Deer Valley Key Club June Newsletter

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Deer Valley Key Club | Division 26 North | Region 9 | CNH District


June Edition

Table of Content 1..................................Table of Content 2.Up Coming Events/Important Dates 3................................DCM: Lemon(AID) 5..................Club Contact Information

Up Coming Events/Important Dates The Officer Training Conference is MANDATORY for all officers of the 2019-2020 term. The conference is meant to further your knowledge of your respective positions and learn from officers of the past, whom will be presenting. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

If you are artistic, creative, and willing to work as a team, you should apply for the Graphic Design Team. If appointed, you will be creating designs for division gear, such as strickers, windbreakers, pin, and much more! You will also be helping out create text posts and drawing for our social media/website reach and even exceed our PTP/MNT donation goals!

In the spirit of the NBA Finals, Division 26 North will have a JOINT DCM with our counterpart Division 26 South, having a basketball tournament to raise Division funds! Get ready for an evening of service projects, making new friends, and a basketball tournament (with a special prize for the winners)! Food will be provided.

The annual T-shirt Contest is back and members will have the opportunity to design our next Division T-Shirt. Designs will be accepted from May 31st to June 21st and the voting process will be from June 21st to June 28th. Some requirements must be followed for the design and the winner will recieve a free Spirit Pack.

Come out and help the American Cancer Society Speed their way to find the cure for cancer! We will be helping out setting up booths, serving food, fundrasing, and more!

DCM: Lemon(AID) On the Sunday of May 18th, on the spirit of the month of Eliminate, members of Division 26 North came together at Isabella's House for a DCM that also included lemon related activities. There, the event started of with some fun icebreakers that included, Poncho, Indian and Chief, and more. Afterwards was the official DCM where announcements were made, clubs shared their achievements over the past month, and recognitions were given out to clubs and indivduals for their achievement as well. Then following th DCM came the lemon eating competition, where three finalists competted against one another, resuting in Younes being neamed the victor. Then came last event, the lemonade making competition, which involved that formations of teams that competed against oneanother for the title of Lemon(Aid) Champion, which went to the team of Freedom High School.

Contact Us! Website: Remind: Text @dvkc1920 to 81010 Instagram: @deervalley_keyclub Officier Information: President: Jamie Gonzales Vice President: Allison Lee Sectretary: Alex Nguyen Treasurer: Kaylee Mayo Editor: Victor Nguyen

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