Water For People

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W AT E R F O R P E O P L E Progressive designs behind non-profits of the future. There are 1000s of water focused non-profits vying for funding and attention every day around the world. Water For People’s difference is in their belief that not only is safe water key to global health and progress, but that local community engagement and collaboration is the only formula for sustainable success. As with any non-profit branding assignment, there’s a fine line between designing an identity system that projects a sense of professionalism and progressive thinking, without risking the impression of becoming too marketing focused. The design solution visualizes people and reflection, and employs imagery to communicate the critical ideals of transparency and impact.

Identity Primary Logo

Brand Language Graphic Elements

Capabilities Folder Marketing Materials

Business Card Collateral

Reusable Water Bottles Promotional Items

Website Digital Media

R E S U LT S Ranked top 50 non-profit logos. www.topnonprofits.com

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