Deer Valley High School | Division 26 North | Region 9 | CNH District
WHERE's YOUR SPIRIT? deervalley_keyclub
Table of Content Important Dates/ Upcoming Events
T-Shirt Contest Spirit Team Applications Officer Training via Zoom Eliminate Week Officer Recognition Member Recogniton Articles & Visuals Contact Us!
Important Dates/ Upcoming Events
D26n/D26s T-Shirt Contest Are you interested in designing the division's t-shirt for next year? If so, submissions are due May 31 at 6pm pst. The winner recieves a free spirit pack for next year's term.
Spirit Team Applications
Are you energetic? Are you loud? Are you spirited? Well, this year's spirit team is looking for spirited individuals. Applications are due June 14th at 6PM pst
Officer Training via Zoom
On April 22, at 1:30 PM, Our club had our officer training session over zoom. Each officer shared their screen with a powerpoint of the guide to their job. We had enough time to go through every officer's job.
On the week of Monday, May 4th to Friday, May 8th, our club participated in Elminate Week. Eliminate Week is a project to eliminate MNT, which is Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus and it provides women with vaccines to protect their future children. The event happened on instagram where we posted on our story. Monday was Make it Known Monday, where you had to show a fact about MNT. Tuesday was Toss It Out Tuesday, where we had to give something up like candy etc, and make a donation using the money. Wednesday was E-Lemon-Ate Wednesday, where we ate a lemon slice showing awareness on MNT. Thursday was Throwback Thursday, where we posted a pic of ourselves as a child to support mothers and babies affected by MNT. Friday was Fundraiser Friday, where we set up a fundraiser for MNT.
For the month of May, the officer being recognized is President, Alex Nguyen. He has shown tremoundeous leadership throughout these past couple weeks with quarantine happening. Even though he just got the President position, it seems like the role is made for him because he shows his spirit for the club by getting involved with either Eliminate Week or communitcating with his fellow officers. He has great communication skills with the other officers because he tells us what we need to get done next and we had to get MeisterTask to keep our tasks organized. He's going to make a great president these next 2 years.
For the month of May, the member being recognized is Jericho Perez. He has shown a lot of commitment to this club. He shows up to every club meeting we have after school and shows up to almost every event there is. He's been in key club for about 2 years and he's been going to a lot of events recently. He has shown growth in this club as a member and he's one of the few who participated in Elminate Week. Â
ARTICLES & VISUALS Eliminate Week and Officer Training Jacob Ea On the week of Monday, May 4th to Friday, May 8th, key clubs around the world participated in Eliminate Week. Eliminate Week is a project to eliminate MNT, which is Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus and it provides women with vaccines to protect their future children. The event happened on instagram where we posted on our story, for example, on E-Lemon-Ate Wednesday, members ate a lemon slice and tagged CNH Keyclub, their division, and their club. Throughout the day, members would post on their story, showing what they did like on Tuesday, where we had to give up something that you buy frequently and with that money, make a small donation. On April 22, we had our officer training session via zoom. Each new officer learned what they had to do and the ones leaving had to present their role to everyone. All of our officers and a couple members in our club, participated in Eliminate Week. So Monday was Make It Known Monday, which we had to share a fact about MNT or making an educational video about MNT, so people could learn more.On Throwback Thursday, we had to post of pic of our baby selves to support mothers and babies affected by MNT and we had to use #elimin8. On Fundraiser Friday, we had to set up a fundraiser for the women and children affected by MNT and for MNT in general. For officer training, we were in a zoom meeting for about 2-3 hours just going over all the roles and the presentations. Personally this was a fun thing to do since we’re in quarantine right now, with the coronavirus affecting us having DCM’s or club bondings. Our officers had fun with E-Lemon-Ate Wednesday because our face expressions were super funny and we had fun. Our club also made a tiktok of us eating a lemon and passing it onto the next person. It’s on our club’s instagram, @deervalley_keyclub. This week was a fun experience for me cause it was different and online instead of in real life. During the training day, I learned a lot of stuff that had to do with being an editor. It was pretty fun and it’s going to be a fun experience.
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Officer Info:
President: Alex Nguyen Vice Presidents: Kaylee Mayo & Allison Lee Secretary: Marielle Manzon Treasurer: Alliah Ignacio Editor: Jacob Ea