Seitler

Itty Bitty Hybrid Coaster Album by PhoebeJo

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


hybrid tutorial by Jenn White

Counting Down the Season: Advent-chain hybrid project FIND YOUR FILLING

a circle, linking each strip through the

Last year I wanted to bring a little joy

center of the strip before it to make

to our daily lives so our advent chain

a chain.

was full of jokes! On each chain link


was printed a holiday joke to fill our days with a chuckle and provide a little bit of joy to share with others. To make your own joke chain you can

We had our kids take a link off the chain each day and share it just before we started our evening meal. Sometimes we got a good

This time of year is so full of fun! I can’t even begin to count

download and print out our jokes in a

the number of special activities we cram into the month of December. This year, get a jump-

Customize your chain your way. Think

with more and more funny jokes and

of another theme and write your own

stories to share during dinner.

start on the holiday rush by making an

they are thankful for and put one on

easy advent chain today. Then, once

each link. Write an inspirational quote

December arrives, count down the

or message a day. Or choose from the

days until Christmas without letting

scripture, activity and good deed sets

each day slip by unnoticed.

I’ve linked at the end of this article.



Making a chain is easy, but instead of

Make sure you know which side of the

using traditional construction paper,

paper your printer prints on and load

why not raid your scrap stash? Print

your sheets so they will print on the

some digital papers onto regular

blank side. If you’re using our jokes,

printer paper or cover an 8.5-by-11-

the download has the lines of text

inch page with photos. Another option

spaced out so there are five on a page.

is to use holiday-themed paper-

If this does not work for you, type or

scrapping papers. Or, let your children

copy and paste your text into a word-

color all over a few sheets of paper

processing document so that they are

with holiday images. Keep in mind

spaced out evenly, five lines to a page.

whatever you do, you’ll want to keep

Once printed, cut your rings apart

your patterns small as you’ll be cutting

between the lines of text. Fold the

these pages into strips. You’ll need

strips in half lengthwise, so the pretty

to make/print/find five 8.5-by-11-inch

side (not the text side) shows on both

sheets for this project.

sides. Tape or staple each strip into

.pdf file here.

link texts! Ask your kids to list things

laugh, sometimes just a ‘groaner,’ but usually we ended up coming up

If you make a scripture chain, bedtime might be a good time to take a link off the chain and look up the reading. For the activity ideas or good deed links, first thing in the morning would be a great time to read them. Then you have all day to look for an opportunity to complete your activity or perform a good deed. Counting down the days until Christmas can be a fun family activity with an easy-to-make advent chain! Make one as a gift for someone special this year. Here are some links to alternate text for your advent chains project: • Daily Scripture Reading • Activity-a-Day • Good Deeds • Or put a fun element or photo on every day’s link!

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping by Kaylea Hutson

Getting Dimentional with Kelleigh Ratzlaff Digital

chances were better if I applied as a hybrid

I’ve had some ideas that have been


artist, since not many gals do hybrid.

a total bust, but most of them have

wanting to

“[Because] I started out as a

turned out great.”

add some

traditional [paper] scrapper, I already

Once finalized, Ratzlaff includes

dimension to

had a huge stash of physical supplies

several types of files in her digital

their lives may find themselves

that I knew how to use and abuse, so I

products, including psd for Photoshop,

going hybrid – a paper crafting

put together a quick gallery and earned

png, pdf (for non-technical artists) and

tool embraced by digital artists

a spot. Months later I applied to be a

cutting files (for cutting machines like

like designer Kelleigh Ratzlaff.

designer creating hybrid templates and

the Cricut and Silhouette): png, jpg, ai,

From boxes to bags to mini albums

the rest is history!”

dfx and svg files.

and more, Ratzlaff creates templates

“Some of these are intermediary files

that digital and paper artists alike can

that you can import into your die-

use in their paper-crafting projects.

cut machine software and have to

Most recently, Ratzlaff has turned her

convert and some can be cut directly

templates into cutting files which can

in that software,” Ratzlaff said. “I own

be used with digital die-cut machines.

a Cricut and the Sure-Cuts-A-Lot

“My products are popular with hybrid

software, so I use the svg files on my

artists (because we love printing out

machine. I’m having so much fun with

gorgeous digital paper) and traditional

my Cricut!”

paper-craft artists,” Ratzlaff said. “My

Some of her newest products include

goal is to keep things easy. I try to fit

Now a designer, Ratzlaff fills her store

borders, labels and shaped card

my templates onto standard, letter-

with products that can be printed on

templates which can be used as

sized paper so that anyone can use

a standard 8.5-by-11-inch sheet of

masks in digital layouts or can be cut

them without having to purchase a

paper. She also tries to keep things in a

with a die-cut machine and added to

special printer.

single piece.

traditional layouts.

“I love presenting little gifts or gift

“I usually get an idea from a box or

cards inside my boxes for birthdays,

other three-dimensional item that I

“The most valuable resource

holidays, teacher gifts, etc. I think they

have seen or something that someone

out there is The Hybrid

would make really adorable wedding

requests,” she said. “Then I sketch it

or baby shower favors!”

out on paper, trying to visualize how it

Ratzlaff began going hybrid when The

will go together.

Digichick held a creative team call.

“After that, I ‘draw’ it in Photoshop

I desperately wanted to get on the

or Illustrator and test it out to see if it

team,” she said. “I figured that my

works when printed and assembled.

Chick blog. I am constantly amazed at the projects those gals put together using digital and traditional supplies.”

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping Tools of the Trade

bone folder or butter knife and a bit of

said. “They are not just making little

Ratzlaff’s digital tool box contains

adhesive (tape runner or glue stick) to

boxes and bags. These [artists]

Photshop CS5, Adobe Illustrator,

assemble the pieces.

create hybrid albums, layouts, cards,

a Cricuit Expression, digital paper

After printing the template, Ratzlaff

home decor items, clothing items and

by The Digichick designers and her

says a crafter simply needs to score

more. [Their projects are] definitely an

Cannon Rebel XTi.

the paper on the dashed lines and cut

inspiration [to me] and they share their

She recommends that anyone trying

on the solid lines then assemble. If the

methods, too.”

one of her hybrid designs needs a

template is particularly complicated,

Want to find some of Ratzlaff’s

way print out her templates after

she often puts a tutorial on her blog.

products? She sells them exclusively in

enhancing with digital papers and

“The most valuable resource out

her store at The DigiChick.

elements. Along with the printed

there is The Hybrid Chick blog. I am

Getting Personal

template, you’ll need tools like a craft

constantly amazed at the projects

Kelleigh Ratzlaff is a “work-at-home-

knife or fine-tip scissors, a straight

those gals put together using digital

mama” to two wonderful little boys and

edge or ruler, a scoring tool such as a

and traditional supplies,” Ratzlaff

wife to a fantastic, handsome man.

Cupcake Card

Funky Bag

by Kelleigh Ratzlaff

by Kelleigh Ratzlaff

Apple using the Perfect Pumpkin Template Set by Kelleigh Ratzlaff

Clover Box by Donna Espiritu


Top Heavy Pillow Box

by Dana Gustafson

by Julee Tillman

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping The “work” part of her job title may be

She enjoys sharing her adventures in

Ratzlaff is always on the prowl for

a little misleading, though, because she

papercrafting on her blog where she also

a unique-looking box, so if you find

enjoys every minute of her crafty job.

expounds on her love of decorating with

something cute, take a picture and

She designs papercraft templates

garage sale finds, getting her groceries

she’ll see what she can do to turn it into

and sells them electronically in her

for free, digital scrapbooking, becoming

a hybrid project. Where can you find

virtual boutique at The Digichick, an

a runner at age 33, playing with “not-

Kelleigh: Shop | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

enormous digital-scrapbooking store

yo-mama’s” funky fabric and so much

that has cornered the market on hybrid

more. Her blog is a dumping ground for


her creative thoughts so you never know what you might find there!

Going Hybrid with Kelleigh

Condensed from The Hybrid Chick - Where to Start Want to try hybrid? Use these handy

Cardstock: As a general rule,

and the printed colors are vibrant and

tips that Kelleigh Ratzlaff provides at

cardstock soaks up ink and leaves

true to what I see on the screen.”

The HybridChick.

colors looking muted, which may


A Photo-Editing Program

be just the look you are going for

First, you’ll need a photo-editing program. At least 80 percent or more of digital scrapbookers use either Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Hybrid artists can also use Paint Shop Pro or any other software that accepts hybridproject files. Ratzlaff says, “Before you invest in a photo-editing program that is compatible with hybrid scrapbooking, ask around to see what kind of support you will be able to get from your peers in your forum of choice. One of the best things about the wonderful digitalscrapbooking community is our willingness to help others learn more about our hobby.”

Good Paper Ratzlaff points out that a hybrid project is only as good as the paper it is printed on.

on occasion. Textured cardstock looks awesome when used and both cardstock options are nice and sturdy. If printing on cardstock, Ratzlaff suggests increasing the saturation of your project before you print to get better color. If you are simply printing digital papers, cardstock is a fine option; however, she does not recommend it for photos. Specialty papers: Vellum is a fun idea, especially for digital brushes, although the printed page needs to dry for quite a while after printing. Photo Papers: Glossy photo paper provides another printing option, though Ratzlaff said her favorite printing medium is matte photo paper. She typically uses Epson Premium Presentation Matte Photo Paper. “The paper is nice and thick

Ratzlaff says the borderless printing setting is the best option for printers. Users need to figure out their specific printer requirements to make a project print edge-to-edge. “For some people, that means decreasing the size of the project by a small percentage. For me, it meant discovering the ‘Borderless Expansion’ slider and always sliding it to ‘less.’ “One of the best tips I received when figuring out the borderless option on my printer was to open up an 8.5-by11-inch document in Photoshop, then drop an overlay on my canvas and drag the corners to resize it to fit perfectly. I then printed it over and over on plain, white copy paper until I had my settings all figured out. My printer is a standard-sized HP all-in-one.” Want to know more about borderless printing? Visit here.

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


grow your skills by Jenn White

Crumpled Paper Flower Tutorial Sometimes adding a single,

You can either print the shapes on

Step 4 Crunch it up! Lay the flower

simple paper element to a printed

cardstock or scrapbook paper, which

down on a flat place and, starting with

digital layout can really make it

is what I did, or print out a digital

the top layer of small petals, squish the

pop. These crumpled paper flowers

paper to cut from. It is best for this

flowers up toward the center with your

are easy to make, work well with

project to print on cardstock or sturdy


layouts or craft projects and look

paper because coated papers like

Fold the top layer of flowers up around

amazing on hybrid layouts! Here’s

photo paper will not absorb water well

the brad as tightly as possible. Repeat

how to create your own.

enough to crumple.

with the next layer and so on. Re-

Step 2 Assemble the flower. Stack

wet the paper as you get to the

your cut-out flower pieces with three

lower layers, if needed. I ended

large on the bottom, three medium

up dunking mine more than once

in the middle and three small on top,

as I folded up petals and found dry

then pierce the center with something

paper underneath. When you are all

sharp. I used a needle tool, but you

done it should look like a little tiny

could use anything sharp and pointy

ball of wet paper.

like a nail or craft knife. Put a small brad through the center hole and secure all the pieces together.

Materials Needed • Paper flower templates from Kelleigh Ratzlaff • Cardstock, patterned paper or digital paper printed on cardstock

Step 3 Wet the flower. Spritz it with a water-filled spray bottle or dunk it in a bowl of water for about five seconds. Separate the petals slightly

• Needle tool or other sharp tool

with your fingers so the water gets

• Small brad

between them.

• Spray bottle or small bowl of water • Optional: gems, ribbons or other embellishments

Step 1 Cut your pieces. You will need nine total flowers cut from cardstock, three of each of these sizes: large, medium and small. I strongly recommend using templates. For this project, I used these free templates

Step 5 Unfurl the petals. Carefully pull the petals away from the center until your entire flower is unfurled. Work with one layer at a time and go slowly and carefully so you don’t tear the wet paper. Let it dry. You can speed the process with a hairdryer or heat gun, but be careful.

from Kelleigh Ratzlaff.

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


grow your skills Tips for paper flowers • Try inking or painting the edges of your petals before assembling the flower. • If you are printing a digital paper, test for colorfastness. Be aware that your ink might come off the paper during the wetting step, giving you a lighter look than you expected.

Step 6 Apply to your project. Once dry, your flower is ready to use. Embellish the center with a gem (as I did) or leave it plain, then glue or tape

I love how this crumpled paper flower

• Experiment with sizes and shapes of

makes my layout look! I think I’ll be

petals. Differently shaped petals will

making a lot more of these to use as

give you a different look.

gift-package decorations this year.

To see exactly how it’s done, watch this video from tracylovestoscrap on YouTube.

to your project.


November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


from the desk of get scrapping by Michelle Huegel

Make the Cut: A review of top die-cutting machines The cornerstone tool for hybrid

along to a crop. Simply plug it in,

The Cricut Create ($229) strikes a

scrapbooking is arguably

choose your cartridge and cut away on

nice balance between portability and

the digital-cutting or die-cut

paper, vellum, vinyl, poster board and

functionality, allowing cuts from .25

machine. A Cricut, Silhouette,

even thin chipboard (using the Multi-

inch to 11.5 inches on its 6-by-12-

Gazelle or other digital cutting

Cut feature), among other mediums.

inch mat.

machine opens up a whole new world

However, if you want to use your own

of possibilities when it comes to

designs and fonts or, for example, cut

hybrid projects. Which one to choose

out a flower shape from a digital kit, you

is the subject of much debate in the

must purchase additional software.

crafting world, but it really comes down to personal preference. How

Cricut machines most popular with digital scrapbookers include:

do you prefer to interact with the machine and what exactly do you

The original Cricut ($179.99) cuts in

want to do with it? Some cutting

twelve sizes ranging from one inch to

systems are more portable than

5.5 inches and is the most portable

others and all vary somewhat in the

and least expensive of the line-up if

types of materials they can cut. I’ve

you don’t need larger cutting capacity.

briefly reviewed the main features of the three most common cutting machines and relevant software. I certainly haven’t listed everything these fun gadgets are capable of, but I hope this breakdown gives you a better overall understanding of the different machines so you can purchase the best machine for your needs.

The Cricut Expression ($249.99) can cut impressive sizes of letters, shapes and phrases from a .25 inch to 23.5 inches using the standard 12-by-12inch mat or the extra-long 12-by-24inch mat. It’s definitely a desk-top machine, though, not designed to be carted around to crops.

Cricut The Cricut machines use cartridges to cut fonts and designs independent of a computer, making it a favorite of paper scrapbookers and hybrid scrappers who don’t want to be tied to their computer. The smaller

The Cricut DesignStudio computer software gives you more versatility with the cartridges you already own. You can blend images, resize, slant, rotate, flip and weld to create projects that you can save and share with

Cricut machines are perfect to tote

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping others. Note that while you can view

Gazelle (BossKut)

programs give you more flexibility and

and work with all Cricut cartridges

creativity with your Cricut, but are also

in the software, you must own the

useful if you own a Silhouette, Gazelle

appropriate cartridge in order to

or other machine, as they make it

actually cut your creations.


The Gazelle, by BossKut, is perhaps not as well-known as the Circuit or Silhouette but offers an impressive set of features. It cuts a wide variety of materials up to 12-by-24 inches, including cardstock, glitter paper,

The Silhouette SD connects to your

chipboard, balsa wood, foam, Grafix

computer instead of using cartridges.

plastic sheets, vinyl and more. The

It will cut any TrueType font already

included Funtime software comes

installed on your computer, GSD

with 700 built-in shapes and 200

and GST files, plus the thousands

fonts and will also cut your existing

of designs available for $0.99 each

TrueType fonts. If you want to cut your

easy to cut a variety of file types.

through the Silhouette Online Store.

own designs or images from a digital

Sure Cuts A Lot (SCAL) software

Also, and possibly of greatest interest

kit, you can import AI, PLT, JPEG, and

($59.95) allows you to cut TrueType

for digital and hybrid scrappers,

BMP files.

fonts and SVG files as well as SCAL’s

the Silhouette can import and cut

Additional Software

library of images, on your Cricut

common image types such as JPG

If you already own a Cricut or are

and BMP using the auto-outline

considering buying one, but also

function to create cut lines (see this

want to cut your own fonts and other

help topic on the Silhouette Web site

digital files, you may want to invest in

for step-by-step instructions). Yes,

a computer program like Sure Cuts A

this means you can cut out that cute

Lot or Make the Cut. These programs

little ghost, flower or Christmas tree

allow you to cut TrueType fonts and

from your favorite digital kit to use on

SVG files (as well as some other

a hybrid project! You can also draw

cutting file formats) with your cutting

your own images to cut with simple

machine and also convert JPG, PNG

line drawing tools included in the

and other digital files into cuttable

Silhouette software, which Mac users

files. Many digital designers create

will be happy to note is now Mac-

SVG and GSD files for hybrid projects,


plus there are many cutting files

or other cutting machine. Create your own SVG files or convert JPG, PNG, BMP and other formats into SVG format using the free program Inkscape and upload into SCAL to cut on the Cricut.

available online for free. Both of these

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


get scrapping Make the Cut (on sale now for $58.36)

If you’re a hybrid scrapper using a

Want Cutting Files? Try these

is extremely versatile. It works with

cutting machine, buying either of


basically all cutting machines, will

these programs will greatly expand

• The Digi Chick

cut pretty much all cutting files on

your creative options!

• Quilling Patch

the market and will convert your JPG

Want more specifics to help you

• Treasure Box Designs

and other files into SVG as well. The

decide which cutting machine to

• My Scrap Chick

program also lets you draw your own

purchase? Check out this comparison

• Cre8ive Cutz

images to cut. You only need to buy

chart for detailed information.

• SVG Cuts

the program once: upgrades are free for life.


November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


trendspotting by Vivienne Oestergaard

Trendspotting: Rosettes

CU paper roses

Darling dear kit


as you wish designes 4 Pretty CU paper roses

Creashens Catwalk kit with rolled ric rac roses

microferk Designs Personal Use kit with accent of paper rose

Bouncy Blossoms


Handmade Paper Flowers

Studio Gypsy

Laitha’s Designs

Personal use rolled paper roses

Neutral black and white kit with rolled paper roses

Cinzia Designs CU handmade rolled paper flowers


November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


the back page Monthly Gold Member Challenge In case you haven’t heard, every month our Gold Member Designer sponsors a special challange and offers a great prize! To be entered to win, simply scrap a page using that month’s gold member kit and post it in our gold member gallery. Congratulations to our winner for this month’s contest, scrapping with Amanda Taylor’s gorgeous kit, Sense + Sensability. Kathleena has won a $25 coupon to Amanda’s shop at Oscraps with her layout, “Wonder.” What a well-deserved honor! Congratulations Kathleena! Check out this month’s contest as we play along with an exclusive kit from Karla Dudley. If you’re not a gold member, sign up now and you can still get this free kit, along with eleven more!

wonder by kathleena

November Chat Come talk with Karla of

Join over 2,000 of your best

Looking ahead to December’s DST Insider

Karla Dudley Designs at 8pm

digi friends in some great

* Holidays made simple

Eastern (7pm Central) on


* Interview with Aby Garvey

Tuesday, November 16th.

over on our

* Featured Designer Shen

We’ll be asking her some great


questions and she’ll have

page & Twitter

some goodies to give away.

account @digishoptalk

We’re on Facebook & Twitter

Guthrie of Catscraps * Cute homemade gifts

November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM



Online Shopping Directory Check out your favorite stores and designers or discover new products here! Click their name to go directly to their site. After Five Designs

Scrapping with Liz

Deli Scraps

Scrapping Your Memories

Designs in Digital

Scrapper’s Delights

Digital Scrapbook Art

Scrappers Workshop


Scrappin Digi Kreations


Scrappy Cats

Heritage Scrap


Jady Day Studio

Studio Tangie

Jaya Prem’s Hangout

Suzy Q Scraps

Krisi’s Kreations

Tempus Fugit

Persnickety Prints

The Digi Scrappers


November 2010 • DIGISHOPTALK.COM


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