Bee-Z Times May 2016 Newsletter

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Blazer Bulletin Durango Key Club May 2016


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May 25 9am-11am desert breeze park clean up December 14 9:30-12 cookie decorating party May 21 Jr Villian Run https:// event-reg/select-race? e=31434451


may 21st




2016 Southern Nevada Track and Field Regionals

Save the Date!

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New Officer Board

I am Nicole Romero and I am President of Durango key club. For this term I hope to accomplish getting more members that are happy and hyped about key club like me. All Just being able

to put a smile on every members face is my main goal. Advice for new members is to just to have fun and make as many happy memories. Don't be afraid to be yourself cause we are all really a bunch of weirdos. For this term, I feel extremely excited. Everyone of Durango's officers are people that I trust and I'm ready for the new term. I expect the absolute best to come from this new term. LET'S GO


-President, Nicole Romero My name is Carmen Qiu, and I am the Executive Vice President of Durango’s Key Club. I decided to run for this position in hopes of inspiring current and new members the way it has impacted me. Through my efforts, I strive to

be the “go-to” person that any members can talk to as well as assisting my fellow board officers with different tasks. I look forward to this upcoming year as Vice President. As a freshman, I made my first friends in Key Club and it positively influenced me to become a better individual. I am extremely honored to work alongside my board to

bring the club to newer heights and helping members find

-Executive V.P. Carmen Qiu

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Volume 1, Issue 1

My name is Jerjon Santos Reyes and I am the Vice President of Events, one fun fact about me is that I can not do a backflip. The reason I ran for this position is because I felt the struggle from driving to far events or having to pay for a lot of them so as this year's Vice President of Events I hope that I can find a lot of fun events that are close and free. I wanted to

BEE the one who made a difference in events

and I hope that I can accomplish that goal. I want

to see everyone smile while serving the community and maybe it will happen soon. For the general members I can give this one advice. Don’t do something if you’re not enjoying it, don’t do something if it’s not worth the risk, and don’t do it if you’re not smiling at the end of the road.

-V.P. of Events, Jerjon Santos Reyes My name is Marielle Bernales and I am your Vice President of general members for this Key Club term. I am allergic to many different types of fruit including: pineapples, mangos, and watermelon and I’m a cosplayer. I’ve been a part of Key

Club since elementary as I was exposed to the fun and chill part of Key Club my friends. I’m happy that I joined because I met a lot of new people . I want to get this Key Club back to it’s

golden days and introduce new members into the club. I want to be friends with everyone in Key Club and be that person that everyone trusts and is comfortable to be around. Key Club is supposed to be a family and I will make sure that our club is closer than the start of this term.

-V.P. of General Members, Marielle Bernales

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New Officer Board My name is Yuriy Vahidov and I'm on term for being secretary. I never really liked trucks but since it was my first car I've come to really enjoy them a lot. Secretary was my choice for officer because I felt like it suited me well. I love the idea of being on the most productive forefront of the projects I'm apart of. Being the backbone of the club suits me well because being relied on by the club suits my strengths. I want to be a good communicator between my fellow officers. So far this term has been encouraging; I've encountered a few club situations and had an opportunity to cooperate and communicate between officers to find solutions and it turned out well. From the mistakes we did make I have learned, and otherwise I'm very confident in the capabilities of my board to make this a good year. Members in our club should definitely go to all the events because that's how I've seen people have the most fun, the camaraderie built from doing events is truly amazing. I believe in this year 100 percent and I'm determined to make this a good year for Durango Key Club!

-Secretary, Yuriy Vaahid

Hello Key Clubbers! This is Bruce Choe, your treasurer for the 2016-2017 year and I’m so excited to have this opportunity to serve Key Club. I ran for my position since I

treasure Key Club so much

and I really want to help it grow and pros-

per. Key club has allowed me to meet so many memorable people and make so many distinct memories, so I wanted to give back to the club. Considering the experience of my term so far, I can tell our club has amazing potential and it can truly accomplish great things; it’s just a little rough around the edges. Thus, for the coming


I plan to make

change such as running more fundraisers and redoing our finance management. The best

-Treasurer, Bruce Choe


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Volume 1, Issue 1

Hey everyone! My name is Steve Kim and I am the historian for DHS KC. Fun fact about myself: I enjoy rocking out with my bass guitar. I decided to run for this position because I enjoy taking pictures and capturing the moment, especially when it comes to community service. As historian, I hope to capture photos that represents our mem-

bers doing what they do best: service. My favorite memory in Key Club would have to be DCON, because not only did I hang out with my own club, but I got to interact with so many other clubs from Hawaii and California. Key Club has changed me for the better, and it keeps on changing me through each event and meeting. My advice to the members is to be sure to serve your community and branch out from your comfort zone. Interacting with other club members from your own club, and members from other clubs, is a fun experience and you’ll be able to meet new friends. I am confident that this year’s officers will not only reach the same level as last

-Historian, Steve Kim Hey everyone!! I am Lucille Anne Irorita and I am currently a sophomore at Durango High School! I am the DHS’s Key Club’s Tech Editor, and I love space and all types of flowers. I am really excited for this coming term, I’m excited for the events, and I’m excited for the new friends I’ll make. So far this term has been pretty exciting and stressful, but I know our club is going to do amazing things! The reason behind me running for this position, is because I wanted to help promote our key club, our Key Club is relatively small so I wanted to help it

grow and bloom like beautiful flower. Thank you for reading our first newsletter and I hope everyone reading this has a lovely day!

-Tech Editor, Lucille Anne Irorita

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New Officer Board

My name is Ninjess Guerra Jr, and I serve as an S.A.A for our Key Club term. As an SAA, I plan to make cheers that are catchy and make an impact. I want to be sure that my cheers aren’t just screams and yelling, but I plan to make our club cheers great with words and song. I want our club to be interconnected with each other and I hope that there will be more interaction between the members and the officers. Let’s make this term a great one guys!

-S.A.A. Ninjess Guerra Jr.

My name is Michael Ignacio, and I’m one of your SAA’s for this term. Key Club is doing more than just service, it’s having fun while doing so. I’m glad to be a part of something where everyone puts in effort and the workload everyone does. As an SAA my job revolves around RTC and I plan on winning the spirit stick for our club. That would be great and I would remember this year forever.

-S.A.A. Michael Ignacio


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Volume 1, Issue 1

Hello! My name is Cindy Banks and I am your bulletin editor for the 2016-2017 Key Club term! One coolio fact about me is that I run cross country, track, and play flag football. I am very elated that I can be your bulletin editor and start doing my duties. The IP bulletin editor did not a make a single newsletter, so for him and you key clubbers, I will start the job as bulletin editor with fresh eyes. I hope the members will be updated via my newsletters and I hope I start a legacy of great Key Club bulletin editors for Durango’s Key Club.

-Bulletin Editor, Cindy Banks



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